ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 154 / C&RL News ACRL list o f m aterials availab le A complete checklist o f A C R L publications in print S in g le copies of ACRL standards and guidelines are free upon request (additional copies may be purchased for $1.00 each). O ther publications are priced as listed. To ensure th at your order is prop­ erly processed, include ISBN, author, title, list price, and applicable discount for each item or­ dered. Both institutions and individuals may order on account, plus postage and handling; however, pre­ paym ent should accompany individuals’ orders of $15.00 or less. No postage or handling charges are added to p rep aid orders (check, m oney order, credit card). All prices are payable in U.S. funds, net 30 days. The first price stated is the list price. ISBN prefix: 0-8389-. Discounts ALA personal and organizational members are eligible to receive a ten percent (10%) discount on ACRL materials (except subscription items). To re­ ceive the discount, give your membership number, and deduct the discount when preparing your or­ ders. ACRL personal and organizational members re­ ceive 10-30 % discount on non- subscription ACRL materials. Look for the ACRL member prices on this checklist. Q uantity discounts are available when five or more copies of the same title are ordered to be shipped to the same address. Inquire for prices on specific titles. Handling charges Invoice amounts of $20.00 or less, $1. Invoice amounts of $20.01-$50.00, $2. Invoice amounts of $50.01-$100.00, $3. Invoice amounts of $100.01-$200.00, $4. Invoice amounts of $200.00 or more, $5. Ordering Send orders to: ALA Publishing Services, O rder D epartm ent, 50 East H uron Street, Chicago, IL 60611-2795. Toll-free numbers In the U .S ., call (800) 545-2433; in Illinois, (800) 545-2444; in Canada, (800) 545-2455; or try (312) 944-6780. O perator on duty between 8:15 a.m. and 4:45 p.m . Central Standard Time. ACRL approval order plans T he convenient and cost-cutting ACRL ap ­ proval order plan provides autom atic priority ship­ ping of ACRL’s new books at a 20 % discount to ACRL members (10% to non-members). There are two approval plan categories to choose from. Plan “P” guarantees th at you will automatically be sent all new ACRL publications. Plan “PC” is ex­ clusively for titles in the CLIP Notes series. You may change or cancel your approval order at any time and you do have return privileges. All publi­ cations issued by ACRL, except periodicals and subscription items, are available through the ap­ proval plan. To enroll in the approval order plan, please w rite to Mary Ellen Davis, ACRL Publica­ tions Officer, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611, indicating the category you have chosen. Bibliographic instruction •Back to the Books: Bibliographic Instruction and the Theory of Inform ation Sources (1983). Edited by Ross Atkinson. “Back to the Books is w orthw hile reading because the major issues under discussion in th e BI lite r a tu re are considered thoughtfully and concisely.” Journal o f Academic February 1989 / 155 Librarianship. 76p. 6587-3. $15; ACRL members $12. •B ibliographic Instruction Clearinghouse: A Practical Guide (1984). “Presents a review of the history, method and problems of organization, and function of established clearinghouses, followed by a how-to for organizing additional clearinghouses. This book is thorough, well w ritten, carefully pre­ pared ..., and indeed practical.” Library Science Annual. 71p. 6775-2. $12; ACRL members $9. • E v a lu a tin g B ibliog rap h ic In stru c tio n : A Handbook (1983). “ .. .one of the most practical and useful publications in the area of user instruction.” Library & Inform ation Science Research, vol. 6. 122p. 6608-X. $17; ACRL members $13. •O rganizing and Managing a L ibrary Instruc­ tion Program (1979). ACRL BIS Continuing E du­ cation Committee. 30p, 6731-0. $4; ACRL mem­ bers $3. •P etals Around a Rose: Abstract Reasoning and B ib lio g ra p h ic In s tru c tio n (1980). By C erise Oberman-Soroka. 23p. 6732-9. $5; ACRL mem­ ber $4. Collection development •Books for College Libraries III (1988). Six vol­ umes. Review of Books fo r College Libraries, sec­ ond edition: “recom mended to all academ ic li­ braries as a necessary purchase.” Booklist. 3353-X. $500. E lectronic formats (tape and online) also available. Contact BCL3/Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457 for details. •B uilding W omen’s Studies Collections: A Re­ source G uide (1987). 