ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 319 the endowment necessary to keep the school on sound financial footing. Rae F. Robinson, assistant professor and head cataloger at Hunter College, City University of New York, retired on September 1 after more than thirty years of service. Virginia M. Speiden has retired as head of technical services at Washington College, Ches­ tertown, Maryland. Dixie Whittington, associate professor at the Eugene P. Watson Memorial Library, Northwest­ ern State University of Louisiana, Natchitoches, retired on June 30 after twelve years of service on the staff of the library. DEATHS John Clifford, social studies librarian and ssociate professor, Morris Library, Southern Illi­ ois University, Carbondale, died on July 7. Anna S. Stump, head of the Preliminary Cata­ oging Section of the Library of Congress since 973, died on July 20 in Washington after a pro­ onged illness. Jessie Whitehead, librarian in the Harvard niversity Libraries from 1925 until her retire­ ent in 1959, died in July. ■■ a n l 1 l U m Publications NOTICES • Acid Rain: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected References (12 pages, July 1980) is num­ ber eight in the Library Bibliography Series pub­ lished by the University of Central Florida. It is available for $2 from Library—Gifts and Ex­ changes, University of Central Florida, P.O. Box 25000, Orlando, FL 32818. • A Catalogue of Rare Books, Pamphlets, and Journals on Business and Economics in the Kran­ nert Library Special Collection 1500-1870, com­ piled by John M. Houkes with Ljudmila T. Mursee (357 pages, 1979) is now available for $25 (includes postage and shipping) from John M. Houkes, Director, Krannert Library, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. 320 • Catalogue o f the Regional Oral History Office, edited by Suzanne B. Riess and Willa K. Baum (Regional Oral History Office, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, 1980, xxiii, 119 pages, $6.50) is now available. Its 392 entries to 468 interviews are organized by topic with an index to interviewers and to additional subjects, and provide access to 67,285 pages of primary source material in diverse areas of the history of California, the West, and the nation. • The second edition of A Catalogue of UK Audiovisual Media Suitable for Use in Library In­ struction Courses, by Ian Malley (43 pages, 1980), is now available from the author, British Library Information Officer for User Education, Loughborough University of Technology Library, Loughborough LEU 3TU, Leicestershire, United Kingdom. • A microfilm edition of the Collections of the Minnesota Historical Society, a seventeen-volume series originally published between 1872 and 1920, is now available from the Minnesota Histor­ ical Society. These volumes are among the ear­ liest published works of the society. The complete microfilm edition of the Collec­ tions (9 rolls of 35mm vesicular positive mi­ crofilm) is $100 (Order No. F-52-A); individual rolls are $12 (F-52); and a printed guide that in­ cludes reprints of all title pages, contents pages, and indexes (about 500 pages) is $10 (F-52-B). All are available (prepaid: include $.75 for handling) from the MHS Order Department, 1500 Missis­ sippi Street, St. Paul, MN 55101. Inquiries should be directed to the MHS Publications Office, 690 Cedar Street, St. Paul, MN 55101. • Computers and the Performing Arts (116 page,s, September 1980) contains the results of the first national survey of computer use in the performing arts. The report is available for $7.95 from the Theatre Communications Group, 355 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10017. • Dialogues of a New Republic, by Harlow W. Sheidley (University of C onnecticut Library, 1980), is a catalog of 211 pamphlets, government documents, prints, broadsides, and manuscripts from the early nationalist period of United States history that were exhibited in the University of Connecticut Library during April and May 1980. The annotated catalog includes an introduction, discussions of pertinent historical issues, includ­ ing fiscal policy, foreign affairs and the presiden­ tial election of 1800. The catalog may be ordered for $5 (prepaid) from the University of Connecti­ cut Library, Acquisitions Departm ent, U-5B, Storrs, CT 06268. • Guide to the Edward P. Costigan Papers 1874-1939, compiled by Doris Mitterling and edited by John A. Brennan (100 pages, 1980), de­ scribes the thrity-five-year career of an outstand­ ing Colorado progressive who led local reform campaigns and later was elected to the United States Senate. It is available for $5.50 postpaid