ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries shall cause his reproduction to be of a quality satisfactory to the institution from which he has borrowed the originals, and, if published on microfilm, shall meet the minimum standards for microfilming es­ tablished by the Library of Congress. If the reproduction is published in book form, the publisher must use permanent paper (as defined by the Barrow Labora­ tories, Richmond, Virginia). d. The Original. (1 ) The publisher will not permit original manuscripts or other ar­ chival materials to suffer physical damage while in his care. Should damage occur, all repairs are to be made by qualified conservators in accordance with guide­ lines established by the owning institu­ tion and at the expense of the publisher. (2 ) If the archival or manuscript materi­ als are damaged beyond repair, the pub­ lisher must reimburse the owning institu­ tion at the value set by an independent appraiser who is jointly selected and therefore satisfactory to both the publish­ er and the owning institution. e. Reproduction. The owning institution shall specify when the reproductions are to be made and the conditions under which they will be made. f. Royalties. The owning institution shall receive from the publisher (1 ) an agreed royalty which has been established in ad­ vance by legal contract and (2 ) a suffi­ cient number of copies of the publisher’s reproduction for the institution’s internal use. g. Restrictions. The publisher must respect any restrictions placed upon reproduc­ tions or copies of original manuscripts or archival materials furnished to him. 4. a. Both the owning institution and the pub­ lisher must inform purchasers of repro­ ductions that permission to make exten­ sive direct quotations or to print any re­ production in full must be obtained from the owning institution. Every reproduc­ tion must bear a clear statement to this effect. b. Manuscripts must not be published with­ out due regard for common law rights, literary rights, property rights, and libel laws. ■ ■ ACRL Membership January 31, 1973 ............................... 12,472 January 31, 1974 ............................... 13,722 January 31, 1975 ............................... 13,660 CLR Board Elected Page Ackerman, librarian of the Uni­ versity of California at Los Angeles, Ruth Davis, director of the National Bureau of Standards’ Center of Computer Sci­ ence and Technology, W arren J. Haas, librarian and vice-president of Columbia University, and Maximilian W. Kempner, member of the New York law firm of Webster Sheffield Fleischmann Hitch­ cock & Brookfield, have been elected to the board of directors of the Council on Library Resources, Inc. ( C L R ). Classified A dvertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ra n k " and "status" are advised tha t these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. A ll advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the ap plicant with an indication of the salary the institution is w illin g to provide for the position offered.. A ll advertisements for the. Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be e d ­ ited to exclude dire ct o r indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the A dvertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding p u b li­ cation of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held fo r the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk of copy error, w ill be accepted. Calls should be directed to Leona Swiech at (312) 944-6780. A confirming order should be mailed to the A dvertising Department as soon as pos­ sible following the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate fo r classified advertising is $1.30 per printed line. POSITIONS WANTED MLS plus MA and postgraduate B.Ed. Five years' teach­ ing plus I*/2 years' college public services, 2'/2 special administration, 5 university technical services. Regular or special assignment. Full resume available; can relocate. W rite Box Number 847. POSITIONS OPEN A cq u isitio n s HEAD OF ACQUISITIONS. ALA-accredited MLS, proven administrative a b ility , substantial experience in acqui­ sitions work, interest in developing automated acqui­ sitions program. Faculty status, not professional title ; e lig ib le for tenure. Mandatory state retirement plan; TIAA optional. Sick leave benefits; 20 days annual 97 vacation. Salary: $16,000-$18,000. Available: July I, 1975. Inquire: Mr. Robert Gibbs, Chairman, Acquisitions Librarian Search Committee, Ralph Brown Draughon Library, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama 36830. An equal opportunity employer. Administration DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT. Re­ sponsible for acquiring and organizing library materials with specific emphasis on agriculture and related sub­ jects. Formulates, develops and implements programs and plans in area of responsibility consonant with the overall programs and policies of the National A g ri­ cultural Library and the Department of Agriculture. Participates in the development and activation of NAL approved national and international cooperative indexing and cataloging programs. Must have experience, and knowledge of various automated input and output cataloging and information retrieval systems such as OCLC, MEDLINE, Lockheed's DIALOG Retrieval Service. Must have several years of demonstrated administrative and line experience in managing a staff responsible for acquisitions, cataloging and indexing. Must have an MLS or equivalent college education, training a n d /o r ex­ perience providing a knowledge of theories, etc. of pro­ fessional librarianship and literature resources. GS-I4I0-I5, Minimum Salary $29,818. Send C ivil Service Standard Form 171 to: Mrs. Darlene Fowler, USDA, ARS, Personnel Div., Federal Building, Room 568, Hyattsville, MD 20782. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES for the University of Missouri- St. Louis, a public urban university (enrollment 12,000) offering undergraduate and graduate programs. Responsi­ ble fo r overseeing all aspects of operation of 350,000 volume library with 35 full-tim e employees. MLS and substantial library and administrative experience re­ quired. Subject master's or doctorate preferred. Knowl­ edge of library administration, evidence of professional activity, a b ility to work well with people required. Salary and benefits: $25,000—$30,000, 4 weeks vacation, and other fringe benefits. Starting date Sept. I, 1975. Quali­ fying candidates should send resume and supporting documents to Dean Blanche Touhill, Associate Dean of Faculties, University of Missouri-St. Louis, 8001 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63121. An equal op portunity/ affirmative action employer. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN. Urban institution with 6 schools and approximately 19,000 students, offering undergraduate and graduate degree programs invites applications for University Librarian. Candidates should hold graduate degree in librarianship from ALA-accredi†ed library school and doctorate in academic field or at least a 2nd master's in an academic field. A t least 5 yrs. progressively responsible administrative experience in an academic or research library of substantial size and experience in financial budgeting and long-range planning are important qualifications. Experience in both technical and public service areas of library work, including fam iliarity with automated systems, is also advantageous. Salary: $29,000- $32,000. A pply: Dr. Eli A. Zubay, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Georgia State Univ., University Plaza, Atlanta, GA 30303. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. LIBRARIAN. A vacancy as Assistant University Librarian, Collections, U. of C. Santa Barbara, w ill exist upon re­ tirement of Martha H. Peterson, June 30, 1975. Know­ ledgeable and creative leadership in maintenance of collections, with additions of about 70,000 volumes per year, is being sought. Experience in collections develop­ ment in academic institutions, administrative capacity, demonstrated a b ility to work well with staff, book trade representatives, faculty and general patrons; broad and thorough understanding of publishing, the book trade, libraries and their materials; and university scholarship are necessary attributes. Minimum educational require­ ment is graduation from an accredited postgraduate school of librarianship. Additional education may have contributed to desired breadth and depth of scholar­ ship. The successful candidate for this position probably w ill have had a decade of appropriate professional experience. Salary range, prior to pending range adjust­ ments is $I8,000-$30,400. Librarians at Santa Barbara have been organizing themselves collegially, and a task force report on the relationship of collegiality to this position is under discussion. W rite to Donald C. David­ son, University Librarian, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. ASSISTANT TO LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Assist Director in personnel management, budget preparation and control, perform administrative and cost studies. Qualifications include MLS with experience a n d /o r training in library management and library automation desirable. Salary: $10,000-$14,000 depending on qualifications and experience. Send resume to : David A. Kronick, Ph.D., Library Director, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX 78284. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR for Pittsburgh Regional Library Center, a consortium of 35 academic, public and special libraries. Responsible for planning and administering all Center programs for cooperative development including participation in Ohio College Library Center. Q u a lifi­ cations are MLS from accredited library school, 4 years' experience in library administration, knowledge of machine data bases, experience in proposal writing and fund raising, a b ility to deal with people. Position open now. Minimum salary $15,000 and negotiable. 12 month appointment, good fringe benefits. Send resume to: Mrs. Glenora E. Rossell, Chairman, Search Committee, 271 Hillman Library, U. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. An equal opportunity employer. LIBRARIAN. Department Head responsible for adminis­ tration of J. Henry Meyer Memorial Library for services to undergraduate student population, including book selection and public service. Requires evidence of knowl­ edge of and concern for undergraduate studies; ex­ perience in one or more public service departments; knowledge of book selection principles and practices 98 with regard to undergraduate collections; evidence of administrative a b ility in providing effective relations with and service to faculty and students. MLS or equiva­ lent training plus 8 years' professional experience; work of relevant nature outside field of librarianship may be used in partial fulfillm e nt of this requirement. Salary $ 15,000—$20,000. Send resume to: Lawrence Leonard, Search Officer, Room 106-A, Stanford University Li­ braries, Stanford, CA 94305. An equal o p p o rtu n ity / affirm ative action employer. Cataloging ASSISTANT CATALOGER. University of Wisconsin, W hite- water, to begin Sept. 2, 1975, preference w ill be given to experience in print and non-print materials. Familiarity with LC and AACR and knowledge of French and German. A nticipate participation in OCLC Sept. 75. Some reclassification. Require ALA-accredited MLS. Faculty rank and status. 9 month contract, university retirement system. Group insurance, sick leave, social security. Minimum salary $10,000. Submit resume and placement credentials by May 15, 1975 to Virginia Love­ ring, Chairperson of Search and Screen Committee, Uni­ versity of Wisconsin Whitewater, Learning Resources Center, Whitewater, W l 53190. An equal o p portunity/ affirm ative action employer. Women and members of minority groups encouraged to reply. CATALOGER. A vailable immediately. New community college seeks cataloger with cataloging experience at the community college level. Responsible fo r cataloging book and nonbook resources for a multicampus insti­ tution. Proficiency in DDC and LC subject headings re­ quired. MLS desirable. Salary: $9,500-$10,500. Reply with resume to: Pat Campbell, Personnel Dept., Metropolitan Technical Community College, 13202 " I " Street, Omaha, NE 63187. HEAD CATALOGER. Minimum 5 yrs experience in Technical Services in acad. libs. Responsible fo r cat. 26,000 vols. yearly and conversion of 300,000 vols. from DDC to LC. Staff of 17. Req: MLS and subj M A or equiv. Sal. $14,664—. Position open 7/1/75. Contact F. A. Schneider, San Francisco State Unîv., 1630 Holloway, S.F., CA 94132. An affirm ative action employer. CATALOGING DEPARTMENT HEAD. Adm inistration of department in close cooperation with heads of A cqui­ sitions and Serials. Full time staff of II and 10 FTE student assistants processing about 30,000 volumes per year. Challenging problems and new developments con­ trib ute to a fluid and interesting situation. Excellent working conditions in modern building. Salary for 9 month-year (mid-August to mid-May) $14,500 or more depending on qualifications. Full faculty privileges, rank dependent on academic qualifications. Excellent fringe benefits, TIAA-CREF, and professional travel op por­ tunities. Requirements: MLS accredited library school; 5 years progressive experience in academic library; and administrative ab ility. Send resume to: Elizabeth Myers, Chairman, Committee on Faculty Selection, Central Michigan University Library, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48859. An equal op portunity/a ffirm a tive action employer. HEAD MONOGRAPH CATALOGING DIVISION. Supervise units responsible for descriptive cataloging of mono­ graphs in English and Western European languages, and pre-order and pre-cataloging searching. Several years professional experience in descriptive cataloging in large academic library, knowledge of several European lan­ guages and supervisory a b ility required. Salary $15,800— $19,000. W rite: Mrs. Lynn Marko, Assistant fo r Personnel and Staff Development, U. of Michigan Library, Ann A rbor, Ml 48104. N on-discrimina†ory/affirmative action employer. CATALOGER. University Health Sciences Library. Col­ lection classified NLM since I960, divided catalog using MeSH. Adequate clerical support. Require MLS bio­ logical sciences background and 2 years professional ex­ perience. Fam iliarity with OCLC and other computer applications desirable. Salary: $10,000 up depending on qualifications. 