48p. 0-9144-9207-1. $12. Edited by Joan Ariel. Choice Bibliographical Essay Series, No. 8. O rder from: Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457. •C urriculum Materials Center Collection De­ velopment Policy (1984). 27p. 6777-9. $7; ACRL members $5. •G uide for the Development and M anagement of Test Collections w ith Special Emphasis on Aca­ demic Settings (1985). Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Test Collections, Education and Behavioral Sci­ ences Section. “Any question a librarian might have on the subject of test collections appears to have been answered in the G uide...” Library Jour­ nal. 69p. 6926-7. $12; ACRL members $9. •W om en’s Studies in Western Europe: A Re­ source Guide (1986). Edited by Stephen Lehm ann and Eva Sartori. “The w ell-edited result gives American librarians and researchers an overview of the field plus specific information about acquisi­ tions of feminist publications from western Euro­ p e... A valuable resource for academ ic or large public lib ra rie s.” Choice. 129p. 7037-0. $18; ACRL members $15. Conference proceedings •A cad em ic L ib raries: M yths an d R ealities (1984). Proceedings of the T hird National Confer­ ence of the Association of College & Research Li­ braries. 420p. 6787-6. $28; ACRL members $20. •Energies for Transition (1986). Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference of the Association of College and Research L ibraries. E dited by D anuta A. Nitecki. “ ...a good cross-section in this one volume of the current issues and new develop­ ments related to academic librarianship.” College & Research Libraries. 248p. 6976-3. $30; ACRL members $22. •L ibraries and Accreditation in Institutions of Higher Education (1981). Proceedings of an invita­ tional conference sponsored by ACRL and COPA. Julie A. C. Virgo, ed. “ .. .useful to academic librar­ ians and library schools for the purpose of under­ standing better the role of the library in the accred­ i ta tio n p ro c e s s.” Journal o f A c a d e m ic Librarianship. 176p. 6741-8. $19; ACRL members $15. •O ptions for the 80’s (1981). Fifty-six contrib­ uted papers from the Second National ACRL Con­ ference in Minneapolis. Eleven microfiche. Free. Directories •D irecto ry of C urriculum M aterials Centers (1985). Compiled by Lois J. Lehman and Eva K. Kiewitt. 2nd ed. “ .. .an invaluable work which will be heavily used by all who are associated w ith edu­ cation collections, instructional materials centers, and teacher training institutes.” Library & Infor­ mation Science Annual, vol. 3. 194p. 6917-8. $20; ACRL members $15. •S lavic E thnic L ibraries, Museums and Ar­ chives in the United States: A Guide and Directory (1980). Compiled by Lubomyr R. W ynar. 164p. 6742-6. $9; ACRL members $6. Personnel issues and faculty status •A cadem ic Status: Statements and Resources (1988). A com pilation of official standards and guidelines, research articles, and bibliographies on academic status. 7233-0. $7.50; ACRL members $5. •T ravel Policies of Twenty-one College & Uni­ versity Libraries (1980). 77p. 6736-1. $3. Rare books, manuscripts and archives •B in d in g Terms: Thesaurus for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloguing (1988). 7210-1. 37p. $10; ACRL members $8.50. •G e n re Terms: A Thesaurus for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloguing (1983). Developed for use in MARC field 655, these terms should be used to designate intellectual genres of textual materials. 41p. 6612-8. $7.50; ACRL mem­ bers $5.50. •P rin tin g and Publishing Evidence: Thesauri for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections C ata­ 156 / C&RL News loguing (1986). Developed for use in MARC field 755, these thesauri provide standard terms for the retrieval of physical evidence of printing and pub­ lishing practices. 28p. 7108-3. $7.50; ACRE m em­ bers $5.50. •Provenance Evidence: Thesaurus for use in Rare Book and Special Collections C ataloguing (1988). 7239-X. 24p. $9; ACRE members $7. •N EW ! Your Old Books (1988). By Peter Van Wingen. Answers frequently asked questions about rare books and book values. 