ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 82 / C&RL News the types of messages, and the transmission chan­ • The Wolf Years: The Renascence of the Library nels, including modems, fiber optics and satellites. Company of Philadelphia, by Marie Elena Korey This title is one of a series of ten handbooks on elec­ (30 pages, 1984), is an informal history of the li­ tronics by Texas Instruments. Others in the series brary under recently retired Edwin Wolf 2nd, who include: Understanding Computer Science, Un­ served as librarian from 1952 to 1984. Many rare derstanding Telephone Electronics, Understand­ acquisitions by the library are mentioned, as well ing Automation Systems, and Understanding Digi­ as a major move to new quarters. Copies are avail­ tal Electronics. Each book in the series costs $14.95 able for $2 (plus $1 postage and handling) from the and is available from Texas Instruments Inc., In ­ Library Company, 1314 Locust Street, Philadel­ formation Publishing Center, P.O. Box 225474, phia, PA 19107. ■ ■ MS 8218, Dallas, TX 75265. CALENDAR February 27—Florida: “Florida Libraries On-Line and Net­ working,” a seminar sponsored by ACRL’s Flor­ ida Chapter, will be held at the University of Tam pa. Speakers include R. Max Willocks, Bar- ratt Wilkins, and Frank Rodgers. Fee: $10. Con­ tact: Lydia Acosta, Director of Libraries, Uni­ versity of Tam pa, Tam pa, FL 33606-1490; (813) 253-3333. March 3 -4 —Music Libraries: Music OCLC Users Group, Seelbach Hotel, Louisville, Kentucky. Includes a special plenary session on tape processing, and presentations on CLSI, NOTIS, and MELVYL as online catalogs. Fees before February 15: $37 for MOUG members, $47 for non-members. Af­ ter February 15: $47 for members, $57 for non­ members. Contact: Don Hixon, MOUG Contin­ u in g E d u c a tio n C o o rd in a to r, F in e Arts L ibrarian, University of California L ibrary, P.O. Box 19557, Irvine, CA 92713. 5 -9 —Music Libraries: Annual conference, Music Library Association, Seelbach Hotel, Louisville, Kentucky. A preconference sponsored by the MLA Education Committee will be on the topic: “Authority Control in the Music L ibrary.” Reg­ u la r sessions in c lu d e stress m a n a g e m e n t, facsimile-reprint music publishing, and interna­ tional music lib rarian sh ip . C ontact: Marion Korda, Dwight Anderson Music Library, Uni­ versity of Louisville, 2301 South Third Street, Louisville, KY 40292. April 1 7 -1 9 —New T echnology: “ H igh T ech /H ig h Touch: A Librarian’s W orld,” The Abbey, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Sponsored by the Wisconsin Association of Academic Libraries. $35 registra­ tion fee for non-members. Contact: Mary Jane Scherdin, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, W hitew ater, WI 53190; (414) 472-1004. 22 -2 3 —M anagem ent: “ Records M anagem ent: Enhancing the Professional” consists of two CE seminars, one for intermediate and another for beginning records managers or staff, sponsored by the University of Texas G raduate School of Library and Information Science. Speakers: Ben Graham and James Bennett. Both will be held at the Downtown Hilton in Dallas. Contact: Mel Boggins, Director of Placement and Continuing E d u catio n , GSLIS, EDB 564, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712-1276; (512) 471-3821. 26—Architecture: Conference on the Appraisal of Architectural Drawings, sponsored by the Mas­ sachusetts Committee for the Preservation of Ar­ chitectural Records, at the MIT Museum, Cam ­ bridge. T he conference w ill d raw to g eth er experts in appraisal, tax policy, architectural ar­ chives, insurance, and law. Fee: $85. Contact: Mass COPAR, P.O. Box 129, Cambridge, MA 02142. May 2 -4 —Scandinavianists: Annual meeting, Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. One session will be devoted to libraries and research resources. Contact: Mariann Tiblin, Wilson Li­ brary, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; (612) 376-8707. ‘ 1 5 -1 7 —User In stru c tio n : F o u rte e n th A nnual 83 W orkshop on Instruction in L ibrary