ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News u September 2003 / 563 C L A S S I F I E D A d s Career opportunities fro m across the country D eadlines: Orders fo r regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $10.85 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $12.95 for others. Late job notices are $24.95 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $30.45 for others. Organizations submit­ ting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates range from $500 to $925 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Or see our Web site: G u ide line s: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g. ‚ October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriinatory P O SITIO N S OPEN ACADEMIC LIBRARIAN. Gustavus Adolphus College seeks can­ didates for the position of Academic Librarian, a nine-month, tenure-track appointment at the Assistant Professor o r Instructor level, to begin Sep­ tember 1 ‚ 2004. The Academic Librarian will provide leadership in the planning, implementation, staff training, and evaluation of the integrated library system and will serve as liaison with campus and external computing providers. All librarians participate in reference, instruction, collection development, and the collegial management of the library. We seek candidates who have an ALA-accredited MLS, experience with integrated library systems, and an enthusiasm for applying technology in an academic library setting. The Academic Librarian must have a com­ mitment to teaching, outstanding interpersonal, oral, and written commu­ nication skills, and a willingness to take an active leadership role in library governance. To Apply: Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, state­ ments of teaching philosophy and research interests, and three profes­ sional references to: Daniel Mollner, Library Chair, Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library, G u s ta v u s A d o lp h u s C o lle ge , St. Peter, MN 56082. Web: Review of applications will begin November 15, 2003, and continue until the position is filled. Equal opportunity employer. A RCHIVIST, PIERR E D A U R A C ENTER. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia. Part-time position, salary commensurate with experience. Archivist will assist the Pierre Daura C urator of European Art; maintain, catalogue, arrange, and help expand Daura archives; assist with maintaining a W eb site on the Daura Center; input records into existing database; scan collection material; and perform clerical duties. Will be trained in art handling. Qualifications: Reading proficiency in either French or Spanish with dem onstrable skills in the other; art history coursework required; completion of basic archives course atthe graduate level o r prior work experience in archival o r special collections; word processing and experience with com puter databases necessary. Mu­ seum experience and an MLS degree preferred. Applications will be reviewed until position is filled. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, names, contact addresses, and phone numbers of three references, and transcripts to: Julie Feldman, Deputy Director, Georgia Museum of Art, U n ive rsity o f G e o rg ia , 90 Carlton Street, Athens, GA 30602. No faxes o r e-mails accepted. University o f Georgia is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. A S S O C IA T E D E A N , R E S E A R C H A N D IN F O R M A T IO N SYSTEMS. University Libraries (UL) at Bowling Green State Univer­ sity (BGSU), Ohio, invite applications and nominations fo r the position of Associate Dean fo r Research and Information Systems. BGSU serves 20,000 students and is a founding and active member of O hioLINK. Reporting to the Dean and a member of the Dean’s Management Advisory Group, the Associate Dean fills a key role in accom plishing the mission and strategic directions of the UL. Responsibilities include, but are not m references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. In te rn e t: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at Ads will be placed approximately four weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. C o n ta ct: Elise Parker, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 -2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: c&rlnewsads@ Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employees o r applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA services, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recom­ mended by statelib rary associations forpr ofessional library posts in these states. The recommendationsare advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums when evaluating profes­ sional vacancies. For additional information on librarian salaries, contact ALA Office fo r Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $39,148 Delaware $22,500** Illinois $30,096* Indiana v a rie s * Iowa $23,911 Louisiana $26,000 Maine v a rie s * Massachusetts $31,362* New Jersey $36,503 North Carolina $27,641** Ohio $25,198** Pennsylvania $30,249* R hode Island $29,800 South Carolina v a rie s * South Dakota $22,000 Texas $33,000 Verm ont $26,464 W est Virginia $22,000 W isconsin $32,700 ‘ Rather than establish one statew ide salary m inim um , some state associations have adopted a formula based on variables such as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each commu­ nity, o r the grade level o f a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association fo r minim um salary information. **These recom m endations apply only to public librarians. lim ited to: oversight and direction fo r information systems; research and data analysis; staff development and training; digital and related initiatives; grant writing; and O hioLINK initiatives. Minim um Qualifications: ALA- accredited master’s degree in library and information science; scholarly achievement commensurate with appointment as tenured associate o rfull professor; information technology background, including system s and network applications; digital initiatives in an academic library; staff devel­ opm ent and training; collaborative and participatory decision making; 564 / C&RL News ■ September 2003 excellent verbal, written, and interpersonal skills; strategic and opera­ tional planning; and grant process fam iliarity. Preferred Qualifications: Second advanced degree o r Ph.D.; dem onstrated leadership; develop­ ment of relationships within a broad c o nso rtiu m ; and su ccessfu l gra nt fun d ing . S a la ry c o m p e titive and co m m e nsu ra te w ith p e e r in stitutio n lib ra rie s fo r rank and position in keeping with ca n d id ate ’s e xperience and credentials. For d etailed in form ation, visit: http://w w w colleges/library/adm in/jobs.htm l. BGSU is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity institution. Preferred start date no laterthan J u ly 2004. Appli­ cations postmarked by October 15,2003, will receive first consideration. All applicants will receive full and fair consideration until position filled. Electronic and fax applications also accepted. Submit letter of application, curriculum vitae, and nam es, addresses, and contact information o f at least three professional references to: Search Committee, c/o Beverly S team s, Adm inistrative O ffice, 204 W illiam T. Jerom e Library, B o w l­ in g G re e n S ta te U n iv e rs ity , Bowling Green, OH 43403; e-mail: bstearn @; fax: (419) 372-7996. B U S IN E S S E L E C T R O N IC S E R V IC E S A N D R E F E R E N C E LIB R A R IA N . Columbia U niversity Libraries seeks a librarian to evalu­ ate and support electronic resource collections, provide in-depth refer­ ence service (desk and virtual), conduct research instruction, manage the Cornell University Library Cornell University is located in scenic Ithaca in the Finger Lakes region o f upstate New York. The town and university offer a unique cosmopolitan and international atmosphere in a beautiful natural setting o f waterfalls, gorges, and lakes. Cornell University Library is a leading academic research library with outstanding collections, service and instructional programs, and a leader in digital library applications. The library constitutes a m ajor university resource for learning, teaching and research, and serves a faculty o f 1,600 and a student body o f approximately 19,000. It holds a distinctive collection o f over 7 million volumes in 19 libraries and has a budget o f over $30 million. Supporting this operation are over 200 librarians, archivists and other professional staff, 300 library assistants, and 150 FTE student employees. METADATA LIBRARIAN - MANN LIBRARY As one o f three m etadata librarians in M ann Library’s Technical Services Division, the incumbent will track developments in m etadata standards as w ell as recom m end and design appropriate m etadata schem a (e.g., DC, M ARC, TEĬ) to facilitate access to electronic resources. Actively participates in the library's research and development efforts and in local and national discussions relating to the access, retrieval, and managem ent o f objects in digital library systems. Responsible for organizing access to networked information resources using traditional and emerging m etadata schema. Qualifications: Required: MLS o r equivalent graduate degree; demonstrated interest in the issues and standards related to metadata, cataloging, and information retrieval. Excellent communication and analytical skills, including the ability to w ork within a team setting. Interest in professional development activities such as research and involvement in professional organizations. D esired qualifications include: w orking knowledge o f cataloging principles and tools and previous experience using m etadata schemas, crosswalks, X M L DTDs, and controlled vocabularies. Professional experience in an academic o r special library; working knowledge o f one o r more foreign languages, and a background o r interest in agriculture, the life sciences, o r related social sciences. BIOINFORMATICS/LIFE SCIENCES LIBRARIAN MANN LIBRARY As a m em ber o f the Public Services Division within M ann Library, the incumbent will work closely with colleagues and researchers to develop the virtual library in support o f life sciences research and learning. This specialist will take the lead in the creation o f innovative services for the life sciences audiences ( Also provides quality reference service, one-on-one consulting, and instruction in information management. Qualifications: Required: M LS o r other relevant graduate degree. D emonstrated interest in, and desire to develop expertise in bioinformatics. Strong communication, interpersonal, and presentation skills, and commit­ m ent to professional development. Preferred: subject knowledge o r w ork experience in agriculture o r life sciences. Desired qualifications include familiarity with computational tools and techniques for data m anagement and manipulation especially in the life sciences. Salary and rank for all library appointments are dependent on qualifications and experience. These positions receive full benefits, including 22 vacation days, 11 paid holidays, health insurance, life insurance, and university retirement contributions. To apply for these positions please go to: http://w w w and follow the instructions for online submission including a cover letter, resume, and the names and contact information for three references. For further information you can contact Susan M arkowitz, Director o f Library H um an Resources, 201 Olin Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, N Y 14853. Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action emnlover and educator. w /jobs/profiles/2377.htm Web site, and oversee database software and hardware for the Watson Library of Business and Economics. The library delivers electronic information and reference services to the Columbia Business School, one of the nation’s leading and largest graduate business programs located in the country’s financial center, and the Columbia University Department of Economics. Reporting to the Business Librarian, the incumbent will be a primary contact for faculty and students; develop and maintain research guides; act as liaison to the Library Systems Office and the computing departments of relevant academic departments o r schools; and partici­ pate as a member of a team that plans and develops collections and services. The position provides an opportunity to participate in digital course support and other virtual library services in a fast-paced, dynamic academic environment. For more information about the qualification requirements and the Watson Library of Business and Economics, please visit our Web site at: 70104001.soc.html. Send letter of application, résumé, and names, ad­ dresses, and phone num bers o f three references via e-mail to: You may also mail your application to: Human Resources Office, Box 18, Butler Library, Colum bia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Cover letter must specify Job #UL70104001. This position is available immediately, and applications will be accepted until position is filled. However, applications received C&RL News ■ Septem ber 2003 / 565 Instruction Coordinator Lafayette C ollege seeks an innovative, energetic librari­ an to join its public services staff and coordinate its information literacy and instruction program. Responsibilities include developing and prom ot­ ing information literacy initiatives, including library -sponsored information literacy grants; coordinating instruction efforts among library staff; teaching information literacy and research skills; and providing reference service in all curricular areas. Q u alifica tio n s: ALA accredited M LS or the equivalent; strong academic background; strong teaching skills; knowledge of pedagogical m eth­ ods and issues; ability to interact and com m uni­ cate effectively with faculty and students; know l­ edge of a wide range of electronic and print information resources; facility with current and emerging library technologies and applications; ability to w ork productively in a collegial environm ent; initiative, flexibility, and com ­ mitment to service. Salary: Minimum $40,000. Excellent benefits, including TIAA-CREF, 22 vacation days tuition benefits, and generous support for travel to professional meetings. Lafayette College is a highly selective undergraduate institution located in Easton, Pennsylvania, about 70 miles west of New York City and 60 miles north of Philadelphia. Q ualified individuals should send a letter of application, resume, and a list of at least three references (with phone numbers and email addresses) to: Chair, Search Com m ittee c/o D irector of Libraries & A cadem ic Information Resources David Bishop Skillman Library Lafayette College Easton, PA 18042-1797 Review of applications w ill begin immediately and w ill continue until the position is filled. The College is an equal opportunity em ployer and encour­ ages L applica A tions fro F m wom en and m inorities. A NATIONAL REPUTA A TION Y FOR ACAD E EMIC TT EXCELL E ENCE 566 / C&RL News ■ September 2003 before Septem ber 1‚ 2003, will receive priority consideration. Columbia University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. B U S IN E S S /E L E C T R O N IC A C C E S S L IB R A R IA N . S lip p e ry R ock University’s Bailey Library is seeking applicants fo r a full-tim e (nine-month), tenure-track position a t the Instructor/Assistant Professor level beginning January 2004. Prim ary responsibilities include collection development, reference, and library instruction fo r the School o f Business. M anagem ent o f the Serials unit with an em phasis on electronic access issues, and supervision o f a staff of 1.7 FTE are also prim ary responsibili­ ties. Com petitive salary and excellent benefits. A com plete position description is posted at: ww w Qualifications: M L S from an ALA-accredited institution required a t tim e o f employment; knowledge of and/or experience in business librarianship; demonstrated ability to manage electronic resources; strong public service orientation; excellent written and oral com m unication skills; and perceived ability to w o rk productively with students and colleagues in an evolving e nviron­ ment are required. Successful perform ance in an on-cam pus interview, including a presentation, is also required. Preferred Qualifications: Aca­ dem ic library experience in serials, reference, and bibliographic instruc­ tion; supervisory experience; and fam iliarity with Endeavor/Voyagersoft- ware. Send le tte r o f interest, résumé, graduate and undergraduate tra n ­ scripts (official tra nscripts required before hiring) and the nam es, ad­ dresses, and phone numbers of three references (one o f whom must be a current o r previous supervisor) to: Mr. Lynn Hoffm an and Ms. Ju dy Silva, C o-chairs, Business Librarian Search Com m ittee, Bailey Library, S lip pery N Cali or fornia th Stat ri e Un d ive g rsi e ty THREE TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITIONS AVAILABLE O u treach Librarian B usiness Librarian P sychology/E d ucatio n Librarian O utreach Librarian D E PA R TM EN T: R eference and Instructional S ervices E FFE C T IV E D ATE O F A P P O IN T M E N T: Jan uary 5, 20 04 (a 12-m onth, ten ure -tra ck position) RANK: S enior A ssistant Librarian S A L A R Y : M inim um salary of $4,175 pe r month and an excellent benefits package. S alary is de pendent upon qu alifications and experience. R E SP O N S IB ILITIES : The C alifornia State U niversity-N orthridge Library is seeking an energetic, enthusiastic, and technologically know ledgeable librarian to serve as the library’s specialist in prom oting library outreach to and partnership with specialized users/groups, as appropriate to university initiatives. A PP LIC A T IO N D E AD LINE: S creening to begin S epte m be r 2, 2003, but preference will be given to applications received by O ctober 1‚ 2003. B usiness Librarian D E PA R TM EN T: R eference and Instructional S ervices E FFEC TIVE D ATE O F A P P O IN T M E N T: January 31, 20 04 (a 12-m onth, ten ure -tra ck position) RANK: S enior A ssistant Librarian S ALAR Y : M inim um salary of $4,175 pe r m onth and an excellent benefits package. S alary is dependent upon qu alifications and experience. R E SP O N S IB ILITIES : The C alifornia State U niversity-N orthridge Library is seeking an energetic, enthusiastic, and te ch nolog ically know ledgeable librarian to assist in carrying o ut th e library’s service program in the fields o f business and econom ics. A PP LIC A T IO N D E AD LIN E : S creening to begin O cto ber 6, 2003, but preference w ill be given to applications received by N ovem ber 3, 2003. P sychology/E d ucatio n Librarian D E PA R TM EN T: R eference and Instructional Services E FFEC TIVE D ATE O F A P P O IN T M E N T: January 5, 2004 (a 12-m onth, ten ure -tra ck position) (continued on next page) R o c k U n iv e r s it y , S lip p e r y R o c k , P A 1 6 0 5 7 ; lynn.hoffm an@, (724) 738-2666; judith.silva@, (724) 738-2658; fax: (724) 738-2661. Review o f applications will begin Septem­ b e r 7 , 2003, and continue until position is filled. V isit o ur W eb page at w ww TTY#: (724) 738-4881. Affirm ative action, equal opportu­ nity employer. DIRECTOR OF L IB R A R Y SER VICES. Gordon College, W enham, M assachusetts, se eks qualified candidates fo r Director o f Library Ser­ vices. T h is position carries faculty rank. M inim um qualifications include an M LS from an ALA-accredited program and a second advanced degree o r substantial experience in an academ ic environm ent, as well as sub­ stantial adm inistrative e xperience in an academ ic library. C andidates m ust be com m itted C hristians, supportive o f the m ission o f a Christian liberal arts education. The starting date fo r the position is January 2004. Send a le tte r o f application, vita, and a two-page statem ent of philosophy o f education related to library services to: Cliff Hersey, Coordinator of Academ ic Programs, G o rd o n C o lle ge , 255 Grapevine Road, Wenham, M A 0 19 8 4 ; p h o n e : (9 7 8 ) 8 6 7 -4 2 9 4 . F o r in q u ir ie s , c o n ta c t: c h e rse y@ fa ith .g o rd o n .e d u . For fu rth e r in form atio n , visit: h ttp :// E NG IN EERING L IB R A R IA N . U n ive rsity of O klahom a, Norman, Oklahoma. Library Faculty Vacancy. Engineering Librarian to manage all operations o f a heavily u tilized branch lib ra ry s e rvin g the C o lle ge of E ngineering a t an A R L in stitution. Th e E ngineering Librarian reports to the University Libraries’ D irecto r o f Public Services and represents the C&RL News ■ September 2003 / 567 University Libraries to the College of Engineering faculty and students. Qualifications: R equired: M LS fro m an ALA-a ccre dite d program ; ref­ erence and b ibliog ra p hic in stru ction e xperience; e xcellen t in terpe r­ sonal, teaching, and com m unication skills; evidence o f public service o rie nta tion ; u nd erstan ding o f library services a t a research university; ability to w ork independently as well as collaboratively; and ability to prioritize w orkload a ssign m e n ts. D e sira b le: F a m ilia rity w ith the lit­ era tu re o f e n g in ee rin g o r an u n d e rgrad u ate o r adva nce d deg re e in engin ee rin g o r a related fie ld ; c o lle ctio n d e ve lo p m e n t expe rie n ce; su pe rviso ry e xpe rie n ce; fa m ilia rity w ith an a u to m a te d lib ra ry m an­ agem ent system ; and evidence o f research o r creative achievem ent. For a co m p le te listin g o f the d utie s and re sp o n sib ilitie s fo r this position, g o to : First Screen­ ing Date: September 15,2003. Search will remain open until filled. Salary: $37,000 minim um. Employment: Librarians have faculty status, privi­ leges, responsibilities, the rank of assistant professor o r above, and tenure eligibility. Application: Send letter o f application with résumé, a lis t of p u b lica tio ns, and the nam es o f th re e re feren ces in clu din g cu rre nt su pe rviso r to: Rhonda Cannon, A ssistant to the Dean fo r A dm inistra ­ tive S e rvice s, U n ive rsity L ibraries, U n iv e r s ity o f O k la h o m a , Norman, O K 73019; phone: (405)325-2611. University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. We encourage women and minority applicants. H EAD OF S P E C IA L C O L L E C T IO N S . Th e U n iv e rs ity o f the Pacific Library is seeking a Special Collections Librarian and/or Archivist to join the library faculty in providing leadership and over sig ht fo r special (continued from previous page) RANK: S enior A ssistant Librarian SALARY: Minimum salary of $4,175 per month and an excellent benefits package. Salary is dependent upon qualifications and experience. RESPO NSIBILITIES: The C alifornia State U niversity-N orthridge Library is seeking an energetic, enthusiastic, and technologically knowledgeable librarian to serve as the library’s specialist in the fields of psychology and educational psychology. A PPLICATIO N DEADLINE: Screening to begin S eptem ber 2, 2003, but preference will be given to applications received by O ctober 1 ‚ 2003. REQUIRED Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S FOR ALL POSITIONS: ALA-accredited graduate degree in Library/ Information Science or equivalent degree; dem onstrated ability and experience in using bibliographic resources, including electronic resources and the Web; and an ability and desire to prom ote library service and collections. A ssignm ents include som e evening and w eekend hours. Please go to l fo r com plete information about additional responsibili­ ties and the required and preferred qualifications for all three librarian positions. Inquiries and nom inations for all three positions should be addressed to: Michael Barrett, Chair Reference and Instructional Services University Library, California State University-Northridge 18111 Nordhoff Street Northridge, CA 91330-8327 e-mail: University Library Web site: G E N ER A L INFO RM ATION: C alifornia State U niversity-Northridge, one of the largest of the 23 cam puses of the C alifornia State University system, is located 25 miles northwest of central Los Angeles in the San Fernando Valley, asuburb with a multi-ethnic population of over 1 million people. The university enrolls approxim ately 32,000 students (24,000 FTEs and one-half ethnic m inorities) and is served by 2,0 00 faculty. Eight colleges offer baccalaureate degrees in 50 disciplines, m aster’s degrees in 41 fields, and credentials in the field of education. For more inform ation about the university, check our W eb site h ttp ://w w w .c s u n .e d u /. A pplicants who wish to request accom m odations fo r a disability may contact the C enter on Disabilities, (818)677-2578. The university is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and does not discriminate against persons on the basis o f race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, marital status, age, disability, disabled veteran, o r Vietnam-era veteran status. collections and archives programs and in furthering the educational and scholarly goals o f the library and university. This librarian will have principal responsibility fo r developing and promoting use of the university’s manuscript, archival, and rare book collections; planning and managing digital library projects; providing reference services and instruction; initiating and managing outreach and development activities (e.g., exhibi­ tions, publications, grant proposals, do norand public presentations, etc.); and supervising staff. The University Library emphasizes opportunities fo r undergraduate research within Special Collections. The librarian in this position will cultivate relationships with teaching faculty, other univer­ sity offices, visiting scholars, alumni, and the public. As a member of the faculty, productivity in scholarship is essential. Qualifications: Master’s degree in Library or Information Science o r equivalent; professional experience and knowledge o f best practices in special collections, a r­ chives, or equivalent environments; dem onstrated ability to manage manuscript, rare book, and archival collections, including knowledge of preservation techniques; appropriate level of technological knowledge for the m anagem ent of digital initiatives; and effective supervisory experi­ ence; subject knowledge to support the use of collections; enthusiasm and aptitude fo r public services within a flexible and continually evolving academ ic library environment; commitm ent to cooperative teamwork and quality service; excellent organizational, interpersonal, and commu­ nication skills; ability to meet requirements fo r promotion and tenure. Salary, Rank, and Benefits: Salary negotiable depending upon experience; faculty rank commensurate with qualifications and experience. Twenty- fou r days’ vacation, 15 holidays/seasonal, excellent support fo r profes­ sional development, TIAA-CREF retirement, tuition remission, and other 568 / C&RL News ■ September 2003 Head of Cataloging - Library The James A. Cannavino Library at Marist College seeks applications fo r a dynamic Head of Cataloging. Responsibilities: Perform original and copy cataloging as well as authority work in accordance with local and national standards, and contributes to OCLC. Set local cataloging policy and procedure. Manage all aspects of the online catalog including upgrades, reports, documentation, trouble-shooting, and training staff in the effective use of new enhancements. Supervise two full-time support staff. Serve as liaison to OCLC and local system vendor. Reference, collection development, and bibliographic instruction duties are required. Requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited school; minimum one year experience in cataloging and technical processing; working knowledge of cataloging tools and standards; current experience with a major bibliographic utility and an integrated library system, preferably Voyager; familiarity with current trends in cataloging and emerging library technologies. Successful applicant will have excellent communication skills, the ability to work in a team environment, and a commitment to providing accurate and timely bibliographic access. Marist College is committed to the principle of diversity We are especially interested in receiving applications from members of ethnic minorities, women, disabled individuals, and other under­ represented groups. Review of résumés will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Please submit a cover letter, résumés, and