ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 209 From Inside the DLP By Dr. Katharine M. Stokes College and University Library Specialist, Li- brary Planning and Development Branch, Di- vision of Library Programs, Bureau of Adult, Vocational, and Library Programs, U.S. Office of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202. Higher Education Act Title II–A College Library Resources .............. The maximum amount per basic grant w supplemental grants will use up the rema at present. Title II–B Library Education Training ............................................................. Library Research ............................................... Title II-C National Programs for Acquisitions and Cataloging (L C ) ........................................... Among other changes, preparation of the M discontinued and plans formulated under of programs with additional foreign count Title III Strengthening Developing Institutions Title VIII Networks for Knowledge ............... Higher Education Facilities Act Title I Undergraduate ......................................... Title II Graduate ................................................. Library Services and Construction Act Title III Interlibrary Cooperation .................... If you are interested in hearing about new consortia being formed and the activities of existing ones, you should read the monthly issues of The Acquainter, an international news- letter for academic consortia for higher educa- tion, published by the Kansas City Regional Council for Higher Education (KCRCHE), Probably you have all read about the revi- sions of the budget recommendations for FY 1970 Federal grants programs of interest to aca- demic librarians in the A L A Washington News- letter issue dated April 17, 1969. A few sup- plemental notes are given below; Revised Budget Recom- January Budget FV ’70 mendation Recommendation Authorization $12,500,000 $ 25,000,000 $ 75,000,000 ill be reduced from $5,000 to $2,500, and inder. No Special Purpose grants are planned $ 4,000,000 $ 8,250,0001 2,000,000 2,000,000} $28,000,000 $ 4,500,000 $ 7,356,000 $ 11,100,000 onthly Index of Russian Accessions will be the original estimate for the establishment ries will be eliminated. . $30,000,000 $ 35,000,000 •$ 70,000,000 —0— 750,000 4,000,000 .. $43,000,000 $130,000,000 $936,000,000 .... —0— 20,000,000 120,000,000 $ 2,281,000 $ 2,281,000 $ 12,500,000 4901 Main, Suite 320, Kansas City, Missouri, Write to the editor. Lew Patterson, for a copy and you will be up to date on coopera- tive developments, which seem the only solu- tion to making our diminishing dollars stretch as far as possible. ■■ lation to classification. Also included are notes and comments which explain the objective of each group of essays and a classified bibliog­ raphy; these were written and compiled by Derek Langridge, a Visiting Lecturer to Mary­ land from the school of librarianship of North­ western Polytechnic in London, who conducted the course. As by-products of an educational experiment, the papers in this contribution differ from the first work of this Series, The Library’s Public Revisited—edited by Mary Lee Bundy, where the student papers tended more toward the kind of traditional expression, based on a cen­ tral theme. In contrast, these individual pieces identify components in a first attempt to deal with a conceptual framework on which others may wish to elaborate. Some of the epistomo- logical problems explored are: The Development of Individual Classes of Knowledge Fundamental Disciplines and Their Methods Foundations of Knowledge Kinds of Knowledge Integration of Knowledge The Universe of Knowledge, is distributed by the Student Supply Store (University of Mary­ land, College Park, Maryland 20742) at $3.50 a copy. ■ ■ 210 D ep t. CR9-JE M ic ro c a rd Editions 9 0 1 -2 6 th S treet, N . W . W a s h in g to n , D. C. 2 0 0 3 7 □ Please send … copies of your current catalog N a m e .............................................................................................. Title ................................................................................................ O r g a n iz a tio n ............................................................................... A ddress ......................................................................................... N O W AVAILABLE ON MICROFICHE Academia de la Historia, M adrid. M EM ORIAL HISTORICO ESPAÑ OL. C O LEC C IO N DE DOCUMENTOS, OPUSCULOS Y ANTIGUEDADES QUE PUBLICA LÁ REAL A C A D E M IA DE LA HISTORIA. Madrid. 1851– 1918. 48 vols........................................................................................................ $150.00 ARCHIVES PARLEMENTAIRES DE 1787 A 1968. Series II. 1800-39 $670.00 ART IN AM ERICA. Vols. 1-38 (1913-50) (35mm m ic ro film )............................. $130.00 BROWNSON'S QUARTERLY REVIEW. Vols. 1-29 (1838-75) ........................ $125.00 Buchez, P. J. HISTOIRE PARLEMENTAIRE DE LA REVOLUCION FRAN- CAISE; OU, JO U R N AL DES ASSEMBLES NATIONALS, DEPUIS 1789 JUSQU’EN 1818. Paris. 1834-38. 40 vols........................................................ $112.00 C H E M IC A L WEEK. Vols. 92-101 (1963-67)....................................................... $140.00 EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION AN D SUPERVISION. Vols. 1-46, # 1 (1915-60) (35mm microfilm) .............................................................................. $285.00 ENGLISCHE STUDIEN: Organ für Englische Philology. Vols. 1-76 (1877-1944) $299.00 Parke–Bernet Galleries. BOOK SALES CATALOGUES. 1937-June 18, 1968. (35mm m ic ro film )................................................................................................ $605.00 POETRY. Vols. I –1 10 (1912-67) (35mm m ic ro film )............................................. $625.00 Virginia. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS A N D OTHER MANUSCRIPTS. PRESERVED IN THE CAPITOL AT R IC H M O N D (1652–1869) .................. $ 56.00 U.S. National Labor Relations Board. DECISIONS AN D ORDERS. Vols. 1-104 (1935-53) ............................................................................................................ $850.00 N C R m i c r o c a r d ® E D I T I O N S 901 TWENTY-SIXTH STREET, N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. 20037, 202/333-6393 IN D U S TR IA L PRODUCTS D IV IS IO N , THE N A T IO N A L CASH REGISTER C O M PA N Y