ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 1561 C&RL News ■ March 2004 CONFERENCE CIRCUIT ACRL at the Midwinter Meeting Actions of the ACRL Board of Directors, January 2004 Du r i n g t h e 2 0 0 4 ALA M id w in t e r Meeting in San th e go, the ACRL Board o f D irectors m et o n January 11 an d 13 an took the follow ing actions. The actions a p ­ p ear here along w ith the strategic direction dthey address. Strategic Direction 1.0 Society recognizes the contributions that academic and re­ search libraries and librarians make in higher education, scholarly communication, and civic development. A w ards Approved a one-time Award for best practices in marketing by an academic library through the effec­ tive use of the @ your library campaign materials. The award will be funded by Friends of ACRL donations. A pproved a p rop osal to con tin u e th e train the trainer @ your library program started at the ACRL National Conference in Charlotte by sub­ mitting a proposal to the World Book ALA Goal Award. Strategic Direction 2.0 Academic librarians advocate for public policy, legislation, and institutional change that enhance the values and contribution they make to learning, teaching, and research. G overnm ent relatio n s and advocacy C onfirm ed th e electronic ballot approval o f attaching ACRL’s signature to a letter regarding the STM publisher, Bertelsmann Springer. Confirm ed the electronic ballot approval o f WESS’s letter to ABF regarding the USAPAMOT Act. E ndorsed th e EBSS reso lu tio n regarding EMC, which was forwarded to ALA Council for consideration as a resolution of the American Li­ brary Association. (Note: ALA Council passed the resolution.) A pproved th e 2003-04 Legislative Agenda. Strategic Direction 3.0 ACRL is an inclusive organization serving academic librarians and other information professionals in related professions. A pproved a m otion that ACRL support and become a partner in the Knowledge Recruiter pro- gram, a proposal submitted by the University of Arizona to IMLS. Strategic Direction 4.0 Academic and research librarians are continually engaged in learning for their professional development and growth. C onfirm ed the electronic ballot approval o f Slavic and East European Section programs at ALA 2004. C onfirm ed the electronic ballot approval o f changing the dates of the 2009 ACRL National Conference in Seattle. C&RL News ■ M arch 2004 / 15 7 C onfirm ed th e electro n ic b a llo t approval of ACRL’s cosponsorship of the Learning Times Library Online Conference 2003. Approved the RBMS preconference program proposal for 2005. A pproved Austin, Texas, as th e site fo r the proposed 2006 RBMS preconference. Approved the proposed IS preconference for the 2005 ALA Annual Conference. Approved the revised charge and m em ber­ ship of th e ACRL/Harvard Leadership Insti­ tute Advisory Committee. The charge o f the committee is to serve as a resource and advi­ sory group to the ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute. A greed to c o n tin u e to su p p o rt th e WESS E uropean Conference and asked ACRL staff to w ork w ith WESS to reduce th e projected deficit as much as possible. Strategic Direction 5.0 ACRL is a national and international interactive leader in creat­ ing, expanding, and transferring the body of knowledge of academic librarianship. A pp roved “A G uideline for th e S creening and Appointment of Academic Librarians.” A pproved th e creation o f “The Guidelines for Media Resources in Academic Libraries” Re­ view Task Force. The task force will be charged to review and evaluate “The Guidelines for Media Resources in Academic Libraries.” Granted sta ff ap proval to p repare a grant application to IMLS on a Mid-Career Coaching Skills Program. Approved Gillian McCombs as n o m in ee to represent AIA on H A ’s Section of University Librar­ ians. (This name has been forwarded to the ALA Inter­ national Relations Committee for review.) S trategic Direction 6.0 ACRL is an effective and a dynamic organization that continu­ ally enhances its capacity to create its future and assess and improve its performance in carrying out its mission. Approved the Annual Conference 2003 Board meeting minutes. A pp roved th e ANSS bylaw s re v isio n s fo r placement on the Spring 2004 section ballot. A pproved th e AAMES bylaw s revisions for placement on the Spring 2004 section ballot. A pproved th e revised charge to th e Infor­ mation Literacy Advisory Committee. The revised charge of the committee is to monitor develop­ ments in the field of information literacy and work with interested parties to develop appropriate ac­ tivities within the Institute for Information Lit­ eracy, Instruction Section, AASL/ACRL Interdi visional Committee on Information Literacy, and ACRL Board of Directors. Approved $26,000 to $30,000 (best estimate at this time) to hold a Spring Strategic Planning Meeting with Paul Meyer (Tecker Consultants) to further the strategic planning. Established the ACRL Dues Task Force. The task force’s charge is to draft a motion to be voted on by the ACRL B oard at the 2004 Annual Conference that w ould provide ACRL with a dues structure (i.e., specific dollar am ounts) that will increase dues income to the associa­ tion. Approved a m o tio n to file th e Virtual Meet­ ing Task Force Report, thank the task force for its good work, and acknowledge that the Board rec­ ognizes and supports the intents of the report and its recommendations and refers the report to Budget and Finance Committee, Bylaws Com­ mittee, staff, and the task force for them to rec­ om m end to the Board by Annual Conference strategies and mechanisms for the implementa­ tion of virtual meetings.