contact information for three professional references to: Eva J. Jackson, Assistant D irector o f Human Resources, M arist College, MPO-905/CRL, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-1387. A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity /A ffirm a tiv e A ctio n Em p loyer UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN U niversity of California, Santa Cruz The University of California, S a n ta C ruz invites application s fro m individ uals fo r its U niversity Librarian opening. The can didate m ust tra nslate vision into prac­ tice, re spond to the rapidly c ha nging and c o m plex high er ed ucation en vironm ent, ba l­ ance existing libra ry s en /ices a n d resources w ith em ergin g te ch nolog ies, and pa rticipate in c on sortia and profession al asso ciations. The U niversity Librarian w ill provide lead er­ ship of operations, staffing, and s e rvice s as the library m oves into the ad vanced stag es of a sign ific a n t building exp ansion project and acce le rate d cam pus grow th. A dditional de tails ab out th e position, cam pus, University of C alifornia system , and surroun d­ ing c o m m u n ity can be a cce ssed at: UCSC is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. Y avapai COLLEGE Your community. Your college. Director of Library Services Th is tw o -y e a r c o m m u n ity college is located in P rescott, A rizona, a m ile-high, historic city that has earned th e reputation as “eve ryb o d y’s ho m e to w n ” be cause of its tre e-line d historic ne ig hbo rho ods and quaint old w est main street. A pp lic a tio n s are solicited fro m m o tivated in d i­ vidua ls for: D irecto r of Library Services. Th is pe rson w ill provide inno vative and c re ­ ative adm inistrative leadership of library opera­ tion s and services. U nique op p o rtu n ity as the college libra ry fac ilitie s are expande d! A p p li­ cants should visit ou r W eb site fo r d e tails for a p p ly in g : w w w .y c .e d u /h r.n s f. A p p lic a tio n m a terials m ust be received by S e p te m b e r 2 9 , 2003, to en sure full c on sid era tion. D irect all m a terials to: Yavapai College Human Resources 1100 East Sheldon Street Prescott, AZ 86301 Yavapai College is an equal opportunity employer. C&RL News ■ September 2003 / 569 generous benefits. For complete information, please see: http:// Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, with a first review of applications beginning August 15, 2003. Send letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers o f three references to: Kathlin Ray, Assistant Dean, University Library, U n iv e rs ity o f th e P a cific, 3601 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, C A 9 52 1 1; o r e-mail: kray@ Equal opportunity, affir­ mative action employer. H E A D , S P E C IA L C O L L E C T IO N S A N D A R C H IV E S . U tah State University Libraries seek an innovative, experienced individual to head the Special Collections and Archives Department of the University Libraries. The Department Head will provide leadership to make the department a pre-eminent center of resources on the Inter-Mountain West. The Department Head will be responsible fo r administering seven departmental units (Art, Book A rts and Rare Books, Fife Folklore A r­ chives, Manuscripts, Photographs, Conservation/Preservation, Univer­ sity Archives, and Western and Morm on Americana) and overseeing eight full-time staff, including faculty, professional, and classified employ­ ees as well as students. Specific duties include: managing fiscal re­ sources and budgetary expenditures; establishing goals and priorities for TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE New School University New School University invites applications for tw o positions: Director, R aym ond Fogelman Library RESPONSIBILITIES: Reporting to the University Librarian, this senior managem ent position oversees the daily operations and collection developm ent of the Fogelman Library‚ w hose collections and services support hum anities and social sciences curricula; participates in long-range planning, renovation, budget preparation, and human resources management; collaborates on the creation and implementation of library policies and an information literacy agenda, w hile serving as an advocate for the library’s mission. Q UALIFICATIONS: A LA-accredited MLS, advanced degree (preferably in the social sciences or humanities), minimum five years’ supervisory experience in an academic library; knowledge of the latest information technology and applications; fam iliarity with major bibliographic utilities; understanding of current issues in academic librarianship and higher education required. Demonstrated leadership skills, ability to foster collegiality and flexibility in others and ability to interact effectively with a broad clientele essential. System s Librarian RESPONSIBILITIES: Reporting to the Director, C enter for E ducation and Technology, the Systems Librarian coordinates the developm ent, implementation, operation, and maintenance of the University Library’s automated systems, services, peripherals, system -related access, and Web site. Implements leading-edge instructional technologies, cam puswide technological developm ent initiatives, and other digital initiatives. Q UALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS, m inim um three years experience with automated library systems. Knowledge of: MARC metadata forms; bibliographic and authority records; general database structure; Solaris/UNIX operating systems, enterprise database system s such as ORACLE or other S QL-based system s. Experience with W eb sites and content managem ent system s preferred. Fam iliarity with telecom m unications, LANs, CD-RO M technology, and H TM Ldesirable. Ability to work independently and collegially in a rapidly changing environm ent. Excellent com m unication skills; problem -solving, organization, and negotiating abilities. Salaries com mensurate with experience. Excellent fringe benefits. Consideration of applications begins O ctober 1 ‚ 2003, and continues until positions are filled. Send letter, résumé, and names, addresses (postal and e-mail), and phone numbers of three references to: Office of the University Librarian New School University 65 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10011 New School University is committed to a policy o f equal opportunity. It does not discriminate on the basis o f race, color, national o r ethnic origin, citizenship status, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, physical disability, veteran or marital status. collection development; fostering public service and collegial interaction with faculty, researchers, staff, and students; setting departmental proce­ dures and policies fo r acquiring, processing, cataloging, preserving and digitizing collections; promoting services and collections and preparing grant requests for supplementary funding. The Department Head reports to the Associate Director fo r Public Services, participates a s a mem ber of the Library Management team, and works closely with the Libraries Development officer. This is a 12-month, tenure-track position. The applicant is expected to meet the requirements for appointment at the rank of Associate Librarian. The department houses 84,000 volumes consisting of literary, historical, rare and antiquarian books, 6,400 linear feet of manuscripts, and 7,500 lin e ar feet of University Archives, and 500,000 photographs, as well as substantial holdings of other materials, such as records, maps, and broadsides. The department’s materials cover a wide range of subject are a s including the Inter-Mountain West, especially Utah- and Mormon-related collections. The department houses the Fife Folklore Archives, one of the prem ier folklore collections in the nation. Among its literary holdings, the department has the nation’s second largest collection of Jack London papers and books. Currently, the department is preparing to move into a new library facility in 2005. Required Qualifications: Master’s degree in Library and Information Science from an ALA-accredited 570 / C&RL News ■ September 2003 institution and/or a master’s o r Ph.D. degree in a closely related field; minim um five years’ progressively responsible experience in a special collections/archives setting; and supervisory and m anagem ent experi­ ence in an academ ic or research organization. Preferred Qualifications: Analytical, organizational, and communication skills; professional partici­ pation and research activity, as well as ongoing professional training in re levant fields; a record o f grant writing and grant adm inistration; knowl­ edge o f current issues in special collections and archival managem ent, including e lectronic resources, copyright laws, and p rofessional stan­ dards/ethics; experience with fund raising and successful stewardship of endow m ents; successful collaborative project m anagem ent; com m it m entto public service; fam iliarity with preservation/conservation issues; evidence of successful experience with outreach and d onor activity; fam iliarity with Encoded Archival Description (EAD), imaging, electronic records, sound preservation, and W eb applications; knowledge o f W est­ ern American history. Salary: $50,000 negotiable. Benefits: The position includes an excellent benefits package, including TIAA-CREF retirement, insurance, and 22 days’ vacation and 12 days o f sick leave per year. Presently, the University Libraries is involved in a 40-m illion-dollar