ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 344 Literature Discussion Group An English and American Literature Dis­ cussion Group is forming that will m eet at ALA conferences to address issues of common concern to its members, such as collection developm ent, library instruction, database searching, and bibliographic control of literary materials. A meeting has been scheduled for the ALA Midwinter Conference in Denver. Anyone interested in joining the group or seeking fu rth er inform ation, contact Scott S tebelm an, Love L ibrary, U n iv ersity of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588; (402) 472-2560. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOL Calls for Applications for Fellowships for Advanced Study in Library Management A new program sponsored by the Council on Library Resources beginning March 29, 1982, will help prepare middle and upper level man­ agers in large libraries through a full calendar year of academic studies. On the completion of the course of study, Fellows will be awarded a Certificate of Advanced Study. Applicants will have the M.S. in Library Science degree or equivalent, and from 3 to 5 years of manage­ ment experience. Up to 8 students may be selected by the faculty who will evaluate a statement of academic and professional objec­ tives, the applicant’s record of experience, and performance on both the GRE and the GMAT (Graduate Management Aptitude Test). The faculty will also consider the nature and extent of support (for example, leave with some pay) that applicants are able to secure from their own institutions. Up to 5 successful applicants will receive full tuition and a stipend of $8,000. All stu­ dents admitted to the program will be desig­ nated CLR Fellows. Application deadline February 1, 1982. To apply write to: Dean, Graduate Library School, JRL S -1 0 6 , University of Chicago, 1 1 0 0 East 57th Street, Chicago, Illinois 6 0 6 3 7 . Classified Advertising D ead lines: Orders for regular classified advertisem ents must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month pre­ ceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $ 4.00 per line for ACRL members, $5.00 for others. Late jo b notices are $10.00 per line for members, $12.00 per line for others. Organizations subm itting ads will be charged according to their m embership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late jo b notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the last day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 31 for the October issue). All job an­ nouncements must include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. J O B L IN E : Call (312) 944 -6 7 9 5 for late-breaking jo b ads for academic and research library positions. A prerecorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing subm itted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $ 30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. The service lists jo b postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow application deadlines, will not ap­ pear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL members and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising Dep't, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. FOR SALE MA RV B R O A D B E N T, Box 6, Beltsville, MD 20705. Government publications. Standing, subscription, single, or search orders. No prepayment. No foreign surcharge. (301) 937-8846. B U S IN E S S FOR SALE. Over 18,000 collections of original book reviews from 1929-1970. Reviews on File, Box 298, Walton, NY 13856. FOREIGN M IC R O FO R M S. Any foreign microform from anywhere in the world at the foreign list price. Free searching. Monographs and serials. IMDS, 1995 Broadway, NY. NY 10023, (212) 873-2100. POSITIONS OPEN A S S IS T A N T DIRECTOR FOR TE C H N IC A L S ER VIC ES. Iowa State University Library. This is a position responsible for coordinating and developing the activities of the Library’s Monographs, Order and Serial Departments, and providing overall administrative super­ vision of 17 professional and over 50 support staff. Major areas of attention will include utilization of OCLC throughout technical ser­ vices, planning for an integrated on-line system, the move to a new add ition in m id -1 9 8 2 , review of established autom ated serials catalog and attention to continuing improvements in use of innova­ tive techniques and processing efficiency. Reports directly to the Dean of Library Services and, together with the other assistant d i­ rectors, assists in general Library administration and participates in planning and development of overall policies and operations. Qual­ ifications; MLS, and at least five years of successful administrative experience in a large academic or research library; substantive knowledge of automated processes, preferably OCLC; demonstrated organizational abilities with strong leadership qualities; evidence of com m itm ent to broad university service and understanding of academic teaching and research needs. Ability to meet general university requirem ents for promotion and tenure in addition to specific library assignments. Salary: $30,000 m inimum , depending upon qualifications. Faculty status and excellent fringe benefits. Available: January 1, 1982. Application deadline: November 1, 1981. To apply: send detailed resume with the names of three ref­ erences to Paul M. Gherman, Assistant Director for Administrative Services, Iowa State University Library, Ames, Iowa 50011. An equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. 345 A S S IS T A N T H EAD OF A C Q U IS IT IO N S /M O N O G R A P H S S EC TIO N . Responsible for the coordination and supervision of monographs, searching, ordering, accounting, and receiving functions in a com ­ bined departm ent of 19 FTE. Responsible for the handling of cor­ respondence, solving com plex searching problems, processing gifts, and other duties assigned by the departm ent head. ALA- accredited MLS required and 2 or more years professional experi­ ence. Supervisory experience desirable. Salary: $16,500. 