ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 271 ported only two in 1968. While it must be noted that, as in Veit’s study, the contributions by other educational agencies and library schools not on the ALA list were not examined, nevertheless the developments in 1980 indicate some progress in increasing both the visibility and the educational opportunities in community college librarianship. Even with the combination of only modest growth5 and normal staff attrition, new community college librarians with specialized training, as suggested by Mat­ thews and Edsall, will still be needed. At the same time we cannot expect all students to come 1Damon D. Hickey, “The Impact of Instruc­ tional Technology on the Future of Academic Li­ brarianship,” in Academic Libraries by the Year 2000, ed. by Herbert Poole (New York: Bowker, 1977), pp. 34-39. 2Fritz Veit, “Training the Junior College Li­ brarian,” Journal o f Education fo r Librarianship 9 (Fall 1968): 108-115. 3Charles Hale & Shirley Edsall, “The Educa­ tion of Community College Librarians,” Journal o f Education fo r Librarianship 16 (Fall 1975): 75- to library science programs with a comprehensive knowledge of different types of library employ­ ment possibilities. If we wish to continue and/or increase the visibility of com m unity college librarianship as an option for new entrants to li­ brarianship, then we must turn to a new set of questions—“What role should community college librarians, either individually or through their associations, take in the promotion of their spe­ cialty to future entrants into librarianship?” and “How can new partnerships with library educa­ tors be formed so that this visibility and educa­ tional opportunity is insured?” 85. 4Elizabeth W. Matthews, “Update in Educa­ tion for Community College Library Administra­ to rs,” Journal o f Education fo r Librarianship 19 (Spring 1979): 304-311. 5See information about enrollment projections in community colleges in Nancy B. Dearman & Valena W hite Plisko, ed s., The Condition o f Education: Statistical Report 1980 (Washington: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Educational Statistics, 1980), p. 24. San F ra n cisco C on feren ce H ighlights San Francisco lived up to its reputation as the “Air-Conditioned City” by greeting conference- goers with beautiful, cool weather. Despite the distance from the hotels to the Civic Auditorium, librarians kept a busy schedule of meetings, pro­ grams, tours, and informal discussions. Among the conference events were tours of the City College of San Francisco and the Mission College LRC, excursions to local wineries, and nearly twenty program meetings. The excitement of annual conference was enhanced by hundreds of excellent San Francisco resta u ran ts, art museums, the magic of Chinatown and Fisher­ man’s Wharf, an incredible Gay Freedom Day Parade, the clear Pacific air, and the distant mountains. ACRL’s Program Meeting On June 28 many members attended the mem­ bership meeting and program at the Sheraton- Palace Hotel. Penny Abell, 1980-81 ACRL Presi­ dent, launched the program theme of “Scholars and Librarians: Partners in Learning and Re­ search” with some introductory observations, ex­ plaining: “During my tenure as ACRL president, I have attem pted to concentrate my efforts on fostering closer relationships between academic librarians, individually and collectively, and their counterparts in higher education and research. Such interaction is crucial to the provision of adequate library and institutional support.” The theme speaker, Laura A. Bornholdt, vice- president for education of the Lilly Endowment, spoke on “Shaking the Foundations” and pro­ vided some insight into what it is like to work for a foundation. She also suggested some ways in which librarians might expand their circle of foundation friends in the next ten years. Afterwards, th ree pairs of librarian/scholar panelists reviewed their experiences with funded projects. John White, professor of philosophy and religion at DePauw University, described the ARL/OMS Small Library Development Project and remarked that “a good self-study team de­ mands a good deal of trust and willing contribu­ tions on the part of both teaching faculty and li­ brarians.” A bibliographic instruction program for chemistry majors at the University of Rochester D u e s In c re a s e R e fe r e n d u m Passed ACRL members voted in favor of increasing ACRL divisional dues an additional $10 in the July ballot. The final count as of July 30, 1981, was 1,320 votes for the increase, and 1,103 against, re p re se n tin g a 55%-45% approval. The new rates will go into effect with the 1982 membership year. 272 ACRL’s well-attended reception in the Morrison Room. Jane Scherr