from Western Historical Collections, Norlin Li­ brary, Campus Box 184, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309. • Language Study for the 1980s: Reports of the MLA-ACLS Language Task Forces, edited by Richard I. Brod (106 pages, $8.50), may be ordered from the Modern Language Association of America, 62 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10011. The cost is $8.50. • Library Laws of Texas, edited by Ed Seiden­ berg (145 pages, 1980), is available from the Texas State Library, Texas Archives and Library Build­ ing, Box 12927, Capitol Station, Austin, TX 78711. • Marks of American Silversmiths in the ln- eson-Bisseü Collection, by Louise C. Belden (500 pages, August 1980), is a guide to the collection of small silver objects housed in the Winterthur Museum. It may be purchased for $50 from the Henry Francis du Pont W interthur Museum, Winterthur, DE 19735. • Planning for the Preservation o f Library Materials, SPEC Kit and Flyer #66 (July-August 1980, 99 pages) contains seventeen documents in­ cluding initial planning reports and recommenda­ tions, program and policy statements, and histor­ ical perspectives on preservation development. This material, gathered by the Association of Re­ search Libraries in a March 1980 survey, indi­ cates that three ingredients appear critical to preservation planning: the broad dissemination of reliable technical information and procedural models; a substantial increase in the number of specialists to direct local programs; and the crea­ tion, on the local level, of organizational capabil­ ity to develop preservation programs and incorpo­ rate them into the operational structure of the library. Planning fo r Preservation is available to ARL members and SPEC subscribers for $7.50 and to others for $15 (plus $2 handling charge), prepayment required, from SPEC, OMS/ARL, 1527 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20036. • Private Philanthropy and Public Elementary and Secondary Education, the proceedings of a conference held at the Rockefeller Archive Cen­ ter June 8, 1979, may be ordered from the Rock­ efeller Archive Center, Pocantico Hills, North Tarrytown, NY 10591. • The Proceedings from the 2nd Southeastern Conference on Approaches to Bibliographic In­ struction, held on March 22-23, 1979, in Char­ leston, South Carolina, are available at $7 per copy (prepaid). Checks should be payable to The College of Charleston Foundation, Inc., and orders should be sent to the Treasurer, College of Charleston Library Associates, Robert Scott Small Library, Charleston, SC 29401. • Rudolph Focke and the Theory of the Clas­ sified Catalog, by Gordon Stevenson (30 pages, 1980) has been published as University of Illinois Graduate School of Library Science Occasional Paper number 145. The catalog theories of Ger­ 321 man librarian Rudolph Focke are reviewed and discussed in this paper. It may be ordered for $2 (prepaid) from the Graduate School of Library Science Publications Office, 249 Armory Bldg., University of Illinois, Champaign, IL 61820. • Serials—A dvertisin g, Business, Finance, Marketing, Social Science—in Libraries in the New Fork A rea, com piled by th e New York C hapter of the Special Libraries Association, is available from Adina Mishkoff, Find/SVP, 500 Fifth Avenue, Room 1130, New York, NY 10036. The cost is $40 hard copy and $15 microfiche ($35 and $10 respectively for contributing libraries); checks should be payable to Special Libraries Association, New York Chapter. • Technical P rocessing L ibrarian s in the 1980s: Current Trends and Future Forecasts, by Gail Kennedy (11 pages, August 1980) has been published as U niversity of Kentucky Libraries Occasional Paper, vol. 1, no. 1. A complimentary copy may be obtained from Paul Willis, Director, King Library North, University of Kentucky Li­ braries, Lexington, KY 40506. • T he second e d itio n of A Union L ist o f Selected Microforms in Libraries in the New Fork Metropolitan Area, edited by Laura Dawn Pohl- man, includes published microform series, manu­ script materials, and collections of personal pap­ ers. Published by the New York Metropolitan Ref­ erence and Research Library Agency (METRO) as Miscellaneous Publication No. 22, the 181- page paperback may be purchased for $30 pre­ paid ($35 if an invoice is required) from METRO, 33 West 42nd Street, New York. NY 10036 • An Update to the Guide to the Data Re­ sources o f the Henry A. Murray Research Center o f Radcliffe College (formerly the Radcliffe Data Resource and Research Center) (33 pages, July 1980) is now available from the Henry A. Murray Research C enter, 77 