ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ December 2003 / 703 N e w s f r o m t h e F i e l d Stephanie Orphan Sh a re y o u r e ffe c tiv e p ra ctice s th ro u g h A C R L 's c le a rin g h o u se ACRL’s Effective Practices Committee is ac­ cepting submissions for its W eb-based clear­ inghouse for effective practices in academic libraries. The committee is looking for ex­ amples o f procedures o r tools that have b een d ev elo p ed to stream line w orkflow , solve problem s, o r improve service; the clearing­ h o u se docum ents practices from all areas of academ ic libraries. Criteria for subm is­ sions an d an online subm ission form can b e fo u n d o n th e Effective Practices W eb site at w w w Li­ brarians looking for ideas to improve sp e­ cific practices in their ow n libraries or just s h o p p i n g f o r g o o d id e a s c a n s e le c t “Brow se” to view practices that have b ee n accepted by the committee and p osted to the W eb site. R e fe re n ce U n iverse su p p o rts OpenU RL p ro to co l Paratext LLC’s Reference Universe, an ag­ gregated access point for subject encyclo­ pedias and other reference works, n ow su p ­ p o r ts th e O p en U R L p r o to c o l . T h e W e b -b ase d d a ta b a se , w h ic h is u p d a te d weekly, contains more than 3 million cita­ tions from more th an 2,500 titles from 260 reference publishers. Support of OpenURL will en a b le d atab ase u sers to link directly from a citation to th e library’s holdings. UC Irvin e d e d ica te s lib ra ry The University of California-Irvine has re­ n am ed its main library th e Jack Langson Library, in reco g n itio n o f a le ad e rsh ip gift from local e n tre p re n e u r Jack Langson. A d ed ica tio n cerem o n y w as h eld in O cto ­ b er. T he library offers rese arch services an d co llectio n s s u p p o rtin g th e arts, h u ­ m anities, social sciences, social ecology, business, and managem ent. Prom inent col­ lections include the Critical T heory Archives a n d th e East Asian Collection. A co m p act s h e lv in g a n d c o lle c tio n s a r r a n g e m e n t p ro ject w as co m p leted in A ugust, in creas­ ing th e Langson Library’s capacity by nearly 500,000 volumes. M arcel D ek ker lau n ch es e-b o o k site s Publisher Marcel Dekker has partnered with OverDrive, Inc., a vendor and distributor of e-books, to launch two e-book sites. One is an institutional site that allows libraries to pur­ chase titles for perpetual access; the other is designed for individual users. Dekker, which specializes in scientific, technical, and medial information, offers more than 500 e-books and is adding new titles every week. In re­ sponse to the institutional need to maintain future access to titles purchased today, the institutional site allows librarians to purchase the titles instead of just licensing them. Ac­ cess also includes multiple and concurrent viewing. U C LA se le cts En d e a v o r The UCLA Libraiy has aw arded the contract for its n ew online inform ation system to Endeavor Information Systems, following a com petitive b id process. Faculty in p u t w as a significant elem ent o f the evaluation p ro ­ cess th a t led to th e selection o f E n d eav o r’s V oyager p ro d u ct. R esponses to a survey a n d in fo cu s g ro u p s h e lp e d to identify k ey p o in ts o f functionality from th e u s e r’s 70 6 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 perspective, w hich w ere incorporated into the fall 2002 Request for Proposal. Three vendors, including Endeavor, submitted pro­ posals, w hich w ere evaluated by students, faculty and staff. UCLA’s selection of Voy­ ager has contributed to Endeavor being ranked as the m ost-chosen integrated li­ brary system am ong mem bers of the As­ sociation of Research Libraries (28%). D y n ix p artn e rs w ith Se ria ls S o lu tio n Automation technology vendor Dynix and Serials Solutions, a provider of e-joumal ac­ cess solutions, have partnered to launch an