was reported on by Arleen Somerville, science and engineering librarian. She noted that “stu­ dents who have participated in our instruction are often the strongest advocates in convincing other faculty to use our information services.” Judy Garodnick, from R. R. Bowker, and Andrea Hinding, director of the Walter Library at the University of Minnesota, then spoke about the co-operative production of a major bibliographic tool, Women’s History Sources, published by Bowker. The ACRL Reception was held afterwards in the Morrison Room of the Main Library at the University of California, Berkeley. Excellent Mid­ dle Eastern food, California wine, and music pro­ vided by a string quartet set the atmosphere for the reception, which was sponsored by the Baker & Taylor Company. Beverly Lynch, university li­ brarian at the University of Illinois, Chicago Cir­ cle, was presented the ACRL Academic Librarian of the Year Award by Baker & Taylor. Asian and African Section The AAS panel discussion covered collecting and processing Asian language materials for the ethnic community, and servicing the information needs of the host community. Patrick Valentine, director of the federally-funded North Carolina Foreign Language Center, addressed the prob­ lems he faced in acquiring materials for a non- urban center. In contrast, Janie Lorentowitcz of the Toronto Public Library highlighted their well- organized program to use the expertise of the University of Toronto to solve the technical prob­ lems involved in processing a wealth of for­ eign-language materials. Bibliographic Instruction Section “Will Bibliographic Instruction Survive the Online Age?” was the theme for the BIS program meeting. Among the speakers were Brian Neilsen, Northwestern University, who discussed alternative professional models for bibliographic instruction librarians in the Information Age, and Kristin McDonough, who described the mul­ timedia bibliographic instruction package that has been developed at Baruch College. The BIS Education for Bibliographic Instruc­ tion Committee held a separate panel discussion on teaching BI in library schools. Panelists were Joseph Boissé, Temple University Library; Elisa­ beth Eisenbach, UCLA School of Library Ser­ vice; Paula Garrett, a library student at the Uni­ versity of Illinois; and Mary Reichel, Georgia State University Library. Boissé spoke in favor of an internship for library students in libraries with an established BI program, while Maureen Pas- tine, chair of the committee and librarian at San Jose State University, recommended BI courses in library schools to foster scholarship in BI theory. A lively question and answer period fol­ lowed the presentation. 273 Beverly Lynch receives Baker & Taylor award. Jane Scherr Continuing Education Courses ACRL launched its newly initiated CE program with four courses held June 25-26. The one- and two-day courses attracted 77 ACRL members and non-members from academic, public, and special libraries across the country. An overview of the consulting process was pre­ sented by James E. Ekendahl, Consulting Con­ cepts, Inc., in “The Librarian As Consultant. Participants explored the many factors contribut­ ing to a successful consultant/client relationship. Participants in “Planning and Procuring a Turn­ key Library System” brought specific information about their respective institutions’ automation needs and worked with instructors Howard Dil­ lon and Rob McGee to discover which of the many automation options best answered those needs. In a spirited session Herbert S. White, Indiana University, offered information on management and communication in “Effective Supervisory Skills.” Participants explored the dynamics of the supervisory role in a session p unctuated by White’s own dynamic and spritely style. Participants in Keith W. Russell’s “Career Planning and Development for the Academic Li­ brarian: You Can Get There from Here!” assessed their career goals and objectives by means of a number of creative games and exercises related to career development. In addition to course content, participants were pleased by the size of the classes, which were small enough to allow for maximum interaction between instructors and students. Participants were given the opportunity to suggest ideas for future ACRL courses. C. Brigid Welch, ACRL program officer for continuing education, noted: “The success of these courses demonstrated members’ interest in this type of educational experience. ACRL plans to continue to identify subjects that are of in­ terest to its members and that are particularly suited to this kind of format—brief courses on specific topics that will enable participants to obtain more than an overview. ” Copyright Committee “ Copyright: The A-V