ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 1040 I C&RL News ■ December 2000 N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s George M. Eberhart The Catalogue of Meteorites, by Monica M. Grady (698 pages plus CD-ROM, 5th ed., Sep­ tem ber 2000), includes data for the 22,507 well- authenticated meteorites know n through De­ cem ber 1999, w hether or not a sam ple has been preserved. This edition updates the 1985 edition and is enhanced w ith a searchable, W indows-compatible CD-ROM containing the full database, w hich is m aintained by the Brit­ ish Natural History Museum. Each entry in­ cludes the nam e of the m eteorite (usually the nearest inhabited place), the location of fall or find, date, class a n d condition, recovered w eight, b ib lio g rap h y , a n d d istrib u tio n o f samples. Separate lists by clas­ sification an d location, an d tables show ing unnam ed m e­ te o r i t e s fro m A n ta rc tic a , A u s tr a lia ’s N u lla r b o r P la in , R o o s e v e lt C o u n ty in N ew Mexico, and the Sahara Desert are included. $150.00. Cam­ bridge University. ISBN 0-521- 66303-2. T h e I r is h W a r, by T o m Geraghty (420 pages, 2d ed., May 2000), is an excellent over­ view, not only o f the Catholic- Protestant conflict in Ireland from 1968 to 1999, but also of the persistent populist revolt that sprouted in l691 w hen the last professional Irish army w ent into exile in France after the Battle of the Boyne. It was the section on British intelligence o p ­ erations that got journalist Geraghty arrested under the Official Secrets Act in 1998 after the first edition of this boo k appeared; though the charges w ere later dropped, his revelations about sophisticated British counterinsurgency techniques w ere m ore than mildly embarrass­ ing. This edition will help American readers understand the confusing conflict o f culture, propaganda, and terror that has plagued the island for centuries. $29-95. Johns Hopkins University. ISBN 0-8018-06456-9. G e o rg e M . E b e r h a rt is s e n io r e d ito r o f Am erican Libraries; e-m ail: g eb erh art@ If the timeline is unclear, pick u p Northern Ireland: A Chronology o f the Troubles, 1968- 1999, by Paul Bew and G ordon Gillespie (471 pages, 2d ed., D ecem ber 1999), for a recap of day-by-day developm ents. $45.00. Scarecrow. ISBN 0-8108-3735-8. The Island o f Lost Maps: A True Story of C arto g rap hic Crim e, by Miles Harvey (432 pages, Septem ber 2000), should be required reading for students considering a career in special collections. Not only does Harvey tell a compelling story that is inherently horrific for any bibliophile, but he rem inds us of som e of the basic elem ents of w hat our profession is about. In case you m issed it, Island o f Lost Maps c o n c e rn s th e th e ft o f priceless m aps by a PTSD-di- a g n o s e d V ie tn a m v e te r a n n a m e d G ilb e rt B land, w h o razored them out o f atlases in the special collections of n u ­ m erous research libraries in the United States and Canada. He w a s f in a lly c a u g h t a t th e Peabody Library in Baltimore in D ecem ber 1995, b u t only served 17 m onths behind bars. Some o f the participants in this dram a are w ell-known to ACRL members, and the author’s frequent digressions into history and cartographic imagery (though labeled as padding by som e reviewers) are p le a s a n t o rn a m e n ta tio n . $24.95. R andom House. ISBN 0-375-50151-7. The Je w ish C o nfed e rate s, by Robert N. Rosen (517 pages, O ctober 2000), brings to­ gether a w ealth of information o n Southern Jew s w ho w ere dedicated to the Confederate cause in the Civil War. Nearly one-third of all the Jew s in the South in 1861 w ere G erm an­ speaking immigrants living in Louisiana, a state that provided both the Confederacy’s Attor­ ney G eneral Judah P. Benjamin an d a Confed­ erate soldier nam ed Benjamin Franklin Jonas, w h o after the w ar becom e the first practicing Je w in the U.S. Senate. Rosen has do n e a m as­ C&RL News ■ D ecember 2 0 0 0 1 1041 terful job o f telling the story o f Jewish Johnny Rebs, most of whom did not own slaves and who fought to prove they were worthy citi­ zens. He also paints a portrait o f Jewish life in the antebellum South, activities on the home front, and conditions in occupied New Orleans. $39-95. University of South Carolina. ISBN 1- 57003-363-3. The M a k in g o f th e Bibles Moralisées, by John Lowden (2 vols., September 2000), docu­ ments the creation and history of one o f the most ambitious attempts at miniature