7216-0. Single copies are available from ACRL for $1 and SASE. 50 cop­ ies, $20 available from ALA Graphics, 50 E. H u­ ron Street, Chicago, IL 60611-2795. Statistics •A C R L University L ibrary Statistics 1985-86 and 1986 ”100 Libraries” Statistical Survey (1987). Compiled by Robert Molyneux. Statistics from 149 non-ARL university, college, and junior college li­ braries. “Decision makers need valid and reliable data. The title provides such d ata for academic li­ b raries.” L ibrary Journal. 7144-X. $30; ACRL members $24. •A C R L U n iv ersity L ib ra r y S tatistics 1981-1982 (1983). Statistics from 92 non-ARL uni­ versity libraries. 55p. 6596-2. $15; ACRL members $12. •A C R L U n iv ersity L ib ra r y S tatistics 1978-1979 (1980). Statistics from 98 non-ARL uni­ versity libraries. 47p. 6739-6. $7.50; ACRL mem­ bers $5. •L ib ra ry Statistics of Colleges and Universities, 1985: National Summaries, State Summaries, In ­ stitutional Tables (1987). D ata from the 1985 HE- GIS study conducted by the Center for Education Statistics covering over 3,000 academic libraries. “ACRL is to be commended for publishing.. .valu­ able comparative data th at the Reagan adm inistra­ tion no longer sees fit to dissem inate.” Library Journal. 7147-4. $30; ACRL members $24. •L ib ra ry Statistics of Colleges and Universities, 1982 Institutional D ata (1984). D ata from the 1981-82 HEGIS study conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics covering over 3,000 academ ic libraries. 177p. 6640-3. $16; ACRL members $12. •Q uantitative Criteria for Academic Research Libraries (1984). By Kendon L. Stubbs. “This vol­ ume is useful for comparative purposes and will be of interest to academic library adm inistrators.” L i­ brary Science Annual. 135p. 6788-4. $19; ACRL members $15. CLIP Notes •C ollege Library Inform ation Packets (CLIP Notes) collect d ata and sample documents from college and small university libraries to assist aca­ demic librarians in establishing or refining services an d o p erations. C L IP Notes are p re p a re d by ACRL’s College Libraries Section. •Collection Development Policies, CLIP Note #2 (1981). 131p. 6738-8. $12; ACRL members $9. •O n lin e Bibliographic Database Searching in College Libraries, CLIP Note #4-83 (1983). Com­ piled by David Carlson and P. G rady Morein. “To those charged w ith making such a service [online service] available on the nation’s campuses this in­ expensive guide is likewise a m ust.” Online. 132p. 6624-1. $19; ACRL members $15. •M ission Statem ents for College L ibraries, CLIP Note #5. Compiled by L arry Hardesty, Ja­ mie Hastreiter, and David Henderson. “The sur­ vey is a good one, eliciting answers to questions about why and how libraries developed statements of purpose, or why n o t...a commendable produc­ tio n ...” RQ. 1985.107p. 6944-5. $20; ACRL mem­ bers $15. •Special Collections in College Libraries, CLIP Note #6 (1986). Compiled by Christine Erdm ann. Contains actual documents from college libraries on projects, publicity, financial support, archives, preservation, and use policies. 95p. 7004-4. $18; ACRL members $15. •M anaging Student Workers in College L i­ braries, CLIP Note #7 (1986). Compiled by Mi­ chael D. K athm an and Jane McGurn Kathman. “Supervisors looking for help in hiring and m anag­ ing these [student] workers, w hether in small or large academic libraries, will find this compilation very useful. Any supervisor will find good, easily adaptable ideas among the sample documents.” RQ. 182p. 7097-4. $17; ACRL members $14. •Periodicals in College Libraries, CLIP Note #8 (1987). Compiled by Jamie W ebster Hastreiter, L arry Hardesty, David Henderson. “This book ful­ fills the series’ mission to share information and ideas to aid academ ic library decision making. Recommended for all college and university li­ b ra rie s.” L ibrary Journal. 116p. 7143-1. $17; ACRL members $14. •F riends of College Libraries, CLIP Note #9 (1987). Compiled by Ronelle Thompson. 134p. 7171-7. $17; ACRL members $14. •A nnual Reports in College Libraries, CLIP Note #10 (1988). Compiled by Kenneth Oberembt. 135p. 7219-5. $20; ACRL members $17. ACRL Publications in Librarianship •N o. 39—Libraries for Teaching, Libraries for Research: Essays for a C entury (1977). Richard D. Johnson, ed. “ ...a must for all library school stu­ dents interested in academic librarianship.” A RB A 78. 259p. 0247-2 (use order code 3196-0). $15.00cl. Limited quantities available. •N o . 