building p ro je ct. T h e lib ra rie s co n ta in o ve r 1 ,4 0 0 ,0 0 0 v o lu m e s and have annual circulation o f roughly 200,000 with a gate count o f around 1 ,0 0 0,0 00 . Utah S ta te U n ive rsity is a Land G ra n t in s titu tio n and C a rn eg ie R esearch E xte n sive U n ive rsity se rvin g a stu d e n t p o p u la ­ tion o f 20,000. It is situated in a mountain valley 80 miles north of Salt Lake City and offers a variety of cultural as well as outdoor recreational opportunities. To Apply: Please se nd a letter of application, résumé, and three professional references with names, e-mail and mail addresses, and phone num bers to: John Elsweiler, Committee Chair, U tah S tate U n iv e rs ity Libraries, 3000 O ld Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322-3000; phone: (435) 797-2631; fax: (435) 797-2880. Application deadline is Octo­ ber 15, 2003, but w ill remain open until position is filled. Utah State University is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. IN S T R U C T IO N A L T E C H N O L O G Y L IB R A R IA N . M o re h e a d State U niversity (M SU) seeks a bright, self-motivated, and technology- s a w y individual to fill the position o f Instructional Technology Librarian. The successful candidate will b e h ire d at the ra n k of Librarian I. Respon­ sibilities: Assists with the development, implementation, and assessment o f electronic instructional resources including W eb-based tutorials and online library guides; oversees operation o f Learning Technology Lab, provides assistance to students and faculty in development of multimedia products; supervisesone half-time staff position; participates in reference service, bibliographic instruction, and collection development. Qualifica­ tions: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution by appointment date; expe­ rience in the use o f PCs, presentation software, W eb page authoring software, and m ultim edia-related equipment; advanced knowledge of W eb technologies; ability to w o rk well with faculty, students, and col­ leagues; and e xcellent written and oral com m unication skills. Desired Q ualifications: T raining and experience in instructional technology and design; expertise using Microsoft Office 2000 software; experience with other software such as Adobe Photoshop, Acrobat, Exchange Premiere, and scanning software including graphics and OCR; demonstrated time-management George Mason University TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE The U niversity Libraries of G eorge Mason U niversity are seeking energetic, innovative, and te a m zz oriented lib ra ria n s f o r tw o m anagem ent positions: Head, C ollection D evelopm ent and Preservation O fficer Provides leadership fo r collection de velopm ent and evaluation, as w ell as preservation activities, of a la rg e university s y s te m (fo u r libra ries across th re e cam puses), coordinating the collection developm ent and evaluation responsibilities of m ore than 20 selectors. M onitors expenditure of collection d e velop­ ment/preservation funds (currently $4.75 million), recom m ends fund allocations, and participates in the preparation of research m aterials budget proposals. M anages the libraries’ electronic resources licensing operations. Actively engages in related activities f o r tw o consortia: V IV A (The Virtual Library of Virginia) and W R LC (W ashington Research Library Consortium ). Prepares m anagem ent reports and analyses, obtains collections data, and oversees m aintenance of collection de velopm ent electronic data archive. M anages m ultiple approval plans, and m ay have subject liaison responsibilities, depending on interest and expertise. A s preservation officer, leads integration of current preservation activities and leads p la n s f o r a new, com prehensive preservation program . Directly supervises 2.5 FTE staff. P osition reports to A ssociate U niversity Librarian for Resources and C ollection M anagem ent Services. Q U A LIF IC AT IO N S: Required: A LA -accredited MLS o r recognized foreign equivalent: professional collection developm ent experience in an academ ic or research library; in-depth knowledge of academ ic publishing (print and electronic); experience with large-scale o r in-depth collection evaluation projects (RLG C onspectus a plus); dem onstrated ability to coordinate peer responsibilities in a non-supervisory, team environm ent; excellent leadership and com m unication skills; collegial orientation. Preferred: Excellent inform ation tech nolog y skills; substantial budgetary experience; dem onstrated supervisory experience; electronic resources m anagem ent experience, especially with licensing; and an advanced degree in an academ ic discipline. Head, S erials Unit (Search E xtended) Provides leadership fo r and m anages all operations of the S erials Unit, including acquisition and m aintenance of serials in all form ats fo r the fo u r constituent libraries of the U niversity Libraries system . Responsible fo r the m anagem ent of the periodicals/m icroform s collections and associated services, including the periodicals and m icroform s reference desk located in Fenw ick Library. C ollaborates with C ollection D evelopm ent to facilitate the licensing of digital resources. C oordinates all activities fo r the ordering and m anagem ent of electronic journals. Develops and analyzes statistical m anagem ent reports on serials. Researches, proposes, and implements new and improved methods fo r s e rials management. W orks w ith the Head, A cquisitions/G ifts and the Head, B ibliographic Services in jointly m anaging all (continued on next page) C&RL News ■ September 2003 / 571 and organizational skills; and experience in a public ser­ vices area o f an academ ic library. Review of applications w ill begin Septem ber 2 4 ,2 00 3, and will continue until position is filled. T o apply, submit a letter of application, résumé, and three references to: Office of Human Resources, Attn: Instructional Technology Librarian #960, Morehead S tate U n iv e rs ity , HM 101, Morehead, KY 40351. To apply online, visit:, and attach required application materials. MSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. LIB R A R Y DIRECTO R. Presbyterian College has reopened the search to fill the position o f Director o f its Thom ason Library. A very selective Carnegie C ategory 1 institution affiliated with Presbyterian Church, USA, Presbyterian College is located in a small college town near Columbia and G reenville-Spartanburg and within a tw o- to three-hour drive of Asheville, Atlanta, Charleston, o r Charlotte. The college is enter­ ing into late-stage planning fo r a lib ra ry b uildin g p ro je ct focused upon co n stru ctio n o f an a rch iva l fa c ility and re n ova tion o f the e xistin g b u ild in g . W e s e e k a d ire c to r w h o h o ld s the M LS fro m an A LA -a ccre dite d in stitu tio n ; a s e con d m a ste r’s o r d o cto ra te is p re ­ ferre d in one o f th e d is c ip lin e s in w h ich an u n d ergrad u ate m a jo r is offe re d at P re sb yte ria n . Th e id ea l ca n d id a te w ill hold m a n y o f the follow ing a ttrib u te s : S ucce ssful leadership and managem ent experi­ ence; a good understanding o f the multifaceted operations of an academic library as well as o f new technologies of information delivery; d em on­ strated interest in budgeting and facilities planning; the sincere desire and (continued from previous page) technical services functions. Supervises six full-tim e staff plus 2.5 FTE student assistants. Reports to the A ssociate U niversity Librarian for Resources and C ollection M anagem ent Services. Q U A LIFIC ATIO N S: Required: A LA -accredited MLS o r recognized foreign equivalent; experience with serial operations in an academ ic environm ent or o th e r similarly large or com plex library setting; fam iliarity with other technical services functions (cataloging and acquisitions); experience with MARC formats, OCLC, autom ated library systems, and spreadsheet software; effective organizational, com munication, and interpersonal skills; strong service orientation and com m itm en t to professional growth; supervisory experience; collegial orientation; strong analytical and problem -solving skills. Preferred: Public service experience; experience w ith V oyager E ndeavor; experience with electronic journal licensing; know l­ edge of EDI and em bedded order technology. A PP O IN T M E N T/B EN E FITS FOR BOTH PO SITIO NS Professional faculty appointm ent. Salary is com petitive and com m ensurate with qualifications. Excellent benefits: several health plan options and fully paid life insurance; several retirem ent plans, including TIAA -C R E F (the university contributes approxim ately 10 percent of salary to such plans); 24 vacation days and 11 paid holidays; tuition w aiver for self. G EORG E MASON U N IVER SITY AN D U N IVER SITY LIBRARIES George Mason University is a doctoral-level, state-supported university in northern V irginia with cam puses at Arlington, Fairfax and Prince W illiam counties, offering 55 undergraduate and 74 masters, professional, and doctoral program s, w ith an enrollm ent of o ver 26,000 students and 1,300 faculty. There are five libraries, with 50 adm inistrative and professional (librarians) faculty and 72 support staff. The libraries are active participants in VIVA (Virtual Library of Virginia), the W ashington Research Library Consortium , and the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries, and hold