ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 215 Classified Advertising Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month pre­ ceding publication of the issue. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the ninth of the month (by telephone only). Contact: Riley Tate, Administrative Secretary, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. Rates: Classified advertisements are $2.25 per line for ACRL members, $2.80 for others. Late job notices are $7.00 per line for members, $8.50 per line for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be comfirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. Guidelines: Advertisers placing job announcem ents m ust list closing dates for application no sooner than the last day of the month in which the notice appears. All job announcements must in clu de a salary range. Job announcem ents w ill be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institu­ tions. AVAILABLE SOFT-CORE PORNOGRAPHY COLLECTION. Eastern New Mexico University has a small collection of soft-core pornography available for trade or purchase. The collection consists of approximately 900 paperbacks and 4 0 magazine issues, published between 1948 and 1970. Fabian novels, nightstand books, and midnight readers are included. A list is available upon request. If interested, write to Special Collections, Golden Library, Eastern New-Mexico University, Portales, New Mexico 88130. FOR SALE MARV BROADBENT, Box 6, Beltsville, MD 20705. Government publications. Standing, subscription, single, or search orders. No. prepayment. No foreign surcharge. (301) 937-8846 CHINA-JAPAN. Major private quality collection— reasonable. All topics. Write M. Frazin, Box 110, Farmington, CT 06032. Inquiries invited. CONTEMPORARY CHINA. Serials FBIS P.R. o f China and Asia and P acific 1 9 6 8 -7 9 . Reasonable. Write M. Frazin, Box 110, Far­ mington, CT 06032. Inquiries invited. FOREIGN MICROFORMS. Any foreign microform from anywhere in the world at the foreign list price. Free searching. Monographs and serials. IMDS, 1995 Broadway, NY, NY 10023, (212) 873-2100. SEARCH SERVICE. Ex-librarians locate titles or subject, plus 1 50 ,0 0 0 indexed stock. PAB 2 91 7 A tla n tic, A tla n tic City, NJ 08401. Phone 609/344-1943. POSITIONS OPEN ASSISTANT ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Temporary position for period of September 1980 through June 1981. ALA-accredited MLS. Closing: August 15, 1980. Salary $ 1 1 ,0 0 0-$1 2,0 00 (fiscal year). Send résumé, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and three letters of reference to: Don Craig, University Librarian, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN 37132. MTSU is an equ al o p p o rtu n ity /a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n e m p lo ye r. Women and minorities are encouraged to identify themselves for the university’s affirmative action statistical reports. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR HEALTH SCIENCE. The University of Minnesota, Duluth, Library & Learning Resources Service is seeking an Assistant Director to head the Health Science Reference and Collection Development Division. Performs and oversees reference services, MEDLINE and other data base searches, collection de­ velopment through exchanges and grant-seeking, interlibrary loan and consortium activities and representation. ALA-accredited de­ gree with courses in medical librarianship plus three years of pro­ fessional experience. Twelve-month academic staff appointment. Salary $ 18 ,0 0 0 plus adm inistrative augmentation. Résumé and three references by 1 August, 1980, to Library Director, University o f M innesota, D u lu th , M innesota 5 5 8 1 2 . Equal O pp o rtu n ity / Affirmative Action Employer. ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES FOR PERSON­ NEL. Administers the personnel program of the Libraries in ac­ cordance with the University policies for a staff of 246 plus 400 student assistants. Assists in the development and interpretation of library policies and procedures. Recruits applicants for librarian po­ sitions; supervises staff of the personnel office in the hiring of sup­ port staff and student assistants; maintains required personnel rec­ ords and files; coordinates staff developm ent and training pro­ grams. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree; ability to plan and adm inister personnel services in a large library system; knowl­ edge of the principles of personnel administration; empathetic to the diverse needs of staff in a large academic library and able to work cooperatively w ith officials at all levels in the University. Minim um salary: $21,000 per year. Submit résumé and names of three references by July 31, 1980 to Maureen S. Schechter, Per­ sonnel Librarian, University of Maryland Libraries, College Park, Maryland 20742. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES. The Univer­ sity of Michigan. Under the general direction of the Director, Uni­ versity Library, is responsible for the administration, planning, and policy direction of Technical Services of the University Library with its major functional units of acquisitions, cataloging, serials, auto­ mated bibliographic catalog control and maintenance, and area programs. The University of Michigan is a member of the Research Libraries Group and is in the process of implementing RLIN biblio­ graphic system. Significant participation in overall library planning and policymaking also expected. Salary: $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 + . Qualifications: MLS; progressively responsible experience in library management w ith emphasis on te ch n ical services operations w ith in a large academic library; demonstrated leadership ability with strong em­ phasis on interpersonal skills; demonstrated ability in both oral and written communication; background in automated systems as they pertain to technical services is important. Write: Lynn Marko, Assis­ tant for Personnel and Staff Development, The University of Michi­ gan Library, 8 18 Hatcher Library, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109. The Uni­ versity of Michigan is a nondiscriminatory, affirmative action em­ ployer. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR, HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARY. The Health Sciences Library at East Carolina University is seeking a dynamic individual to serve as Associate Director. The Health Sci­ ences Library serves a rapidly expanding School of Medicine as well as a School of Allied Health and a School of Nursing. The As­ sociate Director has primary responsibility for supervising the day- ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN — SERIALS CATALOGER U niversity of Florida Catalogs serials originally or with copy in all sub­ jects and languages. Upgrade serial records in OCLC data base with CONSER authorization. Requires ALA-accredited MLS; cataloging experience with OCLC in a research library desirable; reading knowl­ edge of one modern European language. Salary: $ 10 ,5 0 0 -$ 1 7 ,0 0 0 with Florida State Retirement, Social Security, Blue Cross/Blue Shield Group Plan, 22 days vacation, Faculty Status. Please send com­ plete resumes with names of three references and salary requirements by August 1, 1980 to: Mr. Robert L. Willits Assistant Director, Personnel Relations Second Floor HUB University of Florida Gainesville, Florida 32611 The University o f Florida com plies with Section 5 0 3 o f the R ehabilitation A ct o f 1 9 7 3 and Section 4 0 2 o f the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment A ct o f 1 97 4. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER 216 to-day operation of the library, assisting the Director in budget for­ mulation and control, participating in the development and mainte­ nance of the library's long-range plan, and directing the selection, training, and evaluation of support staff. Qualifications: Master’s de­ gree in library science from an ALA-accredited program and an earned doctorate; at least two years of experience in health sci­ ences librarianship and at least two years of administrative experi­ ence; a record of scholarly/intellectual/creative activities; and the ability to work harmoniously and to communicate effectively with others. Salary range: $26,000-$30,000. Position available Septem­ ber 1, 1980. Application, résumé, references (2), and transcripts must be received by July 30, 1980. Contact: Jo Ann Bell, Ph.D., Director, Health Sciences Library, East Carolina University, Green­ ville, NC 27834. East Carolina University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. AV/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Responsible to Coordinator of Li­ brary AV Services for providing reference services in all media, print and nonprint. Master’s degree from ALA-accredited school. Formal courses in nonprint equipment or experience with equip­ ment is necessary. Salary: minim um of $12,000. Position available on or before September 1. Excellent fringe benefits. Send résumé, three references, and salary requirements to Sister Franz Lang, O.P., Barry College Library, Miami, Florida 33161. An Equal Oppor­ tunity, Affirmative Action Employer. CATALOGER. Central Technical Services Catalog Division, Univer­ sity of Minnesota, Minneapolis. This cataloging position is one of 17 professional positions in the Catalog Division. This is a staff position and reports through the Head of the Monographic Coordinate to the Head of the Catalog Division. Responsibilities include descrip­ tive and subject cataloging of monographs; original and LC catalog­ ing of a substantial amount of Chinese titles, some Japanese titles, and English and Western European languages as appropriate to language qualifications; editing of data base records; revising LC copy cataloging; and, general divisional duties such as advising on local cataloging policy, catalog maintenance, and some supervision of paraprofessional and clerical staff. Qualifications include an ac­ credited MLS degree or its equivalent in training and experience; cataloging experience using LC classification and subject headings and AACR, preferably in an academic or research library; ability to read and write Chinese with ease; working knowledge of Japanese desirable; good communication skills in English; and, fam iliarity with data base form ats and DDC desirable. The position is a professional/academic one with all perquisites of academic staff personnel. Minim um starting salary for the position is $18,192 for twelve months. The position is available immediately. Closing date for receipt of application is August 15, 1980. The University of Minnesota is committed to a policy that all employees shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, creed, color, sex, national origin, or handicap. Send all applications with detailed résumé and names of three references to Clarence Carter, Personnel Officer, 499 Wilson Library, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. CATALOGER. To perform original cataloging of monographs, se­ rials, and nonprint materials with major responsibility for OCLC cataloging, catalog maintenance, and the supervision of 5.5 FTE clerical assistants. Qualifications: M.L.S.; familiarity with French or Spanish desirable. Two years’ OCLC cataloging as a professional li­ b ra ria n ; su p e rviso ry and o rg a n iz a tio n a l c a p a b ilitie s . Salary: $ 1 3 ,50 0-$ 15,500, TIAA/CREF and usual fringe benefits; 12-month trustee appointment. Closing date: August 1, 1980. Send résumé and names of three references to Willis E. Bridegam, Librarian, Amherst College Library, Amherst, MA 01002. AA/EOE, M/F/H. CATALOGER/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Responsible to Head of Technical Services for cataloging of print and nonprint materials. Assist with general reference services. Master’s degree from ALA- accredited school. Knowledge of LC classification, AACR 2, and OCLC necessary. Salary: minim um of $11,500. Position available on or before September 1. Excellent fringe benefits. Send résumé, three references, and salary requirements to Sister Franz Lang, O.P., Barry College Library, Miami, Florida 33161. An Equal Oppor­ tunity, Affirmative Action Employer. COLLEGE LIBRARIAN. MLS required plus 5 years' experience at supervisory level. Salary $14,000/year. Send résumé to Academic Dean, Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic, Spartanburg, SC 29304 by July 30, 1980. Equal opportunity/affirmative action em­ ployer. