ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ May 2003 / 351 C L A S S I F I E D A d s Career opportunities from across the country D eadlines: O rd e rs fo r regu la r cla ssifie d a d ve rtise m e nts m u st reach the A C R L o ffice on o r b efore th e s e con d o f the m onth prece d ing p u b licatio n o f the issue (e.g., S ep te m be r 2 fo r th e O ctob e r issue). S h ould th is date fait on a w eekend o r h oliday, ads w ill be a ccep ted on the n ext busin e ss day. Late jo b listin g s w ill be accep ted on a sp a ce -a va ila ble basis a fte r th e secon d o f th e m onth. R ates: C la ssified a dve rtise m e n ts are $ 10.50 p e r line fo r in stitu tio n s th a t are A C R L m em bers, $ 12 .60 fo r others. Late jo b n otice s a re $ 2 4 .2 5 per line fo r institutio n s th a t are A C R L m em bers, $ 2 9 .5 0 fo r others. O rg a n iza tio ns s u b m it­ ting ads w ill be ch a rg e d a ccord in g to th e ir m e m bership status. D isplay ad rates range from $485 to $900 based upon size. P lease ca ll fo r size s and rates. O r see o u r W eb site: h ttp ://w w w .a la .o rg /a c rl/. G u id e lin e s: F o r a d s th a t list an a p p licatio n d eadline, we su g g e st th a t d ate be no so o n e r th a n th e 20th day o f the m onth in w hich th e n otice appears (e.g., O cto b e r 2 0 f o r the O cto b e r issue). A ll jo b a nn o u nce m e n ts sh ou ld include a sa la ry range per p o licy o f th e A m e rica n Library A sso cia tio n (ALA). Job a n n o u n ce m e n ts w ill be edite d to exclu d e d is ­ c rim in a to ry refe ren ce s. A p p lica n ts sh ould b e aw a re th a t th e te rm s fa cu lty rank a nd status va ry in m eaning am ong in stitu tio n s. In ternet: C&RL News cla ssifie d ads are accessib le on th e W e b a t h ttp ://w w w .a la .o rg /a crl/. A ds w ill be pla ced approxim ately fo u r w eeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. C ontact: Elise P arker, C la ssifie d A d ve rtisin g M anager, C&RL News C la ssified A d ve rtisin g D epartm ent, AC RL, A m e rica n L ib ra ry A sso cia tio n , 50 E. Huron St., C hicago, IL 60611 -279 5 ; (312) 280 -2 5 13 ; fa x: (312) 280 -7 6 63 o r (312) 280 -2 5 20 ; e-m ail: c & rln e w sa d s@ a la .o rg . Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through A LA publications o r placem ent services com ply with ALA anti-discrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is com m itted to equality of opportunity for all library employees o r applicants for em ploym ent, regardless o f race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or m ental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA services, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN A S S I S T A N T D IR E C T O R , R E F E R E N C E A N D A C C E S S S E R V IC E S . T h e S ta te U n ive rsity o f N e w Y o rk (S U N Y ) C o lle ge at O n e o nta in vites a p p lica tio n s fo r th e position o f Assistan t Director, R e fer­ e nce a nd A c c e s s S e rvice s. T h is is a 1 2-m onth, te n u re -tra ck facu lty p ositio n . T h e su cc e s s fu l ca n d id a te w ill be a h ig h ly m o tiva te d , cre a tive librarian w ith o uts ta n d in g m a n a g e m e n t sk ills to d ire ct p u b lic se rvice s in clu din g re feren ce, lib ra ry in stru ction , W e b s ite d e v e lo pm en t, circ u la ­ tion, reserves, ILL/docum ent delivery, and library outreach. Responsibili­ tie s in clu de le a d in g a s ta ff o f six lib ra ria n s and seven c le rica ls a nd also te a ch in g in th e lib ra ry ’s in stru ctio n p ro gra m and p ro viding re feren ce service, including rotation in th e n ight/w eekend schedule. Q ualifica tio ns R equ ired : M a s te r’s d eg re e fro m an A LA -a ccre d ite d pro gra m ; stro ng background in reference so urces and services; proven m a n agem ent and su p e rv is o ry skills; e x c e lle n t oral a nd w ritte n co m m u n ica tio n skills; and stro ng p ro ject m a n ag em en t a nd o rganizational skills. Preferred: Record o f le a d e rsh ip in in tro d u cin g su cce ssfu l, in no va tive, cu sto m e r-fo cu sed p u b lic s e rvice s; fiv e y e a rs o f su b sta ntive , p ro g re ssive ly m o re re sp o n ­ sible, m a n ag eria l e x p e rie n ce in an a ca d e m ic library; a nd a bility to w o rk c o o p e ra tive ly w ith o th e rs. T o App ly: S en d le tte r o f a p p lica tio n, résum é, a nd th e n am es, a d d re sse s, a nd p h o n e n um be rs o f th re e p ro fe ssio na l re feren ces to: S ally G oo d w in , M ilne Library, S U N Y O n e o n ta , O neonta, N Y 13820. F o r a d d itio n a l in form atio n a bo ut th e C o lle ge , plea se s e e the c o lle g e ’s h o m e p a g e at: h ttp ://w w w .o n e o n ta .e d u ; o r vis it o u r C h ro n icle Profile W e b page at: http://ch ro m /jo bs/p ro files/2 55 7 .h tm . SU N Y O ne o nta is an E E O /A A /A D A em ployer. C A T A L O G IN G /R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R I A N . R e q u ir e d : M L S fro m A L A -a c c re d ite d p ro g ra m . C lo s e : M a y 3 0 ,2 0 0 3 . C a s p e r C o l­ lege, Casper, W yoming. Phone: (307) 268-2727; Equal o p p o rtu n ity em p loye r, M /F/H/V. D IR E C T O R , T E C H N I C A L A N D A C C E S S S E R V IC E S . Assis tan t/A sso cia te Professor, Southern Illinois University Edw ardsville (SIUE), L ibrary and Inform ation Services. Responsibilities: Th e D irector o f T e chn ica l and A cce ss S e rvice s (TAS) is responsible fo r m an ag in g all units o f the d epartm ent: Acqu isitio n s, B ibliographic Control, B indery and P ro ce ssin g , a nd A c c e s s S e rvice s. T h e D ire cto r re p orts to th e D ean of L ibrary and Info rm a tio n S ervices. P rim ary R espo n sib ilitie s: M a n ag e all T echnical and A cce ss S ervices p ersonnel; oversee annual evaluation of w o rk p erform ance and deve lo pm en t plans fo r all departm ental faculty (4), p ro fe ssio n a l s ta ff (0), a nd c ivil s e rvice s ta ff (14); d e ve lo p p olicies and p ro ce d u re s f o r T e ch n ica l a nd A c c e s s S ervices; m o n ito r a nd e va lu a te the ir im plem entation and effectiveness; participate in overall LIS planning, consu ltatio n , a nd m a n ag em en t activities; w o rk w ith th e Dean and appro­ p ria te LIS sta ff to a ssign re so urce s f o r T e ch n ica l a nd A c c e s s S ervices ope ra tion s and projects; a pp rise and a dvise o th e r library personnel on all departm ent policies and procedural changes; represent the library in state and n a tio na l o rg a n iza tio n s, a s a p p ro p ria te ; rem ain cu rre n t w ith lib ra ry Salary guide Listed below are the latest minim um starting salary figures recom ­ mended by state library associations fo r professional library posts in these states. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations fo r minim um salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minim ums when evaluating profes­ sional vacancies. For additional information on librarian salaries, contact ALA Office fo r Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $34,172 Delaware $22,500** Illinois $30,096* Indiana varies* Iowa $23,911 Louisiana $26,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $31,362* New Jersey $36,503 North Carolina $27,641** Ohio $25,198** Pennsylvania $30,249* Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $30,000 Verm ont $26,464 W est Virginia $22,000 W isconsin $32,700 * R a th e r th a n e s ta b lis h o n e s ta te w id e s a la ry m in im u m , so m e state a ssocia tio ns h ave ado pte d a fo rm u la b ase d on va ria bles such as c o m p a ra b le s a la rie s fo r p u b lic sch oo l te a ch e rs in e ach c o m m u ­ n ity , o r th e g ra d e le v e l o f a p ro fe s s io n a l lib ra ria n p o s t. In th e s e c a s e s , y o u m a y w is h to c o n ta c t th e sta te a s s o c ia tio n fo r m inim um s a la ry in fo rm a tio n . “ T h e s e re c o m m e n d a tio n s a p p ly o n ly to p u b lic lib ra ria n s. tre n d s, issu es, a nd p ra ctice s a nd a pp ris e c o lle a g u e s o f d e ve lo pm en ts; m e e t the re q uirem en ts fo r ten u re and p ro m o tio n . T e rm s o f App o intm e n t: A ssista n t o r A sso cia te Pro fe sso r, 12-m on th, te n u re -tra ck, co n tin uing contract. E xcellen t frin g e ben efits program . M o re inform ation is available at: h ttp ://w w w .siu e .e d u . C o n tra ct a vailab le A ug u st 2 003. Q ua lifica tio ns R e qu ired : M L S fro m an A L A -a ccre d ite d lib ra ry s ch oo l; m in im u m o f six ye ars o f progressively responsible and successful experience in m anage­ m e n t in a ca d e m ic libraries; dem on strate d kn ow ledge M A R C 21 form a ts a nd b ibliog ra p hic utilities such as O C L C ; exte n sive e xpe rie n ce in o ne or 352 / C&RL News ■ May 2003 U S E R S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N Middle Tennessee State University M I D D L E T E N N E S S E E S T A T E Reference and Instructional Services (401100) U N I V E R S I T Y L I B R A R Y POSITION DESCRIPTION Create innovative electronic instructional resources; provide leadership W eb page design; help develop, evaluate, and teach library instruction classes; provide reference service; and select reference resources. 