Brattle Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts. The original guide (89pages, re­ vised May 1979) describes the “data sets” avail­ able from the center. Each description identifies the original focus of the study involved, the ori­ ginal investigators, the samples used, the mea­ sures used, and other relevant information. The update provides corrections to the original guide, reclassifications of some of the original data sets, and brief descriptions of data sets ac­ quired since the guide was prepared. • W om en’s H istory R esearch C e n te r, 2325 Oak S tre e t, B erkeley, CA 94708, d is trib u te s three microfilm sets: Herstory (newsletters, jour­ nals, and newspapers concerning w omen’s his­ tory), Women and Law, and Women and Health! Mental Health. The center is now establishing a library and membership clearinghouse on marital rape. Membership costs $15; the newsletter alone is $5; the list of file headings is available for $3. All in q u irie s should be accom panied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. A U D IO V IS U A L NOTICES • Canadiana 1867-1900: Monographs, a bib­ liography of publications of Canadian origin or in­ terest, is being published in COM microfiche for­ mat by the National Library of Canada. Segments of the bibliography will be released at quarterly intervals over the next two years until all the monographs (over 36,000) have been listed. The first quarterly issue covers almost 17,000 titles. The price is $58 in th e U nited States, $48 in C anada. It may be o rd e re d from C anadiana Editorial Division, Cataloguing Branch, National Library of Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Otta­ wa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0N4. • The second Conference on Library Technolo­ gy, sponsored by Kansas State University Libraries in cooperation with the Johnson County (Kansas) Library, the Emporia State University School of Library Science, and the Kansas State University Division of Continuing Education, was held on May 22-23, 1980. Three cassette recordings of the three speakers at the conference are available for $15 from the Chief Accountant’s Office, Kansas State University Libraries, Manhattan, KS 66506. • ERIC Basics is a sound/microfiche instruc­ tional package consisting of a fifty-three-frame color microfiche and a twelve-minute audio cas­ sette. This instructional package is intended to answer the general questions about what ERIC is and how to use it. It provides information about types of material included in RIE and CIJE, the thesaurus of ERIC descriptors, how to find in­ formation, and how to obtain copies of relevant titles. Audible cues are included on the tape to in d icate w hen th e user should move the m i­ crofiche to the next frame. The package costs $10 (postpaid); write Information Resources Publica­ tions, 130 Huntington Hall, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13210. • Integration o f Media in the Academic L i­ brary, a slide cassette program, is available on request from H erbert J. Sorgen, Librarian, State University of New York, Agricultural and Techni­ cal College, Delhi, NY 13753. • The 1980 Media Library Catalogue contains inform ation on over 1,250 films, videotapes, slides, and other media available from the Uni­ versity of Waterloo Audio-Visual Centre. Copies are available for $20 from Jorn Jorgensen, Dana P o rte r Arts L ibrary, U niversity of W aterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1. RECEIVED (S elected item s will be review ed in future issues of College & Research Libraries.) • The recently issued 6th edition of Bohdan S. Wynar’s standard text, Introduction to Cataloging and Classification (Libraries U nlim ited, Inc., 1980, $22.50ch, $14.50pa.) has been completely 322 revised to treat AACR 2, DDC 19, and Sears 11 in one handy volume. • The New Social Marketplace: Notes on Effecting Social Change in America s Third Cen­ tury by Hewitt D. Crane (ABLEX, 1980, $14.95) presents “an intriguing analysis of the network of problems confronting the U.S. in its third cen­ tury and a model for the institutions needed to cope with the complex changes of the future. ” • In Mason on Library Buildings (Scarecrow, 1980, $25) Ellsworth Mason shares with librarians his vast experience in library planning and con­ struction. • Cyril O. Houle, professor emeritus of educa­ tion, University of Chicago, has completed a major study of how and why professionals continue to learn. Continuing Learning in the Professions, published by Jossey-Bass Inc., presents the results of Houle s more than 20 years’ observation of the life-long learning habits of 17 professional groups. • Reform