12-month tenure-track position. TIAA/CREF and many other fringe benefits. Position open September 1, 1981. Send application and resume to: Royal V. Pope, D irector of Libraries, U n iversity of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701. An equ al-opportunity/affirm ative- action employer; welcomes applications from all qualified individuals. A SSOC IA TE D IR EC TO R FOR P U B L IC S ER VIC ES. Supervises and coordinates Public Services activities and personnel; helps form u­ late Library policy with Director; works to coordinate operations of Public Services with those of Technical Services; participates in some direct reference service. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; a second (subject) Master's degree; 8 years of professional library experience, with 5 years in increasingly responsible administrative or supervisory positions in an academic or research library’s Public Services division; 2 years reference experience; and experience with bibliographic in struction and/or automated bibliographic re­ trieval services. Full-tim e 12 month faculty appointm ent on tenure track, rank of Associate Professor. Salary commensurate with ex­ perience and education, m inim um $26,000. Apply by October 31, 1981, to Michael Kinch, Oregon State University Library, Corvallis, OR 973 31. EEO/AA Employer; Complies Sec. 5 04 Rehab. Act. 1973. A S S O C IA T E D IR E C T O R FO R T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S . The Houston Academ y of M edic ine-Texas M edical Center Library is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Associate Director for Technical Services. The Library serves the programs of the in­ stitu tio n s in the Texas M edica l Center, th e physician s of the Houston Academy of Medicine, and as a Resource Library for the DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY Franklin & Marshall College Liberal arts college. 2,0 0 0 students; 135 faculty; 7 professional librarians and 11 clerical staff; 185,000 volumes; 1,590 periodicals; gov­ ernment documents depository. Participates in OCLC. Major addition to and thorough renova­ tion of building in progress. Candidates must possess an ALA-accredited MLS degree and previous administrative ex­ perience in an academic library. An additional advanced degree is preferable. Professional ac­ tivity and/or publications are desirable. Candi­ dates must also possess; (1) experience in personnel management and development, (2) experience in budget and program manage­ ment and planning, (3) library organizational skills and knowledge of library technology, (4) ability to work creatively with faculty and stu­ dents. Salary is competitive. Search reopened. Appointment to begin early summer 1982. Ap­ plications (including names of at least three references) and nominations by November 1. Write; Bradley R. Dewey Dean of Faculty Affairs Chairperson, Librarian Search Committee Franklin & Marshall College Lancaster, PA 1 7 6 0 4 A n E q u a l O p p o r tu n it y E m p lo y e r. South Central Regional Medical Library Program. The Texas Medi­ cal Center includes Baylor College of Medicine, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, The University of Texas System Cancer Center, Texas Woman's University at Houston, eight teaching hospitals, and various other allied health science pro­ grams and institutions, The Library’s staff consists of 23 librarians and 4 0 support personnel. Total budget for 1982 fiscal year ex­ ceeds $2.8 m illion, of which $.6 m illion supports collection de­ velopment. The Associate Director for Technical Services reports to the Library's Executive Director and participates in overall policy making, administration, and planning as a member of the Executive Council and represents the Library at various regional and national conferences. Qualifications include an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; a record of at least seven years of progressively more responsible experience in a health sciences or academic library; experience with library automation and com puter technology; lead­ ership ability with a strong emphasis on interpersonal skills; excel­ le nt oral and w ritte n c o m m u n ic a tio n skills; stron g in terest in library-related research and in publication; a substantial record of professional development. Salary is dependent on level of experi­ ence and qualifications with a m inim um of $29,000. Interested persons should send a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, and references before October 31, 1981, to: Janis Sharp, Director of Personnel, Houston Academy of Med¡c¡ne-Texas Medical Center Library, 1133 M.D. Anderson Blvd., Houston, TX 77030. ASSOC IA TE DIR E C TO R , SPEC IA L C O LLEC TIO N S. Adminstratively responsible for the Special Collections Division including: University Archives and M anuscripts, rare books, K atherine Anne Porter Room, and Marylandia Room. Organizes operations, budgets, and staffing. Develops policies governing acquisition, utilization, and conservation. Establishes a friends group and maintains relation­ ships with donors. Requires an MLS degree plus seven years’ ex­ perience, including managerial experience, in university or research special collections. Advanced studies in humanities preferred. Sal­ ary of $30 ,000 or more. Send resume and names of three refer­ ences by November 1, 1981, to Joseph Jerz, Personnel Librarian, University of Maryland Libraries, College Park, MD 20742. CATALO GER. Central University Library, University of California, San Diego. Three year N.E.H. grant funded position available Oc­ tober 1, 1981, for a Spanish Civil War specialist. Assistant Librar­ ian, $17 ,412 -$2 2,2 84 or Associate Librarian, $21,288 -$2 6,7 12. Under general supervision of departm ent head, is responsible for original cataloging of materials in English and foreign languages re­ lating to the Spanish Civil War. The incum bent will have responsi­ b l y for both monographic and specialized cataloging such as se­ rials, microforms, pamphlets, and ephemera. Cataloger performs original cataloging using AACR2, Library of Congress classification and subject headings, and utilizes OCLC for retrieval of biblio­ graphic information and input of original cataloging. Incumbent is expected to participate in and contribute to the Catalog Department through its regular meetings, through suggestions for workflow modifications, and by developing special cataloging expertise. Li­ brarians at UCSD are also expected to participate in library-wide activities. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and fluency in Spanish are required. Desirable qualifications: strong academic background in Spanish Civil War, bibliographic profi­ ciency in one or more appropriate foreign languages such as Cata­ lan or French. Experience or academ ic training should include familiarity with AACR2, Library of Congress Subject Headings, Li­ brary of Congress Classification system, and MARC formats; dem ­ onstrated awareness of national and international trends in catalog­ ing and bibliographic control. Applications accepted until October 31, 1981. Submit an application, enclosing a resume and a list of references, to: Martha L. Bovee, Associate University Librarian, University of California, San Diego, Library, C-075-G2, La Jolla, CA 92093. CATALOGER. The Ohio Historical Society. Responsible for original and OCLC shared cataloging utilizing Dewey Classification; plus supervise and direct acquisitions and cataloging assistants, coordi­ nate state government docum ent and newspaper cataloging, and collection development. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, two to three years experience in special or academic library, background in American history. Salary: $14,165 m inimum , plus benefits. Send application, resume and names and addresses of three references by October 30, 1981, to Personnel Officer, Ohio Historical Society, 198 2 V e lm a Ave nue, C o lu m b u s, O hio 4 3 2 1 1 . An e q u a l- opportunity/affirm ative-action employer. DIRECTOR OF LIB R A R Y S ER VIC ES. Search reopened. Lycoming College seeks experienced director to adm inister library program at small liberal arts college with 3 ½ librarians and 6 support staff. Qualifications: MLS from an accredited ALA program, supervisory experience in public and technical services, knowledge of auto­ mated lib ra ry system s desira ble, strong com m u n ica tio n skills. Twelve m onth appointm ent. Faculty rank. Salary com mensurate with qualifications and experience, m inim um $18,000. Send app li­ cation, resume, transcripts and letters of reference to Shirley Van Marter, Dean of the College, Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA 17701. An equal-opportunity employer. 346 G EN ER A L R E FE R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . Northern Illinois University is seeking a qualified librarian to fill an anticipated January 1, 1982, opening for a General Reference Librarian. MLS from an accredited library school and at least two years' experience as a reference li­ brarian, preferably in a research library, required. Knowledge of foreign languages desirable. Experience in online bibliographic searching preferred. Responsibilities include reference service to faculty and students at the central reference and catalog inform a­ tion point of the university’s main library, plus online bibliographic searching, bibliographic instruction, and maintenance of the gen­ eral reference collection. (Completion of 30 hours beyond MLS re­ quired for tenure.) $15,500 m inim um for twelve month contract; II- DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES University of Nevada Las Vegas The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, invites applications and nominations for a Director of Libraries. The position is available January 1, 1982. Salary: $3 6,5 0 0 -$ 4 1 ,000. Applicants should possess the MLS (ALA- accredited); a Ph.D. or second masters is de­ sirable. Candidates should present evidence of administrative experience in an academic li­ brary, skills in personnel management, and ability to work with campus administration and faculty. Also desired is knowledge of current developments in library technology, including computer applications. Responsibilities of the position include the developing of library ser­ vices in a newly expanded facility, planning, budgeting, and automation. The Director of Li­ braries serves on the campus Academic Coun­ cil and answers directly to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Twelve-month contract with one month's vacation, faculty status, ten­ ure track, and TIAA/CREF. Salary is competi­ tive according to experience and background. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, has 10,000 students, over 30 0 full-tim e faculty, and offers graduate degrees in 23 su b je ct fields. UNLV has many strong programs such as hotel administration, arid land research, life sciences, and anthropology. The library con­ ta in s ap p ro xim a te ly 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 books, a m i­ crofilm collection of 250,000, and subscrip­ tions to 5,000 periodicals. Additional resources include c u rricu lu m m aterials collection and special collections of Nevadiana and game. Li­ brary materials budget exceeds $500,000. Applications will be received until Novem­ ber 1, 19 81 . Send letter of nomination or ap­ plication, resume, and three current profes­ sional references to: Search Committee for Di­ rector of Libraries, c/o Office of the Vice Pres­ ident for Academic Affairs, Flora Dungan Humanities Building, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV 8 9 1 5 4 . U N L V is a n a ffir m a t iv e -a c t io n /e q u a l-o p p o r tu n it y e m p lo y e r. linois Retirement System; 24 working days’ vacation; academic rank and status. Apply by sending resume, placem ent file, official tran­ scripts and three letters of recommendation by October 31, 1981, to George M. Nenonen, Personnel Director, University Libraries, N orthern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 6 01 15. N orthern Illinois University is an equal-opportunity/affirm ative-action employer. H E A D D O C U M E N T S L IB R A R IA N , R E G