ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries November 1987 / 647 O ntario, died September 5 in Toronto at the age of 57. Born in Toronto, Stevens graduated from the University of Toronto w ith a bachelor’s degree in English and philosophy in 1952. After raising a fam ily, she re tu rn ed to th e U niversity, earn in g bachelor’s (1966) and m aster’s (1967) degrees in li­ brary science, and later teaching library autom a­ tion and docum entation as a m em ber of the library science faculty. From 1971 to 1973 Stevens was vis­ iting librarian at the T ata Institute of F undam en­ tal Research in Bombay, India. O n her retu rn to C anada she joined the staff at York University and was appointed assistant director of library systems in 1981, earning a m aster’s degree in business ad ­ m inistration in 1983. ■ ■ PUBLICATIONS • Check This Out: Library Program Models (329 pages, July 1987) is a survey of tested library p ro ­ grams and services th a t have proven to be success­ ful and effective. Released by the U.S. D epartm ent of Education and prepared for the N ational D iffu­ sion Network under contract to RMC C orporation, the book describes program s for school and public libraries, as well as programs serving defined seg­ ments of the popluation. Of particular interest are the academ ic lib rary program s m entioned: the University of Nebraska’s Consumer H ealth Infor­ m ation Resource Service, the O akland University Reference H otline, and the E arlham College Bib­ liographic Instruction Program . An appendix con­ tains a synopsis of the definitions and criteria th a t served as an inform ation base from w hich the eval­ uation instrum ents for the program s w ere built. Copies are available for $15 (prepaid) from Dept. 36-YA, Superintendent of Docum ents, W ashing­ ton, DC 20402-9325; stock no. 065-000-00303-1. • 4 Citizen’s Guide on Using the Freedom o f In- formation Act and the Privacy Act o f 1974 to Re­ quest Government Records (56 pages, 1987) has been published by the House C om m ittee on Gov­ ernm ent Operations. The report is intended to be an in tro d u c tio n to th e tw o acts, re flectin g all changes to the laws m ade since 1977 including the 1986 am endm ents to the FOIA. It discusses the types of exemptions allowable under the FOIA, ad ­ m inistrative appeal procedures, and how to file a judicial appeal. The report also points out require­ ments for agency responses, fee and fee waivers, and general, specific, m edical, and litigation rec­ ords of the Privacy Act of 1974. Copies m ay be o r­ dered for $1.75 (prepaid) from D ept. 36-XZ, Su­ p e rin te n d e n t of D ocum ents, W a sh in g to n , D C 20402-9325; stock no. 052-071-00752-1. • A Directory o f Clearinghouse Participants (39 pages, July 1987) has been published by the ACRL New E ngland C hapter to identify the 75 institu­ tions in its Collection Developm ent Policy C lear­ inghouse. The directory contains inform ation on collection sizes, sponsoring institutions, and the status of collection developm ent policies at p artici­ p an t libraries, along w ith names and telephone num bers of contact persons. A free copy m ay be ob­ tain ed from R eina H a rt, C D IG C learinghouse, Collection Developm ent D epartm ent, D im ond L i­ brary, University of New H am pshire, D urham , NH 03824. • The Directory o f Master’s Programs in Foreign Languages, Foreign Literatures, and Linguistics (175 pages, September 1987) provides inform ation for prospective graduate students and their advis­ ers in these fields. E ntries contain d a ta on la n ­ guages offered, c u rric u la r em phases, re q u ire ­ m e n ts , p ro g ra m o p tio n s , a n d c e rtif ic a te s or diplomas. Indexes by state, program , special p ro ­ gram , and certificate or diplom a are included. Copies are $15, available from the M odern L an ­ guage Association of America, 10 Astor Place, New York, NY 10003. ISBN 0-87352-169-2. • English and American Literature: Sources and Strategies fo r Collection Development, edited by W illiam M cPheron (272 pages, Septem ber 1987), has been published as no.45 in the ACRL Publica­ tions in Librarianship series. T he essays in the vol­ um e describe the tasks involved in building collec­ tions of E n g lish an d A m eric an lite r a tu r e for academ ic libraries and discuss the strategies and tools th a t facilitate their accomplishment. The fo­ cus is on practice, w ith each author covering the bibliographical sources relevant to their particular topic. Sample chapters include acquisitions, serial bibliographies and review m edia, retrospective collection developm ent, serials, contem porary lit­ erature, textual studies, nonprint m edia, literary reference collections, and special collections. C op­ ies m ay be purchased for $29.95 from the ALA Or- der/Billing D epartm ent, 50 E. H uron Street, C hi­ 648 / C&RL News cago, IL 60611-2795. ISBN 0-8389-0476-9. • A Guide to Library Resources for Japanese Studies, by Sachiko Morrell (194 pages, June 1987), published as part of the Library Studies Series at Washington University, is a