associate m embership with the C enter for Research Libraries. The libraries are currently restructuring the Library Liaison Program to expand and enhance outreach to the various academ ic and research program s across the university’s three campuses, and are developing an information literacy program. More information about George Mason U niversity and GMU Libraries is available at http://w w w .gm APPLICATIO N R eview of applications will begin O ctober 1, 2003, and continue until positions are filled. Previous applicants for the Head, Serials position need not re-apply. Send letterof application, résumé, and names, addresses (including e-mail), and phone numbers of three current references to: Chair, Search Committee for (state position) Library Administration, MSN 2FL George Mason University Fairfax VA, 22030-4444 George Mason University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer; minorities are encouraged to apply. talen t to engage and work collegially with staff, faculty, students, and others; and a disposition favoring networking with counterparts a t private and public academ ic libraries in the state. Send letter of application or n om ina tio n, résum é, tra n s c rip ts (co p y w ill do a t th is stag e ), and n am es and co n ta c t in form atio n o f fiv e o r m ore p ro fe ssio n a l re fe r­ ences to: Bud W arner, A ssociate Academ ic Dean and Library Search C h air, P re s b y te ria n C o lle g e , 503 S. B road S tre e t, C linto n, SC 29325. A pplications completed and on file by Septem ber 3 0 , 2003, will be e nsured full co nsid e ra tion . You m ay a ccess the college’s Web site at: Equal opportunity employer. LIB R A R Y DIRECTOR. The Virginia Institute o f Marine Science (VIMS) seeks an energetic, innovative Library Director. VIM S is one o f the largest marine science institutions in the United States and serves as the School o f Marine Science of the College o f W illiam and Mary as well as the m arine scientific and technical advisor to the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Library Director provides leadership in the administration of the Institute’s library including fiscal managem ent and personnel, policy and program development, fundraising, collection development, and inte­ gration of emerging technologies. The Director is responsible for develop­ ing a library collection to meet the specialized research interests and educational needs of the VIM S faculty, research staff, and graduate students. The individual will also m aintain o ur online bibliographic re­ sources and manage the library’s W eb site. The Director is the archivist for VIM S publication and institutional materials. The successful candidate must have an ALA-accredited MLS o r equivalent degree; at least five 572 / C&RL News ■ September 2003 PRESERVATION LIBRARIAN New York University The P reservation Librarian w orks closely with the Head of the P reservation D epartm ent in managing the Libraries’ preservation program , including needs assessm ent, establishing g oals and objectives, and hiring, training, supervising, and evaluating staff. The preservation librarian adm inisters the departm ent’s ongoing com m ercial binding program ; m anages the reform atting unit, including preser­ vation m icrofilm ing, preservation photocopying, and digital im aging activities; reviews dam aged and deteriorating library m aterials and assigns appropriate preservation treatm ents; and w orks closely with com m ercial vendors. This position requires active participation in program planning fo r a broad array of m ultim edia library and archives collections, including designing and conducting condition and needs assessm ent surveys, gathering and analyzing statistics, recommending treatm ent decisions, and grant- w riting. C ollaboration w ith bibliographers, subject specialists, curators of special collections, and other library staff is a key com ponent of the preservation librarian’s responsibilities to identify m aterials for preservation and facilitate binding, reform atting and conservation treatm ent needs. The preservation librarian is also responsible fo r training of departm ental and libraryw ide staff in proper book handling techniques and conducting general preservation aw areness sessions. In addition, he o r she assists in m aintaining and updating the Libraries’ disaster plan and oversees the m onitoring program for environm ental conditions w ithin the library. THE NEW Y O R K U N IV ER S ITY (NYU) LIBR AR IES Library facilities at NYU serve the school’s 40,000 students and faculty and contain more than 4 million volum es. NYU Libraries’ includes three special collections: a rare English and A m erican literature collection, an internationally known c en ter fo r scholarly research on labor and radical political history, the U niversity’s archives, and the Institute of Fine Arts. New Y ork U niversity is a m em ber of the Association of Research Libraries, the Research Libraries Group, the Digital Library Federation; serves as the headquarters for the Research Library A ssociation of S outh M anhattan, a consortium o f three academ ic institutions; and is affiliated with The New Y ork Historical Society. NYU Libraries’ preservation departm ent supports a w ide array of program activities, including com mercial binding, conservation, preservation reform atting (m icrofilming, preservation photocopying, digital imaging), staff and user education, d isaster preparedness, environm ental m onitoring and state and federal grant-funded projects fo r a variety of preservation initiatives. M oving im age and sound preservation is a new, ground-breaking com ponent in N YU ’s preservation program designed to com plem ent N Y U ’s new M oving Image Archival and P reservation m aster’s degree program . In order to absorb and expand preservation services fo r the Libraries, the preservation departm ent is currently preparing to move into a newly designed and enlarged space. Q UALIFICATIONS A LA -accredited m aster’s degree; subject m aster’s degree required fo r tenure. P reference will be given to candidates with a certificate in preservation adm inistration. C andidates w ith at least tw o full y e a rs ’ experience in a preservation departm ent in a research library setting will also be considered. Broad understanding of the role of preservation in an academ ic setting and knowledge of em erging trends in preservation and conservation are essential. D em onstrated ability to plan, organize, and prioritize projects is required. D em onstrated supervisory experience is also required. E xcellent oral and written com m unication skills are highly preferred. Experience in digital imaging, com puter skills, database m anagem ent, and v endor negotiation is preferred. SALAR Y AND BENEFITS Faculty status and attractive benefits package, including five w eeks’ annual vacation. Salary com m ensurate with experience and background. TO APPLY To ensure consideration, send résum é and letter of application, including the names, addresses, and telephone num bers of three references to: Janet Koztowski Director, Human Resources New York University Libraries 70 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012 Résum és will be considered until the position is filled. NYU encourages applications from women and members o f minority groups. C&RL News ■ September 2003 / 573 Information Services Librarian University of California-Santa Barbara The University of California-Santa Barbara, one of ten campuses of the University of California system, is seeking an Information Services Librarian. The Information Services Librarian works individually and as part of a team to provide traditional and electronic reference, instruction, collection development, liaison, and outreach services to students, faculty, staff, and the university community. Scheduled reference service includes some evening and weekend hours. RESPONSIBILITIES • Designs and teaches course-integrated classes and library credit bearing courses in information research methods. • Has responsibility for all aspects of collection management and development for United States and World History, including selection of information resources, moni­ toring approval plans, preservation and weeding decisions, faculty liaison, collection interpretation, evaluation, budgetary management, and resource sharing. • Serves as subject liaison to department, working closely with faculty and graduate students, and also has responsibility for providing specialized bibliographic instruction. • Additional collection management responsibilities may be assigned. • The incumbent reports to the Head of Information Services. QUALIFICATIONS • ALA-accredited MLS. • Academ ic background, training, and/or demonstrated interest in the literature of the United States and World History. • Experience in general and/or specialized reference services. • Experience developing and delivering library instruction. • Experience in collection development. • Experience with print and electronic information resources. • Strong com mitment to public service and ability to work effectively with students, faculty, staff, and com munity users. • Demonstrated initiative and flexibility. • Excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills. • Experience designing and maintaining W eb pages is desirable. HIRING RANGE $37,920 to $56,256, based on qualifications and experience. APPLICATIONS Consideration of applications begins October 1, 2003, and continues until the position is filled. Send résumé and names