IO N A L D E P O S IT O R Y . Louisiana Tech University. Duties: Organize and maintain federal and Louisiana state docum ent collections (6 5 0 ,0 0 0 + items); pro­ vide reference and bibliographic instruction; produce finding aids; organize workshops and public inform ation programs; supervise staff of 2 FTE support staff and 2.5 FTE student assistants; compile statistical and budget reports; w ork rotating night and weekend schedule at Reference Desk. Required: ALA-accredited MLS, 2 -3 years’ experience in government documents. Preferred: additional subject master’s, 3 - 5 years' academic library experience, data base searching skills, innovative and creative approaches to utilization of documents. Salary range $18 ,000 -$ 2 1 ,0 0 0 , twelve month, tenure track, faculty title and rank. Excellent retirem ent system, usual benefits. Send letter, resum e, and three letters of reference to Floyd Shiery, Chair, Search and Screening Committee, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA 71272. D eadline N o vem b er 1, 1981. Position availab le im m e d ia te ly. Louisiana Tech University is an affi rm ative-action/equal-opportunity employer. HEA D OF T E C H N IC A L S ER VIC E S . Academ ic library in suburb of New York City serving 10,000 graduates and undergraduates. Supervising all activities related to purchasing, cataloging, and pro­ cessing of a $ 35 0,00 0 materials budget. OCLC. COM Catalog in process. LC classification. Departm ent of 9. Requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited program and 3 years experience, mostly in technical services. Some management and supervisory experience DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY Indiana University East Richmond, Indiana (Search reopened). Richmond is a city of 40,000, with a history of unique com m unity support for education and the arts. The Direc­ tor is responsible for adm inistration and de­ velopm ent of the IU East Library, in cluding budget preparation and management, collec­ tion development, reference, and bibliographic instructional services. Participates in the .selec­ tion, supervision, and evaluation of one librar­ ian, support staff and pa rt-tim e employees. Reports to the Dean for Academic Affairs and works within the Indiana University Libraries' state-wide system. Also works closely with the staffs of the local public and Earlham College libraries. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; appro­ priate administrative experience desired; ability to relate well to students and faculty; ability to meet requirem ents and responsibilities of a tenure-track appointm ent. Exceptional fringe benefits. Salary, $17,500-$20,000. To apply, send letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference to: Dr. George T. Blakey Library Search & Screen Committee Indiana University East Richmond, IN 4 7 3 7 4 . Closing date no earlier than October 30, 1981. AA/EOE. 347 preferred. Salary range: $19 ,00 0 -$ 2 2 ,0 0 0 . Send letter of applica­ tion and resume to: Larry Earl Bone, Director of Libraries, Mercy College, 5 55 B roadw ay, D obbs Ferry, NY 1 05 22. An e q u a l- opportunity employer. H E A D OF T E C H N IC A L S E R VIC E S . Willamette University. Respon­ sible for adm inistration and supervision of Acquisitions and Catalog­ ing activities in small university library, in cluding continuing retro- MOVIETONE NEW SFILM CATALOGER University of South Carolina, Columbia The University of South Carolina Libraries is seeking a cataloger for the Movietone News cataloging project. Under the general guidance of the principal investigator of a Title ll-C grant and the direct supervision of the Assistant Di­ rector for Technical Services the cataloger will manage the Fox Movietone Newsfilm catalog­ ing project, which includes directing the activi­ ties of 3 full-time support staff, developing and coordinating the co lle ctio n ’s thesaurus and cataloging the news stories. The newsf¡lm col­ le ctio n is th e la rg e st co v e rin g th e period 1 9 1 9 -6 3 and contains some 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 news events on more than 60,000,000 feet of film which will be cataloged in an on-line computer configuration. Duration of the cataloging proj­ ect which begins Fall 1981 is currently esti­ mated at a m inimum of 5 years with Title ll-C funding available for first year. Initial appoint­ ment is 1 year. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; 2 years minimum cataloging experi­ ence. Experience with on-line data-bases re­ quired. Must have organizational skills. Prefer supervisory experience and academ ic back­ ground in 20th century history or political sci­ ence. Indexing or abstracting experience desir­ able. Audio-visual experience will be helpful. Salary and be ne fits: $ 1 5 ,5 0 0 m in im u m . Faculty status; Blue Cross/Blue Shield; S.C. Re­ tirement System. Position available Fall, 1981. Send resum e w ith a d d re s s e s /te le p h o n e numbers of three professional references to Elizabeth Ann Lange, Assistant Director for Technical Services, Thomas Cooper Library, University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C. 2 9 2 0 8 by October 3 1 , 19 81 . spect¡ve conversion project. Supervise staff of four, including one professional. Major role in policy m aking in conjunction with Uni­ versity Librarian and Head of Reader Services, in cluding planning of proposed new library building. Required: demonstrated organiza­ tional abilities and decision-m aking qualities; ALA-accred¡ted MLS; m inim um of three years supervisory experience in technical ser­ vices in small or m edium-size academic library; experience with OCLC and AACR II; good com m unication skills. Desirable: working knowledge of one or more modern foreign languages; experience in all aspects of technical services. Salary: $ 17 ,500 m inim um ; four- week vacation; benefits include TIAA/CREF. Submit resume and let­ ters of application and have three confidential letters of recom men­ dation sent to: Charles Weyant, Library Search Committee, Univer­ sity Library, Willamette University, Salem, Oregon 