ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 2 3 0 /C& RL News In the News I am pleased to introduce in this issue Den­ ise Troll, head o f research and development, library automation at Carnegie Mellon Univer­ sity. Denise provided C&RL News with a re­ port on the new products and services un­ v eiled at the ALA M idwinter M eeting in Philadelphia. Her special focus is automation and I hope that you will find her report a use­ ful overview o f today’s trends. In addition to our regular columns, the rest o f this issue is a report on the many ways your association is working for you: Read about the actions taken by the ACRL Board of Directors at its 1995 Midwinter Meet­ ing in Philadelphia (page 240). Two new preconferences will be offered prior to the ALA Annual Conference in Chi­ cago. ACRL’s Rare Books & Manuscripts Sec­ tion (RBMS) will look at documenting cultures during its 36th preconference. The Law and Political Science Section (LPSS) is offering a workshop on legal reference (page 271). Congratulations are due to all of the librar­ ians whose achievements, services, or publi­ cations merited special recognition. A special salute to Joseph Boissé, winner of ACRL’s high­ est honor, the ACRL Academic/Research Librar­ ian of the Year Award (page 259). ACRL’s University Libraries Section provides its semiannual report of activities (page 242). Those candidates who are running for ALA council and are members o f ACRL are listed on page 269. And ACRL’s nominating commit­ tees want to hear from you (see page 270). The final version of the revised “Standards for College Libraries,” approved by the ACRL Board of Directors and the ALA Standards Com­ mittee at the Midwinter Meeting, appears on page 245. Finally, a special goodbye to William A. Moffett who so ably provided leadership to the profession and to ACRL (see page 232). He will be greatly missed. — Mary Ellen K. Davis Editor & Publisher P.S. Our series of articles on Internet re­ sources will resume next month.