ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 / 899 C L A S S I F I E D Career opportunities from across the country D ea d lin e s: O rders fo r regular classified advertisem ents must reach the A C R L o ffice on or before th e secon d of the month preceding publication of th e issue (e.g., Septem ber 2 for the O ctober iss u e ). Should this date fall on a w eekend or holiday, ads w ill be accepted on th e next business day. Late job listings w ill be accepted on a space-available basis after the second o f th e month. Rates: C lassified a dvertisem ents are $8.75 per line for Institutions that are AC R L members, $ 1 0 .7 5 fo r others. Late job notices are $20.50 per line fo r institutions th a t are AC R L members, $24.95 fo r others. O rganizations subm itting ads will be charged according to th e ir m em bership status. Display ad rates range from $395 to $745 based upon size. Please call fo r sizes and rates. O r see our w ebsite: h ttp://w w w l. Guidelines: For ads th a t list an application deadline, we suggest th a t date be no sooner than the 20th day o f the month in w hich the notice appears (e.g., O ctob e r 20 fo r the October issue). All job a nnouncem ents should include a salary range per p olicy of the A m erican Library A ssociation (ALA). Job a nn ouncem ents w ill be edited to exclude discrim ina to ry references. Applicants should be aw are that the term s fa cu lty rank and status vary in meaning am ong institutio n s. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the W orld W ide W eb at http://w w w .a la .o rg/acrl/c& rlnew 2.htm l. Ads will be placed app ro xim ately 2-3 w eeks before the printed edition o f C&RL News is published. Contact: Ja ck Helbig, C lassified A d vertising M anager, C&RL News C lassified A d vertising D epartm ent, ACRL, A m erican Library A ssociation, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 -2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-m ail: jhe lb ig ® a la .o rg . Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services com ply with ALA anti-discrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is com m itted to equality o f opportunity fo r all library employees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA services, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD USED S C I-TE C H B O O K S PU R C H A SE D . P hysics, m ath, all e ng i­ neering, electricity, and electronics, skilled trades, a ntiq ua rian tech. Sorry, no serials o r life sciences. Q ua lity o lde r editions, duplicates, unneeded gifts, supe rse de d title s alw ays sought. Ex lib ra ry OK. No quantities too great; w ill tra vel when a ppropriate. F o r m o re in form a ­ tion plea se co nta ct: C o llie r Brown o r Kirsten Berg a t P o w e ll’s Technical B ookstore, 33 NW P ark Ave., P ortland, O R 9 7209; phone: (8 00) 2 2 5 -6 9 1 1 ; fa x : (5 0 3 ) 2 2 8 -0 5 0 5 ; e -m a il to : k irs te n @ tech n ical.p o w e . POSITIONS OPEN ACCESS LIBRA RIAN. W estern Connecticut State U niversity is seeking qualified app lica n ts fo r the ten u re -tra ck position o f Access se rv ic e s Librarian. Responsibilities will include supervision o f the autom ated circu­ lation department and its personnel. Additional responsibilities w ill include in terlib rary lo an a nd d o cu m e nt delivery, p rin t a nd e lectron ic reserves, stacks m aintenance, collection and analysis o f statistics, prepare reports, p articipa tes in reference d e sk rotation, as w e ll as serving as a liaison to selected academ ic departments. C andidates m ust possess an MLS from A LA -a ccre dite d program , have a t least tw o ye ars o f a ca d e m ic library e xpe rie n ce supe rvising a pub lic se rvice operation, h ave dem on strate d experience with copyright laws, and knowledge o f autom ated system s for access services (preferably Innovative Interfaces). Salary: $34,011. Clos­ ing date fo r applications is D ecem be r 18,1999. Anticipated starting date is March 1 ‚ 1999. Send letter of application and resume to: Lorraine Furtick, C hairp erso n , L ibrary Search C o m m itte e, Ruth H aas Library, W estern C onne c ticut State U niversity, 181 W h ite Street, D anbury, C T 06810. W C SU is an Affirm ative Action/Equal Opportunity Educator/Employer. ARCHIVIST. Charles Babbage Institute, C ente r fo r the History of Informa­ tio n Processing. University o f M inneso ta Libraries— T w in C it ie s Campus, h ttp ://w w w .lib .u m n .ed u . T h e U n ive rsity o f M innesota Libraries invites applications and nominations of dynamic and innovative profession­ als fo rth e position o f Archivist, C harles B abbage Institute, C e n te r fo r the History o f Information Processing. T he CBI is a research center dedicated to p rom oting the stud y a nd p reservation o f the history o f com puting and 900 / C&RL News ■ D ecember 1998 HEAD, SCIENCE AND EN G INEERING LIBRARY University of California, San Diego Associate Librarian ll-VI, $41,328 - $56,844, or Librarian l-IV, $53,052 - $66,780. The UCSD Libraries seek an experienced, dynamic, innovative professional to provide leadership for our Science and Engineering (S&E) Library ( The S&E Library and its satellite information center at the Center for Magnetic Recording Research provide a full complement of public services and research collections to support the information needs of faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates in chemistry, mathematics, physics and the School of Engineering. The Head of S&E is responsible for planning, organizing and managing programs and services to meet the requirements of a demanding and technologically sophisticated clientele; develops new programs and modifies existing ones, taking advantage of new technologies to improve access to scientific and technical information; actively represents the concerns of the S&E Library in library-wide planning initiatives; encourages and facilitates the performance of a dedicated and talented staff of 4.5 librarians, 7.75 support staff, and 4.5 FTE student assistants; stays abreast of developments in relevant campus departments as well as in information delivery and scholarly communication. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; five years of experience in an academic, special, medical, or science library serving similar clientele; demonstrated skills in management and supervision; evidence of innovative leadership; experience with relevant information technology; familiarity with issues, trends, and operational needs of science libraries; excellent interpersonal skills; demonstrated ability to work effectively with others and to foster teamwork; superior organizational, analytical, and communication skills. Candidate must have a strong commitment to excellence in service and be able to work both independently and collaboratively in a complex changing environment. Preferred: 2 years supervisory or management experience. Appointment at the Librarian rank requires substantial relevant experience and superior qualifications. Consideration of applications will begin J a n u ary 8, 1999 and continue until the position is filled. Submit a letter of application, a resume, and a list of three references to: Debra Ambrose Recruitment Coordinator Library 0175H (2) University of California, San Diego 9500 Gilman Dr. La Jolla, CA 92093-0175 e-mail: AA/EOE inform ation processing. Th e Institute’s archival co llection in cludes in di­ vidual and corporate records, oral histories, monographs, serials, videos, and film s relating to the history o f computing, prim arily since W orld W a r 11. C urrently housed in W alter Library, the CBI Archives will m ove into a new archival research facility over in late 1999 (see m lac/). Th e CBI A rch ivist reports to the Team Leader fo r Collection D evelopm ent and M anagem ent fo r the U niversity Libraries, and works closely with the Director of the C BI. All archives and libraries staff must have the ability to work effectively with a diverse community of faculty, students, and library colleagues in a team environment. Description: Unit Administration: Responsible fo r planning and policy m aking fo r the unit; m anage daily operations; supervise one full-tim e Library Assistant 111 and additional part- tim e stud e nt em ployees; m aintain liaison with o th e r archival and special co lle ction s units. R esource Developm ent: O versee the acquisition, ap­ praisal, description, arrangem ent, and p reservation o f m aterials in the A rchives. In cooperation w ith staff in oth e r library units, maintain physical and b ibliographic control o f re sources in digital and p rint form ats. R efer­ ence Service and Outreach: Provide reference and instructional services to faculty, students, and independent researchers during scheduled hours and by appointment. Provide outreach to external user community, develop grant proposals, and assist in fund-raising with the Libraries Development Office and the D irecto r of the CBI. D evelop and m aintain in form ation too ls and digital resources via the CBI W eb page. Qualifications: Required: Master's degree in archival adm inistration o r A LA -a ccre dite d MLS (o r foreign equivalent); e xperience in a research institution dealing with arch ives o r m anuscripts; dem onstrated knowledge of acquisition, arrangem ent, d e ­ scription, preservation, and appraisal of archival materials; dem onstrated kn ow ledge o f digital inform ation tech n olo g y as it relates to arch ives and special collections; strong oral and written com m unication skills; strong interpersonal skills; and ability to work effectively with a diverse clientele. Preferred: Supervisory experience; background relating to the history of science and technology, especially computing. Salary and benefits: This is afull-time, twelve-month, continuous-appointment track, academic/profes­ sional position with probationary appointment at the Assistant o r Associate Librarian rank. Rank will depend on qualifications and experience consis­ tent with collegiate and university policy. The libraries offers a competitive salary, com m ensurate with experience, but not less than $35,000, fo r the position. Excellent benefits and substantial moving allowance. Recruiting schedule: Position is a vailable im m ediately. R eview of applications will commence on Decem ber 16,1998. Applications will be accepted until the position isfilled. Candidates are encouraged to apply by the review date to receive full consideration. A full position description is available at http:// w w w .um ploy.htm l, listed with academ ic professional posi­ tions by job num berUL86. Application procedure: S en d a letter of applica­ tion, resume, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three current professional references to: L inda DeBeau- M elting, Libraries Human R esources Office, U niversity L ibraries, 499 W ilson Library, 3 0 9 19lh A venue S outh, M inneapolis, M N 55455-0414. Please identify y o u r application with the num ber UL86. The University of M innesota is com m itted to the p olicy that all p ersons shall h ave equal access to its programs, facilities, and employm ent without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, m arital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, o r sexual orientation. A R C H IVIS T/SP E C IA L C O LLE C TIO N S LIB R A R IA N . Em ory & Henry College seeks q ualified applicants fo r the position o f Archivist/Special C&RL N ew s ■ D e ce m b e r 1998 / 901 C olle ction s Librarian, effective April 1 ,1 9 99 . R eporting to the D irecto r of K elly L ibrary and Info rm a tio n R e so u rce s and S ervices, th e A rch ivist/ Librarian will be responsible fo r the overall managem ent of the archives and sp ecia l co lle ctio n s hou sed in K elly Library, in clu din g the a rch ive s o f the H o lston C o n fe re n ce o f th e U n ited M e tho d ist C hurch. R e spo n sib ilitie s include collection developm ent, records m anagem ent, research services, and public relations fo r both the college and conference community. Duties: D e veloping policies and p ro gra m s to fa cilitate acquisition, preservation, a ccess to, and use o f these collections; serving as the liaison to the campus co m m u nity and to the se rvice a re a o f the institution, including the Holston C o n fe re n ce and its m e m b ers; p ro curing reco rds a nd co lle ction s; and providing p ro p e r archival housing and tre atm e n t o f m aterials in the collec­ tions. Q ua lifica tio ns: A LA -a ccre d ite d M a ste r’s d eg re e, w ith su bsta ntia l a rchives-related course w o rk o r an a dvanced deg re e in history o r related discipline. P rofessional e xperience as an archivist. Background in church history, e sp e cia lly U nited M e tho d ism , a plus. P re fe re n ce given to a p p li­ cants with significant public