ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 3 4 6 / C&RL News Preservation News J a n e H e d b e rg ERO M M on the W e b T h e E u ro p ean R egister o f Microform Masters (EROMM) is n o w a v a ila b le o n th e W orld W ide W eb . It cu r­ rently con tain s m ore than 3 5 0 ,0 0 0 b ib lio g rap h ic re c­ ords o f reform atted b o o k s held b y 32 libraries in 11 E u ro p e a n c o u n tr ie s . A p ­ proximately half the titles are in French and almost a third are in English, with the re­ m ainder in other European languages. EROMM intends to facilitate ordering use cop ies o f the titles from the contributing libraries and, therefore, plans to bring up an online ordering service soon. T h e R esearch Libraries G roup (RLG) and EROMM signed an agreem ent last year to e x change records. The first sample o f RLG’s RLI records for reformatted b ooks is now visible in th e EROMM d a ta b a s e . T h e URL is http:/ w w w m /gbvero-e.htm. C o lu m b ia fin ish e s se co n d p h a s e of im a g e pro ject Columbia University has finished the second phase o f its Oversize Color Images Project and m ounted the report on its W eb site. The project was designed to investigate the use o f digital technology for providing access to brittle vol­ um es containing large color maps. Phase I fo­ cused o n image quality and the differences b e ­ tw een digital images created from originals and microform copies. Phase II focused on match­ ing bitm apped images o f text pages scanned from microfilm with digital images o f the maps, to create facsimiles o f the original volumes. The W eb site also contains the report from Phase I o f the project, m ore than 300 images o f maps and four com plete volumes, text and images, o f the New Y ork State Museum bulletin. The URL is E m e rg e n cy R e sp o n se u p d a te The National Task Force o n Em ergency Re­ sponse has continued work on its dual mission to safeguard Am erica’s cultural heritage from natural disasters and to provide expertise to help the general public recover from disasters. It held a one-day summit in D ecem b er 1996 to ­ N / bring to g eth e r the alm ost two dozen participating cul­ tural organizations, associa­ tio n s , and g o v e r n m e n ta l ag e n cie s. T h e A ssociation for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS), with its Preservation and Re­ formatting Section (PARS), represented ALA. The Task Force, through The National Institute for the Conserva­ tio n o f Cultural P ro p erty (NIC), has distributed Flood/ Hurricane Information Pack­ ets to cultural institutions in the Pacific North­ west. T h e F e d e r a l E m e r g e n c y M a n a g e m e n t Agency (FEMA), as part o f its w ork with the Task Force, has b een mounting articles about salvaging cultural materials on its W eb site. There is now a list o f recom m endations and Flood Tips— Saving W ater-Damaged B ooks at http://w w w .fem . M o re W e b sites o f in te rest The Preservation Service (PRESERV) o f the Re­ search Libraries Group has created a W eb page. It includes information about PRESERV, its ad­ visory council, participants, strategic plan, and working groups. This may be o f most interest to RLG m em bers, but does indicate the range o f current RLG preservation activities. The URL is Arts, Crafts, and Theater Safety, Inc. (ACTS) has developed a W eb site about the hazards posed by the toxic or dangerous materials used in the arts. It offers health and safety cou nsel­ ing, educational and technical information, and referrals to physicians and other sources o f pro­ fessional help. The publications available for sale include a four-page data sheet about un­ derstanding Material Safety Data Sheets, and a nine-page data sheet about biological hazards. T h e URL is http://www .casew /acts/. Data sheets may be ordered for $.25 per page from ACTS, 181 Thom pson St., #23, New York, NY 10012-2586; phone: (2 1 2 ) 777-0062; e-mail: ACTS@CaseW eb.Com. ■ Jane Hedberg p repares this column fo r the College Libraries Committee, Commission on Preservation and Access. Submissions may be made to: Jane Hedberg, WellesleyCollege;JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU. http://www.brzn mailto:ACTS@CaseWeb.Com mailto:WellesleyCollegeiJHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU