ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 560 / C&RL News ■ September 2003 P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s A nn -C h riste G a llo w a y Liz Burnette, assistant head of the North Caro­ lina State University Libraries’ Acquisitions De­ partment, has been selected by the Association of Research Libraries to participate in its Leadership and Career Development Program (LCDP). Cre­ ated in 1997, LCDP is an ARL initiative focused on p re p a r in g e m e rg in g le a d e r s from undeirepresented groups for demanding and vis­ ible roles in academic and research libraries. Judith L. Klavans, director o f Columbia University’s Center of Research on Information Access, has been nominated to President George W. Bush’s Infomiation and Technology Advisoiy Committee (PITAC). Klavans is one of 25 nomi­ nees to PITAC representing the leading IT experts in industry and academia. Klavans will provide the president with expert, independent advice on advanced infomiation technologies and national IT infrastructure, such as high-performance com­ puting, large-scale networking, and high-assurance software and systems design. A p p o i n t m e n t s Deanna Marcum is now associate librarian for library services for the Library of Congress. She previously served as director of public service and collection management at the Library of Congress (1993-95). In 1995 she was appointed president of the Council on Library Resources and presi­ dent of the Commission on Preservation and Ac­ cess. She oversaw the merger of these two organi­ zations into the Council on Library and Informa­ tion Resources in 1997 and has served as its presi­ dent since that time. She was dean of the School of Library and Information Science (1989-92) at the Catholic University of America and vice-presi­ dent of the Council on Library Resources (1981– 89). Marcum is the author o f several books and reports, including D evelopm ent o f D igital Li­ braries: An A m erican Perspective (as editor and contributing author), G ood Books in a Coun­ try H om e: The P u blic L ibrary a s C ultural F orce in Hagerstown, M aryland, 1878-1920, and O nline A cquisitions fo r Libraries. David Orenstein has joined the Westchester Community College faculty as chair of the library department. A library manager for more than 15 years, Orenstein has spoken at national and local conferences regarding information access and li­ brary services. He has served on the faculty at Queens College-CUNY and most recently served as the manager of libraries at Montgomeiy Col­ lege in Maryland. Orenstein is active in several local and national library organizations and was recently selected by Library Jou rn a l as a Mover and Shaker for his work on behalf of pay equity for library workers. Shawn Tonner has been appointed director of the Hill Freeman Library/Spniill Learning Center at Reinhardt College in Waleska, Georgia. Susan V. Wawrzaszek has been appointed act­ ing university librarian for Brandeis University Libraries. Prior to this appointment, Wawrzaszek was associate university librarian for administra­ tive services and information systems at Brandeis, responsible for personnel administration, budget management, and technology development. Be­ fore joining Brandeis, Wawrzaszek was director of corporate and foundation relations at Utica College of Syracuse University. Michael C. Alewine has joined the staff of the Sampson-Livemiore Libraiy at the University of North Carolina-Pembroke as outreach/distance education librarian. Kurt A. Bodling has been appointed the liaison for the county archives project at the Lancaster County Historical Society in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Sayeed Choudhury has been promoted to the new position of associate director for library digital programs at Johns Hopkins Ubraries while continuing to serve as Hodson director of the Digital Knowledge Center. Ed. n o te : To ensure th a t y o u r p e rso n n e l new s is co n sid e re d f o r p u b lic a tio n , w r ite to A n n -C h riste Galloway, p ro d u c tio n editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail:; fax: (312) 280-2520. C&RL News ■ September 2003 / 567 M elan ie Chu is th e n ew ou treach / multicultural librarian at California State Univer sity-San Marcos. Cheryl Goldenstein has been named refer­ ence librarian at the University of Wyoming Li­ braries. Sue Goodson is now science librarian in the reference, instruction, and collection development department at the Oregon State University Li­ braries. Barbara A. Gushrowski has joined the staff o f the Sampson-Livermore Library at the University of North Carolina-Pembroke as serials librarian. Chad Kahl is now coordinator for library instruction and infomiation literacy at Illinois State University’s Milner Library. Merinda McClure has joined the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library faculty as a reference librarian at the University o f Montana-Missoula. Margaret Mellinger has joined die Oregon State University Libraries faculty as the business and engineering librarian. Paula Munoz is now science reference li­ brarian at the University o f Wyoming Libraries. Lori J . Phillips has been appointed associ­ ate dean of the University of Wyoming Libraries. Sandy Row has jo in e d Illin o is State University’s Milner Library as a serials librarian. Deborah Slingluff has been promoted to associate director for library services at the Johns Hopkins Libraries. Gregory A. Smith has been named dean of the Integrated Learning Resource Center at Lib­ erty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. R e t i r e m e n t s B arbara Brown has retired after 23 years of service to Washington and Lee University (WLU). During her 18-year ten­ ure as the university’s li brarian, Brown oversaw the