service and special collections experience and fam ilia rity with co m p ute rs and the em e rging tech n olo g ie s fo r n etw orked/ W eb access. M em bership in the A cadem y of Certified Archivists desirable. Send letter of application, resum e, and nam es and telep ho n e n um be rs of three jo b-re late d references by J a n u a ry 2 0,1 99 9, to: Th elm a J. Hutchins, D irector of Kelly Library and Inform ation R esources and Services, Emory & H enry C ollege, Em ory, V A 24327-0948. Salary: $25 ,00 0 and benefits including TIAA/C R EF, insurance, vacation, and sick leave. EO/AA. AS S IS T A N T LIBRA RIAN, S LA V IC A N D EASTER N EUR O PEA N DIVI­ SIO N, A R E A PR O GR A M S. University o f Michigan. U n d e r the direction of a su p e rvisin g S la vic Lib rarian , the m a jo rity o f th is p ositio n is d evo ted to technical services. Additional staff include tw o o th e r librarians, tw o tech n i­ cal library assistants, and hourly employees. Th e division assum es prim ary responsibility fo r the selection, acquisition, and p ro ce ssin g o f vern acu la r m aterials published in a nd /or a bout Eastern E urope and the form er Soviet Salary guide Listed below are the latest minim um starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that em ploy librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions fo r minim um salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini- mums, as well as o th e r salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA S urvey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual A R L Salary Survey, o r the annual C U PA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office fo r Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $32,600 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $26,400 Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $28,000 Vermont $26,464 W est Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 ‘ R a th e r th a n e s ta b lis h o n e s ta te w id e s a la ry m in im u m , so m e s ta te a s s o c ia tio n s h a v e a d o p te d a fo rm u la b a s e d on such v a ria b le s a s c o m p a ra b le s a la rie s fo r p u b lic s c h o o l te a c h e rs in each c o m m u n ity o r th e g ra d e le v e l o f a p ro fe s s io n a l lib ra ria n p ost. In th e s e c a s e s , yo u m a y w is h to c o n ta c t th e sta te a s s o c ia ­ tio n fo r m in im u m s a la ry in fo rm a tio n . + S a la ry m inim um s fo r p u b lic lib ra ria n s only. # O p tio n fo r lo cal form u la. 902 / C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 D E P U T Y D IR E C T O R University of California, Los Angeles Reporting to the Director of the Biomedical Library, the Deputy Director has line-managem ent responsibility and provides leadership for the Biomedical Library’s public and technical services operations. This includes coordinating and facilitating public and technical services activities within the Biomedical Library and with other libraries at UCLA, other University of California (UC) campuses, and UCLA-affiliated teaching hospitals. O ther responsibilities include direct supervision and responsibility for selection and evaluation of public and technical services division heads (seven FTE); budget and resource allocations, policy decisions, and short and long range planning for library services; evaluating public and technical services functions; coordinating the Biomedical Library’s comm unications and public relations activities including publicity (print and via its W eb site); and preparing narrative and statistical reports. Planning activities are performed through active participation on the Biomedical Library’s Executive Committee, the UCLA Library Adm inistrative Council, and other Biomedical Library, UCLA Library, and UC library com m ittees and councils. Qualifications: Required: Demonstrated leadership and competence in health or life sciences librarianship and administration in a complex organizational environment. Thorough knowledge of academ ic library collections and services and their relationship to research, instructional, and clinical needs. Experience with and knowledge of information and com puter technology applications in libraries and academ ic centers. Ability to formulate, advocate, and relate library goals and programs to the disciplines served. Capability of interacting effectively with colleagues, staff, health and life sciences professionals, and students. Experience in supervision, planning, setting objectives and priorities, in communicating, and mobilizing and organizing individuals for effective action. Preferred: Degree in health or life sciences. Experience in personnel and budget management. Annual Salary Range: $39,456-$66,780, Monthly Adm inistrative Stipend: $605.00. Anyone wishing to be considered for this position should write to: Rita A. Scherrei Associate University Librarian for Personnel and Administrative Services Charles E. Young Research Library UCLA 11334 YRL, BOX 951575 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575 The application letter should include a complete statement of qualifications, a full resume of education and relevant experience, and the names of at least three persons who are knowledgeable about the applicant’s qualifications for this position. C andidates applying by January 4,1 9 9 9 , will be given first consideration. UCLA Library home page : state s, as w e ll as fo r re feren ce se rvice to ca m p us and national scholars. The unit acquires approxim ately6,000 monographic titles and 1 ,500serials titles each y e a r through approval plans, firm orders, paid subscriptions, and exchanges. A re a pro gra m s units perform original and d erived cataloging fo r all form ats. T h is d em ands o f staff a strong g ra sp o f national cataloging co nve ntio n s, as w e ll as a tho ro u gh kn o w le d g e o f lo cal p ra ctice. D uties: P erform s original ca ta lo ging o f m ost form a ts in O C L C a nd RLIN. C reates nam e and series authority work as appropriate. Serves as resource person and tra in e r fo r c a ta lo g in g a nd a cq u isitio n s fun ctio ns. C o lla b o ra te s with Sla vic Librarian in supervising technical services to m anage w o rkflo w and b acklo g . S e rve s on UM L ibrary c o m m itte e s and p a rticip a te s in o th e r c o lle g ia l a ctivities. A tte n d s n atio na l lib ra ry m e e ting s a nd m a in tain s a natio na l p ro fe ssio n a l profile. Q u a lifica tio ns: R e qu ired : A L A -a ccre dite d M LS . R e ad in g kn ow led g e o f a t le ast o ne S la vic la ng u ag e , p re fe ra b ly Russian. K no w le d ge o f M A R C form at, A A C R 2 a nd o th e r p e rtine nt c a ta ­ loging docum entation. Know ledge o f LC transliteration system , as well as others. Experience w orking w ith earlie r standards fo r descriptive catalog­ ing, as well as w ith o th e r transliteration system s. Experience cataloging in O C L C a nd in a N O T IS lib ra ry system o r equ iva le nt. A b ility to w o rk independently and to take initiative when appropriate. Understanding o f the need to balance professional-level cataloging in context o f high-production e nvironm ent. Fam iliarity w ith cata lo ging in RLIN. D em onstrated a bility to w o rk as part o f a team ‚ and to w o rk effectively with culturally diverse faculty, students, a nd staff. Desired: Fa m iliarity w ith history a nd cu lture o f form e r Soviet states and Eastern Europe and the ir languages. Experience working in a la rg e a ca d e m ic library. E xp e rie n ce w o rkin g w ith m u ltip le form a ts. E xpe rie n ce searchin g a n d /o r in pu tting reco rds in a stan d -a lon e a cq u isi­ tio ns system , such as Innopac. Rank, Salary and Leave: R ank o f Assistant Librarian. Final salary dependent on years o f previous relevant professional experience. Minim um salary: $31 ‚0 0 0 ;2 4 w orking days o f vacation a year; 15 days o f sick leave a year, with provisions fo r extended benefits. T o apply: S en d c o v e r le tte r a nd co p y o f re su m e to: L u cy C o he n , L ib ra ry H um an R esou rce s, 4 04 H a tch e r G ra d u a te L ibrary North, U n iv e rs ity o f M ic h i­ gan, A nn A rbor, M l 4 81 09 -1 2 05 . A p p lica tio n d e a dlin e: A p p lica tio n s re­ ceived by February 1 5,1 9 9 9 will be given first consideration. The University of M ichigan is a n on-discrim inatory, affirm a tive action em ployer. A U T O M A T IO N /C A T A L O G IN G LIB R A R IA N . W e s tm in s te r College. Applications are being a cce p te d fo r the position o f A utom ation/Cataloging Librarian. Th e individual in this position is responsible fo r m anaging library autom ation and cataloging operations. Specific responsibilities include: I. Automation: Managing the daily operations o f DR A autom ated system and reso lvin g s yste m -re la te d p ro b le m s as lia iso n w ith a uto m a tion ve nd or. Duties include planning the developm ent o f the system and recommending autom ation policies and goals; overseeing the m aintenance and integrity of th e b ib lio g ra p h ic and a u th o rity records; and g e n e ra tin g re p o rts from all m o d u le s o f O P A C a nd circu la tin g system . II. C a talo g in g: M an ag in g c a ta lo g in g o pe ra tion s; p e rfo rm in g o rig in a l a nd co p y ca ta lo g in g using AAC R 2, LCSH, M A R C form ats, and LC classification schedules; training a nd supervising staff, d eveloping departm ental policies, procedures, and C&RL N ew s ■ D e c e m b e r 1998 / 903 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE California State University Monterey Bay California State University M onterey Bary announces tw o tenure track librarian fa cu lty vacancies ELECTRO NIC R ESO URCES CO O RDINATO R (Senior Assistant Librarian; salary range approx. $40,000-$44,000) #M BER C -9903. C oordinates W eb design and developm ent to facilitate the role of technology in teaching and learning. Assum es prim ary responsibility fo r and serves as coordinator of the C SU M B Library W eb site. Provides expertise on technology developm ent and trends and applications of new W eb technologies, including library instruction in distributed education. Leads training efforts for library faculty and staff in W eb- based technologies. Assists in selecting W eb authoring software, m anages W eb space, and develops creative solutions to m aintenance, archiving, and presenting inform ation in the distributed electronic environm ent. M INIMUM Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S: MLS or equivalent d e g re e from an ALA-accredited institution. M inimum of two years of professional experience in an academ ic library or com parable environm ent. D em onstrated excellence in verbal and written com m unication. Sound understanding of the current state of inform ation technology and the im pact on public, technical, and collection developm ent functions. S ignificant experience in W eb site design and m anagem ent and with SG M L/H TM L program m ing, authoring tools, and browsers. Significant experience in library instruction. PREFERRED Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S : Know ledge of current and em erging trends in distributed learning in higher education. Fam iliarity with m aintaining electronic and digital resources and related archival im plications. Experience in integrating text, graphics, and m ultim edia sources in a digital library environm ent. BIB LIO G R A PH IC SER VIC E S C O O R D IN A TO R (Senior A ssistant/Associate Librarian; salary range approx. $40,000-$52,500) #M BBS C -9904 A pplies standard resource description system s and provides leadership in the application of emerging standards (e.g., Dublin Core) for describing electronic resources. Responsible fo r planning, im plem ent­ ing, and m anaging w orkflow and services fo r acquiring, describing, and preserving the library’s collection in all form ats. A dm inisters shelf-ready acquisitions service and copy cataloging for direct- ordered and gift m aterials and serials. Perform s original cataloging when necessary. Supervises two staff in acquisitions and cataloging. MINIMUM Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S: MLS or equivalent degree from an ALA-accredited institution. M inimum of three years of professional experience in technical services in an academ ic library o r com parable environm ent. Know ledge of current acquisitions and descriptive and subject cataloging principles and practices. D irect experience with W eb-based catalogs. D em onstrated excellence in verbal and written comm unication. PREFERRED Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S: Experience in m anaging subsystem s of an integrated library system. Supervisory experience in a library or sim ilar setting. Experience in organizing library resources in a W eb environm ent and