ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries April 1 9 9 5 /2 8 1 G rants a n d Acquisitions Hugh Thom pson Brown U n iversity h a s received a grant o f $ 118,431 from the U.S. Departm ent o f Education’s Title II-C Pro­ gram for cataloging o f p o ­ etry broadsides— published b e tw e e n 1 6 8 2 a n d th e present— in the Jo h n Hay Li­ brary. The grant will fund a retrospective con version o f 16,500 titles in order to give online access to this m ate­ rial. The Council on Lib rary Resources has received a $350,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation o f New York toward support o f general operating exp en ses over an 18-m onth period. The N ational Endow m ent for the Hu­ manities has awarded grants totalling $282,423 to four university libraries to provide conserva­ tion training fo r library staff m em bers. T h e University o f California, B erkeley; Em ory Uni­ versity; the University o f Utah; and the Univer­ sity o f W ashington will train 43 staff m em bers in 42 different libraries in their regions as part of a national plan to im prove training in library collections’ conservation and preservation. Rutgers U niversity's A le x a n d e r Lib rary has b een awarded a $500,000 m atching grant from the National Endow m ent for the Humani­ ties to help create a high-technology scholarly communications center. T h e new facility will include an inform ation laboratory with 25 com ­ puter workstations, a 100-seat video com m uni­ cations hall capable o f satellite transmission and video con ferencin g, and a humanities and so ­ cial scien ces data center. The U n iversity of C a lifo rn ia , B erkeley, has received a four-year, $4 million federal grant Ed. note: Entries in this column are taken from library newsletters, press releases, and other sources. To ensure that your news is considered for publication, write to: Grants & Acquisitions, C&RL N ew s, 5 0 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. Photos related to your news will be considered fo r publication. to d e v e lo p a n d te s t n ew tech n o log ies to put digital lib r a r ie s o n th e in fo r m a ­ tion highway. T h e grant is funded through a joint ini­ tiative o f the National Sci­ e n c e F ou n d ation , the D e ­ p a rtm e n t o f D e fe n s e Ad­ v a n c e d R e s e a r c h P ro je c ts A g en cy , an d th e N ational Aeronautics and Space Ad­ m inistration . T h e p ro je c t’s focu s is to find better ways to collect, store, and orga­ n ize inform ation in digital forms, and to m ake it available for searching, retrieval, and processin g via com m u nication netw orks. The U niversity of C a lifo rn ia , Los A n g e­ les, Library has b e e n awarded an HEA II-C grant o f $143,500 by the D epartm ent o f Education to com p lete th e recatalog in g and retrospective con version o f 11,200 rare tides in its Children’s B o o k Collection. W hen com plete, the project will result in the addition o f over 4 ,500 new bibliographic records to the OCLC database. W right State U niversity Lib raries, O hio, along with public television station W GBH B o s­ ton has b e e n awarded a grant o f $ 1 7,500 and m atching funds o f up to $5,000 from the O hio Humanities Council to create an original docu­ m entary film about the life and tim es o f Wilbur and Orville Wright for The American Experi­ ence. T he film, w hich will rely heavily upon original photographs and other sou rce m ate­ rial hou sed at the Wright State University Li­ braries, will prem iere at the university. A cq u isitio n s The G ra h a m G reen e L ib ra ry an d A r ­ chive, the largest official archive o f the late British author in existen ce, has b e e n acquired by B o sto n C olleg e’s Jo h n J . B u m s Library o f Rare B o ok s and Special Collections. T h e col­ lection consists o f 3,000 volumes, m any o f them annotated, and 6 0 ,0 0 0 individual docum ents. Included are letters from Charlie Chaplin, Rich- 2 8 2 / C&RL News W ilbur W right d em onstrates an early m odel e n ­ gine-pow ered a irp lan e over a farm er’s field in Pau, France, in 1909. From the c o llectio n s at W right State University. ard Attenborough, Alec G uinness, and Marga­ ret T hatcher as w ell as several thousand car­ b o n c op ies o f G reen e’s ow n letters, providing both sides o f all personal and professional c o r­ resp on d en ce. T h ese letters w ere kept m eticu­ lously by G reen e’s sister Elizabeth, w h o acted as his secretary for 25 years. T h e library also contains G reen e’s ow n w orks as w ell as 500 p resen tatio n c o p ie s from m any w e ll-k n o w n authors. The H en ry D avid Tho reau Collection, assem bled over a 30-year period by Cleveland industrialist Sam uel T hom as W ellm an II, has b e e n acquired by the W ard M. Canaday Center at the University o f T oled o. T h e collection is a virtually com p lete assem bly o f T h o reau ’s writ­ ing and publications, including four first ed i­ tions, the B lak e editions o f T h o reau ’s seasonal writings taken from his journals, the Riverside edition o f T h o reau ’s works (10 volum es), and th e W alden edition o f Writings (2 0 volum es, 1 9 0 6 ). A lso in c lu d e d a re m an y s e c o n d a ry sources that exam ine the writer’s life, his w orks, and his times. A donation of 2 5 ,0 0 0 science fiction, adventure, and pulp fiction b o o k s and m aga­ zines has b e e n acquired by the University o f B u ffalo ’s L ock w ood Library. In clu ded in the collection , d onated by alumnus G eorg e Kelley, are nearly 10,000 mystery novels; a vari­ ety o f sci-fi story anthology m agazines, m any dating b ack to the 1950s; a com ­ plete set o f Galaxy Magazine, issues o f Locus and m any o th er “fanzines”; and an o r i g i n a l c o p y o f Ju n k ie b y W illia m Burroughs. A portrait of G e o rg e G e rsh w in by th e M e x i c a n m u r a lis t D a v id A lfa r o S iq u e ir o s , w h ic h w a s o r ig in a lly b e ­ qu eath ed to the University o f T e x a s at Austin over 30 years ago, will arrive at its final destination n ex t year. T h e painting, w hich depicts G ershw in seated at a grand piano with various family m em bers and friends in the front rows, w as com pleted in 1936 and is con sidered significant in that its com position anticipates som e o f the principles w hich Siqueiros used in his future murals. T h e painting had b e e n on long-term loan to the M etropolitan Mu­ seum o f Art, w hich had b e e n unaw are of the b eq u est by Ira G ershw in and his wife, Lenore. T h e m useum recently uncovered the b e q u e s t and has m ade arrangem en ts to transfer it to the Ransom Center in late 1996. A gift of m ore than 7 0 0 vo lu m es on military history from the personal collectio n of Ja c k Fow ler o f T op eka, Kansas, has b e e n re­ ceived by W ashburn University’s M abee Library. T h e volum es cover m ost historical periods with a special em phasis on th e U.S. from the Civil W ar through the Vietnam Conflict. A retired in­ fantry colo n el, Fow ler is a research attorney for a Kansas Suprem e Court justice. He formerly taught at the U.S. Army Com m and and G eneral Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. The files of M oody Church of Chicago are now available to researchers at th e Archives o f the Billy Graham C enter at W heaton Col­ lege. T h e files contain corresp on d en ce, reports, photos, and other records about American home and foreign missions, the d evelopm ent o f Sun­ day schools, and d ocu m ents by o r about many leaders o f A m erican fundam entalism and Evan­ gelicalism . A large part o f the collectio n c o n ­ sists o f the corresp on d en ce o f H. A. Ironside, som etim es call the “bishop o f Fundamentalism .” T h e records, w hich w ere given to the Archives in 1986, roughly cov er 1915 to 1950, with the earliest dating from 1872 and the m ost recent from the 1980s.