introduction o f au­ tomation through the in­ tegrated library system know n as Annie, en­ hanced Leybum Library’s collection through an ever-increasing number o f electronic resources, B arb ara B ro w n and was instrumental in the creation o f WLU’s Science Library. Brown joined WLU’s library and faculty in 1971, leaving Cornell University libraries to becom e head of the reference and public services library section. She has been a member of numerous regional and national professional associations and committees, including SOLINET and the College Libraries Section o f ACRL, and currently serves on the infomiation fluency project steering committee of the Associated Colleges o f the South. Roland Person has retired from Morris Library at Southern Illinois University. He joined the li­ brary faculty in 1970 as the assistant undergradu­ ate librarian. During the late 1980s he served as a half-time administrative services intern and spe­ cial projects librarian in the office o f the dean of library affairs. In 1992, Person was appointed half- time assistant science librarian while serving half- time in die undergraduate library. A year later he becam e full-time assistant science librarian. Throughout his career, Person has been active in Library Affairs and university and ALA commit­ tees. He received the Library Affairs Outstanding Faculty Award in 1999. Thyra K. Russell, associate dean for personnel and technical services at Soutìiem Illinois Univer­ sity, has retired. She began as assistant order li­ brarian in 1972 at Morris Library and assumed her current position in 1997. In 1994 she published the monograph Job Sharing: An A nnotated Bibli ography (Scarecrow Press). In addition to being active in the Illinois Library Association, Russell has been active in ALA and LAMA, having served on the Poster Sessions Committee (1986-94), and, more recenüy, on LAMA’s Human Resources Sec­ tion Staff Development Committee. She chaired LAMA’s HRS Supervisory Skills Committee (1997-99). D e a t h s Rhoda Charming, 61, director o f the Z. Smith Reynolds Library at Wake Forest University, has died. She was formerly the assistant university librarian at the O’Neill Library of Boston College. Prior to that, she served in various positions in the libraries o f the University of Kentucky and the University o f North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Charming served in leadership positions in many professional associations and organizations, including 562/C&RL News • September 2003 ACRL, LAMA, Asso­ ciation o f Southeastern Research Libraries, South­ eastern Libraiy Network, Inc., Online Computer Li­ brary Center Inc., State Historical Records Advi­ sory Board, North Caro­ lina Preservation Consor­ tium, North Carolina Li­ Rhoda K. Channing braries Association, and North Carolina Libraries for Virtual Education. She had numerous articles and chapters published in the library and higher- education professional literature. Jo an K. Marshall, 73, retired head o f techni­ cal services at Brooklyn College, has died. She began her career at Brooklyn College in 1966 and retired in 1988. Active in intellectual freedom and gender-related causes, Marshall wrote On E qu al Terms: A Thesaurus f o r N onsexist In ­ dexing a n d Cataloging. She also edited Serials fo r Libraries and wrote many articles and book chapters. She served on numerous ALA and local committees. Marshall received ALA’s Ralph Shaw award for Libraiy Literature in 1979. Lara J . Moore, 32, history librarian at Princeton University Library since 2000, has died. In addi­ tion to collection development, faculty liaison, and library instruction re­ sponsibilities at Princeton in the fields of History and History o f Science, she was also an active member of ACRL’s West­ ern European Studies Section; the American Historical Association; the History o f Science Society; the Society for Lara M o o re the History o f Author­ ship, Reading, and Pub­ lishing; and the Bibliographical Society of America, as a member of the publications com­ mittee. Marilyn L. Norstedt, 67, former head o f seri­ als cataloging and, most recently, a reference and liaison librarian at Virginia Tech, has died. She joined the Newman Library at Virginia Tech as a library assistant in 1972; she later played a signifi­ cant role in the development of the computerized catalog at Newman Li­ brary and was active with ALA. Her knowledge and experience with libraiy au tom ation to o k her abroad as an exchange li­ brarian to Massie Univer­ sity in Palmerston North, New Zealand, and the National Agricultural Li­ brary in Tirana, Albania. M a rily n N o rs te d t Doyle C. Pickett, 72, has died. For several decades he worked for Baker & Taylor in a variety of positions, including vice president, and later as president of Unipub, a Xerox company. He was well known and liked among academic librarians for his extensive knowledge of approval plans. Ellen Coolman Rappaport, 58, head of tech­ nical services at Albany Law School, died on May 12, 2003. She had been employed as a librarian at Syracuse University and later was employed in the same capacity at the State University College- Cortland. She also worked for SUNY/OCLC Li­ brary Network and was later employed by OCLC in Albany. Rappaport had also been employed by the Ameritech Inform ation Systems, and she was employed by the Albany Law School (1993 to March 2003) as a technical services librarian, later becoming head of technical services. ■ Advertiser index Abebooks Cover 4 American Chemical Society 528 Annual Reviews 559 Association of Research Libraries 5 3 8-39 Barnes & Noble 556 Chemical Abstracts Service Cover 2 CHOICE 525 EBSCO 517 Gale Group 522 IE E E 540 ISI 550 John Wiley 499, 548 LITA 502 OCLC 507 Oxford University Press 543 Sage Publications Cover 3 SWETS/Blackwell 508