in describing electronic/digital resources in the integrated library system environm ent. SG M L or H TML experience. For more inform ation see h ttp://library.m Applications received by January 15, 1999 will receive first consideration. Positions open until filled; appointm ents effective on or after M ay 1 ‚ 1999. For com plete position announcem ent and C SU M B Vision Statem ent call (831) 582-3569 o r see CSU MB W eb posting at http://w w w .m To a pply, se n d tw o c o p ie s of: le tte r s u m m a riz in g q u a lific a tio n s an d a b ility to fu lfill C S U M B m issio n , c u rric u lu m vita e , and lis t o f fo u r re fe re n c e s (p le a s e s in c lu d e p h o ne n u m b e rs and e -m a il a d d re s s e s ) to: Recruitm ent/Office of A cadem ic Personnel CSUMB 100 Cam pus Center Seaside, CA, 93955-8001 Send e-m ail applications to: faculty_recruitm ent@ m AA/EEO/ADA Employer 904 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 DIRECTOR OF MARY AND JEFF BELL LIBRARY Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi invites applications and nominations fo r the position of Director of the Mary and Jeff Bell Library. The successful candidate must be an innovative and experienced team leader who will play a key role in enhancing the quality of the educational and intellectual experience at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. In collaboration with library personnel, the Director will develop new ways to engage faculty and students in the application of information technologies and the continuous assessment of library collections, services and facilities. As the senior library administrator, the Director is responsible forthe overall management of the Bell Library and the ongoing agreements the university has developed with the Robert B. Parrish Medical Library, the Coastal Bend Health Information Network, and international libraries. The Director of the Bell Library is an administrative twelve-month appointment reporting directly to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Qualifications include an advanced degree at least at the masters level required, ALA-accredited in Library or Information Science preferred; administrative experience in an academic or research library in broad areas of library operations, particularly in the areas of financial management and resource allocation; involvement in the planning and coordination of library automation, emerging technologies, and consortium development; an understanding of the trends in higher education, and their impact on the nature of the academic library of the future. The candidate must have a proven ability to provide visionary leadership in a changing and flexible environment as well as a demonstrated commitment to consultative and collaborative management. The Mary and Jeff Bell Library has holdings in excess of 350,000 volumes. The library’s online catalog is on the Innovative Interfaces system. The library subscribes to over 1,600 periodical titles and enjoys extensive network capabilities that provide access to over 100 electronic databases as well as the Internet. The library also houses a Special Collections and Archives Department with a collection emphasizing South Texas culture and history. The library’s Web page is located at w w w .tam eb. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi has 6,400 students and 270 faculty and is one of the fastest growing universities in the state of Texas. It includes the College of Arts and Humanities, the College of Business, the College of Education, and the College of Science and Technology. During the past two years, the university was named as the top public regional university in Texas in U.S. News and World Reports America’s Best Colleges. The university is in a picturesque setting on an island surrounded by Corpus Christi Bay and Oso Bay. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi is dedicated to providing higher educational opportunities to the South Texas region, particularly to those qualified individuals who are historically underrepresented in the higher-education community. Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest, a curriculum vitae with names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references, and a statement of their vision for the academic library of the future. Direct applications to: Sandra Harper Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi 6300 Ocean Drive Corpus Christi, TX 78412 Review of applications will begin on November 23, 1998 and continue until the position is filled. goals; and maintaining collection statistics. III. Operate in conjunction with other librarians in all phases of library operations; assist in collection development in assigned areas; provide reference assistance, and work one evening per week. Qualifications include: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; experience with automation, preferably with DRA and OPACs; and cataloging experience with AACR2, LCSH and LC classification, and OCLC PRISM. This will be a ten-month administrative appointment with faculty rank of Assistant Professor. Salary and benefits are competitive. Deadline for applications is January4,1999. Submit a letter of application, resume, and the names and telephone num bers of three professional references to: Molly Spinney, Head Librarian, W estminster College, New Wilmington, PA 16172. AA/EOE. CATALOGER. Independent research library specializing in American business and technological history seeks ca ta lo ge r with ALA/M LS to catalog printed materials. Applicants should have two years professional experience, be fam ilia r with A ACR2, LCSH, LC classification, RLIN, a nd /or O C LC and M ARC form ats; e xperience with integrated library auto m a tion system s required. B road lib e ra l a rts o r scie n ce s b a ck­ ground required; working knowledge o f one o r m ore modern European languages preferred. O ccasional reference and S aturday work. S al­ ary w ill be a p p ro xim a te ly $ 30 ,0 0 0 d e p en d in g on q ua lifica tio n s and experience of successful candidate. Send resume: Human Resources Department, Hagley Museum and Library, P.O. Box 3630, Wilmington, DE 19807. EOE. DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCE PROGRAMS AND SERVICES T h e D ir e c to r , in c o n s u lta tio n w ith th e H arvard C o lle g e L ib ra ry A d m in is tr a tio n , w ill p ro v id e leadership in th e a d v a n c e m e n t o f th e h u m a n reso u rce s p ro g ra m s a n d services to fu lfill th e s tr a te g ic v is io n o f th e lib ra r y . T h e H arvard C o lle g e L ib rary is in th e m id st o f a m a jo r p la n n in g e ffo rt fo r re n o v atio n s to th e W id e n e r L ib rary ; w ill so o n be e m b a rk in g o n th e rep lace m e n t o f th e o n - lin e lib rary in fo rm a tio n system ; is actively engaged in d ig ital in i­ tiatives across th e U n iv ersity ; an d w ill so o n be p a rticip a tin g in th e im p le m e n ta tio n o f the U n iv ersity 's new system fo r f in a n c ia l a n d h u m a n re s o u r ce in f o r m a tio n m a n a g e m e n t. U n d e r ly in g all th e se e ffo rts is a n o rg a n iz a tio n a l change/d evelopm ent p rogram addressing c o n tin u o u s d ev e lo p m e n t o f b o th th e ind ivid u al a n d th e org an izatio n . T h e H arvard C o lleg e Library w ith a s ta ff o f ap proxim ately 4 5 0 F T E plus over 1 0 0 0 p art-tim e and stu d ent em ployees is a co m p lex an d diverse org an izatio n . C o n s istin g o f W id e n e r L ibrary (th e m a in research lib rary fo r m o s t o f the h u m an ities an d social sciences); H o u g h to n (rare books an d m anuscripts); L a m o n t an d H illes (undergraduate collec­ tio n s); C a b o t S cien ce ; H arv ard -Y en ch in g (E ast A sian co llectio n s); M u s ic ; F in e A rts; K u m m e l (geological sciences); L ittau er (eco n o m ics a n d g o v e rn m en t); an d T o z z e r (a n th ro p o lo g y ), th e H arvard C o lle g e L ib rary has a c o m b in e d annual budget o f $ 5 4 m illio n . R e s p o n sibilitie s: T h e D ir e c to r is responsible for the d irection , review, and co n tin u o u s im p rovem en t o f th e C o lle g e Library’s H u m a n R esou rce program s an d services. T h e D ir ec to r has prim ary responsibility for in terp retin g, c o m m u n i­ catin g and/or form u latin g policy; directs th e provision o f com prehensive H u m a n R e so u rce support in clu d in g the fol­ low ing: recru itm en t an d em p lo y m e n t; co m p e n satio n an d p osition classification; p erfo rm an ce m an ag e m en t and evalu­ atio n ; s ta ff relations; and s ta ff an d organizational d evelopm ent. T h e D ir e c to r plays a key leadership role an d will have prim ary responsibility fo r developing a collaborative process (w ithin th e Library, th e F a cu lty o f A n s and Scien ces and the U niversity) th a t assures th e q u ality and co n tin u ed developm ent o f h u m an resource program s an d services. T h is position manages a s ta ff o f 5+ F T E an d reports to th e A ssociate Librarian for P lan n in g an d A d m in istration . Q u a l i f i c a t i o n s : T h e a b i l i t y t o m a n a g e t h e d y n a m ic p r o c e s s o f c h a n g e in a la r g e c o m p le x e n v ir o n m e n t ; su b stan tial a n d progressively resp on sible h u m a n resources e xp erien ce as a m e m b e r o f an a d m in istrativ e tea m ; broad know ledge an d u n d erstan d in g o f h u m a n resou rce m a n a g e m en t in clu d in g w o rk w ith co m p lex fed eral, s tate , and lo c a l re g u la tio n s is re q u ire d . T h e p o s itio n d e m a n d s e x c e lle n t w r itte n , o ra l, in te rp e rs o n a l, o r g a n iz a tio n a l and p resen tatio n skills. A stro n g service o r ie n ta tio n , th e a b ility to co lla b o ra te effe ctiv ely w ith diverse co n s titu e n cie s and a c o m m itm e n t to e xcelle n ce are essential. A d egree in a relevant d iscip lin e a n d a th o ro u g h k now led ge o f th e h u m a n resources field is exp ected . E x p erie n ce in h ig h e r ed u ca tio n o r n o t-fo r -p r o fit org an izatio n preferred. A v ailab le: T h e review o f ap p licatio n s w ill b egin im m e d iately an d c o n tin u e u n til th e p o s itio n is filled . C o m p e n s a tio n : H arvard U n iv e r s ity o ffers a co m p e titiv e p rogram o f b e n efits. A p p o in tm e n t salary c o m m e n su ra te w ith q u a lifica tio n s a n d e xp erien ce. In te r e s te d p a r tie s a re in v ite d t o s u b m it a le t te r a d d r e ss in g p o s itio n q u a lif ic a t io n s , r e s u m e , a n d t h e n a m e s, ad d resses, te le p h o n e an d fa x n u m b e rs o f th re e re feren ces to : S u s a n Lee A ss o cia te L ib r a r ia n fo r P la n n in g a n d A d m in is tr a tio n H arv ard C o lle g e L ib r a ry H arv ard U n iv e rs ity W id e n e r L ib ra ry , C a m b rid g e , M A 0 2 1 3 8 H A R V A R D U N I V E R S I T Y U P H O L D S A C O M M I T M E N T T O A F F I R M A T I V E A C T I O N A N D E Q U A L E M P L O Y M E N T O P P O R T U N I T Y H a r v a r d C o l l e g e L i b r a r y 906 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 SEVEN POSITIONS AVAILABLE Illinois State University Normal/Bloomington As Milner Library transforms itself institutionally, organizationally, and philosophically to meet the 21 st century, welcoming colleagues seek enthusiastic, like-minded professionals to join them in providing outstanding service and innovative instruction, developing excellent collections, and sharing in the management of the library. Opportunities for professional growth in twelve-month, tenure-track positions include: • MUSIC/COMMUNICATION LIBRARIAN: Reference, collection development, instruction, and liaison in music, communication, and other humanities-related subjects. Manages Media Resources Center. Second advanced degree in music strongly preferred. • SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIAN: Reference, collection development, instruction, and liaison in mathematics, physics, and at least one other of the pure sciences. Second advanced degree in science or technology strongly preferred. • HEAD OF ACQUISITIONS: Directs the operations of that division, including the ordering of library materials in all formats; planning and development of acquisitions processes; and personnel management and evaluation, three to five years acquisitions experience in academic libraries; experience in fiscal management; knowledge of automated systems such as Innovative Inter­ faces, DRA, or OCLC. • DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN: Coordinates all government documents activities, including selection, organization, processing in all formats; instruction; public relations. Requires demonstrated knowledge of US depository guidelines and practices, as well as comfort with and commitment to electronic access. • GENERAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN: Provides general reference and documents service in a variety of formats to diverse patrons. Participates in Milner’s extensive bibliographic instruction program. Opportunities for work in collection development, Web development, and undergraduate outreach programs. • HEAD OF GENERAL REFERENCE: Coordinates and evaluates the contributions of six librarians and three support staff in the library’s General Reference and Documents Division. Leads operations, planning, scheduling, and collaboration of the division. Second advanced degree and three years supervisory experience required. (Continued on next page) COORDINATOR OF INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES. East Carolina University, Academic Library Services, Joyner Library. (Minimum salary $32,000 depending upon qualifications and experience.) Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree o r international equivalent; reference service experience in an academic library with thorough knowl­ edge of print and electronic information sources; experience in library instruction and demonstrated expertise in developing a program of imagi­ native instructional services; excellent oral and written com munication skills and ability to work effectively with staff and users. Preferred: Experi­ ence in classroom teaching; experience with W eb page design and construction; familiarity with software and technology related to electronic instruction; second masters degree. Finalists will be asked to present a brief bibliographic instruction demonstration during the on-campus inter­ view. Responsibilities: The Coordinator of Instructional Services for Aca­ dem ic Library Services will spearhead the developm ent of the library’s instruction program fo r students and faculty, integrating the use of both print and electronic information sources into the curriculum. The position calls fo r an innovative, energetic, sen/ice-oriented librarian who works well both independently and as part of a team. This person reports to the Head o f Reference and is a m em ber of the Reference se rvice s Department. Duties encompass planning and implementing coordinated library instruc­ tion services with em phasis on information literacy. Exploring utilization and promotion of emerging information technologies for instruction. As­ sisting other library faculty/staff in the developm ent of effective teaching methods. Maintaining instruction facilities. Providing reference sen/ice, including evening and weekend hours, and participating in library instruc­ tion. Serving as a collection developm ent liaison to an academ ic depart­ ment. M eeting scholarship and service requirements for promotion and tenure. (For information on applying fo r this position, see ad for Reference Librarian, East Carolina University, Academic Library Services ad below.) DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES. Concordia University, River Forest, is seeking applicants fo r the position o f Director of Library Ser­ vices. The position involves administrative leadership of library operations which includes developing local collections and electronic databases, preparation and administration of the library services budget, and working closely with information services personnel and the faculty in planning and providing necessary support of the curriculum and goals of the University. The candidate should have a m inim um of a m asters degree in library science o r the, MLIS, several years of a cadem ic library services and information access. Preference would be given to someone with a doctorate in some area related to library service o r an academ ic discipline. Salary range is from $35,000-$50,000 depending on qualifications. Concordia University does not discrim inate on the basis o f race, color, national or ethnic origin, disability, sex, o r age. However, to the extent allowed by law, Concordia reserves the right to give preference in employment based on religion. Letters of application and resumes should be sent to: Henry R. Latzke, Search Committee Chair, Concordia University, 7400 Augusta Street, River Forest, IL60305-1499. DISTANCE EDUCATIO N LIBRARIAN. W estern W ashington Uni­ versity seeks a Distance Education Librarian fora non-tenure track faculty position, with appointment at the rank of Lecturer to provide library support to “extended access” students and faculty and to oversee all aspects of this service and its delivery. Located between Seattle, Washington and Vancouver, British Columbia, the University, with a student population over 11,000, is organized into six undergraduate colleges and a graduate school. Re­ quired qualifications: an ALA-accredited MLS, MLIS, o r the foreign equivalent; professional reference experience in an academic o r special library; familiarity with distance education issues; competency in Web page creation; excellent interpersonal and team collaboration skills. Desirable C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 / 907 (Continued from previous page) • NON-BOOK CATALOGER: Performs original cataloging for computer files, sound recordings, and visual materials. Knowledge of Dewey, LC, LCSH, AACR2R, and MARC. Two years cataloging experience desired. QUALIFICATIONS: All positions require an ALA-accredited master’s; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; strong service orientation and focus on the educational role of the academic library; commitment to participative collegial m anagement and planning. A demonstrated record of scholarship, publication, and service, as well as a second advanced degree are required for tenure. CAMPUS AND COMMUNITY: As Illinois’ oldest public university, Illinois State University strives to offer an outstanding education to 17,500 undergraduates in 35 disciplines, as well as to serve 2,500 graduate students through diverse master’s and doctoral programs. Milner Library supports those programs with a service-focused staff of 110, a materials budget of over $2.5 million, and a collection of over 1.3 million volumes. Illinois State is located in Normal/Bloomington, a growing comm unity of 100,000 two hours from Chicago and three hours from St. Louis. SALARIES: Vary according to position and responsibilities, but range from $32,000 to $40,000 at the rank of assistant professor. Some are negotiable depending on education and experience. Twenty-four days vacation, twelve days sick leave, and eleven paid holidays per year. Self­ managed, portable, or state retirement plan. Medical, dental, and life insurance plans. PREFERRED BEGINNING DATE: July 1 ‚ 1999. Earlier date negotiable. AP , P LICA . TION DEADLINE: T o insure full consideration, applications should be submitted by January 31 1999 TO APPLY: Send letter of application, resume, and the names of at least three references to: Cheryl Elzy Dean of University Libraries Milner Library Illinois State University Campus Box 8900 Normal, IL 61790-8900 For more information on Milner Library, contact our Web site at w w w .m Illinois State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity university encouraging diversity. qualifications include: Experience in providing distance reference service; teaching and research skills; experience with advanced W eb applications, HTML, and video conferencing, and network troubleshooting skills. Typical work may include travel and some evening and weekend hours. Compensa­ tion dep en d upon qua lifica tio ns. M inim um sa lary $ 35,394. For a full position description and furth e r in form ation co nta ct Liz S ip es (360) 6 50- 3 0 5 0o rL iz.S ip es@ w w u .e d u . A pplications subm itted before January 30, 1999 will receive priority review. W W U is an AA/EEO employer. T o request disability accom m odation: (360) 650-3306 (V), (360) 650 -7 60 7 (TTY). ENG IN EERING R EFER EN C E LIB RA RIAN (Search Extended). Engi­ neering R eference Librarian position a vailab le a t U n ive rsity o f N ew O r­ leans Earl K. Long Library. W o rks w ith a team o f referen ces services department faculty mem bers to provide general reference assistance from a central re feren ce d esk, in clu din g so m e even in g and w e eke n d duty. Provides specialized references services fo r the engineering and science faculty and stud e nts. B ib lio g ra p h e r f o r the d iscip lin es o f civil, electrical, and m echanical e ng ineering, N aval A rch itectu re a nd M arine Eng in ee r­ ing, w orking co lla bo ra tively w ith the faculty o f the College of Engineering to develop the library collection. Actively provides library user education and conducts o nline searching w hen needed. R eports to C h air o f R eference Servcies. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; academ ic course work o r deg re e in science o r te ch n o lo g y dis cip lin e; p ro fien cy in o nline searching and d eveloping W eb-based resources; w orking know ledge of electronic re feren ce sources such as C D -R O M , Internet, O C LS, etc.; ability to w o rk pro du ctively w ith d iverse g ro up s in an urban a cadem ic setting; ability to com m unicate effectively, orally, and in writing, in English. Preferred: E xperience in s c ie nce /tech no lo g y re feren ce a nd co lle ction d evelopm ent, p re fe ra bly in an a cad em ic library; p re viou s expe rie n ce in library user education. Salary & Rank: $29 ,33 3 a t the Assistan t Librarian rank. Librarians a t the University o f New O rleans a re tenurable academ ic appointees enjoying full faculty status and responsibilities, including teach­ ing, research, and service. Liberal va catio n, sick leave, and holidays. O ptional group m edical life in surance and health m aintenance plans are a vailable. Participation in one o f the several retirem ent plans is required. S end le tte r o f a pplication w ith resum e, and nam es, a ddresses, and te le ­ p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e p ro fe ssio n a l re fe re n ce s to: D e bra B. B ryson, A s s is ta n t to th e D e a n , E a rl K. L o n g L ib ra ry , U n iv e rs ity o f N e w O rle a n , N e w O rle a n s , LA 7 0 1 4 8 . A p p lic a tio n d e a d lin e : J a n u a ry 15, 1999. T h e U n iv e rs ity o f N e w O rle a n s is an e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity , a ffirm a ­ tiv e a ction em ployer. FA M ILY A N D C O N S U M E R S C IE N C E S LIB R A R IA N . Unive rsity Li­ brary, C alifornia State U niversity, Long Beach. T e n u re -tra ck position a vailable Ju ne 1 ‚ 1999. T he Fam ily and C o nsu m e r Sciences librarian will provide course instruction and develop instructional materials, will develop the library’s collections and services fo r assigned disciplines, will w o rk in a cooperative centralized reference environm ent which requires evening and w eekend hours, will be active in library and University committees, will participate in p rofessional a ctivities and research, including publication. L ibrarian s h ave full fa cu lty status and are re p resented by th e California Faculty Association. A graduate degree from an ALA-accredited institution o r e q u iva le nt pro fe ssio na l lib ra ry deg re e is required. A pp o intm e n t and salary will be com m ensurate with qualifications and experience ($43,584- $69,708). R eview o f applicants will begin on February 1 ‚ 1999. Represen­ tatives of the library will be available to provide information about the position and the library a t the CLA Conference in Oakland and a t the ALA Midwinter M eeting in P hiladelphia. F o r an a pplication packet, co nta ct the library at (562) 985-7839 o rn ancyk@ EO/AA/Title IX employer. FO R EIGN LAN GU AG E R EFER EN C E A N D A CQ UISITION S LIBRA R­ IAN. Position redefined and search reopened. M iddlebury C ollege has a stro ng re putation fo r te a ch in g foreign la ng u ag e s during th e regular academ ic y e a r and in the sum m er intensive programs. W e are seeking an innovative, dynam ic, and ve rsa tile individual w h o will report jo in tly to the heads o f reference and collection managem ent. Responsibilities: Interact with faculty and students to id entify and anticipate inform ation needs and d eliver reference services, including b ibliographic instruction, individual 908 / C&RL News ■ Decem ber 1998 NEW POSITION VACANCIES (Search Extended) Mississippi State University Libraries 1. LIBRARY INSTRUCTION SERVICES TEAM LEADER Rank: Assistant Professor Recent teaching experience and current professional library experience in an academic environment, including teaching information literacy employing emerging instruction methods and technologies; intensive work in a networked teaching and learning environment, including the Internet, W W W and other multimedia and electronic