ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 280 Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ra nk" and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. AH advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication of the salary, the institution is w illing to provide for the position offered. All advertisements for the. Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be ed­ ited to exclude direct o r indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. POSITIONS WANTED SPECIAL COLLECTIONS/MANUSCRIPTS/RARE BOOKS. Seeking responsible administrative position in forward- looking college/unîversity, or other repository, where the need for enlightened and modern preservation measures and managerial techniques has been recognized, and the commitment made to implement them. BA, MA, English; MA, Library Science, University of Chicago. Law school. Continuing education in conservation of research library materials. 7 years' experience. Currently employed by major Eastern small university. W rite Box 834, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. LIBRARIAN: (Associate) direc†or/depar†men† head/ref- erence, (community) college/university/research/special/ publisher, MLS (A LA ); MA (Religion). Experience (12 years): (now) director/†eacher (library technology) com­ munity college library; head, university acquisitions; so­ cial sciences/documen†s reference; accountant (6 years). Seeks herculean innovative challenge/alive associates. W rite Box 835, CRL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. LIBRARIAN-SOCIAL SCIENTIST, MLS, Ph.D. Bibliography and reference. English, Russian, German, Czech. ïeach- ing/research/library experience. F. P. Kosik, R.D. 2, Box 246, A†lamont, NY 12009. LIBRARIAN, MLS— 1972 and MS in audiovisual— 1973; BA languages and art history, read four languages, Spanish-†luent in both speaking and writing. Widely traveled through Europe and USA. Would like college or university position. Available immediately. W rite P.O. Box 57, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701. POSITIONS OPEN Administration ASSISTANT HEAD, Department of rare books and spe­ cial collections. Responsible for continuous series of exhibitions and fo r organizing, nonbook materials. Takes pa rt, in bibliographic searching, reference work, and special projects. Aids in the selection of new materials. MLS, graduate degree in the humanities. Reading knowl­ edge of Latin, French and. German. 5 years of pro­ gressively advanced professional library experience, at least 2 in rare book field. Salary $12,804. W rite to Mrs. Doris H. Asher, Asst, for Pers. and Staff Development, Univ. of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor, Ml 48104. A nondiscriminatory, affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT TO HEAD LIBRARIAN to participate in planning and coordinating all library services, media collections and library construction. MLS with training a n d /o r experience in audiovisual materials required. Faculty rank. Nine-month contract with salary not less than $1,000 per month. A dditional summer employment may be possible. An equal opportunity employer. Apply with resume to G. W. Sloan, Head Ln., Lane Library, Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA 31406. Cataloging CATALOGERS (2) for Brown University Library. (I) Cata­ log monographs using LC classification in religious studies and other material according to library needs. MLS, working knowledge of German essential, Hebrew desirable. (2) Catalog monographs in humanities. MLS, working knowledge of modern foreign language. Salary range $8,300—$9,500. W rite, with resume, to David A. Jonah, Ln. and Dir. of Ls., Brown University Library, Box A, Providence, Rl 02912. An equal opportunity em­ ployer. SENIOR CATALOGER. O riginal cataloging of mono­ graphs, microforms, possibly some reclassification, in department of 8 professionals and 17 nonprofessionals responsible for 35,000 volumes per year, now planning for entrance into the regional network, SOLINET. Educa­ tion: degree from ALA-accredited library school. Sub­ ject master's desirable. One or more modern European languages, Spanish or Italian preferred. A rt or science background needed. Experience: 2 years' successful cata­ loging with LC classification.. Benefits: 22 days vacation + .usual holidays, social security, TIAA, full faculty status, paid life and major medical insurance, a salary range $10,000-$11,000. The university, a state-supported institu­ tion 175 years old, has enrollment of over 10,000, faculty of nearly 900,. and library system of over 1,000,000 volumes. Louisville, Kentucky's largest city, îs located on the beautiful Ohio River, is a friendly community with many cultu ral. interests. Apply to Ruth G. Field, Head Cataloger, University of Louisville Library, Belknap Cam­ pus, Louisville, KY 40208. Multiple SERIALS LIBRARIAN. An unusual opportunity for a quali­ fied serials librarian to organize and develop a new department in an academic library. Must be capable of heading an expanding department with aspirations toward automation of serials records. EDUCATION & PSYCHOLOGY REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Head