ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries March 1 9 9 2 / 215 • PEOPLE • Profiles Paul B uchanan has b e e n ap p o in te d d irec to r o f com puting a nd telecom m unications at th e W ash­ ington University L ibraries, St. Louis, Missouri. B uchanan was m ost r e ­ c e n tly lib ra ry system s analyst at O regon H ealth Sciences U n iv e rsity in Portland and, before that, systems librarian at th e Texas C ollege o f O steo­ pathic M edicine in F o rt W orth. H is c o rporate ex­ pe rie n ce includes m an­ aging s u p p o rt system s and technical services for c o m p u te r operations at Fairchild Sem iconductor Paul Buchanan Corp, in Puyallup, W ash­ ington, a nd supervising c o m p u te r o perations for a facility o f Texas In stru m en ts in Dallas, w h e re he also designed and im p le m e n ted applications for a u tom ated se m iconductor m anufacturing systems. H e also developed office autom ation system s for N orth Texas State U niversity in D e n to n . B uchanan holds a b a c h e lo r’s in m athem atical science from the U niversity ofTexas, Dallas, a n d a n M LS from N orth Texas State University. Jeffrey H orrell, assistant university librarian for p e rsonnel, b udget, a nd p lanning at Syracuse University, has b e e n n a m e d librarian o f th e F ine Arts L ibrary at H arv ard University effective in April 1992. H orrell is a fo rm er h ead o f th e Sherm an Art L ibrary at D a rtm o u th C ollege a nd a past-p resid e n t o f th e A rt L ibraries Society o f N o rth Am erica. H e w ent to Syracuse in 1986 as a particip a n t in th e L ibrary M anagem ent In te rn Program sponsored by th e C ouncil on L ibrary R esources and served one year u n d e r university librarian D avid Stam. H e stayed on as assistant to th e university librarian for planning, th e n was ap p o in te d to th e position he cu rren tly holds. H e received a b a ch e lo r’s in p h i­ losophy from M iam i University o f O hio, a nd a m aste r’s in history o f art a nd an M LS from the U niversity o f Michigan. H e is c u rre n tly p u rsuing a P h.D . in hum anities from Syracuse University. I mre M eszaros has b e e n ap p o in te d d irec to r of th e I. D . W eeks L ibrary at th e U niversity o f South D akota, Verm illion. M eszaros, w ho m ost recently was d irec to r o f th e library at Sul Ross State U niver­ sity in A lpine, Texas, has also b e e n d ire c to r o f th e library at Villa Julie C ol­ lege in Stevenson, M ary­ land, a n d o f th e W itt­ e n b e r g U n iv e rsity L i­ b r a r y in S p r i n g f i e l d , O hio. O th e r p o sitio n s h e ’s h e ld include h e ad o f hum anities services at the W ash in g to n U niversity L ib ra rie s in St. Louis, Im re M eszaros M issouri; h e ad librarian o f th e A rt a nd A rchitecture L ibrary at W ashington University; a nd le c tu re r a t th e U niversity o f M ary­ land w h e re h e was also an associate librarian. Meszaros received a B.S. degree from Johns Hopkins University in 1964; a m aste r’s d e g ree in E nglish from th e University o f M aryland in 1966; an MLS in 1969 from th e C atholic University o f Am erica, W ashington, D .C .; a nd a B.S. in system s a n d data processing in 1982 a nd a m aster’s o f inform ation m anagem ent in 1984 from W ashington University. People in the news Janice Koyama, assistant university librarian for public services at th e University o f California, Los Angeles, was th e re cip ie n t o f th e California Aca­ dem ic a nd R esearch L ibrarians (CARL) M em ber o f th e Year Award for 1991 in recognition o f h e r “distinguished a n d varied c ontributions to CARL and to academ ic librarianship, th e cause o f libraries in C alifornia, a n d th e academ ic com m unity.” Linda L andis, d ean o f educational resources at C olum bus State C om m unity C ollege (CSCC ), has March 1992 / 217 been awarded th e Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) Distinguished Service Award for 1991. Landis began h e r career as a Slavic cataloger at Ohio State University, then becam e assistant librarian at CSCC. She has b e en very active in th e Association of Educational Com m unications Technology and has been ALAO’s representative to ACRL. Appointments (A ppointm ent notices are taken from library new sletters, letters from p e rsonnel offices and ap­ pointees, and o th e r sources. T o e nsure th at your appointm ent appears, w rite to th e E ditor, C & R L News, 50 E. H uron, Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) Richard AmR hein has b e en appointed music librarian at th e Jam es R. Dickinson L ibrary o f the University