ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 211 Personnel The University of North Dakota, on July 1, 1969, reclaims Roger K. Hanson when he returns to that campus as director of libraries. For the past 2½ years he has been on the staff of the University of Minnesota libraries, first as assistant to the director, then adding to this responsibility the newly established post of chief of the department of refer­ ence services. Mr. Hanson has that much admired quality of common Mr. Hansonsense, combined with a wholesome honesty that makes him imme­ diately attractive on first meeting. Those of us that have worked closely with him know that this first impression is a true one. It is under­ standable therefore that when the University of North Dakota administration was faced with finding a new director of libraries they immediately thought of the man that had left them several years earlier to come to Min­ nesota. As a native of North Dakota, Mr. Hanson graduated from Mayville State College. After serving as a high school teacher-librarian for a couple of years he joined the library staff of the University of North Dakota. There he had responsibility for the order department and assisted the director in administration of the library. During summers he pursued his edu­ cation in librarianship from the University of Denver library school, where he obtained his MALS. At Minnesota Roger’s principal responsibility has been to coordinate the final details as­ sociated with the move to the new $10-mil- lion O. Meredith Wilson Library. He has worked closely with the architects and equip­ ment manufacturers on furniture specifications, selection and installation. He also coordinated the many details in the actual move itself and the problems of final completion and settling in into the new building. In all these some­ times onerous details Mr. Hanson exhibited the patience and ability to bring out a cooperative spirit among the people with whom he worked. Perhaps, aside from his affable personality, his four years in the Navy as an aircraft mechanic and troubleshooter, as well as a flight engi­ neer, trained him well for these duties. While those of us at Minnesota will sorely miss him we congratulate North Dakota in at­ H. Linscheid, New Mexico State University. tracting him back to his home state. Roger, his charming wife, Gretchen, and their chil­ dren will be a significant asset to the UND campus.—Ralph H. Hopp, University of Min­ nesota. Dr. James Dyke will assume the position of library director and professor of library science at New Mexico State University on July I. For Jim, as his many friends call him, this will be a return to the state which provided much of his professional development during service as librarian at Eastern New Mexico University from 1951 to 1966. A native of Breckenridge, Texas, Jim earned degrees at Hardin-Simmons University and the University of Oklahoma prior to receiving the MSLS (1950) and the doctorate in library science (1957) at the University of Illinois. Two years as assistant librarian at Hardin- Simmons University were followed by a period of service as research assistant at the Universi­ ty of Illinois. The years at Eastern brought rapid development of library collections and services, construction of an outstanding build­ ing, professional status for the library staff, development of a library science teaching program, and establishment of one of the finest film libraries in the entire Southwest- Rocky Mountain area. Texas A & M University library system has moved forward on several fronts during the three year span of Dr. Dyke’s tenure at Col­ lege Station. Not the least of these is the re­ cent completion of a new $3,600,000 library facility. In the course of a very active career Jim has found time to serve as library building consultant for several college and public li­ braries. He was national ALA Membership Chairman, I960, and has held offices in many professional associations including those of President of the New Mexico Library Associ­ ation and chairman of its scholarship com­ mittee. During the years 1962-64 he was an appointed member of the New Mexico Com­ mission on Problems of Higher Education. Dr. Dyke will bring broad experience in ad­ ministration, library construction, audiovisual media, automation and library education to his new position and to library cooperative en­ deavor in New Mexico and the Southwest. New Mexico State University is fortunate in the decision which brings a librarian of Jim’s caliber back to the Land of Enchantment. The library program of this rapidly developing university will be in excellent hands.—Chester 212 A P P O IN T M E N T S Arthur J. Anderson will join the faculty of the school of library science, Simmons Col­ lege, on a full-time basis beginning with the summer session of 1969. Marguerite Barrett is now director of the Eastern Iowa Community College library, Clin­ ton, Iowa. Mary Susan Baumbach is a new member of the reference division, University of W ash­ ington libraries. E dwin B. Bronner has been named librarian at Philadelphia’s Haverford College. Robert K. Bruce has been appointed col­ lege librarian and associate professor at Carle­ ton College, beginning with the 1969-1970 ac­ ademic year. James E. Buck has been appointed assistant librarian of Washburn University of Topeka, beginning July 1. Mrs. Mitsuko Collver has joined the staff of the SUNY, Stony Brook, library as an assistant cataloger. Lawrence E. Doyle has been appointed reference librarian, humanities, at the Uni­ versity of Arizona. Clark A. E lliott will join the faculty of the school of library science, Simmons College, in September 1969. Barbara Gates is now assistant librarian and head of technical services at Oberlin College. Mrs. Virginia B. H arris has joined the staff of Oberlin College as a reference librarian. Roy Liebman has been appointed chief, ac­ quisitions services in the library at California State College, Los Angeles. James M. Matarazzo will join the faculty of the school of library science, Simmons Col­ lege, in September 1969. Stephen Miller is now acquisitions librarian at Howard Colman library, Rockford College, Rockford, Illinois. Sandra Peterson has joined the staff of Oberlin College as a reference librarian. Mrs. W ilma E lizabeth Pfeifer has joined the staff of the reference division. University of Washington libraries. Dr. Roberto M. Ravelo has been ap­ pointed a senior cataloger in the library at the SUNY, Stony Brook. Harris M. Richard has been appointed serials cataloger at the University of Arizona library. Dr. a . Robert Rogers has resigned as di­ rector of the Bowling Green State University library to accept the position of professor of library science at Kent State University. Harold B. Schell has been appointed as­ sociate director of libraries. Southern Methodist University. Yukihisa Suzuki, formerly head of the Asia library at the University of Michigan, is now professor of library studies in the University of Hawaii. N E C R O L O G Y Dr. Sanford V. Larkey, director of the medical library at Johns Hopkins University Medical School from 1935 until his retirement in 1963, died April 16 at his Baltimore home. R ETIREM ENTS Sadie Hall, associate librarian of Washburn University of Topeka for twenty-three years will retire on June 30. Jens Nyholm, university librarian at North­ western University since 1944, retired on Sep­ tember 1, 1968. From 1939 to 1944, Mr. Ny­ holm was assistant librarian at the University of California, Berkeley, and from 1938 to 1939 he was head of the catalog department there. He holds degrees in library science from Co­ lumbia and from the Danish State Library School. ■ ■ AWARDS TO BE GIVEN AT CON EERENCE Beta Phi Mu Award. An annual award con­ sisting of $50 and a citation, administered by the Library Education Division, made to an individual for distinguished service to education for librarianship. Melvil Dewey Medal. An engraved medal and a citation presented annually to an individual or a group for recent creative professional achievement of a high order, particularly in those fields in which Melvil Dewey was actively interested, notably library manage­ ment, library training, cataloging and classi­ fication, and the tools and techniques of librarianship. Donated by Forest Press, Inc. Hammond Incorporated Library Award. An annual award of $500 and a citation to a librarian who has effectively encouraged the use of maps and atlases or promoted an in­ terest in cartography. The award is presented only in those years when an appropriate recipient is found. Established in 1962. Donor: Hammond, Inc. Joseph W. Lippincott Award. An award con­ sisting of $1,000, an engraved medal, and a special citation made annually to a li­ brarian for distinguished service in the pro­ fession of librarianship, such service to in­ clude outstanding participation in the ac­ tivities of professional library associations, notable published professional writing, or