of Education and Psychology Reference Department consisting of two other professionals + support staffing. Must have some How much can a subscription agency save your library ? Consider how long it ta k e ? to order one subscription, how much it costs to process one invoice for payment and send one check. Es­ timates run from $10.00 to $18.00 for each order. Multiply by the number of subscriptions your li­ brary orders, and see how much you’ll save by sending one order and one check for all your periodi­ cals to F. W. Faxon Co. Send fo r o ur fre e d e s c rip tiv e brochure and annual Librarians' Guide listing more than 50,000 domestic and foreign periodicals. Library business is our only business-since 1886. FWF F. 15 W So .F uth A w X e X st O P N a r C k O., INC. Westwood, Mass. 02090 Telephone: (800) 225-7894 (Toll Free) 281 experience with instructional media as well as solid ref­ erence background in education and psychology. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Opening for an assistant catalog librarian for a rapidly growing university library, to do original cataloging of materials especially in the field of science. Level of appointment may be adjusted ac­ cording to applicant's experience a n d /o r academic preparation. A second master's degree in a subject specialty is required for appointment or promotion for all three job openings. Senior assistant librarian level position, salary $10,440-$ 13,308, depending on qu alifi­ cations and experience. A pply to Gordon P. Martin, Univ. Ln., California State University,. 6000 J St., Sacra­ mento, CA 95819. An equal opportunity employer. Reference REFERENCE/SERIALS LIBRARIAN t o provide reference service and to supervise the ordering, processing, binding of all serials and qovernment publications. MLS required. Faculty rank. Nine-month contract with salary not less than $950 per month. A dditional summer employment may be possible. An equal opportunity employer. Apply with resume to G. W. Sloan, Head Ln., Lane Library, Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA 31406. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. MSLS required and I or 2 years' experience desired, although recent graduates will be considered. New building opening in O ctober at a growing university with broad undergraduate and gradu­ ate programs. Beginning salary $9,000—$9,700 (12 months) depending on experience with month vacation, faculty status, and excellent fringe benefits. Send resume to James Thompson, Dir. of Ls., Univ. of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC 27412. An equal oppor­ tunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. We are seeking a qualified librarian to f ill a vacancy in our reference, department. This individual w ill be responsible for providing quality reference and general readers service for an academic community of. 22,000 students and faculty. A master's degree in LS is required. A subject master's degree and previous experience are desirable, but not mandatory. Minimum salary is $10,080 fo r a 12-mon†h contract. Fringe benefits include Illinois Retirement System benefits, academic status and vacation of a month. Applicants should write to George M. Nenonen, Pers. Dir., Univ. Libs., Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115. An equal opportunity/affirma†ive action employer. REFERENCE DEPARTMENT HEAD. To plan, direct merger of hitherto separate social science and humanities refer­ ence departments into single, general reference depart­ ment; and to administer staff of 10 librarians in develop­ ment, execution of broad-based service program. Qualifications: MLS; extensive reference . experience in academic or research libraries; also experience in super­ vision. Master's degree in humanities o r social sciences desirable. Position open immediately. Salary $16,000; 12-mon†h appointment, one month vacation; usual fringe benefits. Apply to H. Joanne Harrar, Assoc. Dir., Univ. of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. An equal oppor­ tunity employer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN to share reference and cataloging duties. Position available Feb. I, 1974. Salary $9,000 upward, dependent on experience and recommendations. Applicant must have MLS from accredited library school. An equal opportunity employer. Inquiries and resumes to Mrs. Robert Benson, Ln., Western New England C ol­ lege, 1215 Wilbraham Rd., Springfield, MA 01119. Subject Specialists GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS AND SERIALS LIBRARIAN to manage materials and services. Master's degree plus 45 graduate quarter hours and experience in higher edu­ cation library services. 12-mon†h salary $14,000 up plus fringe benefits. A vailable immediately. Send resume and credentials to Director, Media System, Mankato State College, Mankato, MN 56001. MEDIA RESOURCES AND UTILIZATION COORDINATOR to manage resource center. Ph.D. and experience in higher education, audiovisual and library services. 