ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ September 2003 / 549 W a s h i n g t o n H o t l i n e L y n n e E. B ra d le y LSTA passed Senate, o th e r action in fin a l w e e k b e fo re recess On August 1, the Senate voted by unanimous con­ sent to pass the Museum and Library Services Act o f 2003, which includes reauthorization o f the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). When the Senate brought up S. 888, its version o f the act, they am ended the bill to reflect a “pre-conference” agreement worked out by the House and Senate on several differences between the bills (H.R. 13 and S. 888, respectively). The agreem ent that was reached accepted nearly all o f the Senate language, which included several minor differences from the House ver­ sion o f the bill. The amendment also changed the funding authorization level for library pro­ grams to $232 million. After changes were made to S. 888, the Senate incorporated S. 888 into H.R. 13 and passed H.R. 13 (in lieu o f S. 888). Now, the Senate-passed version o f H.R. 13 goes to the House, where it will hopefully be voted on and passed as soon as Congress returns in early September. If the House passes the Senate ver­ sion o f the bill without making any changes, the bill heads to the president for his signature. Grassroots advocates are asked to say “thank you” to their Senators for passage o f this impor­ tant library legislation and to indicate that the libraiy community will be seeking enhanced fund­ ing for the many needs addressed by state-based LSTA projects, as well as leadership and collabo­ rative programs with museums. Library supporters should seek out their mem­ bers o f the House o f Representatives and ask for passage o f the Museum and Library Services Act, H.R. 13, as referred by the Senate. The Sen­ ate and House bills are essentially identical so this should be a pro forma vote for House mem­ bers, but they need to hear from constituents. Many thanks to all in the academic library com­ munity for your sustained support for this legisla­ tion. The process towards passage has taken com­ bined efforts o f all in the greater libraiy world, but it was particularly helpful to receive letters of support for the legislation from heads of major universities in various parts o f the country. Lynne E. Bradley is Office o f Government Relations director o f A LA’s W ashington Office, e-mail: “L ib rary, B ookseller, and Personal Records Privacy A c t” O n July 31, Senator Russ Feingold (D-Wiscon sin) introduced the “Library, Bookseller, and Personal Records Privacy Act.” The bill would restore pre-PATRIOT Act safeguards on the F B I ’s lic e n s e to o b tain c itiz e n s ’ p erson al records. By limiting the scope o f the FBI’s abil­ ity to obtain library, bookstore, medical and financial records, the Feingold bill would pro­ tect U.S. citizens from unnecessary monitoring by the federal government. For more information about this and similar bills, subscribe to ALAWON. A g r e e m e n t nam es GPO an d IMARA a ff ilia te d archives The following is an excerp t from a press release published August 12 by the Government Print­ ing Office and the National Archives: Washington, D.C.— Archivist of the United States Jo h n W. Carlin and United States Public Printer Bruce R. Jam es announced today an agreement whereby the Govern­ ment Printing Office (G PO ) and the Na­ tional Archives and Records Administra­ tion (NARA) will ensure the documents you s ee today on GPO A ccess (http://, the GPO Web site that provides free online public access to more than 250,000 federal governm ent titles, will remain available permanently. “GPO is committed to providing perma­ nent public access to the online versions of the most important government publica­ tions. That is why w e are honored that NARA has recognized our commitment to making this information available today and to preserving it for future generations by making us an archival affiliate,” said Public Printer James. Archivist Carlin said, “Preserving the essential evidence o f our governm ent’s w ork is a serious responsibility and we feel confident that working together with GPO will enable us to ensure that these records will continue to b e available for all to u s e .” ■ 550 /C&RL News ■ September 2003