Dilemma” was co­ sponsored by the Copyright Com mittee, the Copyright Subcommittee of ALA’s Legislation Committee, and the LITA Legislation and Reg­ ulation Committee. Speakers focused in particular on the fair use guidelines for off-air taping which are very near to being finalized. Law and Political Science Section LPSS co-sponsored the “Use of Local Docu­ ments in Reference and Research” program with ALA’s Government Documents Round Table and RASD. Among the speakers were Alan Jacobs, Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of California, Berkeley, who stressed the importance of libraries as a vital forum for citizens to find documents on city plan- Laura Bornholdt addresses ACRL’s program meeting. 274 ning activities; and Ronald Heckert, from Ber­ keley’s Institute of Governmental Studies, who noted the value of academic libraries in retaining local documents for public policy and historical research. Preconferences The ACRL sections held very successful pre­ conferences on June 23-26. The overwhelmingly positive conference responses reflected the tremendous thought and careful preparation that went into each. More than 160 conferees attended the ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Section preconference, “ P rem ises, P roblem s, Prom ises; Views and Approaches to Bibliographic Instruction,” at the University of San Francisco. Registrants heard speakers, participated in “Cracker Barrel” ses­ sions on BI, and attended two of six challenging and informative day-long workshops. The Community and Junior College Libraries Section’s preconference dealt with “The Impact of th e New Technologies on L earning Resource C enter Programs.” The two-day program con­ sisted of speakers and small group discussions at the Sheraton-Palace Hotel and tours of the Mis­ sion College LRC and its computer system and the Paul Masson Winery. The 6 0 + conferees appreciated the opportunity to take advantage of in-depth, small-group discussions. The Rare Books and Manuscripts Section held its 22d preconference, “The Collection Builders: Booksellers, Book Collectors, Librarians,” at the Holiday Inn Golden Gateway. The program’s ten speakers addressed the development of research collections in the twentieth century and their in­ fluence. The more than 180 conferees took part in three receptions in addition to eight seminars coordinated by the Continuing Education Com­ mittee. Slavic and East European Section The SEES program was en titled “ Past D e­ velopm ents and F u tu re Prospects for Anglo- American/Soviet Library Relations.” Among the speakers were Robert Wedgeworth, ALA’s execu­ tive director, who spoke on the role of ALA; and Marianna Tax Choldin, University of Illinois Li­ brary, who discussed the International Congress of Slavists at Garmisch in 1980. Undergraduate Librarians Discussion Group Panelists on “C u rre n t Problem s in U n d er­ graduate L ibrary M anagem ent” included Jim Neal, University of Notre Dame, who described how an undergraduate library was disbanded; and Bill Whitson, University of California, Berkeley, who discussed Moffitt Library’s weeding plan. University Libraries Section The joint ULS/CLS/CJCLS program was very well attended, completely filling the San Francis­ co Hilton’s Hilton Room. Theme speaker Robert Spencer, professor of history at Sangamon State University, spoke on enrollment trends in the 1980s; and M. L. Lunine, dean of undergraduate studies at San Francisco State University, dis­ cussed the role of college libraries in a future of “the mass society, the troubled economy, the seductive ideology, and the false dichotom y.” Afterwards, the four topical presentations in­ cluded “ Im plications for User Education” by Judith Pryor, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, who emphasized the need for long-range planning for BI at the institutional level; and Bart Lessin, Central Michigan University, who described the library support program at CMU which was de­ signed to provide research assistance and docu­ ment delivery to students off campus. Western European Specialists Section “The Library of Congress and the Future of Western European Collections,” the WESS pro­ gram, emphasized that Western Europe was the last region to be thought of in terms of area stud­ ies, resulting in a scarcity of information on the size and depth of subject collections in the field. Paul Mosher, Stanford University, updated the group on RLG’s project to analyze the Library of Congress P classification to determine extent of holdings, and Ludwig Lauerhass, UCLS, repre­ senting the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin A merican L ibrary M aterials, m entioned SALALM’s proposed National Conference on Foreign Area and Language Librarians.