ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 8 4 4 /C& RL News ■ Decem ber 1998 ACRL candidates for 1999 Cast your vote! Vice-president/ President-elect P atricia Ann W and has been a university librarian at American University in Washing­ ton, D.C., since 1989. From 1982-1989, she was an assistant university librarian for pub­ lic services at the University of Oregon. She also held positions at Columbia University, College of Staten Island, and Wittenberg Uni­ versity. Wand has been an active member of ACRL, chairing the International Relations Commit­ tee (1996-97); serving as a member of the 7th National Conference Executive Committee (1993-95); chairing the Government Relations Committee (1993-94); and chairin g o f the Budget and Finance Committee (1986-88), during which time she Patricia Ann Wand served as a member of the ACRL Board of Directors. She has also served on the ALA Commit­ tee of Legislation’s Intellectual Property Sub­ committee (1995-97) and on the White House Conference Committee (1989-95). Wand is active beyond ALA/ACRL, serv­ ing as a District of Columbia delegate at Na­ tional Library Legislative Day in 1995 and 1996, and chairing OCLC’s Advisory Committee on College and University Libraries from 1993- 94. She was president of the District of Co­ lumbia Library Association (1996-97) and served on its Board (1993-95). She is also a current member of the Maryland Library As­ sociation and was a member of the Oregon Library Association from 1982-89. Her awards include the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Michi­ gan in 1992, and the Fulbright Senior Lecture Award in 1989. She is an active C h oice reviewer and au­ thor. Her recent publications include “Copy­ right and fair use: Maintaining a balanced en­ vironment ” (In tercom ‚ 1997) and “Commen­ tary: Technological change, intellectual prop­ erty, and academic libraries; an outline of the issues” (S cien ce C om m u nication, 1995.). Wand has a B.A. from Seattle University, a M.A.T. from Antioch Graduate School, and an MLS from the University of Michigan. Betsy Wilson has been the associate direc­ tor of Libraries for Public Services at the Uni­ versity of Washington since 1992. She also serves as executive director o f the Leopoldo C ico g n ara P rogram (University of Illinois/ Vatican Library). From 1986-92 she was the assistant director of Li­ braries for Undergradu­ ate and Instructional Services at the Univer­ sity of Illinois at Ur- bana-Champaign and held other positions there from 1979-86. Lizabeth (Betsy) Wilson Wilson has been active in ACRL and ALA and currently serves as the co-chair of the Colleagues Committee and as chair of a Uni­ versity Libraries Section’s discussion group. She chaired the Instruction Section from 1991- 92, the Activity Sections Council from 1990- 91, and is currently a member of the Institute for Information Literacy Advisory Group. She also served as an ALA Council member-at- large from 1991-95. She is very active in other organizations currently serving on the OCLC User’s Council from 1996-2001, the Seattle Educational Pipe­ line Project’s Advisory Board, and the Uni­ versity of Washington’s Web Initiative Steer­ ing Committee. Previously she chaired the II- C&RL News ■ Decem ber 1998 1 845 linois State Library’s Automation Committee from 1986-90 and served as president of the University of Illinois Library School Associa­ tion from 1987-88. She has received numerous awards includ­ ing the Senior Fellows Institute, 1997; the ACRL/IS Miriam Dudley Bibliographic Instruc­ tion Library Award, 1995; and the Library In­ struction Roundtable’s Top Twenty Publica­ tions Award for 1991. Her recent publications include “UWired: Enhancing Teaching, Learning, and Technol­ ogy through Collaboration” ( Collaboration a n d Instructional Design in a Virtual Environment, 1997) and “The User-centered Library” (RQ‚ 1995). Wilson has also presented numerous papers and poster sessions and now serves on two editorial boards. Wilson has a B A. from Northwestern Uni­ versity and an MLS from the University of Il­ linois at Urbana-Champaign. A CR L Board, D irectors-at-Large Louise S. Sherby, chief librarian, Hunter