and Renewal in Higher Education: Implications for Library Instruction edited by Carolyn A. Kirkendall is the tenth volume in Pierian Press’ Library Orientation Series. Papers presented at the Ninth Annual Conference on Library Orientation for Academic Libraries at Eastern Michigan University, May 3-4, 1979, “examine how and if the current back-to-basics movement in higher education would affect li­ brary instructional services.” • Joe Morehead’s Theory and Practice in Li­ brary Education: The Teaching-Learning Process (Libraries Unlimited, 1980, $17.50) is a “philo­ sophical and analytical examination of the peren­ nial problem of reconciling theory and practice in professional education . . . ” • In a study of public library paraprofessionals C harlotte M ugnier finds that this group has assumed many tasks that are often considered professional duties. The Paraprofessional and the Professional Job Structure (ALA, 1980, $7) ex­ amines the implications of this study for the li­ brary profession. • The Making of a Code: The Issues Under­ lying AACR 2, edited by Doris Hagrett (ALA, 1980, $15) is a “thorough examination of the theoretical basis for all the rule changes in AACR 2, major or minor, from the vantage point of the authorities responsible for them .” Hagrett has collected and edited the papers presented at an international conference on AACR 2 held in Tal­ lahassee, Florida in 1979. • Major features of The ALA Yearbook 1980 edited by Robert Wedgeworth (ALA, 1980, $55) are coverage of the White House Conference on Libraries and Information Services a review of the impact of the electronic age on library service, and a look at foundation support for libraries. • The proceedings of the 39th Federation In­ ternationale de Documentation held at the Uni­ versity of Edinburgh, September 25-28, 1978, have been made available by Aslib. Edited by Peter J. Taylor, New Trends In Documentation and Information (Aslib/FID, 1980) reflects the delegates’ concern with the growing complexity of the information environment and with the future of FID. • Charles H. Levine, Director of the Institute for Urban Studies and the Bureau of Governmen­ tal Research, University of Maryland, examines one of the most important problems of the 1980’s in a new book, Managing Fiscal Stress: The Cri­ sis In the Public Sector (Chatham House, 1980, $9.95). • Papers from the 25th Allerton Park Institute, November 11-14, 1979, sponsored by the Gradu­ ate School of Library Science, University of Illi­ nois, examine the role of auxiliary groups which support libraries. Organizing The Library's Sup­ port: Donors, Volunteers, Friends (University of Illinois, 1980, $10) edited by D. W. Drummel will be of interest to academic and public librarians. • A Guide to British Government Publications (H.W. Wilson, 1980, $35) by Frank Rodgers cov­ ers Parliamentary and Executive Branch materials for Britain, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ire­ land. • Preserving Library Materials (Scarecrow, 1980, $12.50) by Susan G. Swartzburg “is written to help librarians analyze the preservation needs of their institutions and develop programs to meet those needs.” • The proceedings of the 8th meeting of the In­ ternational Association of Technological University Libraries, Enschede, Netherlands, May 28-June 1, 1979, discuss Library Cooperation: Trends, Pos­ sibilities and Conditions (IATUL, 1980). • A new title in Aslib’s bibliography series is Online Information Retrieval 1976-1979: An Inter­ national Bibliography (Aslib/FID, 1980), a briefly annotated listing of some 900 articles and papers. • Library Lit. 10—The Best o f 1979 (Scare­ crow, 1980, $12) edited by Bill Katz contains thir­ ty articles drawn, for the most part, from the li­ brary press in the U.S. and U.K. Discography, censorship, bibliographic control, the proposed National Periodicals Center, and libraries in de­ tective fiction are some of the topics covered. • Extended Library Education Programs: Pro­ ceedings o f a Conference held at the School of Library Service, Columbia University, 13-14 March 1980 (School of Library Service, Columbia University, 1980, $6) edited by Richard Darling and Terry Belanger, presents seven position pa­ pers and the results of a panel discussion on this timely topic. • Handbook for AACR2: Explaining and Illus­ trating Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, second edition (ALA, 1980, $20) by Margaret F. Maxwell “takes a practical approach to clarifying the new Code by following the stru ctu re of AACR 2. The chapters and paragraphs in the handbook are keyed to correspond to selected rules in the Code.” ■■