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY. Senior-level college and graduate School for International Training. Responsible for management of small but rapidly growing specialized library, and for all technical services. Staff includes experienced Public Services/Reference Librarian and work-study student assistants. Qualifications should include ALA- accredited MLS and experience demonstrating successful supervi­ sory responsibility, ability to develop budgets and maintain financial control, and ability to work with staff and with students from many countries. Desirable: familiarity with one or more foreign languages and with international education; commitm ent to experiential edu­ 217 cation; g rant-w riting experience. R ecruitm ent range $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 to $18,000. Position available September 1. AA/EEO employer. Send résumé and references to Personnel Director, School for Interna­ tional Training, Brattleboro, Vermont 05301, by July 31. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY TECHNICAL SERVICES. Under the gen­ eral direction of the Dean of Library Services, responsible for the overall administration, planning, and coordination of technical ser­ vices, which consists of the Acquisitions and Catalog Departments and the Operations Unit, has 10 professional and 23 full-tim e sup­ port staff members, and a materials budget of nearly $600,000. ALA-accredited MLS required. Six years progressively responsible professional experience in medium-to-large academic or research library required, with 3 years as head of acquisitions or cataloging desirable, as well as experience in p u b lic services. Thorough knowledge of cataloging and acquisitions procedures, demonstrated leadership ability w ith strong em phasis on interpersonal skills, demonstrated ability in both oral and written communication re­ quired. Experience with OCLC and automated library systems de­ sirable. M inim um salary $23,000. Generous fringe benefits. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Send letter of appli­ cation with résumé and names and telephone numbers of 3 refer­ ences to Sally Gale, Chairperson, Search Committee, Cunningham Memorial Library, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 47809. Application must be postmarked on or before July 28, 1980, to in­ sure consideration. HEAD COLLEGE LIBRARIAN. Julia Rogers Library of Goucher Col­ lege. Library has 212 ,00 0 volumes, currently receives over 8 00 pe­ riodicals, and is a U.S. Government depository. Thirteen FTE staff members, 4.5 professionals, including head librarian, over 30 stu­ d ent assistants. Librarian directs all activities and ensures the smooth functioning of the library. Responsibilities include managing the library resources, including audiovisual services; developing budgets and maintaining financial control; selecting, supervising, and evaluating library personnel; supervising the selection of ap­ propriate library materials; maintaining liaison with faculty, students, and administrative staff. Applicants should be sympathetic to the programs and goals of a liberal arts college for women. Qualifica­ tions: MSL/MLA degree from ALA-accredited school; experience in both technical and public service aspects of college libraries with demonstrated successful administrative experience and responsibil­ ity; knowledge of national trends in planning, automation, networks and resource sharing. The librarian reports to the academic dean of the college, holds faculty status, is a member of the faculty and college assembly. TIAA-CREF, health insurance. Salary competitive and negotiable. Minim um $22,000. Appointment to begin February 1, 1981. Apply by September 10 to Dean James Billet, Goucher College, Towson, Maryland 21204. An equal opportunity, affirma­ tive action employer. HEAD OF BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES DIVISION. Has overall re­ sponsibility for bibliographic searching, OCLC operations and origi­ nal cataloging, serials cataloging, catalog maintenance, and plan­ ning for additional catalog automation. The Division is comprised of 3 professionals, 5 full-tim e support staff, and student assistants. Further duties in clu de participation in budget preparation and cam pus and university-system library planning. Requirements: MLS; minim um 5 years' professional experience in an academic or research library, including significant cataloging and administrative experience: knowledge of OCLC and/or other automated cataloging systems, LC classification, and AACR 2. Second subject master’s and facility in one or more foreign languages desirable. Minim um salary: $17,500. Twelve-month contract with 24 days' vacation and usual fringe benefits. Position available September 1, 1980. Submit résumé and names of 3 references by July 31, 1980 to: Virginia Workman, University of Missouri-St. Louis Libraries, 8001 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63121. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. HEAD, PRESERVATION. Responsible for continued development and coordination of the Libraries' preservation program with bibliog­ raphers and department librarians. Initiate, plan, advise on, and help im plement policies, standards, systems and procedures relat­ ing to the preservation of library materials; administer Binding, Ma­ terials Processing, Reprography and Preservation Records units. Professional and supervisory staff of 5; supporting staff o f 17. ALA-accredited MLS required. Other requirements are adm inistra­ tive ability and ability to develop, organize and im plem ent pro­ grams, standards and services, as demonstrated through previous relevant experience; familiarity with technical processing in a large academic or research library, including preservation and reprog­ raphy work. Librarian II: $ 18 ,500-$22,200; Librarian III: $ 2 0 ,5 0 0 - $27,700. Submit résumé listing 3 references and salary require­ ments by July 31 to: Box 35, Butler Library, Columbia University, 5 3 5 West 1 14 th Stree t, New York, NY 1 0 0 2 7 . An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. LIBRARIAN. Sydney University (Australia). Applications are invited for the position of Librarian of the University of Sydney, following the appointm ent of the University Librarian (M r. H. Bryan) as Director-General of the National Library of Australia. The University Librarian is responsible for the administration of the central (Fisher) RUSSIAN AND SLAVIC CATALOGER University of Florida Catalog monographs in Cyrillic and Eastern Euro­ pean languages originally or with copy. Some catalog­ ing in English and other languages in either the hu­ manities or social sciences. Requires ALA-accredited MLS; minimum of three years experience (for appoint­ ment at Assistant level) to five years (for appointment at Associate level) in a research library; experience with OCLC and LC classification; reading knowledge of Rus­ sian and preferably one other Eastern European Slavic language. Position available September 1, 1980. Sal­ ary: At the Assistant level to $ 1 7,0 00 or Associate level to $ 2 0 ,5 0 0 depending upon experience with excellent fringe benefits, including Florida State Retirement, Social Security, Blue Cross/Blue Shield Group Plan, 22 days vacation, Faculty status. Send complete re­ sume with names of five references and salary require­ ments by August 29, 1980 to: Mr. Robert L. Willits Assistant Director, Personnel Relations Second Floor HUB University of Florida Gainesville, Florida 32611 The University o f Florida com plies w ith Section 5 0 3 o f the Rehabilitation A ct o f 1 9 7 3 and Section 4 0 2 o f the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment A ct o f 1 97 4. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY/ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER 218 Library and the 16 branch libraries. Further particulars may be ob­ tained from the Registrar, University of Sydney, N.S.W. 2006, to whom applications in writing, including the names of three refer­ ences, should be forwarded no later than 31 July, 1980. LIBRARIAN, APPLIED LIFE STUDIES. A permanent position, open October 1, 1980. Responsible, under the direction of the Di­ rector of Public Services, for the administration and operation of the Applied Life Studies Library. This individual works closely with the students and faculty of the College of Applied Life Studies and Department of Dance in collection development and the develop­ ment and provision of reference, research, and instructional ser­ vices. Selects, trains, and supervises student and clerical staff. The library houses approximately 18,500 books, 200 periodical titles, 300 other serials, vertical files, microforms, and other library mate­ rials in its reading collections in the fields of health, physical educa­ tion, safety, recreation, rehabilitation, sports medicine, and dance. Research collections in these areas are located in the central bookstacks. The Applied Life Studies Library is one of 3 5 de­ partmental libraries within the Public Services Department of the University of Illinois Library. Master’s degree in library science or its equivalent required. Minim um of three years' successful profes­ sional public service experience in an academic, research, or spe­ cial library required, with preference given to background or ex­ perience in recreation, dance, physical education, or heatlh. Ser­ vice orientation, understanding of research library activities and procedures and demonstrated administrative ability required. Evi­ dence of research orientation and the ability to engage in scholarly activity required. Librarians have faculty rank. Minim um Assistant Professor rank with salary ranging from $15,000-upward depend­ ing on qualifications and scholarly credentials. Librarians must meet general university requirements for promotion and tenure (re­ search, publication, and university/community/professional service) in addition to perform ing specific library assignment. Send com­ plete résumé with names and addresses of 5 references to Thomas M. Gaughan, Acting Personnel Librarian, University of Illinois Li­ brary at Urbana-Champaign, 415 Library, Urbana, IL 61801. Phone (2 17) 333-8 16 9 . For m axim um consideration, applications and nominations should be received no later than August 15, 1980. The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action/fiqual Opportunity Employer. LIBRARIAN/INSTRUCTOR: EDUCATION SUBJECT SPECIALIST. Duties: responsible for coordination and participation in on-going bibliographic instruction program with the College of Education; work with faculty in providing S.D.I., current awareness, and auto­ mated information retrieval services in education data bases; as­ sumes responsibility in collection development via standard selec­ tion procedures and in evaluation and monitoring the approval plan profile in education; Information/Reference Desk responsibilities, including some evenings and weekends. Qualifications: Ph.D. in education and MLS from ALA-accredited school preferred. Subject M.A. and MLS will be considered. Academic library experience and teaching skills important. Faculty status; 12-month contract; salary $16,000 range. Position available July 1, 1980. Before July 30th send résumé and names of references to Kathleen Voigt, Search Committee Secretary, Carlson Library, the University of Toledo, 2801 W. Bancroft Street, Toledo, Ohio 43606. The University of To­ ledo is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. REFERENCE LIB R A R IA N /C O M PU TER ASSISTED B IB L IO ­ GRAPHIC SERVICES COORDINATOR. I. D. Weeks Library, Univer­ sity of South Dakota, 12-month, faculty rank, tenure-track position. Position available September 1, 1980. Duties include: general ref­ erence service including some evening and weekend work, coordi­ nation of on-line bibliographic search services and interlibrary loan. Participation in bibliographic instruction and orientation program. ALA-accredited MLS m inim um qualification, 2nd master’s p re­ ferred. 1 -2 years’ experience in reference and computer-assisted bibliographic searching required with knowledge and experience in OCLC interlibrary loan subsystem desirable. Experience in biblio­ graphic instruction helpful. Salary $15,000 minim um. Send appli­ cation, résumé, and 3 current references to Bob Carmack, Dean, Library Services, I. D. Weeks Library, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD 57069. Closing date August 15, 1980. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. REFERENCE SERVICES COORDINATOR. Coordinates the de velopment and im plementation of reference services policies and procedures tor the Public Services Division, including the main li­ brary and six branch libraries. Administers the reference units in the main Library including Reference, Government/Documents, Interlibrary Loan— Outgoing, and Periodicals/Microforms. Super­ vises a staff o f 2 6 FTE, in clu din g 14 librarians. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree, five years of appropriate and pro­ gressively responsible experience in an academic library, at least two of which have been in a supervisory position. Experience in academ ic library reference services essential. M inim um salary: $24,000 per year. Submit résumé and names of three references by July 31, 1980, to Maureen S. Schechter, Personnel Librarian, University of Maryland Libraries, College Park, Maryland 20742. SERIALS LIBRARIAN. University of Cincinnati. Responsible to the Head, Acquisitions Department, for the acquisition of all serial ma­ terial for the Central Library and 8 college and departmental librar­ ies. Includes searching, invoice approval, check-in, claims, and re­ placements. Serials budget approximately $450,000 and increas­ ing, including standing orders. Plans and implements a program for quality control of serial records involving revising records for consis­ tency, clarity, and resolving problems. Supervises up to 7 full-tim e staff and a department of 17 staff members and a varying number of student assistants. ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent. Minim um of three years’ professional experience with emphasis on serials. Supervisory expe rie n ce re q u ire d . Reading know ledge of one modern European language, preferably German or French. Knowl­ edge of OCLC and/or automated techniques desirable. Minim um salary $14,200. Send résumé and names and addresses of three professional references to: Chairperson, Serials Librarian Search Committee, Room 640 Central Library, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221, no later than September 1, 1980. We are an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. SOCIOLOGY/ANTHROPOLOGY/GEOGRAPHY LIBRARIAN. North­ ern Illinois University is seeking a qua lifie d Sociology/Anthro- pology/Geography Librarian. MLS from an accredited library school and two years' professional experience required. Second master’s degree or substantial graduate work expected, preferably in sociol­ ogy or anthropology. Completion of 30 hours beyond the MLS re­ quired for tenure. Experience in collection development, biblio­ graphic instruction, reference service preferred. Duties include: ref­ erence service, bibliographic instruction, and collection develop­ ment in sociology/anthropology/geography/library science section of a subject divisional library and supervision of a large branch map library. M im inum salary: $16 ,08 0 for a twelve-month contract. Benefits include Illinois Retirement System benefits, one month va­ cation, and academic status. Apply by October 1, 1980. Send ré­ sumé, transcripts, placement file and 3 current letters of recom­ mendation to George Nenonen, Personnel Director, University Li­ braries, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115. Northern Il­ linois University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Em­ ployer. STAFF DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN. Primary responsibility for planning, implementing, and, when appropriate, conducting train­ ing and staff development programs for all categories of staff. Pro­ grams will be directed at both organizational and staff needs with initial emphasis on both supervisory and library skills training. Initial priorities to be addressed include interviewing techniques, effective communications, perform ance appraisal, labor relations, time man­ agement, and the troublesome patron. Incumbent will assist the Assistant University Librarian for Personnel in various aspects of the Libraries’ personnel program, including recruitment of profes­ sional staff and development and maintenance of publications and manuals. In addition to an MLS from an accredited library school, requirements are a minim um of 3 years’ relevant experience in a large academic or research library, a knowledge of management theory and practice, and effective writing and speaking skills. Ex­ perience with audiovisual and other teaching techniques desirable. Previous relevant supervisory experience may substitute for formal training experience; however, preference will be given to those with relevant background in staff development. Evidence of imagination and leadership will be sought in all cases. Salary range: Librarian II: $18,500-$22,200; Librarian III: $20,50D-$27,700. Please submit résumé listing 3 references and salary requirements to: Box 35, Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications September 30, 1980. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. LATE JOB LISTINGS HEAD, CIRCULATION SERVICES. Responsible for managing the circulation unit in the main library. Supervises staff of 18. Qualifications: ALA accred­ ited MLS, minimum three years' professional experience, one of which must have been in circulation services; demonstrated supervisory ability, and effective communications skills. Minimum salary $17,000. Send resume and names of three references by July 31 to Maureen S. Schechter, Personnel Li­ brarian, University of Maryland Libraries, College Park, MD 20742. LIBRARIAN—CATALOGER. Directs cataloging and related activities, including reclassification, catalog maintenance, and the planning for implementation of AACR 2. Supervises work of three support staff plus CETA participants. MLS from ALA—accredited library school required. Background should include LC cataloging, supervisory and OCLC experience. Two years' professional li­ brary experience with LC cataloging, and competency in at least one foreign language desirable. Salary $11,000 - $13,000. Faculty status, 12-month appointment, TIAA/CREF, and usual benefits. Send resume and names of three references by July 31, 1980 to Paul W. Crumlish, Librarian, Warren Hunting Smith Library, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY 14456. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS LIBRARIAN. Participates in collection development, processing, reference, outreach, and administrative activities of the Gov­ ernment Publications department. Has primary responsibility for selection and processing of state and local documents. Assists in processing U.S. documents. Staff consists of three librarians, two support staff and stu­ dent assistants. Collection includes federal, state and local, and inter­ national documents. MLS from accredited library school and two years' aca­ demic library experience, including general reference or government publi­ cations, required. Academic background and advanced degree in the social sciences preferred. Must demonstrate evidence of initiative, strong inter­ est in government publications, and ability to work effectively with col­ leagues, students, and faculty. Must have ability to communicate well in writing and orally. Salary $13,500 - $14,500, depending on qualifications. Available immediately. Applications received by July 31, 1980 will be con­ sidered. Send letter of application and resume, and have library school credentials, including transcripts, forwarded to Virginia Freyre, Personnel Office, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. An equal op- portunity/affirmative action employer. DIRECTOR, PUBLIC SERVICES. Responsible for the administration, planning, development, and evaluation of Public Services. Formulates goals; prepares narrative and statistical reports; participates in overall library planning and policy making. Coordinates Public Services activities with other li­ brary departments, external libraries, and the Research Libraries Group. Oversees staff of 19 full-time professional librarians, 55 support staff members, and 130 part-time employees. Qualifications: accredited MLS with second master's degree required for promotion beyond the rank of Library Associate (eqv. to Instructor). Substantial experience in the library field with at least 3 years at administrative level. Proven and progressive rec­ ord of successful experience in library management with emphasis on public services operation within a large academic or research library; demonstrated leadership ability with strong interpersonal and communication skills; fa­ miliarity with library computer applications, particularly as they pertain to public services; ability to organize and supervise the work of a large staff of professionals with faculty status and support personnel. Minimum salary $25,000. Tenure-track appointment, TIAA/CREF retirement plan, group iifc insurance, five weeks' annual vacation, and full tuition remission. Apply by July 31 to Carlton C. Rochell, Dean of Libraries, New York Univer­ sity, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012, An equal opportun­ ity/affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIANS. Open 1 August, 1980. Participates in broad program of reference service including desk coverage, bibliographic instruction, data base searching, and collection development. Duties as supervisor of interlibrary loan. Graduate library degree from ALA accredited school plus second master's or doctorate. Three years' experience in academic library service. $14,000 - $16,000. Second position as above except is responsible for federal documents instead of interlibrary loan. Graduate library de­ gree from ALA accredited school. Second master's desirable. $12,500 - $13,000. Send resume before 31 July to George M. Jenks, University Librar­ ian, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA 17837. HEAD COPY CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Requirements: MLS from an accredited library school; reading knowledge of one foreign language (Germanic or Romance) re­ quired and a working knowledge of a Slavic language desirable; thorough knowledge of Anglo-American cataloging codes, LC classification system, and LC subject headings; three to five years' experience, including at least two years in academic libraries in the methods and techniques of monographic cataloging with some relevant administrative/supervisory experience; exper­ ience with automated cataloging systems. Head Serials/Microforms Librarian. Requirements: MLS from an accredited library school; management or business courses or equivalent; reading knowledge of one foreign language (Germanic or Romance) required and a working knowledge of a Slavic language desirable; three to five years' professional experience, two years of which should be in an academic library in cataloging and/or technical services, with some administrative/supervisory responsiblity; experience with automated biblio­ graphical control systems; familiarity with micropublishing and microform technology. Hiring range for both positions: $19,400 - $24,300. Benefits include twelve-month contract, one-month vacation, TIAA-CREF. Interested candidates should send letter of application, resume, and names of three references by August 1, 1980 to Gloria E. Hagberg, Assistant to the Univer­ sity Librarian, Brown University Library, Providence, Rhode Island 02912. An Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, PUBLIC SERVICES. Manages and coordinates the activities of Circulation, Reference, Inter-library Lending, Audio-Visual, Government Documents, and Fine Arts branch. Qualifications include MLS from ALA ac­ credited library school and at least five years of progressively higher levels of administrative responsibility including experience in public ser­ vices in a medium or large academic library especially in reference and cir­ culation. Duties include working with library staff, students, and faculty toward providing, promoting, and improving library services. Minimum salary $20,000 (12 months). TIAA/CREF, and many other fringe benefits. Position opens July 1, 1980. Send application and resume to: Royal V. Pope, Direc­ tor of Libraries, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer; welcomes applications from all qualified individuals. REFERENCE/CATALOGING LIBRARIAN. Chapman College. Available September 1, 1980. A nine month faculty position with probable two month summer con­ tract. Appointment will be made at the instructor or assistant professor rank, depending on experience. Salary $12,600 - $14,400 for nine months. Responsibilities: teaching classes in library research, reference services, cataloging, and liaison with faculty colleagues in assigned subject areas including collection development and bibliographic services. Qualifica­ tions: MLS degree and a minimum of two years' academic library experience, cataloging, reference, and/or teaching experience required. Send letter of application, resume, and the names and addresses of three references by August 8, 1980 to Janice H. Shawl, Chapman College Library, 333 N. Glassell St., Orange, CA 92666. HEAD, FINE ARTS LIBRARY. Administers Fine Arts Library of 65,000+ volumes. Responsible for supervision of staff (1 support staff and student assis­ tants) ; reference service; bibliographic instruction; collection develop­ ment; responding to research queries. Active participation in developments in the field, including participation in such groups as the Art Libraries Society of North America. Faculty are expected to meet University promotion and tenure requirements for research, service, and publication. Available October 1980. $19,920 - $22,080. Required: MLS from ALA