ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 125 ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Section Formed In response to increasing interest from mem­ bers of the Association of College and Research Libraries, the ACRL Board of Directors, on January 31, 1977, voted unanimously to estab­ lish a Bibliographic Instruction Section within ACRL. The functions of the newly established sec­ tion are: 1) to develop programs, both at ALA conferences and elsewhere, which meet mem­ bership needs and which explore the scope, nature, and problems of operating bibliographic instruction programs in academic and research libraries; 2) to develop policy statements on bibliographic instruction as part of academic and research library services; 3) to cooperate with and to advise informally Project LOEX, a national clearinghouse on academic biblio­ graphic instruction; 4) to explore methods of evaluating existing bibliographic instruction programs and materials and to suggest and pro­ mote needed research; and 5) to cooperate with the ALA Instruction in the Use of Librar­ ies Committee and other groups in areas of mutual interest. The section will operate with an interim steering committee, appointed by ACRL Presi­ dent Connie R. Dunlap, until section member­ ship can be established formally and elections can be held in 1978. Mimi S. Dudley, reference librarian, University of California, Los An­ geles, will serve as chairperson of the committee. Members include Patricia Breivik, dean of li­ brary services, Sangamon State University, Springfield, Illinois; Sharon Hogan, reference librarian, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Thomas Kirk, science librarian, Earlham Col­ lege, Richmond, Indiana; and Stefania Koren, associate professor and bibliographer, Manhat- tanville College, Purchase, New York. The steering committee will set up the organization­ al framework of the section, will arrange for the election of officers in 1978, and will plan the interim activities of the section. ■■