OpenURL link resolver, Horizon Link Re­ solver, and offer customers complete MARC records for e-journals. The product is a link server combined with an ongoing metadata update service, supporting more than 600 da­ tabases. To set up the link resolver, libraries tell Serials Solutions what electronic databases they subscribe to, and the inform ation is included in the link resolver’s configura­ tion. Libraries may also populate the link re­ solver with their catalog information, allow­ T h e F rie n d s o f t h e M in n e s o ta L ib ra ry h o s te d " A n E v e n in g o f R ib a ld L ite r a t u r e " t o c e le b ra te t h e g r o u p 's t e n t h a n n iv e r s a r y in O c to b e r . A u t h o r G a rris o n K e illo r a n d E nglish p ro fe s s o r J u lie S c h u m a c h e r e n t e r t a in e d g u e s ts a t t h e e v e n t w i t h re a d in g s f r o m t h e i r o w n w o rk s , C haucer, a n d a s e le c tio n o f c o lo r fu l lim e ric k s . P ic tu r e d a re ( f r o m I. t o r.) G e r h a r d W eiss, F rie n d s o f t h e L ib ra ry p re s id e n t; S chum acher; K e i l l o r ; W e n d y P r a d t L o u g e e , u n iv e r s i t y l i b r a r i a n ; a n d M a r c ia P a n k a k e , l i b r a r i e s h u m a n itie s b ib lio g r a p h e r . ing the link resolver to perform a search across an entire collection. ■ ACRL creates first-year experience task force At its Ju n e 2003 meeting, the ACRL Board ap p ro v e d the establishm ent o f th e Task Force on the First-Year Experience (FYE). T he task force has b e e n charged: • to gather inform ation about librar­ ians’ involvement in freshman experience programs, • to study the w ork of the National Re­ source Center for the First-Year Experi­ ence an d Students in Transition (w w w .se. ed u /fy e /in d e x .html), • to prom ote to the center and others involved in the FYE the w ork that librar­ ians have done, and • to serve as a resource group for the editor/author o f a m onograph related to the FYE and library programs. The chair of the task force is Jane A. Carlin, senior librarian an d h ead o f the Design, Architecture, Art and Planning Li­ brary at the University o f Cincinnati, e- mail: jane.carlin@ O ther members of the task force are: Carrie D onovan (University o f Missouri- Kansas City), Joseph M. Garity (University of San F rancisco), Lisa W. H inchliffe (U niversity o f Illinois), Barb Macke (Uni­ v e r s ity o f C in c in n a ti) , Ira L. R evels (Cornell University), Loanne L. Snavely (Pennsylvania Statue U niversity), Lisa M. Stillwell (Franklin an d Marshall College), Scott W alter (W ashington State U niver­ s it y ) , a n d D o r o t h y A. W a s h in g t o n (P u rd u e University). The task force is currently review ing literature an d existing program s an d will b e w o rk in g closely w ith th e ACRL In ­ struction Section to assure close co llab o ­ ratio n an d sharing o f inform ation. Please feel free to contact any member of the Task Force with information on your ow n involvement with a FYE course or with information on your institution’s FYE pro­ grams. A full listing of addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses are avail­ able on the ACRL site (select “Directory of Leadership” from the Quicklinks dropdow n menu, and click “g o ”). Together our Web-based services meet your information access and management needs. EBSCOhost® provides full te x t and secondary research databases in a wide variety o f subjects, including a new comprehensive T O C database. Extensive linking capabilities join o ur databases and o u r Electronic Journals Service, which can serve as a portal to yo ur e-journal collection. O u r new A -to -Z service puts all your titles in one convenient list so your patrons can quickly see w hat’s available to them and easily link to the content they need. EB SC O ’s Web-based services — working to g eth er fo r you. C U S T O M ER FOCUSED C O N T ENTDRIVEN w w w . e b s c o . c o m 2 0 5 . 9 9 1 . 6 6 0 0