Use, spon­ sored by the University of W estern O ntario and Fanshaw e College, will be held in L ondon, O n ­ tario. Them e: “Reaching O ut: New Directions in L ib rary In stru ctio n .” Sessions w ill pinpoint groups whose need for library instruction m ay have been overlooked in the past, e.g. faculty, a d u lt users, or lib ra ry staff. C o n tact: M artin Ship, Reference D ep artm en t, D.B. W eldon L i­ b rary , University of W estern O ntario, London, O ntario N6A 3K7. June 10-21—Archives: 19th annual Archives Institute, sponsored by th e E m ory University Division of L ibrary and Inform ation M anagem ent in coop­ eratio n w ith th e G eorgia D e p a rtm e n t of A r­ chives and History, will be held in A tlanta. The program includes a practicum experience in lo­ cal archives. Fee: $275. Applications close April 1. C ontact: Archives Institute, Division of L i­ b ra ry an d In fo rm a tio n M anagem ent, E m ory U n iv e rsity , A tla n ta , GA 30322; (404) 329- 6840. ■ ■ THE CLASSIFIED ADS D ead lin es: O rders for regular classified advertisem ents must reach the AC R L office on or before the second of the m onth p re ce d ­ ing pub lication of the issue (e.g. Septem ber 2 for the O ctob er issue). Late jo b listings will be accep ted on a space-available basis after the second of the m onth. Rates: Classified advertisem ents are $5.00 per line for ACRL m em bers, $6.25 for others. Late jo b notices are $12.00 per line for m em bers, $ 14 .00 for others. O rganizations subm itting ads will be ch a rg e d a cco rd in g to their m em bership status. T e le p h o n e : All telephone orders should be confirm ed by a w rit­ ten ord e r m ailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. O rders should be a cco m p a n ie d by a typewritten c o p y of the ad to be used in proofre ading. An additional $10 will be cha rg e d for ads taken over the phone (except late jo b notices or display ads). G u id e lin es: For ads which list an application deadline, that date m ust be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in w hich the notice appears (e.g., O ctob er 20 for the O ctober issue). All jo b a n n ounce­ ments should include a salary figure. Jo b announcem ents will be edited to e xclude discrim inatory references. A p p lica n ts should be aware that the term s faculty rank and status vary in m eaning am ong institutions. JO B LIN E : Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking jo b ads fo r aca­ dem ic and research library positions. A pre-reco rd ed sum m ary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing subm itted will be carried on the recording for tw o weeks. The charge for each tw o-w eek listing is $30 for AC RL m em bers and $35 for non-m em bers. Fast Job Listing S ervice: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists jo b postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they app ear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not a pp e a r in C&RL News. The cost of a six-m onth subscription is $10 for AC RL m em ­ bers and $15 for non-m em bers. C o n ta ct: Classified A d vertising D e p ’t, ACRL, Am erican Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. POSITIONS OPEN A C Q U IS IT IO N S A N D P E R IO D IC A L S L IB R A R IA N S , faculty rank and salary d e p e n d on qualifications. 12-m onth contract. MLS re­ quired, experience desirable. Available July 1, 1985. Send resum e to: Ernest V. Liddle, Dean of Library Services, Liberty Baptist C ol­ lege, L ynch burg, VA 24506. A R T A N D T H E A T E R A R TS C A T A L O G E R , Technical Services De partm ent. Linder the general supervision of the Head of the M o n o ­ g ra p h ic C ataloging Section, responsible for cataloging library m ate­ rials in art and theater arts in all form ats. Duties include coding b ib lio g ra p h ic records acco rd in g to M ARC form at conventions for entering in a netw ork database. Q ualifications in clud e a solid b a ck­ g ro u n d in art history, fam iliarity with Libra ry of C ongress practice, a general understan ding of the catalo