ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Jan u ary 1991 / 45 Letters C op ing w ith a quak e To the Editor: The article “Coping with a quake” (C &RL News, November 1990, 9 2 8 -3 3 ), though generally very instructive, makes one suggestion that is seriously misleading and should be corrected. On page 932, the authors imply that patrons should have been reminded to take belongings with them when evacuating the building. In some dozen years o f disaster planning, every emergency profes­ sional I have dealt with has emphasized that when a situation calls for evacuation, getting out o f the building should be the only focus. In case o f Are or earthquake especially, there is simply no way to tell whether seconds will be critical, and the assump­ tion should always be that they are. (And the few seconds required for each patron quickly add up.) In the case reported, the problem was com­ pounded when staff were allowed to reenter the building to retrieve patrons’ personal belongings. If, as the authors report, the situation was still “potentially dangerous,” no one should have been permitted to go back in until responsible authori­ ties, acting on expert advice, had determined that the building was safe. The inconvenience was no doubt annoying to the patrons involved, but when that is weighed against the potential for serious injury or death there is no question which should prevail.—Jo h n Lancaster, Curator o f Special Col­ lections, Amherst College Library ■ ■ ACRL statem ent addresses academ ic library partnership with federal governm ent A statement on the federal government’s role in the growth and development o f library resources has been released by the Association o f College and Research Libraries (ACRL). Entitled "Academic Libraries: A Source o f Na­ tional Strength”, the statement recommends ac­ tions that will enable academic libraries to reassert their leadership position in the national effort to in crea se p ro d u ctiv ity , expand lite r a c y and strengthen democracy. “This statement addresses issues o f importance to academic libraries— the National Research and Education (N REN ), dissemination of federal in­ formation, preservation— and will orient White House Conference delegates and participants in preconference activities to the challenges facing academic libraries,” said Patricia A. Wand (Ameri­ can University), chair, ACRL Task Force on White House Conference on Library and Information Services. T he task force developed the statement. A limited number o f statement copies are avail­ able from Academic Libraries: A Source o f Na­ tional Strength, ACRL/American Library Associa­ tion, 5 0 E . Huron St., Chicago, I L 60611. T he statement also appears on the September issue o f College & Research Libraries News. H H Academic librarians urged to adopt ALA Code of Ethics A CRL and the ALA Professional Ethics Com­ mittee have joined efforts in urging academic li­ brarians to adopt ALA’s Code o f Ethics. A joint letter from A C R L president Barbara J. Ford and ALA Professional Ethics Committee chair Anne Marie Allison will be published in Col­ lege and Research L ibraries News. The Code o f Ethics states librarians must: “pro­ vide the highest level o f service through appropri­ ate and usefully organized collections, fair and equitable circulation and service poli­ cies, and skillful, accurate, unbiased, and courteous responses to all requests for assistance; resist all efforts by groups or individuals to censor library materials; protect each user’s right to privacy with respect to information sought or received, and materials consulted, borrowed or acquired; adhere to the principle o f due process and equality o f op­ portunity in p eer relationships and personnel actions; distinguish clearly in their actions and statements between their personal philosophies and attitudes and those o f an institution or profes­ sional body; and avoid situations in which personal interest might be served or financial benefits gained at the expense o f library users, colleagues or the employing institution.” ■ ■