12- month salary $16,000 up plus fringe benefits. A vailable immediately. Send resume and credentials to Director, Media System, Mankato State College, Mankato, MN 56001. MAP REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Under the general super­ vision of the head of the reference department, adminis­ ters the map room collection of more than 143,000 sheet maps. Responsible for the selection, cataloging, and servicing of maps and for materials in the human rela­ tions area files. Supervises one professional and one half­ time clerical assistant. Works part-time at the graduate library reference desk. Qualifications: MLS, 3 European languages, undergraduate courses in geography and cartography. Four years of general reference or catalog­ ing experience in a research library including 2 years experience with maps. Salary $12,804. W rite Mrs. Doris H. Asher, Asst, for Pers. and Staff Development, Univer­ sity of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor, Ml 48104. A nondis- criminatory, affirm ative action employer. ROMANCE LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE BIBLIOG­ RAPHER. Extensive knowledge of general subject area, its bibliographic tools, current publisher's output, b ib lio ­ graphic search procedures and reasonable fluency in at least two of the languages (preferably French and Italian). Secondary bibliographic responsibilities in either psychology or English literature depending on candidates subject knowledge. MLS from an accredited library school and subject master's degree required. Previous experience in library field helpful. Must be mature and poised in dealing with faculty and students; self-confident and pleasant with ab ility to manage people and re­ sources. Syracuse University libraries is an equal oppor­ tunity employer; M /F . Salary $9,000. Apply to R. Max Willocks, Bird Library, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13210. BUSINESS LIBRARIAN. We are seeking candidates for the above position. This librarian, who holds faculty status, directs the W illiam White Business Library, a branch library o f 40,000 volumes, plus a support staff of four FTE. Requirements: 5†h-year degree in library science and. mature library experience. In addition, a degree in business administration or in a related field or equivalent experience is desirable. Salary $11,500 minimum. Position open January 15, 1974. Apply to John Lubans, Jr., Univ. of Colorado Libraries, Boulder, CO 80302. An equal opportunity employer. Definitive New Reference! Biochemical Society Symposia: Number 36 NEUROTRANSMITTERS AND METABOLIC REGULATION E d ite d b y R. M. S. S m e liie A b io c h e m ic a l m a p p in g t h a t w ill b rin g re s e a rc h e rs c lo s e r to an u n d e r s ta n d in g o f h o w th e n e rv o u s s y s te m o p e ra te s . $12.00 p er co p y E B S C O S U B S C R I P T I O N S E R V I C E S M r. R. Reese P.O. Box 1943 B irm in g h a m , A la b a m a 35201 EBSCO S u b s c r ip tio n S e rv ic e s is s o le d is t r ib u t o r in U .S .A ., C a n a d a a n d M e x ic o A new tool to help you build a n d m an a g e science journal collections I f you are in charge of any general or special collection of science journals, the Journal Citation Reports can play a valuable part in making your collection more useful to the reader and more manageable for you. JCR™ can help you . . . prove the relative usefulness of each journal in your collection . . . select the most used journals in any scientific discipline . . . identify lesser known journals of proven value in a given field . . . accurately judge how long scientists find a particular journal’ s issues useful . . . identify journals from other disciplines which are related to your readers’ primary journal interests This new service provides carefully selected statistical evidence to help you judge the ISl j o u r r m CITRTION REPORTS usefulness of individual journals and the effects of time on the value of published journal articles. It will help you to better understand the patterns of relationships between journals and ways scientists use, read and refer to them. Once you’ ve gotten the full story on J C R you’ll see quickly how you can use it to determine the optimum makeup of special and general journal collections as well as the size of journal back files. Y o u ’ll see how you can use it in managing subscription budgets, in developing journal circulation and photocopying policies and in a myriad of individual ways you can tailor to your own interests and needs. To obtain the full story on the many uses of J C R and complete pricing information, please use the coupon below. 01973 ISI P le a s e se n d m e fu ll in f o rm a tio n on Journal Citation Reports.™ Name__________________________________ Title___________________________________ Organization____________________________ Street Address__________________________ City___________________________________ State_________________ Zip______________ Country________________________________ Telephone______________________________ I S I ,2 369 Institute for Scientific Information 325 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19106 U.S.A., Tel. (215) 923-3300 REVOLUTIONO N MICROFICHE SOURCE MATERIALS relating to the STRUGGLE FOR AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. Those pamphlets, books, letters, diaries, and other documents that are most often listed in bibliog­ raphies o f original source material for the American Revolution are now available for im­ mediate delivery on 4 x 6 microfiche. 