97301. All mate­ rial must be received by October 31, 1981. An equal-opportunity employer; women and m inorities are encouraged to apply. H EA D , R E F E R E N C E D E P A R T M E N T . A LA-accredited MLS. Dem­ onstrated com m itm ent to continuing education, research and pu b ­ lication. Experience, preferably in a research or academ ic library, supervising professional librarians, adm inistration, and providing reference services. Familiarity with current national developments in library services. Duties: Manages complex departm ent of 12 pro­ fessionals and 6 FTE support staff. Administers general reference, ethnic studies reference, and on-line search services, curriculum materials center, m icroform s collection, library in struction program, and book budget for general reference collection. Contributes to development of library-wide policies and practices in coordination with all other departments. Salary Range: $ 2 3 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 7 ,0 0 0 for 12 m onths. Faculty appointm ent. M ust meet general university re­ quirements for promotion and tenure in addition to specific library assignments. Available: January 1, 1982. Send letter of interest, current resume and names of three references by December 1, 1981, to Teresa Marquez, Acting Personnel Administrator, Univer­ sity of New Mexico, General Library, Albuquerque, NM 87131. An affirm ative-action/equal-opportunity employer. H EA D , R E F E R E N C E D E P A R T M E N T . Central University Library, University of California, San Diego. Available now. Associate Librar­ ian, $ 2 1 ,2 8 8 -$ 3 '0 ,6 4 8 , or Libra rian, $ 2 8 ,6 0 8 -$ 3 9 ,6 7 2 . U nder general directio n of Assistant University Librarian for Social Sci­ ences and Humanities, has adm inistrative responsibility for CUL Reference Department. Assumes leadership role in planning, im ­ plementing, coordinating, and evaluating departm ent’s reference, instructional, and collection developm ent services; developing and m aintaining relationships with library users, other UCSD dep art­ ments, and other libraries. Facilitates growth and development of departm ent members and departm ent as a whole; responsible for planning and supervising Central Library interlibrary loan services; shares in reference desk service and specialized reference services for students and faculty; may also serve as b ib lio g ra p h e r and liaison with scholars in subject speciality; UCSD librarians are ex­ pected to participate in library-wide activities and to be active pro­ fessionally. Qualifications: MLS degree from ALA-accredited library school; strong com m itm ent to pub lic services; extensive experience in providing reference service in a research library; experience in collection deve lopm ent and m anagem ent in a research library; dem onstrated adm inistrative and leadership ability. Applications accepted until November 15, 1981. Submit applications, enclosing a resume and a list of references to: Martha L. Bovee, Associate University Librarian, University of California, San Diego, Library, C-075-G2, La Jolla, CA 92093. IN F O R M A T IO N S P E C IA L IS T , Corporate Technical Library,.The U p­ jo hn Company. Provides a variety of scientific inform ation services to world-wide management, m arketing & technical staff on demand or as a continuing service: fact-finding and general reference ser­ vices, retrospective literature searching, current literature alerting (internal and vendor-supplied data bases) and other specialized services. Keeps informed of current Upjohn research activity; an­ ticipates user information needs, plans and im plements services designed to meet them; helps increase visibility of the Corporate Technical Library and utilization of its information services; partici­ pates in user education programs and acts as liaison to specific user groups; keeps informed of developments in library systems, in­ formation science, new inform ation resources and techniques for their utilization. The Corporate Technical Library has a staff of 30 and a collection containing 2 0 ,0 0 0 books, 30,0 0 0 bound journals and 1,300 current periodical subscriptions. The Upjohn Company is located in Kalamazoo, a m edium-sized southwestern Michigan university city with excellent cultural/recreational opportunities. Qualifications: Library Information Specialist II— BS/BA in science plus MA/MS in library/inform ation science or MS in science plus one year inform ation-related experience (biochem ical/biom edical environment); Sr. Library Information Specialist III— same as above p lu s 3 - 4 y e a rs ’ in fo r m a tio n - re la te d e x p e rie n c e , 2 - 3 in a biochem ical/biom edical environment. Both levels require: training and experience in searching s c ie n tific b ib lio g ra p h ic and non- bibl¡ographic databases; skill in providing general reference and in­ formation services in cluding ability to utilize medical, biological and chem ical reference tools effectively. Prefer biology or chem istry de­ gree. Salary: $21,093 to $ 31 ,640 or $24,231 to $3 6 ,3 4 6 depend­ in g on level at w h ich position is fille d . Excellent benefits. An 348 EEO/AA employer. Apply to Ronald E. Thompson, The Upjohn Company, 7171 Portage Road, Kalamazoo, Ml 49001. IN STR U C T O R /A SSISTA N T PROFESSOR, Library: Tenure track po­ sition beginning January, 1982. The cataloger will be responsible for catalog!ng/classification of some original, non-print and mono­ graphic materials. Shared responsibility for supervising and design­ ing the conversion of non-print materials to the OCLC on-line sys­ tem, and supervising the card catalog. Will be assigned public ser­ vice duties including evenings and weekends, and other duties as assigned. Three years recent experience in cataloging of non-print and m onographic materials required, with knowledge of LCSH, Dewey classification, AACR2 and OCLC or similar bibliographic sys­ tem and also knowledge of German, French or Spanish. Required: Masters in Library Science from ALA-accredited school. Second Masters desirable. Send resume to: Robert J. Kirby, 104 Stabley Library, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA 15705. Application deadline is October 30, 1981. IUP is an affirmative- action/equal-opportunity employer. LIB RA RIAN IN CHARGE OF CATALOGING. Clemson University. Responsible to the Director of Libraries for cataloging activities and for leadership and supervision of three professionals and eleven cataloging support staff. The library contains 13,900 serial sub­ scriptions and 944,000 volumes; has a staff of 19 librarians and 58 clerical employees. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited school; m inimum of four years’ practical cataloging experience; knowledge of LC classification and cataloging policy, AACR2, and OCLC; demonstrated organizational and supervisory skills. Position available immediately. Salary $23,000 m inimum. Clemson Univer­ sity, with an enrollment of 11,000, is located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge mountains two and one half hours driving time from At­ lanta, GA, and Charlotte, NC. Nearby lakes and parks offer recre- UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Brown University Brown University is seeking applications and nominations for this position. The University Librarian is responsible for the development and operation of the Brown University Library System. The University Librarian is a member of the Brown faculty and participates with the deans and department chairpersons in appro­ priate committees and forums in planning for the academic development of the university. Applicants must have appropriate professional and academic credentials, including first-hand knowledge of scholarly research. They should also have senior-level administrative experi­ ence, preferably in a library of a size and pur­ pose comparable to that of Brown University. ational opportunities. Clemson University is an equal-opportunity employer. Send letter of application with resume and names of three references (one of which must be your immediate supervisor) to: Beth Reulaud, Chair, Search Committee for Librarian in Charge of Cataloging, Robert M. Cooper Library, Clemson University, Clem­ son, SC 29631. Deadline for receiving applications: November 2, 1981. REFERENCE L IB R A R IA N . Reference Department. Responsible for evening hours. Must have library degree from an ALA-accredited li­ brary school. Must be able to communicate and work effectively with all segments of the academic community. Experience in teach­ ing and background in business and/or science are desirable. Will participate in general reference services including library instruc­ tion. Twelve month appointment with faculty rank. M inimum salary: $16,889, dependent upon experience and qualifications. Send let­ ter of app lica tion and cu rre n t resum e before O ctober 31 to: Richard H. Reid, Director of Library Services, Frazar Memorial Li­ brary, McNeese State University, Lake Charles, LA 70609. An equal-opportunity employer. R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N /B IB L IO G R A P H IC IN S T R U C T IO N CO ORDINATOR. Works closely with other reference librarians in developing and coordinating library's bibliographic instruction pro­ gram. Other duties include general reference desk responsibilities, on-line information retrieval and faculty liaison duties in the areas of business and economics. Requirements: ALA/MLS, m inimum of two years of experience in reference and bibliographic instruction, demonstrated enthusiasm for developing the information skills of faculty, students, and staff, and an ability to coordinate teaching programs of peers. On-line information retrieval experience pre­ ferred. Credentials in the areas of business and economics are de­ sirable. M inim um salary $ 1 9 ,0 0 0 . Clemson University, South Carolina’s land-grant institution with 11,000 students, is located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge mountains, 30 miles west of Green­ ville, S.C. and within two and one half hours driving tim e of Atlanta, GA and Charlotte, N.C. Application deadline: December 1, 1981. Send letter of application with resume and names of three refer­ ences to Peggy Cover, Chair, Reference Librarian Search Commit­ tee, Clemson University Library, Clemson, S.C. 29631-2599. Equal employment-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. SCIEN CE L IB R A R IA N . Louisiana Tech University. Responsibe for collection development, bibliographic instruction, data-base search­ ing, and general and subject reference service. Work flexible schedule of night and weekend rotation. Required: ALA-accredited MLS: academic training in sciences; data-base searching skills; general and subject reference experience. Preferred: Appropriate subject area masters; 3 - 5 years experience in traditional academic reference service; 3 - 5 years experience in computer-assisted refer­ ence services; g ∞ d interpersonal skills and demonstrable creativity and innovation. Faculty rank, tenure track, 12 month contract. Comprehensive benefits, excellent retirement. Rank and salary sub­ ject to qualifications and experience. M inimum $16,500. Send re­ sume, supporting credentials and names, addresses and telephone num bers of three references to Barbara Lipscomb, Chairman, Search Committee, Prescott Memorial Library, Ruston, Louisiana 71272. Deadline November 1, 1981. Louisiana Tech University is an affirmative-action/equal-opportunity employer. S EN IO R A SSISTA N T LIB R A R IA N for Technical Services (Search extended). Primary responsibility for the acquisition of library mate­ rials in all formats, including monographs, serials, music scores and records, and other AV. Supervises bibliographic verification and ordering process, using OCLC system and other standard tools. Supervises serials control system, including bindery. Participates in library’s collection development program. MLS from ALA-accredited program and three years professional experience required. Tenure- track, twelve month position. Salary: $14 ,000 -$ 17,000, depending on experience. New York State fringe beneftis; TIAA/CREF option available. Position available