12-mo. contract; faculty rank and good fringe. Send resume to : Priscilla M. Mayden, Director, Eccles Medical Sciences Library, Univ. of Utah, Salt- Lake City, UT 84112. An equal opportunity employer. CATALOGER. Requires ALA-accredited MLS, including cataloging-classification courses; background or interest in music, architecture, and fine arts. Experience and working knowledge French and German desirable. Faculty status, not professional title ; e lig ib le for tenure. State retirement plan mandatory; TIAA optional; sick leave; 20 days vacation. Salary: approx. $11,000. Position avail­ able July I, 1975. Inquire to: Miss Minnie W all, C hair­ man, Cataloger Search Committee, Ralph Brown Draughon Library, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama 36830. An equal opportunity employer. CATALOGER. Professional cataloger to handle original cataloging of monographs in the sciences. W ork assign­ ment consists of pure and applied sciences, with em­ phasis on geology and electrical engineering. Other related activities may be assigned such as revising of filin g and involvement with our reclassification program. Knowledge of non-book cataloging also desirable. Person fillin g this position w ill be accorded faculty status with 12-mon†h contract. Preference given to candidates with Master's in science field as well as required MLS from ALA-accredited library school with course in advanced cataloging. Working knowledge of at least two foreign languages desirable; German, French, Spanish preferred. Professional librarians earn 24 working days vacation, plus 12 days sick leave, standard package of legal holidays and other fringe benefits, such as optional TIAA retirement. Salary: $9,300 minimum, dependent on experience and a b ility to assume administrative re­ sponsibilities of senior cataloger. Deadline A p ril 15, 1975. Send resume to : James N. Myers, Assistant Librarian for Technical Services. Univ. of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. An equal opportunity employer. CATALOGER. O riginal cataloging. Editing of cataloging prepared by others. Supervision and training of support staff. Desired qualifications: MLS. Knowledge of foreign 99 languages. Additional desirable qualifications: back­ ground in social sciences; ab ility to supervise. Experience desirable but not essential. Salary: $9,000+ depending on qualifications. Faculty status and responsibilities; 22 working days annual vacation; Group Insurance; TIAA- CREF Retirement. Date of vacancy: July I, 1975 or before. Apply with resume to: Personnel Officer, Purdue Univ. Libraries, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Deadline A p ril 20, 1975. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. CATALOGER. O riginal cataloging. Editing of cataloging prepared by others. Supervision and training of support staff. Desired qualifications: Bachelor's degree majoring in Sciences or Engineering, MLS. Additional desirable qualifications: Knowledge of Russian and ability to supervise. Experience desirable but not essential. Salary $9,000 or more depending on qualifications. Faculty status and responsibilities; 22 working days annual va­ cation. Group insurance; TIAA-CREF Retirement. Date of vacancy: July I, 1975. Apply with resume to: Personnel Officer, Purdue Univ. Libraries, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Deadline A p ril 20, 1975. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. Multiple HEAD OF ACQUISITIONS-BIBLIOGRAPHY: Responsible for directing the selection and ordering of material for library's monographic collection; supervise a staff of eight; three years related experience required; additional graduate work beyond MLS and knowledge of library data processing techniques are desirable; minimum $890 per month. ASSISTANT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN: Provide general reference service for students and faculty; as­ sist with library orientation program and interlibrary loan activity; minimum $860 per month. ASSISTANT PERIODICAL LIBRARIAN: Provide public service in­ struction in use of periodicals for students and faculty; aid with supervision of student assistants; minimum $860 per month. A ll positions require MLS from ALA-ac- credited school; positions carry faculty rank and status. Request application from: Assistant Director of Libraries; Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL 61455. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. Gain the experience other libraries require. Two more junior professional positions with specific assignment to PUBLIC or TECHNICAL SERVICES upon employment. Seeking language capabilities, agriculture, a n d /o r engi­ neering. Library is OCLC operational through AMIGOS. Temporary positions for at least two years, possibly longer, without tenure accrual. A ll other perquisites identical to those for academic. $9,240 for 12-mo. year beginning July I, 1975. Provide full resume in initial contact and request career information folders be forwarded to James Dyke, Director of Library, Box 3475, New Mexico State Univ., Las Cruces, NM 88003. A ppoint­ ments w ill not be made if positions not approved by State Legislature. An equal opportunity/affirm ative ac­ tion employer. ACQUISITION LIBRARIAN and SERIALS/GOVT. DOCU­ MENTS LIBRARIAN. Two positions: Small city of 12,000. High quality liberal arts college library of 190,000 volumes and 1,200 periodical titles. Requires MLS accredited library school. No experience necessary, but w ill be given consideration. Faculty status with 9 month contracts. Sum­ mer work available. Usual fringe benefits o f an academic institution. Minimum salary $8,800 for academic . year. Position open Fall 1975. Contact Miss Marian Bishop, Stockwell Memorial Library, Albion College, Albion, Ml 49224. Public Services ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR PUBLIC SERVICES. Shares responsibility for libraries-wide planning and policy and program development with other University Libraries administrative officers. Develops and implements public service policies and programs and coordinates system- wide public services activities. Represents University Libraries on all public service matters. Reviews and monitors public services budget. The University at Buffalo is the largest in the SUNY system. The libraries serve student body of over 25,000 and faculty of 1,600; support­ ing 55 Ph.D. programs and a broad range of professional schools, including Health Sciences and Law. Q ualifi­ cations: Required—MLS and 3 to 5 years' public service experience in large academic setting. Desirable—ad­ ditional graduate degree, research interests, and p u b li­ cations. Rank: Librarian or Associate Librarian. Salary: $20,000 range commensurate with qualifications. Send resume to: Dr. Arthur Cole, Libraries Personnel Officer, State University of New York at Buffalo, 308 Lockwood Memorial Library, 3435 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14214. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. Reference REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. General reference. MLS re­ quired. Experience or subject background in other discipline (e.g., business administration or a behavioral science) highly desirable. 12-mon†h contract, with initial appointment at Instructor or Assistant Professor. Salary $ 10,400—$ 12,800 range. Closing date for app. May I, 1975. Send resume to: Donald H. Burrier, Personnel O fficer/B udget Officer, University Libraries, Kent State Univ., Kent, OH 44244. An equal opportunity employer. EDUCATION REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Instructor responsi­ ble for the directing and development of a budding Curriculum Materials Center. Share general library reference duties. MLS and 2nd Master's in Education. Proven administrative ab ility and academic library ex­ perience. Salary: $13,500. Excellent fringe benefits. Send resume to: Gladys W. Jarrett, Acting Chief Librarian, York College, CUNY, 150-14 Jamaica Ave., Jamaica, NY 11432. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. ASSISTANT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Mini mum of MLS from ALA-accredited library school. Some special or advanced preparation in outside subject area(s) pre­ ferred. Under direction of Library Services Reference Librarian, performs professional library duties in pro­ viding reference information services to students, faculty and staff. Applies professional library techniques and procedures in the performance of his/her reference duties. Salary w ill be based upon the Institutional Support Personnel Salary schedule. Starting range be­ tween $10,727-$11,226. Position w ill be filled by July I, 1975. Send vitae to: PIMA County Community College District, P.O. Box 48, 2202 W . Anklam Rd., Tucson, AZ 85709. An equal opportunity employer. HEAD REFERENCE SERVICES; Key position in university health science library for qualified biomedical librarian with minimum five years experience, including reference, supervision and MEDLINE. Responsibilities: administration of active department with one professional, one assistant, adequate clerical support. Salary: $12,500 up for 12- month contract, faculty rank, good fringe. Send resume: Priscilla M. Mayden, Director, Eccles Medical Sciences Library, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112. An equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE/GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS LIBRARIAN. Responsible for government