ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 158/C&RL News EQUILIBRN The ACRL Racial and Ethnic Diversity Committee is very pleased to announce the cre­ a tio n o f a n e w listserv, E Q U IL IB R N . In th e fe w months this listserv has ex­ isted and been tested, it has more than adequately func­ tioned as an electronic mail discussion group for librar­ ians interested in ethnic and racial issues in the profes­ sion. EQUILIBRN is intended to be a forum that supports the sharing o f information and provides for dis­ cussion o f ethnic issues, especially in academic libraries. T o date, some topics that have ap­ peared on EQUILIBRN include: calls for mis­ sion statements on diversity; information on ALA Midwinter Meeting events; news on programs and bibliographies developed by libraries across the U.S.; and job announcements that concern ethnic library service positions. T o subscribe: send a mail m essage to LISTSERV@FULLERTON.EDU. Leave the sub­ ject o f the message blank. The first line o f text should state: Subscribe EQUILIBRN your first name last name. Thanks to Ron Rodriquez o f California State University at Fullerton for helping the commit­ tee create EQUILIBRN. Chicano/LatinoNet Chicano/LatinoNet (CLNET) is a gopher-based system, not a listserv like EQUILIBRN. CLNET brings together Chicano/Latino research, and linguistic minority and education research that is being carried out at the University o f Califor­ nia (U C ) and elsewhere. CLNET is a joint project o f the Chicano Studies Research Center (CSRC) at UCLA and the Linguistic Minority Research Institute at UC-Santa Barbara to provide access to netw orked information o f interest to the Latino community. T o access CLNET you must have a gopher client at your end. Gopher is available on most campuses. F o llo w these steps: 1) log on to your network account; 2) at mail com m and type: g o p h e r latino.sscnet. Susana Hinojosa, University o f California, Berkeley, chairs ACRL 's Racial and Ethnic Diversity Committee; e-mail: This should con­ nect you with CLNET. For assistance with using CLNET contact the CSRC at (310) 206-6052. Suggestions and/or questions can be sent by e-mail to Richard Chabran at: chabran@latino. Info Lib Th e U C -B erkeley (U C B ) Library gopher, InfoLib, may be used by anyone with ac­ cess to a gopher client. A c­ cess to restricted databases in InfoLib will, how ­ ever, be blocked to external users. Readers o f this column should be interested in reviewing the material and information currently listed in the InfoLib ethnic studies section. T o reach InfoLib via gopher, use the follow ­ ing address:, port 70. O nce you are in InfoLib select: 6. Research Databases and Resources by Subject. From this listing select: 16. Ethnic Studies. The Ethnic Studies section includes infor­ mation about CLNET and EQUILIBRN. In addi­ tion, the section now includes an annotated listing o f videos on ethnic studies from the UCB Library Media Resources Center. The current four video lists (som e also include spoken word materials on cassette) are: “African-American Studies”; “Asian, Pacific, & South Asian Ameri­ can Studies”; “Chicano Studies”; and “Indigenous Peoples o f North & Central America.” The lists can be easily printed or mailed to your e-mail accounts for your acquisition purposes. Note: The videos are not available through ILL. For further information about the videos, c o n ta c t G a ry H a n d m a n at gh a n d m a n @ This Ethnic Studies section is actively being developed. Plans include the addition o f the tw o latest UCB Library acquisitions in ethnic studies/American cultures. This list includes materials for the UCB Library system plus the three on-campus Ethnic Studies Libraries. In ad­ dition, the section w ill soon include the text o f the library’s seven Quick Bibliographies (path­ finders) that focus on ethnic groups. For infor­ mation about the acquisitions list and Quick Bibliographies, contact Susana Hinojosa at ■ R a c i a l & E t h n i c Diversity Information exchange Susana Hinojosa mailto:LISTSERV@FULLERTON.EDU