41—Women View Librarianship: Nine Perspectives (1980). Kathryn Renfro Lundy, ed. “It is satisfying to read their considered responses to questions ranging from ideas about administration and personal career choices to developing library February 1989 / 157 school curricula and advice to beginning profes­ sionals.” College & Research Libraries. 99p. 3251- 7. $8.00pbk. •N o. 42—The Spirit of Inquiry: The G raduate Library School at Chicago, 1921-51 (1982). John V. Richardson, Jr. .a significant book in library education and an example of painstaking historical research.” ARBA 84. 238p. 3273-8. $35.00cl. Lim ­ ited quantities available. •N o. 43—The Landscape of Literatures: Use of Subject Collections in a University L ibrary (1983). Paul Metz. “Metz provides.. .an im portant use stu­ dy... by attem pting to identify the subject litera­ ture of interest to faculty and students in various acad em ic d is c ip lin e s.” R Q . 143p. 3286-X. $30.00pbk. Limited quantities available. •N o. 44—The Carnegie Corporation and the D evelopm ent of A m erican College L ib ra rie s, 1928-41 (1984). Neil A. Radford. Provides a useful historical perspective on collection analysis and ex­ ternal funding by studying the im pact of Carnegie grants for collection development. 257p. 3295-9. $29.95pbk. •N EW ! No. 45—English and American Litera­ ture: Sources and Strategies for Collection Devel­ opment (1987). W illiam McPheron, ed. “This vol­ ume is not only instructive, it is also lively reading. It is handy to have in one collection a w ealth of practical information to guide subject specialists in English and American literature.” Journal o f Aca­ demic Librarianship. 272p. 0476-9. $29.95pbk. Periodicals •C hoice. Book and non-print review journal of the Association of College & Research Libraries. Eleven issues per year; (July/August combined). ISSN: 0009-4978. E ditor/publisher: Patricia Sabo- sik. Available by subscription only, $125/year do­ mestic rate; $140/year foreign rate; single issues $15. O rd e r from : C irc u la tio n D e p a rtm e n t, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457. •C hoice Reviews-on-Cards. Reviews from each monthly issue of Choice printed on 3 x 5 cards. Available to Choice subscribers only for $195/year domestic rate; $210/year foreign rate; single issues $25. O rd e r fro m : C irc u la tio n D e p a rtm e n t, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457. •College & Research Libraries. Official journal of the Association of College and Research L i­ braries. Six bim onthly issues per year. E ditor: Charles R. Martell Jr., California State University Library, Sacramento, CA 95819. Sent to ACRL mem bers as a perquisite of m em bership. Also a v a ila b le on s u b s c rip tio n , $ 3 5 /y e a r, U .S .; $40/year, PUAS countries; $45/year, other coun­ tries. ISSN: 0010-0870. Order from: Subscription D epartm ent, American L ibrary Association, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611-2795. •College & Research Libraries News. Official news magazine of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Eleven issues per year; (Ju- ly /A u g u st co m b in ed ). E d ito r: G eorge M. E berhart, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. Sent to ACRL members as a per­ quisite of membership. Also available on subscrip­ tion, $15/year, U.S.; $20/year, PUAS countries; $25/year, other countries. ISSN: 0099-0086. Order from: Subscription D epartm ent, ALA, 50 E. H u­ ron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. •F a st Job Listing Service. A job listing which supplements in a speedy, timely fashion the classi­ fied advertising in C‹&RL News. Published twelve times per year. Six-month subscription $15; ACRL members $10. O rder from: ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. •In d ex for Volumes 26 to 40 (1965-1979) ol College & Research Libraries and College & Re­ search Libraries News (1980). Prepared by Eldon W. Tamblyn. 