ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries April 1 9 9 5 /2 6 9 Candidates for ALA Council These ACRL members need your vote T h e follow ing m em bers o f the A ssociation o f College and Research Libraries are ei­ ther nom inated o r petition candidates for ALA councilor in the spring 1995 election s. ACRL members are encourag ed to vote for th ese can­ didates to increase ACRL’s v o ice in the affairs o f the A m erican Library Association. Lydia Maria Acosta, director, University o f Tampa, Florida. Camila A. Alire, dean, University o f C olo rado-Denver Auraria Library. J o h n W . B e r r y , director, advancem ent & special program s, University Library, U niver­ sity o f Illinois-Chicago. Tobeylynn Birch, director o f the library, C a lifo rn ia S c h o o l o f P r o fe s s io n a l P s y c h ., Alhambra. Jan e Lopez Crocker, director, G loucester Community C olleg e Library-Deptford T o w n ­ ship, Sew ell, New Jersey . Jack Forman, reference/public services li­ brarian, Mesa Community College Library, San Diego, California. Samuel Y. Fustukjian, dean and director, University o f South Florida, Tam p a Campus Library. Debra L. Gilchrist, director, library services, Pierce College Library, Tacom a, W ashington. Elaine Harger. librarian, Empire State Col­ lege, N ew Y ork, New York. Jan et Swan Hill, associate director for tech ­ nical services, University o f C olorado at B o u l­ der Libraries. Robert Holley, director, W ayne State Uni­ versity, Detroit, Michigan, Arnold H irsh on , d ir e c to r o f lib r a rie s , Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio. Joyce E. Jelks, manager, Acquisitions Depart­ ment, A tlanta-Fulton P u blic Library, G eorgia. Bernice R. Jones-Trent, director, library services, Montclair State, Sprague Library, Up­ per Montclair, New Jersey . Rebecca R. Martin, director, libraries and m edia services, University o f Verm ont, Burl­ ington. Robert S. Martin, associate dean, special collection s, Louisiana State University Librar­ ies, B aton Rouge. Stephen Matthews, librarian/media c o o r­ d in a to r , F o x c r o f t S c h o o l, C u rrier L ibrary, Middleburg, Virginia. Stanley Nash, hum anities resource librar­ ian, Rutgers University Libraries, New Bruns­ w ick, New Jersey . Suzine Har Nicolescu, c h ief librarian and professor, Medgar Evers College/CUNY, B ro o k ­ lyn, New York. Elaine K. Rast, head, cataloging and auto­ m ated records, Northern Illinois University Li­ brary, DeKalb. Mark Rosenzweig, head, acquisitions/col­ lections developm ent, LaGuardia Community C ollege, Long Island City, New York. Brenda D. Sloan, special collections librar­ ian, Mary W ashington College, Sim pson Library, Fredericksburg, Virginia. Sally W. Somers, assistant university librar­ ian, technical services, Tulane University Library, New Orleans, Louisiana. Jam es H. Spohrer, librarian for G erm anic collections, University o f C alifornia-Berkeley. Betty L. Tsai, professor/systems librarian, B u ck s County Community C ollege, Newtown, Pennsylvania. Jo yce C. Wright, associate professor, Uni­ versity o f Illinois at U rbana-Champaign. Michael C. York, university librarian, Uni­ versity o f New Hampshire, Durham. Coming in the M a y issue • “In te r n e t r e s o u r c e s fo r th e earth sciences”; • A complete list o f ACRL meetings and preconferences at the 1995 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago; • Draft “Guidelines for university under­ graduate libraries.”