ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 340 tion of Latin American Library Materials. The volume is available for $5 from the AALA Head­ q uarters, 471 Park Lane, State College, PA 16801. • Missouri Union List o f Serial Publications (2 volumes, 3d edition, 1981) has been published by the St. Louis Public Library. This new edition includes 40,000 titles and 114,000 holdings statements of periodicals, newspapers, and serial publications located in 52 academic, public, and special libraries throughout Missouri and parts of Illinois and Kansas. Copies are available in hardcover at $100 per set or $50 per microfiche set (24x diazo, negative polarity) from the St. Louis Public Library, 1301 Olive Street, St. Louis, MO 63103. Prices for libraries that par­ ticipate in the project are $75 and $35 for each set. • Online Bibliographic Search Services, SPEC Kit #76 (July 1981) focuses on major concerns re­ garding the organization of online search services, policy formation, and communication with the clientele. The kit contains eight policy state­ ments, three annual reports and a position de­ scription, and ten examples of user publicity. SPEC Kits are available by subscription from the Systems and P rocedures Exchange C en ter, OMS/ARL, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C., 20036. Individual kits may be purchased (prepaid only) for $15 plus a $2 per total order handling charge, with checks made payable to th e ARL Office of M anagem ent Studies. • Synfuels: An Annotated Bibliography o f Selected References (15 pages, July 1981) has been published by the University of Central Florida Library as Library Bibliography Series No. 5. It may be purchased for $2 from Gifts and Exchange, University of Central Florida, P.O. Box 2500, Orlando, FL 32816. AUDIOVISUAL NOTICE • Papers o f the Women’s Trade Union League and Its Principal Leaders is now available in mi­ croform. Included are the records of the National WTUL at the Library of Congress, a smaller col­ lection at the Schlesinger Library, and the rec­ ords of the New York WTUL, together with the papers of M argaret D reier Robins, Rose Schneiderman, Leonora O'Reilly, Agnes Nestor, Mary Anderson, and the unpublished autobiogra­ phy of Mary Kenney O’Sullivan. The edition also contains a composite set of WTUL serial publica­ tions, both national and local. A printed guide has been prepared by this edition’s editor, Ed­ ward T. James. The Library of Congress collec­ tion (25 reels) may be ordered from its Photodu­ plication Service. All other microfilms (131 reels) and the guide are distributed by Research Pub­ lications, Inc., 12 Lunar Drive, Woodbridge, CT 06525. Calendar October 23—Online Searching: Workshop conducted by K. Subramanyam, Drexel University School of Library and Information Science. Fee: $110. Contact: Director, Office of Continuing Profes­ sional Education, Drexel University, 32d and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19104; (215) 895-2153. 24—Conservation: “Institute for Conservation Management in the 1980s: The Future of Li­ brary and Archive Conservation,” Simmons College GSLIS, Boston. Fee: $40. Contact: Ching-chih Chen, GSLIS, Simmons College, 300 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115; (617) 738-2224 or 738-2225. 24—Printing History: "Sharing a Rich Heritage: The History of Printing in Pennsylvania,” a conference sponsored by the Franklin County Library to be held at Wilson College, Cham­ bersburg, Pennsylvania. Contact: Cesi Kel- linger, Project Director, 735 Philadelphia Av­ enue, Chambersburg, PA 17201. 29-30— N on-Print M aterials: W orkshop con­ ducted by Jerry Saye, Drexel University School of Library and Information Science. Fee: $90. Contact: See October 23 entry. November 2 -4— New Technology: “The C hallenge of Change: Critical Choices for Library Decision-Makers, the 1981 Pittsburgh Confer­ ence sponsored by the School of Library and Information Science and Office of Communica­ tions Program s, U niversity of P ittsburgh. Robert Lee Chartrand will give the banquet address on “Libraries in Our Future: Federal Competency Comments The ACRL Educational and Behavioral Sci­ ence Section’s Committee on Bibliographic In stru ctio n for E ducators req u ests your evaluative comments on Bibliographic Com­ petencies fo r Education Students, which ap­ peared in C&RL News, July/August 1981, pp. 209-10. Please address the following factors: format; content; organization; usefulness for library instruction in the classroom; ways in which you would use the listing. Please send your evaluation com m ents to Charles Thurston, Chair, ACRL/EBSS Committee on Bibliographic Instruction for Educators, Uni­ versity of Texas at San Antonio Library, San Antonio, TX 78285, by November 1, 1981. 