ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries November 1 9 9 7 / 7 2 5 P eople in the N ew s A nn-Christe Young Priscilla Caplan, assistant di­ rector for library systems at the University o f Chicago Library, has been selected as the new cochair for the National Infor­ m a tio n Stan d ard s O rg a n i­ zation’s Standards D evelop­ m e n t C o m m itte e . K aren Anspach, systems analyst at EOS International, Inc. (for­ merly Data Trek, In c .), and V icky G ray, d i r e c t o r o f planning and design for the Content D evelop m ent Divi­ sion o f the Infonnation Ac­ cess Com pany, w ere also appointed as m em ­ bers. P a tr ic ia B re iv ik , d e a n o f W a y n e S ta te University’s five cam pu s libraries, was featured in the Sep tem ber 1997 issue o f Detroit Metro­ politan Woman for the w ork s h e ’s d one to d e­ v e lo p th e u n iv e r s it y ’s n e w u n d e rg ra d u a te li­ brary. W ith a c o m b in a ­ tion o f teach in g good re­ s e a r c h s k i l l s a n d t h e s ta te -o f-th e -a r t fa c ility , B r e iv ik h o p e s to h e lp academ ically “at-risk” stu­ dents through their fresh­ m a n a n d s o p h o m o r e years. She says w h en stu­ d en ts d ev e lo p th eir re­ s e a r c h sk ills early , th e Patricia Breivik od d s o f th em fin ish in g colleg e increases. Som e o f the features o f the $37 million library are 2 ,700 seats; 7 0 0 c o m ­ puters with Internet a ccess; a B arn es & N oble bo o k sto re; an auditorium; and a courtyard for cultural events. Breivik served as president o f the ACRL from 1 9 9 5 -9 6 . Paul Conway, h ead o f the Preservation D e­ partm ent at Y a le University Library, has b e e n honored as a Fellow o f the Society o f Ameri­ can Archivists for his contributions to the ar­ chival profession. Charlotte Derksen, head librarian and bibli­ ographer o f the B ran n er Earth Scien ces Library and Map C ollections, has b e e n elected the new 1 9 9 7 -9 8 vice president, the 1998 annual m eet­ ing coordinator, and the fu­ ture president o f the G e o ­ scie n c e Inform ation Society (G IS). Founded in 1965, GIS is a professional organiza­ tion created to im prove the e x c h a n g e o f inform ation in th e geo scien ces. B o n n ie L aw lo r, s e n i o r vice president and general m anager o f the Academic, Public, and Governm ent Li­ brary Division o f UMI has b e e n nam ed to the Board o f Directors o f the Information Industry Associa­ tion. Vivienne Monty, sen ior librarian at York Uni­ versity Libraries is this year’s recip ient o f the Canadian A ssociation o f C ollege and Univer­ sity Libraries’ O utstanding A cadem ic Librarian Award. Monty received th e aw ard for her ser­ vice to the profession, her innovative programs and her publications Carol Pfeiffer, associate university librarian at th e University o f Virginia Library and ACRL B oard m em b er is taking a o n e -y e a r leav e o f a b ­ s e n c e to w ork as a visit­ ing academ ic affairs c o o r­ dinator at the Council of Higher Education for Vir­ ginia. During this intern­ ship, she will assist with several projects including a review o f the restructur­ ing initiatives statew ide, a study o f em p lo y er satis­ Carol Pfeifferfaction with the graduates o f Virginia’s colleg es and universities, a study o f the im pact o f higher edu cation o n local com m unities, a review o f the integration o f tech nolog y in instruction, and an analysis o f the ways that the colleges and universities are preparing students for high-tech jobs. Mickie Voges, director o f the Inform ation Cen­ ter at C hicago-K ent C ollege o f Law at the Illi­ nois Institute o f T ech n o lo g y , has b e e n nam ed the 1997 Spirit o f Law Librarianship Award re­ 726/C&RL News cipient by the American A ssociation o f Law Li­ braries. V o g es w as se le c te d fo r th e award, w hich recognizes law librarians w ho have used their professional training and law library skills to m ake “a meaningful contribution to a social con cern or cau se,” for h er w ork in developing the ExTEND program at the Inform ation Cen­ ter. T he program em ploys Chicago high school students to convert print material to electronic docum ents and gives the students opportuni­ ties to w ork with new tech nolog ies and learn about libraries and information technology. Carolyn Sheehy, Clare and Lucy Oesterle di­ rector o f library services at North Central College, was recently h o n o red in the technologies/research cat­ egory at the 1997 Crystal A w ard s, s p o n s o r e d b y C itib a n k N a p e r v ille . Sheehy is one o f only a few people in the country, and the first in Illinois, to hold an endow ed library direc­ torship at a small college. Carolyn Sheehy She is a past president o f the Illinois Association o f College & Research Libraries. Jo h n S. Weeren, most recently at the Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library in Princeton, New Je r­ sey, has been selected by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission as its Fel­ low in Archival Administration for 1997-98. As part o f the fellowship, W eeren will investigate cooperative efforts betw een institutions while working in the Thom as J. Dodd Center at the University o f Connecticut, Storrs. A p p o in