196 titles. $1190.00. Selected by Dr. North Callahan o f New York University Graduate School of Arts and Sci­ ence, Department of History, these titles include such outstanding items as: Lafayette’s Memoirs; Justin Winsor's bibliography, The Reader's Handbook o f the American Revolution; Elizabeth Fries Ellet’s biography, The Women o f the American Revolution; Henry B. Carring­ ton’s historical and critical military accounts of Battles o f the American Revolution; Memoirs o f Aaron Burr; William Thomas Roberts Saffell's Records o f the Revolutionary War: contain­ ing the m ilitary and financial correspondence o f distinguished officers; Journals o f the Con­ tinental Congress; The Diplomatic Correspondence o f the American Revolution from the Dept. of State. Write for a complete list of titles. M icro card Editions An Indian Head Company A Division of Information Handling Services TO: Microcard Editions, 901 26th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 □ I wish to order AMERICAN REVOLUTION source materials at $1190 on 4x6 microfiche □ positive □ negative. □ Please send a complete list of titles for AMERICAN REVOLUTION. □ Please send information on other publications on American History. □ Send me your catalog □ Put me on your mailing list. NAME______________________________________________________________ _________ TITLE_______________________________________________________________________ INSTITUTION_________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS___________________________________________________________________ CRLNn B O O K R E V I E W I • IS N SUED PRO D MPT E LY ON X A BIMONTHLY SCHEDULE • INDEXES ALL REVIEWS IN OVER 23 0 PERIODICALS This master key to current book commentary gives timely citations to all reviews in over 230 periodicals, including Saturday Review, American Scholar, Library Journal, Choice, Time, Esquire, Booklist, Harper's, Dun’s Review, Film Quarterly, Atlantic, New York Review o f Books, Journal o f Negro History, Horn Book, New York Times, National Review, Philological Quarterly, Kirkus Reviews, and Commonweal. BRI entries give all the information needed to locate current reviews: author’s name, title of book, reviewing publication, and date and page of review. Indexed each year are over 70,000 reviews of more than 35,000 books. Bimonthly issues of B RI covering 1973 are appearing shortly after the period covered so that subscribers will have information on reviews of books at the vital time they are being con­ sidered for purchase by libraries and being discussed by the reading public. To facilitate fast reference, every second issue cumulates the preceding issue. ANNUAL CUMULATIONS The clothbound cumulation of the periodical issues covering 1972 will be ready in late 1973; annual cumulations for 1973 and later will appear shortly after the close of the year covered. In preparation are volumes covering 1971, 1970, and 1969—the years that B RI was suspended. (Cumulations for 1965, 1966, 1967, and 1968 are all available for immediate shipment.) Choice: “A basic reference too! which belongs in all libraries.” Booklist: "No other indexing service offers the diversity of Book Review Index. Il is recommended for alt libraries." College and Research Libraries: “Thegreat number o f periodicals indexed and the inclusion o f books reviewed only once make this a practical, useful tool.” SAMPLE ENTRIES SARTRE, Jean-Paul - Politics And Literature / TLS • My 4 '7 3 - p502 SARVIS, Betty - The Abortion Controversy / CC - v90 - My 2 7 3 - p5l 4 SASEK, M iroslav - This Is New York / Inst - v82 - My 7 3 - p77 SASEK, M iroslav - This Is New York / NYTBR, pt. 2 - My 6 7 3 - p26 SASEX, M iroslav - This Is San Francisco / NYTBR., pt. 2 - My 6 7 3 - p26 SASEK, M iroslav - This Is Washington, D.C. / BW (WP), pt. 2 - v7 M y l 3 7 3 - p 7 SASEK, M iroslav - This Is Washington, D.C. / NYTBR, pt. 2 - My 6 7 3 - p26 SASO, Michael R - Taoism And The Rite Of Cosmic Renewal / J A S -v 3 2 -F 7 3 - p 31 1 SATER, W illiam F - The Heroic Image In Chile / LJ - v98 - Je I 7 3 - p 1816 SATO, Koji - The Zen Life / TLS - My 18 7 3 - p559 SATTLER, Helen Roney - Holiday Gifts, Favors, And Decorations That You Can Make / Inst - v82 - My 7 3 - p78 SATTLER, Helen Roney - Sock Craft / LJ - v98 - My 15 7 3 - p i 684 SAUERLANDER, W illib ald - Gothic Sculpture In France 1140-12 70 / TLS -A p 13 7 3 -P 4 1 0 SAUNDERS, Rubie - The Franklin Watts Concise Guide To Good Grooming For B o y s /L J - v98 - Ap 15 7 3 - p l3 9 0 SAVAGE, A rth u r W - How To Analyze The Short Story / EJ - v62 Ap 7 3 - p640 Periodical Issues 1974 subscription.......................$45 (six bimonthly issues) Annual Cumulations In Preparation Clothbound annuals for 1973,1972, 1971,1970, and 1969........$45 each Annual Cumulations In Print Clothbound annuals for 1965,1966, 1967, and 1968..................$30 each All periodical issues and bound volum es sent on 30-day approval. A dvance orders have the sam e no-obligation return privilege. G A L E R E S E A R C H C O M P A N Y BOOK TOWIR • DETROIT, MICHIGAN 4 8 2 2 6