ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ February 7998 / 73 N e w s f r o m t h e F i e l d M ary Ellen K. Davis Texas Tech dedicates new library Pulitzer Prize-w inning b io g rap h er David McCullough’s address highlighted Texas Tech University’s dedication o f its new $8.8 mil­ lion Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library this fall. McCullough said, “Your col­ lection o f Southwest history will becom e very important. It’s going to bring students, schol­ ars, and people who do the kind o f work that I do to your campus. They are going to discover what’s happening here, and discover the pleasures and the stimulation o f being in this community and in this state— and it’s going to be good for everybody.” The new building, designed by Komatsu/ Rangel, Inc. o f Forth Worth, provides almost 78,000 square feet o f climate-controlled floor space and is home to the Southwest Collec­ tion, the Vietnam Archive, the Rare Books Collection, the University Archives, and the Hoblitzelle Conservation lab. The fast-growing Vietnam Archives, estab­ lished in 1989, include donations o f books and papers from national figures including the late CIA director William Colby, state de­ partment official Douglas Pike, and the Na­ tional Vietnam Veterans Coalition. Texas Tech joins ARL Texas Tech University has been admitted to m embership in the Association o f Research Libraries (ARL) bringing to 121 the number o f institutions that are members. Dean o f Libraries E. Dale Cluff said, “Mem­ bership in ARL is indicative not only o f a uni­ versity administration’s commitment to its li­ brary system but also its commitment to re­ search and to advancing the body o f knowl­ edge. Texas Tech has shown that commit­ ment and ARL membership is another mile­ stone that denotes success in our ongoing quest for academ ic ex ce llen ce.” ARL mem­ bership had been a goal o f G u ff’s since com ­ ing to the university in 1982. Membership in ARL is extended to a uni­ versity after it meets stringent standards that factor in doctoral degrees, expenditures for library services and materials, staffing, the number o f books and journals, and the quali­ ties o f collections. Texas Tech was invited to join ARL after a unanimous vote o f the ARL Board and mem­ bership-at-large at the May annual meeting. Texas Tech is the first new library added to ARL in the past five years. AAMES opens Web site ACRL’s Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Section (AAMES) opened its hom epage at http://www. The site, designed by Robert Ridinger o f Northern University, includes inform ation about the history o f the section and upcom ­ ing programs. AAMES members who can sup­ ply m issing inform ation for the program tim e lin e s h o u ld c o n t a c t R id in g e r at c60rbr1@ The site may also be reached from ACRL’s homepage at http:// Candidates for ALA President announced Martin G om ez, execu tiv e d irector o f the Brooklyn Public Library, and Sarah Long, di­ rector o f the North Suburban Library System T e x a s T e c h U n i v e r s i t y ' s n e w S o u t h w e s t Collection/Special Collections Library houses the Southwest Collection, Rare Books Collection, the Vietnam Archive, and the University Archives. http://www 74 / C&RL News ■ February 1998 (an organization o f 680 academ ic, public, school, and special libraries north o f Chicago) have been nominated by ALA’s nominating com m ittee to run for president o f ALA for the 1 9 9 9-2000 term. ALA members will vote on the spring 1998 ballot. The candidate elected will serve as ALA-president-elect in 1 9 9 8 -9 9 becom in g president the following year. The March C&RL News will feature state­ ments from both candidates. Living the Future II in Arizona The University o f Arizona Library is sponsor­ ing the “Living the Future II: Organizational Changes for Success” conference to be held April 2 1 -2 4 , 1998, in Tucson, Arizona. This is a follow-up to the 1996 “Living the Future: Organizational Change and Process Improve­ m ent” conference. Meg W heatley and Ernest B. Ingles will give the keynote address. Wheatley is known for her book L ead ersh ip a n d the New S cien ce: L earn in g a b o u t O rg a n iza tio n s f r o m a n Or­ derly Universe, which is credited for chang­ ing the thinking about organizational struc­ ture. Ingles has achieved prom inence for his strategic planning initiatives; the planning and building o f a Canadian university’s first re­ mote storage and document supply facility; and his aw ard-w inning, co st-co n ta in m en t initiatives. Papers and poster sessions will focus on partnerships, information literacy, new services and their impact on organizations, human re­ source issues, and organizational changes. Registration and accommodation informa­ tion may be found on the Web