illustra­ tion ever undertaken— the Bibles Moralisées, a presentation of the events of the Bible in a graphic format that bears an uncanny resem­ blance to an eight-panel-per-page comic strip. Seven manuscripts, only one of which is com­ plete, survive. They were produced from the 13th to the 15th centuries for the kings and queens o f France, and have rarely been re­ produced. Volume 1 offers a general back­ ground, while Volume 2 examines the Book o f Ruth in detail. On sale from the publisher at $68 each, or $128 for the set. Pennsylvania State University Press. ISBN 0-271-01909-3/0. Sacred Objects and Sacred Places: Preserv­ in g T rib a l T ra d itio n s , by Andrew Gulliford (285 pages, June 2000), recounts the limited success that Indian peoples have had in pre­ serving their culture against the encroachments of anthropologists, museum curators, tourists, and New Agers. Topics include the repatria­ tion of human remains to the tribes claiming them; the return by museums of such sacred objects as the centuries-old Omaha Shaman Pole and the White Buffalo skin; the protec­ tion o f sacred mountains, rocks, canyons, springs, and other landscape features from rampant tourism; and the efforts of tribal pres­ ervation offices to carry culture into the fu­ ture. Each chapter is supplemented with pho­ tographs, case studies, and commentary by Native Americans. $55.00. University Press of Colorado. ISBN 0-87081-560-1. Teaching th e N ew L ibrary t o Today's Us­ ers, edited by Trudi E. Jacobson and Helene C. Williams (256 pages, June 2000), offers back­ ground and strategies for teaching academic library use to diverse groups: international stu­ dents, students o f color, lesbigays, first-gen- EconLit P r ic in g for unlimited usage o f EconLit is now based on your institution's size! ! : P r o v id e up-to-date Internet access to the foremost bibliography o f worldwide econom ic literature today! i Contact your EconLit service provider or: AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION Jou rn al o f Econom ic Literature 4615 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3661 1 PH: (412) 268-1039 FAX: (412) 268-6810 1042 / C&RL News ■ December 2000 eration and at-risk students, reentries, older adults, and distance learners. Contributors in­ clude Karen E. Downing, Kwasi Sarkodie- Mensah, Trudi E. Jacobson, Sara McDowell. David A. Tyckoson, and Cheryl LaGuardia. $49.95. Neal-Schuman. ISBN 1-55570-379-8. Travels w it h th e Fossil H unters, edited by Peter J. Whybrow (212 pages, April 2000), is as much about the adventures o f paleontolo­ gists in foreign lands as it is about fossils, but that’s what makes this book intriguing. Each o f the 12 chapters describes the multicultural, gastronomic, and travel experiences o f British paleontologists in Tibet, the Sahara, Gibraltar, Latvia. Abu Dhabi, Sierra Leone, India, China, Pakistan, Turkey, Antarctica, and Yemen. Ac­ companied by well-chosen photographs, the travelogues offer enough to please fossil fans as well— Miocene hippo remains in Arabia, a new ape ancestor in Asia Minor, dinosaurs in Antarctica, and Neanderthals in Gibraltar, among others. $39-95. Cambridge University. ISBN 0-521-66301-6. W ord Parts D ictionary, by Michael J. Sheehan (227 pages, September 2000), will be much appreciated by writers, linguists, and coiners of neologisms. Much o f our complex language is made up o f word chunks with specific mean­ ings that combine with other fragments to fomr elegant-sounding compounds— “$10 words,” as I heard them called once by someone with a preference for monosyllables. This dictio­ nary defines all known suffixes, prefixes, com­ bining forms, and bases; provides a reverse dictionary of meanings to locate that elusive particle; and groups some of the word parts into categories (animals, food, shapes, etc.). With no trouble at all, the user can formulate a new word for “obsession with pinching but­ tocks” (pygoπ'hexophilia), in case one is ever needed. A work o f lexicoplastic brilliance. $39.95. McFarland. ISBN 0-7864-0819-0. If you need even more word analysis, check out We American Heritage Dictionaiγ o f Indo- European Roots, revised and edited by Calvert Watkins (149 pages, September 2000). Here you will discover that the English words “weird,” “wreath,” “worry,” “wrong,” “wrestle,” “ribald,” “warp,” “wrap,” and “vermin” all de­ rive from the Indo-European root “wer-” (to turn or bend). $28.00. Houghton Mifflin. ISBN 0-395-98610-9- ■ C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 2000 / 1043