ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 720 / C&RL News ■ October 1998 C L A S S I F I E D Career opportunities fro m across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publicationof the issue (e.g., September 2forthe October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisem ents are $8.75 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $10.75 for others. Late job notices are $20.50 per linefor institutions that are ACRL members, $24.95 for others. Organizations submit­ ting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates range from $395 to $745 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20forthe October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude dis­ criminatory references. Applicants should beawarethat the term s faculty ran/tand sŕa íi/sva ry in m eaning am ong institutions. In te rn e t: C&RL N e ws classified ads are accessible on the W orld W ide W eb a t A ds w ill be placed app roxim a tely 2-3 w e eks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. C o n ta c t: Jack Helbig, Classifie d Ad vertising M anager, C&RL News C lassified A d vertising Departm ent, AC RL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 -2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280 -76 63or (312) 280-2520: e-mail: jh elbig@ P o lic y : ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA pub lica tions o r p lacem ent services com ply with ALA anti-discrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “A LA is com m itted to equality of opp ortunity fo r all library employees or applicants fo r employment, regard­ le ss of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical o r m ental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin.” By adver­ tising through A LA services, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD USED SCI-TECH BOOKS PURCHASED. Physics, math, all engi­ neering, electricity, and electronics, skilled trades, antiquarian tech. Sorry, no serials or life sciences. Quality older editions, duplicates, unneeded gifts, superseded titles always sought. Ex library OK. No quantities too great; will travel when appropriate. For more informa­ tion please contact: Collier Brown or Kirsten Berg at Powell’s Technical Bookstore, 33 NW Park Ave., Portland, OR 97209; phone: (8 00) 225-6 91 1 ; fax: (5 03) 2 2 8 -0 50 5 ; e -m a il to: k irste n @ POSITIONS OPEN ACCESS AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT LIBRARIAN. Watson Library of Business and Economics. Columbia University Libraries. Columbia University seeks an access and technical support services librarian with access services and collection maintenance experience. Reporting to the Business Librarian, the Business Access Sen/ices and Technical Support Librarian will plan, monitor and evaluate access services and technical support operations consistent with system-wide policies and procedures and Social Sciences Division goals for user services. Services and operations include circulation, reserves, stacks maintenance, serials check-in, binding, and catalog maintenance. The librarian works closely with other access and technical support librarians in discussing policies and planning procedures. The incumbent oversees daily physical plant operations and security of the library, interprets access policies to users, and directs the work of 2.7 FTE library specialists (supervisors), 4.5 FTE support staff, and 10 FTE student assistants. Working as a member of the Business Library team, the Access and Technical Support Librarian will work with colleagues to plan and implement procedures and sen/ices for the library, which serves one of the nation's leading and largest graduate business programs. The Librarian will assist colleagues in providing library instruction programs and reference desk service. In addition to an ALA-accredited MLS, requirements are: knowledge of NOTIS or another library automation system; ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and administrators in a service-focused operation; excellent interpersonal and communications skills; working knowledge of at least one Western European language; and demon­ strated talent for planning and managing in a complex academic environment. Professional experience in an academic library and successful experience supervising staff are highly desirable. Salary ranges are: Librarian 1: $37,500-$46,875; Librarian II $40,000-$54,000; Librarian III: $43,000-$64,500. Excellent benefits include assistance with University housing and tuition exemption for self and family. Send resume, listing names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references, to: Jane Hunt, Recruitment Manager, Box 18 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Applications received by November 13, 1998, will receive priority consideration. An affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. CATALOGER FOR PRINTED BOOKS New York University Libraries Cataloger for Printed Books, 2-year Mellon Foundation-funded grant with possible exten­ sion. Based a t the New-York Historical Society Library, an affiliate of NYU’s Libraries, which encompasses 400,000 volumes, 7,000 l.f. of manuscripts, and 1,000,000 prints, photographs, and architectural drawings related to New York history and life. Create full, minimal and collection-level cataloging records for the N-YHS Library’s collections of printed books, pamphlets, and serials, using AACR2, LCSH, and LC Classification. Requires: ALA-accredited MLS; 2 years cataloging experi­ ence, including serials cataloging, familiarity with MARC format, and automated cataloging sys­ tems; flexible, creative approach to providing bibliographic control over a large and diverse collection. Knowledge of American history. MINIMUM: $34,000. Send resume and letter of application, including names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references, by Oc­ tober 31, 1998, to: Janet Koztowski New York University Libraries 70 W ashington Square South New York, NY 10012 NYU encourages applications from women and members o f minority groups. C&RL News ■ O ctober 1998 / 721 DIRECTOR FOR LIBRARY USER SERVICES VirginiaTech The D irector for User Services is responsible fo r the developm ent, adm inistration, and evaluation of the major public service units of the U niversity Libraries. U ser Services at the V irginia Tech Libraries includes instructional and media services, an innovative College Librarian program with library faculty located in V irginia T e ch’s six Colleges, assistance desks for library users, and circulation/reserve/stack maintenance services. S taff includes 21 faculty and 35 classified positions. The current operating budget fo r the division, exclusive of continuing salaries, is $700,000. W e are looking for a division leader w ho is excited about academ ic libraries and who understands that, m ore than ever, library services and resources can make an important difference in how the university com m unity participates in learning, teaching, and research. The Director for Library U ser Services participates in the Library A dvisory Council, and is expected to w ork as a team m em ber in cross-unit initiatives. Reports to the Dean of Libraries. The position is a tw elve-m onth faculty appointm ent. Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S: MLS degree from an ALA accredited institution; advanced degree preferred. Five or more years experience in academ ic library services including instruction and reference; three or more years of leadership and evaluation of staff and m anagem ent of human resources. Strong organizational skills, excellent interpersonal abilities for w orking with staff and collaborat­ ing with other university departm ents; good technical skills including experience with developm ent of web services; m anagem ent skills including creative abilities to m axim ize budget and personnel allocations. Knowledge of current trends in user services. Finalists invited for interview must dem onstrate com m unication skills and knowledge of public services through a presentation to library faculty and staff and other mem bers of the university com munity. BENEFITS: Choice of TIAA /C R E F or State of V irginia retirem ent plan, state health insurance through B lue-C ross/Blue Shield, generous sick leave benefits, 24 days annual leave. The V irginia Tech Libraries is known for leadership and innovation in using technologies to provide services to its com m unity of users. It is the home of the S cholarly C om m unication Project w hich includes electronic journals and the nationally funded ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) project, an electronic reserve system , and N etBasics, a collaborative service w ith other Information System s units to introduce students to technologies and resources fo r learning. The Libraries is one of the founding m em bers of VIVA, the Virtual Library of Virginia, a consortia to increase academ ic access to electronic resources and to support collaborative collection developm ent activities. Additional information can be found about the U niversity Libraries at w w w .lib .v t.e d u . V irginia Tech is the land-grant university for the C om m onw ealth of V irginia with approxim ately 23,000 undergraduates and 3,300 graduate students. The university is located in Blacksburg, home of Blacksburg Electronic Village, at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains accessible to several major metropolitan areas. V irginia Tech has a strong com m itm ent to the principle of diversity and is an affirmative-action, equal-em ploym ent em ployer and encourages wom en, minorities, and persons with disabilities to apply. APPLICATIO N S: Send letters of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Cathy Pillow Personnel Services University Libraries Virginia Tech P.O. Box 90001 Blacksburg, VA 24062-9001 Individuals with disabilities desiring accom m odations in the application process should notify Ms. Pillow. Review of applications will begin O ctober 3 0 ,1 9 9 8 , with the preferred appointm ent date spring 1999. 72 2 / C&RL News ■ October 1998 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR/SCIENCE & ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN. Tenure-track. Oklahoma State University. Responsibilities: Assists in providing reference service and user education programs; and performs collection management and faculty liaison activities for agriculture, nutri­ tion sciences, and biochemistry. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Effective reference skills; a record of providing excellent service; the ability to interact with the public in a friendly manner; excellent communica­ tion and organization skills; the ability to work well under pressure and to meet deadlines; familiarity with online public access catalogs, CD-ROM databases, and the Internet; and experience instructing library users with both print and electronic resources. Desired: Degree in agricultural or biological sciences; three years post-MLS experience providing STM reference services in an academic or large public library; experience using the Internet in providing reference service; library instruction experience; active participation in state or national professional organizations. Salary: $31,500 for 11 months. Salary and academic rank dependent upon qualifi­ cations and prior experience. Deadline: Application review begins on November 2,1998, and continues until position is filled. Application. Send cover letter, resume, and names and addresses of three professional references to: Jackie German, Administrative Officer, Edmon Low Library, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078-1071; phone: (405) 744-6324; e-mail: For more information see, OSU library Internet site at: Equal opportu­ nity/affirmative action employer. CATALOGER (MONOGRAPHS AND ELECTRONIC RESOURCES). The University of Oklahoma, Library Faculty Vacancy. Duties: Under the direction of the Head of the Catalog Department, Cataloger (Monographs and Electronic Resources) uses OCLC and RLIN to perform general cataloger of books, university dissertations, theses, micro­ forms and other formats such as internet resources and electronic information in a variety of subjects and languages. Keeps abreast on guidelines of emerging standards on metadata and other methods for control of electronic information; advises staff on new developments. Assists in developing plans and methods to provide appropriate access to electronic resources. Tasks include work with name, series, and subject authority control and other general assignments. This position is a tenure-track position and is governed by the University’s policies for research or creative achievement and professional service as outlines by the Faculty Handbook. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-ac­ credited library school; knowledge of AACR2, MARCformats, LCclassi- fication and subject headings; familiarity with automated cataloging sys­ tems; bibliographic knowledge of European languages. Desirable: Broad educational background; second master’s degree; demonstrated profes­ sional or paraprofessional cataloging experience; evidence of research or creative achievement, N ACO experience; familiarity with and interest in emerging standards for metadata (Dublin core, TEI, etc.). Search will remain open until filled. First screening date: November 15,1998. Salary: $34,000. Benefits: TIAA/CREF; State Retirement System; 33 days paid leave; short-term disability leave; university holidays; comprehensive medi­ cal protection; and group life insurance. University libraries: A member of the Research Libraries Group, AMIGOS, and ARL, the University Librar­ ies consists of a main library and six branches. The collection contains more than 2.5 million volumes, 16,000 periodical subscriptions, and the three outstanding special collections in history of science, western history, and business history. The libraries operates a computerized library system (NOTIS) including local holdings, subject databases, and network con­ nects to other libraries. The University of Oklahoma Libraries is a NACO contributing library. Norman, Oklahoma is an attractive community close to a major metropolitan city. Employment: Libraries have faculty status, privi­ leges, responsibilities, rank of assistant professor or above, and are eligible for tenure. Applications: Send letter of application with resume, a list of publications, and the names of three references including current supervisor to: Donald C. Hudson, Assistant to the Dean for Administrative Services, University Libraries, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019; (405) 325-2611. Oklahoma University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. We encourage women and minority applicants and we are responsive to the needs of dual career couples. CATALOGING LIBRARIAN. Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. Currently vacant. Specific responsibilities: Responsible for original monographic cataloging. Participate in review and upgrade of Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini- mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $32,600 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $26,400 Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $28,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 ‘ Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a form ula based on such variables as comparable salaries fo r public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state a ssocia­ tion fo r minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula. C&RL News ■ O ctober 1998 / 723 University of Maine at Augusta Assistant Dean of Libraries (Search Extended) T h e U niversity o f M ain e at Augusta (U M A ), w hich offers tw o- and four-year degrees to 2 ,5 0 0 F T E students on three cam puses and statewide, seeks an A ssistant Dean o f Libraries. U M A is one o f seven institutions o f the University o f M ain e System and a nationally recognized leader in distance education. T h e Library holds approxim ately 6 3 ,0 0 0 books and 5 2 0 periodicals and has a s ta ff o f 11 F T E . It is com m itted to maintaining and building a traditional co llectio n and to the growth o f its extensive e lectro n ic resou rces. L ibrary s ta ff work in a highly collaborative environm ent; they are encouraged to ex ercise in itiative and independence in their specialties. U M A shares a sophisticated online catalog with the other libraries o f the U M ain e System and contributes to the developm ent o f the Sy stem ’ s digital library. T h e A ssistant D ean oversees, m anages and participates in the day-to-day operations o f the lib rary. S /he supervises circu lation, technical services, A -V and the Inform ation D esk; m onitors budgets; coordinates the developm ent and im plem entation o f policies and procedures; and is in volved in short- and long- term planning. S/he provides leadership in the developm ent o f e lectro n ic resources and technology and takes part in coordinating s ta ff training. T h e A ssistant D ean directs U M A ’s tw o-year library sc ie n ce program, w hich is offered in M ain e and throughout the U .S. by video and the Internet. R equirem ents; A L A accredited M L A or degree in a related field and fiv e years professional experience (preferably in an academ ic lib rary) in cluding demonstrated su ccess in leadership, m anagem ent and supervision. B road know ledge o f academ ic library operations and library trends is required. Ev id en ce o f ability to work in a collaborative atmosphere w hich supports independent work. A com m itm en t to a high level o f service to users is essential. S/he must b e able to advocate for the library and have good relationships within the U niversity and with the la rger com m unity. Candidates should also have an interest in distance education, teaching and servin g nontraditional students, as well as a w illingness to take part in a full range o f library activities. Salary is in the mid to high thirties. An ex cellen t benefits program is offered . R eview o f applications begins im m ediately and continues until the position is filled. Sen d a cover letter, w hich addresses your ability to m eet the respon sibilities and qualifications o f the position ; resum e; and the nam es, titles and phone numbers o f three professional references to Chair, Assistant Dean o f the Lib raries Sea rch C om m ittee, U niversity o f M aine at Augusta, 4 6 U niversity D r., Augusta, M E 0 4 3 3 0 . Augusta, a city o f 2 1 ,5 0 0 , is the state capital. Located in rural central M aine, it is c lo se to M a in e’s coast, ski areas, hiking, parks and the state’ s cultural centers. U M A sh all not discrim inate and shall com ply with applicable laws prohibiting discrim ination on the grounds o f race, color, religion, sex , sexual orientation, national origin or citizenship status, age, handicap or veterans status in em ploym ent, education, and all other areas o f the Universitv. U M A provides reasonable accom m odations to qualified individuals with d isabilities upon request. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN Ashland University Library Ashland University Library in Ashland, Ohio, seeks a public services librarian to join a five-member professional library management team consisting of the public services librarian, reference librarian, technical services librarian, automated systems librarian, and library director. Seeking public service librarian who desires additional managerial responsibilities. This service-oriented librarian will manage public service functions of the library, including reference, interlibrary loan, and circulation services; staff the reference desk along with other librarians; and participate in information literacy instruction and collection development. The library is assisted by a 6.5 FTEe support team. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from ALA-accredited library school. Good written/oral communication skills, effective interpersonal skills and a commitment to a supportive teaching library environment required. Three to five ye a rs in an academic public services area providing reference services, bibliographic instruction and evidence o f ability to facilitate professional and support staff duties strongly preferred. 12-month contract, non-tenure track, faculty appointment. Salary negotiable to upper30s. Position available January 1 ‚ 1999. Please send letterof application, resume, and three references to: Bill Weiss Library Director Ashland University Library Ashland, OH 44805 Review of applications begins October 19,1998, and continues until position is filled. ENVIR ON M EN T: A shland U niversity is a com prehensive university located m idw ay between Cleveland and Columbus. The University offers 80 undergraduate majors within the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Business and Econom ics, and the C ollege of Education. The University’s total enrollment, which includes undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs in Ashland and 13 program centers throughout the state, is more than 5,600. Ashland University has 3,649 FTE students. The Library uses the Innovative Interfaces system and participates in OhioLINK. Additional information about Ashland University can be found at AA/EOE 724 / C&RL News ■ October 1998 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE The University of Central Florida The University of Central Florida (UCF) is accepting applications for two professional positions. UCF is a metropolitan institution with an enrollment of 30,000 and is a member of the State University System(SUS)of Florida. The university offers degree programs in five colleges: Arts and Scienœs, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, and Health and Public Affairs. UCF is located in East Central Florida, a region with a population of about2 million. Known prirmarily for its tourist attractions such as Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, and Sea World‚theareaisoneofthefastestgrowingregionsinthe nation. Gulf and Atlantic beaches are within easy driving distance from the main campus. The area also offers Broadway productions‚ pop and classical music headliners, artfesívals, a Shakespeare Festival of UCF origin, and major professional sporting events. The 1,445-acre campus is located in the Orlando suburbs 13 miles northeast of downtown. C A T A L O G E R L IB R A R IA N GENERALDESCRIPTION: TheCataloger Librarian reports to the Head of Cataloging, in a department with three professional librarians and six paraprofessionals; participates in adynamic environment with a strong commitment to service and to national cooperative cataloging projects such as NACO. RESPONSIBILITIES: Primary responsibilities include original and complex copy cataloging of printre- sources, assisting with planning andtraining‚maintaininganawarenessof national standards and local policies, serving as a resource person for the department, performing bibliographic maintenance and developingandmaintainingauthorityfiles. QUALIFICATIONS:Required:anALA-accreditedMLS,aminimumoftwoyearspost-MLSexperiencepreferably inanacademicorresearchlibrary‚oroneyearpost-MLSexperiencewrthastrongparaprofessional cataloging background. Preferred: demonstrated experience with AACR2,LCCS,LCSH,MARCformats,abibliographic utility,andanonlineautomated system; knowledgeof‚andexperience with,OCLC‚DDC‚NOTIS‚andauthority control; should possess strong interpersonal, communication, analytical, and organizational skills; flexibility; a commitment to learn and use emerging technologies; and a demonstrated ability to work independently andcooperativelyinateamenviranment.Haveareadingknowledgeofoneormoreforeign languages and possess the potential forprofessional development and growth. REFE RENCELIBR ARIAN GENERALDESCRIPTION Reference Librarians reporttotheHeadofReferenceinadepartmentwith seventeen professionallibrariansandthreeparaprofessionals. RESPONSIBILITIES: Primaiy responsibilities indudeafullrangeofreferenceandbibliogiaphicinstnjctionduties inafast-pacedenvironmentincludingnumerouselectronicreferencesources‚U.S.andFloridadocurnents.May includecollection development. Someevening/weekendhours required. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: an ALA-accredited MLS by December 31 ‚ 1998. Knowledge of automated reference sources, ability to manage diverse assignments, strong desire to participate actively in dynamic instructionand outreach programsandstrongcommitmenttopublicserviceandinformationliteracy.Preferred: anunderstandingoftheapplicationofemergingtechnologiesto reference service, experience in preparation ofWeb-basedorprintlibraryinstmctìonmaterialsortutorials‚andarecordofprofessionalactivities and/or publkations.nnalistswillbeaskedtopresentabriefbibliographicinstnjcliondemonstrationduringtheon-campus interview. THELIBRARIES:TheUniversityLibrariesincludetwolibrariesontheUCFcampusinOrlandoandseveral branch locationsinthecentral Floridaarea. The University Library, housedinafacilityof200,000square feet‚hasa collectionofover1.1millionvolumesandisapartialdepositoryforU.S.andFloridadocuments,and U.S. Patents. Thelibrarymaterialsbudgetis$4.7million.Atotal staff of95inciudes35professional librarians. Through LUIS, theSUS’onlinesystem, access isprovidedtotheLibraryscatalog as well astotheholdingsof otherSUS libraries. Access is alsoprovidedtonumerouselectronicfull-text journals and databases. Education andtrainingforeffectiveuseofinformationtechnologyandresourcesismadeavailableinanewstate-of-the- art facility, where students have opportunities for immediate hands-on experience with presented techniques. For moreinformation, visit the University of Central Florida Web site: SALARY AND RANK: Commensurate with experience and qualifications. These are full-time 12-month non-tenure track positions with generous benefits including health insurance and retirement options. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: Submit a separate cover letter, resume, and the names, addresses, andtelephonenumbersofthreeprofessionalreferencesforeachposition‚postmarkedby N o vem ber 2 3 ,1 9 9 8 , to: Victor F. Owen, HR C oordinator UCF Library; P.O. Box 162666 O rlando, FL 32816-2666 Cover letter(s) should address specificqualifications and experience in the area(s) of specialization, as well as address all required and preferred criteria. Searches conducted in accordance with the State o f Florida Sunshine Regulations. U C F is an EO/AA employer. C&RL News ■ October 1998 / 725 HEALTH SCIENCES CATALOGER University of Missouri-Columbia Libraries TheUniversityofMissouri-ColumbiaLibrariesisseekingqualifiedapplicantsfor the position of Health Sciences Cataloger in the J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library ( Principal responsibilities include original cataloging and processing of all monographs, serials and otherformatsforthe Health Sciences Library and the Veterinary Medical Library; supervision of supportstaff; and responsibilityforthe authority files, bibliographic records, and holdings in ouronline catalog (MERLIN). Some Information Deskdutiesmay be required. REQUIREMENTS: Master's degree from an ALA-accredited program with courses in health sciences librarianship. Prefertwo years professional cataloging experience in a health sciences library. Experience with LC and NLMclassificationsand subject headings, OCLC, Innovative Interfaces, Inc., and computers is highly desirable. Experience with cataloging of foreign language materials is also desirable. Must be able tocommunicate effectively and to workwell with staff and patrons. MINIMUM SALARY: Librarian I: $26,500; Librarian II: $28,500for 12 months commensurate with education and experience. Benefits include vested retirement afterfive years, University medical benefits package, and other normal fringe benefits including 75% tuition waiver. SETTING: MU was established in Columbiain 1839. It is one of the five most comprehensive universities in the nation, with over250 degree programs. The MU Libraries belong to ARL, serve a student body of 22,000+ and a faculty of 1,800 with a collection of 2.8+ million volumes and 6.45+ million microforms. Columbiaisinthemiddleofthestateonl-70,only 2 hours from St. Louis and Kansas City, and1.5hours from the Lake of the Ozarks major recreational area. MU and tw o other colleges provide superb cultural events. According to the American Chamber of Commerce Researchers Association (ACCRA) composite index, the cost of living in Columbia is very reasonable when compared with other universitycom munities.Colum biahasbeennam Money magazine inrecentyears. SCREENING BEGINS: November 16,1998. AVAILABLE: March 1 ‚ 1999. Send letter of application, resume, and the names and addresses of three references to: Julie Deters Senior Secretary 104 Ellis Library University of Missouri-Columbia C olum bia, MO 65201-5149 MU is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer and complies with the guidelines set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). If you have special needs as addressed by ADA and need assistance with this or any portion o f the application, notify us a t the address above as soon as possible. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate your special needs. complex participant copy cataloging found on OCLC. Primary responsibility for cataloging science material and performance of authority control main­ tenance in the online catalog. Serve as a resource person/trainer for paraprofessional staff concerning cataloging and workflow issues. Aid in development and implementation of unit procedures and goals. Perform liaison function with Public Services to insure effectiveness of online integrated system. Qualifications: Required: ALA accredited MLS or its foreign equivalent. Minimum of three years cataloging experience includ­ ing authority control, preferably in an academic library. Knowledge of AACR2R, MARC formats, Library of Congress classification system, and subject headings. Demonstrated knowledge of trends in cataloging and national standards for bibliographic control. Experience cataloging using a bibliographic utility, preferably OCLC. Experience with integrated library systems, preferably Innovative Interfaces, Inc. Working knowledge of at least one foreign language. Preferred: Degree in a science discipline or expe­ rience cataloging science materials. Strong communication and organiza­ tion skills. Knowledge of Visual Basic o r other programming language. Salary: From $30,000 commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian 2; faculty status. Other benefits: TIAA/CREF, broad insur­ ance program, 22 days vacation and 12 days sick leave per year. Application review begins: November 16,1998. Send letter of application, resume, and names and complete mailing addresses and phone numbers of three references addressed to: Donna L. McCool, Associate Director for Administrative Services, Washington State University Libraries, P.O. Box 645610, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. WSU Libraries' home page is: WSU is an EEO employer. Protected group members are encouraged to apply. COORDINATOR OF REFERENCE SERVICE. This tenure-track posi­ tion at Reed Library, SUNY College at Fredonia, is available for an experienced professional who will coordinate reference services in a collegial, team-oriented environment. Candidates should have vision, energy, competence with electronic resources, and excellent interper­ sonal and administrative skills. Duties include administering and providing reference sen/ices; collection development, with liaison to one or more academic departments; and some library instruction. Required: 5-8 years excellent performance in the reference sen/ices area of a comparable academic library. Evidence of leadership in group work where collaborative decision making was exercised. Master‘s degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited graduate school. (Second master's in an academic discipline for appointment at the Associate Librarian rank.) Desired: Undergraduate and/or graduate work in the social sciences orthe physical 7 2 6 / C&RL News ■ October 1998 REFERENCE LIBRARIANS— TWO POSITIONS The University of Central Florida (UCF) Brevard Campus TheUniversityofCentralFlorida(UCF)BrevardCampus, Cocoa, Florida, isaccepting applications fortwo professional Reference Librarian positions. The UCF Brevard campus collection is located inthe Brevard Community CollegeAJCFJoint-UseLibraryinCocoathroughapartnershipagreement with BrevardCommunity College. Booksand periodical titlesareaccessiblethrough LUIS, theState University onlinesystem, and thecommunity college onlinecatalog‚LINCC. Inaddition, UCFfaculty, students, and staff have access to a variety of databases and full-text of select publications through W ebLUISviathe Internet orin CD-ROM format. Cocoa, located in East Central Florida, is known as ‘T h e Space Coast” due to its close proximity to Cape Canaveral and Kennedy Space Center. In addition to watching shuttle launches, residents and touristsenjoythe beautiful beaches, terrific weather, recreational and cultural opportunities. Less than an hour’sdrivetoOrlando and itsattractions, Brevard County offersopportunities such as Broadway Road company shows, Metropolitan Opera presentations, the Brevard Symphony Orchestra, the Florida Space Coast Philharmonic, and numerous local theatre companies and museums. For more information visit the web sites: and http:// GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The UCF Brevard Reference Librarians reporttotheCampus Associate Directorfor Library and Administrative Services and work with seven professional librarians in ajoint-use facility representing the University of Central Florida, Brevard Community College and the Florida Solar Energy Center. RESPONSIBILITIES: Primary responsibilities include participation in afull range of reference and bibliographicinstruction andcollection developmentduties in afast-paced partnershipand branch campus environment with numerous electronic reference sources. Some evening/weekend hours maybe required. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: an ALA-accredited MLS by December31 ‚ 1998. Desired: Knowledge of, and willingness to work with, automated reference sources, ability to manage diverse assignments, thedesire to participate actively in adynamic instruction program with experience in preparation of instructional materials or tutorials, and a commitment to public service and information literacy. Experienceorunderstanding of branch campusand/orpartnershipenviron- ments and distance learning librarianship. Candidates should possess strong interpersonal communicationskills, flexibility, and acommitmentto leam and useemergingtechnologies. Finalists will be expected to presenta brief bibliographic instruction demonstration duringthe on-campus interview. SUBMISSION PROCEDURES: POSTMARKED DEADLINE: 0 c to b e r3 0 ,1998. RANK AND SALARY: Commensurate with experience and qualifications. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: Acover letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references must be submitted. The cover letter should address specific qualifications and experiences in theareaof specialization, as well asaddress all required anddesiredcriteria. Send responses to: Victor F. Owen Library Human Resources Coordinator University of Central Florida Library P.O. Box 162666 Orlando, FL 32816-2666 Searches are conducted in accordance with the State o f Florida Sunshine Regulations. UCF is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. C&RL News ■ October 1998 / 727 ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR AND CHIEF LIBRARIAN, RESEARCH LIBRARY (REOPENED AND REDEFINED SEARCH) The Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and The Humanities The Getty Research Instituteforthe History of Artand the Humanities— an international research center with extensive research collections, a scholars program, and programs in publications, exhibitions, and other public activities—seeks nominations and applicationsforaChief Librarian ofits Research Library. The Chief Librarian, who holds the rank of Associate Director in the Research Institute, reportstothe Directorofthe Research Instituteand has primary responsibilityfor all aspects of the Research Library, including the following functions: collection development, reference, collection management, conservation, and technical services. As an Associate Director, the Chief Librarian serves as part ofthe seniormanagementteam— the Office ofthe Director—comprised of the Directorandtwoother Associate Directors.The position assumes responsibility forthe interna­ tional and national presence ofthe Research Library, represents the Research I nstitute in professional associations, develops productive relationships with thedirectorsofotherresearch libraries, and represents the Director as designated. The Research Library hasastaff of 75 full-time employees andacurrent annual operating budget of $3.6 million, as well as capital acquisitions funds. Thefive functional divisions ofthe Research Library are: Collection Development & Research; Collection Management; Research Services; Technical Sen/ices; and Special Collections & Visual Resources. Current holdings of the library include 800,000 volumesof books, serials, and auction catalogs; 2 million study photographs; extensive archival and documentary special materials; and a growing body of electronic resources. The Research Library serves an international research clientele, visiting and residential scholars, regional faculty and graduate students, artists and independent scholars, the interested public, and the operating programs ofthe Getty Trust, including the Getty Museum, the Getty Research Institute, the Getty Conservation Institute, theGetty Education Institute, the Getty Information Program, and the Getty Grant Program. TheG etty Research Institute W ebsite address is: QUALIFICATIONS: Demonstrated ability to provide strong leadership, vision, and strategic direction toacomplexorganization; proven record of success in managing, motivating, and developing staff; knowledge of a broad range of issues involved with the integration of information technology; demonstrated understanding ofthe general library, special collections, and information resources necessary to support research and scholarship in areas of the visual arts and the humanities. Excellent communicationskills;abilitytoworkinahighlycollaborativeandintegratedresearchenvironmentand to participate in Research I nstitute and Getty T rust initiatives. Professional library degree and a record of professional achievement required. A record of scholarly research and an advanced degree in art history or a related field preferred. AVAI LABILITY: The review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a candidate is selected. COMPENSATION: TheGettyTrustoffersacompetitivesalaryandbenefitsprogram . Interested parties are invited to submit a letter of application and resume to: Morris & Berger 201 South Lake Avenue Suite 700 Pasadena, CA 91101 Fax: (626) 795-6330 sciences. Appointment will be at the rank of Associate Librarian or Senior Assistant Librarian, depending on qualifications. Competitive salary and benefits. Resumes will be accepted until filled, but first review of application will conclude October 12,1998. Formore information: library. Candidates should send resume/curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of at least three references to: Vincent Courtney, Chair Search Committee, Reed Library, State University of New York College at Fredonia, Fredonia, NY, 14063. SUNY Fredonia is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer; women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. DISTANCE LEARNING/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Southeast Mis­ souri State University. Responsibilities: Provide leadership in the development of library services to aggressively support distance learning. Develop and provide bibliographic instruction using multiple methodologies in courses delivered in a variety of ways. Prepare traditional and online documentation. Collaborate with faculty to develop appropriate library support for classes offered at a distance. Work with library consortia to enhance support for distance students. Participate in the development of the library's Web pages. Participate in rotation of general reference duties including some evening and weekend hours. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. Current experience with automated systems and electronic resources. Demonstrated commit­ ment to providing high-quality library services and promoting informa­ tion literacy. Computer skills including experience with HTML and Web design. Knowledge of copyright and licensing requirements in an electronic environment. Ability to work cooperatively and independently and to foster teamwork. Excellent oral and written communications 728/C&RL News ■ October 1998 ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR PUBLIC SERVICES The University of Central Florida The University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida(UCF)isacceptingapplicationsforthe position of Associate Director for Public Services. UCF is a metropolitan institution with an enrollmentof30,000and is a member of the State University System (SUS) of Florida. The university offers degree programs in five colleges: Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, Education, Engineering,and Health and Public Affairs. UCF is located in East Central Florida, a region with a population of about two million. Known primarily for its tourist attractions such as Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, and Sea World, the area is one of the fastest growing regions in the nation. Gulf and Atlantic beaches are within easy driving distance from the main campus. The area also offers Broadway productions, pop and classical music headliners, art festivals, a Shakespeare Festival of UCF origin, and major professional sporting events. The 1,445-acre campus is located in the Orlando suburbs 13 miles northeast of downtown. GENERALDESCRIPTION:The Associate Director for Public Services reports to the Director of Libraries and has primary responsibility for administering the public services departments: Reference, Circulation, Interlibrary Loan, and Access Services, with 23 faculty and 20 staff. Responsibilities include the direct supervision of all public services functions and coordination of activities with heads of the public service departments. The Associate Director for Public Services participates in the planning and policy-making bodies of the Library and participates fully in the overall administration of the Library, including long-range planning, development and evaluation of library services, and the establishment of library-wide policies. This position seeks applications from dynamic professionals who want to develop and apply innovative information technologies to user sen/ices for the academic community in the changing library environment. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS and a minimum of five years post-MLS experience in library public services, preferably in a large academic or research library. Demonstrated successful admin­ istrative/management experience in public services; proven, successful leadership in areas of staff development and motivation in a changing and flexible environment; and the ability to establish productive long-term, effective working relationships with staff and faculty in the Library as well as university faculty, students, and administrators and members of the community. Demonstrated experience in articulating and communicating a vision of library service and in initiating and implementing new sen/ices compatible with that vision; experience with technology-enhanced user services; and demonstrated excellent oral and written communication skills. Experience with distributive and off-campus programs, and a record of professional activities and/or publications is preferred. THE LIBRARIES:The University Libraries include two libraries on the UCF cam pus in Orlando and several branch locations in the central Florida area. The University Library, housed in a facility of 200,000 square feet, has a collection of over 1.1 million volumes and is a partial depository for U.S. and Florida documents, and U.S. Patents. The library materials budget is $4.7 million. A total staff of 95 includes 35 professional librarians. Through LUIS, the SUS’ online system, access is provided to the Library’s catalog as well as to the holdings of other SUS libraries. Access is also provided to numerous electronic full-text journals and databases. Education and training for effective use of information technology and resources is made available in a new state-of-the-art facility, where students have opportunities for immediate hands-on experience with presented techniques. For more information, visit the University of Central Florida Website: http://www.ucf.ed u. SALARY AND RANK: Commensurate with experience and qualifications. This is a full-time12-month non-tenure track position with generous benefits including health insurance and retirement options. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: Submit cover letter, resume, and the names,addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references postmarked by November 23,1998, to: Victor F, Owen Library Human Resources Coordinator University of Central Florida Library P.O. Box 162666 Orlando, FL 32816-2666 Cover letter should address specific qualifications and experience in the area of specialization, as well as address all required and desired criteria. Searches are conducted in accordance with the State of Florida Sunshine Regulations. UCF is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. http://www.ucf.ed C&RL News ■ October 1998 / 729 INFORMATION SERVICES SPECIALIST University of Southern California The Information Services Division ofthe University of Southern California is seeking afull-tim e information servicesspecialistinthe Science and Engineering Center, which primarily serves the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the School of Engineering, and the School of Gerontology. The posit ionfacilitatesstudentandfacultylntemetaccessandtheuseofelectronicresourcesforinstructionand research. Responsibilitiesindudethecreation and maintenanceofinformation resources,Web development, andtechnologysupport.Thejobrequiresarrangingoff-campus library servicesfordistance education programs, perfom¶ngmediatedonlinedatabasesearches, partìdpat'ngintradi tional collection development andcollection maintenance, developingsourceguidesand Internettools,andinteractingwithfaculty and students to promote the Center’s services in the libraries as well as the classroom. Thesuccessfulcandidatewillhavetheuniqueopportunityto merge twocurrentlydisparatespecialties — the technologist and the librarian - into a unified, dynamic role within the Information Services Division. As such, heorshemustpossessexcellentcommunication and interpersonal skills, astrong service orientation, and a broad base of both technology and information systems knowledge. Candidates with an MLS or an equivalent degree in information science with a graduate or undergraduate academic background inoneorm ore of the science disciplines are highly desired. Persons interested inthis position should submit an application letter, resume, and three professional references including addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addressesto: Sharon Haymond Human Resources Director University of Southern California University Park Los Angeles, CA 90089-0182 Referto Information Services Specialist, Scienceand Engineering Center#191 ‚ on all correspondence. Salary is negotiable, depending uponqualificationsand experience. USCoffersanexcellentemployee benefits package. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN * T h e University o f Massachusetts Boston seeks qualified candidates for the position o f Systems Librarian. This position reports to the Head o f Systems and works closely with library departments; implements and maintains a newly selected client/server integrated : library system; manages the daily operations o f ERL database servers and CD-ROM databases; works with the library community o f systems-related projects; investigates and implements new technologies that integrate information from different systems into a single user interface; and 3 collaborates on digitization projects for electronic reserves and for archives. The Systems Librarian is responsible for installing and supporting desktop computers (both hardware and softwáre) in public areas, as well as providing technical support for the library staff. Represents Library on committees at the University and regional level. QUALIFICATIONS: M.L.S. from an ALA accredited program or equivalent. Demonstrable knowledge o f and experience with client/server integrated library system; experience providing technical support; in-depth o f Windows95/NT client protocols and utilities such as TCP/IP, FTP, Telnet, Z39.50 and major administrative software applications. Strong interpersonal, written and oral communications skills essential. Preferred: Previous experience in an academic library environment; experience with LAN’s and network operating systems (NT, Unix), SQL-based report writers, digitization systems, HTMI, and web programming. Additional information can be obtained by contacting Apurva Mehta at, or by visiting our website at Minimum salary is $34,000. Application deadline is October 30,1998. Please send cover letter, curriculum vitae, names, addresses and telephone numbers o f three references to: Office of Human Resources, Search 160-175, University of Massachusetts Boston, 100 Morrissey Blvd., Boston, MA 02125-3393. An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity, Title IX employer. 7 3 0 1 C&RL News ■ October 1998 CATALOG LIBRARIAN Wichita State University The Catalog Librarian is one of three Catalogers, reporting to the Head of Technical Services, in a team-based environmentwhichindudes12supportstaff. Major responsibilitiesoftheposition involve catalogingmusic and mediamaterialsindudingpreparationand maintenance of original bibliographic records using AACR2, LCSH, Classification numbers, and US MARC tagging conventions. Enters recordson OCLC and NOTIS databases. Approximately 40% of the position iscataloging printed and recorded music, with the remainder divided among non-print materials, monographs, and serials. Participates in the management of thecataloging unit, which indudesdeveloping policies, procedures, and training staff. Engages in scholarship and professional service. Librarians at W ichita State University enjoy faculty rank, privileges, and responsibilities. REQUIREDQUALIFICATIONS:ALA-accreditedMLSand course work in cataloging. Course workin or knowledge of music/music literature. Good oral and written communication skills, and the ability toworkcollaborativelywith professional andsupport staff. Potentialforscholarshipand professional service. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Two years recent experience in an automated environment that includes cataloging music, media, monographs, orserials; experience on NOTIS system; reading knowledge or better of at least one non-E nglish language; second m aster’s degree. S tarting salary is $26,000-$30,000 for 12 months, depending on experience and qualifications. Tenure eligible. Choice of retirem ent plans, including TIAA/CREF. Send letter of application, resume, and names, a ddresses, and telephone num bers of three current references postm arked by Novem ber 2, 1998, to: Nan Myers Chair, Catalog Librarian Search Committee Wichita State University W ichita, KS 67260-0068 Non-citizens must beeligible to workinthe United Statesattimeof appointment. Finalists willbeinvited for an expense-paid interview. Wichita State University isan urban institution with an enrollment of over14,000andacommitrnenttoimprovingthediversityofitsfaculty by actively seeking applications from abroad spectrum of individuals. Wichita State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. skills. Successful teaching experience. Setting: Southeast Missouri State University is a comprehensive student-centered university of five colleges and two schools offering more than 120 academic programs. Campus is located in the heart of Cape Girardeau, a Mississippi River town of about 40,000, located on Interstate 55 between St. Louis and Memphis. Student enrollment is 8,500 with a student/faculty ratio of 18:1. Library collections include over400,000 bound cataloged volumes and current subscriptions to approximately 2,500 periodicals. Staff includes 12 librarians, 6 paraprofessionals‚and 22 clerical positions. An unusual professional opportunity for the right applicant. Support forthe library and extending distance learning opportunities are both promi­ nently included in university's strategic plan. New Deans in the Library and in Extended Learning are eager to fill this position with a dynamic librarian with the necessary skills to establish, develop, and maintain library services supporting the distance learning program. Salary: Commensurate with experience. Newly created tenure-track library faculty position with an academic year (9-month) appointment. Additional summer contract usually available. Appointment at instruc­ tor or assistant rank. Must meet established criteria, including a second master‘sdegree‚forpromotionandtenure.Tuition remission part of benefit package. Applications: send letter of application, resume and the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to : Distance Learning/Reference Librarian Screening Committee, One Uni­ versity Plaza, Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701; phone: (573) 651-2235; fax: (573) 651-2666. Applications received by October20,1998, will receive full consideration. Position will remain open until filled. Preferred starting date is January 19,1999. ELECTRONIC RESOURCES/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Southeast Missouri State University. Responsibilities: Assist and advise library faculty and staff in the selection and implementation of electronic resources and services. Collaborate with others in assessing techno­ logical needs. Provide support for library staff use of electronic resources. Coordinate the development and maintenance of the library's Web pages. Aid in planning library technology projects which impact user services. Design and implement training, instruction, and userguidesfor electronic resources. Design and maintain the interface for public worksta­ tions. Participate in all phases of reference, including evening and weekend rotation and bibliographic instruction. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. Knowledge of computer hardware and software, including library applications. Familiarity with current trends and issues in library technology and electronic resources and ability to apply this knowl­ edge to the local situation. Demonstrated commitment to providing high- quality public sen/ice. Experience with Windows 95, HTML, and Web design. Ability to work cooperatively and independently and to foster team­ work. Effective oral and written communications skills. Excellent analytical and organizational skills. Preferred qualifications include teaching and reference experience and a second master's or doctoral degree. Setting: Southeast Missouri State University is a comprehensive student-centered university of five colleges and two schools offering more than 120 academic programs. Campus is located in the heart of Cape Girardeau, a Missis­ sippi Rivertown of about40,000, located on Interstate55 between St. Louis and Memphis. Student enrollment is 8,500 with a student/faculty ratio of 18:1. Library collections include over400,000 bound cataloged volumes and current subscriptions to approximately 2,500 periodicals. Staff in­ cludes 12 librarians, 6 paraprofessionals, and 22 clerical positions. An unusual professional opportunity forthe right applicant. Developing tech­ nology-based services in Kent Library isan integral part of the university's strategic plan, which is directly tied to the budgeting process. New Dean/ Director eager to fill position with energetic, knowledgeable, and service-oriented librarian who can actively participate in planning for and implementation of expanded useoftechnology. Salary: Commensuratewith experience. Newly created tenure-track library faculty position with an academic year (9-month) appointment. Additional summercontract usually available. Appointment at instructor or assistant rank. Must meet estab­ lished criteria, including a second master's degree, for promotion and tenure. Tuition remission part of benefit package. Applications: Send letter of application, resume and the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e- C&RL News ■ October 19981 731 FIVE POSITIONS AVAILABLE J. Eugene Smith Library, Eastern Connecticut State University Five new positions, to begin in January 1999, when the new state-of-the-art building (127,000 sq. ft.) opens. (An opening for cataloger already advertised separately.) Required: ALA-accredited master’s or its equivalent. Experience with an integrated library system. Comfortable in an online networked environment. Communication skills. Flexible. Service commitment. Teamworkand people skills. Pre­ ferred: Additional advanced degree in a subject, especially math/sciences or social sciences. All 12-month, tenure-track positions. For information about the library, and the university, see: http:// PUBLIC AND RESEARCH SERVICES DIVISION All reporttothe Head of Publicand Research Services 1. COORDINATOR OF ACCESS SERVICES Assistantor Associate Librarian’srank.Coordinatetheplanningandoperationsof circulation, reserves (including electronic reserves), ILL, and other resource-sharing activities. Supervise staff. Coordinate large pool of student assistants. Assistthe library in marketing/promotion. Additional requirements: Minimum two years of professional experience in access. Supervisory experience. Preferred: Experi­ ence in promotion/marketing, in reference, and in user and use studies. 2. UNIVERSITY ARCHIVIST, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND REFERENCE SERVICES Assistant Librarian’s rank. Coordinate the planning and operations of the Archives, including the establishment of a scheme to preserve materials related to the University’s history. Reference (half-time). Respond to service-on-demand to the Special Collections rooms. Additional requirements: Minimum two years in archival management. At least two years reference experience preferred: Certification in archival work. Experience in grants writing. 3. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCESERVICES Assistant Librarian’s rank. Coordinate the planning and operations of documents, including, collection development, processing, and database maintenance in traditional and electronic formats. Supervise supportstaff. Reference duties as assigned. Additional requirements: Minimum of two yearsprofes- sional experience in government documents, including technical processing. Experience in reference. Supervisory experience. Preferred: Experience in Canadian documents, community outreach. 4. REFERENCE ANDOUTREACH SERVICES Assistant Librarian’s rank. Coordinate the planning, design, implementation, marketing, and evaluation of the library’s outreach program for off-site usersand distance learners, using both traditional and multimedia/interactive active approaches. Reference duties as assigned. Additional requirements: Minimum two years professional experience in outreach services. Minimum of two years in reference. Experience in program planning, implementation, andevaluation. Preferred: academic library experi­ ence WWW (html).Technical Services and Collection Development Division: Reports to the Head of TS and Collection Development.Officer 5. SERIALS LIBRARIAN Assistant Librarian’srank.Coordinateplanningandoperationsof Serials, indudingsupervision of staff, budget management, collection analysis, and maintenanceoftheserialsdatabase integrity. Leadership in integrating electronic, print, and microform collections and help movethelibrarytowardadigitalaccess mode. Assistpublicservicesinstaffingaservicepoint. Additional Requirements: Minimumoftwoyears professional serials experience. Experience with traditional and electronic serial formats, automated control systems, and currenttrends. Budget and supervisory experience preferred: Experience in public services, user/use studies. Knowledge of K-12 materials. Send letter of application (specifying which position), resume, and names, with telephone numbers and addresses, of three recent work references to: Tina C. Fu Library Director J. Eugene Smith Library Eastern Connecticut State University 83 Windham St. W illim antic, CT 06226-2295 Screening begins immediately and will continue until all positions are filled. Eastern Connecticut State University is an AA/EEO employer. Women, members of protected classes, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. 7 3 2 1 C&RL News ■ October 1998 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE George Mason University George Mason University is the fastest growing university in the Commonwealth of Virginia. A public doctoral institution of more th a t24,000 students, its academic units include the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Nursing and Health Sciences, the School of Law, the School of Information Technology and Engineering, the School of Management, the Graduate School of Education, New Century College, and a number of acclaimed research institutes. George Mason has campuses in the countiesof Fairfax, Arlington, and Prince William, Virginia. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN Duties encompass reference, instruction, collection development, and liaison sen/ices in the fields of biological science, biotechnology, bio-informatics, computational science and informatics, and the American Type Culture Collection (a majorGMU Corporate partner). Position is based at the Prince William Campus Library, participates in evening and weekend reference rotation, manages the Academic Bldg. II Library Annex, and assumesoversightroleforthePWCLin the absence ofthe Head Librarian. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLSdegree‚academiclibraryprofessionalexperienceworking with biological or related disciplines, and excellent communication and interpersonal skills required. Preference will begiventocandidates with demonstrated experience in provision of reference service, collection development and management of print/electronic resources, libraryinstruction, design and development of instructional resources/Web pages, working in a “partnership” environment, and a Master’s degree and/or demonstrated knowledge in one ofthe stated subject areas within scope of assignment. Ability to meet requirementfor retention and promotion essential. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN Provides government document sen/ices, including reference, collection development and manage­ ment of print and electronic resources, library instruction, liaison services, and staff training and supervision. Serves as designated liaison to the Geography and Earth Systems Sciences department, andotheracademic units requiring Government Documents library services. Duties include provision of general reference, including evening and weekend reference desk rotation. QU ALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS degree, demonstrated knowledge of government document printand electronic resources, academic background in relevantfield(s), andexcellentcommunication and interpersonal skills required. Preference willbegiventocandidateswithprofessional experience in government documents, provision of reference service, collection development and management of print/electronic resources, libraryinstruction, technical processing, design and development of instructional resourcesA/Vebpages, andamasterisdegreeand/ordemonstrated knowledge in oneof the stated subject areas within scope of assignment. Ability to meet requirementfor retention and promotion essential. INFORMATION: 12-month appointment, excellent benefits, salary $34,000+ depending on Qualifi­ cations. To learn more about George Mason University, visit APPLICATION: Send letterof application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three current references to: Biological Sciences Librarian or Government Documents Librarian Library Administration, MSN 2FL George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: November 15,1998 AA/EEO employer; minorities encouraged to apply. mail addresses of three references to: Electronic Resources/Reference Librarian Screening Committee, One University Plaza, Southeast Mis­ souri State University, Cape Girardeau, M063701; phone: (573) 651-2235; fax: (573) 651 -2666. Applications received by October20,1998, will receive full consideration. Position will remain open until filled. Preferred starting date is January 19,1999. INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIANS. (2 positions). The Health Sciences Library at the State University of New York at Stony Brook is seeking qualified applicants fortw o Information Services Librarian posi­ tions. These positions join others on the information services team. Re­ sponsibilities will include: active participation in general and specialized reference services including online searching, electronic and traditional resources, general and specialized instruction, research/consultation services, and outreach to the university, hospital, and community; participa­ tion in special projects; teaching and consulting in the Library‘s formal education programs; includes some scheduled evening and weekend hours. The Information Services Librarians report to the Assistant Director for Information Services. Minimum qualifications are: MLS o r its equiva- lentfrom an ALA-accredited program; excellent interpersonal and effective C&RL News ■ O ctober 19981 733 PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN-INSTRUCTIONALSERVICES/ ARCHIVES. Lynchburg College Lynchburg College Library seeks innovative, dynamic, and experienced librarian to provide key public services. Principal areasof responsibility include: instruction (teachingafor-creditinformation literacy course and course-related sessions, and coordination of program development, implementation, and evaluation); reference and information services (including nightand weekend rotations); collection development; faculty/student liaison and research support; library web page; and college archives. ALA-accredited MLS required, with at least three years of academic public services experience; extensive experience in instruction; web page development; and experience with online resources. Experience or course work in archives preferred. Please send letter of application, resume, and four letters of reference to: C hristopher M illson-M artula Knight-Capron Library Lynchburg College 1501 Lakeside Drive Lynchburg, VA24501 Review of applications will begin immediately. The position will remain open until asuitable candidate has been identified. Formore information aboutthecollege and the library, visit ourweb site at: http:/ / U N IV ER SITY A R C H IV IS T The American University in Cairo Applications areinvitedforthe position of University ArchivistatThe American UniversityinCairo. Underthe general direction ofth e Assistant D irectorfor Rare Books, Special Collections and Archives, the appointee will be responsiblefor a program to develop, organize, preserve, and provide access to the University Archives according to standard procedures in an automated environment. The position also involves supervising the processing of special archival collections acquired by the Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Required qualifications include agraduate degree in archival administration, library science/ information management, orthe equivalent, with asecond Master’s degree desirable; minimum of three years of professional experience, preferably in achival administration; and ability to communicate well in spoken and written English. Working knowledge of Arabicand other languages helpful;computerliteracyandfamiliaritywithcontemporaryarchivalstandardsand procedures essential. The position is open now, and will be filled as soon as possible, preferably by January 1999. Initial appointm ent will be for tw o years, and is renewable. Salary is according to a scale based on qualifications and professional experience. For expatriates, housing, roundtrip airtravel for appointee and accompanyingfamily, plus schoolingfortwochildrenare included. InviewofAUC's protocol agreement with the Egyptian Govemmentwhich requires specificproportionsof Egyptian, U.S., and third-country citizen faculty, at this time preference will be given toqualified applicants who are U.S. citizens. Mail letter of application specifying job placement file, before November 1 ‚ 1998, to: Earl Sullivan Acting Provost The American University in Cairo 420 Fifth Ave., Fl. 3CR New York, NY 10018-2729 AUC is an equal opportunity employer. 73 4 1 C&RL News ■ October 1998 HEAD OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Washington University in St. Louis Olin Library System The Washington University Libraries invites applications forthe position of Head of Special collections. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Head of Special Collections is responsible for administrative over sight and strategic planning for all aspects of departmental operations, including manuscripts, archives, and other special collections. I n addition ‚ the Head plays a major role in library development efforts and servesas primary liaison to the University’s illustrated book program. QUALIFICATIONS: A master’s degree is required. Highly desirable is the MLS in conjunction with a second subject master’s degree. Supervisory experience, preferably in an academic setting, is required. The successful candidate will have experience with and knowledge of the acquisitions, organization, and processing of Archives, Manuscripts, and Special Collections. Excellent commu- nication skills, an understanding of the information needs of a research university, and the vision to integrate the Special Collections department into the twenty-first century academic environment is critical. Finally, the Head must be able to work effectively in a collegial manner in an everchanging environment. Salary range: $41,376-$51,720. Washington University’s Special Collections pioneered modern manuscript collecting through the formation and growth of the Modern Literary Manuscripts Collections. The Manuscript Collection houses the papers of James Merrill, Howard Nemerov, May Swenson and many others. Current initiatives include collaboration with the School of A rt and th e University’s Writers Program on the Illustrated Book Program and Studio. For full consideration, applicants should send a letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Virginia Toliver Director of Administration and Planning Olin Library Campus Box 1061 1 Brookings Dr. St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 Position will remain open until filled; initial review of applications will begin November 15,1998. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. Washington University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. teaching skills, commitment to public sen/ice, and the ability and flexibility to work both independently and in a team environment; training and experience in the use of information technology, searching databases and the Internet/ www. Preferred: experience in reference sen/ice in a health sciences library. Appointment rank and salary based on relevant qualifications and experience with a minimum salary of $40,000 at the Assistant or Senior Assistant Librarian rank. Excellent benefits. Qualified individuals should submit a letter of application, resume and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Ruth Marcolina, Assistant Director for Information Services, Health Sciences Library, 8034 SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11794-8034. SUNY at Stony Brook is an affirmative action/equal opportunity educator and employer. INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. 