341 1st ANNUAL VIDEODISC CONFERENCE October 23-24, 1981 Marriott Key Bridge Hotel, Arlington, Virginia Sponsored by: Videodisc/Tetetext Magazine Registration Fee: Before September 23: $175.00; after September 23: $200 For additional information contact: MRI Conferences, a division of Microform Review Inc 520 Riverside Ave. Westport, CT 06880 (203) 226-6967 1st ANNUAL SERIALS CONFERENCE October 30-31, 1981 Westpark Hotel, Arlington, Virginia Chairperson: Nancy Jean Melin, CUNY (Graduate Center) Registration Fee: Before September 30: $125.00 after September 30: $150.00 For additional information contact: MRI Conferences, a division of Microform Review Inc. 520 Riverside Ave. Westport, CT 06880 (203) 226-6967 P ostures and P erc e p tio n s,” at th e William Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh. Fee: $95 before Oc­ tober 16; $110 late registration fee. Contact: Priscilla M ercier, Conference Coordinator, School of Library and Information Science, 801 L .I.S . B uilding, U n iv ersity of P ittsb u rg h , Pittsburgh, PA 15260; (412) 624-5230. —4— Online Searching: “Online ’81,” annual con­ ference and exposition, Online, Inc., at Loews Anatole Hotel, Dallas, Texas. Open to online users and administrators. Fee: $215. Contact: Jeff Pemberton, Online ’81, 11 Tannery Lane, Weston, CT 06883; (203) 227-8466. — Bibliographic In stru ctio n : BI workshop at Santa Fe Public Library, La Farge Branch. Designed for academic and special librarians. Instructor: Barbara Schwartz, U niversity of Texas at Austin. Contact: CUS Division of the New Mexico L ibrary A ssociation, c/o New Mexico State University Library, Box 3475, Las Cruces, NM 88003; (505) 646-1508. —Reference Evaluation: Workshop conducted by Thomas Childers, Drexel University School of Library and Information Science. Fee: $75. Contact: See October 23 entry. -7 — M ic ro c o m p u te rs: “ In s titu te on M ic­ rocomputers in Libraries,” Simmons College GSLIS, Boston. Fee: $125. Contact: see Oc­ tober 24 entry. 0-13— M an ag em en t: “ L ib rary M anagem ent Skills I n s titu te ,” Colum bia Inn, Columbia, Maryland, sponsored by the Office of Manage- 2 6 6 6 1 342 ment Studies for academic library management staff. Fee: $200. Contact: Donna Reilly or M aureen Schechter, OMS/ARL, 1527 New H ampshire Avenue N .W ., Washington, DC 20036; (202) 232-8656. 13—Ohio Libraries: “Academic Libraries: Image and Im p act,” annual fall conference of th e Academic L ibrary Association of Ohio (an ACRL chapter), at the Harley Hotel, 1000 East Granville Road, Columbus, Ohio. Contact: Marian Winner, Chapter Chair, Science Li­ brary, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056. 14, 21—Online Searching: “Refresher Workshop on Online Database Searching,” Simmons Col­ lege GSLIS, Boston. Fee: $125. Open to stu­ dents of previous basic online database search­ ing courses or those currently enrolled. Con­ tact: See October 24 entry. 15- 20— M anagement: “Advanced Management Skills In s titu te ,” Columbia Inn, Columbia, Maryland, sponsored by the Office of Manage­ ment Studies for librarians who hold senior management positions or who have attended previous institutes or the equivalent. Fee: $350. Contact: See November 10-13 entry. 16- 20—Grants: Program planning/proposal writ­ ing, government funding, foundation/corporate funding. The Grantsmanship Center Training Program, Department of Human Service Pro­ grams, City òf Cambridge, Massachusetts. Fee: $395. Contact: Paula Van Gelder, Department of Human Service Programs, Cambridge, MA 02139; (617) 498-9076. 20— G o v ern m en t D ocum ents: “ G overnm ent Documents in Data Bases,” workshop at the Graduate School of Library and Information Studies, Rutgers, New Brunswick, New Jersey; sponsored by th e G overnm ent D ocum ents Association/NJ, Rutgers GSLIS, and the New Jersey Library Association’s Reference Section. Contact: Jana Varlejs, Rutgers GSLIS, 4 Hun­ tington St., New Brunswick, NJ 08903; (201) 932-7169. December 4— Library Personnel: “Legal Aspects of Person­ nel Work,” workshop at the Graduate School of Library and Information Studies, Rutgers, New Brunswick, New Jersey; sponsored by the New Jersey Library Association’s Administration Section and Rutgers GSLIS. Contact: See No­ vember 20 entry. 