ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 80 / C&RL News lected the right paper size or has forgotten to re­ meters. For more inform ation, contact Joseph Cas- move the original. O ther highlights include a dual trianni, Copier Products Division, Sharp Electron­ cassette system, setting for two vend rates, auto­ ics C orporation, 10 Sharp Plaza, Param us, NJ matic change function, bypass service key, two-key 07652; (201)265-5600. ■ ■ security system, and cash accountability w ith three PUBLICATIONS Notices • Cataloging Government Documents: A Manual of Interpretation for AACR2, prepared by the ALA Government Documents Round Table (272 pages, October 1984), discusses rules in AACR2 th a t need clarification regarding their application to govern­ ment documents, and develops guidelines for docu­ m ent cataloging not covered in AACR2. Part I cov­ ers general AACR2 rules and P a rt II discusses headings. Copies may be ordered for $49 from ALA Publishing Services, 50 E. Huron St., C hi­ cago, IL 60611. ISBN 0-8389-3304-1. • Electronic Information Delivery Systems: Pro­ ceedings of the Library of Congress Network Advi­ sory Committee (79 pages, 1984) has been p u b ­ lished as Network Planning Paper num ber 9 by the Library of Congress. The meeting of the com mit­ tee, held April 14-16, 1984, focused on those as­ pects of electronic information delivery systems re­ lated to networking as they affect the publishing and the abstracting and indexing environments in terms of non-traditional information sources, new equipm ent and applications, and library/library user relationships. Speakers included E leanor Goodchild, biomedical librarian at the University of Pennsylvania, and Frances Spigai, president of Contest deadline The Urban Academic Librarian, the official journal of the Library Association of the City University of New York, is sponsoring a contest w ith cash prizes and UAL publication, for arti­ cles by students enrolled in ALA-accredited li­ brary schools. This year’s prizes have been con­ tributed by Forest Press. The deadline for subm itting articles is Febru­ ary 15, 1985. For details, students should con­ tact their school office or Prof. Arnold Genus, Hostos Comm unity College, 500 G rand Con­ course, Bronx, NY 10451. D ata Base Services, who was a theme speaker at ACRL’s T hird N ational Conference in Seattle. Copies may be ordered for $6 from the Customer Services Section, Cataloging Distribution Service, L ib rary of Congress, W ashington, DC 20541. ISBN 0-8444-0465-9. • Jewish Newspapers and Periodicals on Micro­ film Available at the American Jewish Periodical Center: Augmented Edition, edited by H erbert C. Zafren (158 pages, 1984), lists 836 entries for 35mm microfilmed Jewish periodicals, newspapers, syna­ gogue bulletins, and student publications p u b ­ lished in North and South America in English, G er­ m a n , H e b re w , I ta l ia n , P o lish , P o rtu g u e se , Spanish, and Yiddish. The films are available for sale or loan by the Center at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati. Entries are are arranged alphabetically by state, city, and language for U.S. publications; foreign publications are arranged by country, city, and language. Each entry provides information on the holdings of the Center and the location of negatives for those titles th a t the Center is not authorized to sell. A rom an and Hebrew alphabet title index is provided. Copies are $10 ($11.50 foreign) and must be prepaid and sent to the American Jewish Period­ ical Center, 3101 Clifton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45220. • The Law Officer’s Pocket Manual, by John G. Miles Jr., David B. Richardson, Anthony E. Scu- dellari, and Robert L. Goebes (128 pages, 1984-85 e d .), although designed for on-the-job use by police officers and detectives, will also be useful as a refer­ ence on the do’s and don’ts of routine police proce­ dures for criminal justice students. This edition in­ cludes recent developments in the application of Miranda to traffic stops and emergency situations; warrantless entry of a home to make an arrest; the constitutional implications