immediately. Application deadline, No­ vember 1st. Send resume and names of three references to John P. Saulitis, Director of Library Services, Reed Library, State Univer­ sity College, Fredonia, New York, 14063. An affirmative-action/ equal-opportunity employer. SER IA LS CATALOGER. Oral Roberts University Library, Tulsa, Ok­ lahoma, is seeking a serials cataloger. Responsibilities: Prepare cataloging copy for periodicals and other serial materials, with em­ phasis on law, to be input via OCLC and ALIS data bases. Serve as a resource person for serials staff who input cataloging data on OCLC and/or ALIS bases. Qualifications: Have fifth year degree from ALA-accredited school and familiarity with AACR l- ll, LC subject headings, and LC classification. A background in law and a knowl­ edge of OCLC and MARC tagging are desirable, but not required. Experience: a m inimum of 1-3 years’ experience in serials catalog­ ing (especially law) in an academic library with OCLC and MARC usage is p re fe rre d . Oral Roberts U n iv e rs ity Lib ra ry is an affirmative-action employer. Salary is negotiable, up to $18,500, dependent on experience and qualifications of the applicant, and fringe benefits are excellent. Contact William J. Jern¡gan, Director of Learning Resources, Learning Resources Center, Oral Roberts Uni­ versity, 7777 S. Lewis, Tulsa, OK 74147. 349 LATE JOB LISTINGS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN sought by Colgate University Library. Entry level po­ sition (instructor) as full participant in reference service activities with special emphasis on bibliographic instruction. Shares evening and weekend duties with five other professionals. ALA-accredited MLS and interest in BI required. Academic reference experience, BI coursework and/or experience, art and/or music background desired. Salary: $15,000 (11 months). TIAA/CREF retirement and full benefits. Position available January 4, 1982. AA/EOE. Women and minorities encouraged to apply. Send resume by November 1, to George Parks, University Librarian, Colgate University Library, Hamilton, NY 13346. LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICES EDUCATION. Faculty tenure position in area of information storage and retrieval/organization of knowledge. Appointment for 1982/83 academic year with rank and salary dependent upon qualifications. Salary range: $20,000-$30,000. To teach introductory and advanced courses in such fields as bibliographic/document control, bibliographic networks, on-line retrieval, indexing and abstracting, and to do research. Doctorate or A.B.D. in library, information, or related field. 9.5-month position with summer school teaching optional at 10% of academic year salary per course. TIAA or state plan, Blue Cross-Blue Shield. Equal-opportunity employer. Send application, resume, and names of three references to: Hans Wellisch, College of Library and Information Services, Hornbake Library Building, Room 1101, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. ACQUISITIONS/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Directs the acquisitions process, moni­ toring the approval plan and collection development and assisting in book selection. Will be involved in the automation of some of the department's work. The Acquisitions Librarian also does some reference work and com­ puterized literature searches. ALA/MLS and some experience in libraries required, acquisitions and/or automation experience preferred. Application deadline November 1, position open immediately. Salary range: $14,OOO-$15,5OO. Send letter of application and resume to Charlene Hurt, Mabee Library, Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas 66621. An equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. REFERENCE INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. University of Cincinnati Libraries. Re­ sponsible for the development, coordination, implementation and evaluation of the program of library instruction and for reference assistance. Receives general direction from and reports to the Head, Reference/Bibliographic Services. The Reference Department, with a staff of 10 librarians and nine support staff plus student assistants, provides reference services and includes government documents; members of the department are responsible for collection development. Position is assisted by a full time support staff member. The Central Library is a spacious, user oriented building three years old, housing collections in the humanities, social sciences, business and education. The University of Cincinnati is a member of the Association of Research Libraries and the Center for Research Libraries and is the recipient of an NEH challenge grant totalling $2 million. The city of Cincinnati is located in the beautiful hills of southwestern Ohio along the Ohio River bordering Kentucky. Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program; two years of reference experience or a combination of teaching and reference experience; reading knowledge of one modern European language in addition to English; ability to communicate clearly, both orally and in writing. Must demonstrate potential to meet reappointment and promotion criteria established by librarians. Salary and rank dependent on qualifications and experience. Minimum: $15,400. Please send cover letter 350 and list of three references postmarked by October 31, 1981, to Sharon Tuffendsam, Libraries Personnel Officer, University of Cincinnati Libraries, 640 Central Library, Mail Location #33, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221. The University of Cincinnati is an affirmative-action/equal-opportunity employer. CATALOG EDITOR. New position. Search reopened. Responsible for maintaining Catalog Department's centralized AACR2 and LC subject heading authority control system, integrating previously used with new headings in a single catalog for central and departmental libraries. Also assists in planning for converting the author control system and catalogs to an online system. In addition, acts as a consultant to other departments and departmental libraries on AACR2 