accredited pro­ gram. Five or more years of relevant professional experience in a research library for the fine arts; demonstrated knowledge of the literature of the arts; reading knowledge of German and at least one other western European language (preferably French and/or Italian). Desirable: advanced degree in art history. Apply by August 15, 1980 to Personnel Librarian, Ohio State University Libraries, 1858 Neil Avenue Mall, Columbus, OH 43210. In­ clude resume with names and addresses of at least 3 references. An AA/EEO Employer. Qualified women, minority and handicapped persons, as well as others, are encouraged to apply. CHIEF, GENERAL REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. Stanford University Libraries. Over­ sees general reference function for graduate faculties and students in hu­ manities and social sciences. Responsible for current periodicals, micro­ texts and newspapers, Interlibrary Services, Information Desk, and central map collection. MLS or equivalent. 6-8 years' applicable reference exper­ ience, demonstrated supervisory and administrative competence, ability to work well with others and communicate clearly in oral and written forms, ability to establish and implement service programs required. Large re­ search library experience including development of bibliographic instruc­ tion, library publication programs, and extensive interaction with faculty will weigh heavily in favor of applicant. Salary $26,000 - $29,000. Apply by July 30, 1980 to Caroline Henderson, Library Personnel Officer, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305. EOE. ASSISTANT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Engineering Library, Stanford University Li­ braries. Provides specialized reference service, bibliographic instruction and computerized literature searching in the field of engineering. MLS or equivalent, BS in science or engineering, or equivalent in experience. Ex­ perience in reference, collection development, data base searching desir­ able. Salary $15,600 - $21,000. Apply by July 30, 1980 to Caroline Hender­ son, Library Personnel Officer, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305. EOE. CHIEF LIBRARIAN, ACQUISITION DEPARTMENT (reposting). Stanford University Libraries. Direct acquisitions function for a major library with $2 million acquisitions budget, managing a highly automated system with responsibility for order division, gifts and exchange, binding and finishing. MLS or equivalent, substantial acquisitions knowledge, demonstrated management and leadership abilities required. Two foreign languages desirable. Salary $22,800 - $27,600. Apply by August 15, 1980 to James Myers, Stanford Uni­ versity Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305. EOE. ASSISTANT LIBRARY PERSONNEL OFFICER. Stanford University Libraries. As­ sists in administration of a major research library's personnel program. Works in the areas of employment, compensation, employee relations, and staff development. MLS or equivalent strongly preferred; demonstrated skill in supervision, training, and personnel management required; must be easily approachable, enthusiastic, tolerant, and able to operate under stress, skill in written and oral communications, memory for and understanding of procedural detail required. Salary $17,600 - $21,000. Apply by August 8, 1980 to Caroline Henderson, Library Personnel Officer, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305. EOE. MANUSCRIPTS LIBRARIAN. Stanford University Libraries. Oversees operation of Manuscripts Division, including development, processing, and maintenance of manucsripts collections. Provides access to users. MLS with specializa­ tion in special collections work or master's degree in archives/manuscripts management or equivalent required. Degree in U.S. or European history or literature with some work in both areas, background in Paleography highly desirable. Music or classics training useful. Reading competency in one or more of the following languages desirable: Latin, Greek, French, German, or Italian. Library experience desirable. Salary $15,000 - $21,000. Apply by August 31, 1980 to Caroline Henderson, Library Personnel Officer, Stan­ ford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305. EOE. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Rutgers University Libraries, New Brunswick. MLS plus five years' minimum academic/research library original cataloging experi­ ence essential. One or two foreign languages, $18,826 minimum, faculty status. Submit resumes no later than August 1, 1980 to Bonita Craft Grant, (app. #30), Personnel Librarian, Alexander Library, Rutgers University Li­ braries, New Brunswick, NJ 08903. Please cite App. #30 on all correspon­ dence. CATALOGER. Responsible for planning and implementing retrospective con­ version on OCLC including recataloging to conform to AACR 2. Required: ALA accredited MLS and several years' experience cataloging with OCLC and LC. Salary range $14,592 - $23,460 dependent on qualifications and experi­ ence. Appointment limited to two years. Apply by September 1, 1980 to David K. Oyler, University Librarian, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 826-3441. SERIALS CATALOGING. Two positions. University of California, Santa Bar­ bara. Responsible for original cataloging and analytics in all classes and languages in the Roman alphabet. Requirements: (1) ALA accredited MLS or equivalency; (2) thorough knowledge of AACR, LC classification and LC subject headings; (3) interest in and aptitude for serials cataloging evi­ denced by recent experience or recent advanced course study in cataloging. Experience with OCLC highly desirable. Salary: $14,940 - $20,100, depen­ dent upon experience and qualifications. Applications must be received by July 31, 1980. Send letter of application, names of references, and resume to Margaret Deacon, AUL, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. EO/AA Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. (Assistant or Senior Assistant, depending on qualifi­ cations.) Requires master's degree from an ALA accredited library school, ability to communicate well and work well with others. Relevant experience in an academic library and computer-based reference experience desired; sci­ ence background useful. Incumbent provides general and subject reference service, gives library instruction lectures, performs computer-based refer­ ence searches, assists in collection