and addresses of three references to: Detrice Bankhead Associate University Librarian Human Resources, Davidson Library University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 For the complete job announcement, visit: The University o f California is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer committed to diversity in the workplace and invites applications from candidates who can contribute in this area. 574 / C&RL News ■ September 2003 Associate University Librarian University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Join an enthusiastic staff in a rapidly growing, highly ranked university. We are committed to making access to research information as efficient and convenient as technology, innovation, and resources will allow. Reporting to the University Librarian, you will lead a Public Services Program including Circulation, Document Delivery, Interlibrary Loan, and Reference. Provide administrative leadership for the staff, collections, and user- centered services of the Social Sciences and Humanities libraries: Arts, Center for Library and Instructional Computing Services (CLICS), International Relations and Pacific Studies, and Social Sciences and Humanities. Indirect reporting lines include about 125 staff in varied classifications. Must have leadership experience in an academic research library environment, with understanding of public services functions and best practices/current trends in the provision of information services, and research needs in the social sciences and humanities. Excellent interpersonal/ analytical/ written/oral communication skills essential. Leadership on a national and international scale preferred. An MLS from an ALA accredited program or MIS, or an equivalent combination of education and experience required. For a full position description, see: Lpubservices.htm. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. Send application letter (please reference Job Code 1) including statement of qualifications, full resume of education and relevant experience, and the names of at least 3 persons who are knowledgeable about your qualifications for this position to: or to UCSD, Job Code 1, Attn: Debra Ambrose-Library Human Resources, 9500 Gilman Drive Dept 0175H, La Jolla, CA 92093-0175. Telephone: 858.534.1279; Confidential Fax: 858.534.8634. AA/EOE T h e University o f St Michael’s College in the University o f Toronto IN V IT E S A P P L IC A T IO N S F O R T H E P O S IT IO N O F Chief Librarian of the University o f St Michael’s College T he U niv ersity o f S t M ichael’s C o llege (w w w ikes), one o f th ree federated universities w ith in th e U n iv ersity o f T o ro n to , is one o f C an ad as lead ing En g lish-speak ing C a th o lic u n i­ v ersities. T h e U niversity’s Jo h n M . K elly L ib rary develops and m ain tain s co llectio n s and services in support o f th e teach in g and research needs o f th e undergraduate division o f th e U n iversity o f S t M ich ael’s C o lleg e, graduate program m es in th e Fac­ u lty o f T h eolo g y, and program m es o f th e C o n tin u ­ in g E d u catio n D iv isio n . T h e b o o k co llectio n n u m ­ bers over 2 7 5 ,0 0 0 volum es w h ile th e jo u rn a l collec­ tio n includes alm ost 5 0 0 current subscriptions. Reporting to the President, the C h ief Librar­ ian assumes a leadership role in determining library policy, developing and monitoring budget, and long-range planning. He/she manages all aspects o f library operations, including personnel, public ser­ vices, cataloguing, collection development, automa­ tion, facilities, purchasing, advancement, and inter­ nal and external relations. T h e position involves leadership o f a staff o f twenty, including seven pro­ fessional librarians. Candidates should hold an ALA accredited Master o f Library Science degree, or an accepted equivalent, and have successful experience in pro­ gressively more responsible management positions within an academic research library. St Michael’s seeks applications from those who would be sup­ portive o f the Catholic mission o f the University. Although all qualified candidates are encouraged to apply, Canadian citizens and permanent residents o f Canada will be given priority. T he application deadline is 15 September, 2 0 0 3 . T h e startin g date for the p o sitio n will be 1 January, 2 0 0 4 , or later by mutual agreement. Candidates should forward their application and curriculum vitae as soon as possible to: T he Chair­ man, Search Committee for the C h ief Librarian, Office o f the President, University o f S t Michael’s College, 81 St M ary Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M 5S 1J4. T hey should also arrange for three letters o f recommendation to be submitted directly to the Search Committee by their referees. No email applications will be accepted. C&RL News ■ September 2003 / 575 years’ m anagerial e xperience in an academ ic, research, o r technical library; excellent organizational and com munication skills; dem onstrated experience in the application o f inform ation tech n olo g y to integrated autom ated library system s; e xperience in W eb site d eve lo pm en t and W eb-based bibliographic interface. Knowledge o f HTM L and PER L pre­ ferred. T h is is a nontenured professional fa cu lty position. Salary is co m ­ mensurate with qualifications and experience. R eview w ill continue until an appointment has been made. A letterof application, vita, and the names and contact information fo r three professional references should be sentto: Kenneth A. M oore, Chair, VIM S Library D irecto r S earch Com m ittee, V irg in ia In s titu te o f M a rin e S cie n c e , P.O. Box 1346, G lo uce ster Point, VA 23062. The College of William and M ary is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. S C IE N C E IN S T R U C T IO N C O O R D IN A T O R /B IB L IO G R A - PHER. Loyola U n ive rsity Chicago Science Library. T h is p osition pro­ vides information services and develops extensive W eb-based resources in the physical and life sciences. Coordinates and prom otes instruction services fo r the Science Library, and participates in system w ide instruc­ tion initiatives as the S cience Library re presentative on the Instruction Coordinators Tearn. Designs and teaches library workshops and course- based u ser e ducation sessions. S taffs the S cience Library R eference Desk, which p rovides electronic and tra dition al reference services to faculty, staff, and students. Serves as bibliographer and faculty liaison to three science departm ents. M anages collection funds and approval pro­ files; participates in collection assessment and policy development. Serves SYSTEMS/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Th is is a full-tim e, fac u lty librarian position at the H anley Library, U niversity of P ittsburgh at B radford (B radford, P ennsylvania) and reports to the D ire c to r of the H anley Library. R e s po nsibilities include m a intaining the library m a nage m en t system on the B radford cam pus, s ervin g as liaison fo r LM S issues, tra ining staff, providing pu blic service and re fere nce service, and som e c ollectio n d e velopm ent (full position an noun cem e nt is ava ila ble at: http://w w w .lib ra ry .p itt.e d u /u ls /e m p lo y m e n t/). Located in the beautiful A lle g h e n y fo re s t region of no rth w e st P ennsylvania, the U niversity of P ittsburgh at B radford is a disting uishe d underg rad uate c olleg e offering 26 ba ccalaureate d e gree s and 12 professional program s. S tude nts can also c h o ose fro m 37 m inors, tw o asso cia te d egrees, credential progra m s in ed ucation and nursing, o r a n u m ber of on e -y e a r certificate program s. T h e H anley Library is part o f the U niversity Library System , and p a rticipate s in all U LS Faculty Librarian activities. Q U A LIF IC A T IO N S : R equired: A LA -accredited M LS (o r recognize d eq uivalent); tw o y e a rs ’ re levant exp erien ce in libraries including re levant exp erien ce w ith inform ation tech nolog y and integrated library a u tom ation system s; ab ility to com m unica te effectively w ith both technical and nontechnical personnel regarding info rm atio n te c h n o lo g y issues and services. Preferred: R elevant reference and library instruction exp erien ce; H TM L experience. Librarians at the U niversity of P ittsburgh are m e m bers of the facu lty and are exp ected to contribute significa ntly to the profession as w ell as to perform th e ir spe cific responsibilities. S uccessfu l review s a t y ea rs three and six lead to th e granting of E xpectation of C ontin uing E m ploym ent. S A LA R Y : $3 0 ,0 0 0 m inim um . C om p reh ensive be nefits pa ckage including m edical; TIA A -C R E F, V ang uard ; and tuition assistance. T O A P P LY : S ubm it le tte r of a p plication and résum é w ith th e nam es, addresses, and phone num bers o f three re ferences to: William Gentz, Personnel Librarian 271 Hillman Library University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 R eview of a p plication s w ill begin A u g u st 22, 2003, and c on tinue until position is filled. T o learn m ore a b o u t the U niversity Library S ystem , visit: http://w w w .lib ra ry .p itt.e d u /. For m ore inform ation on th e U niversity of P ittsburgh, please visit: h ttp ://w w w .p itt.e d u /. The University o f Pittsburgh is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. on Library and University com m ittees. Designs W eb pages in support of library