at http:// Call for contributors MC J o u r n a l: The J o u r n a l o f A c a d e m ic M ed ia L ib r a h a n s h ip is seeking co n ­ tributors for its spring 1998 issue, w hich will have a special section on bibliographies, m ediagraphies, and W eb resource lists. Ideas include a bibliography on new technologies or in s tru c tio n te c h n iq u e s ; a m e d ia - graphy on a “hot to p ic”; or a W eb list o f av producer sites or cataloging issues. Compilations and research ar­ ticles are due by March 16 and should be submitted via e-mail to Lori Widzinski, editor at w Details may b e fo u n d at h ttp :/ / w in g s .b u ffa lo .e d u / publications/ mcjml. M arquette Univ. receives $10 m illion gift for new library Marquette University received a $10 million gift to construct a new library from an anony­ mous alumnus and his family. The gift will be structured as a challenge grant requiring the university to seek additional donations to match the $10 million. The library will be named in honor o f the R ev . J o h n P. R a y n o r w h o s e r v e d as Marquette’s president for 25 years and who died in November at the age o f 74. Days b e ­ fore his death, Raynor met with the donor and was told about the planned gift. “[Raynor] believed, with his whole heart, that Marquette’s particular approach to the work o f educating young men and w om en in the Jesu it tradition was a powerful force for good in the world. I am glad to be able to play a role in achieving a goal that pleased him very much: the creation o f a new library to serve new generations o f Marquette stu­ dents,” said the anonymous donor. M arquette’s current library was built in 1953 and expanded in 1971. The university recently com pleted a planning study to as­ sess future library needs and the Board o f Trustees endorsed the new construction o p ­ tion and voted unanimously to name the new library in Raynor’s honor. “University libraries are more and more becom ing not just repositories o f materials but extensively utilized learning centers,” said Nicholas C. Burckel, Marquette’s director of libraries. “I see the new library serving as the intellectual com m ons for the campus. As C&RL News ■ February 1998 / 75 student learning becom es more collaborative and less solitary, as faculty cross disciplinary boundaries in technology, our library will becom e even more central to Marquette’s teaching and research mission.” Date set for “ Learning to Teach” preconference The ACRL Instruction Section's preconference “Learning to T each ” will be held on Friday, Ju n e 26, 1998, at the ALA Annual Confer­ ence in Washington, DC. Details about the preconference were given in the January is­ sue o f C&RL News and may be found on the W eb at http://w w w -mesora/ACRLIS/precon.html. ACRL publishes promotion and tenure book ACRL has published Criteriα f o r P rom otion a n d Tenure in A c a d e m ic Libraries, CLIP Note #26. Compiled by Virginia Vesper and Glo­ ria K e lle y , th e CLIP N o te e x ­ plores how fac­ ulty status affects lib r a r ia n s ’ p r o ­ motion and ten­ ure opportunities and the criteria at v ariou s in stitu ­ tions for defining librarians’ status. The publication inclu d es tenure and p ro m o tio n documents illus­ trating practices at both public and private institutions with examples covering unions, evaluation, and weighting o f criteria. CLIP Note #26 (ISBN 0-8389-7928-9) is available for $28.50 (ACRL members $24.00) from ALA Order Fulfillment, 155 East W acker Drive, C hicago, IL 6 0 6 l l ; p h on e: 8 0 0 -5 4 5 -2 4 3 3 (press 7); fax: 312-836-9958. Build your leadership skills Enhance your personal leadership skills by attending ACRL’s first leadership institute, “Building Your Leadership Toolkit.” The in­ stitute will be held at the Tremont Hotel in Boston, April 30-M ay 1, 1998. B ob W edgeworth, university librarian, University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Cliff Lynch, executive director of the Coa­ lition for Networked Information, will give keynote addresses. Advance register by April 8, 1998. Regis­ tration forms and additional information are available on the Web at: acrl.html. Presenters sought for ACRL’s 9th National Conference ACRL seeks presenters for its 9tlı National Conference, “Racing Toward Tom orrow ,” to be held April 8 -1 1 , 1999, in Detroit. A com plete description o f the conference theme, deadlines, and a program proposal form are included as an insert to the January issue o f C&RL News and the entire call for participation is available on the Web at: http:// acrl/prendex.html. JSTOR establishes journal conversion facility at Princeton JSTOR, the nonprofit organization dedicated to helping the scholarly com m unity take advantage o f advances in information tech­ nologies, plans to work with Princeton Uni­ versity