ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries March 1994/161 Cases in Online Search Strategy, b y B ru c e A. Shuman (279 pages, O cto­ ber 1993), presents 60 sce­ narios for online searching and tracks them step-by-step through the search process to successful resolution. The case studies involve science and te c h n o lo g y , life sci­ ences, political and legal is­ sues, business, and the hu­ manities. Each case poses a question— such as “What is the profitability o f the tan- ning-salon business?”— and follo w s it with a sample reference interview, strategy formula­ tion, discussion, selection o f D IALO G files to query, a search algorithm, search results, and an evaluation o f its success. The emphasis is on practical, systematic, and cost-effective strat­ egies. The b oo k costs $27.00 from Libraries Un­ limited, P.O. B ox 6633, Englew ood, CO 80155- 6633. ISBN 1-56308-043-5. The Encyclopedia o f Evolution, by Rich­ ard Milner (483 pages, Decem ber 1993), is a trade paperback edition o f the hardcover pub­ lished by Facts-on-File in 1991. I f you missed the first edition, you might want to purchase this informative guide to the concepts, discov­ eries, and p eop le associated with evolutionary theory. The 650 essays cover the entire breadth o f b iolo gy from mitochondrial D N A to H om o sapiens, as w ell as creationism, genetic engi­ neering, bipedalism, social Darwinism, and di­ nosaurs. This edition includes updates on the rainforest crisis, the Alvarez theory o f dinosaur extinction, and the evolution o f whales. A copy may be purchased for $25.00 from Henry Holt Reference Books, 115 W. 118th St., N ew York, N Y 10011. ISBN 0-8050-2717-3. The Encyclopedia o f the Peoples o f the World, edited by Amiram G on en (703 pages, N ovem ber 1993), identifies the history, loca­ tion, religion, language, econom y, and social structure o f m ore than 2,000 contem porary peoples and ethnic groups. I f you find yourself puzzled by references in anthropological pub­ lications to “ethnobotany o f the Savar” that as­ sume everyo n e know s w h o and w h ere the Savar are, this encyclopedia w ill enlighten you. It also exam in es region al variations am ong m ore fa­ miliar heterogeneous p e o ­ ples, such as the Italians, Chinese, and Americans. The entries are su p p lem en ted w ith 250 black-and-w h ite maps and photographs, and three 16-page color inserts. The photographs alone por­ tray a wealth o f information on facial structure, costume, art, architecture, food, and environment. A com prehen­ sive index provides see and see-also references. A cop y is $125.00 from Henry H olt Reference Books, 115 W. 118th St., N ew York, N Y 10011. ISBN 0-8050-2256-2. Full Duty: Vermonters in the Civil W ar, by How ard Coffin (376 pages, 1993), chronicles the experiences and exploits o f Vermont citi­ zens in the battles and campaigns and on the homefront. Borrow ing heavily from contem po­ rary diaries, journals, letters, and reminiscences, Coffin follow s the Vermont units throughout the w ar and comments on the battle sites as they appear today. Well-illustrated and w ell- written, this book is a noteworthy addition to Civil War collections. Copies are available for $30.00 from Countryman Press, P.O. Box 175, W oodstock, V T 05091. ISBN 0-88150-274-X. Guide to Technical Services Resources, edited by P eggy Johnson (313 pages, January 1994), lists m ore than 2,000 annotated and evaluative references to the most important inform ation resources for technical services practitioners, educators, and students. The guide is divided into 12 chapters, each with its o w n editor w h o provides som e background to the subject in a chapter overview . Chapter top­ ics include acquisitions (Karen A. Schmidt), authority w ork (Stephen S. Hearn), and serials (Marcia A. Tuttle). All entries in this guide have a unique alphanumeric designation, which will help maintain a topical structure w h en supple­ ments are issued. Carol Kelm prepared the com ­ prehensive author/title and subject indexes. Copies may be purchased for $60.00 (ALA mem­ bers $54.00) from the ALA O rder Department, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 6 0 6 ll. ISBN 0- 8389-0624-9. ■ N ew Publications G e o rg e M . E be rh a rt |i