ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 168 / C&RL News ■ M arch 2004 P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s Ann-Christe Galloway Sheri D ow ner, interim dean of Auburn Uni­ versity Libraries, has been elected chair of the Network of Alabama Academic Libraries (NAAL). NAAL coordinates a statewide program to strengthen and share library resources supporting graduate education and research. P. T oby Graham , director of the Digital Li­ brary o f Georgia (based at the University of Georgia), will receive the 2004 Alabama Au­ thor Award for Nonfiction for A Right to Read: Segregation and Civil Rights in Alabama ’s Public Libraries 1900-1965, the first b ook to exam­ ine public library segregation in the South. The book stems from Graham’s dissertation at the University of Alabama, w hich w on four other awards, including the Association o f Library and Information Science Education’s Eugene Garfield Dissertation Award and the Phyllis Dain Library History Dissertation Award, given by ALA’s Library History Round Table. Graham used pri­ mary source material, including records of public library boards, to examine public library segrega­ tion from its origins in the late 19th century through its end during the 1960s civil rights movement. Prior to Graham’s appointment to the Digital Li­ brary of Georgia in 2003, he was head of special collections at the University of Southern Missis­ sippi. A ndrew K. Pace, head of the North Carolina State University (NCSU) systems department, was recently appointed to the leadership team responsible for the overall planning and coor­ din atio n o f the NISO (National Inform ation Standards Organization) MetaSearch Initiative. The initiative involves database and e-resource content, usability, and metadata concerns. The goal is to enable information seekers to search easily and simultaneously across a large num­ ber of the library e-resources they need and, at the end of the search process, to present them both highly understandable and useful search results. Les Pourcia, reth e d director o f libraries at the University of Memphis, received the first TRACES A w ard fro m UM’s A sso ciatio n o f Ret h e es (UMAR) for a life o f o u tsta n d in g (and continuing) service and scholarship. A p p o i n t m e n t s Judy Consales has been appointed director of UCLA’s Louise Darling Biomedical Library, where she had served as interim director since 2002 and as d ep u ty director since 1999. Her experience in medical libraries spans 27 years and includes work as a hospital medical librar­ ian and a trainer and ac­ count representative for information providers. In addition, Consales headed the reference department J u d y C onsales at the New York Academy of Medicine for four years and has w orked in several capacities for the Pacific Southwest Re­ gional Medical Library at UCLA. She was one of five individuals nationally selected for the National Library o f M edicine/A m erican As­ sociation of Health Sciences Libraries Leader­ ship Fellows Program this year. She is a mem­ b er of the Medical Library Association. A lexandra Bernet has b een appointed project archivist in the Rare Books and Manu­ script Library at Columbia University. Marissa R. C achero is now the reference, instruction, and liaison librarian at the George Mason University-Arlington Campus Library. P a o la C eccarini is now an instruction and reference librarian at George W ashington University’s Gelman Library System. H yeyoon Cho is now a music cataloger li­ brarian at Southern Methodist University’s Cen­ tral University Libraries. Ed. n o te : To ensure th a t y o u r personnel news is considered fo r p u b lic a tio n , w rite to A nn-C hriste Galloway, productio n editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail:; fax: (312) 280-2520. C&RL News ■ M arch 2004 I 169 Debra D enslaw has joined the Indiana Uni­ versity School of Law-Indianapolis as a reference librarian. Susan Foster-Harper is now health sciences reference librarian at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. Harold Gee has been named research librar­ ian for business at the University of Califomia- Irvine. Sylvia Goldberg has been appointed elec­ tronic resources acquisitions librarian at the Uni­ versity of California-Irvine. Katherine Harvey is now cataloging main­ tenance librarian at the University of California- Irvine. Bridget Lerette has been appointed project archivist at Columbia University’s Avery Archi­ tectural and Fine Arts Library. W inifred Fordham Metz has b een ap­ pointed media resources librarian at the Univer­ sity of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Bridget H. Miller has been named head of the serials unit at the George Mason University Libraries. Heija B. Ryoo has been appointed Korean cataloger for the East Asia Library at the Univer­ sity of Washington Libraries. M ichael O. Terry is now the science refer­ ence/liaison librarian at George Mason University’s Fenwick Library. D ongqing Xie has been named digital tech­ nologies librarian at the University of North Caro­ lina-Chapel Hill. A nn Zawistoski has been appointed refer­ ence and instruction librarian at Carleton College in Northfìeld, Minnesota. R e t h e m e n t s Margaret M ooney, government publications departm ent head and coordinator/m anaging ed ito r o f INFOMINE, has reth e d from the University o f California-Riverside (UCR) Li­ braries after 26 years of service. Before joining UCR, she translated ethnomusicology materi­ als from French, Chinese, and Japanese into English at UCLA. Mooney developed a dBase p ro g ram to co n v ert G PO ’s depository item numbers (on index cards) and UCR’s selection to a m achine readable file. In 1992, Mooney created USDOCS, an autom ated docum ents processing program, and later used USDOCS to created UCR’s public access catalog for gov­ ernment information titles. In 1994, she created INFOMINE, a Web-based library of government information sources. Mooney received the ALA Government Documents Round Table Bernadine Abbott Hoduski Founders Award in 2003. Larry R. O b erg, u n iv e rsity lib ra ria n at Willamette University’s Mark O. Hatfield Li­ brary and editor of Moveable Type, has retired after 11 years of service to the university. D e a t h s Mark M. Gormley, 79, former ACRL executive secretary (1961-62), has thed. Gormley was ap­ pointed assistant director of libraries at Colorado A&M (now Colorado State University) from 1956 to 1961. After serving 12 months as ACRL execu­ tive secretary, he was appointed director of li­ braries at the University of Wisconsin-Milwau kee. He later became director of libraries at Wayne State University (1970-71), director of libraries at the University of Missouri-St. Louis (1971- 75), head of the East Cleveland Public Library (1975-76), and Library director of Dyke College (now David Myers College in Cleveland) from 1977 to 1980. He published and consulted exten­ sively, served on numerous ACRL boards and com­ mittees, and was president of the Colorado Li­ brary Association (1959-60). In 1998, Gormley received the Ernest J. Spaights award for distin­ guished service from the University of Wiscon­ sin-Milwaukee. A d v ertiser index ACM 133 American Chemical Society 124 Annual Reviews 145 Association of Research Libraries 170 Chemical Abstracts Service Cover 2 CHOICE 118 EBSCO Cover 3 Optical Society of America 161 Paratext 128 Sage Publications 115 ScienceDirect 129 Swets Information Services 123 Tech Books 159 Thomson Gale Cover 4 University of Memphis Libraries 136