ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ December 2003 I 759 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg C o n serve O Gram s o n lin e The National Park Service (NPS) has m ounted over 140 Conserve O Grams on its Web site, including 25 n ew titles. Conserve O Grams are issue briefs, usually three to four pages long, w hich cover a w ide variety of preser­ vation topics. Although written primarily for m useum collections, they contain informa­ tion useful for caring for library and archives collections. Among the 21 topics covered are security, fire and curatorial safety, agents of deterioration, disaster response and recov­ ery, and archival and manuscript collections and rare books. There are 24 Conserve O Grams in the latter category, beginning with “W hat Makes a Book Rare?” and ending with “How to Preserve Acidic W ood Pulp P aper.” The URL is w w w .cr.n p s .g o v /m u s eu m / publications/conserveogram /cons_toc.htm l. Adobe Acrobat 4 or higher is required to both view and print. A R L p reservatio n statistics The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) has p u b lis h e d ARL Preservation Statistics 2001-02. The data show fluctuations at the institutional level, but increases in preserva­ tion expenditures, staffing levels, and vol­ umes microfilmed overall. The printed report costs $60.00 for mem­ bers or $120.00 for nonm em bers, plus ship­ ping and handling. To order, contact ARL Publication Distribution Center, P.O. Box 531, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701-0531; phone: (301) 362-8196; fax: (301) 206-9789; e-mail: pubs@; URL: w w w .arl.o rg /p u b sca t/ order/. The data tables for FY02 and the p u b ­ lished versions of previous years’ reports are available free-of-charge at ww pres/index. htm l. D isaster recovery contract The Preservation and Binding Working Group of the Federal Library and Information Cen­ ter Committee (FLICC) has produced a draft disaster recovery contract, to assist federal agencies, especially libraries an d archives, in working with procurem ent officials and vendors. The draft is designed to speed the contracting process, so m aterials m ay be salvaged as quickly as possible. It stresses careful consideration of the scope of work, security (particularly if the disaster site is a crime scene), the length of the contract and price. T h e URL fo r th e d r a f t c o n t r a c t is w w w . lo c. gov/flicc/pdf/ disaster. p d f. Ink je t p rin ts sta b ility The Image Perm anence Institute (IPI) has m ounted Stability Issues a n d Test Methods fo r In k Jet Materials, a thesis by Barbara Vogt for the Department of Image Engineering, Uni­ versity of Applied Science, Cologne, Germany. In her thesis, Vogt reviews the basics of ink jet technology, inks, color science, media de­ sign, light-fastness, water-fastness, humidity- fastness, ozone-fastness, and the effects of other pollutants, then reports on the results of various tests perform ed on various prints. These results emphasize the need for stan­ dards for testing ink jet prints and the diffi­ culty of generalizing about ink fading. The thesis is available at w w w ~661 w w w l/s u b _ p ag e s/8 p ag e l7 f. h tm . Needs asse ssm e n t tool, a d d itio n a l in ­ form ation The Northeast Docum ent Conservation Cen­ ter publication, Assessing Preservation Needs: A Self-Survey G uide (previously described in the O ctober 2003 column), is now avail­ able free-of-charge o n the NEDCC Web site. The accom panying 30-minute video presen­ tation is available for purchase from Amigos Library Services, Inc. T he URL fo r th e free te x t v e rsio n is w w w The video costs $40.00 in VHS or $50.00 in DVD (discounts are avail­ able for Amigos members). To order, con­ tact Amigos Library Services, 14400 Midway Road, Dallas, TX 75244-3509; phone: (800) 8 4 3 -8 4 8 2 ; fax : (9 7 2 ) 9 9 1 -6 0 6 1 ; URL: .htm l. ■ Jane Hedberg is preservation prog ra m o ffic e r a t Harvard University Library, e-mail: jane_hedberg@; fax: (617)496-8344