6482-6. $12; ACRL members $10. •R a re Books and Manuscripts Librarianship. Two issues per year. Editor: Ann S. Gwyn, Milton S. Eisenhower L ibrary, The Johns Hopkins Uni­ versity, Baltimore, MD 21218. ISSN: 0884-450X. $ 2 5 /y ear, U .S .; $ 2 8 /y e a r, PUAS c o u n tries; $35/year, other countries. O rder from: Subscrip­ tion D epartm ent, ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. ■ ■ Hurricane Gilbert relief drive The Library at the University of the West In­ dies, Kingston, Jam aica, was destroyed by H ur­ ricane G ilbert in October 1988. A H urricane Gilbert Relief Drive was announced by City University of New York chancellor Joseph S. Murphy shortly thereafter, and since th at an­ nouncement an Ad Hoc Librarians’ Group at LaG uardia Community College has started a grassroots effort to get forms of assistance to UW I’s Library. The L ibrary’s collection consisted of about 360,000 volumes and over 12,000 journals. It held many unique titles including a copy of every book w ritten by the poet Wilfred Cartey, an alumnus of UWI. LaG uardia Community College’s faculty and staff donated books and periodicals to the L ibrary during November and are investigating ways and means of mak­ ing hum anitarian shipments of books at little or minim al cost. Assistance, w hether money or li­ brary materials, is urgently needed by the Li­ brary at the University of the West Indies. For more information, contact: Fred Lowe at (718) 482-5424; Ken Peeples at (718) 482- 5430; or Clementine Lewis at (718) 482-5429. The address of the UWI librarian is: Albertina Jefferson, L ibrarian, University of the West In­ dies, Mona Campus, Kingston 7, Jamaica. 158 / C&RL News ACRL standards and guidelines Single copies of ACRL standards are available free upon request. Additional copies may be p u r­ chased for one dollar each. Prepaym ent must ac­ company orders for additional standards. Send all requests to: ACRL S tandards and G uidelines, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611- 2795. Access Access Policy Guidelines. C&RL News, Novem­ ber 1975. 2p. $1.00. Audiovisual Guidelines for Audiovisual Services in Academic Libraries. C&RL News, October 1987. 4p. $1.00. Bibliographic instruction Bibliographic Competencies for Education Stu­ dents. 1981. 2p. $1.00. Guidelines for Bibliographic Instruction in Aca­ demic Libraries. C& RL N ews, April 1977. Ip. $1.00. Colleges and universities Guidelines for Branch Libraries in Colleges and Universities. C & R L N ew s, O ctober 1975. 3p. $1.00. Guidelines for Extended Campus Library Ser­ vices. C ò R L News, March 1982. 2p. $1.00. T he Mission of an U n d ergraduate L ibrary: Model Statement. C&R L News, October 1987. 3p. $1.00. Standards for College Libraries. C &R L News, March 1986. 12p. Single copies free; additional copies $1.00 each. S tan d ard s for U niversity L ib raries. C &R L News, April 1979. ACRL/ARL. 10p. Single copies free; additional copies $1.00 each. Community and junior colleges Guidelines for Two-Year Colleges Learning Re­ sources Programs. C &R L News, Jânuary and Feb­ ruary 1982. ACRL/AECT. 10p. Single copies free; additional copies $1.00 each. Statement on Q uantitative Standards for Two- Year Learning Resources Programs. 1979. D raft available in C&R L News, March 1979. 4p. Single copies free; additional copies $1.00 each. Personnel issues and faculty status Guidelines and Procedures for the Screening and A ppointm ent of Academic L ibrarians. C ò R L News. Seotember 1977. 4n. $1.00. Joint Statement on Faculty Status of College and U n iv ersity L ib ra r ia n s . A CR L /A A U P/A A C . C &R L News, February 1974. Ip. $1.00. Model Statement of Criteria and Procedures for Appointment, Promotion in Academic Rank, and T enure for College and University Librarians. C &R L News, May 1987. 8p. $1.00. Standards for Faculty Status for College and University Librarians. C &R L News, May 1974. 2p. $1.00. Statement on Collective Bargaining. 1975. Ip. $1.00. Statement on the Term inal Professional Degree for Academic Librarians. 1975. Ip. $1.00. Rare books, manuscripts and archives Guidelines for the Security of Rare Book, Manu­ script, and Other Special Collections. 1983. C ò R L News, March 1982. 4p. $1.00. Guidelines on Manuscripts and Archives. Com­ pilatio n of policy statem ents p rep ared by the ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section’s Com­ m ittee on M anuscripts C ollections. C ontains: Statement on Appraisal of Gifts; Statement on Le­ gal Title; Statement on the Reproduction of Manu­ scripts and Archives for Noncommercial Purposes; Statement on the Reproduction of Manuscripts and Archives for Commercial Purposes; and Universal Gift Form and Instructions. 1977. l i p . $1.00. Guidelines on the Selection of General Collec­ tion Materials for Transfer to Special Collections. C &R L News, September 1987. 4p. $1.00. G uidelines R egarding T hefts in L ib raries. C &R L News, March 1988. 