publications reference and research service, as well as some general reference work. W ill direct and supervise technical processing of U.S. and UN documents, including reclassification of US publications to SuDocs. MLS from accredited school, at least 3 years experience with government materials. Faculty status. Salary: from $10,000 depending on quali­ fications. Unique region, delightful climate. Send resume with 3 references to Ms. Dorothy Webb Trester, Chair­ man Search Committee, General Library, Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131. An equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. Serials HEAD SERIALS LIBRARIAN: Perform function of acqui­ sition and cataloging of all serials in University Library system, including check-in and processing of current 100 periodicals. Approx. 30,000 titles currently received. Serials budget for 74/75 fiscal year approx. $600,000, ex­ cluding binding. Person selected will be responsible for supervision of 3 professional librarians, 9 career staff members as well as student assistants. Must have MLS from ALA-accredited library school, absolute minimum 2 years experience in Technical Services (preferably Serials) at large academic library. Supervisory experi­ ence or potential essential. Minimum salary: $13,000. Professional librarians earn 24 days vacation each year + 12 days sick leave, standard package of academic holi­ days and fringe benefits. Deadline A pril 15, 1975. Position available September I, 1975. Send resume to: James N. Myers, Assistant Librarian for Technical Ser­ vices, Univ. of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. An equal opportunity employer. HEAD OF SERIALS CATALOGING. This section is re­ sponsible for classifying and processing all serial ma­ terials in both English and foreign languages for Lock- wood Library and related units. All official records for serials cataloging are created, and official statistics of holdings are maintained by this list. Qualifications: Candi­ dates should have MLS ALA-accredited school. Serials cataloging experience is required. A t least three to five years experience in a large research library is desirable. Demonstrated knowledge of AACR and LC cataloging is necessary. Salary range: $14,000-$16,000. Inquiries may be sent to: Dr. Arthur Cole, Libraries Personnel Officer, SUNY, Buffalo, 308 Lockwood Memorial Library, Buffalo, New York 14214. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. SERIALS CATALOGER. Under direction of the head of Catalog Department, the Serials Cataloger is responsible for serials catalog section which creates and maintains automated serials catalog. Desired Qualifications: A graduate degree in Librarianship. Plus ab ility to super­ vise. Previous experience with serials, data processing, foreign language skills and background in science or engineering advantageous. Salary: $9,000+ depending on qualifications. Faculty status and responsibilities, 22 working days annual vacation, group insurance, TIAA- CREF Retirement. Apply with resume to: Personnel O ffi­ cer, Purdue Univ. Libraries, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Deadline A pril 20, 1975. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Subject Specialists LIBRARIAN RARE BOOK COLLECTIONS. Duties involve collection development, preservation and services. Pro­ fessional experience in rare book collection essential. History of Science background desirable. Salary. $15,481+. Send apps to Room 1471, Arts & Industries Bldg., Smith­ sonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560. An equal op­ portunity employer. RARE BOOK CATALOGER. Duties include identification and full cataloging of rare books. Professional experience in rare book work and cataloging essential. Working knowledge of Latin and one or more modern languages desirable. Salary: $15,481. Send apps to Room 1471, Arts and Industries Bldg., Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560. An equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. Teach in three areas: I. History of Books, Printing and Libraries; 2. Bibliography; and 3. Nonprint Media and Services. Ph.D. or candidacy, plus library experience, also teaching preferred. Salary: $13,000 minimum. Begin September 16, 1975. Send resume to: E. W. McDiarmid, Search Committee, Library School, 419 Walter Library, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. First responsibility to integrate 6 separate department collections into new Science Center Library scheduled for completion about June I, 1975. Requirements: Professional Master's degree; educational background in any of sciences, at least at undergraduate level; experience in academic science library sufficient to have given acquaintance with wide variety of materials; organizational and administrative ability. Salary: $12,000. Usual benefits include TIAA, Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Posi­ tion open July I, 1975. Apply: Miss Helen M. Brown, Li­ brarian, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA 02181. ASSISTANT KRANNERT LIBRARIAN (Management, Eco­ nomics and Agricultural Economics). Duties include book selection, collection development, catalog maintenance, etc., as well as reference service and bibliographic as­ sistance to users. Qualifications: Graduate degree in li­ brarianship; strong interest in subjects covered by the library management an d/or economics highly desirable. Faculty status and responsibilities. 