development. Salary $14,592 - $23,460, initial appointment up to mid range of rank appropriate to qualifications. Expect 9-10% salary adjustment July 1, 1980. This is a tenure track posi­ tion, open September 1, 1980. California State University, Long Beach is a large, comprehensive university, with a student body of 31,000, offering 78 baccalaureate and 50 master's degrees. The Library is housed in a modern, six story building, with collection of over 1,600,000 bibliographic items, including 800,000 volumes. The staff of 151.8 FTE librarians and support personnel is devoted to providing the highest quality services. The Library has one of the most active library instruction programs in the nation, reaching over 9,000 students in direct instruction, with over 500 seminars or lectures per year. Send nominations or letter of application with res­ ume, a statement of professional philosophy with emphasis on reference ser­ vice, and other supporting evidence of professional work and scholarship to: Office of the Director of the Library, The University Library, California State University, Long Beach, Long Beach, California 90840; (213) 498-4047. Application deadline: August 1, 1980. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Title IX Employer. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan. Applications and nominations for this position are now being solicited. Michigan Technological University is a state supported university with cur­ rent enrollment of about 7,700 students. The university's traditionally strong education and research programs in engineering and the sciences are complemented by academic programs in forestry, business administration, hu­ manities, and social sciences. A strong commitment has been made toward continuing expansion of research and graduate studies while maintaining a high quality of undergraduate education. The Library Director reports to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and is responsible for administering a full time staff of 30, including 10 librarians, a collection of over 455,000 volumes, overall library services, budget, and long range planning. Applicants must have an ALA-accredited MLS degree, college or university library experience, and a record of administrative achievement. Salary minimum of $35,000 dependent on experience and qualifications. Applications including names of three references should be made by September 15 to Chair, Library Director Search Committee, Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931. Michigan Technological University is an equal opportunity educational institution, equal opportunity employer. ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN. On-line searching. MLS plus two years' experience with DIALOG or ORBIT using chemical or biological data bases. Salary 14-21 K. Please send resume detailing on-line experience to Personnel Positon #1558, Frederick Cancer Research Center, Litton Bionetics Incorporated, P.0. Box B, Frederick, MD 21701. EOE, M/F. JOBLINE Established— (312) 955-6795: Beginning September 1, 1980, a tele­ phone JOBLINE provided by ACRL will relay to academic librarians up-to-the- minute information on job openings. Simply call (312) 944-6795 for a pre­ recorded summary of positions listed with the service. The tape will be revised weekly; listings received by 1:00 p.m. on Thursdays will be includ­ ed on the tape starting the next day. The Right Priorities: Dr. Henry R. Winkler, University of Cincinnati pres­ ident, who recently ended a much-publicized search by appointing Mike McGee as his school's athletic director: "I'm tempted to call a press conference and announce our new librarian, who is more important to the university." (Reprinted with permission from Sports Illustrated, June 9, 1980.) Charles Osburn, currently assistant librarian for collection management at North­ western University, will become Vice Provost for University Libraries at the University of Cincinnati on September 1. B asic G ale R e feren ce B o o ks for Managers, Marketers, and Administrators N e w Editions a n d N e w Titles STATISTICS SOURCES, 6th ed. . . . A Subject Guide to Data on Industrial, Business, Social, Educational, Financial, and Other Topics for the United States and Internationally. Edited by Paul Wasserman. 1,098pp. 1980. $85.00. Just published, this new edition is 20% larger than its predecessor and has been completely revised and updated. It presents over 26,000 citations on 12,000 subjects of importance to librarians, businesspeople, government officials, students — anyone needing a guide to sources of factual quantitative information. DIRECTORY ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BUSINESS OF DIRECTORIES, 1st ed. INFORMATION SOURCES, 4th ed. . . . A Reference Guide Covering Business and . . . A Detailed Listing of Primary Subjects of Industrial Directories, Professional and Scientific Interest to Managerial Personnel, with a Record Rosters, and Others Lists and Guides of All Kinds. of Sourcebooks, Periodicals, Organizations, Thoroughly describes and completely indexes over Directories, Handbooks, Bibliographies, and Other 5,100 directories. Edited by James M. Ethridge. Sources of Information on Each Topic. Provides Subject and Title Indexes. 722pp. 1980. $56.00. nearly 20,000 entries on 1,280 specific topics. Supplemented by Directory Information Service, Edited by Paul Wasserman, Charlotte Georgi, and inter-edition subscription, $52.00. James Woy. 782pp. 1980. $72.00. BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS AND AGENCIES DIRECTORY, 1st ed. Standing Order Service . . . A Guide to Trade, Business, and Commercial All of these books are available on Standing Organizations, Government Agencies, Stock Order. Note: Standing Orders for Gale Exchanges, Labor Unions, Chambers of Commerce, reference books are now billed at a Diplomatic Representation, Trade and Convention 5% discount. Centers, Trade Fairs, Publishers, Data Banks and Computerized Services, Educational Institutions, Write for the catalog o f Gale books tor managers, m arketers, a nd adm inistrators. Business Libraries and Information Centers, and Research Centers. A ll Gale books are sent on 30-day approval. Edited by Anthony T. Kruzas and Robert C. Thomas. Keyword and Geographical Custom ers outside th e U.S. a nd Canada a d d 10% Indexes for many of the 26 sections. 894pp. to p ric e s shown. 1980. $72.00. GALE Research Company B ook Tower D e tro it, M ichigan 48226