ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries September 1989 / 709 ACRL officers fo r 1 9 8 9 - 9 0 The official ACRL election results. William A. Moffett Barbara J. Ford William A. Moffett, directo r o f libraries at O berlin College (Oberlin, OH 44074), is the fifty- second president of the Association o f College and R esearch Libraries. D uring his one-year term of office, h e will preside over th e ACRL Board of D irectors and th e ACRL Executive C om m ittee. H e will chair the ACRL Conference Program Plan­ ning C om m ittee for th e 1990 Annual C onference in Chicago and will plan ACRL’s major program at the conference. As p resident of th e division, M offett will re p re ­ sent ACRL on th e ALA Dallas C onference P ro ­ gram Planning C om m ittee and th e ALA Planning and Budget Assembly. H e will also represent ACRL and ALA in their relations with other organizations. M offett served as chair o f th e ACRL College Li­ braries Section in 1984-85 and was instrum ental in establishing the CLS N ational Advisory Council in 1986. H e has also served as chair of th e RBMS Security Com mittee, and has been a m em ber of the Publications and Academic/Research Librarian of the Year C om mittees. Barbara J. Ford, associate directo r for public services at th e Trinity U niversity Library (San Antonio, TX 78284), has been elec ted vice-presi- dent/president-elect of th e Association of College and Research Libraries. The 1989 election results showed 1,555 votes for F ord and 1,158 for Patricia Wand, assistant university librarian for public serv­ ices at th e U niversity of O regon (E ugene, OR 97403). As vice-president/president-elect of ACRL, F ord will serve on the ACRL Board of D irectors and the ACRL Executive C om m ittee. She will chair th e ACRL C onference Program Planning C om m ittee for the 1991 Annual Conference in Atlanta. She will represent ACRL on the ALA Appointm ents C om ­ m ittee and the ALA Conference Program Planning C om m ittee for the 1991 Conference. At the end of th e 1990 Annual C onference she will becom e ACRL’s fifty-third president. F o rd served as chair o f th e ACRL Academic Status C om m ittee in 1983-84 andjust com pleted a term on ALA C ouncil (1985-89). She was chair of th e ACRL/ULS C onference Program C om m ittee in 1985-86. She has also b een active in the Texas Library Association, the Special Libraries Associa­ tion, IFLA, and ALISE. The results o f th e ACRL elections follow. F o r each position, th e elected candidate is given first, with the num ber of votes earned given in paren th e­ ses. Anthropology and Sociology Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Cheryl C. Kugler (55); R obert B. Marks R idinger(46). Secretary: Ann L. Wood (65); G regory A. F in ­ negan (38). M ember-at-Large: Mary M. Koenig (66); Anita Garey (35). Art Section V ice-C hair/C hair-E lect: Joan D. Kunselman (95); Jeffrey L. H orrell (65). 710 / C&RL News Secretary: M icheline Nelson (83); Sandra Mooney (69). Asian and African Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: J oanne M. Zellers (70); Michael W. Albin (43). Member-at-Large: D iane E. Perushek (53); Bonnie L.Wright (41). Member-at-Large: Chris F ilstrup(68); RayP. Boylan (52). Bibliographic Instruction Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: B etsy Wilson (582); Ellen Meitzer (339). Secretary: Randall B. H ensley (450); Sharon J. VanDerLaan(427). Member-at-Large: Bonnie Gratch (626); John W. Collins III (270). College Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: M ichael D. Kathman (287); David J. Norden (174). Secretary: Nancy Magnuson (259); Pamela Snelson(194). Member-at-Large: Sherrie S. Bergman (247); LarryJ. Frye (215). Community and Junior College Libraries Section V ice-C h air/C h air-E lec t: M arilyn M. McD onald (107); Madison Mosley Jr. (91). Secretary: C amila A. Alike (104); Lynette Anderson (90). Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: T ara L. Fulton (179); Dorothy Persson (171). Secretary: Jo Ann Carr (204); Barbara Celone (142). Law and Political Science Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: M arta A. Lange (85); Ronald J. Heckart (82). Secretary: Caroline Tibbetts (86); Barbara Burg (75). Member-at-Large: Robert Schriek (82); Char­ les D.G. Spornick(72). Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: D aniel T raister (300); David S. Zeidberg (195). Secretary: J ackie M. D ooley (298); Romaine Ahlstrom(173). Member-at-Large: Pat Bozeman (256); Martin Antonetti (219). Science and Technology Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: C olleen Power (219); Robert Michaelson (217). Secretary: Caroline D. H arnly (273); Karen Feeney(156). Slavic and East European Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: NinaG. Shapiro (58); write-in (4). Member-at-Large: M olly Molloy (47); Janet I. Crayne (17). University Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Janice T. Koyama (999); Kent Hendrickson (768). Western European Specialists Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: E va M. Sartori (141); Richard Ring (68). Secretary: J ohn Cullars (123); Leona L. Wise (78). Member-at-Large: D anielle Mihram (111); RichardD. Hacken (89). Women’s Studies Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Patricia A. Kreitz (93); Betty J. Glass (89). Secretary: C heryl Knott Malone (114); Ber­ nice K. Lacks (66). Member-at-Large: Jacquelyn Marie (125); Nancy Luikart (54). ■ ■ Corrections The article in the July/August issue, “Devel­ oping college libraryleaders of tomorrow,” was a collaborative and equal effort by the five mem­ bers of the panel of college library directors: Mignon Adams, AnneCommerton, Larry Hard­ esty, Michael Kathman, and Jacquelyn Morris. The Publications listing for Cartolai, Illumi­ nators, and Printers in Fifteenth-Century Italy: The Evidence of the Ripoli Press in the May 1989 issue of C &RL News erroneously gave the au­ thor’s name as “Roscoe A. Rouse”; the author’s correct name is Richard H. Rouse. Cost of the book—not mentioned in the original listing—is $20.00.