comprehensive survey of the major core items housed in the university’s East Asian Library. In addition to highlighting m aterials in the Japanese collection, which in­ cludes some 40,000 volumes and 125 journals, the manual also incorporates items not held by the li­ brary but of interest to researchers in the study of Japanese. Titles are listed in the vernacular as well as the romanized transliteration. Copies are avail­ able for the cost of postage and handling. Orders should be sent to the East Asian Library, Washing­ ton University, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130. • Latin American Masses and Minorities: Their Images and Realities, edited by Dan C. Hazen (2 vols., 1987), contains the papers of the 30th Semi­ nar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library M aterials, held at Princeton University, June 18-23, 1985. The papers are grouped into five broad areas: 1) philosophical and conceptual di­ lemmas in Latin Americanist scholarship; 2) sam- Statem ent of ownership and m anagem ent College & Research Libraries News is published 11 tim es a y ear (m o n th ly , c o m b in in g J u ­ ly/August), by the American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, Illinois 60611. Ameri­ can L ib ra ry A ssociation, o w n er; G eorge M. E b erh a rt, editor. Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois. Printed in U.S. A. As a nonprofit organization authorized to mail at special rates (Section 423.12 DMM), the purposes, function, and nonprofit status of this organization, and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes, have not changed during the preceding twelve months. Extent and nature of circulation (“Average” figures denote the num ber of copies printed each issue during the preceding twelve months; “Actual” figures denote num ber of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date.) To­ tal num ber of copies printed: Average, 13,243; Actual, 13,000. Sales through dealers and carri­ ers, street vendors and counter sales: not applica­ ble. Mail subscriptions: Average, 10,981; Actual, 11,096. Total paid circulation: Average, 10,981; Actual, 11,096. Free distribution by mail, carrier or other means, samples, com plim entary, and other free copies: Average: 56; Actual, 56. Total distribution: Average, 11,037; Actual, 11,152. Copies not distributed: Office use, left over, unac­ counted, spoiled after printing: Average, 2,206; Actual, 1,848. Returns from news agents: not ap­ plicable. Total (sum of previous entries): Average, 13,243; Actual, 13,000. Statem ent of Ownership, M anagement, and Cir­ culation (PS form 3526, December 1985) for 1987 filed with the United States Postal Service, Post­ master in Chicago, Illinois, October 6, 1987. pie inquiries; 3) images and realities in non- traditional formats; 4) research libraries and the strucutre of Latin Americanist research; and 5) bibliographies, research guides, and finding aids. A copy may be ordered or $55 (plus $2.50 shipping, prepaid) from the SALALM Secretariat, 728 State Street, Madison, WI 53706. ISBN 0-917617-11-8. • Music in New York During the American Revo- lution: An Inventory o f Musical References in Rivington’s New York Gazette, by Gillian B. An­ derson (135 pages, 1987), has been published as no.24 in the Music Library Association’s Index and Bibliography series. The New York Gazette, a weekly newspaper published in New York City from 1773 to 1783, contained announcements of music and instruments for sale, concerts, assem­ blies and balls, and musical instruction. The mono­ graph profiles American musical culture in the Revolutionary W ar era. Copies may be ordered for $15 (MLA members, $12) from the Music Library Association, P.O. Box 487, Canton, MA 02021. ISBN 0-914954-33-4. • The National Directory of Addresses and Tele- phone Numbers (892 pages, 1987 ed.), now distrib­ uted by Pacific Bell, contains some 150,000 useful phone numbers for airlines, car rental agencies, hotels and motels, accounting firms, ad agencies, trade or educational associations, unions, colleges and universities, computer services, banks, govern­ ments (city, county, state, federal, and foreign), hospitals, law firms, media sources, and corpora­ tions (both alphabetical and by industry classifica­ tion) . One would hope in future editions that a “Li­ brary” classification m ight be added, although somehow the Cleveland and Minneapolis Public Libraries were included in the “Research Services” category. Some of the most helpful sections are an alphabetical list of U.S. towns and cities showing area and zip codes, and comprehensive price tables for the U.S. Postal Service, UPS, and selected ex­ press courier services. All numbers have been veri­ fied by phone within the six months preceding pub­ lication. Copies may be ordered for $34.95 from G en eral In fo rm a tio n , In c ., 401 P ark p lac e, Kirkland, WA 98033. ISBN 0-941841-00-6. • Preservation Guidelines in ARL Libraries, SPEC Kit #137 (September 1987), contains the results of a survey of 97 ARL libraries on compre­ hensive preservation programs, decision-making