ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 652 / C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2003 SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION An update on the BioOne electronic publishing initiative by H eather Joseph and A d ria n W. A lexander I n April 2001, a unique coalition o f aca­dem ic librarians and scientific societies launched a new electronic journal aggrega­ tion, B io O n e .1 It took two full years o f col­ la b o ra tio n , c o m m o n p u rp o se , an d hard w ork to m ake B io O n e a real product with high-quality scholarly content, an outstand­ ing tech nical platform, and hundreds o f in­ stitutional subscribers. Tw o years and a few months after the launch, it’s w orth a look back to see how far w e ’ve com e and how w e got here. D e v e lo p m e n t an d o rg a n iz a tio n B io O n e represents the collective effort and financial com m itm ent o f five founding or­ ganizations: • T he A m erican Institute o f B iological Scien ces (AIBS), com prised o f 88 m em ber societies and related organizations;2 • SPARC, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, with over 200 m em ber libraries and affiliated organizations around the w orld;3 • Allen Press, a com m ercial p roducer o f over 300 print and electronic scholarly jour­ nals;'* • T he University o f Kansas, a com pre­ hensive public university that has assumed a national leadership role in scholarly com ­ m unication issues over the past five years;5 • T he G reater W estern Library Allianc a consortium o f 30 research libraries in the w estern h alf o f the United States.6 Tw o years before the launch, these or­ ganizations saw an opportunity to address two critical need s in the scholarly com m u­ nication process: an academ y-based alter­ native for the electronic publishing o f jou r­ nals by scholarly societies that lacked the financial and tech nical resources to b eco m e electro n ic pu blishers, and the continuing n eed for academ ic libraries to acquire high- quality scientific literature at a m ore rea­ son able cost. Involving a group o f societies such as those represented by AIBS provided an opportunity to create an aggregation o f scholarly electronic journals that w ere simi­ lar in su bject content. O ver the follow ing m onths, con sensu s for building the database was developed in the library com munity, through SPARC, and in th e s o c i e t y p u b lis h in g c o m m u n ity , through AIBS and Allen Press. A “working group” o f key personnel from the five found­ ing organizations was form ed to begin writ­ ing a business plan for the enterprise, and a nonbinding m em orandum o f understand­ ing was signed by the founding organiza­ tions in Ju n e 1999- B io O n e was in corp o ­ e, About th e authors Heather Joseph is president o f BioOne, Inc., e-mail: heather@ esuhbou, and Adrian W. Alexander is executive director o f the Greater Western Library Alliance, e-mail: © 2003 Heather Joseph, Adrian W. Alexander Two years after the launch C&RL News ■ N o v e m b e r 2003 / 653 rated in Washington, D.C., in August of that year. A board of directors was elected, with each founding organization holding two voting seats on the board. In August 2000, the BioO ne Board of Directors hired Heather Joseph as president and chief operating officer. She came to BioOne with extensive experience in schol­ arly publishing and, currently, also serves as president-elect o f the Society for Schol­ arly Publishing. Joseph is the only full-time paid staff member at BioOne, so the enter­ prise is highly dependent on its founding organizations for operational support. For example: • The main office of BioOne, Inc., is at the SPARC headquarters in Washington, D.C. Office and fiscal support services are pro­ vided by SPARC and its parent organiza­ tion, the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), and one of SPARC’s business con­ sultants, Howard Goldstein, has provided invaluable business development support to the project since its inception. • Allen Press is B ioO n e’s “production shop,” where articles are SGML-encoded, linked, and indexed. • The University o f Kansas hosts the BioOne database on one o f its servers in Law rence, Kansas, in order to provide Internet 2 access to the journals. B io O n e also outsources its sales and marketing operations to two other organi­ zations. Amigos Library Services,7 based in Dallas, Texas, represents the company in the United States and Canada. Elsewhere in the world, BioOne is now represented by Cambridge Scientific Abstracts.8 A d v is o ry groups BioO ne’s management and strategic direc­ tion is supported by three important advi­ sory groups: publisher, library, and techni­ cal. The publisher advisory group helps in identifying and recruiting appropriate pri­ mary journal content for the BioOne data­ base, recommending appropriate linking ar­ rangements (betw een B ioO ne and other journal collections, citation resolvers, A&I services, and other related resources such as taxonom ic databases), recommending participation in digital preservation projects, and recommending mechanisms that pro­ vide the appropriate level of access restric­ tion for material contained in the BioOne database. BioOne draws on the expertise of the technical advisory group to ensure that it continues to conform to industry standards in all areas. This group also provides ad­ vice on key issues, such as architecture and new system developments, linking mecha­ nisms between citations of digital works and the