14—18— G rants: Program planning, etc ., The Grantsmanship Center Training Program, City of Cambridge, Massachusetts. See November 16-20 entry for more information. January 21—29—Library Schools: Annual Conference of Association of American Library Schools, Den­ ver, Colorado. Fee: $35/$40. Contact: Janet Phillips, Executive Secretary, AALS, 471 Park 7th ANNUAL MICROFORM CONFERENCE November 16-17, 1981 Westpark Hotel, Arlington, Virginia Sponsored by: Microform Review and the Micropublishing Committee of RTSD. American Library Association Registration Fee: Before October 16: $125.00: after October 16: $150.00 For additional information contact: MRI Conferences, a division of Microform Review Inc. 520 Riverside Ave. Westport, CT 06880 (203) 226-6967 2nd ANNUAL COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE CONFERENCE December 11-12, 1981 Westpark Hotel, Arlington, Virginia Sponsored by: C o m p u te r E q u ip m e n t R eview & S o ftw a re R e v ie w Registration Fee: Before November 11: $125.00 after November 11: $150.00 For additional information contact: MRI Conferences, a division of Microform Review Inc. 520 Riverside Ave. Westport, CT 06880 (203) 226-6967 343 2nd A N N U A L PRESERVATION & CONSERVATION OF LIBRARY MATERIALS CONFERENCE February 22-23, 1982 Westpark Hotel, Arlington, Virginia Chairperson: Nina Root, American Museum of Natural History Registration Fee: Before January 21,: $125.00 after January 21: $150.00 For additional information contact: MRI Conferences, a division of Microform Review inc. 520 Riverside Ave. Westport, CT 06880 (203) 226-6967 2nd A N NUAL GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS & INFORMATION CONFERENCE March 26-27, 1982 Westpark Hotel, Arlington, Virginia Chairperson: Peter Hernon, Simmons Graduate School of Library Science Registration Fee: Before February 26: $125.00; after February 26: $150.00 For additional Information contact: MRI Conferences, a division of Microform Review Inc. 520 Riverside Ave. Westport, CT 06880 (203) 226-6967 Lane, State College, PA 16901; (814) 238-0254. 27-29— Special L ib raries: W inter M eeting of Special L ibraries Association, Galt H ouse, Louisville, Kentucky. Contact: D orothy E. Smith, SLA, 235 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10003; (212) 447-9250. February 1-12—International Institute: Third annual insti­ tu te specifically o rie n te d for in te rn atio n a l visitors to the U.S. Topics to be covered in­ clude information retrieval, library automation, and home delivery systems. Fee: $425 (both weeks), $235 (first week only), $120 (each ses­ sion in th e second week). H ousing can be booked at nearby hotels. Contact: Ed Kazlaus- kas, Director, International Institute, School of Library and Information Management, Univer­ sity of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90007. 21-26—A rt L ibraries: Art Libraries Society of North America conference, Boston, Massachu­ setts. Contact: Pamela J. Parry, ALS/NA, 143 Bowling Green Place, Iowa City, IA 52240; (319)351-2078. Statement of Ownership and Management College & Research Libraries News is published 11 times a year (monthly, combining July/August), by the American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, Illinois 60611. American Library Associa­ tion, owner; George M. Eberhart, editor. Second- class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois. Printed in U S A. As a nonprofit organization authorized to mail at special rates (Section 132.122, Postal Services Manual), the purposes, function, and nonprofit status of this organization, and the exempt status for fed­ eral income tax purposes, have not changed during the preceding twelve months. Extent and Nature of Circulation ("Average” figures denote the num ber of copies p rin te d each issue during the preceding twelve months; “Actual” figures denote number of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date—the S eptem ber 1981 issue.) Total num ber of copies printed: Average, 12,954; Actual, 13,000. Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors, and counter sales: not applicable. Mail subscriptions: Av­ erage, 10,010; Actual, 9,908. Total paid circulation: Average, 10,010; Actual, 9,908. Free distribution by mail, carrier, or other means, samples, complimen­ tary, and other free copies: Average, 1,197; Actual, I, 205. Total distribution: Average, 11,207; Actual, II, 113. Copies not distributed: Office use, left over, unaccounted, spoiled after printing: Average, 1,747; Actual, 1,887. Returns from news agents: not appli­ cable. Total (sum of previous entries): Average, 12,954; Actual, 13,000. Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circu­ lation (PS form 3526, June 1980) for 1981 filed with the U nited States Post Office, P o stm aster in Chicago, Illinois, August 24, 1981. 344 Literature Discussion Group An English and American Literature Dis­ cussion Group is forming that will m eet at ALA conferences to address issues of common concern to its members, such as collection developm ent, library instruction, database searching, and bibliographic control of literary materials. A meeting has been scheduled for the ALA Midwinter Conference in Denver. Anyone interested in joining the group or seeking fu rth er inform ation, contact Scott S tebelm an, Love L ibrary, U n iv ersity of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588; (402) 472-2560. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOL Calls for Applications for Fellowships for Advanced Study in Library Management A new program sponsored by the Council on Library Resources beginning March 29, 1982, will help prepare middle and upper level man­ agers in large libraries through a full calendar year of academic studies. On the completion of the course of study, Fellows will be awarded a Certificate of Advanced Study. Applicants will have the M.S. in Library Science degree or equivalent, and from 3 to 5 years of manage­ ment experience. Up to 8 students may be selected by the faculty who will evaluate a statement of academic and professional objec­ tives, the applicant’s record of experience, and performance on both the GRE and the GMAT (Graduate Management Aptitude Test). The faculty will also consider the nature and extent of support (for example, leave with some pay) that applicants are able to secure from their own institutions. Up to 5 successful applicants will receive full tuition and a stipend of $8,000. All stu­ dents admitted to the program will be desig­ nated CLR Fellows. Application deadline February 1, 1982. To apply write to: Dean, Graduate Library School, JRL S -1 0 6 , University of Chicago, 1 1 0 0 East 57th Street, Chicago, Illinois 6 0 6 3 7 . Classified Advertising D ead lines: Orders for regular classified advertisem ents must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month pre­ ceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $ 4.00 per line for ACRL members, $5.00 for others. Late jo b notices are $10.00 per line for members, $12.00 per line for others. Organizations subm itting ads will be charged according to their m embership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late jo b notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the last day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 31 for the October issue). All job an­ nouncements must include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. J O B L IN E : Call (312) 944 -6 7 9 5 for late-breaking jo b ads for academic and research library positions. A prerecorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing subm itted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $ 30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. The service lists jo b postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow application deadlines, will not ap­ pear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL members and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising Dep't, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. FOR SALE MA RV B R O A D B E N T, Box 6, Beltsville, MD 20705. Government publications. Standing, subscription, single, or search orders. No prepayment. No foreign surcharge. (301) 937-8846. B U S IN E S S FOR SALE. Over 18,000 collections of original book reviews from 1929-1970. Reviews on File, Box 298, Walton, NY 13856. FOREIGN M IC R O FO R M S. Any foreign microform from anywhere in the world at the foreign list price. Free searching. Monographs and serials. IMDS, 1995 Broadway, NY. NY 10023, (212) 873-2100. POSITIONS OPEN A S S IS T A N T DIRECTOR FOR TE C H N IC A L S ER VIC ES. Iowa State University Library. This is a position responsible for coordinating and developing the activities of the Library’s Monographs, Order and Serial Departments, and providing overall administrative super­ vision of 17 professional and over 50 support staff. Major areas of attention will include utilization of OCLC throughout technical ser­ vices, planning for an integrated on-line system, the move to a new add ition in m id -1 9 8 2 , review of established autom ated serials catalog and attention to continuing improvements in use of innova­ tive techniques and processing efficiency. Reports directly to the Dean of Library Services and, together with the other assistant d i­ rectors, assists in general Library administration and participates in planning and development of overall policies and operations. Qual­ ifications; MLS, and at least five years of successful administrative experience in a large academic or research library; substantive knowledge of automated processes, preferably OCLC; demonstrated organizational abilities with strong leadership qualities; evidence of com m itm ent to broad university service and understanding of academic teaching and research needs. Ability to meet general university requirem ents for promotion and tenure in addition to specific library assignments. Salary: $30,000 m inimum , depending upon qualifications. Faculty status and excellent fringe benefits. Available: January 1, 1982. Application deadline: November 1, 1981. To apply: send detailed resume with the names of three ref­ erences to Paul M. Gherman, Assistant Director for Administrative Services, Iowa State University Library, Ames, Iowa 50011. An equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer.