ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 1000 / C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 2000 (contact information and the toll-free phone number are listed). This Web site also pro­ vides access to the Atlas o f C a n cer Mortality and to the SEER (Surveillance, Epidemiology & End Results) Program an “authoritative source of information on cancer incidence and survival in the U.S.” Other resources avail­ able on the National Cancer Institute Web site include Cancer Trials, Ethnic and Minority Health resources, and links to information provided by the Office of Cancer Comple­ mentary and Alternative Medicine. The Na­ tional Cancer Institute Web site provides in- depth information on cancer research and clini­ cal trials. Access: O th e r s ite s o f in te re s t The Consumer and Patient Health Informa­ tion Section of the Medical Library Associa­ tion has compiled an extensive list of evalu­ ated Web resources entitled “Web Sites You Can Trust.” This well-organized list is briefly annotated and is an excellent resource for additional consumer health information. Among the resources available on this site is a list of Web resources focusing on children’s health and parenting resources. A ccess: http://caphis.njc. org/consumerAll. html. • The Melanoma Patients’ Inform atio Page. This non-commercial site provides cur­ rent information for patients diagnosed with melanoma. The site includes selected read­ ings specific to the stages of melanoma. An “ASK Our RN” link, for submission of e-mail questions to an oncology nurse, was recently added to this site. The “Community” section of this Web site provides access to a bulletin board, a chat room, and other support re­ sources. Access: ■ n Letter to the editor I have just read “Academic librarians as advisors” by Paul Studdard (C&RL News, October 2000). Never have I read such a concise and well written defense of, and advertisement for, our profession. People rarely understand what we are profession­ ally capable of, and this piece did much to strongly state our case and our cause. This is the kind o f article that should be featured in all of our professional me­ dia. While professions have nothing in the way of apologetics, but this article comes c l o s e .— G ary P arson s, F lo r id a A tlan tic University, p arson s@ fau .ed u http://caphis.njc