ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries December 1991 / 739 Racial and ethnic diversity: Information exchange B y S usana H in o jo sa Chair, ACRL Racial and Ethnic Diversity Committee • The ACRL Racial and Ethnic Diversity Committee’s proposal for a program at ACRL’s Sixth National Conference was selected and has been scheduled for Monday, April 13,10:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. We’re very pleased to have the program approved and hope that it will be very much on target on the issues of racism and diversity within the profession. The program, “Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Academic Libraries: The Win Win Proposition,” will consist of a series of tables/mini­ workshops on different topics. The topics to date include: cultural awareness training, affirmative action, institutional racism, recruitment, library school curriculum, and advancement and reten­ tion. Leaders at each table will present information and materials that have proven to be successful— reports, procedures, programs— and will focus the discussion and exchange of information. The pro­ gram planning committee is very interested in adding to its list of successful library programs on the above topics and receiving any materials that have been developed. Please share this information with us. Contact: Susana Hinojosa, Moffitt Under­ graduate Library, U.C. Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720. • The ALA Office for Research and Statistics (ORS) has recently published Survey o f ALA Mem­ bers Holding Elected and/or Appointed Positions in 1988-89, Final Report. This report is a result of the recommendations of the ALA Minority Concerns Membership Survey Advisory Group to survey members holding positions during the ALA pro­ gram year 1988-89 to obtain data on ALA leader­ ship, the involvement of minority librarians in ALA leadership, and the involvement of ALA leaders in ALA’s minority activities and concerns. Responsi­ bility for the survey was assigned to the Office for Library Outreach Services (OLOS) and the survey was completed by ORS upon the departure of the OLOS director. The Racial and Ethnic Diversity Committee has received copies of the survey since this work closely follows a similar survey conducted by the committee within ACRL sections and com­ mittees. A copy of the survey is available upon request from OLOS, ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chi­ cago, IL 60611. • The Ad Hoc Committee on LAUC Regional Workshops on Cultural Diversity in Libraries re­ port, “The Many Voices o f Diversity,” was submit­ ted for discussion at LAUC (Librarians Association of the University of California) meetings at all UC campuses scheduled this fall. Reference copies have been made available at key reference sites at all UC libraries. The report includes a description of the Ad Hoc Committee’s action plan: preliminary survey of existing ethnic-focused collections and services within UC; drafting issue papers on major critical areas; conducting a workshop for librarians focusing on the issue papers and the principal recommendations formulated by the committee. These recommendations, in addition to a recom­ mendation on the establishment of a permanent systemwide committee to deal with issues of cul­ tural diversity within the university’s libraries, cover: collections; access; reference; bibliographic instruc­ tion; and recruitment, advancement, and retention. Requests regarding future availability of the ap­ proximately 45-page report can be sent to: Richard Chabran, Chicano Studies Research Library, 54 Haines Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90024. • At Oakland University, the Kresge Library’s Committee on Racial and Cultural Diversity has recently formulated “The University Library Plan to Increase Awareness, Understanding and Accep­ tance of Racial and Cultural Diversity.” The plan outlines future activities such as: consultation with staff and officers of the Student Congress Office and other student organizations to identify prob­ lems faced by minority students using the library; a presentation by Charles Ransom, diversity librarian at the University of Michigan to the library staff; contact with other academic libraries active in diversity issues; staff training through workshops and videos; and presentation of library exhibits that increase cultural and racial awareness. For further information contact: Indra David, Associate Dean, Kresge Library, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309-4401; bitnet: David@Oakland.Bitnet. ■ ■