and priorities, brittle books programs, and trends and issues concerning costs, cooperative programs, and technology. The kit contains the ARL Preser­ vation Guidelines, six preservation policies, preser­ vation priority statements, documents related to decision-making, descriptions of brittle books pro­ grams, and a selected reading list. Individual SPEC kits cost $20 prepaid, plus $5 postage outside the U.S. Send check payable to ARL Office of Man­ agement Studies to: SPEC, Office of Management Studies, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W ., Wash­ ington, DC 20036. November 1987 / 651 • Procedural Guide to Automating an Art Li- brary, ed ited by P atricia J. B arn e tt and Amy Lucker (48 pages, 1987), features four papers p re­ sented at a session sponsored by the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) C om puter and Museum Groups at their 1986 Annual Confer­ ence in New York. The editors have prepared a Summary on working tow ard a model art library and inform ation system, and have included a glos­ sary of terms, a directory of projects and systems, and an annotated bibliography. The cost is $15 (plus $1 billing fee if not prepaid) from ARLIS/NA Occasional Papers, 3900 E. Tim rod St., Tucson, AZ 85711. ISBN 0-942740-06-8. • Proposals and Contracts for Library Automa­ tion: Guidelines fo r Preparing RFP’s, by Edw in M. Cortez (225 pages, June 1987), is a step-by-step handbook on w riting RFPs and negotiating the re­ sulting contract. Nearly half of the book consists of appendices showing examples of functional, tech­ nical, contract, and miscellaneous specifications for use in various situations. The book was co­ published by ALA and Pacific Inform ation, In c ., a California consulting firm. Copies m ay be ordered for $29 from ALA O rder/Billing, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. ISBN 0-8389-2043-8. • Sound Recordings and the Library, by Sharon G. Almquist (37 pages, August 1987), published as Occasional Paper no. 179 by the University of Illi­ nois G raduate School of Library and Inform ation Science, provides an overview of recording tech­ nology from Edison’s phonograph to the compact disk. Copies are $3.00 (prepaid, plus $.50 ship­ ping) from Occasional Papers, GSLIS Publications O ffic e , U n iv e rsity of Illin o is a t U rb a n a - Cham paign, 249 Armory Building, 505 E. Armory St., C ham paign, IL 61820. • Statistical Norms fo r College and University Li- braries (42 pages, 1987) have been derived from the 1985 HEGIS Survey conducted by the U.S. D e­ partm ent of Education. The report contains n a­ tional statistical norms for all HEGIS survey items and breaks them out for independent and public institutions offering associate, bachelor’s, m aster’s, and doctoral degrees. Percentile rankings are pro­ vided for purposes of comparison. Copies m ay be ordered for $35 ($10 extra if not prepaid) from John M inter Associates, Inc., 2400 C entral Ave., B-2, Boulder, CO 80301. ISBN 0-937767-69-7. • Telefacsimile Sites in Libraries in the United States and Canada (3d ed., 1987) contains 700 list­ ings for libraries th a t use telefacsimile in support of interlibrary loan activities. The directory is orga­ nized by state and institution, w ith indexes by city, telefacsimile phone num ber, and institution. Cop­ ies may be ordered for $18 from CBR Consulting Services, Inc., P.O . Box 248, Buchanan D am , TX 78609-0248. ■ ■ CALENDAR November 13—Communication: SBCLS SouthNet Staff De­ velopment Subcommittee workshop, Conven­ tion C enter, Santa C lara, California. Arch Lust- berg will speak on “T urning C onfrontation into C om m unication” and “Effective Public Speak­ ing.” Fee: $35 for CLA/SouthNet members, $50 for non-members. Contact: California Library Association, 717 K St., Suite 300, Sacramento, CA 95814-3477. 13—New technology: “M anaging Technology: Real Life Stories from H i-Tech L ib raries,” a symposium sponsored by ACRL’s G reater New York M etropolitan Area C hapter, New School for Social Research, 66 W. 12th Street., New York City. Speakers include Sheila C reth and John Rizzo, plus a panel of case study perspec­ tives m oderated by Frederick Low. The p ro ­ gram will focus on how front line librarians, di­ rectors, and networks are meeting the challenges of multi-levels of technology. C ontact: Janet W a g n e r, H o fstra U niversity L ib ra ry , 1000 Fulton Ave., Plempstead, NY 11550; (212) 560- 5963. 19—Automation: “G etting the Most out of Your P C ,” an autom ation workshop sponsored by the Long Island Library Resources Council and its Regional Autom ation Com mittee, Long Island University, Brentwood Campus. Fee: $10 for LILRC members, others $20. Deadline is No­ vem ber 12. C ontact: PC W orkshop, L IL R C , Melville Library Building, Suite E5310, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3399. December 1-3—O ptical media: 7th Annual Optical Inform a­ tion Systems Conference and Exhibition, New York Hilton Hotel, New York City, sponsored by Meckler Corporation. OIS ’87 will feature sepa­ rate tracks on interactive videodisk, com pact