gin g philo sophy e m b o d ie d in AACR2, and a reading know le dge of one or m ore m odern Western European languages. Salary $ 2 1 ,0 2 4 -$ 2 6 ,8 9 2 . Prefer application by F ebruary 15, 1985, with com ple te statem ent of qualifications, re­ sume, and nam es of three references to: Rita A. Scherrei, Director of A d m in is tra tiv e System s and P ersonnel Services, U n ive rsity Re­ search L ib ra ry, U C LA , 405 H ilg a rd A ve n u e , Los A n g e le s, CA 90024. For m ore inform ation call (213) 825-1201. A S S IS T A N T C A T A L O G E R . A faculty position reporting to the A ct­ ing Head of C ataloging with particular responsibility for retrospective conversion of catalog records into m achine-readable form on OCLC and related duties in preparation for m ounting an online catalog, a process e xpe cted to span several years. Will also assist in regular cataloging d e p artm ent activities and the revision of w o rk perform ed by paraprofessionals. Flexible hours, full or part time schedule will be considered for a p p ro priate candidates. Requirem ents: MLS from an A L A -accre dited library school. At least 3 years professional catalo g­ ing experience, preferably in a health sciences library, using OCLC, LC classification and subject headings, AACR 2, and M ARC ta g ­ ging, with a w o rking know le dge of NLM classification and MeSH subject headings. Desirable: e xpe rience with retrospective co n ve r­ sion projects, M LA certification, and know le dge of one foreign lan­ gua g e germ ane to m odern m edicine. Position available im m ediately on a 12-month renew able appointm ent. Salary negotiable. Send let­ ter of app lication and the names of 3 references to: John Patruno Jr., Associate Director, The C laude M oore Health Sciences Library, Box 234, University of Virginia M edical Center, Charlottesville, VA 22908. Equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. A S S IS T A N T LA W LIB R A R IA N (half-time, evenings and w eek­ ends). This professional position will provid e an o p p o rtu n ity for a qualified librarian to w ork half-time w hile pursuing the J.D. degree. (Adm ission to the Law School is a requirem ent for successful c a n d i­ dates.) Two positions available. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA- accre d ite d library school; a ca d e m ic law library reference experi­ ence. C om pletion of a legal b ib lio g ra p h y course, or equivalent know le dge of legal research m aterials and m ethods m ay substitute for the required reference experience. Responsibilities: Provide eve­ ning and w eekend reference assistance to law school faculty and students, m em bers of the Kansas Bar and other library patrons; su­ pervise evening and w eekend library staff and operations; act as li­ brary liaison to individual faculty m em bers; prepa re location guides, signs, m aps, indexes and other tools to assist patrons using the law library; assum e other duties as assigned by the Assistant D irector or the Director. Salary: C om m ensurate with qualifications and e xpe ri­ ence. A p plication deadline: 31 M arch 1985 or until suitable ca n d i­ date is identified. Position available 1 July 1985. Subm it com ple te d application consisting of resum e and the names of three references to: G len Peter Ahlers, A ssista nt D ire cto r, W a sh b u rn U niversity, S c h o o l o f L a w L ib ra ry , T o p e k a , KS 6 6 6 2 1 ; (9 1 3 ) 2 9 5 -6 6 8 8 . W ashburn University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ­ ployer. A S S IS T A N T U N IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R IA N , PU B L IC S E R V IC ES. Search extended. The San D iego State University Libra ry is extend­ ing its search for an Assistant University Librarian for Public Services. Situated 30 miles north of the M exican b o rd e r and 120 miles south of Los Angeles, San Diego ranks eighth in size am ong the n atio n’s cit­ ies. With over 34,000 students, the University is the largest of the 19 cam puses that m ake up the C alifornia State University system. The 81.pdf 82.pdf