ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ February 2002 / 131 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg NARA annual conference The National Archives and Records Adminis­ tration (NARA) will hold its 17th annual con­ ference March 21, 2002, at Archives II in Col­ lege Park, M aryland. T he title is Lessons Learned in Emergencies: Not Your Ordinary Disaster Conference, and the agenda prom ­ ises practical, experience-based examples of h ow em ergency situations are h an d led to minimize damage. Presentations will cover fire prevention, new techniques for fire detection and suppression, fire recovery, general recov­ ery techniques, damage mitigation and recov­ ery of magnetic media, recovery of film, re­ covery o f objects, and disaster preparedness training. Registration, including lunch, costs $75. For m ore information, contact Eleanor Torain, conference coordinator (NWT), 8601 Adelphi Road, Room 2807, College Park, MD 20740- 6001; phone: (301) 713-6718; fax: (301) 713- 6653; e-mail:; Web: http://w w w conferen/2002. html. Paper aging research The American Society for Testing and Materi­ als (ASTM) has been conducting research into accelerated aging of printing and writing p a­ pers since 1994. The society tested three meth­ ods— elevated temperature, elevated light flux, an d increased concentration of com mon atmospheric pollutant gas—against natural ag­ ing processes. All three methods w ere found to produce essentially the same chemical and physical changes in paper as natural aging and to be scientifically sound predictors. The tem perature studies w ere conducted at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. and the Canadian Conservation Institute in Ottawa, Ontario. The light aging studies were conducted at the USDA Forest Products Labo­ ratory in Madison, Wisconsin, and at KCL (Oy Keskuslaboratorio-Centrallaboratorium Ab) in Espoo, Finland. The pollutant gas studies were Jane Hedberg is preservation p ro g ra m o ffic e r a t Harvard University Library, e-mail: jane_hedberg@; fax: (617)496-8344 conducted at the Image Perm anence Insti­ tute in Rochester, New York. A report by R. Bruce Arnold describing the research results is available for free at http:// aging-research/. IMLS guide for digital collections The Institute of M useum an d Library Services (IMLS) has issued A Framework o f Guidance fo r Building Good Digital Collections. This report reviews the issues currently affecting the creation of digital collections with lasting value, including usability, accessibility, fitness for use, interoperability, reusability, persis­ tence, verification, docum entation, and intel­ lectual property law. It offers general prin­ ciples that define the idea o f good for digital collections, objects, metadata, and projects. These principles are not prescriptive, but are intended to influence the developm ent of projects submitted to IMLS and other federal agencies for funding consideration. The report is available for free at http :// www. imls .gov/pubs/forumframework. htm. Digital management handbook The British Library has published Preserva­ tion M anagem ent o f Digital Materials: A Handbook by Maggie Jones and Neil Beagrie. This 128-page paperback offers advice and practical tools for the creation, management, and preservation o f digital materials. The au­ thors discuss key issues, plus activities and strategies for sustaining access to these p o ­ tentially transitory documents. The b ook costs $24.95 and is available in North America from the University of Toronto Press, 5201 Dufferin Street, Toronto, Ontario M3H 5T8, Canada; phone: (800) 565-9523; fax: (800) 221-9985; e-mail: utbooks@ utpress.; Web: http://w w w.utppublishing. com. ISBN: 0-7123-0886-5. Special issue of S pectra Spectra, the new sletter o f the Museum Com­ puter Network, has published its special 2000 su m m er/fall issu e ab o u t digital im aging (continued on page 136) http://www.utppublishing 136 / C&RL News ■ February 2002 G r a n t s a n d A c q u i s i t i o n s Ann-Christe Young The University of Florida has received fo u r Library Services a n d T ec h n o lo g y Act (LSTA) grants totally $144,305. The rare b o o k collection received $41,220 to en h an ce its cataloging records in certain subject and chronological areas through 1800 to provide full access. Another grant o f $22,385 funds a n ew Internet virtual reference service and city census data enhancem ents to the docum ents d e p a r tm e n t’s F lorida E lectro n ic F ed eral D e p o s i to r y L ib ra ry W e b s ite ( h t t p : / / w The Florida Center for Library Automation, in partnership with the libraries o f eight state universities of Florida, has received $70,000 o f LSTA funds to catalog all significant special collections in the universities’ libraries. The Smathers Libraries has also b e e n aw arded a $10,700 one-year Northeast Florida Library Information Network grant for the retrospective co p y cataloging of 20th century titles in the Baldwin Library of Historical American and English Literature. New York University (NYU) has received a $732,000 grant from the Mellon F oundation for a program in Moving Image Archiving Preservation. The program is a joint project of the NYU Libraries and the D epartm ent of Cinema Studies at the Tisch School of the Arts an d supports the developm ent o f a m odel p ro g ram ad d ressin g th e p reserv atio n of cultural, artistic, an d historical docum entation o n film, videotape, and n ew moving-image media. This project will build o n an d support th e Tisch School’s n ew m aster’s d eg ree program in moving image archiving and preservation. The grant will su p p o rt the appointm ent o f a moving image preservation specialist on the Tisch faculty w ho will also w ork with the libraries to develop an ongoing program o f preservation to examine, reform at (if necessary), appropriately house, and m ake accessible materials in the moving-image collections. E d . n o t e : Send y o u r news to : Grants & Acquisitions, C&RL News, 5 0 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-m ail: ayoung@ Cornell University has received a grant of $1.56 million for its Digital Library Research G ro u p to d e v e lo p th e co re in fra stru ctu re fo r th e N ational S cience D igital Library, an o n lin e reso u rc e th a t w ill m ak e h ig h -q u ality so u rc e m aterials in sc ien c e av ailab le to stu d en ts from k in d erg arten th ro u g h college. T he so ftw are will pu ll to g e th e r in fo rm atio n from h u n d re d s o f so u rce s in a w id e ran g e o f form ats a n d m ak e it accessib le to e n d u se rs via th e W eb. A c q u i s i t i o n s Emory University has acquired the Mod­ ern Poetry Library o f the late J. M. Edelstein. Edelstein (1924-1996), a bibliographer, b ook collector, and scholar, served as distinguished bibliographer in residence at the Jo h n Carter Brow n Library at Brow n University, assistant director at the Getty C enter for the History of Art an d th e H um anities, an d chief librar­ ian at the N ational Gallery o f Art in Wash­ ington, D.C. T he collection contains more th an 2,000 volum es, including a n u m b er of fine press w orks an d oth er rare editions, and is m ost notable for the extensive n u m b er of w orks by p o e t Wallace Stevens. ■ ( “Preservation News” continued fro m page 131) online. The articles include “Digital Imaging: the New Photographic Research Tool,” “Build­ ing a Digital A rchive,” “W hat are Digital Archive Managers?,” “Light Exposure to Sen­ sitive Artworks During Digital P hotography,” “Conservation Issues in Digital Im aging,” “A Holistic A pproach to Digital Assets M anage­ m ent,” “Practical A pproach to Color M anage­ m ent,” “Do You See W hat I See?,” “Issues in Digital Archiving,” and “Content B ased Im­ age Retrieval.” The issue is available as a free PDF dow n­ load at http://w w w .m . ■