12-month appointment, faculty rank and status. QUALIFICATIONS Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree required by hire date; demonstrated ability to create Web pages/tutorials; ability to work effectively and cooperatively in a team environment; broad knowledge of print and electronic reference sources; a strong service focus; and excellent comm unication and organization skills. Desired: Subject knowledge of business, science, or legal resources. SALARY AND BENEFITS Highly competitive salary and generous benefits. Rank comm ensurate with qualifications. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Please see complete job description at: http://www .m l. Review of applications begins A p ril 15, 2003, and will continue until the position is filled. Please forward letter of application that identifies the position number, résumé with contact information including e-mail address, and the names of three references to: William K. Black Administrative Services Librarian Walker Library P.O. Box 13 Middle Tennessee State University Murfreesboro, TN 37132 ENVIRONMENT Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) is a Carnegie Doctoral Research Intensive University with 21,200 students, located 30 miles southeast of Nashville. The university is in the process of seeking a Phi Beta Kappa Chapter. C om mitm ent to excellence in teaching, research, publication, and service is expected for all positions. As one of the fastest-growing universities in the south, MTSU is a dynamic institution with a com m itm ent to diversity, valuing excellent teaching and fostering initiatives in research and public service. The new university library lies at the heart of the MTSU educational experience. M urfreesboro is located in central Tennessee, 30 miles south of Nashville. This historical city offers a rich cultural and recreational life and easy access to a variety of attractions within the state and region. Middle Tennessee State University, a Tennessee Board o f Regents institution, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer that values diversity. Minority candidates are encouraged to apply. m ore o f the follow ing areas: acquisitions, bibliographic control, circulation a nd se ria ls m a n ag em en t; e xce lle n t w ritte n and v e rb a l co m m u nicatio n skills; th e a b ility to w o rk c o lla b o ra tive ly in a tea m e n viron m e n t; stro ng in terpe rso na l and p ub lic se rvice skills. Q u a lifica tio ns P referred: E xpe ri­ e n c e n e g o tia tin g lice n se s fo r e le ctro n ic re so urce s; e xp e rie n ce with Endeavor’s V oya g er system . Salary Range: N egotiable depen d en t upon cre d en tials a nd experience, with a m inim um salary o f $ 60 ,00 0. Excellent fringe benefits. U niversity Environment: SIU E, 2 0 m inutes n ortheast o f St. Lou is, is a p u b lic co m p re h e n sive u n ive rsity situ a te d on 2 ,6 0 0 a cre s of rolling la nd and w o od s alon g bluffs a few m iles from the M ississippi River. It is an integral part o f Illinois and the St. Louis m etropolitan area and uses its s u b u rb a n lo catio n to c a pita lize upon urban re so urce s. A s a pre m ie re m e tro po lita n u nive rsity, S IU E is th e firs t ch oice o f a d ive rse p oo l of a p p lica n ts. S IU E h as a s tu d e n t p op ulatio n o f o v e r 11,000. L ibrary and In fo rm a tio n S ervices m a n a g e s L ove jo y Lib rary, A ca d e m ic C o m p utin g (including re sp on sib ility fo r in teractive vid eo dis tan ce e ducation te ch n o l­ ogy), and A udiovisual Services. Love jo y L ibrary m aintains a co llection of m ore than 1,000,000volum es and subscribes to m ore th a n 6 ,500 p rint and digital serials and periodicals. Additional inform ation regarding the Library and U niversity can be fou n d a t th e W e b site: http://w w w .lib ra ry.siue .ed u / lib. C lo sin g D ate fo r A pp lica tio ns: Initial re v ie w to beg in J u ly 2 00 3 and to rem ain open until p ositio n is fille d . S u b m it le tte r o f a pp lica tio n and th re e c u rre n t p ro fe ssio na l re feren ces to: Ja y S ta rratt, Dean o f L ibrary and Inform ation S ervices, D irecto r, T e ch n ica l a nd A c c e s s Services, Love jo y Library, S o u th e rn I llin o is U n iv e r s ity E d w a rd s v ille , C a m ­ pus Box 1063, E dw ard sville, IL 6 20 26 -1 0 63 . A s an a ffirm a tive action e m p loye r, S IU E o ffe rs equ al e m p lo ym e n t o p p o rtu n ity w ith o u t regard to race, co lor, cre e d o r re lig io n, a ge, sex, n a tio na l o rig in , o r disability. A p p lica tio n s fro m w o m e n a nd m in o rity g ro u p s a re e spe c ia lly e n c o u r­ a ged. S IU E is a state u nive rsity. B en e fits u n d e r sta te -sp o n so re d plans w ill not be a vailab le to h o ld e rs o f F1 o r J1 visas. H E A D C A T A L O G E R . G eisel L ib ra ry a t S a in t A n se lm C o lle g e se eks an e n e rg e tic L ibrarian fo r the positio n o f H e ad C a talo g er. T h is position re fle cts an in cre ase d nee d fo r o n line b ib lio g ra p h ic co ntro l o f both tra d i­ tio n a l a nd e lectron ic re so urce s and w ill re p o rt to the H ead o f T e chn ica l Services. R esponsibilities: R o utin e ly p erfo rm sta n d ardize d original and co m p lex cataloging in all form ats; provide ongoing guidance to cataloging staff a nd m anage d e p artm en t p rocedures m anual; le ad staff in the use of n e w ly d e ve lo p in g s ta n d a rd s a nd to o ls; p ro m ote e fficie n t a nd a ccurate c a ta lo g in g and o ve rse e re a liza tion o f ca ta lo g in g g o a ls a nd obje ctive s. Perform o th e r duties as needed, including autom ated database authority C&RL News ■ May 2003 / 353 H E A L T H S C IE N C E S / D IS T R IB U T E D E D U C A T IO N L IB R A R IA N Slippery Rock University Slippery Rock University’s Bailey Library seeks a creative, future-oriented, flexible individual who is experienced in an online environment. Primary responsibilities include reference, collection development, and library instruction for the health sciences departments, and coordination of library resources, services, and information literacy for the university’s distance learning program. This individual also m anages resource-sharing services (interlibrary loan and circulation), providing overall supervision for a staff of 3.5 FTE. This is a 9-month per year, tenure-track position at the instructor/assistant professor rank beginning August 2003. For complete position responsibilities, see: w QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge and/or experience in the health sciences; strong public-service orientation; excellent written and oral communication skills; and perceived ability to work productively with students and colleagues in an evolving environment. Preferred: Academ ic library experience in reference, bibliographic instruction, interlibrary loan, electronic reserves, direct borrowing, and distance education programs. Supervisory experience and fam iliarity with Endeavor/Voyager desirable. Successful performance in an on-campus interview, including a presentation, is required. TO APPLY: Send a letter of interest, résumé, graduate and undergraduate transcripts (official transcripts will be needed before hiring), and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references (one of whom must be a current or previous supervisor) to: Melba Tomeo Jane Smith Co-chairs, Health Sciences Librarian Search Committee Bailey Library Slippery Rock University Slippery Rock, PA 16057 E-mail:, Phone: (724) 738-2665, (724) 738-2638 Fax: (724) 738-2661 Review of applications will begin May 1, 2003, and continue until position is filled. Visit our Web site at: w w w TTY: (724) 738-4881. A ffirm ative action, equ a l o pportunity employer. co n tro l, s yste m s tasks, a nd lim ited re feren ce se rvices. Q u a lifica tio ns: ations; establishing policies and procedures; setting priorities; sharing in the cataloging duties; providing training, evaluation, and supervision o f the technical service staff. Technical Service librarians also provide rotating assistance on the library’s reference desk. Requirements: A master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program in library o r information studies; three o r m ore years o f professional experience in an a cadem ic technical services environment; experience with cataloging of m onographs and serials; knowledge of acquisitions processes; strong knowledge of AACR2, LCRI, LC classification, LCSH, and USMARC; experience working in a fully automated library environment. Desired: Reading knowledge of French, . German, o r Spanish; must be capable o f working in a flexible environment; a record of publication; and a subject master’s. This is a probationary, tenure-track position. Salary: $42,000 minim um, com m ensurate with expe­ rience and abilities. Deadline: Review o f applications will begin M ay 30, 2003, and will continue until the position is filled. Subm it cover letter, résumé, names, addresses, and telephone n um be rso f three references, a n d copies o f official transcripts to: Betty Tim s, Chair, Head, Technical Services Search Committee, A u b u rn U n iv e rs ity a t M o n tg o m e ry Library, P.O. Box244023, Montgomery, A L 36124-4023. AUM is an equal opportunity and affirmative action em ployer and educator, and d oes not discrim inate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age, veteran status, disability, or a n y other legally protected status. H E A D , D O C U M E N T D E L IV E R Y S E R V IC E S A N D IN T E R L IB R A R Y L O A N D E P A R T M E N T . C o lu m b ia U n ive rsity L ibraries is se a rchin g fo r a d yna m ic, se rvice -o rie n te d in dividu a l to d irect, d eve lo p, and expand C o lu m b ia ’s D o cum en t D e live ry a nd In te rlibra ry Loan S ervices. R e­ A LA -a ccre dite d M LS o r equ iva le nt. A dvanced know ledge o f and e xpe ri­ ence w ith A A C R 2r, M A R C 2 1 , LC SH , LC cla ssifica tion , O C LC , and standard authority control p rocedures required. A lso requires the ability to so lve ca ta lo g in g p ro b le m s, stro ng co m p utin g skills, a nd the a b ility to im plem ent n e w cataloging stan d ards and procedures. Supervisory e xpe­ rien ce in te ch n ica l se rv ic e s and the a b ility to su ccee d a uto n o m o u sly prefe rred . T h is sa la rie d p ositio n in clu de s o p p o rtu n itie s fo r su p e rviso ry role, professional d evelopm ent, broad a cad em ic library experience, and im plem enting n e w tech n olo g ie s and services. Th e college is located one hour from Boston and is represented on the W eb at: P le ase se n d résum é, le tte r o f interest, a nd list o f re feren ces to: H um an R esou rce s, A lu m ni Hall (3rd Floor), S a in t A n s e lm C o lle g e , 100 Saint A nselm Drive, M anchester, NH 03102-1310. Saint Anselm College is an equal opportunity e m p loye r d e d ica te d t o a p o lic y o n n o n d is c rim in a ­ tio n in e m p lo y m e n t. F o ra lis t o f c u rre n tly a v a ila b le p o s itio n s , c a ll the S A C J o b L in e : ( 6 0 3 ) 6 4 I- 7 3 7 8 ; o r c h e c k o u r W e b s it e : w w w .a n s e lm .e d u /h r. H E A D O F T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S . (S e a rch R e o p e n e d ) A u b u rn U n iv e rs ity a t M o n tg o m e ry (A U M ) in v ite s a p p lic a tio n s fo r th e p os itio n o f Head of Technical Services. A U M is a regionally accredited institution with approxim ately 5,000 students, including more than 800 graduate students in five schools: Business, Education, Liberal Arts, Nursing, and Sciences. This position is responsible fo r the managem ent and supervision o f the technical services operations (cataloging, acquisitions, and serials) o f the library. This includes planning, implementing, and evaluating oper­ 3 5 4 / C&RL News ■ M ay 2003 D IG IT A L IN F O R M A T IO N S E R V IC E S C O O R D IN A T O R Swarthmore College Swarthmore College is seeking a librarian to lead the library’s initiatives to develop, enhance, and deliver digital collections and services. The position will have primary responsibility for the library’s Web presence-it’s design, usability, and content. Because much of Swarthmore’s digital library work is part of a larger collaborative effort with the libraries at Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges, this librarian will be expected to coordinate and participate in consortial project teams to identify, track, and apply evolving computing trends and best practices in the digital library field. In addition, this person provides leadership and coordination for Swarthmore library staff who work on a range of digital service functions and campus technology resources including, but not limited to, electronic reserves, course m anagement, public computing and multimedia. In this capacity she or he serves as a liaison between the library and the college’s Information Technology Services department. Furthermore, the Digital Information Services C oordinator serves as a mem ber of the library’s public services team, and as such provides reference services a minimum of six hours per week, including nights and weekends. The position also supports faculty and student use of digital library applications and Web authoring tools and participates in the library’s instructional program. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited program or an equivalent degree; hands-on experience with Web services support in a technology-rich library or comparable information organi­ zation; awareness of trends in the application of information technologies to library public services, especially in an academ ic environment; knowledge of current and emerging technologies in digital library services; proven abilities in providing library reference and instruction; demonstrated experience with building collaborative professional relationships; demonstrated leadership and project manage­ ment skills, especially the ability to lead diverse project teams that meet project goals and deadlines; demonstrated strong service orientation; demonstrated excellence in varied forms of written and spoken communication; demonstrated ability to develop and maintain new skills through continual self- education; demonstrated ability to adapt to new work situations, people, ideas, and procedures. The qualified candidate will also possess many of the following technical skills: Demonstrated experience in planning or creating digital library collections; demonstrated experience in managing complex Web sites and applications; demonstrated proficiency in Web development, especially the developm ent of dynamic, database-driven content; demonstrated proficiency with desktop applica­ tions environments (especially useful is experience with public computing in multi-platform environments (W indows/Mac)); familiarity with applications and strategies for at least one of these areas: course management, content management, digital asset m anagement; fam iliarity with existing and emerging metadata standards (MARC/Dublin CoreA/RA, etc.); fam iliarity with structured markup languages (XML/SGML) and scripting languages (PERLVPHP/JavaScript). SALARY MINIMUM: $3,917 per month. TO APPLY: Review of resumes will begin June 1, 2003, and continue until the position is filled. Interviewing will take place at the annual ALA conference in Toronto. Send résumé and cover letter to: Peggy Seiden College Librarian Swarthmore College 500 College Avenue Swarthmore, PA 19081 Fax: (610) 690-2040 E-mail: Swarthmore College is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity. p orting to th e D ire cto r fo r T e ch n ica l S u p p o rt a nd A cq u isitio n s, this in d ividu a l w ill pro vide stra te g ic d ire ction fo r a ll co nso rtia l borrow ing and lending fu n ctio n s, o versee ILL o pe ra tion s, a nd su p e rvise an A s s is ta n t D e p a rtm e n t Head, se ven fu ll-tim e sta ff m e m b e rs, and 2.5 FTE stu d e n t a ssistan ts. T h e su cce ssfu l ca n d id a te w ill e xplo re new w a y s o f p ro viding p atro n -focu sed , c o st-e ffe ctive , state -o f-th e -a rt d e ­ live ry s e rvice s a n d re p re se n t C o lu m b ia n a tio n a lly as an e x p e rt in the a re a o f b orrow ing a nd le nd in g . T h e C o lu m b ia U n ive rsity L ib ra rie s is th e 10th la rg est a c a d e m ic lib ra ry syste m in North A m e rica , with h o ld in g s o f o v e r 7.5 m illion vo lum es. T h e co lle ctio n s a re o rg a n ize d into 2 2 lib ra rie s, e ach co rre spo n ding , gen erally, to a s p e cific a cad em ic o r p ro fe ssio n a l d iscip lin e. R e qu irem e n ts: An a c cre dite d M L S (o r e q u iva ­ lent co m b in a tio n o f e d u catio n and e x pe rie n ce); s u p e rviso ry e xpe ri­ ence; and kn ow led g e o f in te rlib ra ry lo an o pe ra tion s, e le ctro n ic d e liv­ e ry se rvice s, a nd b ib lio g ra p h ic se archin g . Stron g o rg a n iza tion al, a n a lytica l, and co m m u n ica tio n s sk ills are required. W o rkin g kn ow l­ edg e o f o ne o r m o re Europ ea n la ng u ag e s is p re fe rred , a lo n g w ith p re vio u s in te rlib ra ry lo a n /d o cu m e n t d e live ry e xp e rie n ce a nd fa m ilia r­ ity w ith lice n sing a nd in tellectu al p ro p e rty issues. S a la ry R a ng e s fo r th is PC III Position: L ibrarian I: $ 4 6 ,2 0 0 -$ 5 7 ,7 5 0 ; L ibrarian II: $ 4 8 ,7 0 0 - C&RL News ■ M ay 2003 / 355 P R O G R A M C O O R D IN A T O R A N D A S S IS T A N T P R O F E S S O R University of Maine at Augusta Library and Information Services (LIS), full-time, tenure-track, regular, 10-month. The University of Maine at Augusta (UMA) is seeking applications and nominations for a Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor of LIS. This 10-month appointm ent begins August 15,2003, and includes responsibility for coordination of UMA’s global W eb-based program in LIS, currently delivered to 700 students. The normal work year is mid-August to mid-June. The employee will also teach two LIS program courses per year. Additional responsibilities include, but are not limited to: supervision of 14 or more adjunct faculty members; budget management; curriculum assessment; general program oversight. QUALIFICATIONS: Requirements: Am inim um of a master’s degree in Library/lnformation Science from an ALA-accredited institution; experience teaching at the college level; outgoing and service-oriented