problems, training their staffs in the various methods of resolving AACR2 conflicts, and interpreting filing rules. This is a special project assignment which will terminate after two years. Qualifications: 1-3 years relevant library experience including: cataloging experience using LC Classification and subject headings: 1 year using OCLC cataloging system, and familiarity with AACR2 forms of entry. Reading knowledge of 1 modern European language. Ability to work and communicate clearly with library staff at all levels. Minimum salary: $15,055. Send resume with at least three references postmarked by October 31, 1981 to Sharon Tuffendsam, Libraries Personnel Officer, University of Cincinnati Libraries, 640 Central Library, Mail Location #33, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221. The University of Cincinnati is an equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. ASSISTANT CATALOG LIBRARIAN available January 1, 1982 for Original and OCLC cataloging of current materials. ALA-accredited MLS. Familiarity with AACR II, OCLC, LC classification and subject headings preferred; European language(s) desirable. Salary: $14,000-$16,000 depending upon experience. Apply to W. Robert Woerner, Library Director, Ithaca College, Danby Road, Ithaca, New York 14850 by October 31, 1981. EO/AA employer. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. Position available immediately. Responsible for super­ vision of one unit of Science & Engineering Libraries. Collection development and information services, including computer searching and library instruction for biology, computer science, mathematics, and statistics. Salary in high teens. Requires MLS, science subject experience and proven supervisory experience. Submit resume and the names of three professional references to Administrative Assistant, University of Rochester Libraries, Rochester, NY 14627. An equal-opportunity employer. PERSONNEL LIBRARIAN. Assistant Librarian, Associate Librarian, or Librarian, University of California, San Diego. Salary range: $17,4l2-$22,284; $21,288-$30,648; $28,608-$36,012. Available January 1, 1982. Under general direction of a library administrator is responsible for developing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating the personnel functions of the University Library. As head of Library Personnel Office is responsible for services provided for 48 FTE academic staff, 132 FTE support staff, and approximately 300 student assistants. Works closely with library administrators, department heads, and supervisors in the organization and operation of library-wide and departmental personnel functions; collects and analyzes staffing workload and budget data; coordinates development of allocation proposals; maintains close liaison with campus Academic Personnel Office, Staff Personnel Office, Affirmative Action Office, Student Employment and Financial Aid Offices; represents library in campus, University-wide, or other external activities relating to personnel administration; interprets University and campus personnel policies as related to library. Responsible for library's role in campus affirmative action program; current awareness of issues and trends in personnel administration, including labor relations; 351 development, coordination, and evaluation of library’s staff training and development program; serves library staff as counselor in personnel matters; expected to contribute to development of library services through par­ ticipation in library-wide planning efforts and professional activity. UCSD is an equal-opportunity, affirmativeaction employer. Applications accepted until November 15, 1981. Submit a letter of application, enclosing a resume and a list of references, to: Martha Bovee, Associate University Librarian, University of California, San Diego, Library, C-075-G2, La Jolla, CA 92093. The new guide to biographi­ cal information on the most asked-about personalities… Biography Almanac A Comprehensive Reference Guide to More Than 20,000 Famous and Infamous Newsmakers from Biblical Times to the Present. 1st ed. 1,164pp. 1981. $35.00. (SO) Brooke Shields and the Son o f S a m … Fleetwood Mac and Charles Babbage … Bjorn Borg and Sojourner Truth … Neil Diamond and Caligula. What do these unlikely pairs have in common? All are among the most asked-about personalities in your library. And now, Gale’s new B iograph y A lm a n a c helps you answer questions about these and over 20,000 other fam ous and infam ous people. Covered in the wide-ranging almanac are most persons reported in the popular news media plus those historical figures most often inquired about. Biography A lm a n a c simplifies your searches for biographical details in two ways. First, each entry gives quick identification by providing complete name, dates and places o f birth and (when applicable) death, nationality, occupation or best-known activity, and names other than the one by which the person is best known. Second, listings include citations to biographical entries and articles in any o f some 325 widely held biographical dictionaries. Other Titles of Interest… Children's Authors and Illus­ trators. 3rded. Provides 100,000 citations to sketches of 20,000 people in 275 biographical d ictio n a ries. 668pp. 1981. 885.00. (SO) W rite rs fo r Y o u n g A du lts. 1st ed. Indexes 43,000 sketches of 9,000 authors in 265 bio­ graphical works. 200pp. 1979. 842.00. (SO) High-Interest Books for Teens. 1st ed. Identifies sources o f biographical information for 1,500 authors and cites reviews of 2,000 of their books. 275pp. 1981.842.00. (SO) Something about the Author. Presents illustrated bio-bibliog- raphies on children's authors of all periods, with focus on writers active since 1960. Vols. 1-24 in print. 844.00/vol. (SO) Children's Book Review Index. Cites all reviews of children's books (K-5, or age 10) cited in Book Review Index. Title index. 1975-80 annual vols. in print. 848.00/vol. (SO) All Gale books are sent on 90-day approval. (SO) These titles are available at Gale's 5% standing order discount. Customers outside the U.S. and Canada add 10%.