Col­ lege Library, T heresa S. Byrd, LRC director, J Sargeant Reynolds Community College. Lois C herepon, head of Reference Services, St. Jo h n ’s University; R e b e c c a B e r n th a l, head, C Y Thompson Library, University of Nebraska. African-Am erican Studies Librarians Section Candidates not identified at this time. A n th ro p o lo gy and S o cio lo g y Section V i c e - C h a i r /C h a i r - e l e c t : S u z a n n e H. Calpestri, head, Anthropology Library, Uni­ versity California, Berkeley; Cathy L. M oore- Jan sen , Social Sciences librarian, Wichita State University. Member-at-Large: B rian A. Q uinn‚ Social Science librarian, Texas Tech University Li­ braries; Gregory K. McKinney, reference/col­ lection management librarian, Temple Uni­ versity; Ja m e s D. Haug, general reference li­ brarian, East Carolina University. ARTS Section Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: Lorelei Tanji, UCI Fine Arts librarian, University of California, Irvine; N ancy E. Friedland, assistant under­ graduate librarian, Columbia University Librar­ ies. Secretary: A n n Lindell, assistant Architec­ ture/Fine Arts librarian, University of Florida; Ted W. Wygant, reference librarian, Daytona Beach Community College Library. Asian, African, and M iddle Eastern Section Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: William Wong, East Asian librarian, University of California-Irvine; Member-at-Large: S han An, librarian, assis­ tant curator, New York University. C om m unity and Ju n io r College Lib raries Section V ice-C hair/C hair-elect: K athryn Chilson O ’G orm an , director, Cincinnati State Techni­ cal and Community College; Gregg T. Atkins, director of Library Services, College of San Mateo Library. S ecretary: R osa S. Burnett, dean, Library Services, State Technical Institute of Memphis; J a n e t S. Key, director, Library/Media Services. C o llege Libraries Section V ice-Chair/Chair-elect: Lynn K. Chmelir, college librarian, Linfield College; M ich ael A n n (M ickey) Zemon, director of libraries, Emerson College Library. Secretary: M ark E. Cain, director, Informa­ tion Services & Support, College of Mount Saint Joseph; J e n n ife r Ross Taxm an, head of Public Services, Skidmore College. Member-at-Large: Marilyn J. Mitchell, direc­ tor, University of Puget Sound; S u san L. R ichards‚ director of Library Services, West­ ern State College. Distance Learning Section Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: C arol M. Moulden, coordinator Off-campus Library Services; write-in candidate. Member-at-Large: J a n e t Feldm an, (member­ ship expire 6-30-98, e-mail sent 9-18); R ich­ a r d Wood, director, Sam Houston State Uni­ versity; Leslie W ykoff Vancouver campus li­ brarian. Secretary: E lizabeth E. Orgeron, reference/ Off-Campus Service librarian Southeastern Louisiana University; write-in candidate. Education and Behavioral Sciences Section V ice-C hair/C hair-elect:; L orn a M. Lueck, Reference Services, University of California. 846 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 Secretary: J o d y B ales Foote‚ associate pro­ fessor, Southern Illinois University; L o r e n e R. Sisson, Media Curriculum, San Jose State Uni­ versity. Member-at-Large: B a r b a r a J Celone, head, Cubberley Library, Stanford University; K ay Womack, University of Oklahoma Libraries, head, Reference Department. E n glish and Am erican Literature Section Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: Joh n Tofanelli, resource services librarian, The Johns Hopkins Univer­ sity; William Wortman, Miami University. Secretary: Steve Ennis, curator, Literary Col­ lections, Emory University Libraries; R oberts. Means, English Literature librarian, Brigham Young University. M ember-At-Large: H e a th er Martin, Arts & Humanities librarian, University of Alabama at Birmingham; J u d y Reynolds, coordina­ tor, Library Instruction, San Jo se State Uni­ versity. Instruction Section Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: K aren A. Williams, team leader for the Social Science Team, Uni­ versity of Arizona; C arol A Wright, reference librarian, Pennsylvania State University Librar­ ies. Secretary: E lizabeth H. (Betsy) Parks, head, Reference Department, University of Memphis; Kristin R. Ramsdell, Information & Interpre­ tive Services librarian, California State Uni­ versity. Member-at-Large: M arilee Birchfield, Refer­ ence Department, University of South Caro­ lina; Keith E. Gresham , reference librarian, University of Colorado. Law and Political Science Section Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: J a n i c e Lewis, refer­ ence librarian, Virginia Commonwealth Uni­ versity; Lisa Stimatz, Public Affairs/Govern- ment Information librarian, Penn State Uni- versity-Harrisonburg. Member-at-Large: Madison Mosley, associate director, Stetson University College of Law; B a rb a ra Norelli, Social Science/Government Documents librarian, Skidmore College. S e cre ta ry : W endell B a rb o u r, vice presi­ dent for Information Resources, California State University— Bakersfield; write-in can­ didate. Rare Books and M anuscripts Section V i c e - C h a i r /C h a i r - e l e c t : Mark. G. Dim unation, curator of Rare Books, Cornell University Library; Robert L Maxwell, assis­ tant cataloger of Rare Books, Brigham Young University. Member-at-Large: J e a n W. Ashton, director of Rare Books & Manuscript, Columbia Uni­ versity Libraries; Peggy E. D aub, head, Spe­ cial Collection & Arts Libraries, University of Michigan Library. S e cre ta ry : T hom as L. Amos, head, Special Collections, Western Michigan University Libraries; D. B r u c e W hitem an ‚ head librar­ ian, William Andrews Clark Memorial Li­ brary. Slavic and Eastern European Section Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: Mieczslaw (Mischa ) B uczkow ski, Slavic librarian, University of Oregon; G razyna Slanda, acting head, Slavic Division, Harvard University. Member-at-Large: M aria Borysiewicz, Uni­ versity of Colorado/Boulder; D ia n a Greene, Acquisition/Collection Development & Cata­ log, New York University. Science and Technology Section Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: Ju lia Gelfand, Ap­ plied Sciences librarian, University of Califor- nia-Irvine; J u lie Hurd, science librarian, Uni­ versity of Illinois at Chicago. Secretary/Member-at-Large: Kathleen “F ix ” Fleming‚ reference coordinator, Wayne State University; A m y Shann on, head, Life and Health and Physical Sciences Libraries, Uni­ versity of Nevada, Reno. University Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: E lain e K Didier, in­ terim director, Academic Outreach, Univer­ sity of Michigan; J a m e s J . Kopp, executive di­ rector, Portals, Portland, Oregon. Secretary: J o h n Lehner.; liaison librarian, Ari­ zona State University West; M arc Meola, ref­ erence librarian, Temple University. Member-at-Large: Betsy B aker, head, Refer­ ence, Northwestern University Library; Ilen e F. R ockm an, associate dean, California Poly­ technic State University; J e a n n e G. Sohn, di­ rector, Library Services, Central Connecticut State University; Charles Wilt, Budget & Plan­ ning manager, University of Texas at Arling­ ton. C&RL News ■ Decem ber 1998 / 847 Western European Specialists Section Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: Je ffr ey Garrett, Bib­ liography Western Languages & Literatures, N orthwestern University Library; M arje Schuetze-Coburn, University of Southern Cali­ fornia. Secretary: Ming jian, catalog librarian, Uni­ versity o f Nebraska, Lincoln; M a r ia n n a McKim, Yale University. Member-at-Large: L au ra D ale Bischof, as­ sistant librarian, University o f Minnesota; K atalin Radies, West-European bibliographer, University of California, Los Angeles. W omen's Studies Section Vice-C hair/C hair-elect: Emily Silverm an, reference librarian, University of Massachu­ setts; T heresa Tobin, head Humanities & Dewey librarian, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Secretary: C harlene Hovatter, Reference Area supervisor, University of Pittsburgh; S an dra River‚ Current Periodicals/Micro librarian, Texas Tech University Libraries. Member-at-Large: M ay M ontaser Ja fa r i, In­ diana University-Purdue University India­ napolis Library; Dolores Fidishun, head librar­ ian, Penn State Great Valley Library. ■