personality; must be comfortable and effective in a collaborative decision-making environment. Preferences: A Ph. D. in a related field is strongly preferred; experience teaching students at a distance. SALARY: M id-forties comm ensurate with qualifications and experience; excellent benefits package. Review of applications begins im mediately, continuing until filled. Applicants should submit a cover letter, current résumé, transcripts, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references to: Administrative Services LIS Coordinator Search The University of Maine at Augusta 46 University Drive Augusta, ME 04330 We are an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. The University o f Maine at Augusta encourages and values diversity among its students, faculty, and staff. UMA is a member of the University of Maine System. $65,745; Librarian III: $51,700-$77,550; Librarian IV: $56,700-$82,215. Set in the Morningside Heights academ ic village, Columbia presents the unm atched dynamism , diversity, and cultural richness o f New York City. W e offer excellent benefits including 100% Columbia tuition exemption fo r self and fam ily and assistance with University housing. Columbia will also pay 50% tuition fo r yo ur dependent child w ho is a candidate fo r an undergradu­ ate degree a t another accredited college o r university. For immediate consideration, please e-mail yo ur résumé to: cul-recruiter@; o r send it to: Human Resources, C o lu m b ia U n iv e rs ity , Box 18, Butler Library, M C 1104, 535 W e st 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Please reference Search M JL70103015 and include your e-mail address. Screen­ ing o f applications will begin M ay 1,2 0 03 . Columbia University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities and w om en are encour­ aged to apply. IN S T R U C T IO N A L S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N . U n io n U n iv e rs ity se eks an in no va tive Instru ctio na l S ervices Librarian to su pp ort the learning e xpe rie n ces o f stud e nts, fa cu lty, and sta ff through pro active delivery of va lue -a d de d lib ra ry se rvice a nd in struction. M inim um Required Q ua li­ fica tion s: A LA -a ccre dite d M LS d egree; e xcellen t in terpe rso na l c o m ­ m unication, presen tatio n, a nd o rg an iza tion skills; a b ility to w o rk cre ­ a tive ly in a co lla bo ra tive, co lle gia l environ m e n t; stro ng co m m itm en t to user-focu sed se rvices; kn ow led g e o f traditional re feren ce m aterials and e lectron ic resources; fam ilia rity w ith inform ation lite ra cy stan d ards fo r h ig h e r e ducation; and fle xib ility to h andle m ultiple re sp on sib ilitie s in a ch an ging e nviron m e n t. O th e r P referred Q ualifications: T e chn ica l facility w ith c o m p u te rs a nd tech n olo g y; kn ow ledge o f is su es related to u se r a ssessm en t o f lib ra ry se rvice s; co n ve rsa n t w ith e m e rging p ed a ­ gog ica l is su e s related to th e sch ola rsh ip o f te a ch in g and e ng aged le arning; a nd fam ilia rity w ith W e b design and p resentation softw a re . A pp lica tio n P rocess: Interested in dividu a ls should vis it th e U n ive rsity’s pro fe ssio na l o p p ortun itie s W e b p ag e (w w w .u u .e d u/h um an re sou rce s/ facu lty/) fo r a full position a nn ou n cem en t and in stru ction s on the a pplication p rocess. W o m e n and m ino ritie s a re enco urag e d to apply. R E F E R E N C E A N D E L E C T R O N IC S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N . North C a ro lin a W e sle ya n C o lle g e (N C W C ) se e ks a d yn a m ic se rvice -o ri­ e nted librarian to deve lo p e ffe ctive re feren ce se rvice s fo r th e W esle yan c o m m u n ity and to m a in tain a nd e n h an ce th e lib ra ry’s W e b pag es, W eb re so urce s, and a u to m a tio n system . T h is lib ra ria n w ill be resp on sib le fo r p ro viding e ffe ctive re feren ce se rvice and fo r pre pa rin g s u bje ct guides, p a th find ers, and o th e r m a te ria ls to su pp ort the in form atio n n eeds o f W e sle yan stud e nts, facu lty, and staff. H e o r she w ill cre a te and m a in tain th e lib ra ry’s in form atio n al a nd in stru ction al W e b pag es. In co op eratio n w ith others, th is librarian w ill p ro vid e in stru ction in in form a ­ tio n literacy, b oth in R o cky M o u n t a nd a t o ff-ca m p u s lo catio n s. T h is is a fu ll-tim e , 12-m on th position w ith so m e e ven in g a nd w e eke n d hours. N C W C is a d yna m ic, g ro w in g, lib e ra l a rts in stitutio n w ith a pp ro xim a te ly 8 25 tra dition al stud e nts on ca m p us and 1,300 a du lt stud e nts in R aleigh, Durham , and G o ldsb oro. T h e stu d e n t body, both on ca m p us and off, is h ig h ly d iverse. R e qu ired : A ccre dite d M LS d eg re e; stro n g te ch n o lo g y skills, including W ind ow s and O ffice applications, the Internet, e-m ail, and electronic d atabases; e xperience in W e b page design and with graphical W e b a uthoring too ls; a co m m itm en t to service; e xcellent com m unication skill, including oral, w ritten, and in terpersonal; excellent problem -solving skills; th e a b ility to w o rk w e ll in d e p e n d e n tly and as a m e m b e r o f a co lla bo ra tive tea m . D esired: O ne to th re e ye a rs o f a cad em ic library e x pe rie n ce, p re fe ra b ly in re fe re n ce a n d /o r in stru ction . T h is is a te n u re - tra ck a p p ointm e n t a t th e rank o f A ssistan t Professor. C om p etitive sa lary based on qua lifica tio ns and e xperience a nd gen erou s ben efits package. Position a vailab le Ju n e 1 ,2 0 0 3 . R e v ie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill begin im m e ­ d ia te ly a nd c o n tin u e until a su ita b le ca n d id a te is id en tifie d. W o m e n and m ino rity ca nd id ate s are encouraged to app ly. F o r a dditional information, co n ta ct C o lle g e L ibrarian K ath y W inslo w , phone: (2 52) 9 8 5 -5 13 4 ; fax: (252) 9 85-5235; e-m ail: kw in slo w @ n cw c.ed u . T o Apply: S end a le tte r o f a p p lica tio n, a résum é, co p ie s o f tra nscripts, a nd co n ta c t in form atio n fo r th re e p ro fe ssio na l re feren ces to : D arrell W hitley, D irecto r o f H um an R esou rce s, N o rth C a ro lin a W e s le y a n C o lle g e , 3 40 0 North W e s ­ leyan B ou le vard, R o cky M ount, N C 2 78 04 . A n equ al opportun ity, affirm ative action em ployer. R E F E R E N C E /IN S T R U C T IO N L IB R A R IA N . U n iv e rs ity o f P itts ­ burgh. This faculty librarian position participates in the Hillman Reference and Instruction Department, providing reference a ssistance to all m em ­ 356 / C&RL News ■ May 2003 H E A D O F S T A C K S A N D S T O R A G E M A N A G E M E N T (A C C E S S S E R V IC E S ) University of Pennsylvania SCOPE OF POSITION The University of Pennsylvania Library has an excellent managerial opportunity for an enthusiastic public services librarian. The stacks operation in Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center includes over 2.5 million volumes, and the High Density Storage facility has a capacity of 2 million volumes. The Head of Stacks and Storage M anagement reports to the Assistant Director for Access Services and supervises 12 full­ tim e and one part-time staff members. The successful candidate will be part of the leadership team for the Access Services Department, work closely with collection development, technical processing, and document delivery/interlibrary loan staff, and play a key role in helping to develop new services for Penn patrons. The departm ent comprises six units including Circulation, Reserves, Stacks, Data Mainte­ nance, High Density Storage, and Current Periodicals/Microtext, with 3.5 librarians and 30 collective bargaining unit staff. The library uses Endeavor’s Voyager Library Managem ent System and offers a wide variety of patron-initiated services. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Penn Library has a collection of over 5 million volumes, 39,000 print journal subscriptions, 4,700 electronic journals, and over 190 networked databases. Penn is a fully networked campus and is aggressively experimenting with and adopting new technology in research and teaching, including courseware support. In addition to increasing its print collections, Penn is working to build a digital library through a series of innovative projects and partnerships. BROAD RESPONSIBILITIES U nder the direction of the Assistant D irector for Access Services, provide leadership fo r the Stacks and High Density Storage units. Serve as a member of the m anagem ent team of the Access Services Department, and act, as needed, as backup to the Assistant Director and to the other Access Services managers. SPECIFIC DUTIES • Responsible for administration of the Stacks unit (10 staff members), including hiring, training, and supervising staff; ensuring the quality of stacks maintenance; m onitoring use of assigned carrels; developing and implementing policies and procedures; and working with collection management to plan for effective space utilization. • Responsible for administration of public services fo r the High D ensity Storage facility, including hiring, training, and supervising the storage retrieval staff (2.5 staff members); developing and implementing policies and procedures; monitoring the quality of request processing and retrieval operations and initiating and directing new services related to the storage facility. • Oversee collection of data and production of managerial reports related to stacks and storage operations, and present written and oral reports on same; develop new reports and other assessment tools as needed. • W ork closely with the D irector for Collection Development, bibliographers, and o th er selectors to help identify items to be transferred to the storage facility and to plan for shifts in the stacks. • W ork closely with the Storage Processing Librarian and other technical processing staff to ensure (continued on next page) b e rs o f the u n ive rsity co m m u n ity. P ro vide s lib ra ry in stru ction se ssio n s w ith in th e U nive rsity L ibrary S yste m lib ra ry in stru ction pro gra m . P artici­ pate s in rotational schedule including w e eke n ds, evenings, and holidays a s required to o ffe r instruction sessions and reference su pp ort as sch ed ­ uled. Primarily scheduled fo r M onday-Friday, 12:3 0p .m .