tm e n ts Wendy Knickerbocker is the new director o f library services at the Nutting Memorial Library, Maine Maritime Academy (a four-year college with two M.S. programs) in Castine, Maine. Rob Tiessen has b e e n appointed acting library director o f Bluffton College in O hio for the 1 9 9 7 -9 8 school year. Charlene M. Hurt has accep ted the position o f director o f the William Russell Pullen Library at Georgia State University. Prior to this posi­ tion, Hurt served as direc­ tor o f libraries at G eorge M ason University. There, she was the first chair o f the steering com m ittee for the Virtual Library o f Vir­ ginia. Active in many p ro­ fe s s io n a l o rg a n iz a tio n s , Hurt h as m o st re c e n tly served on the Board o f Di­ rectors o f the W ashington Research Library Consor­ Charlene Hurt tium and chaired the Vir­ ginia State Networking Users Advisory Board. She has also served on the Board o f Directors o f the Southeastern Library Network (Solinet), and she is a current m em ber o f the OCLC Users Council. Donald J . Waters joined the staff o f the Coun­ cil on Library and Information Resources as the d irector o f the National Digital Library Federa­ tion O cto b er 6. Waters was the associate uni­ versity librarian at Y ale University, w here he also served as the sen ior financial administra­ tor. Waters holds Ph.D. and M.Phil. degrees in Anthropology from Y ale and a b ach elo r o f arts degree in American Studies from the University o f Maryland, College Park. He is the coauthor o f the widely cited report “Preserving Digital Information. Final Report o f the Task Force on the Archiving o f Digital Inform ation,” published by the Com mission on Preservation and Access in May 1996. Jennifer A. Younger becam e the director o f libraries for the University o f Notre D am e on N o v e m b er 1. Y o u n g e r has b een assistant direc­ tor for T ech nical Services at O hio State University since 1991. Before joining O hio State, she held a va­ riety o f positions in the general library system o f her alma mater, the Uni­ v e r s ity o f W i s c o n s in - M a d is o n (U W M ) from 1 9 7 6 -9 1 . She earned her Je n n ife r A. Younger bach elo r’s, m aster’s, and doctoral degrees from UWM in history, library scien ce, and library and inform ation studies, respectively. November 1 9 9 7 / 7 2 7 Marianne Stowell Bracke has joined the Agriculture/ACES Library as visiting assistant librarian at the University o f Illinois at Urbana- Champaign. Diana Brooking has been appointed sci­ ence cataloger o f the Suzzallo and Allen Librar­ ies at the University o f Washington, Seattle. Margaret (Meg) Brown is now the con ­ servator for the University o f Kansas Libraries. Carla Wilson Buss is a m em ber o f the ref­ erence staff at the Main Library o f the Univer­ sity o f Georgia. Karen Davis is now head o f the M ono­ g ra p h C a ta lo g in g U nit at G e o rg ia Sta te University’s Pullen Library. Judith Ann Ganson is now the head of systems/collection management services at the J. Paul Leonard Library, San Francisco State University. Bill Gibbs was named head o f Media Ser­ vices at Illinois State’s Booth Library. Nunzia B. Giuse is the new deputy direc­ tor o f the Eskind Biomedical Library, Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Ten­ nessee. Lori A. Goetsch is now associate director for public services at the University o f Mary­ land, College Park Libraries. Chandra Heller has been appointed en­ gineering information services/instruction li­ brarian in the Engineering Library o f the Uni­ versity o f Washington, Seattle. Jim Huff, a recent graduate o f the Univer­ sity o f Iowa, will b e working in the General R e fe re n c e and D o cu m en ts d ep artm en t at Milner Library, Illinois State University. Kathy Kaldenberg is now the head librar­ ian at Kaskaskia College Library, in Centralia Illinois. Julia Kiple has been appointed instruction librarian at Feinberg Library, Plattsburgh State University o f New York. Carl Lorber now serves as head o f refer­ en ce services at Eastern Illinois University’s Booth Library. Susan Martin has b een appointed acqui­ sitions librarian at the Homer Babbidge Library, University o f Connecticut. Dan McGurk, a recent graduate o f the Uni­ versity o f Iowa is the newest m em ber o f Sys­ tems Department at Milner Library, Illinois State University. Kelly Mecifi is a new scien ce cataloger at the Suzzallo and Allen Libraries o f the Uni­ versity o f W ashington, Seattle. Locke Morrisey has accepted a new posi­ tion as head o f Reference and Research Ser­ vices at the G leeson Library-Geschke Learning Resource Center at the University o f San Fran­ cisco. Merryll S. Penson has joined the Univer­ sity o f Georgia Libraries as associate university librarian for public services. Monica Pereira joined the reference staff at the University o f Georgia’s Science Library. Betsy Pittman is the new university archi­ vist at Dodd Research Center, University o f Connecticut. Deborah Stansbury Sunday now heads the regional campus libraries at the University o f Connecticut. Nackil Sung was named head o f Library Technology Services at Booth Library at Illi­ nois State University. Kevin Tapp has b een appointed reference/ liaison librarian Engineering, Mathematics, and Statistics, Homer Babbidge Library, University o f Connecticut. Cheri Vitez joined the faculty o f Illinois State University’s Booth Library as a reference librar­ ian. Milton T. Wolf has been named CRL’s vice president for collection programs, effective Feb­ ruary 2, 1998. Pamela Zilius-Carega has accepted the po­ sition as engineering information services/in- struction librarian at the Engineering Library o f the University o f Washington, Seattle. R e tire m e n ts Tom Alexander retired in September from the University o f California, Berkeley (UCB) Library after 27 years o f service. For the last 18 years, Alexander was the guiding spirit at the Public Health Library, w hich contracted library ser­ vices to the California Department o f Health Services. He received his MLS from the Univer­ sity o f California, B erkeley in 1968. Harvey Hiebert, colleg e library director at Bluffton College for the last 18 years, retired in August after a total o f 32 years o f service to the college. Levirn Hill, librarian in Reference Services o f the E. H. Butler Library, Buffalo State College 728/C&RL News and 1997 recipient o f the State University o f New Y ork Chancellor’s 23 Award for E xcellence in Librarianship, retired in O ctober. Barbara Williams Jenkins retired J un e 30, 1997 as dean o f library and information ser­ vices, Miller F. W hittaker Library at South Caro­ lina State University, after 40 years o f service to the institution. Prior to serving as dean, J e n ­ kins was a circulation and reserve librarian and a reference and docum ents librarian. She has b e e n an active m em ber o f the ACRL and ALA for years having served ACRL on the Standards and Accreditation, and the Ad Hoc Committee o n Historically B lack College and University Libraries. She has served on ALA Council, Leg­ islation Committee, Minority Concerns Commit­ tee. She served on the SOLINET Board o f Di­ rectors and the OCLC U ser’s Council. She was also the first African American president o f the South Carolina Library Association. Kathleen Jenkins, head o f reference services at Eastern Illinois University’s B o o th Library sin ce 1987, retired after 21 years at the institu­ tion. Marilyn M. Sparks retired as assistant librar­ ian emerita, after 49 years o f service, on Ju n e 30 from P enrose Memorial Library, Whitman College in Walla W alla, W ashington. D e a th s Ruth C. Bley, associate librarian emeritus in the Reference Services departm ent o f Buffalo State College, passed on April 19, 1997. Bley w orked at E. H. Butler Library from 1 965-77. Lois Hacker, professor emerita w ho served as c h ief catalog librarian and c h ief technical ser­ vices librarian at the Mina Rees Library o f the City University o f New Y ork Graduate School until her retirem ent in 1991, died in Septem ber o f a brain tumor. She was the chair o f the Cata­ loging and Classification Section o f the Asso­ ciation o f Library Collections and T ech nical Ser­ vices o f the ALA; the president o f the New York Library A ssociation’s Section on M anagem ent o f Inform ation Resources and Tech nology; and the president o f the New Y ork Tech nical Ser­ vices Librarians, w ho honored her with their highest annual award. H acker was also an a c­ tive m em b er o f the ANSI/NISO Com m ittee, w hich developed the standards that have b e ­ c om e part o f Z 39.44-1986, the Serials Holding Statem ents. Kathleen Cole Dykstra, system s librarian at North Carolina State University Libraries for nearly three years, died Ja n u a ry 19, 1 9 9 7 a fte r s t r u g g lin g w ith Lou G ehrig’s disease. Dykstra had just obtained a MLS in 1993 after 18 years o f exp erien ce as a statisti­ cian and journalist for the U.S. Census Bureau and a c o o r d i n a t o r o f th e North Atlantic Fisheries Task Force. The Kathleen Kathleen Cole Dykstra C o le D y k s tra E n d o w ­ m ent was established in her mem ory to sup­ port the collections o f the NCSU Libraries. Con­ tributions may b e sent to: Friends o f the Library, B o x 7111, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7111. (W rite c h e ck s to “Friends o f the Library o f NCSU.”) Lucien Palmieri, librarian emeritus and a di­ rector o f E. H. Butler Library at Buffalo State College from 1 9 6 7 -7 3 , died on August 2. He authored num erous articles in philosophy, a textb o o k , and three novels. Palm ieri retired from Buffalo State College in 1984. Joseph Henry Reason, a w ell-know n librar­ ian and humanitarian died o f natural causes Ju ly 16. Reason, w ho was the director o f the Howard University Libraries for 24 years, was instrumental in the university b ecom ing the only predom inately black institution to b e admitted to the A ssociation o f Research Libraries (ARL). He also served as the vice chairm an o f the Leg­ islative Task Force for the State Library in Tal­ lahassee, Florida and as a trustee o f Eckerd Col­ lege. Reason served as both the president ( 1 9 7 1 - 7 2 ) and actin g d irecto r ( 1 9 6 2 - 6 3 ) o f ACRL. ■ Ed. note: To ensure that you r p ersonn el news is co n sid ered f o r p u blication ‚ write to Ann- Christe Young, Production Editor, C&RL News, 5 0 E. H uron St., C hicago, 11 6 0 6 1 1 -2 7 9 5 ; e-m ail: ayoung@