o f Nevada, Las Vegas. E lizabeth Armitage has b e e n appointed engi­ neering-science reference/collection m anagem ent librarian at th e Case W estern Reserve University Library, C leveland, Ohio. C liff B ishop has b een n am ed assistant u n d e r­ graduate librarian at th e University o f Illinois, U rbana-C ham paign. Jean B ishop is now h ead o f re fe re n ce at the M ontana College o f M ineral Science a nd T echnol­ ogy, Butte. Maryanne P . B lake is now ou treach services coordinator for th e Pacific N orthw est Region/Na- tional N etw ork o f Libraries o f M edicine at the U niversity o f W ashington H ealth Sciences L ibrary and Inform ation C enter, Seattle. M ichael J. Bonnard has b e en appointed assis­ tant catalog librarian at Sm ith Library, C hristopher N ew port College, N ew port News, Virginia. D onald B ork has b e en appointed d e puty ch ief librarian at Q ueensborough C om m unity College Library, N ew York. Patricia L . Carey has b e e n n am ed natural sciences reference/user education librarian at th e N atural Sciences Library, U niversity o f W ashing­ ton, Seattle. Ralph L . D alton has b e en a p p ointed refer- ence/m icroform periodicals librarian at Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos. Greg F ilter jo ined th e staff o f Xavier U niver­ sity, C incinnati, Ohio, as half-tim e audio-video specialist. D . Kaye Gapen has b e en nam ed d irecto r o f the Case W estern R eserve U niversity Library, C leve­ land, Ohio. Victor Gorodinsky has b e en n a m e d assistant Slavic librarian (cataloging) at th e U niversity of Illinois, U rbana-C ham paign. Roberta B . Gwilt is now h e ad o f th e M ono­ graph U nit in th e Bibliographic Services D e p a rt­ m en t at Syracuse University, New York. C laire H amasu has b e en n am ed associate li­ brarian in th e B iom edical Library at th e University o f California, Los Angeles. P hil H oehn has b e en nam ed h ead o f th e E arth Sciences a nd M aps L ibrary at the U niversity of California, Berkeley. C hristine Johnson is now h ead o f circulation at th e Joseph M. L auinger Library, G eorgetow n U ni­ versity, W ashington, D.C. G eorge Johnston is now a cataloger at the U niversity o f C incinnati Library, Ohio. F rederick Kotas has b e en appointed cataloger and public services librarian in th e E ast Asia Library at th e U niversity o f W ashington, Seattle. Xia L i has b e en appointed reference librarian at th e Bailey/Howe Library, University o f Verm ont, Burlington. Judy Lowman has b e e n n am ed personnel librar­ ian at N orthw estern University, Evanston, Illinois. D eborah McC arthy is the new technical ser­ vices librarian atX avier University, Cincinnati, Ohio. Priscilla N eil is now assistant university librar­ ian for personnel at th e U niversity o f C incinnati, Ohio. Susan T . N ewman has b e en n am ed c h ie f librar­ ian at th e G rad C e n te r o f th e City U niversity o f N ew York. Janet B utan has b e en pro m o te d to catalog librarian at th e C ountw ay Libraiy, H arvard U niver­ sity, C am bridge, M assachusetts. John H . Sandy has b e en a p pointed library direc­ to r at th e M ontana College o f M ineral Science and Technology, Butte. Krystal Slivka has b een n am ed chem ical sci­ ences reference/collection m anagem ent librarian at th e Case W estern R eserve University Library, C leveland, Ohio. JoAnn Switzer has b e en appointed h ead o f the R eference D e p a rtm e n t in the R uth Lilly M edical L ibrary at Indiana U niversity School o f M edicine, Indianapolis. E lizabeth J. Taylor has b e en a p p ointed cata­ log librarian at the University of M ichigan-D earborn M ardigian Library. R ick Torgerson has jo in e d th e cataloging staff o f th e Archives o f T raditional Music at Indiana U niversity Libraries, Bloomington. D oreen Turpen has b e en n am ed L ibrary Ser­ vices and C onstruction Act program m anager for th e W ashington State Library, Olympia. L inda Vozel is now cataloger for bibliographic database m anagem ent and authority control at the Case W estern R eserve University Library, C leve­ land, Ohio. M ary Anne Waltz has b e en n am ed h e ad o f the M aps/G ovem m ent Inform ation U nit at Syracuse U niversity Library, N ew York. 218 / C &R L News Mark Watson has b e en nam ed assistant to the d e a n a t th e S o u th e rn Illin o is U n iv e rsity at Carbondale Library. Alicia Willson-M etzger is now assistant ref­ erence librarian at th e M ontana College o f M ineral Science and Technology, Butte. Yuan Yao has b e en nam ed principal cataloging lib ra rian at th e Jo sep h M. L au in g er Library, Georgetow n University, W ashington, D.C. Retirements Jean G . C ook, h ead o f the Acquisitions D e p a rt­ m en t at Iowa State University Library, re tired in N ovem ber 1991 a fte rm o re th an 22 years o f service. A graduate o f the U ni­ versity o f Iowa in 1949, Cook e arn e d an MLS in 1969 from th e University o f Oklahoma. She began h e r c a re er working as a serials cataloger at Iowa State University Library in 1969 and later was p ro ­ m oted to h ead o f the Se­ rials Cataloging Section. In 1976 Cook m oved to D uke University as h ead o f th e Serials D e p a rt­ Jean G. Cook m ent. F o u r years later she re tu rn e d to Iowa State as h ead o f the Serials D e ­ p a rtm en t and served in th at capacity until 1990, w hen she becam e h ead o f th e Acquisitions D e p a rt­ m ent. Cook has served as ALA’s representative to th e C O N S E R Advisory G roup, was elected to the RT SD B oard o f D irectors and to th e chairm anship o f th e Serials Section, winning in 1990 th e section’s Bowker/Ulrich’s Serials L ibrarianship Award. She served on the O C L C Serials Control Advisory C om ­ m ittee, co-edited with M arcia T uttle A dvances in Serials M anagem ent (JAI Press), and served on the editorial boards o f The Serials R eview and Catalog­ ing a nd Classification Quarterly. Marjorie Karlson re tired at th e e n d o f 1991 from h e r position as h ead o f th e R eference D e p a rt­ m en t a t the University o f M assachusetts/A m herst Library. U p o n h e rretirem e n t, Karlson was awarded th e University C hancellor’s M edal in recognition of h e r national reputation as a reference librarian and h e r m ore th an 44 years in th e field, including 20 at UM ass/Amherst. B ernice Weiss, catalog librarian in th e Collec­ tions D evelopm ent and M anagem ent D ep artm en t o f th e Countway L ibrary o f M edicine at H arvard University, re tired recently from th at position. Deaths James W . B arry, d e puty associate director for library operations at th e National L ibrary o f M edi­ cine from 1977 until his re tirem e n t in 1980, d ied in D ecem ber 1991. Barry graduated from the U niver­ sity o f P itts b u rg h in 1947, th e n re ce iv e d his bachelor’s in library science from the C arnegie Institute o f Technology in 1948, and an M E d from th e University o f Pittsburgh in 1952. H e began his career at the C arnegie L ibrary o f Pittsburgh and subsequently w orked at th e P u rd u e University li­ braries, th e U.S. D e p artm en t o f Agriculture Li­ brary, and th e University o f Pittsburgh Library, before joining th e staff o f the National Library of M edicine (N L M ) in 1955. At N LM Barry becam e head o f acquisitions before leaving in 1963 to b e ­ com e th e first librarian o f th e newly established Library o f Science a nd M edicine at Rutgers Univer­ sity. D uring 1968-69 he was visiting librarian to the faculty of science at M ahidol University in Bangkok, th e n spenm t 1971-76 as librarian o f th e Arizona Medical C e n te r Library. In 1976 h e re tu rn e d to W ashington, D.C., w here, after a b rie f stint as director o f th e L earning R esource C enter/L ibrary o f th e U niform ed Services University o f the H ealth Sciences, he rejoined th e N LM in th e position he held until his retirem ent. Barry was active in the D istrict o f Colum bia Library Association, th e M edi­ cal Library Association, and ALA. John P . Comaromi, e ditor o f th e D ew ey D eci­ mal C lassification (D D C ) since 1980, died in N ovem ebr 1991 at th e age of54. Before his appoint­ m ent at D D C , C om arom i taught at the library schools o f th e University o f California at Los Ange­ les, W estern M ichigan University, and the Univer­ sity o f Oregon. H e received his doctorate in library science from th e University o f Michigan in 1969 and was h onored as a distinguished alum nus th ere in 1990. H e was the author o f num erous journal articles and several books on th e D D C including The Eighteen Editions o f the Dewey Decimal Classifica­ tion (1976); Exercises in the 20th Edition o f the Dewey Decimal Classification (with M. P. Satija, 1990); and Dewey Decimal Classification, 20th E di­ tion: A Study Manual (with Jeanne Osborn, 1991). Marion D oyle, form er ch ief cataloger in the A ndover-H arvard Theological Library, died D e ­ c em b er 11, 1991. She started w ork at H arvard in 1958 and re tired in 1961. Aaron H ause, h ead of th e G overnm ent D ocu­ m ents D e p artm en t at th e University o f Arizona from 1976-78, d ied in June 1991. H e had b e en a librarian at E astern M ontana College in Billings since 1978. ■ ■