-9 :0 0 p.m . Annual nine-m onth appointm ent covers fall and spring term s. Reports to the Head o f Hillm an P ub lic S ervices. L ibrarian s a t the U n ive rsity o f Pittsb u rg h are m e m b ers o f the facu lty and are expe cted to co ntribu te sig nifican tly to the profession as well as to perform th e ir specific responsibilities. Successful re vie w s a t y e a rs th re e a nd s ix le ad to the g ra n tin g o f E xpe ctatio n of C o ntin u in g E m ploym ent. S alary: $ 2 ,5 0 0 p e r m onth m inim um . C o m p re ­ hensive benefits package including medical; TIAA-C R EF, Vanguard; and tuition a ssistance. T o Apply: S ub m it le tte r o f application and résum é with the nam es, addresses, and phone num bers o f three references to: William G en tz, Person ne l Lib rarian , 271 Hillm an Library, U n iv ers ity of P itts­ bu rg h , P ittsburgh, P A 15260. R e v ie w o f a p p lica tio n s w ill begin M a y 12, 2 00 3, a nd co n tin u e until position is filled. Full positio n a nn ou n cem en t a vailab le at: http ://w w w .lib ra ry.pitt.ed U /u ls/em plo ym e n t/.T o learn m ore a b o u t th e U n ive rsity L ibrary S yste m , v isit: h ttp ://w w w .lib ra ry.p itt.e d u /. T h e U n ive rsity o f Pittsb u rg h is an a ffirm a tive action , equ al o pp ortun ity em p loye r. F o r m o re in form atio n on the U n ive rsity o f P ittsb u rg h, please visit: h ttp://w w w R E M O T E R E F E R E N C E S P E C IA L IS T . B rig h a m Y o u n g U n iv e r­ sity (B Y U ) Provo, Utah. BYU , an equ al o p p ortun ity, a ffirm a tive action em ployer, sponsored b y T h e C h u rc h o f J e s u s C h ris t o f L atter-day Saints, re q uires o b se rva n ce o f C h urch stan d ards. P re fe re n ce is g iven to a p p li­ c a n ts w h o are C h urch m e m b ers. T h is p ositio n is re sp on sib le to plan, coordinate, m anage, and evaluate reference services to external users. T o A pp ly: R e vie w the co m p le te jo b listing (p o sition # 0 0 1 4 4 3 ) a t h ttp :// w w w .b ploym ent/faculty.htm l and subm it résum é, nam es of three references, and BYU e m p loym en t application form (download from a bo ve URL) to: Cali O ’C onnell, L ibrary H um an R esource Services, 2068 H B L L, B rig h a m Y o u n g U n iv e rs ity , Provo, U T 84602. S P E C IA L C O L L E C T IO N S C A T A L O G E R . T h e U n iv e rs ity o f Sou th F lorida (U SF) L ib ra ry S yste m se e ks q u a lifie d ca n d id a te s fo r a S pe cia l C o lle ctio n s C a talo g er. U S F is a co m p re h e n sive , m e tro po lita n state university, serving more than 3 9 ,0 0 0 students in nine colleges on four ca m p use s in T am pa, Lakeland, St. Petersburg, and Sarasota. Am ong the http://www.library.pitt.edU/uls/employment/.To C&RL News ■ May 2 0 0 3 / 357 (continued from p revious page) efficient and accurate processing of materials transferred to High Density Storage. • Identify and resolve bibliographic problems in Voyager database related to volumes in stacks and storage. • Serve as liaison between patrons, storage processing staff, and storage retrieval staff to ensure expeditious delivery of requested materials and prom pt resolution of issues and problems. • Com municate with patrons and staff regarding stacks and storage; answer questions from patrons and users; and anticipate user needs. • Provide direct service to users during scheduled shifts at Circulation, Information, and/or Reference Desks. • W ork with the Assistant Director and the Department leadership team to design and im plement new library services o r patrons. • Participate in librarywide task forces and committees. • Act as backup to the Assistant Director for Access Services for supervision of other units in the department, including Current Periodicals/Microtext, Circulation Desk, Rosengarten Reserve, and Circulation Data Maintenance, as needed. • A tthedirection of the Assistant Director, serve as a liaison between Access Services and other Public and Technical services departments in the library, (e.g. Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery, Research and Instructional Services, and Information Processing). QUALIFICATIONS MLS from ALA-accredited library school or equivalent in theory and practice; strong supervisory skills or potential essential, as well as a strong customer service focus; excellent technical skills essential, familiarity with library automated systems desirable; excellent written and oral communication skills, ability to w ork effectively with faculty, students, and staff essential. SALARY AND BENEFITS Highly competitive and commensurate with experience. The University of Pennsylvania offers tuition remission (including generous spousal and dependent children benefits), an excellent pension program with a university match, m ortgage/housing assistance, childcare program, excellent area schools, and many other benefits. APPLICATION PROCEDURE C andidates are asked to submit a letter of application, a complete résumé, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references who can address the suitability of the candidate for the responsibilities above. Nominations and applications should be sent to: Robert Eash Library Human Resources Officer University of Pennsylvania Library 3420 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206 E-mail: Applications received by June 16, 2003, will receive first consideration. The University of Pennsylvania is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. top re search u n ive rsitie s in th e s ta te , U SF offe rs deg re e p ro gra m s in 79 und ergrad u ate d iscip lin es, 8 9 m a ster’s and specialist p rogram s, and 26 d octoral fie lds, a nd has a fa cu lty o f m o re th a n 2,000. T he L ibrary S ystem is co m p ose d o f fo u r c a m p u s libraries, a health scie nce library, and a m e n ta l health in stitute library. T h e co m b ine d lib ra rie s o ffe r re se arch e rs a ccess to 1,734,948 volum es, 1 6,470 periodicals, and 49 electronic d ata­ bases. Responsibilities: R eporting to the Head o f C ataloging, the Special C o lle ction s C a ta lo g e r is re sp on sib le fo r original and co m p lex co py c a ta ­ lo ging and a u th o rity c o n tro l a s a p p ro p ria te fo r all m a terials in S pecial C o lle ctio n s e xce p t se ria ls a nd e le ctro n ic re so urce s. T h is positio n also w o rks clo s e ly w ith th e D ire c to r o f C o lle ctio n s to e sta b lish ca ta lo ging p rio ritie s and d e ve lo p stra te g ie s to a d d re ss n ew ly acqu ire d colle ction s. T h e S pe cia l C o lle ctio n s C a ta lo g e r w ill w o rk in a tea m e n viro n m e n t w ith se ven professional cata lo ge rs and 11 p araprofessionals and is expected to co n trib u te to plan n in g a nd tra in in g a ctivities supp orting d ep artm en tal objectives. Professional contributions beyond the prim ary responsibilities include pursuing research and creative activities including publication and p re sen tatio ns; p a rticip a tin g in u n ive rsity and library fa cu lty gove rn an ce a ctivities; p a rticipa tin g in lib ra ry, in stitutio na l, local, a nd natio na l p ro fe s­ sio n a l se rvice a ctivities; m a in tain in g an aw aren e ss o f national a nd local cataloging practices; managing a collection developm ent assignm ent; and p a rticipa tin g in co o p e ra tive p ro je cts w ith th e U S F S chool o f L ibrary and In fo rm a tio n S cie n ce to fu rth e r th e e d u ca tio n o f p ro sp e ctive lib ra ria n s. M inim um Q ua lifica tio n s: M a ster’s d eg re e fro m an A LA -a ccre d ite d p ro ­ gram o r an international equivalent; experience in cataloging with AACR2r, LC cla ssifica tion , LC SH , and M A R C 21. Pre fe rred Q ua lifica tio ns: E xpe ­ rien ce w ith A PP M , O C L C , W in d o w s a p p lica tio n s, N O TIS , o r ExLibris; re a din g kn ow led g e o f o ne o r m o re fo re ig n la ng u ag e s; a b ility to w o rk in de p en d en tly and cooperatively; d em on stratio n o f a strong potential fo r pro fe ssio na l d eve lo pm en t; co m m itm e n t to le arning and using em erging te ch n olo g ie s; analytical, m ultita sking and o rg anizational skills, fle xibility handling ch an ge ; d em on strate d co m m itm e n t to th e A S E R L C o m p ete n ­ cie s fo r R esearch Librarian s. D e adline to a p p ly is Ju n e 2 7 ,2 0 0 3 . S alary a nd B en e fits: S a la ry and rank d e p e n d e n t upon ye a rs o f p o s t-m a s te r’s e xperience and record o f scholarly achie ve m e nt and service. Salaries fo r Instructor Librarians begin a t $ 30,0 0 0 -$ 3 5 ,000. Librarians are 12-month, n on -te nu re d fa c u lty w ith 2 2 d a y s ’ va ca tio n a nd 13 d a y s ’ s ick le ave annually; T IA A -C R E F o r oth e r retirem ent o ptions and insurance benefits. A p p lica tio n Pro ced ure: S en d a le tte r o f a p p lica tio n, vita , a nd nam es, tele p h o n e num be rs, a nd e -m a il a d d re sse s o f th re e re feren ces, by the 3 5 8 / C&RL News ■ May 2003 T H R E E P O S IT IO N S A V A IL A B L E University of Utah The Marriott Library invites applications from innovative, dynamic, and service-oriented librarians fo r three positions. Complete descriptions may be found on the library’s Web site: w w w Head of Science and Engineering The Head of the Science and Engineering Division will have a strong commitment to user services in support of faculty and students in chemistry, physics, engineering, earth sciences, and biological sciences; enthusiasm fo r teaching and vision fo r the future in a New Generation Library. The successful candidate will: 1) take an active, collaborative role in planning and provision of new and existing librarywide programs and initiatives; 2) stay abreast of developments in information delivery and scholarly communication; 3) deliver and coordinate a wide range of user support including reference desk, collection development, consultation, and a growing program of user education; 4) continue development of partnerships with faculty and academic departments. Reports to the Assistant Director for Public Services. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; five years of relevant professional library experience; two years of demonstrated leadership experience; ability to work independently and in collaboration with others; bachelorof science in science or engineering discipline or equivalent experience in science or engineering library; ability to articulate a vision for science and engineering services and resources; willingness to work and lead in a dynamic, flexible, changing library environment. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Master’s of science degree in physical science or engineering; knowledge of emerging library technologies; and additional years of supervisory experience. SALARY: Minimum $55,000. Web Services Librarian The Web Services Librarian coordinates the ongoing development of the library’s Web presence; sets priorities for and manages the work of the Web and Graphic Designer; facilitates the integration of information technologies into various aspects of library activities; refines Web policies, sets priorities, conducts usability testing, and provides a vision for future Web projects; and provides education and support for content providers throughout the library. Reports to the Assistant Director for Public Services. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; minimum of one year’s experience in a library setting, with two years of demonstrated progressive experience with the design, development, and management of Web sites; extensive experience required with the basic elements of Web design and site management, including HTML authoring, form creation, editing/site management software (e.g., Dreamweaver, Frontpage, etc.), accessibility issues, and usability testing. Familiarity with CGI scripting, log analysis, graphic editing tools, and basic UNIX file management essential. Thorough knowledge of CSS and the use of templates and library items in Dreamweaver. Awareness of trends in the application of information technologies to library public services in a higher education setting. (continued on next page) above stated deadlines, to: M ark Pearson, Coordinator o f Library Human R esou rce s, U n iv e rs ity o f S o u th F lo rid a , 4 20 2 E. Fo w le r Avenue, LIB 122, T am pa, F L 33620-5400; phone: (813) 974-4592; fax:(813) 974- 5 153; e-m ail: m pearson @ F o r m ore in form ation on this posi­ tio n, th e library, o r th e U n ive rsity o f S ou th Florida, plea se visit: http:// w w w S P E C IA L C O L L E C T IO N S L IB R A R IA N . T h e U n ive rsity o f South F lo rid a L ibrary S yste m se e ks q u a lifie d ca n d id a te s fo r a S pecial C o lle c­ tio n s Librarian. U S F is a c o m p reh e nsive, m etro po lita n state university, se rvin g m ore than 3 9,000 stud e nts in nine co lle ge s on fo u r ca m p use s in T am pa, Lakeland, St. Petersburg, and Sarasota. A m o n g th e top research universities in the state, U S F offers degree program s in 79 undergraduate d isciplines, 89 m aster’s and sp ecia list p rogram s, and 2 6 d octoral fields, and has a facu lty o f m o re than 2,000. Th e Library S ystem is com posed of fo u r ca m p us libraries, a health scie nce lib ra ry, and a m e n ta l health in stitute library. T h e co m b ine d lib ra rie s o ffe r re se arch e rs a cce ss to 1 ,734,948 vo lum es, 16,470 periodicals, and 4 9 e lectron ic data ba ses. Responsibilities: U SF Library System seeks an energetic S pecial Collec­ tio n s Librarian to p rocess, inventory, describe, and arra ng e archival and m a n uscript co lle ction s in all form ats. U n d e r th e su pervision o f the D irec­ to r o f Collections, this person is responsible fo r the preparation o f print and o nline collection finding aids; preservation and storage decisions; id enti­ fica tion a nd prepa ra tion o f a rch ival m a terials fo r d igitizatio n and W e b p re sen tatio n; p ub lic se rvice and o utreach to th e u n ive rsity a nd general public through research assistance, publication, instructional program s, and oth e r creative endeavors; curating one o r m ore o f Special C ollections’ m a jo r political and Floridiana colle ction s; w o rkin g clo sely w ith the Direc­ to r o f Collections and o th e r library staff to id entify and a cquire collections th a t a re co nco rd an t w ith Special C o lle ction s’ w ritte n collection d evelop­ m ent policy; planing and executing a program to expand the U S F Publica­ tio ns Collection; and provideing collection developm ent liaison su pp ort to one o r m o re a cad em ic d e p artm en ts. M inim um Q u a lifica tio ns: M a ster’s deg re e fro m an A L A -a ccre dite d p ro gra m o r an in terna tion a l equ iva le nt w ith a t le ast tw o ye ars o f special co lle ction s o r a rch ives e xperience in an a cadem ic o r sp ecia l library setting. S trong co m m u nicatio n a nd interper­ sonal skills are a m ust. P referred Q ua lifica tio ns: Form al a rch ival e du ca ­ tion o r in stitute ce rtifica tion ; F lo rid a o r S ou the rn h isto ry credentials; co lle ction d e ve lo p m e n t expe rie n ce; s u bje ct m a ster’s d eg re e; a bility to design and develop W eb sites; public service experience; dem onstrated co m m itm en t to the A S E R L C om petencies fo r Research Librarians. Dead­ line to apply is J u ly 4 ,2003. Salary and Benefits: Salary and rank dependent upon ye a rs o f post-m aste r’s experience and record o f scholarly achie ve ­ m e n t and service. S alaries fo r In stru cto r L ibrarian s begin a t $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 - $ 35 ,00 0. L ibrarian s are 12-m onth, n on -te nu re d fa c u lty w ith 2 2 d a y s ’ vacation and 13 days’ sick leave annually; TIA A-C R E F o r oth e r retirement C&RL News ■ May 2003 / 359 (co n tinu ed fro m p re vio u s p age) PREFERRED Q UALIFICATIONS: Demonstrated working knowledge of database-driven Web sites; experience in an academ ic library. SALARY: Minimum $42,000. Instruction Librarian The Instruction Librarian works with division members in a collaborative environm ent to create and implement library resource and software application instruction. Responsibilities include course- integrated instruction, classes o r workshops for students, staff, o r faculty; software instruction, research labs, online o r classroom -based credit courses and developing instruction and training materials. Provides reference service and may have collection developm ent duties. Reports to the Head of Instruction. REQUIRED Q UALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; fam iliarity with goals of information literacy; substantial knowledge of and experience with electronic resources, software, and Internet applications; demonstrated effective training/teaching skills with group, class, and one-on-one settings and experience or training related to W eb design and Web authoring. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Formal teaching experience; experience in developing online library resources such as tutorials, surveys, and guides; reference o r com puter help-desk experience; experience in an academ ic library. SALARY: Minimum $34,000. All candidates must show evidence of strong oral and written communication skills, comm itm ent to provide excellent and innovative service, the ability to work in a complex, changing environment, the ability to meet university’s requirements fo r promotion and continuing appointment (tenure equivalency), and the ability to work and com m unicate effectively with diverse populations. The M arriott Library is an ARL library with holdings of nearly 3 million volumes. The university, with a student population of over 28,000, is situated on a 1,500-acre campus in Salt Lake City. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Send a detailed letter of application addressing how your experience matches the stated qualifications, a résumé, and the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to: Kristeen Arnold, Human Resources Director 327 Marriott Library 295 South 1500 East Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0860 Applications received by J u n e 16, 2003, will be given full consideration. The University of Utah is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. We encourage applications from women and minorities and provide reasonable accommodation to known disabilities of applicants and employees. The University o f Utah may only employ individuals who are legally authorized to work in the United States by providing documents as specified in the Immigration Reform and Control Act o f 1986. o p tio n s a nd in su ra n ce b e n e fits. A p p lica tio n P rocedure: S end a le tte r of application, vita, and nam es, telephone num bers, and e-mail addresses of three references, by th e a bo ve stated deadlines, to: M ark Pearson, C oor­ d in a to r o f L ib ra ry H u m a n R esou rce s, U n iv e rs ity o f S o u th F lo rid a , 4 2 0 2 E. Fo w le r A ven u e, L IB 122, T am pa, F L 33 6 20 -5 40 0 ; p hone: (813) 974-4592; fax:(8 1 3 ) 974-5 15 3 ; e-m ail: m pearson @ F o r m ore in form ation on th is position, th e library, o r the University o f South Florida, please visit: http://w w w .lib .u sf.ed u/. S Y S T E M S L IB R A R IA N FO R D IG IT A L L IB R A R Y S E R V IC E S . T h e F lo rid a C e n te r f o r L ib r a r y A u to m a tio n (FC LA) in G ainesville, Flo rid a , is se ekin g a sy s te m s lib ra ria n to w o rk as p a rt o f a tea m of lib ra ria n s a nd p ro g ra m m e rs in th e Digital L ibrary Services G ro up . T h is in d ividu a l w ill h elp to p ro vid e h ig h -q u a lity a p p lica tio ns a nd se rvice s desig n ed to su pp ort th e lib ra rie s o f the public u niversity system o f Florida in creating, m anaging, and p reserving local digital inform ation resources. F C L A c o m b in e s th e ch a lle n g e s o f library and in form atio n scie nce with large-scale data processing in a fully networked, W eb-based environment. A p p lica tio n a re a s w e w o rk in in volve m etadata, retrieval, W eb -b ase d in terfa ce s, S G M L a nd X M L m a rku p, a nd d igita l im ages, audio, and m u ltim e d ia. F o r a co m p le te d e scrip tio n o f th is position a nd a pplication in s t r u c ti o n s , s e e : h t t p : // w w w . fc l a . e d u / F C L A in f o / v a c a n c y / d lslib ra ria n 85 91 80.htm l; o r co n ta ct Elaine Henjum at: (352) 392-9020. S Y S T E M S L IB R A R IA N . A s s u m p tio n C o lle g e s e e k s a fu ll-tim e S y s te m s L ib ra ria n to c o o rd in a te lib ra ry te c h n o lo g y -b a s e d se rv ic e s , in c lu d in g th e ir d e v e lo p m e n t, o p e ra tio n , a nd m a in te n a n c e . D e m o n ­ stra te d kn ow led g e o f in teg ra ted L ibrary M a n ag em en t S ystem s; MARC- based b ibliographic form a ts and O CLC; relational database m anagem ent a nd re porting using S Q L o r A ccess; W e b -b ase d and Inte rn et resources a nd too ls. M L S fro m an A LA -a ccre d ite d lib ra ry sch oo l; m inim um three ye a rs ’ e xp e rie n ce w o rkin g w ith lib ra ry system s, p re fe ra b ly V oyager. R ésum és will be reviewed as the y are received. P lease send ré su m é and c o v e r letter, w h ich m u s t in clu de s a la r y re q u ir e m e n ts (R e fe re n c e Jo b # 0 3 -1 2 ) , to : J o a n E. N e w to n , D ire c to r o f H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , A s ­ s u m p tio n C o lle g e , 5 0 0 S a lis b u ry S tre e t, W o rc e s te r, M A 0 1 6 0 9 - 1 29 6. E -m a il: re s u m e s @ a s s u m p tio n .e d u . A s s u m p tio n C o lle g e e n ­ c o u r a g e s a p p lic a tio n s fro m c a n d id a te s o f d iv e r s e c u ltu ra l b a c k ­ grounds. U N D E R G R A D U A T E S C IE N C E A N D E N G IN E E R IN G O U T R E A C H A N D IN S T R U C T IO N L IB R A R I A N . U n i v e r ­ s it y o f C a lifo r n ia , S a n D ie g o (U C SD ), S cie n ce and Eng in ee ring Library. P re fe rred A p p o in tm e n t Level: A ss is ta n t L ibrarian w ith a pp ro x i­ mate salary range o f $ 37 ,92 0-$4 2 ,9 9 6. Th e UCSD Libraries se ek innova­ tive, e n e rg e tic scie nce o r e n g in ee rin g in form atio n p ro fe ssio na ls to lead com m unications, outreach, and instruction in itia tives fo r undergraduates 360 / C&RL News ■ May 2003 A R T S R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N Wake Forest University The Z. Smith Reynolds Library of Wake Forest University seeks an enthusiastic, innovative, and service-oriented Arts Reference Librarian to serve as liaison and subject specialist, selecting library materials to support studio art, art history, theatre, dance, and film studies in the undergraduate College and Graduate School of Arts and Science; provide arts-related and general user instruction and teach credit-bearing course in information literacy, developing related instructional materials; provide reference and research assistance using traditional and electronic resources; share reference desk responsibilities with six other librarians; provide computer training for students and faculty. Wake Forest University, located in the beautiful North Carolina piedmont between the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Atlantic coast, is a private university where academ ic excellence is consistently recognized through rankings in the top tier of the country’s finest liberal arts institutions. With an undergraduate enrollment of 4,000 and graduate schools enrolling 2,000, W ake Forest offers a rare combination: the academic and technological resources, facilities, and Division I athletic programs associated with a large university with the compact campus, small classes, and individual attention only a sm aller school can provide. The Z. Smith Reynolds Library supports the undergraduate college, Graduate School of Arts and Science, and Graduate Divinity School with more than 1.3 million volumes and 5 4 full-time staff. It ranks among the top academ ic and research libraries in the southeast for library expenditures per student. A collegial organizational structure assures that the library is flexible and proactive in serving users in a changing technological environment. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’s degree in art history or theatre history; MLS from an ALA- accredited program; current knowledge of and recent experience with electronic and traditional resources in the arts listed above; demonstrated skill in library instruction; comm itm ent to information literacy; excellent communication, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills; ability to work successfully in a team environment: experience with automated library systems, standard W indows and Internet applications. An equivalent combination of education and experience may be considered. ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS DESIRED: Master’s degree in one of the arts disciplines listed above; academ ic library experience with strong art history emphasis. Qualified Spring 2003 MLS graduates are encouraged to apply. COMPENSATION: Salary is negotiable from $35,000, commensurate with experience and qualifica­ tions. Benefits include 31 days of paid time off; 13 holidays; retirement, health, life, and disability insurance plans; tuition concession. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. TO APPLY: Send le tte r of application, résumé, and names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references to: Employment Manager Office of Human Resources Post Office Box #7424 Wake Forest University Winston-Salem, NC 27109 You may transm it your application materials via facsimile to: (336) 758-6127; or via electronic mail to: w akejobs@ w For more information about Wake Forest University, visit our Web site at w w w .w Wake Forest University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. in the nationally ranked p rogram s served by the Science and Engineering Library. T a kes p rim a ry re sp on sib ility fo rd e sig n in g , cond uctin g , a sse ss­ ing general und ergrad u ate scie nce a nd eng in ee rin g instruction and out­ reach. R equires fam ilia rity w ith s cie ntific and engineering literature o r the inform ation n e e d s a n d pra ctices o f e n g in ee rs o r scie ntists; kn o w le d g e o f c u rre n t is su e s a nd m e th o d s o f lib ra ry in s tru c tio n a nd o u tre a c h ; e x p e ­ rie n c e in in s tru c tin g a d u lt le a rn e rs a nd in u sin g te c h n o lo g y to d e liv e r in fo rm a tio n s e rv ic e s ; M L S d e g re e o r e q u iv a le n t. P re fe r in v o lv e m e n t in p ro fe s s io n a l in fo rm a tio n lite ra c y o r a c tiv e le a rn in g a c tiv itie s ; tw o o r m o re y e a r s ’ e x p e rie n c e p ro v id in g re fe re n c e o r in s tru c tio n a l s e r­ v ic e s in a n a c a d e m ic s e ttin g . C o n s id e ra tio n w ill be g iv e n to n ew g ra d u a te s o f lib ra ry o r in fo rm a tio n s c ie n c e p ro g ra m s . F o r d e ta ile d in fo rm a tio n , se e: h ttp ://o rp h e u s .u c s d .e d u Z fac/S E Lo utre a ch.h tm . A p ­ p lic a tio n c o n s id e ra tio n b e g in s J u n e 3 0 ,2 0 0 3 , a n d w ill c o n tin u e until th e p o s itio n is fille d . S e n d a p p lic a tio n le tte r, ré su m é , a nd lis t o f th re e re fe re n c e s to : lib ra ry jo b s @ u c s d .e d u . A ffir m a tiv e a c tio n , e q u a l o p ­ p o rtu n ity e m p lo ye r. W E B S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N . Th e U n iv e rs ity o f N orth D a kota (U ND) o ffe rs an o pp ortun ity to jo in a dynam ic, se rvice -m ind ed , collegial, org an iza tion w h ere th e Librarian w ill integrate W e b se rvice s throu g ho ut th e Library. T h e W e b S ervices L ibrarian d eve lo ps a nd m a n ag es the lib ra ry’s W e b site, w o rks w ith lib ra ry sta ff in d e ve lo ping W e b -b ase d se rvices, supp orts staff and u se r education, is involved in m a n y a spects http://orpheus.ucsd.eduZfac/SELoutreach.htm C&RL News ■ May 2003 / 361 THE COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY L i b r a r y ~ 2 P o s i t i o n s The College of New Jersey is a highly selective, comprehensive residential institution recognized as one of the outstanding public colleges in the country. Located between New York City and Philadelphia in suburban Ewing Township, The College enrolls approximately 5,900 undergraduates and 900 graduate students. We are currently seeking candidates to fill tw o full-time, 12-month, tenure-track positions at the Roscoe L. West Library. Requirements for both positions include: ALA-accredited Master’s degree; excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills; knowledge of general reference and facility with electronic and traditional information resources. Initiative, flexibility, and a strong service orientation are essential. Additional graduate degree in an appropriate discipline is highly desirable. Both positions provide general reference service, including some weekends and evenings, and participate in general user education program. Research/scholarly activity, service on institutional committees, and active participation in the profession are expected for tenure. Rank is commensurate with qualifications and experience. Salary ranges: Librarian III, $41,329 - $61,998; Librarian II, $45,566 - $68,340; with full benefits package including TIAA/CREF. P H Y S IC A L S C IE N C E S /E N G I N E E R IN G L IB R A R IA N - Coordinates collection development and provides in-depth reference for Chemistry, Physics, M athem atics/S tatistics, C om puter Science, Engineering, and Technological Studies; works closely with faculty in the Schools of Science and Engineering to assess the needs of academic programs; provides subject-specific user education. Educational background and/or experience in a relevant science or technical discipline is required. Preferred: Significant experience using resources in the physical sciences or engineering; basic know ledge of w eb page design. Contact person: Mrs. Deborah Sheesley, Chair, Physical Sciences/Engineering Librarian Search Committee ( E L E C T R O N IC R E SO U R C E S/SE R IA LS LIB R A R IA N - Coordinates collection management of electronic resources, including research databases and on-line journals; provides leadership for development of the library’s electronic and print journal collection. Requirements: Knowledge of electronic collections and serials operations, focusing on access management; knowledge of licensing issues. Preferred: Experience with coordinating electronic resources, including negotiating access; experience with serials control, preferably using Voyager; basic knowledge of mark-up languages, as well as metadata standards and MARC formats; experience preparing budget proposals. Contact person: Ms. Maureen Gorman, Chair, Electronic Resources/Serials Librarian Search Committee ( For more detailed position descriptions, see h ttp ://w w w .tc n j.e d u /~ e e s in fo /e in p lo y m e n t/lib r a r y .s h tm l. A review o f applications will begin in mid-April and will continue until the positions are filled. To apply, please send cover letter, resume, and names and contact information (including e-mails) for at least four professional references to the attention of the contact person listed for each position to: Roscoe L. West Library, The College of New Jersey, P.O. Box 7718, Ewing, NJ 08628-0718. Applications may be sent by e-mail. To enrich education through diversity, The College of New Jersey is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. o f lib ra ry syste m s o p e ra tio n s , a nd is an active p articipa n t in R eference D e sk S ervices. T h e p ositio n p ro vid e s o p p o rtu n itie s fo r g ra n t w riting and p a rticipa tio n on lib ra ry a nd u n ive rsity c o m m itte es. T uition ben efits in p u rsu it o f a d va n ce d d e g re e s a re a vailab le fo r U N D staff, a llo w in g the o p p o rtu n ity to p u rs u e an a d va n ce d d egree. T h is position reports to the H e ad o f L ib ra ry S y s te m s a nd S e rvice s and th e H ead o f R e feren ce and Research S ervices (fo r R eference D e sk responsibilities). Q ualifications: R e qu ired : G ra d u a te d e g re e fro m an a ccre dite d library school o r oth e r appro pria te adva nce d d eg re e w ith experience in a fie ld relevant to library scie nce ; tw o ye a rs o f re le v a n t e x pe rie n ce; dem on strate d kn ow ledge of HTM L a n d W e b a u th oring softw a re ; and know ledge o f the b est practices in W e b d e sig n . P re fe rre d : W e b site m a n ag em en t e xperience; d e m o n ­ s tra te d s kill u sing D re a m w e a ve r, W e b scriptin g languages, and style sh ee ts; d e m o n stra te d stro n g p u b lic se rvice o rientation to w o rk w e ll with facu lty, staff, and stu d e n ts; kn ow led g e o f com p ute r hardware, software, W in d o w s O S , and n e tw o rkin g re le v a n t to su pp orting lib ra ry operations; kn ow led g e o f d e sig n in g re la tion a l d ata b a se s and SQL; kn ow led g e o f electronic and traditional inform ation resources and bibliographic instruc­ tio n ; a b ility to w o rk in d e p e n d e n tly a nd su pe rvise th e w o rk o f others; e xp e rie n ce w o rkin g in a n a ca d e m ic o r re se arch library; and stro ng interpersonal skills. B enefits: T h is is a permanent, 12-month appointm ent w ith a va rie ty o f lib e ra l frin g e b en efits, in clu din g a ch oice o f m edical insurance, life insurance, and retirem ent plans, including B lu e Cross/Blue S hield a nd T IA A -C R E F . R a nk a nd Salary: A cad e m ic Librarian position # 03 -2 34 ; $ 4 0 ,00 0. A pp lica tio n: Subm it le tte r o f application, résum é, and the nam es, phone num bers, a nd e-m ail a dd re sses o f th re e p rofessional re fe re n ce s and an official u n ive rsity a pp lica tio n fo rm , w h ich m a y be d ow n lo a de d from http://ww rg /o pso ro bta in ed by calling (701) 7 7 7 -4 3 6 1 , to : D esi S po rb ert, P erson ne l S ervices, P.O. B ox 8 01 0, U n i­ v e r s i t y o f N o r th D a k o ta , G ra n d F o rk s , N D 5 8 2 0 2 ; e -m a il: p ersonnel_services@ m Applications w ill b e accepted until th e position is fille d . A p p lic a tio n s re ce ived by M ay 1 5 ,2 0 0 3 , w ill be g iven first consid e ra tion . Library: T h e h oldings o f the U niversity Libraries e xcee d tw o m illion ite m s. L ibraries in clu d e th e C h e ste r F ritz Library; d ep artm en tal lib ra rie s in g eo lo gy, e n e rg y rese arch , a nd m u sic; the Thorm odsgard L aw Library; and the Harley E. French Library o f the Health Scie nce s. T h e lib ra ry is a jo in t re gional d e p o sito ry fo r U nited Sta tes docum ents, a designated dep osito ry library fo r United States patents and tra de m a rks, a nd a d e p o s ito ry fo r N o rth D a kota sta te d ocu m e nts. Th e lib ra ry p articip a te s in O C L C , M IN IT E X , a nd th e O nline D a kota In fo rm a ­ tion N e tw ork (O D IN ). T h e UND lib ra rie s a re cu rre n tly p lan n in g c o n v e r­ sion to a n e w library m anagem ent system . C am pus/Com m unity: Founded in 1 883, th e U n ive rsity o f North D a kota is th e la rg est in stitutio n o f high e r education in the Dakotas, Montana, W yom ing, and Idaho. UND is situated in a co m m u nity o f a bo ut 5 3,000 on the b orde r b etw een N orth D akota and M inn eso ta. T h e c a m p u s and co m m u n ity o ffe r m a n y e n te rtainm e n t, c u l­ tural, and sporting opportunities. Issued: A pril 2 ,2 0 0 3 . UND is an a ffirm a ­ tive action, equal opp ortun ity em ployer. http://www.und.edii/org/opsorobtained