ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 8 0 /C& RL N e w s ■ Jun e 2001 In t h e News Who belongs to ACRL? Why do they join? What interests and challenges them? What ac­ tivities do they look to ACRL to provide? In the ACRL membership survey, given in the fall 2000, the majority of members said they joined ACRL because o f its academic focus. Other important reasons for joining were ACRL’s advocacy for the profession, to have access to ACRL publications, to have contact with other librarians, and for ACRL’s professional development activities. To indulge in a bit o f bragging here, 92.7% of the respondents indicated they regularly read C&RL News and 90.3% regularly read its sister publication College & R esearch L ibrar­ ies. Selected comments included: “C&RL News is one of the greatest and most useful ben­ efits of ACRL membership . . . ” So I hope you will continue reading C&RL News and C&RL, and let us know what kind of information you need to continue to feel as this respondent does that, “. . . these two journals always have articles I found useful.” Check out the rest o f the results o f ACRL’s 2000 membership survey on page 623. While you are thinking about ACRL, be sure to review the election results (page 630). Con­ gratulations to ACRL’s new Vice-President/ President-Elect Helen H. Spalding, to new Board members Pamela Snelson and Patricia Kreitz, ACRL’s new Councilor Pat Wand, as well as to all of the other ACRL section officers! Also in this issue is the final report on ACRL’s Denver conference (page 585), so you can find out about sessions you may have missed. You can also order an audiotape for most sessions (page 588) and/or the proceed­ ings (page 594). Web broadcasts o f selected session are also available. Details are on the Web at — Mary Ellen K. Davis E ditor-in-chief,