4p. $1.00. Joint Statement on Access to Original Research Materials. This supersedes the 1976 ACRL State­ m ent on Access and the 1974 Standards for Access of SAA (A m erican A rc h iv ist, Ja n u a ry 1974). C &R L News, April 1979. 2p. $1.00. Standards for Ethical Conduct for Rare Book, M anuscript, and Special Collections Libraries. RBMS Committee on Developing Guidelines for Professional Ethics. C &R L News, March 1987. 2p. $1.00. ■ ■ February 1989 / 159 How to publish in ACRL: Non-serial publications Are you working on a survey, directory, pam ­ phlet, bibliography, or any other project w ith pub­ lication potential? Then you need to be aw are of the publication procedures for non-serial publica­ tions developed by the ACRL Publications Com­ mittee. If your idea is appropriate for the Publications in Librarianship series, contact the editor, Jonathan A. Lindsey, Coordinator of Library Affairs, Baylor University, Waco, TX 76798. If your idea is appro­ priate for a CLIP Note, contact the chair of the CLS Clip Note Committee, Pamela Snelson, Coor­ dinator of Access Services, Drew University Li­ brary, Madison, NJ 07940. If your idea is more appropriate as an ACRL non-serial p u b lic a tio n , your proposal w ill go through the following steps on the way. Step One. Fill out a “Preliminary Publication Information F orm ,” available from ACRL H ead­ quarters, early in the planning stages of your proj­ ect. This form asks for basic information about the scope and content of the proposed publication and the individual(s) responsible for developing it. Send the com pleted form to Mary Ellen Davis, ACRL’s publications officer, at ACRL H eadquar­ ters. Step Two. The ACRL publications officer re­ views the proposal and offers ALA Publishing Ser­ vices the first chance of accepting the project as an ALA publication. This “right of first refusal” is specified in the operating agreement between ALA and its divisions. Step Three. ACRL’s Publications Subcommittee on Non-Serial Proposals and the ACRL publica­ tions officer review the content and viability of the proposal and make a recommendation as to its fea­ sibility. (In some cases, an outside reader w ith ex­ pertise in the subject area will be asked to review the publication for editorial content. This review will next be considered by the Subcommittee and the publications officer.) The Subcommittee will review a n d ac t u p o n p u b lic a tio n p roposals throughout the year, as well as at ALA annual con­ ferences and m idwinter meetings. Step Four. After reviewing the recommenda­ tions of the Subcommittee (and any outside review­ ers) the ACRL publications officer then accepts, rejects, refers back to ALA Publishing Services, or asks for further development of each proposal from the author or sponsoring body. Step Five. If your proposal is accepted, submit your completed manuscript to ACRL H eadquar­ ters for further review by the Subcommittee and the ACRL publications officer. For further inform ation, contact Mary Ellen Davis, ACRL Publications Officer, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 944-6780, x287. ■ ■ ★ ★ ★ Ne ws from the Field Acquisitions • Southeast Missouri State U niversity, C ape G irardeau, has acquired the largest private collec­ tion in the world of books and manuscripts by au­ thor W illiam Faulkner, valued at $3.5 million. The collection was donated by Louis Daniel “L. D .” Brodsky, a St. Louis poet who collected the m aterial and who will serve as curator, and his fa­ ther, Saul L. Brodsky, a St. Louis businessman. Most notable among the 10,000 items in the collec­ tion are W arner Bros, files and screenplays from Faulkner’s stints as a Hollywood screenwriter in the 1940s, m ore th a n 120 books inscribed by Faulkner, three one-of-a-kind “books” typed and bound by Faulkner, and the 606-page carbon type­ script of “The H am let,” the only Faulkner novel m anuscript not held by an institution. The collec­ tion also includes an assortment of personal letters to, from , and about Faulkner, including previ­ ously unpublished letters by his wife Estelle, his early mentor Phil Stone, and his Random House editor and confidante Saxe Commins. • The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, has acquired the “Lon G. Nungesser Papers: Hope for H um anity” for its Joseph A. Labadie Collection, p art of the University’s D epartm ent of Rare Books and Special Collections. Nungesser, a social psy­ chologist, author, and AIDS victim, donated his papers to the Labadie Collection, one of the largest