of a request for identifi­ cation; and the installation and m onitoring of “beepers.” Copies are available for $6.50 from BNA Books, Distribution and Customer Service Center, 9435 Key West Avenue, Rockville, MD 20850-3397. February 1985 / 81 • T he Pennsylvania Union List o f Serials (PaULS) (9 volumes, 1984), prin ted as an offline product from O C L C in Novem ber 1984, contains 250,000 holdings representing approxim ately 80,000 titles held in 285 academ ic, research, public, special, and some school libraries in Pennsylvania, W est V irginia, New Jersey, D elaw are, and M aryland. PaULS is th e largest offline p ro d u c t generated from the O C L C serials union listing capability. D uring th e last 5 years $500,000 of LSCA T itle III funds from th e State L ibrary of Pennsylvania w ere used to build PaULS and to enhance th e original PR LC /U niversity of Pittsburgh Union Lists, last published in the early 1970s. T he set m ay be o r­ dered for $175 either w ith three holes for use w ith notebook binders or w ith no holes to facilitate local binding. O rders not prepaid will be charged an a d ­ ditional $5. Send orders to the Pittsburgh Regional L ibrary C enter, 100 W oodland Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15232. • Research fo r Decision Making: Methods fo r Li­ brarians, by R obert Swisher and Charles R. Mc­ C lure (209 pages, O ctober 1984), provides an in ­ troduction to th e essential elements of statistics, how they m ay be directed to w ard decision m aking in libraries, and how to read and in terp ret research reports in lib rary literature. Copies m ay be ordered for $25 from ALA Publishing Services, 50 E ast H u ­ ron Street, C hicago, IL 60611. ISBN 0-8389-0398­ 3. • The Ultra Documents are an ongoing project by C learw ater Publishing to microfilm all th e top secret m ilitary and naval radio messages sent by the G erm ans during W orld W a r II. By June 1941 B rit­ ish Intelligence h ad decoded the signals, w hich w ere encoded by the G erm ans using an early form of com puter (now called the enigm a m achine) th a t random ized messages w hile they w ere being tran s­ m itted. C learw ater began m icrofilm ing the signals sent by the G erm an armies in 1979, and have re­ cently begun to film th e G erm an naval signals. All of th e messages are in English and are produced by th e British Public Record Office from carbon cop­ ies of th e original deciphered and tran slated mes­ sages distributed to Allied field com m anders d u r­ in g th e w a r . T h e p u b lis h e d m i lit a r y sig n a ls comprise 139 reels and are available for $50 per reel, or $6,950 for th e lot. A p rin ted index to the reels will pinpoint specific dates if th e full set is not needed. T he naval signals will be supplied on a sub­ scription basis for $50 per reel, w ith as m any as 10 reels of film produced per m onth. F or m ore infor­ m ation, contact C learw ater Publishing C om pany, 1995 B roadw ay, New York, NY 10023. • U nderstanding D ata C om m unications, by George E. F riend, John L. Fike, H. Charles Baker, and John C. Bellamy (272 pages, 1984), shows, in understandable prose and graphics, how digital signals are used in telecom m unications. T he book explains the codes used for d a ta com m unications, Midwest Library Service You won’t find a wider selection . . . anywhere College and university librarians: Midwest Library Service has what you’re looking for. With 24 years of experience in the field, Midwest can supply you with virtually any book you want—even one from the smallest, most obscure publisher. This includes nearly all U.S. and Canadian publishers, U.S. distributors of foreign published works, university presses, non-profit organizations, private associations, and societies, in addition to many reprint publishers and paperbacks. You won’t find a wider selection of books your library wants, whether you’re a small college or a large university. Midwest Library Service has what you’re looking for! For additional information, call the TOLL-FREE WATS NUMBER (800) 325-8833 Missouri librarians call toll-free (800) 392-5024 Canadian librarians call toll-free (800) 527-1659 Midwest Library Service 11443 St. Charles Rock Road Bridgeton, MO 63044 82 / C&RL News the types of messages, and the transmission chan­ nels, including modems, fiber optics and satellites. This title is one of a series of ten handbooks on elec­ tronics by Texas Instruments. Others in the series include: Understanding Computer Science, Un­ derstanding Telephone Electronics, Understand­ ing Automation Systems, and Understanding Digi­ tal Electronics. Each book in the series costs $14.95 and is available from Texas Instruments Inc., In ­ formation Publishing Center, P.O. Box 225474, MS 8218, Dallas, TX 75265. • The Wolf Years: The Renascence of the Library Company of Philadelphia, by Marie Elena Korey (30 pages, 1984), is an informal history of the li­ brary under recently retired Edwin Wolf 2nd, who served as librarian from 1952 to 1984. Many rare acquisitions by the library are mentioned, as well as a major move to new quarters. Copies are avail­ able for $2 (plus $1 postage and handling) from the Library Company, 1314 Locust Street, Philadel­ phia, PA 19107. ■ ■ CALENDAR February Touch: A Librarian’s W orld,” The Abbey, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Sponsored by the Wisconsin 27—Florida: “Florida Libraries On-Line and Net­ Association of Academic Libraries. $35 registra­ working,” a seminar sponsored by ACRL’s Flor­ tion fee for non-members. Contact: Mary Jane ida Chapter, will be held at the University of Scherdin, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Tam pa. Speakers include R. Max Willocks, Bar- W hitew ater, WI 53190; (414) 472-1004. ratt Wilkins, and Frank Rodgers. Fee: $10. Con­ 22 -2 3 —M anagem ent: “ Records M anagem ent: tact: Lydia Acosta, Director of Libraries, Uni­ Enhancing the Professional” consists of two CE versity of Tam pa, Tam pa, FL 33606-1490; (813) seminars, one for intermediate and another for 253-3333. beginning records managers or staff, sponsored March by the University of Texas G raduate School of Library and Information Science. Speakers: Ben 3 -4 —Music Libraries: Music OCLC Users Group, Graham and James Bennett. Both will be held at Seelbach Hotel, Louisville, Kentucky. Includes the Downtown Hilton in Dallas. Contact: Mel a special plenary session on tape processing, and Boggins, Director of Placement and Continuing presentations on CLSI, NOTIS, and MELVYL E d u catio n , GSLIS, EDB 564, University of as online catalogs. Fees before February 15: $37 Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712-1276; (512) for MOUG members, $47 for non-members. Af­ 471-3821. ter February 15: $47 for members, $57 for non­ 26—Architecture: Conference on the Appraisal of members. Contact: Don Hixon, MOUG Contin­ Architectural Drawings, sponsored by the Mas­ u in g E d u c a tio n C o o rd in a to r, F in e Arts sachusetts Committee for the Preservation of Ar­ L ibrarian, University of California L ibrary, chitectural Records, at the MIT Museum, Cam ­ P.O. Box 19557, Irvine, CA 92713. bridge. T he conference w ill d raw to g eth er 5 -9 —Music Libraries: Annual conference, Music experts in appraisal, tax policy, architectural ar­ Library Association, Seelbach Hotel, Louisville, chives, insurance, and law. Fee: $85. Contact: Kentucky. A preconference sponsored by the Mass COPAR, P.O. Box 129, Cambridge, MA MLA Education Committee will be on the topic: 02142. “Authority Control in the Music L ibrary.” Reg­ u la r sessions in c lu d e stress m a n a g e m e n t, May facsimile-reprint music publishing, and interna­ 2 -4 —Scandinavianists: Annual meeting, Society tional music lib rarian sh ip . C ontact: Marion for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, Korda, Dwight Anderson Music Library, Uni­ University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. One versity of Louisville, 2301 South Third Street, session will be devoted to libraries and research Louisville, KY 40292. resources. Contact: Mariann Tiblin, Wilson Li­ April brary, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; (612) 376-8707. ‘ 1 7 -1 9 —New T echnology: “ H igh T ech /H ig h 1 5 -1 7 —User In stru c tio n : F o u rte e n th A nnual