Library to establish a production fa­ cility for c o n v e rtin g p a p e r jo u rn a ls to electro n ic form. This facility, w hich will supplement a similar operation at the Uni­ versity o f Michigan, will double JSTO R ’s ca­ pacity to gather journal runs, to organize them for scanning, and to load them onto JSTO R ’s growing database of the complete runs of core scholarly journals. JSTOR is currently adding material at the rate o f approximately 100,000 pages a month. February 15 is the dRefine ACtL contesdraen enilaed Deadline for submit­ ting entries to the “Define ACRL” contest. The ACRL Board o f Directors is seek­ ing a good, pithy slogan that will, in no more than a sound bite, describe the mis­ sion o f ACRL. The winner will receive com p lim entary registration to ACRL's National Conference, April 8 -1 1 , 1999, in Detroit, as well as three nights lodging in a conference hotel. Entries will be judged by the ACRL Board of Directors. Submissions should be sent to ACRL Slogans, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 606 11 or by e-mail to: 76 C&RL News February 1998 / ■ Digital copyright legislation pending An open letter to the library community Dear library supporter: As the presidents o f four o f the nation’s m ajor library associations, w e write to ask for your assistance in garnering support for tw o p ieces o f federal legislation o f critical im portance to the library com m u ­ nity, indeed to libraries in every co m m u ­ nity. T h e se bills are Sen. Jo h n A shcroft’s (R-M issouri) D igital C o p y rig h t C la ri­ fic a t io n a n d T echnology A ct (S. 1 1 4 6 ) and th e D ig ita l E r a C o p y rig h t E n ­ h a n ce m e n t Act, jointly introduced by R e p re s e n ta tiv e s Rick B o u c h e r (D -V ir­ ginia) and Tom C am pbell (R-C alifornia) (H.R. 30 4 8 ). In our view , th ese prop osals present the b est ap p ro ach to updating the Copy­ right Act to m eet the ch allen g es o f the digital environm ent w hile, at the sam e time, preserving the critical b a la n ce b e ­ tw een copyright ow ners and users in the electron ic age. B oth bills include provi­ sions w hich are essential to libraries if w e are to effectiv ely s e rv e our patrons, scholars, researchers, and students in the netw orked environm ent. We se e k your im m ediate help in as­ sisting Sen. Ashcroft and Reps. B o u ch e r and C am pbell to persuade other m em ­ bers o f the Sen ate and H ouse to c o sp o n ­ sor S. 1146 and H.R. 3048, respectively. Why this effort is important to all libraries Each year, m illions o f researchers, stu­ dents, and m em bers o f the public b e n ­ efit from access to library co llectio n s— a c c e s s that is s u p p o rte d by fair u se, p reserv a tio n program s, interlibrary loan, and m ore. We must ensure that the Copyright Act contin u es to serve the public w h o rely upon th ese co llectio n s and services. T he Ashcroft and Boucher-C am pbell bills seek to update the Copyright Act by ex ten d ­ ing the b alan ce that w e currently en joy so that ow ners, creators, and users alike may ben efit fully from the opportunities o f the digital environm ent. T h ese bills ap­ propriately extend the b alan ce by clari­ fying or u p d atin g s e le c te d p riv ileg es granted to libraries, researchers, ed u ca ­ tional institutions, and others under cur­ rent law. Action is needed now Accordingly, w e are asking the m em bers o f our association s— and all oth er library supporters— to : • study the attached m aterial detail­ ing the con ten ts o f S .1146 and H .R .3048; • write to your H ouse and Senate del­ eg atio n s req u estin g co -sp o n so rsh ip o f th ese bills; and • call and visit the m em bers o f your C ongressional d elegation and ask them to co sp o n so r S. 1146 or H.R. 3048, as ap ­ propriate. Sen. Ashcroft, and Reps. B o u ch e r and Cam pbell, w ould ap p reciate our help in achieving passage o f this potentially land­ mark legislation. T h e m ost critical first step in this p rocess is to en g age m em ­ bers o f C ongress and se e k their en d o rse­ m ent o f th ese bills. Let Congress know n o w the im por­ tan ce o f updating the Copyright Act for your institution, your users, and o f e n ­ suring that libraries will b e able to e ffe c ­ tively serve the nation in the inform ation age. T h an k you. O ur a sso cia tio n s stand ready to assist you in any way that w e can. P lease do not hesitate to call upon us and to let us know o f your efforts. — J u d i t h A. M e a d o w s , p r e s id e n t , Am erican A ssociation o f Law Libraries; — B a r b a r a J . F ord, president, Am erican Library A ssociation; —J a m e s G. N eal, president, A ssociation o f R esearch Libraries; —J u d it h J . F ield , president, Sp ecial Libraries A ssociation C&RL News ■ February 1998 / 77