12-month appoint­ ment. Salary up to $13,000 depending on qualifications. Send resume of qualifications and experience to Person­ nel Officer, Purdue Univ. Libraries, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Deadline A p ril 15, 1975. An equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. Technical Services ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES. Re­ sponsible for administration of technical services including acquisitions, serials control, and cataloging. Qualifica­ tions include MLS plus experience in technical service, personnel administration, fiscal management and library automation. Salary: $12,000—$18,000 depending on qu alifi­ cations and experience. Send resume to: David A. Kronick, Ph.D., Library Director, University of Texas Health Sci­ ence Center, San Antonio, TX 78284. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Small liberal arts college; responsible for acquisitions, cataloging and serials. Salary $9,000 per annum. Experience in technical services. Send resume to: Librarian, Barat College Li­ brary, Lake Forest, IL 60045. An equal op portunity/affir­ mative action employer. 101 Now, only $345 gives you access to twenty billion dollars worth of U. S. Government Scientific and Technical research. Government Reports Annual Index, 1974 Edition Five indexes and six hard-cover volumes cover the 60,000 new technical reports produced from government sponsored re­ search. The National Technical Information Services Annual Index includes a Subject Index (2 volumes); Corporate Author Index; Personal Author Index; Accession/Report Number Index; Contract Number Index. This first Annual Index to be published in hardcover provides a merged and corrected index to all gov­ ernment reports in the NTIS collection published during the year. March, 1975 $345.00 Government Reports Announcements and Index Clear, concise abstracts of government reports, published bi­ weekly, in a specially designed paper cover format for librarians and information specialists.They’re arranged in 22 subject fields, further divided into 178 subgroups. Entries list authors, subjects, contract numbers and Accession/Report numbers; also types of reproduction and prices. Cross-referenced, with each citation listed eleven times. Annual subscription, $125.00 ■ 1974 Announcements still available $70.00 ■ 1975 Announcements and Indexes available only as a set $125.00 Introducing the first multidisciplinary guide to review articles INDEX TO SCIENTIFIC REVIEWS N ow you can easily retrieve review a rti­ retrieve more recent articles through citation cles on any subject in science. The In d ex relationships. to S c ie n tific Reviews ( I S R '“) w ill index H ig h ly C u r r e n tth e m each year— over 1 6 ,0 0 0 review s The ISR indexes the review literature on a selected from m ore than 2 ,7 0 0 o f the calendar year basis. A soft-bound semi-annual m o s t im p o r t a n t jo u r n a ls p u b lis h e d issue (covering January to June) will be avail­throughout the world. able each September, and a hard-bound an ­ B r o a d C o v e r a g e nual cumulation will appear the following April. Over 100 disciplines in every area of science are So you can find new articles while they re still covered: new. Agricultural, Biological A n d In e x p e n s iv e and Environmental Sciences A year’s subscription to the ISR costs only Engineering and Technology $250. You get a lot of information—and easy Medical and Life Sciences access to it—for your money. Physical and Chemical Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences W h a t’s I n I t F o r Y o u ? The ISR could be the most welcome addition to So you won’t have to go through separate ref­ erences to locate review articles for subjects in your library you’ll make all year. There just isn’t any other reference tool that indexes so many any of these areas. With one index—the ISR —you can cross disciplinary boundaries and review articles so effectively. Once you have it, retrieve these key articles no matter where they you’ll use it over and over again to find those were published in the literature. The ISR will one or two key articles you need to start you off even cover the literature