ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries

March 1992 /  203

Research and academic librarians: A global view

Ludm ila Kozlova S. W. Massill P. B. Mangla

“Research and Academic Librarians: A Global 
View” will be p resented byA C R L ’s Research Com ­
m ittee at the ACRL National C onference at Salt 
Lake City, Utah. The program  will be held on 
Tuesday, April 14 from 10:30 a.m .-12:30 p.m.

Six international speakers will discuss the role of 
academic library research, th e  rewards and impact 
of comparative research, and the success academic 
librarians have experienced in conducting their 
research on a continent with em phasis on th eir own 

T he speakers for th e  session will be Ludmila 
Kozlova, director, D ep artm en t o f International Li­
brary Relations, the Lenin State Library, Moscow; 
P. R. Mangla o fth e  University of Delhi, India; S.W. 
Massill, sub librarian, University o f London, E n ­
gland; A. L. Carvaho de M iranda, director o f the 
Institute Brasileiro D e Inform acao E m  C iencia E. 
Tecnologia, Braslia, Brazil; James N g’ang’a, direc­
tor, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya; and Colin 
Taylor, ch ief librarian, University o f South Austra­
lia, Pooraka. R. N. Sharma, director, University of

Evansville Libraries, Indiana, will m oderate the 
program . T  ake advantage o f this rare opportunity to 
hear th e  views of librarians from  o ther countries 
and ask th em  questions.

“T he com m ittee is very im pressed with the qual­
ity of speakers th at has been proposed. W e think 
they will do a great deal to add to th e  National 
C onference,” said Charles Townley, chair, ACRL 
R esearch Com m ittee, 1989-91.

T he program  has b een m ade possible due to the 
contributions o f Jerry Alper, Inc., Blackwell N orth 
America, D ata Research, EBSCO Subscription Ser­
vices, E R IC  D ocum ent R eproduction Services 
op erated  by CBIS, Federal, Inc., Kenya Airways, 
Ohio State University Libraries, Public Affairs In ­
form ation Services (PAIS), and the C. W alter and 
G erda B. M ortenson C enter, University o f Illinois 
at U rbana-Cham paign Libraries. T he Com m ittee 
w ould like to thank Paul Nauta, Secretary General 
o f IFL A  for helping select speakers for this special 
session o f the ACRL Conference.— R. N. Sharma, 
University o f  Evansville, Indiana ■  ■

James N g ’ang’a A. Carvaho de Miranda Colin Taylor

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