services. R eports to the Head o f the Science Library. Q ualifica­ tions: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; experience in providing traditional and electronic reference se rvice s in an academ ic o r special library; experience tea ch ing inform ation literacy and library skills in classroom and w orkshop settings; W eb authoring and design expertise; excellent com munication and interpersonal skills. Desired: Academ ic background an d /o r expe rie n ce in the scie nce s co llection d evelopm ent experience; budget m anagem ent experience. T h e S cie n ce L ib ra ry se rv e s th e D e­ p a rtm e n ts o f B io lo g y , C h e m is try , M a th e m a tic s a nd C o m p u te r S c i­ e n c e s , N a tu ra l S cie n c e s , P h y s ic s , P sy c h o lo g y , and the S chool of Nursing. The Loyola U niversity of C h ica go Library system has over 1.7 million vo lum es in s ix libraries. Salary: M inim um $34,000. Benefits include 20 days’ vacation, tuition benefits, T IAA-C R EF, and standard m edical/dental plans. Qualified applicants should send le tte r of applica­ tion, résum é, and contact inform ation fo r three references to: Karla Petersen, Dean o f Libraries, C udahy Library, L o y o la U n iv e r s ity C h ic a g o , 6 5 2 5 N. S he rid a n R o ad , C h ic a g o , IL 6 0 6 2 6 . R eview of applications will begin Septem ber 1 9, 2003; applications w ill be accepted until th e position is filled. For m ore inform ation a bo ut Loyola, visit: http:// w w w .luc.e du . Loyola U niversity C h ica go is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity educator and employer. T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N . T a b o r C o lle g e , Hillsboro, Kansas. ALA-accredited MLS degree. For details, see http:// 576 / C&RL News ■ September 2003 DIRECTOR, NEW BRUNSWICK LIBRARIES Rutgers University The Rutgers U niversity Libraries are seeking applications and nom inations fo r a key adm inistrative position w ith responsibility to lead a com plex, diverse, and dynam ic organization at a tim e of profound change. The Director, New Brunswick Libraries, adm inisters the libraries of the New Brunsw ick/ Piscataw ay cam pus, the largest and oldest of the three Rutgers cam puses, overseeing 16 libraries and centers, including the tw o m ajor research libraries of the university. P R IM AR Y R E SPO N SIBILITIES: The D irector w orks closely w ith team leaders responsible for m ajor functions across the New Brunswick libraries, including collection developm ent, access services, inform ation services, and digital projects. In addition, the D irector serves on the U niversity Librarian’s Cabinet, representing New B run sw ick and also participating in system w ide planning, developm ent, and innovation, and fosters professional growth of library faculty, w hich places priority on collegiality, professional leadership, and scholarly accom plishm ent. BASIC Q U A LIFIC ATIO N S: A strong record of leadership and accom plishm ent in an academ ic or research library setting with a m inim um of five years of increasingly responsible adm inistrative experience. O f particular importance is th e ability to manage a large and com plex organization in a rapidly changing technological environm ent w hile serving the research and inform ation needs of a diverse population of students and scholars. The successful candidate will have a m aster’s degree from an A LA -accredited institution, with an additional advanced degree preferred; and have a strong record in scholarship, service, and leadership in the profession. T he Director, New B runsw ick Libraries, is a senior faculty m em ber and adm inistrator and, as such, plays a critical role in the appointm ent, reappointm ent, and prom otion of library faculty on the cam pus and m ust qualify fo r tenure. SALARY: Salary and rank will be com m ensurate w ith qualifications and experience. STA TU S /B EN E FITS : Faculty status, calen dar year appointm ent, retirem ent plans, life and health insurance, prescription drug, dental and eyeglass plans, tuition remission, one month of vacation. NBL PROFILE: The New B runsw ick Libraries (NBL), a team -based organization with 47 librarians and 93 adm inistrative and support staff, com prise the tw o largest research libraries in the system , plus a num ber of sm aller specialized libraries and several research centers. NBL s erves the research and inform ation needs of nationally recognized academ ic units and program s in the hum anities, social sciences, and science and technology, as well as the residential colleges. N BL resources include more than 2.5 m illion volum es, 2.2 million governm ent docum ents, access to thousands of system w ide electronic resources, and num erous digital research collections supported at the S cholarly C om m uni­ cation C enter’s Data C enter and the C enter for E lectronic Text in the H um anities. See http:// w w w .lib ra rie s .ru tg e rs .e d u /fo r t h e com plete position profile. TO APPLY: Consideration of applications will begin immediately. To apply, please e-m ail y o u r application in W ord form at (include cover letter and nam es of three references) to: Sandra Troy, (A PP.160), U niversity Libraries Hum an Resources M anager, R utgers U niversity Libraries, 169 C ollege Avenue, N ew B runsw ick, NJ 08901-1163, at rulhr@ rci.rutg ers.ed u. Rutgers, the State University o f New Jersey, is committed to affirmative action and equal opportunity. Late Job Listings COLLECTION DEVELOPM ENT LIBRARIAN. Under the general direction of the Head of Technical Services, coordinates the selection, acquisition, and deacquisition of library materials, and works with library and classroom faculty to develop collections to support the curriculum. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; minimum of three years’ current experience in academic library acquisitions; strong fiscal management skills; familiar­ ity with vendor contracts and licenses; demonstrated supervisory skills. Salary Minimum: $43,354, negotiable based upon qualifications. Send letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Susan E. Cirillo, Director of Library Services, Southern C onnecticut S tate University, 501 Crescent Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1355. Southern Connecticut State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and encourages women and minorities to apply. C&RL News ■ September 2003 / 577 LIBRARIAN FOR GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION New York University D ocum ents responsibilities include adm inistration, planning, evaluation, and developm ent of the docum ents collections, including United States, United Nations, and Food and Agricultural O rganiza­ tion (FAO) depository collections, international docum ents, and N ew York State and C ity documents. Responsible for all functions related to governm ent publications, including advanced reference assistance, m anagem ent of governm ent electronic resources, adherence to depository rules and regulations, promotion of services and supervision, and training of clerical staff and students. Subject specialist in public adm inistration responsibilities include collection developm ent; liaison with faculty and students; user education; reference assistance in the B usiness/Docum ents Center; and participation in library and university committees. Librarians serve as partners in the educational mission of N ew York University (NYU) by establishing strong relationships with faculty and students, building appropriate subject collections and acting as interm ediaries to the w orld of information. NEW Y O R K UN IVER SITY LIBRARIES The NYU docum ents collection located in the B usiness/Docum ents C enter in B obst Library includes United States, United Nations, FAO, other Intergovernmental Organizations (IGO), and New York State and C ity docum ents. Emphasis is placed on m aterials with either statistical or policy interests; social, health, and econom ic issues are also selected. The public adm inistration collections and services support the W agner Graduate School of Public Service w ith graduate program s leading to professional degrees of M aster of Public Administration, M aster of Urban Planning, M aster of Science, and D octor of Philosophy. A reas of study in the W agner School include health policy and management; nonprofit management; public finance; and urban policy/city management. QUALIFICATIONS Familiarity with governm ent documents in an academic, public, or special library. Previous management or supervisory experience preferred. Knowledge of em erging trends in governm ent information publication and dissem ination is essential. Experience with print and electronic library resources and services, MARCIVE, statistical applications (such as SASS and SPSS) and user education is recom m ended. Excellent oral and written com m unication skills and strong service orientation. A ccredited MLS and subject m aster’s degree required for tenure. SALAR Y AND BENEFITS Faculty status and attractive benefits package, including five w eeks’ annual vacation. Salary com m ensurate with experience and background. TO APPLY Send résumé with salary requirem ents to: Janet Koztowski Director of Libraries Human Resources New York University, Bobst Library 70 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012 Review o f applications will begin im m ediately and continue until the position is filled. NYU encourages applications from women and members o f minority groups. Find these ads and more at