published in quarterly on a really thorough search. And what better and annual “review” publications (eg., Annual way to find those summary-type articles for Review o f Biochemistry). students, researchers, and educators in need of quick reviews of subjects unfamiliar to them? E ffe c tiv e ly In d e x e d The Index to Scientific Reviews is organized to F o r M o r e In f o r m a t io n A b o u t give you easy yet precise access to the review T h e I S R . . . articles you need. You can search by authors, The first IS R annual c u m u latio n (cover­ title words, word phrases, and organizations. In ing the 1 9 7 4 lite ra tu re ) w ill be o ut soon, addition the ISR includes a citation index that so get th e fu ll story on the In d e x to S c ie n ­ permits you to start a search with previously tific Reviews now. Just fill in th e coupon, published material relevant to a subject and and m a il it today. NOW IN PRINT! BONWELL Charles C BONWELL Charles C, Dept of Hist, National Southeast Mo St Coll, Cape Girardeau Mo 63701 BO NW ICH W illiam T, Dept of Mktg, St Faculty Louis Univ, St Louis Mo 63103 B O N W IT Marianne, Dept of German, Univ of Cal, Berkeley Cal 94720 Directory B O N W ITT Kenneth L, Dept of Libr Sei, Miami-Dade JrC oll, 11380 NW 27th Ave, Miami Fla 33167 BONY Jean V, Dept of Hist of Art, Univ of Cal, Berkeley Cal 94720 BONYHARD Janet F, Dept of Phil, Mary Wash Coll, Fredericksburg Va 22401 BONYUN David A, Dept of Computer An Alp 7’ habetica 5 l List, with Addresses, o f about 435,000 Sei, Acadia Univ, Wolfville, N S Canada Members of Teaching Faculties at Junior Colleges, D0640 Colleges, and Universities in the United States and at BONZELAAR Helen, Dept of Art, Calvin Selected Canadian Institutions. Fifth Edition. Two Volumes. Coll, E Belt Line M37, Grand Rapids Mich 49506 2,327 pages. L.C. No. 76-114404. ISBN 0-8103-0652-2. BONZELET Joseph T, Dept of Law $85.00/set. Enforcement, Coll of the Mainland, 8001 Palmer Hwy, Tex City Tex 77590 The National Faculty Directory is the standard reference for BONZYK Edmund, Dept of Phys Ed, identifying and locating members of teaching faculties at Thornton Comm Coll, South Holland III 60473 U.S. and selected Canadian institutions of higher educa­ BOO M ary Richard, Dept of English, tion. NFD-1975 is a thoroughly updated work: over Coll of St Scholastica, Duluth Minn 110,000 changes have been made in existing listings and 5581 1 about 35,000 names have been added. Each entry gives BOO M atilde L, Dept of Modern Lang, Univ of Miss, Univ Miss 38677 name, department, institution, and complete mailing BOO Sung Lai, Dept of Soc Work, address. Catholic Univ of America, Wash D C 20017 BOO W illiam O J, Dept of Chem, Univ of REVIEW ERS' C O M M E N T S Miss, Univ Miss 38677 ON PREVIOUS E D IT IO N S . . . BOODEN Theodore, Dept of Microbiol, CHOICE: "Clearly, this compilation is one of the most Chicago Med Sch, 2020 W Ogden Ave, important reference works now available to the higher Chicago III 60612 BOODEY C Webster, Dept of Poli Sei, education academic community . . . An essential acquisition Fashion Inst of Tech, 227 W 27th St, for all academic libraries.” New York NY 10001 BOODLEY James’W , Dept of Hort, AMERICAN REFERENCE BOOKS ANNUAL: "The Cornell Univ, Ithaca N Y 14850 currency of information in the present edition is con­ BOODNICK Allan, Dept of Fine Arts- Comm, Cerritos Coll, 11110 E Alondra, siderably better than are most mailing lists distributed by Norwalk Cal 90650 some publishers and special mailing houses." BOODY Charles George, Dept of Mus, Austin Coll, Sherman Tex 75090 HIGHER EDUCATION BOOK REVIEW : "The National BOOE Luetta Navada, Dept of Nursing, Univ of N C, Wilmington N C 28401 Faculty Directory is a thorough and comprehensive BOOHAR Richard K, Dept of Zool, Univ volume and an invaluable source material for personnel in of Nebr, Lincoln Nebr 68508 the academic community and otherwise. A 'must' reference BOOHER Delbert, Dept of Reproductive aid in any administrative-academic office." Biol, Case Western Reserve Univ, Cleveland Ohio 44106 "This should prove to be a widely BOOHER Edith Rapp, Dept of Ed, SCIENCE BOOKS: Elizabethtown Coll, Elizabethtown Pa used reference in colleges, universities, public libraries, 17022 educational and professional organizations, etc. . . . BOOHER Edwin R, Dept of English, Highly recommended." Lincoln Land Comm Coll, Springfield III 62703 Dept of Religious Order now to receive NFD-1975 on free 30-day approval. BOOHER Harold H, Lit, Episcopal Theol Sem, Box 2247, Receive future editions as published by placing a time Austin Tex 78767 saving standing order. ___ BOOHER James M, Dept of Health & Phys Ed, S D St Univ, Brookings S D 57006 BOOHER Jerry G, Dept of Computer GALE RESEARCH CO. Technol, Scottsdale Comm Coll, Box Y, Book Tower • Detroit, Michigan 48226 Scottsdale Ariz 85252