2 Positions. Marriott Library, University of Utah. The University of Utah, with a student population o f25,000, seeks two motivated and innovative individuals to serve as team members of a success­ ful and growing library instruction program. Instruction Librarian Works with members ofthe Instruction Division to plan, implement, and evaluate the instruction program. Develops and provides group and individual instruc­ tion and training for students, staff, and faculty in the use of library resources and information technologies. Teaches credit courses. Works closely and cooperativeLY with reference areas, Academic Computing and Library Information Services (ACLIS), and other library departments. Masters new technologies and stays current in library applications. Develops instruc­ tional and training materials in print, interactive Web-based, and multimedia formats. Provides reference sen/ices as a means of staying in touch with the use of technologies and other resources by patrons and staff. Develops training programs to be offered by other librarians and staff. Qualifications: Required: MLSfrom ALA-accredited library school. Substantial knowledge of and experience with electronic resources, desktop and Internet applica­ tions. Demonstrated effective training/teaching skills in group and one-on- one settings. Strong oral and written communication skills. Strong commit- ment to excellent and innovative sen/ice. Ability to work with users of varying technical expertise. AbilitytomeetUniversity'srequirementsforpromotion and continuing appointment. Preferred: Formal teaching experience. Knowl­ edge of issues and trends in library instruction. Reference service experi­ ence. Experience in an academic library. Salary: Minimum $28,000, de­ pending on qualifications; excellent benefits. A member of ARL, the Marriott Library has nearly doubled in size with the recent opening of a 210,000 sq. ft. addition. Holdings include over 2 million volumes, 14,000 periodical subscriptions, and considerable networked electronic resources. Recently, the library and the campus computercenter merged to meet more effectively the campus technology needs. Undergraduate education is a university priority, and library instruction a growing emphasis. We teach over 300 library instruction sessions per semester. The university is situated on a 1,500-acre campus in Salt Lake City, a growing urban area with a strong economy. A cosmopolitan community of approximately 1 million residents, Salt Lake City offers a variety of cultural, entertainment, and outdoor recreational activities. Application Procedures: Send a de­ tailed letter of application, along with resume, plus names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references, to: Kristeen Arnold, Personnel Officer, 327 Marriott Library, 295 South 1500 East, Rm. Dock, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0860. Applications received by November6 will be given full consid­ eration. The University of Utah is an EO/AA Employer. We encourage applicationsfrom women and minorities and provide reasonable accommo­ dations to known disabilities of applicants and employees. INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN AND ASSISTANT PRO­ FESSOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES. Central Missouri State University Library Services seeks faculty members: Instructional Services C&RL News ■ O ctober 1998 / 735 H e a d o f P r o c e s s i n g W orking in one of The N ew York Public Library's four research centers, an excellent opportunity exists to m anage and supervise the processing operations at the Science, Industry and Business Library. SIBL is the w orld's largest public library devoted to science, technology, econom ics, and business and its' collection includes 10,000 current periodicals as well as a large gov ernm ent docum ents collection. Participate in workflow analysis, staff allocation and supervision and the monitoring of daily operations including check-in, claim ing, and bindery processing. Will train staff in all func­ tions of processing including catalog mainte­ nance, use of Innovative Interfaces system as well as searching R U N and OCLC. Maintains the productivity, quality and accuracy of the unit and makes recommendations for revisions and improvements. Serves as liaison to other divi­ sions in SIBL and to others in the Library. Provides public service and acts as an instructor in SIBL's training programs. To qualify, candidates m ust possess an ALA accredited MLS, experience supervising and training staff, and managing a serial processing or technical services operation. Demonstrated in-d epth know ledge of AACRII and the MARC record. K now ledge of library tech nology app lication s and Innovative Interfaces or another integrated library system. Excellent PC skills; W ord; E xcel; database program s. Experience in the implementation of tape-loading projects for G.P.O governm ent docum ents record s preferred. Experience in analysis of technical processing workflow and operations preferred. Salary com mensurate with experience. Please send resum e including salary requirements to: The New York Public Library Hum an Resources Department KN-TP 188 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor New York, N Y 10016-4314 or email An Equal Opportunity Employer EDUCATION/MEDIA UNION BRANCH LIBRARY MANAGER Nova Southeastern University Nova Southeastern University, a private in­ stitution with a com m itm ent to excellence in distance education and technology, invites applicants for the position of Education/Me­ dia Union Branch Library Manager. Reporting to the Director of the Einstein Library, the Education/Media Union Branch Librarian will provide reference service, library instruc­ tion, and library management fo r the Media Union Branch Library. The Media Union Branch Library supports programs at the Fischler C enter for Education. This is a position of leadership in the Nova Southeastern Univer­ sity Libraries and involves working in a team environment with the librarians at the Einstein Library and with academic administrators and faculty. This position will involve some travel to distance education sites. MINIMUMQUALIFICATIONS:ALA-accredited MLS; three years of professional library ex­ perience with increasingly greater job re­ sponsibilities; undergraduate or m aster’s degree in education or experience using graduate education library materials and da- tabases; proven interpersonal/communica­ tion skills; demonstrated database searching skills; demonstrated teaching and presenta­ tion skills; evidence of leadership and mana­ gerial skills; evidence of professional growth and creative contributions in previous posi­ tions; evidence of an understanding o f the academic environment and the ability to work in a com plex and dynamic environment. SALARY AND BENEFITS: Minimum $32,500 and commensurate with qualifications. Acom- prehensive benefits package is provided. APPLICATION P ROCEDURE: Send letter of application, resume, and names/addresses/ contact numbers of three references to: The Office of Human Resources Nova Southeastern University 3301 College Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314 For additional information about the position, contact: Harriett MacDougall, Director of the Einstein Library, harriett@ The review of applications will begin immedi­ ately and will continue until the position is filled. Affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. HUMAN RESOURCES LIBRARIAN Princeton University Library The Human Resources Librarian is responsible for directing all aspects of the Princeton University Library’s human resources program. The Human Re­ sources Librarian is a senior member of the library staff and serves as the library’s principal liaison to the university’s Office o f Human Resources, the Office of the Dean o f the Faculty, and the Student Employment Office. The Human Resources Librarian’s portfolio includes managing the recruitment, hiring, and retention of staff; coordinating programs for performance review, salary review, classification review, and promotion; overseeing management development and staff training activities; interpreting personnel policies and procedures; counseling staff; and acting as the library’s affirmative action officer. The Human Resources Librarian also is a member of the support staff bargaining unit Labor-Management Committee, participates in contract negotiations, and assures contract compliance. The Human Resources Librarian maintains a dose working relationship with the other human resources professionals on campus, and communicates regularly with the human resources offices at other major research libraries. This position is funded by the University Library and university’s Office of Human Resources, and reports to the University Librarian. The Human Resources Librarian supervises two supportstaff and the Staff Development Librarian. QUALIFICATIONS: A minimum of five years of experience in human resources administration, preferably in a university or research library. A m aster’s degree from an American Library Association-accredited library school isstronglypreferred;adegreeinhuman resources is desirable. Other qualifications include demonstrated ability to w ork successfully with all categories of staff; demonstrated strength in oral and written communications; and demonstrated ability to handle personnel matters equitably, sensitively, and confidentially. Candidates will be expected to show a commitment to fostering an inclusive, progressive, and satisfying workplace; they must also be knowledgeable about the changing academic library, particularly with reference to the renewed emphasison user services, wider applicationsof technology, and the reorganization of traditional library work. Also required: experience supervising professional and support staff,familiarity with regulations affecting employment, and experience with standard office automation packages. THEPRINCETONUNIVERSITYLIBRARY:ThePrincetonUniversityLibraryisoneoftheworld’smost distinguished research libraries. It employs a staff of approximately320librarians, professional technical workers, administrators, and support staff; it also has a large student and hourly workforce. Library operations are divided among 20 sites on campus,indudingalargecentral library. More information may be found at the library’s Web site: http ://infoshare1.Princeton.EDU:2003/ SALARY & RANK: Dependent upon experience and qualifications. Attractive benefits program. Review of applications will begin on October 31 ‚ 1998, and will continue until the job is filled. Nominationsandapplications(comprised of cover letter; resume; and names, titles,addresses, and phone numbers of three references) should b e s e n t to: Search Committee for Human Resources Librarian c/o Dorothy A. Pearson Associate University Librarian for Administrative Services Princeton University Library One Washington Road Princeton, NJ 08544-2098 e-mail; m ariadif@ fax: (60 9) 25 8 -0 4 5 4 A A/EO E C&R L News ■ October 19981 737 BUSINESS/TECHNOLOGY BRANCH LIBRARY MANAGER Nova Southeastern University Nova Southeastern University, a private insti­ tution with a commitment to excellence in distance education and technology, invites applicants for the position of Business/ Tech- nology Branch Library Manager. Reporting to the Director of the Einstein Library, the Busi- ness/ Technology Branch Library Manager will provide reference service, library instruction, and collection management for the East Cam­ pus Branch Library. The East Campus Branch Library supports graduate programs in busi­ ness, com puterand information sciences, and social and systemic studies. This is a position of leadership in the Nova Southeastern Uni­ versity Libraries and involves working in a team environment with the librarians at the Einstein Library and with academic administra­ tors and faculty. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS; three years of professional library expe­ rience with increasingly greater job responsi­ bilities; undergraduate or master’s degree in business or thorough experience in business reference; proven interpersonal/communica­ tion skills; demonstrated database searching skills; demonstrated teaching and presenta­ tion skills; evidence of leadership and mana­ gerial skills; evidence of professional growth and creative contributions in previous posi­ tion; evidence of an understanding of the academic environment and the ability to work in a complex and dynamic environment. SALARY AND BENEFITS: Minimum $32,500 and commensurate with qualifications. A com - prehensive benefits package is provided. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Send letter of application, resume, and names/addresses/ contact numbers of three references to: The Office of Human Resources Nova Southeastern University 3301 College Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314 For additional information about the position, contact: Harriett MacDougall, Director of the Einstein Library, harriett@ The review of applications will begin immedi­ ately and will continue until the position is filled. Affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. HEAD OF REFERENCE & INFORMATION SERVICES Wagner College Library Located on beautiful Grymes Hill in New York City, W agner College is a competitive four- year private undergraduate college with five masters-level graduate programs, in addition to 28 majors, 22 minors, and 9 professional programs. Undergraduate enrollment is ap­ proximately 1,700 students with 70 percent residential; graduate programs enroll approxi­ mately 350 students. The college recently adopted a highly innovative undergraduate curriculum of “reading, writing, and doing," known as The W agner Plan, which requires all students to complete a program of integrated multidisciplinary studies and experiential learn­ ing tutorials. The Library has a book collection of 280,999, and employs 16 staff members; provides an innovative library information ser­ vice and a library instruction program of read­ ing and writing of research materials, using sophisticated database searches. The following library position is available be­ ginning January 1, 1999. Head of Reference & Information Services: The library seeks an experiences, dynamic leader in reference and information services to manage the Reference and Circulation Departments. RESPONSIBILITIES: Manages all activities of the Reference and Circulation Departments; coordinates formal and informal library in­ struction/inform ation technology programs; oversees reference collection development and ILL; provides leadership in evaluating existing reference services and developing new services with automated technological applications. QUALIFICATIONS AND SALARY: AL7\ accred­ ited master’s degree; second master’s degree or doctorate; reference service experience; substantial knowledge of and experience with com puter applications; excellent oral and writ­ ten communication skills. Competitive salary. Applications accepted until the position is filled, but those received prior to October 30, 1998, will have preference. Please send resume, cover letter, and three references to: John Auh Library Director Wagner College One Campus Road Staten Island, NY 10301 EOE/AA 73 8 / C&RL News ■ October 1998 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE The University of Connecticut Libraries The University of Connecticut Libraries, members of the Association of Research Libraries, are currently recruiting for two librarian positions. For further information about the UConn Libraries or the following positions, see our home page at: MAP CATALOG LIBRARIAN AND LIAISON FOR NATURAL RESOURCES (Search #98A81) Reporting to the Head of Collections Services, this position provides leadership in the intellectual control of spatial data in a variety of formats and provides collection development, reference, and liaison services to the Natural Resources Management and Engineering (NRME) Department. DUTIESINCLUDE:Serving a s the cataloging liaison to th e Library’s Map an d Geographic Information Center; cataloging spatial data in all formats; creating original bibliographic records for library materials as a member of the Acquisitions/Cataloging T earn in Collections Services; developing and maintaining strong relationships with NRME’s faculty and students; and participating in the development of library collections in assigned areas. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDE: ALA-accredited MLS and current successful cataloging expe- rience, preferably with cartographic materials, in an automated systems environment in an academic or research library; astrong background in natural sciences developed through academic studies or work experience; and excellent interpersonal and oral and written communications skills. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDE: Advanced degree in the natural sciences; experience with emerging metadata standards, and experience with D BM S s uch a s MS Access, Oracle, or Sybase. SYSTEM S LIBRARIAN (Search #99A 82) Reporting to the Head of Information Technology Services, this position administers the Libraries’ Integrated Library System. DUTIES INCLUDE: Responsibility for system administration, project management duties, and ongoing system maintenance for the current library management system and its successor system; participating in the evaluation, recommendation, and implementation of anew integrated library system in 1999; and investigating and implementing technologies that integrate information from different systems into a single seamless user interface. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDE: ALA-accredited MLS and a t least three years relevant systems experience, preferably in an academic library environment; demonstrated experience with client/server applications and information standards(e.g.,Z39.50, MARC, HTML); demonstrated experience with the installation, management, and maintenance of UNIX-based systems; and excellent oral and written communication skills. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONSINCLUDE:Demonstratedexperience with next-generaíonlibrarysystemsand abroad range of software products used in the library environment; and experience with SQL-based report generation. RANK AN D SALARY RANGE: University Librarian rank and salary commensurate with experience, toa $48,000 maximum hiring salary for each position. UNIVERSITYSETTING:The University of Connecticut, established in 1881 ‚ is a Carnegie Research I University. It was recently cited as one of the top 20 public national universities. The main campus, situated in Storrs on 3,lOOacresofwoodlandsandrollinghills,is locatedapproximately30milesfromHartford,thestate capital,and midway between Boston and New York City. There are approximately21,750students system-wide. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Subm it a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Brinley Franklin Associate Director for Administrative Services University of Connecticut Libraries Box U-5A 369 Fairfield Rd. Storrs, CT 06269-1005 Screening will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. A t the University o f Connecticut, our commitment to excellence is complemented by our commitment to building a culturally diverse staff. We actively encourage minorities and people with disabilities to apply. C&RL News ■ October 1998 / 739 TWO TEMPORARY POSITIONS REFERENCE AND INFORMATION LITERACY LIBRARIANS Carleton College Northfield, Minnesota Carleton College seeks two innovative, energetic librarians to augment its staff during an exciting period of expanding services and to fill in for planned leaves. These positions provide an exceptional opportunity to contribute to and learn from a talented, highly motivated team of librarians responsible for managing an imaginative liberal arts college library with high service standards. Both positions begin January 4,1999; one continues for 12 months and one for 18 months. Carleton College’s Library has an outstanding undergraduate library collection. The library employs a staff of 25 (including 8 librarians), and participates in MINITEX (astatewide cooperative library network) and OCLC. Additional information about the library can be found on its Web site at: http:/ / development, initiative, and innovative approaches to user services. Carleton College is a highly selective, residential, nonsectarian liberal arts college offering degrees in33fieldsof study and7interdisciplinaryprogramsto1,850 men and women. Carleton is consistently ranked among the top liberal arts institutions nationally forth equality of its educational enterprise. It is located in the historic town of Northfield, Minnesota, about 45 miles south of Minneapolis and St. Paul. RESPONSIBILITlES:ReporttotheCollegeLibrarian;both positions will provide reference desk services (including participation inevening and weekend rotation); participate in course-related instruction in information literacy; and conduct faculty liaison. Additional duties to be assigned, depending on interest and experience, include Web page design and maintenance, desktop publishing, production of handouts and publications, supervision o f the information desk, assistance in building a public relations program, and collection management work with government documents and the reference collection. QUALIFICATIONS: Essential: ALA-accredited MLS. Working knowledge of print and electronic reference sources. Demonstrated knowledge of trends in information services and electronic publishing. Excellent interpersonal skills; ability to work both independently and as part of a collaborative decision-making team. Excellent analytical skills. Desirable: Reference-ervices and teaching experience; experience in creating and maintaining Web pages, desktop publishing, and public relations. Salary commensurate with background and experience. Competitive fringe benefits package. Please submit a letter of application and resume, along with the names, addresses, e-mail, and phone numbers of three professional references. The Committee reserves the right to contact additional individuals who are familiar with the candidate’s work. Review of applications begins October 21 ‚ 1998, and continues until an appointment is made. Materials should b e sent to: Samuel Demas College Librarian and Senior Lecturer Laurence McKinley Gould Library Carleton College One North College St. Northfield, MN 55057 Carleton College is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity. Professor with an annual salary of $42,000. Send: Letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone number of three refer­ ences to: Pal V. Rao, Dean of Library Services, Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg, MO 64093. Screening will begin on October 16,1998, and will continue until the positions are filled. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. AA/EEO/ADA. LIBRARIAN FOR HISTORY, RELIGIOUS STUDIES, AND HIS­ TORY & PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE. Indiana University Libraries— Bloomington. Under direction of Director of Collection Development, responsible for developing collections and related research services in History, Religious Studies, and the History & Philosophy of Science, working closely with faculties in these departments to identify needs and establish priorities; provides direct research consultation and instruc­ tion to library users; oversees collection budgets and assists in developing external funding sources, and participates in cooperative programs for resource-sharing; prepares collection and database guides; develops web sites and digitization projects; monitors approval plans, recommends preservation treatments, and participates in space planning. As a member of SALC (Subject and Area Librarians Council), takes responsibility for S ALC's liaison activities to another department or service unit within the Libraries (e.g., coordination of instruction, space planning, o r technical sen/ices). Final subject assignments, in addition to history, as well as liaison duties will be based on successful applicant's academic training, experience, and interests. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited master's degree in library science with graduate degree in history or 740 / C&RL News ■ October 1998 FOUR POSITIONS AVAILABLE New Mexico State University Due to recent retirements, New Mexico State University Library offers4tenure-tracklnstructor/Assistant Professor level positions. New Mexico’s land-grant university, NMSU enrolls approximately 15,000 students, is a Carnegie l research institution and a member of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities(HACU).TheUniversity Library contains approximately 1 million volumes and has an annual budget exceeding $5 million. Library computer resources include VTLS. INNOPAC, OCLC, Internet access, First Search, campus-wide CD-ROM LAN, multiple PC applications, and a state-of-the-art electronic classroom.. For additional information, see our W ebpage at or call (505) 646-3102. All positions require an ALA-accredited MLS degree, demonstrable ability to meet requirements for faculty promotion and tenure, and excellent oral and written communication skills. Salary: $29,500 minimum, DOQ. Complete benefits package; for details: ELECTRONIC RESOURCES CATALOG LIBRARIAN Perform original and copy cataloging for a variety of library materials, including electronic serials and monographs; identify, advise staff members on, and solve complex cataloging problems; participate in management of Bibliographic Services Department; participate in library-wide development of access to electronic information resources; provide direct public service through reference desk duty including some night and weekend hours, bibliographic instruction, and/or Web page development; provide leadership, training, and support fo r departmental staff. REQUIRED: Minimum of one year cataloging experience using online bibliographic utilitysuch as OCLC; knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, LCC, MARC formats, and other standard cataloging tools; strong analytical and problem-solving skills; interest in a wide variety of cataloging issues and problems; ability to work effectively in a changing environment. INSTRUCTION COORDINATOR Provide leadership through planning, coordinating, and evaluating the Library’s instruction program; coordinate and evaluate the Library’s information literacy courses; teach both course-related instruc- tion sessions and for-credit courses; provide pedagogical development and training for librarians; work cooperatively with Library and campus-wide faculty to promote library instruction and information literacy; evaluate the effectiveness and outcomes of information literacy at NMSU; other duties as assigned including general reference service with some night and weekend hours. REQUIRED: 2+ years library experience or related teaching experience; thorough knowledge of standard printand electronic information sources, including Internet. EDUCATION/ASSISTANT INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN Provide general reference service with particular emphasis in the field of education; participate in all phases of reference including evening and weekend rotation; work closely with and assist lnstruction Coordinator in providing course-related instruction and for-credit courses; serve as faculty liaison with collection development and library instruction responsibilities for the College of Education. REQUIRED: Evidence of strong commitment to public service; demonstrable knowledge of a wide range of print and electronic information sources, including Internet; broad knowledge of education literature andscholarship;understandingofuserneedsandlibraryresourcesrelevanttothefieldof education; and ability to work collaboratively. H UM ANITIES LIBRARIAN Provide reference service with particularemphasisintheHumanities;participateinallphasesofreference including evening and weekend rotation; provide instruction to library users; serve as faculty liaison with collection development and library instruction responsibilities to the Theatre and Art Departments. REQUIRED: Evidence of strong commitmenttopublicservice;demonstrable knowledge of a wide range ofprintandelectronicinformationsources‚includinglntemet; broad knowledge of Humanities literature andscholarship;understandingoflibraryneedsand resources relevant to one or more Humanities fields. Postmark deadline for applications: October 28,1998. Submit letter of application, resume, supportive materials, with names/addresses/phonenumbersof three references to: Kate Shaughnessy Personnel Officer NMSU Library Box 30006 MSC 3475 Las Cruces, NM 88003-8006 NMSU is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer. C&RL News ■ October 1998 / 741 REFERENCE SERVICES COORDINATOR Northern State University Northern State University is seeking a Reference Services Coordinator to provide leadership in continuing development of the library's instructional and outreach programs, including bibliographic instruction, reference services, and training. The librarian will coordinate the Library's reference and instruction programs, teach courses in the library media program, provide training fo r students, faculty, and staff on library software, including search strategies and techniques and Internet training, and serve as liaison with the School of Education. This position is one of three professional librarian positions reporting to the Director of Libraries. The Librarian will work closely with the other library staff, including the Electronics Resources Coordinator, the Instructional Technology Coordinator, and the Director o f the NSU-TV Services. The position carries faculty rank and status; a second master's degree is required fo r appointment to a tenure- track position. EDUCATIONAL/EXPERIENCEREQUIREMENTS:ALA-accreditedMLSor equivalent required, as well as public service experience, including computer networks and resource and software selection and supervisory experience. Knowledge of children's literature and curriculum materials desirable. Excellent oral, written, and computer communication skills and a demonstrated ability to collaborate w ith a wide variety of people are required. Familiarity with research and evaluation procedures desired. Northern State University is a Carnegie MA I, multi-purpose regional, state-supported institution offering associate, baccalaureate, and graduate degrees. Northern State University invites letters of application accompanied by a vita, transcripts, and three letters of recommendation. Address letters to: Erika Tallman Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs Northern State University 1200 South Jay St. A berdeen, SD 57401-7198 Consideration of applications will begin October 15,1998, and will continue until the position is filled. Northern State University is an equal opportunity institution. equivalent combination of education and library experience; knowledge of electronic resources with interest in developing innovative services; and understanding of nature of scholarly research, publishing trends, and complexities of large and rapidly changing research library environment. Reading knowledge of French and/or German; excellent written and oral communication skills; good interpersonal skills and ability to work as part o f a team. Preferred: Graduatecourseworkand/orresearch library expe­ rience in religious studies; bibliographic knowledge of additional West European languages; and some teaching experience. Salary and Benefits: Salary negotiable and competitive, dependent upon experience, qualifica­ tions, and rank. Rank will be Assistant Librarian— $31,039; Associate Librarian— $37,708; or Librarian— $46,087. This is a tenure-track aca­ demic appointment, which includes eligibility for sabbatical leaves. Ben­ efits include a university health care plan, Tl AA/CREF retirement/annuity plan, group life insurance, and liberal vacation and sick leave. To Apply: Send letter of application, professional vita, and names, addresses, and phonenum bersoffourreferencesto:LilaFredenburg, Libraries Human Resources Officer, Indiana University Libraries, Main Library C-201 ‚ Bloomington, IN 47405; phone: (812) 855-8196; fax: (812) 855-2576; e-mail: Ifredenb @ Review of applications will begin on Octo­ ber 16,1 998. The search will remain open until the position is filled. LIBRARIAN FOR THE ONASSIS LIBRARY FOR HELLENIC AND ROMAN ART. The Department of Greek and Roman Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art seeks a Librarian fo r the daily management and maintenance of the Onassis Library for Hellenic and Roman Art, currently under construction. Responsibilities include: working closely with the staff of Watson Library (the main library of the Museum) for cataloging and processing; working with curatorial staff to acquire books; maintaining the department's collection of periodicals; assisting in the organization, maintenance and access to departmental archives; providing reference service to library users; facilitating access to the collection; and, providing support for the effective use of online resources. Qualifications include: MLS degree; library experience includ­ ing demonstrated knowledge of AACR2,MARCformatand RUN; knowl­ edge of electronic resources and experience in providing instruction in their use; knowledge of two foreign languages. Please mail letter of application and resume to: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Depart­ ment of Human Resources Box GRL, 1000 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10028-0198. LIBRARY. The University at Albany is seeking a librarian to manage the operations of a highly automated Acquisitions Department which includes Monographs Ordering and Invoicing, Monographs Receiving, Serials and Periodicals Units, and to manage an acquisitions budget of approximately $4 million per fiscal year. The Department Head provides leadership, training, and staff development for 14.5 FTE staff, sets goals, establishes priorities and work flow, and leads the ongoing review of departmental policies, procedures, and organization. Encourages and recognizes excellence. Fosters effective communication and teamwork within the department and with other departments within the Libraries. Leads the department in the evaluation and use of new technologies in a changing environment. Works cooperatively with other Technical Services department heads to facilitate communication and efficient workflow. Research, publication, and service to the libraries, university, and profession are excepted to satisfy criteria for continuing appoint­ ment and promotion. Reports to the Assistant Director for Technical Services and Systems. Qualifications: Required: Graduate degree in librarianship from an ALA-accredited institution o r foreign equivalent. Substantial acquisitions experience using an automated acquisitions system in a medium size or large academic library. Demonstrated managerial, planning, supervisory, leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills. Director knowledge of and experience with at least one of the national bibliographic utilities. Demonstrated ability to take and active role in planning and implementing system upgrades. Desired: Reading knowledge of at least one Western European language. The 7 42 / C&RL News M October 1998 successful candidate will have experience with many aspects of acquisi­ tions such as monographic and serial information in all formats, approval plans, budget management, management of contracts and licenses, famil­ iarity with MARC formats, and the purchase books with cataloging records, knowledge of standards and issues related to acquisitions, and trends in technical services and automation. Salary: Commensurate with education and experience. Minimum: $40,000. Apply to: Christine M. Travis, Library Personnel Officer, University Libraries - U L 112, University at Albany, State University of New York, 1400 WashingtonAve., Albany, NY 12222. Deadline: Review of letters of application and resumes will begin Novem- b e r6 ,1998. Please include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references that may be contacted. The University at Albany is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. Afull-time, tenure-track appointment, available as soon as possible following the application deadline. The Science Librarian is one of 9.5 FTE faculty and staff who provide public and technical services in the Science Library, a collection of approximately 450,000 volum es in the natural and physical sciences, housed in Anschutz Library on the Lawrence campus. Responsible fo r providing reference service (including some evening and weekend hours), collection development/management and faculty liaison, bibliographic instruction, and coordination of circulation activities. (Full position description is available.) Required qualifications: MLS from an ALA- accredited program; subject background in o r dem onstrated knowl­ edge ofth e sciences; academic or research library experience; strong commitment to public service; ability to work cooperatively and to foster teamwork; excellent oral/written communication skills; ability to work flexibly and creatively in a rapidly changing environm ent. Preferred qualifications: Academ ic background o r library experience in the biological sciences; reference experience in the sciences; proven ability to provide b ibliographic instruction; experience in collection developm ent/m anagem ent. Dem onstrated su pervisory skills are strongly preferred. Annual Salary: $26,000-$34,000, dependent upon qualifications. Excellent benefits. To apply, subm it letter of applica­ tion, resume, photocopies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and names of three references to: Sandra Gilliland, Assistant to the Dean, University of Kansas Libraries, 502 Watson Library, Lawrence, KS 66045-2800. Applications postmarked by October 30,1998, will be given first consideration. Applications will be accepted until the posi­ tion is filled. Visit the KU Libraries home page at www An EO/AA Employer. SO C IA L SC IEN C E RE FE R E N C E A N D E LEC TR O N IC RE­ SOURCES LIBRARIAN. Washington State University, Pullman, Wash­ ington. Currently vacant. S pecific Responsibilities: Provide general reference in the humanities, social sciences, and business. Provide specialized reference in assigned subject areas. Perform collection development in sociology, child and family studies, and other assigned areas. Act as library liaison to the Sociology and Human Development departments. Provide general bibliographic instruction sessions, and specialized sessions in assigned areas. Monitor and maintain access to electronic resources. Aid subject specialist librarians in the selection of electronic resources. Aid librarians in the use of statistics generated by the library catalog, online databases, and other resources. Q uali­ fications: Required: A LA-accredited MLS o r its foreign equivalent. Degree or collection developm ent experience in the social sciences. Reference experience in an academ ic, research, o r large public library. Strong understanding of the issues created by the use of CD- ROMs, online databases, and PCs networked in a public service environment. Working knowledge of statistical software such as SPSS, SAS, Minitab, etc., or proven use of database software for statistical purposes. Demonstrated creative use of technology in problem solv­ ing. Preferred: Degree in sociology or human development. Teaching o r bibliographic instruction experience. Experience with Windows NT. Experience with Innovative Interfaces, Inc. products. Knowledge of rela­ tional databases. Salary: From $26,000 commensurate with qualifica­ tions and experience. Rank: Librarian 2; faculty status. Other Benefits: TI AA/CREF, broad insurance program, 22 days vacation and 12 days sick leave peryear. Application review begins: November 16,1998. Send letter of application, resume, and names and complete mailing ad­ dresses and phone numbers of three references addressed to: Donna L. McCool, Associate Director for Administrative Services, Washington State University Libraries, P.O. Box 645610, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. WSU Libraries' home page is: WSU is an EEO employer. Protected group members are encouraged to apply. Late Job Listings DIRECTOR, OFF-CAMPUSLIBRARY SERVICES. Central Michigan University. OCLS is nationally recognized as a preeminent provider o f off-campus library support services for extendedlearningprograms,servingCMU=sadultundergraduateandgraduate students inover 70 locations in the United States and other countries including Canada andMexico. To learn more about OCLS, visit Responsibilities: Directs reference assistance and library user instruction activities as well as a document delivery service for students and faculty in the off-campus academic programming oft he university. Manages and evaluates a staff of eleven including six professional librarians in three locations (Mt. Pleasant, Michigan; Troy, Michigan; and Falls Church, Virginia). Provides departmental and library-wide leadership in the development of user services, technologyplanningandimplementation,database selection, and collection development. Responsible for budget development and oversight, preparation of accreditation and licensure reports, and effective presentation of OCLS programs. Oversees the planning of the biennially-held Off-CampusLibrary Services Conference. Serves as a member of senior management groups for both the Libraries and the College of Extended Learning. This is a 12-month appointment. Minimum Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree and atleast five years professional academic library experience including reference service and experience in such areas as library user instruction, electronic database searching, collection development, and supervision. Experience with current and emerging libraiy information technology applications. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills; willingness to travel by airplane and evidence of potential effectiveness in serving the academic library needs o f adult learners; evidence of potential for managerial success. Desired Qualifications: Additional advanced degree. Library experience in an adult learner setting. Library management experience. Experience with document delivery systems. Salary commensurate with qualifications, minimum $50,000. Benefits: CMU provides a healthcare package, life insurance, an excellent retirement prograin with tax deferred investmentoptions,tuition waiver for employee andfamily‚paidholidays‚sickleaveandvacation and competitive salaries in an environment committed to excellence and customer service. General Information: CMU is a state university offering undergraduate, graduate, professional and pre­ professional programs with an enrollment ofover 17,000 students. ItislocatedinMountPleasant, a city o f 25,000 in the central part of lower Michigan. Submit letter of application addressing C&RL News ■ October 1998 / 743 three referencesto; Chairperson,Selection Committee,ParkLibraiy207,Mt. Pleasant,MI48859. Positionis available immediately. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Review of candidates= files will begin in mid-October 1998. CMU, an AA/EO institution, is strongly and actively committed to increasing diversity and providing equal opportunity within its commu­ nity. CMU does not discriminate in employment against persons based on age, color, disability, gender, familial status, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, orweight(see ENTRY-LEVEL GENERALIST LIBRARIAN. New position: Ingram Library of State University of West Georgia seeks an entry-level generalist librarian with a strong public services commitment for a faculty position in its Instructional Services Division. Re­ quired: MLS from an ALA accredited institution, excellent interpersonal, written and oral, communication skills; Awareness of current trends and issues in library technology and electronic resources as well as traditional print resources; Commitment to service and educational role of academic library. Further information about this position at the State University of West Georgia is available at Information about the community can be seen at Applications: Review of applications will begin October 16,1998. Position available immediately. For questions, please call (770) 836-2360. Apply to: Chair, Librarian Search Committee, Ingram Library, State University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA 30118. AA/EEO employer. PERFORMINGARTS LIBRARIAN. The Libraries of The Claremont Colleges seek an enthu- siastic and energetic Performing Arts Librarian for a full-time, twelve-month appointment, available immediately. Responsibilities: Develops the collections in music (supported by endowment income of over $30,000 per year) with responsibility for dance and theatre as well, in traditional andelectronicformats‚workingcloselywithfaculty.Incumbentmanages budgets in assigned areas of expertise; provides reference services at a general reference desk and in Special Collections; participates in library instruction program, including development of research materials and providing classroom instruction. Produces the annual Seymour Concert. Works inateam-orientedlibraryorganizationbyparticipatingmplanning,decisionmaking and communication crossing functional lines in an increasingly electronic environment. Qualifica- tions:MLSfromALA-accreditedprogram;academicbackgroundin the performing arts with an appropriate advanced degree in music preferred; public service experience; experience in selection of materials and managing a budget preferred; knowledge of reference sources, both print and electronic; familiarity with Special Collections practices desirable; knowledge of html and web design; excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to work independently as well as closely with others; ability to work with a variety of people with varying levels of expertise,includingundergraduateandgraduatestudents;acommitmentto the performing arts andalivelyinterestinthearts;ability to work effectivelyasateammemberinadynamic,rapidly changing environment. Salary: $2,649.67 per month for appointment as Assistant Librarian. Salary for appointment at the Associate Librarian or Librarian level dependent on experience and qualifications. Application Deadline: Applications received by November 15,1998will be given first consideration. Applications will be accepted in electronic format. The Claremont Colleges arelocatedatthefootoftheSanGabrielMountainsinthecityofClaremont,Califomia(population 36,500), 35 miles east of Los Angeles. This consortium of seven colleges comprises a diverse academic community dedicated to fostering achievement, leadership, and life-long critical thinking. The Libraries participate in the learning and teaching ventures of the Colleges by building collections, establishing links to a global body of knowledge, and providing guidance to a wide range of resources. For additional information about the Libraries of The Claremont Colleges, visitourwebsite: an equal opportunity employer, committed to providing career opportunities to all people, without regard to race,color,religion, sex, age,national origin or disability. Sendletterofapplication,full resume, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of at least three references who are knowledgeable about your qualifications to: Alberta Walker ‚ Associate Director, The Libraries of The Claremont Colleges, Honnold/MuddLibrary, 800Dartmouth Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711-3991; Email: HEAD,CATALOGINGDIVISION.IndianaUniversity Libraries,BloomingtonUnderdirection of Director of Technical Services, will lead staff of approximately 50 FTE involved in 7 4 4 / C&RL News ■ October 1998 all aspects of cataloging for Main and Campus Libraries in Bloomington. (For a more complete copy of the posting, contact Lila Fredenburg at the addresse below and phone number listed below.) Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree in library science, or equiva­ lent combination of education and experience in academic library; demonstrated experience in one or more aspects of cataloging, preferably in more than a single academic library setting; significant involvement and understanding of current issues affecting cataloging on national and international level; broad knowledge of trends in technical services automation on both local and national levels; excellent written and oral communication and analytical skills; demon­ strated skill and experience in supervising librarians, professionals, and support staff; good interpersonal skills and ability to participate as a member of the departmental management team and to direct the work of the cataloging teams; extensive experience with bibliographic utilities (OCLC, RLIN) and desktop utilities (Excel, Access). Preferred: MLS; experience with cataloging components of integrated library systems, particularly the NOTIS system, as well as knowledge of developments in new generation of local systems; familiarity with automated authority control processes and vendors and their application to local systems; experience in working with book vendors or bibliographic utilities in establishing shelf-ready/catalog-ready workflows; demonstrated record in pursuing creative solutions to libraiy problems. Salary and Benefits: Salary negotiable and competitive, dependent upon experience, qualifications, and rank. Rank is Associate Librarian or Librarian. This is a tenure track academic appointment, which includes eligibility for sabbatical leaves. Benefits include university health care plan, TIAA/CREF retirement/annuity plan, group life insurance, and liberal vacation and sick leave. Available: November 15,1998. To apply: send application letter application, professional vita, names, addresses, and phone numbers of four references to: Lila Fredenburg, Libraries Human Resources Officer, Indiana University Libraries, Main Library C-201, Bloomington, IN 47405. Phone: (812) 855-8196; fax: (812) 855-2576; e-mail: Application review begins no later than October 15,1998; search remains open until filled. CURATOR OF THE BANCROFT COLLECTION (WESTERN NORTH AMERICA). University of California, Berkeley, Associate/Full Librarian. $38,688-$65,472(doq). The Bancroft Library at the University of California, Berkeley, is one of the largest and most heavily used libraries of manuscripts, rare books, and special collections in the United States. Responsibilities ofthe Curator ofthe Bancroft Collection include: collection development, reference and outreach, and collection management. MLS degree from ALA accredited library school or equivalent is required, as well as extensive archival management experience; strong experience in special collections development and management; substantial graduate work in the history of the western U.S. focusing on the 20th century, with emphasis on the social, environmental, or demographic changes that have characterized this period (Ph.D. desirable). See for more complete information. Closing date for applications: November 16,1998. Send application, cover and list of references to: Janice H. Dost, Director for Library Human Resources, 447 Doe Library Annex, University of Califor­ nia, Berkeley, CA 94720-6000; FAX: (510) 642-8675; EOE/AA. Structure Bookmarks 720 / C&RL News ■ October 1998 720 / C&RL News ■ October 1998 CLASSIFIED Career opportunities from across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publicationof the issue (e.g., September 2forthe October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $8.75 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $10.75 for others. Late job notices are the terms faculty ran/tand sŕaíi/svary in meaning among institutions.Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the World Wide Web at will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published.Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 -2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663or (312) 280-2520: e-m BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLDUSED SCI-TECH BOOKS PURCHASED. Physics, math, all engi­neering, electricity, and electronics, skilled trades, antiquarian tech. Sorry, no serials or life sciences. Quality older editions, duplicates, unneeded gifts, superseded titles always sought. Ex library OK. No quantities too great; will travel when appropriate. For more informa­tion please contact: Collier Brown or Kirsten Berg at Powell’s Technical Bookstore, 33 NW Park Ave., Portland, OR 97209; phone: (800) 225-6911; fax: (503) CATALOGER FOR PRINTED BOOKSNew York University LibrariesCataloger for Printed Books, 2-year Mellon Foundation-funded grant with possible exten­sion. Based at the New-York Historical Society Library, an affiliate of NYU’s Libraries, which encompasses 400,000 volumes, 7,000 l.f. of manuscripts, and 1,000,000 prints, photographs, and architectural drawings related to New York history and life.Create full, minimal and collection-level cataloging records for the N-YHS Library’s collections of printed books, pamp C&RL News ■ October 1998 / 721 DIRECTOR FOR LIBRARY USER SERVICESVirginiaTechThe Director for User Services is responsible for the development, administration, and evaluation of the major public service units of the University Libraries. User Services at the Virginia Tech Libraries includes instructional and media services, an innovative College Librarian program with library faculty located in Virginia Tech’s six Colleges, assistance desks for library users, and circulation/reserve/stack maintenance services. Staff includes 21 faculty a 722 / C&RL News ■ October 1998 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR/SCIENCE & ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN.Tenure-track. Oklahoma State University. Responsibilities: Assists in providing reference service and user education programs; and performs collection management and faculty liaison activities for agriculture, nutri­tion sciences, and biochemistry. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Effective reference skills; a record of providing excellent service; the ability to interact with the public in a friendly manner; excellent communica­tion and organ the Faculty Handbook. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-ac­credited library school; knowledge of AACR2, MARCformats, LCclassi- fication and subject headings; familiarity with automated cataloging sys­tems; bibliographic knowledge of European languages. Desirable: Broad educational background; second master’s degree; demonstrated profes­sional or paraprofessional cataloging experience; evidence of research orcreative achievement, N ACO experience; familiarity with and interest in emerging standards f C&RL News ■ October 1998 / 723 University of Maine at Augusta Assistant Dean of Libraries (Search Extended)The University of Maine at Augusta (UM A), which offers two- and four-year degrees to 2,500 FTE students on three campuses and statewide, seeks an Assistant Dean of Libraries. UMA is one of seven institutions of the University of Maine System and a nationally recognized leader in distance education.The Library holds approximately 63,000 books and 520 periodicals and has a staff of 11 FTE. It is committed to maintaining and building 724 / C&RL News ■ October 1998 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLEThe University of Central FloridaThe University of Central Florida (UCF) is accepting applications for two professional positions. UCF is a metropolitan institution with an enrollment of 30,000 and is a member of the State University System(SUS)of Florida. The university offers degree programs in five colleges: Arts and Scienœs, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, and Health and Public Affairs. UCF is located in East Central Florida, a region with a population of about2 m C&RL News ■ October 1998 / 725 HEALTH SCIENCES CATALOGERUniversity of Missouri-Columbia LibrariesTheUniversityofMissouri-ColumbiaLibrariesisseekingqualifiedapplicantsfor the position of Health Sciences Cataloger in the J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library ( Principal responsibilities include original cataloging and processing of all monographs, serials and otherformatsforthe Health Sciences Library and the Veterinary Medical Library; supervision of supportstaff; and responsibilityforthe authority fi complex participant copy cataloging found on OCLC. Primary responsibility for cataloging science material and performance of authority control main­tenance in the online catalog. Serve as a resource person/trainer for paraprofessional staff concerning cataloging and workflow issues. Aid in development and implementation of unit procedures and goals. Perform liaison function with Public Services to insure effectiveness of online integrated system. Qualifications: Required: ALA accredited MLS or its foreign e names and complete mailing addresses and phone numbers of three references addressed to: Donna L. McCool, Associate Director for Administrative Services, Washington State University Libraries, P.O. Box 645610, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. WSU Libraries' home page is: WSU is an EEO employer. Protected group members are encouraged to apply.COORDINATOR OF REFERENCE SERVICE. This tenure-track posi­tion at Reed Library, SUNY College at Fredonia, is available for an experienced professional 726 / C&RL News ■ October 1998 REFERENCE LIBRARIANS— TWO POSITIONSThe University of Central Florida (UCF) Brevard CampusTheUniversityofCentralFlorida(UCF)BrevardCampus, Cocoa, Florida, isaccepting applications fortwo professional Reference Librarian positions. The UCF Brevard campus collection is located inthe Brevard Community CollegeAJCFJoint-UseLibraryinCocoathroughapartnershipagreement with BrevardCommunity College. Booksand periodical titlesareaccessiblethrough LUIS, theState University onlinesystem, and thecommunity college onlinec C&RL News ■ October 1998 / 727 ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR AND CHIEF LIBRARIAN, RESEARCH LIBRARY (REOPENED AND REDEFINED SEARCH)The Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and The HumanitiesThe Getty Research Instituteforthe History of Artand the Humanities—an international research center with extensive research collections, a scholars program, and programs in publications, exhibitions, and other public activities—seeks nominations and applicationsforaChief Librarian ofits Research Library. The Chief Librarian, who holds the rank of Asso sciences. Appointment will be at the rank of Associate Librarian or Senior Assistant Librarian, depending on qualifications. Competitive salary and benefits. Resumes will be accepted until filled, but first review of application will conclude October 12,1998. Formore information: Candidates should send resume/curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of at least three references to: Vincent Courtney, ChairSearch Committee, Reed Library, State University of New York College at Fr learning. Develop and provide bibliographic instruction using multiple methodologies in courses delivered in a variety of ways. Prepare traditional and online documentation. Collaborate with faculty to develop appropriate library support for classes offered at a distance. Work with library consortia to enhance support for distance students. Participate in the development of the library's Web pages. Participate in rotation of general reference duties including some evening and weekend hours. Required qualifi 728/C&RL News ■ October 1998 ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR PUBLIC SERVICESThe University of Central FloridaThe University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida(UCF)isacceptingapplicationsforthe position of Associate Director for Public Services. UCF is a metropolitan institution with an enrollmentof30,000and is a member of the State University System (SUS) of Florida. The university offers degree programs in five colleges: Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, Education, Engineering,and Health and Public Affairs. UCF is located in East C C&RL News ■ October 1998 / 729 INFORMATION SERVICES SPECIALISTUniversity of Southern CaliforniaThe Information Services Division ofthe University of Southern California is seeking afull-time information servicesspecialistinthe Science and Engineering Center, which primarily serves the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the School of Engineering, and the School of Gerontology. The posit ionfacilitatesstudentandfacultylntemetaccessandtheuseofelectronicresourcesforinstructionand research. Responsibilitiesindudethecreation and mai SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN*The University of Massachusetts Boston seeks qualified candidates for the position of Systems Librarian. This position reports to the Head of Systems and works closely with library departments; implements and maintains a newly selected client/server integrated : library system; manages the daily operations of ERL database servers and CD-ROM databases; works with the library community of systems-related projects; investigates and implements new technologies that integrate information from d 7301 C&RL News ■ October 1998 CATALOG LIBRARIANWichita State UniversityThe Catalog Librarian is one of three Catalogers, reporting to the Head of Technical Services, in a team-based environmentwhichindudes12supportstaff. Major responsibilitiesoftheposition involve catalogingmusic and mediamaterialsindudingpreparationand maintenance of original bibliographic records using AACR2, LCSH, Classification numbers, and US MARC tagging conventions. Enters recordson OCLC and NOTIS databases. Approximately 40%of the position iscataloging printed a skills. Successful teaching experience. Setting: Southeast Missouri State University is a comprehensive student-centered university of five colleges and two schools offering more than 120 academic programs. Campus is located in the heart of Cape Girardeau, a Mississippi River town of about 40,000, located on Interstate 55 between St. Louis and Memphis. Student enrollment is 8,500 with a student/faculty ratio of 18:1. Library collections include over400,000 bound cataloged volumes and current subscriptions t Web pages. Aid in planning library technology projects which impact user services. Design and implement training, instruction, and userguidesfor electronic resources. Design and maintain the interface for public worksta­tions. Participate in all phases of reference, including evening and weekend rotation and bibliographic instruction. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. Knowledge of computer hardware and software, including library applications. Familiarity with current trends and issues in library C&RL News ■ October 19981731 FIVE POSITIONS AVAILABLEJ. Eugene Smith Library, Eastern Connecticut State UniversityFive new positions, to begin in January 1999, when the new state-of-the-art building (127,000 sq. ft.) opens. (An opening for cataloger already advertised separately.) Required: ALA-accredited master’s or its equivalent. Experience with an integrated library system. Comfortable in an online networked environment. Communication skills. Flexible. Service commitment. Teamworkand people skills. Pre­ferred: Additional advanced d 7321 C&RL News ■ October 1998 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLEGeorge Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University is the fastest growing university in the Commonwealth of Virginia. A public doctoral institution of more that24,000 students, its academic units include the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Nursing and Health Sciences, the School of Law, the School of Information Technology and Engineering, the School of Management, the Graduate School of Education, New Century College, and a number of acclaimed research institutes. George Mas mail addresses of three references to: Electronic Resources/Reference Librarian Screening Committee, One University Plaza, Southeast Mis­souri State University, Cape Girardeau, M063701; phone: (573) 651-2235; fax: (573) 651 -2666. Applications received by October20,1998, will receive full consideration. Position will remain open until filled. Preferred starting date is January 19,1999.INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIANS. (2 positions). The Health Sciences Library at the State University of New York at Stony Bro tions. These positions join others on the information services team. Re­sponsibilities will include: active participation in general and specialized reference services including online searching, electronic and traditional resources, general and specialized instruction, research/consultation services, and outreach to the university, hospital, and community; participa­tion in special projects; teaching and consulting in the Library‘s formal education programs; includes some scheduled evening and weekend hour C&RL News ■ October 19981 733 PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN-INSTRUCTIONALSERVICES/ ARCHIVES.Lynchburg CollegeLynchburg College Library seeks innovative, dynamic, and experienced librarian to provide key public services. Principal areasof responsibility include: instruction (teachingafor-creditinformation literacy course and course-related sessions, and coordination of program development, implementation, and evaluation); reference and information services (including nightand weekend rotations); collection development; faculty/student liaiso 7341 C&RL News ■ October 1998 HEAD OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONSWashington University in St. Louis Olin Library SystemThe Washington University Libraries invites applications forthe position of Head of Special collections.RESPONSIBILITIES: The Head of Special Collections is responsible for administrative over sight and strategic planning for all aspects of departmental operations, including manuscripts, archives, and other special collections. I n addition ‚ the Head plays a major role in library development efforts and servesas primary liaiso teaching skills, commitment to public sen/ice, and the ability and flexibility to work both independently and in a team environment; training and experience in the use of information technology, searching databases and the Internet/ www. Preferred: experience in reference sen/ice in a health sciences library. Appointment rank and salary based on relevant qualifications and experience with a minimum salary of $40,000 at the Assistant or Senior Assistant Librarian rank. Excellent benefits. Qualified individua tions. Demonstrated effective training/teaching skills in group and one-on- one settings. Strong oral and written communication skills. Strong commit- ment to excellent and innovative sen/ice. Ability to work with users of varying technical expertise. AbilitytomeetUniversity'srequirementsforpromotion and continuing appointment. Preferred: Formal teaching experience. Knowl­edge of issues and trends in library instruction. Reference service experi­ence. Experience in an academic library. Salary: Minimum $28,0 C&RL News ■ October 1998 / 735 Head of ProcessingWorking in one of The New York Public Library's four research centers, an excellent opportunity exists to manage and supervise the processing operations at the Science, Industry and Business Library. SIBL is the world's largest public library devoted to science, technology, economics, and business and its' collection includes 10,000 current periodicals as well as a large government documents collection. Participate in workflow analysis, staff allocation and supervision and the monitoring o EDUCATION/MEDIA UNION BRANCH LIBRARY MANAGERNova Southeastern UniversityNova Southeastern University, a private in­stitution with a commitment to excellence in distance education and technology, invites applicants for the position of Education/Me­dia Union Branch Library Manager. Reporting to the Director of the Einstein Library, the Education/Media Union Branch Librarian will provide reference service, library instruc­tion, and library management for the Media Union Branch Library. The Media Union Branch L HUMAN RESOURCES LIBRARIANPrinceton University LibraryThe Human Resources Librarian is responsible for directing all aspects of the Princeton University Library’s human resources program. The Human Re­sources Librarian is a senior member of the library staff and serves as the library’s principal liaison to the university’s Office of Human Resources, the Office of the Dean of the Faculty, and the Student Employment Office. The Human Resources Librarian’s portfolio includes managing the recruitment, hiring, an C&RL News ■ October 19981737 BUSINESS/TECHNOLOGY BRANCH LIBRARY MANAGERNova Southeastern UniversityNova Southeastern University, a private insti­tution with a commitment to excellence in distance education and technology, invites applicants for the position of Business/Tech- nology Branch Library Manager. Reporting to the Director of the Einstein Library, the Busi- ness/Technology Branch Library Manager will provide reference service, library instruction, and collection management for the East Cam­pus Branch Library. The East Campus Br HEAD OF REFERENCE & INFORMATION SERVICESWagner College LibraryLocated on beautiful Grymes Hill in New York City, Wagner College is a competitive four- year private undergraduate college with five masters-level graduate programs, in addition to 28 majors, 22 minors, and 9 professional programs. Undergraduate enrollment is ap­proximately 1,700 students with 70 percent residential; graduate programs enroll approxi­mately 350 students. The college recently adopted a highly innovative undergraduate curriculum of 738 / C&RL News ■ October 1998 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLEThe University of Connecticut LibrariesThe University of Connecticut Libraries, members of the Association of Research Libraries, are currently recruiting for two librarian positions.For further information about the UConn Libraries or the following positions, see our home page at: CATALOG LIBRARIAN AND LIAISON FOR NATURAL RESOURCES (Search #98A81)Reporting to the Head of Collections Services, this position provides leadership in the intellectual control o C&RL News ■ October 1998 / 739 TWO TEMPORARY POSITIONS REFERENCE AND INFORMATION LITERACY LIBRARIANSCarleton College Northfield, MinnesotaCarleton College seeks two innovative, energetic librarians to augment its staff during an exciting period of expanding services and to fill in for planned leaves. These positions provide an exceptional opportunity to contribute to and learn from a talented, highly motivated team of librarians responsible for managing an imaginative liberal arts college library with high service standards. Both positio Professor with an annual salary of $42,000. Send: Letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone number of three refer­ences to: Pal V. Rao, Dean of Library Services, Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg, MO 64093. Screening will begin on October 16,1998, and will continue until the positions are filled. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. AA/EEO/ADA.LIBRARIAN FOR HISTORY, RELIGIOUS STUDIES, AND HIS­TORY & PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE. Indiana University Libraries— Bloom and establish priorities; provides direct research consultation and instruc­tion to library users; oversees collection budgets and assists in developing external funding sources, and participates in cooperative programs for resource-sharing; prepares collection and database guides; develops web sites and digitization projects; monitors approval plans, recommends preservation treatments, and participates in space planning. As a member of SALC (Subject and Area Librarians Council), takes responsibility for S 740 / C&RL News ■ October 1998 FOUR POSITIONS AVAILABLENew Mexico State UniversityDue to recent retirements, New Mexico State University Library offers4tenure-tracklnstructor/Assistant Professor level positions. New Mexico’s land-grant university, NMSU enrolls approximately 15,000 students, is a Carnegie l research institution and a member of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities(HACU).TheUniversity Library contains approximately 1 million volumes and has an annual budget exceeding $5 million. Library computer resources i C&RL News ■ October 1998 / 741 REFERENCE SERVICES COORDINATORNorthern State UniversityNorthern State University is seeking a Reference Services Coordinator to provide leadership in continuing development of the library's instructional and outreach programs, including bibliographic instruction, reference services, and training. The librarian will coordinate the Library's reference and instruction programs, teach courses in the library media program, provide training for students, faculty, and staff on library software, including search st equivalent combination of education and library experience; knowledge of electronic resources with interest in developing innovative services; and understanding of nature of scholarly research, publishing trends, and complexities of large and rapidly changing research library environment. Reading knowledge of French and/or German; excellent written and oral communication skills; good interpersonal skills and ability to work as part of a team. Preferred: Graduatecourseworkand/orresearch library expe­rience i resources. Qualifications include: MLS degree; library experience includ­ing demonstrated knowledge of AACR2,MARCformatand RUN; knowl­edge of electronic resources and experience in providing instruction in their use; knowledge of two foreign languages. Please mail letter of application and resume to: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Depart­ment of Human Resources Box GRL, 1000 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10028-0198.LIBRARY. The University at Albany is seeking a librarian to manage the operations of a highly a 742 / C&RL News M October 1998 successful candidate will have experience with many aspects of acquisi­tions such as monographic and serial information in all formats, approval plans, budget management, management of contracts and licenses, famil­iarity with MARC formats, and the purchase books with cataloging records, knowledge of standards and issues related to acquisitions, and trends in technical services and automation. Salary: Commensurate with education and experience. Minimum: $40,000. Apply to: Christine M. Travis, Library Person KS 66045-2800. Applications postmarked by October 30,1998, will be given first consideration. Applications will be accepted until the posi­tion is filled. Visit the KU Libraries home page at An EO/AA Employer.SOCIAL SCIENCE REFERENCE AND ELECTRONIC RE­SOURCES LIBRARIAN. Washington State University, Pullman, Wash­ington. Currently vacant. Specific Responsibilities: Provide general reference in the humanities, social sciences, and business. Provide specialized reference in assigned subject Late Job ListingsDIRECTOR, OFF-CAMPUSLIBRARY SERVICES. Central Michigan University. OCLS is nationally recognized as a preeminent provider of off-campus library support services for extendedlearningprograms,servingCMU=sadultundergraduateandgraduate students inover 70 locations in the United States and other countries including Canada andMexico. To learn more about OCLS, visit Responsibilities: Directs reference assistance and library user instruction activities as well as a do C&RL News ■ October 1998 / 743 three referencesto; Chairperson,Selection Committee,ParkLibraiy207,Mt. Pleasant,MI48859. Positionis available immediately. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Review of candidates= files will begin in mid-October 1998. CMU, an AA/EO institution, is strongly and actively committed to increasing diversity and providing equal opportunity within its commu­nity. CMU does not discriminate in employment against persons based on age, color, disability, gender, familial status, height, marita 744 / C&RL News ■ October 1998 all aspects of cataloging for Main and Campus Libraries in Bloomington. (For a more complete copy of the posting, contact Lila Fredenburg at the addresse below and phone number listed below.) Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree in library science, or equiva­lent combination of education and experience in academic library; demonstrated experience in one or more aspects of cataloging, preferably in more than a single academic library setting; significant involvement and understanding of c