works them selves, standards, digital archiving, access management, discovery and retrieval (including metadata), and tech­ nical and other issues associated with help­ ing users gain authorized access to net­ worked information, such as identification, authentication, and authorization issues. The library advisory board makes rec­ ommendations on pricing issues, such as balancing adequate revenue for the pub­ lishers and continued system development with reasonable pricing for libraries, licens­ ing terms and conditions, interface devel­ opment to better present content to end users, and ways to improve existing func­ tionality and develop additional functional­ ity to best meet end-user needs. Business m o d e l BioOne’s greatest challenge in its initial plan­ ning stages was how to acquire over $1 mil­ lion in development funds. Grant funding was sought and both cash and in-kind con­ tributions were pledged by the founding or­ ganizations, as w ell as other interested groups. Ten provosts from universities in the Big 12 Athletic Conference, for example, contributed $50,000 from their own bud­ gets. It is important to note that the largest amount of cash support, by far, came from the academic library community and, more specifically, from the SPARC membership. In the fall o f 1999, SPARC launched a solicitation effort among its 180 member li­ braries, asking them to contribute between $1,000 and $5,000 each in charter support (based on materials budget size), and an optional $5,000 in sponsor support from funding alread y earm arked to support SPARC initiatives. In return, these libraries would receive discounts on their BioOne subscriptions for each of the first five years o f participation. At launch, 127 libraries had provided financial support totaling over $750,000. 654 / C&RL News ■ N o ve m b e r 2003 BioO ne’s business model was developed with the aim o f building and maintaining a cooperative operating and financial struc­ ture that would simultaneously meet the needs of noncommercial scholarly publish­ ers, libraries, and the scientists and students who create and use the scholarly informa­ tion published in its journals. To accomplish that goal, the business model had to be highly cost-effective and sustainable. It also had to be priced at a point that would be attractive to libraries, but w hich would also provide scholarly societies with adequate revenue. The work­ ing group determined early on that a criti­ cal mass of at least 30 journals would be necessary to provide enough value to the market to generate sufficient revenue to sustain and expand the enterprise. When the product was launched in April 2001, it included 40 scholarly journals in whole-or- ganism biology, ecology, and environmen­ tal sciences. From the outset, the BioOne founding partners agreed that as much revenue as possible from subscription sales should go directly to the societies that had chosen to publish electronically through us. Since the first day o f paid access, one half o f gross subscription revenue has gone directly to the publishers at the end of each subscrip­ tion year. The amount each publisher re­ ceives is based on a formula that takes into account the number of pages each title has in the database and how many hits the title received during the previous subscription year. In 2002, the average journal received just over $8,500 in revenue from sales through the BioOne database, which was equiva­ lent to 52 subscriptions o f the print version o f the average BioOne journal. The highest paid journal in 2002 received just over $35,000 from BioOne. C u rre n t sta tu s When BioOne ended its second full sub­ scrip tion y ear on March 31, 2003, the BioOne founding partners could be proud o f what they had accomplished only four years after their initial discussions. The da­ tabase now contains 68 scholarly journals and one electronic book published by 56 scientific societies and other related orga­ nizations. Over 400 libraries around the world (mostly at colleges and universities) provide BioOne access to over 3.5 million scholars, students, researchers, and other practitioners. New developments at BioOne include the hosting of a small group of Open Access journals, such as the University o f Arizona’s J o u r n a l o f I n s e c t S c ie n c e . B io O n e also works with PubMed Central to create com­ patible files for publishers who request this service and delivers them directly to that organization’s database for free access. As a scholarly publishing innovator, BioOne is committed to keeping abreast of emerging trends in scholarly communica­ tion and to collaborating with new partners when that cooperation can further BioO ne’s mission. In the summer of 2003, BioOne began participating in the World Health Organi­ zation’s HINARI program, which provides institutions in less-developed countries with free access to BioOne. As o f July 1, 2003, 481 institutions in 52 countries had access to BioOne via this program. F u tu re ch alleng es B ioO ne’s central aim has always been to establish a robust, reliable source for cost- effective electronic access to the full text of primary journals. Established jointly by the library and publishing communities, BioOne set out to support noncommercial publish­ ers who lacked sufficient resources to make the leap to online publishing and to sup­ port their transition from print-based to elec­ tronic publishing. This directly served the library community’s interest by preserving its ability to continue to provide high-qual- ity scientific literature at a reasonable cost. All of BioO ne’s partners agreed that other options available at the time— remaining pa- per-based and facing slow but inevitable irrelevance or the sale/license of content to commercial publishers and facing inevitable large increases in subscription costs— were unacceptable. By launching on schedule and with the content prom ised to library supporters, BioOne rapidly moved beyond being per­ ceived by the scholarly community (librar­ ians and publishers alike) as an experimen­ tal, potentially risky endeavor to being re­ C&RL News ■ N o v e m b e r 2003 / 655 garded as a sound alternative for publish­ ers in need o f an online platform and as a primary source of journal access for librar­ ians. This rapid acceptance resulted in some interesting implications for BioOne, some intended and some not. Rapid acceptance allowed new sales and renewals to proceed apace, and also allowed content recruitment to quickly becom e a fairly routine proce­ dure, proceeding at a faster pace than ini­ tially expected. However, as librarians have come to accept that BioOne will provide reliable and ongoing access to electronic journals, they are much more comfortable with dropping corresponding print subscrip­ tions to the journals contained in the data­ base. BioOne publishers had initially seen only a small number o f cancellations of their print subscriptions after the database be­ came operational. Two years later, however, they began to hear from more and more libraries that their print journals were being cancelled in favor of electronic access via the BioOne database. In fact, 75 percent of ARL members indicated in a May 2003 sur­ vey that they intend to cut print subscrip­ tions in cases where they hold both print and electronic versions of a journal. One o f the consequences o f growing from 40 titles in 2001 to 68 titles currently is that the revenue-sharing “pie” (which has not grown nearly as rapidly) must be cut into considerably more slices in order to pay more content providers. Therefore, rev­ enue per publisher is declining simultaneous to publishers learning that cancellations of Statement of ownership and management College & Research Libraries N ew s is p ub lished 11 times a year (m onthly, com bining July/August) by the Am erican Library A sso ciation , 5 0 E. Huron St., Chi­ cag o , IL 6 0 6 11 . Am erican Library Association, ow ner; Steph anie O rphan, editor. Secon d -class po stage paid at Chicago, Illinois. Printed in th e U.S.A. As a nonprofit organization authorized to m ail at special rates (DMM Section 423 .1 2 ), the purposes, function, and nonprofit status o f this organization and th e ex em p t status for fed eral in co m e tax p u rp o ses, have n ot ch an g ed dur­ ing th e p reced in g 12 m onths. E x ten t and nature o f c ircu la tio n . ( “A v e r­ a g e ” figures d e n o te th e n um ber o f c o p ie s printed each issue during th e p reced in g tw elve m onths; “Ac­ tu al” figures d e n o te th e n u m b er o f co p ies o f single issues published nearest to filing d ate.) Total n u m b e r o f copies (n e t press ru n ): Average, 1 3 , l 6 l ; Actual, print subscriptions are increasing. Thus far those cancellations have not come anywhere close to offsetting the additional revenue publishers have realized from the BioOne database, but the growing concern about this trend among BioOne publishers is palpable. BioOne’s new challenge is to find a way to make the switch from providing our par­ ticipating societies with incremental income to providing them with some level of re­ placement income from print cuts in order for these societies to keep publishing their content. This challenge represents a shift in BioO ne’s mission and business model, and is the single largest challenge in defining how BioOne will move forward as a col­ laborative enterprise. BioOne is working ac­ tively with its publishing partners to help them meet this challenge. Most significantly, SPARC has commissioned an in-depth eco­ nomic review of the financial models of a representative cross-section of the publish­ ers participating in BioOne. Notes 1. BioOne, Inc., 2. The American Institute of Biological Sciences, 3. Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, 4. Allen Press, 5. University of Kansas, 6. The Greater Western Library Alliance, 7. Amigos library Services, 8. C am brid ge S c ie n tific A b stracts, ■ 13,2 3 1 . Total p a id /r e q u e s te d subscriptions: Average, 12,623; Actual, 12,728. Sales through dealers a n d carri­ ers, street vendors, c o u n te r sales, a n d o th e r non-USPS p a id d istrib u tio n : n ot ap p licab le. O ther classes m a ile d th ro u g h th e USPS: n o t ap p licab le. Total p a i d a n d /o r requested circulation: A verage, 12,623; Actual, 12,728. Free d istrib u tio n by m ail: Average, 73; Actual, 93- Free d istrib u tio n o u tsid e th e m ail: Average, 0; Actual, 0. Total f r e e d istrib u tio n : Average, 73; Actual, 93. Total d istrib u tio n : Average, 12,6 9 6 ; Actual, 12,8 2 1 . Copies n o t d istrib u ted : O ffice use, leftov er, spoiled : Average, 46 5 ; Actual, 410. Total (s u m o f p rev io u s entries): Aver­ ag e, 1 3 ,l 6 l ; Actual, 13,231. P e rce n t p a i d a n d /o r re­ q u ested circu la tio n : A verage, 99.43% ; Actual, 99.28% . Statement o f ow n ersh ip, managem ent, and circulation (PS Form 3 526, O c to b e r 1 9 9 9 ) fo r 2003 filed with th e United States Postal Serv ice, Postm aster in C hicago, Illin ois, O c to b e r 14, 2003.