ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 652 / C&RL News ■ October 1998 I n t h e es wn The much awaited final version of the re­ vised ACRL “Guidelines for distance learn­ ing library services” appears in this issue (page 689). The area of distance learning is growing at an exponential rate and we hope that these new guidelines will assist you and those on your campus in setting up the ap­ propriate library services to serve this grow­ ing segment of the student population. To keep up with the latest trends in dis­ tance education, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe pro­ vides us with a report on the 14th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learn­ ing (page 683). One of the speakers, Elliott Masie, cautioned attendees to use the new technological tools not to merely replicate ex­ isting practices, but to invent new methods. He said that these new processes will be the legacy of this generation of distance educa­ tors and trainers. This issue includes a number of updates on ACRL activities: President Maureen Sullivan shares with us more of her plans in “Leadership through the lens of learning” (page 673). Cerise Oberman, chair of ACRL’s Insti­ tute for Information Literacy (IIL), describes on page 703 the four-and-a-half day infor­ m a tio n lite r a c y im m e r sio n p ro g ram planned for July 1999 and the other events under development by the IIL. And Bill Kane wants to be sure we don’t miss the hot spots in Detroit when we arrive en masse for ACRL’s National Conference next April (page 669). Surf the Web and see De­ troit! ACRL depends on its member volunteers to set its agenda and accomplish much of its work. Take a few moments to review your skills and consider volunteering for an ACRL committee appointment (page 695). We’d love to hear from you! —Mary Ellen K. Davis Editor-in-chief,