ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries April 1 9 9 5 /2 7 1 ACRL preconferences in Chicago The topics will be documenting cultures and legal research A CRL will offer two p reconferences prior to the ALA Annual C onference in Chi cago this summer. Details about both follow. Brochures for both preconferences are avail able from the ACRL office. T o request o n e o f the brochures call the ACRL office at (8 0 0 ) 545- 2433, ext. 2510 or 3248; fax your request to (3 1 2 ) 2 8 0 -2 5 2 0 ; o r s en d e-m ail to: alth ea. jenkins@ 36th rare books preconference “Collecting Cultures: T he Politics and Practice of Building Special Collections” is the them e o f the Thirty-Sixth P r e c o n fe r e n c e o f th e Rare Books and Manuscripts Section o f ACRL, to be held at Indiana University, Bloom ington, from June 2 0 -2 3 , 1995. T he plenary sessions and seminars will fo cus on the role o f special collections in docu menting cultures. Drawing on current trends in sch o larsh ip , p articip an ts w ill e x p lo re h o w inodes o f collecting both reflect and influence modes o f scholarship. T he precon feren ce will rigorously exam ine the constructs that inform the traditional ways special collections have been built and will evaluate those constructs in the light o f contem porary scholarship in the humanities and social sciences. T he program will bring special collections librarians together with a variety o f scholars who use primary sources in n ew ways; it will introduce the array o f new scholarly paradigms that are being used, query the constructed na ture o f special collections, and explore both librarians’ and scholars’ understanding o f the role libraries play in providing primary research materials and preserving culture in its broadest terms. Throughout the preconference, em pha sis will b e placed on integrating theoretical ap proaches taken from scholarship with practical applications by special collections librarians in their day-to-day work. A variety o f professional developm ent semi nars will b e provided; in addition, a special, day-long limited enrollm ent w orkshop on rare b o o k reference sources will b e offered. Speakers. Carolyn Dever, New Y o rk Uni versity: “Taxonom ies o f Gender: Sex, Author ship, and the A rchaeology o f Research in Vic to rian S tu d ies”; Mark Dimunation, C ornell University, Ithaca, New York: “Past Reconsid erations: Re-reading Our Collections through the Lens o f the New History”; John Durham, B o le riu m B o o k s : “C o lle c tio n s, C u ltu res: A B o o k se ller’s V iew ”; Eugene Eoyang, Indiana U niversity, B lo o m in g to n : In form al rem arks about his b o o k Coat of Many Colors from a Minority of One (B ea c o n Press, 1995); Frances Smith Foster, Emory University: “ReCollecting Texts, R econsid erin g Contexts”; Henry Glassie, Indiana University, Bloomington: “Libraries, Mu seums, and Cultures”; Holly Hall, W ashington U n iv e r s ity , St. L o u is : “S u b je c t i v i t y As Everybody’s Subject: Som e O bject Lessons for Literature Collections”; Elisabeth Kennedy, State University o f New Y ork at Buffalo: “T h e Im p o rta n ce o f O ral H istories in D ocu m en tin g W o r k in g - C la s s L e s b ia n C u ltu r e ”; Teresa Mangum, Iow a State University: “Finding the History o f Aging in the Nineteenth Century”; Cathy M’Closky, Y ork University, Canada: “Mar keting Multiple Myths: T he Hidden History o f Navaho W eaving As Revealed in the Lorenzo Hubbell Papers”; Simon Morgan-Russell, B ow l ing G reen State University: “A Renaissance o f Q ueer Materials: Rethinking the Evidence”; Cary Nelson, University o f Illinois, Urbana-C ham paign: “T he New A rchaeological Library: Pre serving Material Culture, or, W hy D oes the Li brary Need an Old Pair o f Shoes?”; David Nord, Indiana University, Bloom ington: “T h ere’s More to a N ewspaper Than the Newspaper: Doing Journalism History in Manuscript Collections”; Brad Westbrook, University o f California, San Diego: “Lighting Up the Territory.” 2 7 2 / C&RL News Seminars. O p p ortu nities fo r con tin u in g education and professional developm ent will include a variety o f seminars for preconference participants. Topics include: a scholar’s forum on new uses o f special collections materials; locating literary manuscripts; dealing with du plicates; cultural and ethnic special collections; provenance and rare materials cataloging; cata loging rare serials; collecting children’s litera ture; mentoring in special collections librarian ship; perspectives on teaching the history o f the b ook; working with guest curators for e x hibitions; Renaissance bibliography; digital im age access projects; cooperative collection d e velopm ent; planning for new buildings; and security issues facing special collections. Tours. Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction; Archives o f Tradi tional Music; Literary Electronic T ext Resource Service (LETRS); Music Library and Variations Project; Musical Arts Center. Tours o f libraries and special facilities on the Indiana University Campus will b e offered concurrently with the seminars. Space will be limited. Sign-up for the tours will b e at the reg istration desk at the Indiana Memorial Union C onference Lobby, Mezzanine Level. Registration. Registration is limited to the first 250 applicants. T he registration fee o f $175 for ACRL mem bers, or $210 for non-ACRL mem bers, must b e included with the registration form. This fee includes: entry to all preconfer en ce receptions, luncheons, and coffee breaks; and entrance to all preconference papers and seminars. A special student registration fee o f $75 is available for all currently enrolled, full time students. This fee includes entry to all pre con feren ce papers, seminars, receptions, and breaks, but not lunches. A separate fee o f $35 will b e charged for the optional trip to Nash ville, Indiana, on Thursday evening. T o regis ter for this RBMS p recon feren ce con tact the ACRL office at (800) 545-2433, ext. 2510 o r 3248. Housing and transportation. Housing is available on the Indiana University campus in Eigenmann Graduate Residence Center, which offers single, air-conditioned room s with same- s e x floors and com m unity bathroom s. Each room has a phone and data jack. Linens are provided. The cost will b e $28.50 per night. Most travelers fly into the Indianapolis In ternational Airport and con nect to Bloom ing ton with ground transportation. Details on alternative housing and transpor tation inform ation are given in the p re c o n ference brochure. Y ou may request on e from the ACRL office by calling (800) 545-2433, ext. 2510 or 3248. Legal research for no n-law librarians “Taking the Mystery out o f Legal Research for Non-Law Librarians” is the preconference b e ing offered by ACRL’s Law and Political Sci en c e Section (LPSS), 8 :30 a .m .-5 :0 0 p.m. on Friday, Ju n e 23. Lunch will b e included. This full-day con ference is for librarians who w ant to learn m ore about legal reference and how to assist their patrons in doing legal re search. Librarians w ho are experienced in do ing legal research will provide an introduction to the legal system in the United States. Partici pants will learn how laws get passed and where to locate the texts o f laws, both federal and state. They will learn the basics o f finding ad ministrative regulations and court reports. The preconference will con clud e with a panel dis cussion on applied legal reference. A major elec tronic publisher will dem onstrate its online ref e ren ce system. T he program will b e followed by a vendor fair with representatives from both print and electronic publishing. Audience. Academic librarians and public librarians needing an introduction to or review o f legal reference. T he program will bring them up-to-date with new sources o f information. Speakers. Lorraine Kulpa, B a k e r and McKenzie Library: “Introduction to Legal Re search”; Natalie Schatz, Fletcher School o f Law and Diplom acy Library: “Legislative Process— Statutes and Codes”; Deanna Wood, University o f New H am pshire Library: “Adm inistrative Regulations”; Jacqueline Orlando, Capital Uni versity Law Library: “Case Law Research— Re porter System, Digests, How to Shepardize”; Darcy Kirk, Georgetown University Law Library: “Secondary Legal Materials”; Cheryl Nyberg, Uni versity o f Illinois Law Library: “L ooseleaf Ser vices.” A panel discussion will b e presented by Bruce Kennedy, University o f Toledo; Laura Bartolo, Kent State University Library; and Bar bara Morgan, University o f Massachusetts: “An swering Difficult Legal Questions at the Refer en ce Desk and Library Instruction Program s.” Registration. The registration fee is $120 for ACRL mem bers, $155 for ALA mem bers, and $215 for non-ALA mem bers. The deadline for registration is May 15, 1995. T o register for this LPSS preconference contact the ACRL office at (80 0 ) 545-2433, ext. 2510 or 3248; fax: (312) 280-2520.. April 1 9 9 5 /2 7 3