ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News m A p r il 2003 / 279 P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s Ann-Christe Galloway The following have b een appointed as members of th e Library o f California Board: P en n y Kastanis, facu lty /co o rd in ato r for th e School Libraiy Media Teacher Credential Program at Cali­ fornia State University-Sacramento a n d ex ecu ­ tive director of the California School Library As­ sociation; Michael Keller, university librarian/ director o f academ ic inform ation resources at Stanford University; Sarah Pritchard, univer­ sity librarian at the University of Califomia-Santa Barbara; an d Victoria Fong (reappointm ent), director o f the Peninsula Library Foundation. A p p o i n t m e n t s Mark L. Daganaar has been nam ed director of li b r a r y s e r v i c e s fo r Johnson County Commu­ nity College’s Billington Library in Overland Park, Kansas. Daganaar previ­ ously served as library di­ recto r at N icholls State University in Thibodaux, Louisiana, and Three Riv­ ers Community College in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. Mark L. Daganaar Myrna McCallister, director o f libraries at the University o f Baltimore since 1998, has b een n am ed d ean o f library services at Indiana State University. Prior to h e r position at the Univer­ sity o f Baltimore, McCallister served as library director at M uhlenberg College (1994-98) and as associate university librarian for technical se rv ic e s at A p p a la c h ia n State U n iv e rsity (1988-94), am o n g o th er positions. She is a m em ber o f ALA’s Library Administration and M anagem ent Association an d ACRL’s College Library Section. McCallister c o au th o red “Ef­ fective M eetings,” a chapter in Jo a n G iesecke’s Practical Tips for New Supewisors(199'2), and “The W estern North Carolina Library Network: An Experim ent in Resource Sharing,” a chapter in Jennifer Cargill and Diane Graves’ Advances in Library Resource Sharing (1992). Kitty J. Sim m ons has b e e n ap pointed interim library director at the La Sierra University Library in Riverside, California. N.J. Wolfe has b een ap p o in ted director o f the Gladys Marcus Library at N ew York City’s Fash­ ion Institute o f T echnol­ o g y (FIT). Wolfe brings m ore than 20 years o f ex­ perience in library admini­ s tra tio n to FIT. Since 1998, h e w as director o f th e Sidney Silverman Li­ brary a n d Learning Re­ source C enter at Bergen C om m unity College in N ew Jersey, w h e re h e N. J. W o lfe helped adapt the library to current technology needs. From 1990 to 1998, he supervised a wide range of services and programs at th e Frederick L. E hrm an M edical Library o f the N ew York University Medical Center, w here he becam e associate director and associate cura­ tor. F rom 1988 to 1990, h e h e a d e d th e interli­ brary loan departm ent at Columbia University’s A ugustus C. Long H ealth Sciences Library. He w as also librarian for the medical and health sci­ ence libraries at the New York Academy of Medi­ cine at O hio State University a n d Saint Jo sep h Hospital in Reading, Pennsylvania. Jo h n Butler has assum ed a n ew assignment as director of the digital library development labo­ ratory at the University o f M innesota Libraries. Brett Cloyd is n o w th e state, foreign, an d international docum ents librarian for the Univer­ sity o f Iow a Libraries. Stephen Fletcher is n o w photographic ar­ chivist at the University o f North Carolina-Chapel Hill. N athan G eorgitis h as b e e n a p p o in te d metadata librarian and special projects team leader E d . n o t e : To ensure th a t y o u r personnel news is considered fo r p u b lic a tio n , w rite to A nn-C hriste Galloway, productio n editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail:; fax: (312) 280-2520. 280 IC&RL News ■ A p r il 2003 in th e catalog departm ent of the University of O regon Libraries. Janis H older is n o w university archivist at th e University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Wiley E. K oonjr. has been appointed direc­ tor o f library services at Beacon College Library. Leah McGinnis is now undergraduate librar­ ian at th e University o f N orth C arolina-Chapel Hill. Annette Morris has b e e n appointed brittle b o o k s co o rd in ato r at th e University o f Illinois Library at U rbana-C ham paign. Priscilla P erkins is th e n e w h ead o f tech­ nical services at L ynchburg College. Miranda Beaven R em nek has joined the University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign as head o f the Slavic and East European Library. Hee-sook Shin has b een appointed Korean studies librarian in the C. V. Starr East Asian Li­ brary at Columbia University. D enise Shorey has been nam ed head o f the reference department at the Northwestern Uni­ versity Library. J erily n V eldof is n o w director o f u n d e r­ graduate services at the University o f Minnesota Libraries. JiaX u has b e e n ap p o in ted East Asian cata- loger at th e U niversity o f Iow a Libraries. R e t i r e m e n t s Jam es A genbroad h as retire d after 33 years o f service as a system s an aly st at th e Library o f C ongress. In v o lv e d w ith MARC sin ce th e p ilo t p ro ject, m o re re c e n tly as a m e m b e r of the Unicode Consortium, h e sought to improve OPAC access e q u ity to m aterials in no n -R o ­ m an w riting system s b y ex p an d in g the MARC character set. D e a t h s Barbara C oburn, 85, a ss ista n t p ro f e s s o r em erita at th e U niversity o f Illinois Library at U rbana-C ham paign (UIUC), d ie d o n Jan u ary 14. She held positions at the D es Moines Public Library an d Columbia Lǐniversity Library before joining th e faculty at the UIUC Library. She re­ tired in 1981 as acquisitions bibliographer an d assistant professor of library administration. M arilyn Grant, 56, s e n io r re fe re n c e lib rar­ ian /b ib lio g rap h er at B oston College’s O ’Neill Library, has died. G rant w as an early p io n e e r o f online database searching, and, in 1977, she c o f o u n d e d th e N ew E n g la n d O n lin e U sers G roup, a n organization o f m ore than 200 Bos- to n -a re a librarians w h o e x p lo re d th e ro le o f c o m p u te r te c h n o lo g y in libraries. At B oston College, in addition to being the bibliographer specializing in chemistry, she w as the librarian for th e C om m unications D ep artm en t a n d the Black Studies Program . J o h n M iller, 80, fo rm e r A m e ric a n H isto ry D ivision ch ief at th e N ew York Public Library (NYPL), d ie d o n D e c e m b e r 15, 2002, o f lung cancer. In his 34-year care e r in librarianship, ta k in g p la c e en tirely at th e research libraries at NYPL, M iller se rv e d in a v a rie ty o f c a p a c itie s, including ex ecu tiv e as­ s ista n t fo r th e re s e a rc h lib raries an d , fo r m o re th a n a d e c a d e , c h ie f o f th e A m e ric a n H isto ry D ivision. In 1980, h e w a s a c tin g c h ie f o f th e John M ille rS c h o m b u rg C e n te r fo r Research in Black Culture and directed the cen­ ter during its relocation. S ubsequently he w as n a m e d c h ie f o f NYPL’s U.S. H istory, Local History an d G enealogy Division. Miller retired fro m th e lib rary in 1987. H e is th e a u th o r o f The Arnericanl d ea Dis: covery and Settlement, Revo­ lution, a n d Independence, th e catalog for the libraiy’s 1976 exhibition com m em orating th e n ation’s bicentennial. Miller also w ro te articles for Microfonn Review and The Bookmark. ■ Advertiser index Association o f Research Libraries 264 Blackwell’s Book Services 276 CHOICE 245 Continuum 241 EBSCO C over 3 Em ery-Pratt 234 Endeavor Information Systems 231 Gale G roup Cover 4 PAIS 259 SIRSI Cover 2