resources; broad experience with a wide variety of print and electronic reference materials; demonstrated ability to work independently, collaborate as a part of a team, and as a team leader, as circumstances warrant; excellent oral and written communication/presentation, skills; and demonstrated initiative in outreach activities. Must have the potential for meeting the requirements for tenure and promotion. Highly desired: Experience in instructional planning, design and evaluation; supervisory experience; knowledge of the application of new technologies to the delivery of instruction; good tim e-management skills; W eb-page development experience; familiarity with technology related to Web-based instruction; an additional graduate degree; and experience dealing with a diverse, multicultural and nontraditional student body. 2. UNIVERSITY ARCHIVIST Rank: Instructor Responsible for the accessioning and processing of all pertinent university material and making such material available for research and university administrative needs; for expanding the holding of the university Archives by soliciting pertinent materials from university faculty, staff, alumni, and other sources; coordination of the university records management program in accordance with records management guidelines as established by the laws of the state of Mississippi for state agencies; coordination of the university oral history program; participation with other special collections faculty and staff in providing reference service, including extended hours on a rotating basis; participation with other departmental faculty in planning and management of the department; for continued growth as a faculty m ember in the areas of teaching, research, and service; participation in collection development for an assigned university department; participation in departmental and library outreach programs. The University Archivist reports to the Coordinator of Special Collections and is responsible for the supervision of staff and student assistants assigned to the university archives division of Special Collections. The University Archivist is responsible for additional duties as may be assigned by the Coordinator of Special Collections and/or the Dean of Libraries. Qualifications: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program and/or an M.A. in history; in either case, the degree(s) must include course work in archival administration; at least one year work experience in a university archives; supervisory experience in an archival setting; strong communication and interpersonal skills; superior organizational skills and the ability and willingness to work independently within a team environment and the ever changing dynamics of a library and university environment, Preferred: At least one year’s experience working as a university archivist. 3. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Rank: Instructor Primary responsibilities include serving as library liaison to the science departments; responsible for collection development and library orientation in sciences; providing reference service for scheduled (continued on next page) research consultations, and library guides on the W W W . W ork with faculty, acquisitions staff, and materials vendors to design and im plem ent assess­ m e n t and d eve lo p m e n t p ro gra m s fo r foreign la nguage m a terials in all form a ts, recom m end acqu isitio n policies and b ud ge t a llocations, and e va lu a te m a terials vend ors. R equ irem e n ts: A L A -a ccre dite d M a ster of Library Science; o ne to tw o ye ars p ost-M LS e xpe rie n ce in an a cadem ic lib ra ry re feren ce d epartm ent. S poken flu en cy required in a t le ast one W estern E uropean la nguage ta u g h t a t M idd le bu ry C o lle ge (Spanish, French, Italian, G erm an, o r Russian); reading kn ow ledge O f a no the r language taught a t M iddlebury desirable. Familiarity with use and applica­ tion o f m icroco m p u te rs in a fu lly n etw orked ca m p us environ m e n t. Full position description a t http://w w w .m lib/libw ebnew .htm l. S a la ry is co m p etitive . C o m p re he n sive b e n efits package, including 24 va catio n days ann ua lly and T IA A /C R E F retire m e nt program . R eview of applications begins January 15,1999, and w ill continue until the position is filled. Send le tte ro f application, resume, and names, phone num bers, and e -m ail a dd re sses o f three pro fe ssio na l referen ces to: M id d le b u ry C ol­ lege, Human R esources Office, Service Building, M iddlebury, V T 05753; Fax: (802) 443 -2 05 8 . P lease do not respond o r a pp ly electronically. Middlebury College is an AA/E E O /A D A employer. G O V E R N M E N T D O C U M E N T S /M IC R O F O R M S C O O R D IN A T O R .. Assistan t Librarian (tenure-track) position L ouisiana S tate U niversity Li­ braries. Energetic and com m itted librarian is sought to m anage and direct the activities o f the G ove rn m e nt D ocum ents/M icroform s collections and se rvice s a t the LSU Libraries. Position reports to the H ead, R eference s e rv ic e s , and se rve s as R egional Librarian f o r the Federal D e po sito ry Library Program. R esponsibilities: S upervises the technical processing, collection developm ent, m aintenance, and o nline circulation o f U.S. and UN g ove rn m e nt d ocu m e nts; a d m iniste rs the NRC P ublic D ocum ents Reading Room; plans and im plements program s and services to increase a w aren e ss and use o f the c o lle ction s and o f g ove rn m e nt in form ation, including m ain ten an ce o f the L ibraries’ Federal A g e n cy W e b Page and G PO A ccess Page; se rve s as a re so urce s p e cia list fo r g ove rn m e nt inform ation, providing both in-depth reference/research a ssistance and instruction; plans and im plem ents policies and pro ced ures fo r the Micro- C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 / 909 (continuted on previous page) hours at the general reference/information desk (including some nights and weekends); delivery of information using electronic indexes/databases and printed sources; developing library instruction tools both online and in print: providing library instruction as assigned; collection development and liaison responsibilities with academic departments to be designated; and additional tasks according to individual strengths and experience. Reports to the Coordinator of Reference. Requirements: experience in broad-based information access/reference skills primarily in the use of electronically accessible database systems; ability to develop training programs for staff and student assistants; participation in activities related to the criteria for promotion and tenure; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; strong service orientation; and an ability and willingness to work independently within a team environment and a changing library and university environment. Experience in fee based database searching preferred. 4. SERIALS LIBRARIAN Rank: Instructor Duties include assisting in the day-to-day m anagement of the serials department, which is responsible for the ordering, receipt, invoicing, binding and fiscal control of serials in all formats. Works with the serials staff to ensure the tim ely access of materials with responsibility for claiming, setting unit goals, and monitoring work flows. W orks closely with the cataloging unit to ensure accurate bibliographic entries and resolve receipt problems. Participates in appropriate collection development activities as a library liaison to one or more academic departments. Reports to the Coordinator of Serials. Qualifications: Familiarity with the serials trade and with current trends in serials management and control. Experience using computer applications in word processing, database management, and spreadsheets. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Evidence of initiative, flexibility, and ability to work creatively in a rapidly changing environment. Interest in personal scholarly achievement and professional development. Must be able to meet the MSU Libraries’ promotion and tenure requirements. Highly Desired: Experience with the DRA Serials and Acquisitions modules. Experience with bibliographic utilities (preferably OCLC). Reading knowledge of at least one foreign language. SALARIES: (Depending on qualifications and/or experience): Assistant Professor: $35,000 ; Instructor: $27,000. Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program required. Excellent benefits package. Faculty rank, privileges, and responsibilities; twelve month appointment. Submit application, resume, and names/addresses/telephone numbers/e-mail addresses of three professional references to: Debra Fairbrother Administrative Assistant to the Dean Mississippi State University Libraries P.O. Box 5408 Mississippi State, MS 39762. Applications accepted until suitable applicant is found. For information on Mississippi State University community, see the University’s website at Mississippi State University is an EEO/AA employer. forms collections; p rovides reference a ssistance a t a com bined general reference/government documents desk; serves as Selector and Liaison for one or more subject areas. W orks to meet tenure/promotion requirements. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, two years experience with g overnm ent in form ation; reference expe rie n ce in an a cad em ic setting; knowledge of and experience with electronic information sources including CD-ROM and Internet; knowledge o f m icrocom puter applications; ability to create W e b d ocum ents; ability to w o rk well w ith co lle ag u es and diverse clientele; e xcellent oral and w ritten com m unication skills; dem onstrated ability to meet requirem ents fo r tenure and promotion. Preferred Q ualifica­ tions: Instruction experience fo r g overnment information; experience with NOTIS online catalog system and with M ARCIVE/G PO catalog records. For m ore com plete description, g o to Salary: Com m ensurate with qualifications and experience, $30,000 m ini­ mum. Send letter o f application and resum e with nam es, addresses, and phone num bers of three references to: D ocum en ts Librarian Screening Com m ittee, A ttention: Caroline W ire, 295 M iddleton Library, Louisiana State U niversity, Baton R ouge, LA 70803. Prefe re n ce w ill be given to applications received by D ecem ber 31 ‚ 1998. G O VE R N M EN T IN FO R M A TIO N LIBRA RIAN. Louisiana State Univer­ sity in Shreve po rt Noel M em orial Library LSU S enrolls 4 ,500 students in undergraduate and graduate programs and serves as the comprehensive urban co m m u te r unive rsity o f north w e st Louisiana. T h e N oel M em orial Library opened a new facility in fall, 1994 with increased technology. Due to the recent retirement o f a long-term employee, we are pleased to announce a te n u re -tra ck fa cu lty position. T h is position requires a co m m itm en t to public service and the ability to w o rk independently and cooperatively in a tea m setting. P referred starting d ate is M arch 1 ‚ 1999. G overnm ent Inform ation Librarian. R esponsibilities: R eports to H ead o f R esearch Services, oversees state and federal depository collections, provides in- depth reference s e rvice s, p repares user guides, d elivers classroom in­ struction, acts as a liaison with academ ic departments, and participates in rotating centralized reference desk duty. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA- accredited program and professional e xperience with U.S. Government print and e lectron ic reso urce s in a d ep osito ry setting. Preferred: legal resource and instructional e xperience. Tw e lve m onth salaried position, tenure track, state benefits, minim um salary $27,000. Please send a letter o f application, vita, and nam es, a ddresses, pho ne num bers, and e-mail 910 / C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 TECHNOLOGY TEAM LEADER Wake Forest University Z. Smith Reynolds Library Wake Forest University is searching for an innovative and dynamic Technology Team Leader to join the staff of the Z. Smith Reynolds Library. The Technology Team Leader provides leadership for the planning, development, implementation, maintenance, and evaluation of the Z. Smith Reynolds Library’s technology activities. The Technology Team Leader is the library’s primary technology liaison with WFU Information Systems, the Worrell Professional Center Library, the Coy C. Carpenter Medical School Library, and regional and statewide library technology initiatives such as NC LIVE. The Technology Team Leader is a m ember of the Library’s Administrative Council and reports to the Director of the Library. The Technology Team administers and maintains the Voyager Integrated Library System, electronic resources, com puter hardware and softw are resources, m ultim edia resources and services, electronic classrooms, technology training initiatives, and the library’s Web pages. The Technology Team Leader supervises and evaluates the staff of the core Technology Team (2 professionals and 4 technical support staff); manages and coordinates the functions of an expanded Technology Team of 13 members; facilitates communication and problem solving; serves as a mentor and resource to team members; participates in the library’s budget planning process, with particular responsibility for technology-related requests; participates in overall library m anagement with other team leaders and department heads. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited school or graduate degree in Information Sciences/Systems, or equivalent; experience with integrated library systems, electronic information resources, micro­ computers, and client-server environment; operational experience with an environment that includes LAN’s, Internet, TCP/IP, W indows 95, W indows NT, Unix; knowledge of current trends in computer, information, and library sciences and the ability to articulate effective responses to changing opportunities in the delivery of information; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; strong customer service orientation, organizational skills, management skills, and ability to work well in a team environment. The Reynolds Library enjoys strong support, with an operating budget of $5 million. O ver one million volumes are housed in the fully automated library. A collegial organizational structure has been implemented to assure that the library will be flexible and proactive in serving users in a changing technological environment. The library plays a lead role in the development and delivery of computer/ information technology training on campus. As our undergraduates receive IBM laptops with standard and special software, this is a large responsibility. Wake Forest University is a private, liberal arts university located in W inston-Salem, North Carolina. Consistently ranked among the nation’s best schools, Wake Forest offers a values-based education distinguished by small classes, faculty-student interaction, and a commitment to the student’s personal as well as intellectual growth. This 12-month professional position carries excellent benefits. Salary is comm ensurate with experience and qualifications. To apply, send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to: Director of the Library Z. Smith Reynolds Library Post Office Box #7777 Wake Forest University Winston-Salem, NC 27109 Wake Forest University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. a d d re s s e s o f th re e re c e n t p ro fe s s io n a l re fe re n c e s to : V iv ia n G a rc ie , S e c re ta ry to th e S e a rc h C o m m itte e , L o u is ia n a S ta te U n iv e rs ity in Shreveport, Noel Memorial Library, One University Place, Shreveport, LA 71115. Review of applications begins January 2 0,1 99 9. LSUS is an Affirmative action, equal opportunity university. HEAD OF THE LOAN DIVISION, Access Services Department. Stanford University Libraries/Academic Information Resources is seeking a profes­ sional librarian with managerial, public service and circulation experience in an academic research library to manage the Loan Division and its Portal Unit as well as oversee the activities of the Stanford Auxiliary Library. The Loan Division o f the Cecil H. Green Library, Stanford’s main library in the humanities and social sciences, processes 500,000 circulation transac­ tions annually and is staffed by 10 FTE library specialists, five FTE portal monitors and 2.5 FTE student assistants. The Stanford Auxiliary Library, the University’s on-campus storage facility, is staffed by 3.5 FTE employ­ ees. The incum bent will ensure that circulation processes and perimeter control and collection security processes are effectively handled, that C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 / 911 HEAD, PRESERVATION DEPARTMENT Northwestern University Library RESPONSIBILITIES: The Head of the Preservation Department has chief responsibility for managing the university library’s preservation activities and for continuing to develop a comprehensive preservation program for the library’s general and special collections, for various formats. Provides leadership for the preservation department, which consists of the materials processing unit (preparation and quality control work for commercial binding, mass deacidification, reformatting, and grant-funded microfilming projects), the conservation lab, the preservation digitization technology unit, and a User-based Replacement Program. Supervises and evaluates the work of eight FTE staff and one .75 FTE librarian as well as tem porary staff working on grant projects. Manages interdepartmental and interdivisional coordination of preservation activities; the education program for staff and library users; and special programs and projects. Pursues grant opportunities for special programs in preservation including reformatting, mass deacidification, digitization, and conservation. Evaluates collections for preservation and reformatting and monitors environmental conditions of stacks and collections. As the leader of library-wide preservation efforts for all divisions of the Library, the head of Preservation works in close cooperation with bibliographers and selectors in setting preservation priorities, and with Technical Services staff who provide bibliographic access. Promotes the Library’s mission to digitize parts of the collection, investigates applications of digital technology for preservation, and participates in imaging and digitizing in accordance with Library priorities. May act in consultation with other Library units and faculty for digital projects. Maintains disaster plan and oversees disaster team that deals with Library collections. As department head, serves on the Library’s Management Council. Represents the Library to external organizations, such as the CIC, on matters concerning cooperative programs for preservation and contractual services. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and a minimum of three years of experience in the comprehensive preservation program at a research library, or comparable professional experience. Knowledge of current trends in preservation required. Background in reformatting or conservation required; knowledge of issues involved with imaging technologies, project management, and access required. Budgetary and resource allocation expertise essential. Administrative experience and proven record in successfully applying for and managing funded grant projects. Excellent written and oral communication skills. Ability to build consensus to initiate programs, coordinate programs, and serve as a member of a project team. SALARY: $45,000 minimum. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications received by January 1 5 ,19 9 9 will be given first consider­ ation. Send letter of application and resume, including names of three references, to: Peter Devlin Personnel Library Northwestern University Library 1935 Sheridan Road Evanston, IL 60208 Northwestern University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States. circulation services information is accurately conveyed, and that policies/ procedures a re followed. Hires, supervises, evaluates 4 library specialists, oversees o th e r Division em ployees and take s re sponsibility fo r Division budget, payroll a nd a ctivity a na lysis/re p orting . S erves a s liaison with Technical Servicesand System s Departm entstaff. After appropriate train­ ing period, will manage the functional aspects o f the circulation m odule of the Unicorn transaction processing system . Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school o r equivalent, expe rie n ce with PC-based applications and familiarity with library automated system s in a comparable environment. Effective com m unication and interpersonal skills and excel­ lent bib liog ra p hic and tech n ical skills are essential. E xperience w ith the Unicorn circulation system is preferred. Send resum es by D ecem ber 31 ‚ 1998 to: S heilaugh S ebastian, L ibraries & A cad e m ic Inform ation R e­ sources, Sw eet Hall, Room 4 1 5 ,5 9 0 Escondido Mall, Stanford U niver­ sity, Stanford, C A 94305-3090. AA/EOE. LIB RA RIAN/TECHNICAL SER VIC ES C O O R D IN A TOR . Provide le ad­ ership fo r o nline catalog m anagem ent; o versee cata lo ging /proce ssin g activities including su pervision of two FTE su pp ort staff; provide backup su pp ort fo r online system (H orizon) maintenance. Coordinate interlibrary loan activities. Supervise 1.5 FTE support staff. Library instruction, collec­ tion d evelopm ent, tra dition al re feren ce service, and liaison w o rk with faculty. W ee ken d and even in g reference on a rotation basis. M LS o r equivalent. Background o r subject specialty in the biological, m edical, o r b eh avioral scie nce s preferred, as are tw o to three ye ars expe rie n ce in a co lle ge library. D em o nstra ted a bility to w o rk w ith library colleagues, faculty, and students. Experience with LC classification and authority files, MARC formats, automated catalog procedures, bibliographic utilities, and library com puter applications. Collections exceed 300,000 items. Messiah C o lle ge is a C hristian co lle ge o f the liberal A nabaptist, Pietist, and W esleyan traditions. P osition open F ebruary2 0,1 99 9; to be filled no later than Ju ly 1,1999. Starting salary $37,000-$40,000, twelve-months. Excel­ lent benefits. Subm it letter o f inquiry, vita, references, and placement file (if a vailable) to: Jo na tha n D. Lauer, L ibrary Director, M essiah College, Grantham , PA 17027. AA/EOE. M A N U S C R IP TS C U R A TO R . T h e St. Louis M ercantile L ibrary a t the U niversity of M issouri-S t. Louis se eks a pp lica n ts fo r th e positio n of 912 / C&RL News ■ Decem ber 1998 ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR FOR LIBRARY MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS (Search #99A206) The University of Connecticut Libraries The University of Connecticut Libraries are dramatically transforming our programs and services. A critical element in the success of that transformation is the creative development and deployment of an effective communications program to the various constituencies of the library. The library seeks an individual to lead and direct such an effort. Reporting to the Director of Libraries, this newly created position, based in the recently renovated Homer Babbidge Library, offers the opportunity to make significant contributions while working within a total team environment. The specific responsibilities of this position include: Leadership in the marketing and promotion of library programs and services, production of librarywide communications; development of specific marketing and promotion efforts in collaboration with the library liaison program, coordinating activities between the library and the university’s public relations office; and acting as the primary author, editor, and editorial consultant for various library publications. Minimum qualifications include: Baccalaureate degree and work experience in marketing, promotion and /or communications; at least three years relevant full-time experience as a writer, editor, and/ or communications/design-layout specialist (portfolios of work may be requested in advance of appointment); experience in communications/publications productivity software with advanced knowledge of presentation and word-processing techniques; working knowledge of Web-based design and associated productivity software. Preferred qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or advanced degree in marketing or communications; prior work experience in libraries or higher education; demonstrated focus-group facilitation skills. Salary range: Hiring range is $36,959-$48,047, commensurate with experience. Application Procedures: Submit a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Elizabeth Tonucci Library Human Resources Manager University of Connecticut Libraries Box U-5A, 369 Fairfield Road, Storrs, CT 06269-1005 Screening will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. For further information about the UConn Libraries or to see a complete job description for this position, see our home page at A t the University of Connecticut, our commitment to excellence is complemented by our commitment to building a culturally diverse staff. We actively encourage minorities and people with disabilities to apply. M anuscripts Curator. Th e M ercantile is the oldest library w e st o f the M ississippi and the grandparent o f all cultural institutions in St. Louis with holdings p rim a rily related to various Am e rica n stud ie s subjects. The holdings in clu de o ve r 210,000 b oo ks, 1 0,100 linear feet of manuscript and archival resources, paintings, sculptures, and one million photographs, as well as a distinguished historical newspaper collection and the clipping file o f the St. Louis Globe Democrat, e stablished in the 1850s. Duties: The M a n uscripts C u ra to r is responsible fo r a d m iniste rin g and cataloging the m anuscript collections. Specific duties include acquisitions, processing, preservation, manuscript-related reference services, and collection devel­ o pm en t as well as m aintaining effective d on or relationships. Position reports to the Director o f the St. Louis Mercantile Library at UM-St. Louis. Q ualifications: Required: A LA -accredited M LS o r hum anities o r social sciences degree. Desirable: S econd M a ster’s degree in a related field such as American History; a t least three years professional experience in a research library o r m anuscript repository setting; reading knowledge of a foreign language such as French; know ledge of AM C form at, AACR2, LC Rule interpretations, and LC subject headings; as well as general e xpe rtise w ith com puters, networks, and digital a ccess tech n iqu e s and issues; strong organizational, in terpersonal, and com m unication skills; and a com m itm ent to quality public sen/ice. Salary is com m ensurate with experience. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Those received before January 4 ,1 9 9 9 w ill be given first consideration. Please subm it a letter o f application, cu rre nt resum e, and the nam es o f three re ferences to: John N. Hoover, St. Louis M ercantile L ibrary a t UM-St. Louis, 8001 Natural Bridge Rd., St. Louis, MO 63121. UM-St. Louis is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action e m p lo ye r com m itted to excellence through diversity. M U SIC LIB R A R IA N . Furm an U niversity is seeking a creative, service- o riented m usic librarian to m anage the new, state -o f-the -a rt Maxwell Music Library. This individual will supervise all aspects of the music library, meeting the cu rricu la r and research needs o f patrons, managing student w orkers, and acting a s library liaison to the m usic dep artm en t fo r both co llection d evelopm ent and public services. T he m usic library, which opened in March 1998, includes print, audio, and digital m usic resources. Th e collection consists o f o ve r 10,000 books and scores, 1,200 com pact discs, and 60 periodicals. The facility, located in the Maxwell Music Media Center, includes individual listening stations and adjoins a music computer lab w ith MIDI capability. Reports to the D irector of U niversity Libraries. C&RL N ew s ■ D e c e m b e r 1998 / 913 IN S T R U C T IO N A L S E R V IC E S /R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N George Mason University DUTI ES: Responsible for providing general reference services; designing, assessing, and im plement­ ing instructional series, including curriculum -based instruction, w alk-in instructional sessions, W eb-based tutorials, library orientations, and individual student appointm ents; developing the Johnson C enter undergraduate collection, including leading a team of selectors in a designated subject area and participating in outreach initiatives to the Johnson Center and university comm unity. Each Johnson Center Librarian is also responsible for providing leadership and coordination of a library function or activity. This position will be responsible for providing leadership in reference services, including the scheduling of the reference service desk, initiating reference outreach to the Johnson C enter comm unity, and facilitating comm unication regarding reference services among librarians. Duties may include developm ent of Johnson C enter reference collection. Reports jointly to the Johnson Center Librarian and the Associate Director for Information Services. Q UALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS and library reference experience; experience with electronic and W eb-based resources; experience providing library instruction. Preferred: Experience in developing undergraduate collections. Desired: Second master’s Degree; experience using HTML and developm ent of W eb pages; supervisory experience. GENERAL: These are twelve-m onth appointments. Excellent state benefits. SALARY: $33,500+ depending on experience. To learn more about George Mason University visit http ://w w w .g m TO APPLY: Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three current references to: Instructional Services/Reference Librarian Search Library Administration MSN 2FL, George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 Deadline for Applications: December 30, 1998. AA/EE0 employer, minorities encouraged to apply. Furm an U n ive rsity is a s e lective , n atio n a lly ra n ked liberal a rts college. Furm an is s tro ng ly co m m itte d to the d e ve lo p m e n t o f th e w h ole person -- spiritually, s o cially, and p h ysica lly, a s w e ll a s a ca d e m ica lly. A dd itio n a l information is available on o u r W ebsite a t http://carolus.furm Requ irem e n ts: A L A -a ccre d ite d M LS , d eg re e in m u sic, kn ow led g e o f m usic re so urce s, fa m ilia rity w ith lib ra ry in form atio n tech n olo g y, stro ng co m m u n ica tio n a nd in terpe rso na l skills, a nd co m m itm e n t to p u b lic se r­ vices. S alary and benefits: L ibrarian s have fa cu lty statu s, 20 d a ys va ca ­ tion, a nd an e xcellen t ben efits packa ge . For sa lary a nd ben efits in form a ­ tion co n ta c t th e u niv e rs ity p e rso n n e l o ffice a t (8 64) 2 9 4 -2 2 1 7 . A p p lic a ­ tio n s: R e v ie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill b e g in D e c e m b e r 1 5 ,1 9 9 8 . S u b m it le tte r o f a p p lica tio n , re su m e, tra n s c rip ts (co p y a cce p ta b le in itia lly), and nam es, a d d re sse s, a nd p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e re fe re n ce s to : Jo hn K. Payne, A sso cia te D irecto r o f U n ive rsity L ibraries, F urm a n U niv ers ity , 3300 Poinse tt H ig h w ay, G re e n ville , S C 2 96 13 -0 6 00 ; p h o n e (8 64) 2 94- 3098. AA/E O E/A D A . P S Y C H O L O G Y /C O M M U N IC A T IO N S T U D IE S L IB R A R IA N . U n ive r­ sity Library, C a lifo rn ia S ta te U n iv ers ity , Long Beach. T e n u re -tra ck position available June 1 ‚ 1999. Th e Psychology/C om m unication Studies librarian will pro vide co urse in stru ction and d e ve lo p in stru ction al m a te ri­ als, w ill d e ve lo p th e lib ra ry’s co lle ction s a nd se rvice s fo r a ssign e d d is c i­ plines, w ill w o rk in a cooperative centralized reference environm ent w hich requires evening and w eekend hours, will be active in library and university com m ittees, will participate in professional activities and research, includ­ ing publication. Librarian s h ave full fa cu lty status a nd are re p resented by the C a lifo rn ia F a cu lty A sso cia tio n . A g ra d u a te d eg re e fro m an A LA - accredited institution o r equivalent professional library degree is required. A pp o intm e n t and sa lary w ill be c o m m e n su ra te w ith q ua lifica tio n s and experience ($43,584-$69,708). Review o f applicants will begin on February 1,1999. R epresentatives o f the library w ill be a vailab le to provide inform a­ tion about the position and the library a t the CLA Conference in O akland and a t th e A LA M idw inte r M e e ting in P hiladelphia. F o r an a pp lica tio n packet, co nta ct the library a t (562) 9 85 -7 83 9 o r nancyk@ E O //W T itle IX employer. R A R E B O O K C A T A L O G U IN G P O S IT IO N . T h e Jo hn C a rte r B row n L ib ra ry a t B row n U n ive rsity is se e kin g c a n d id a te s fo r a tw o -ye a r, gra nt- fu n d e d ca ta lo g u in g p ositio n . T h e lib ra ry s p e cia lize s in th e co lle ctio n o f printed m aterials perta in in g to the A m ericas, N orth a nd S outh, during the co lon ia l period, 1493 to circa 1830. Q u a lifica tio ns: A L A -a ccre dite d MLS degree o r equivalent; tw o to three ye ars o f professional rare b ook catalog­ ing experience using A AC R 2R ev., Descriptive Cataloging o f Rare Books, LCSH, and M AR C form ats; fa m ilia rity w ith the R U N ca ta lo gu in g system ; reading know ledge of P ortuguese and /or Spanish. Salary range $30,200- $ 3 4 ,0 0 0 b ase d on e xp e rie n ce . S en d le tte r o f a p p lica tio n , resum e, and n a m e s/a d d re sse s o f th re e re fe re n ce s to : D e p a rtm e n t o f H u m a n R e­ sources, Brow n University, Box 1879, Providence, Rl 02912. R E F E R E N C E , IN S T R U C T IO N , & C U R R IC U L U M D E V E L O P M E N T C O O R D IN A T O R , PU B LIC H E A LTH IN F O R M A T IO N S E R V IC E S & A C C E S S . U n ive rsity o f M ichigan. P H IS A (P u blic H ealth Info rm a tio n s e rv ic e s & A cce ss) re p re se n ts a d yn a m ic and c o h e sive u nit w ith in the U niversity Library System and th e School o f Public Health with responsibil­ ity fo r w id e -ra n g in g , in n o va tive in form atio n se rvice s in su p p o rt o f the teaching, research, and outreach m ission o f its public health constituency, in clu din g lib ra ry, n etw o rk a nd co m p u tin g , and W e b d e sig n se rvices. D uties: P articipa te in the o rg an iza tion a nd p ro visio n o f q u a lity reference and m ediated search services and assist w ith unit training. A ssist/instruct users in u se o f lib ra ry and its reso urce s; p ro vid e g en eral in form atio n to library users and a nsw e r reference questions of varying com plexity; solve bibliographic problem s; in terpret policies and procedures. Prepare statis- 914 / C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 TWO POSITIONS Oregon State University Oregon State University invites nominations and applications for two Associate University Librarians (AULs). We are seeking applicants with strong leadership skills who are innovative, flexible, collaborative, and committed to creating the library of the future. AULs have key roles in policy decisions, organizational planning, and budget allocations. They are responsible for providing leadership and counsel regarding the future direction of libraries and library services. Each AUL will have a distinct portfolio: AUL FOR ACCESS, COLLECTIONS AND TECHNICAL SERVICES AUL for Access, Collections and Technical services provides leadership in all aspects of collections management including selection, acquisition, cataloging and circulation. Skills in work­ flow analysis are highly desirable. AUL FOR PUBLIC SERVICES AND INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY AUL for Public Services and Innovative Technology provides leadership for reference and instruction services, special collections, government information and maps, ongoing digitization projects and the branch library. Experience in assessing library services in relation to campus needs is highly desirable. Both positions are tenure-track and require an ALA-accredited MLS or foreign equivalent; minimum of five years management experience in medium-to-large library; excellent communication skills; record of research and scholarship; knowledge of the principles of library management and organization; demonstrated commitment to working with and through teams; ability to articulate how emerging technologies influence teaching and scholarship; excellent interpersonal and critical problem solving skills; and a passion for libraries. Salary and rank commensurate with education/experience as it relates to the position. Excellent benefits. Submit letter of application (addressing specific requirements for the position(s) of interest), resume, and three references to: Melissa Maloney 121 The Valley Library Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-4501 FAX: 541/737-3453 E-mail: For full consideration apply by December 18,1998; applications will be accepted until positions are filled. For more information about these positions or the OSU University Libraries, please visit our web site at: http://w w w Oregon Slate University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. tica l reports. P erform o nline se arche s in a va rie ty o f data ba ses. Design, develop, and teach education programs fo r SPH faculty, staff, and students. Design, develop, and im plement instructional materials and handouts (print and electronic). Assist with daily m anagem ent o f departm ental electronic information services. Participate in evaluation o f new electronic information sources and software. Select m aterials in both print and electronic formats in se lecte d areas. Position is jo in tly fun d ed throu g h the unive rsity library (75% perm anent funding) and the School of Public Health (25% on tem po­ ra ry fun d ing w ith p ossib ility o f exte n sion .) Q ua lifica tio ns: R equired: A la a ccre dite d M LS. B achelor's deg re e in the biological, health, o r social scie nce s, a n d /o r o ne y e a r pro fe ssio na l expe rie n ce in a health sciences library, including reference, instruction, and online searching o f MEDLINE and other health-related databases. Experience with installing and trouble­ shooting m icrocom puter software and hardware in a multiplatform environ­ ment. Demonstrated oral and written com m unication skills. Demonstrated ability to w o rk effectively with culturally diverse faculty, students, and staff. Desired: K nowledge of current and em erging m ultim edia and networking technologies. Experience with Internet-based information resources and government documents. Rank, salary, and leave: Rank o f Assistant Librar­ ian. Final sa lary depen d en t on ye ars o f p revious relevant p rofessional experience. (M inimum salary: $31,000);24w orkingdaysofvacationayear; 15 days of sick leave a year with provisions fo r extended benefits. T o Apply: S end c o v e r le tte r & co p y of resum e to: Lucy C ohen, L ibrary Human Resources, 404 H atcher Graduate Library North, U niversity o f Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205. Application Deadline: Applications received by D e cem be r 21 ‚ 1998 w ill be given first consideration. T h e U n ive rsity of Michigan is a non-discrim inatory, affirm ative action employer. R EFER EN C E LIBRA RIAN. East Carolina University, A cadem ic Library se rvice s, Joyne r Library. (M inimum salary $28 ,00 0 depending upon quali­ fications and experience) Qualifications: Requires ALA-accredited Master’s deg re e o r in terna tion a l equivalent; kn ow led g e o f print and electronic reference tools; e xcellent w ritten and oral com m unication skills; dem on­ strated analytical and o rg anizational skills; dem on strate d fle xib ility and C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 / 915 D O C U M E N TS LIBR ARIAN (Search Reopened) New York University Libraries U.S. government documents librarian and sub­ ject specialist in U .S . politics and public admin­ istration. Administer, plan, promote, evaluate U.S. depository collection; supervise staffp; manage electronic governm ent resources; provide business/social science/docum ents reference and user education; select print and electronic media; work closely with faculty and students. Requires accredited MLS; two years govern­ ment documents experience in academic, pub­ lic, or special library; knowledge of trends in government information; experience with print and electronic library resources and services, electronic information retrieval, Internet, and other electronic resources; and user educa­ tion. Excellent communication skills; strong service orientation. Supervisory experience, graduate study in relevant field preferred. Faculty status, attractive benefits package. Salary commensurate with experience and background, minimum $36,000. Send resume and letter of application, including addresses and telephone numbers of three references to: Janet Koztowski, Director Human Resources New York University Libraries 70 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012 Preliminary interviews will be held at ALA. Resumes accepted until position is filled, but no later than December 31, 1998. NYU encourages applications from women and members of minority groups. initiative; stro ng co m m itm en t to p ub lic se rvice and inform ation literacy; ability to work effectively with faculty, staff, students, and com m unity m em ­ bers. Preferred: S u b je ct M a ster’s o r o th e r a dvanced g ra du ate studies. Reference e xperience in an a cadem ic o r large public library. T h is person reports to the Head of Reference and is a member of the Reference services Department. Responsibilities: Provides reference service, including evening and weekend rotation; actively participates in dynamic library instruction and outreach programs; develops collection and serves as liaison to academ ic unit in assign e d s u bje ct area. East C a rolina U nive rsity has o ve r 17,800 students in its C ollege o f A rts & Sciences and ten p rofessional schools. It is a co nstitu en t institution o f th e U nive rsity o f North C aro lin a system . Academic library services provides library and inform ation services to the Division o f Acad e m ic Affa irs through tw o libraries, J o yn e r Library and the Music Library. An expansion and renovation project, scheduled fo r comple- tion in 1998, will d ouble the size o f J o yn e r Library. T w elve-m onth ten u re - track faculty positions with appointm ent a t the rank o f A ssistant Professor. Professional achievem ent, service, and research/creative activity are re­ quired fo r te n u re and p rom otion. S creening o f applica tio ns will begin January 1 5 ,1 9 9 9 a nd co ntin ue until the p ositions a re filled. For each position, send le tte r o f app lica tio n, resum e, co pie s o f all tra nscripts, and three cu rre nt le tte rs o f reference to: S earch C o m m itte e, C o ordina tor of Instructional Services, Becky Foster, Processing Assistant, Joyner Library, East C a ro lin a U n iv e rs ity , Greenville, NC 27858-4353. Official transcripts DIGITAL RESOURCES LIBRARIAN C A L V I N C o l l e g e The Hekman Library ( library/) of Calvin College and Calvin Theologi­ cal Seminary (Christian Reformed Church in North America) invites nominations and appli­ cations for the position of Digital Resources Librarian. The librarian leads the team respon­ sible for designing, implementing, and main­ taining a content-rich, well-organized digital library collection. The librarian plays a primary role in determining strategic and operational direction for the management, structure, and content of the digital library. Recognizing the needs of users and providing high-quality instruction are essential components of this position. The librarian also is a m ember of the reference and instruction team responsible for reference service and instruction to the entire Calvin community and for liaison services to selected academic departments. Minimum qualifications are an MLS; commit­ ment to the Reformed (Calvinist) faith; experi­ ence in Web design and page editors and other essential computer programs; experience in an academic library setting; demonstrated com­ petency with m icrocomputer hardware and software and client/service technology; and experience in teaching and training. Send a cover letter, resume, and names, ad­ dresses, and e-mail addresses of at least three references to: Connie Bellows Director of Human Resources Calvin College 3201 Burton SE Grand Rapids Ml 49546 Deadline is Ja n u a ry 22, 1999. from each college o r u niversity attended w ill be required p rio rto any offer of em ploym ent. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. W e ac­ com m odate individuals with disabilities. Applicants m ust co m p ly with the Im m igration Reform and C ontrol Act. R E FE R E N C E L IB R A R IA N / L IB R A R Y IN S TR U C T IO N C O O R D IN A ­ TOR. Assistant Librarian. Prim ary responsibility fo r the coordination and d e ve lo pm en t o f the L ibrary Instruction Program , including instruction se ssions, w orksh op s, cre d it co urses, and co lla bo ra tive tea ch ing . S tu ­ dents, faculty, and staff are instructed in the use of traditional and electronic resources using a variety of methods and media. Additional responsibilities include working regularly scheduled hours a t the reference desk (including evening and w eekend rotation) and m aintaining the instruction handout collection. Som e co lle ction d eve lo p m e n t resp on sib ilitie s possible. Re­ quired: A LA -M LS and expe rie n ce in teaching, training, o r library instruc­ tion. Fam iliarity with a va rie ty o f electronic reference a pplications. Ener- 9 1 6 / C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 S C IE N C E /R E F E R E N C E LIB R A R IA N Amherst College Position in the Robert Frost Library at Am herst College reporting directly to the College Librarian and reporting to the Head of Reference for Frost reference responsibilities. Primary responsibility will be to manage the daily operations of the newly renovated and expanded Keefe Science Library and to provide the science faculty and students with a knowledgeable advocate in the library. Serves as liaison to the science departm ents whose collections are housed in the science library: biology, neuroscience, chemistry, astronomy, physics and geology. Position will also coordinate reference services in the sciences. This includes personal assistance with both print and electronic sources, classroom and individual instruction in science information resources, mediated online searches, and developm ent and m aintenance of Web pages. Acts as liaison between the science library and the technical services department. Additionally, participates in general reference service in the Robert Frost Library (up to 6 hours weekly). QUALIFICATIONS: MLS; minimum two years post-degree experience in science reference services, with a broad background in computers, Internet resources, and science and technology databases, particularly those available via STN and NCBI. Strong academ ic background and interests with an undergraduate degree in science preferred. Must be able to w ork successfully with faculty, students, and college administrators, with special attention to scientists’ use of libraries. Must also be able to function in a general reference setting with a broad range of materials in the humanities and social sciences. Excellent oral and written comm unication skills required. COMPENSATION: Competitive salary, excellent benefits. Interested candidates should send a cover letter, resume, and the names of three references to: Willis E. Bridegam, Librarian Amherst College Box 2256 Amherst, MA 01002-5000 A review of resumes will begin December 1 ‚ 1998, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. For information about the Am herst College Library see http://www .am Amherst College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and encourages women, minorities, and disabled persons to apply. getic, m otivated, and cre a tive p rofessional w ith a stro ng se rvice o rie nta ­ tio n. A b ility to w o rk w e ll as a tea m le a d e r a nd tea m m em ber, a s w e ll as independently; relates effectively with varied clientele. M ust possess strong oral and written com m unication skills and be able to m eet the responsibili­ ties o f a tenure-track appointment. Preferred: Academ ic library experience; knowledge of H TM L and presentation software. Reports to the D irecto r of IUSB Schurz Library Services. Twelve-m onth appointm ent beginning July 1 ‚ 1999 will be at A ssista n t L ibrarian rank. S alary: C o m p etitive . C lo sing Date: January29,1999. Send letter o f application, resume, and three letters o f reference to: R osanne M. C ordell, Chair, Search and Screen C o m m it­ te e , F ra n klin D. S ch u rz L ibrary, In d ian a U n iv e rs ity S o u th B end, PO B ox 7 1 1 1 , S o u th B end, IN 4 6 6 3 4 ; fa x: (2 1 9) 2 3 7 -4 4 7 2 ; e -m a il: rcordell @ IUSB is stro ng ly co m m itte d to a chie vin g excellen ce th ro u g h cu ltu ra l d ive rsity. T h e u niv e rs ity a c tiv e ly e n co u ra g e s a p p lic a ­ tio n s a nd n o m in a tio n s o f w o m e n , p e rs o n s o f co lo r, a p p lic a n ts w ith d isa b ilitie s, a nd m e m b e rs o f o th e r u n d e rre p re s e n te d g ro up s. V isit o u r w e b site : http://w w w libg/. R E S EA R C H LIB R A R Y R E S ID EN C Y P R O G R A M . U n ive rsity o f M ichi­ gan (Three to fou rp o sitio n sa va ila b le ).T h e University of Michigan Library s e e ks c a nd id ate s fo r its R esearch L ibrary R e sid en cy Program , C la ss of 1999-2001. Th e program , begun in 1983, offers recently graduated librar­ ians tw o -ye a r a p p ointm e n ts in the lib ra ry supp le m e nte d by p rofessional discussions, workshops, and field trips. Appointments fo r the tw o years may be m ade in any area o f the library. R ecent assignm ents have included the in stru ction al p ro gra m s fo r Livin g/L ea rn in g C om m u n ities, Digital L ibrary projects, Geographical Inform ation System s, special form a ts cataloging, g ove rn m e nt docu m e nts and general reference, and health science infor­ m ation se rvice s. Q ua lifica tio ns: R equ ired : A g ra du ate d eg re e fro m an A LA -a ccre d ite d p ro gra m in L ibrary a nd Info rm a tio n S cie nce , re ceived since Aug u st 1997; evidence o f academ ic success and research activity; strong interpersonal skills and ability to w o rk effectively in a highly diverse environment; evidence o f a high level o f motivation and leadership potential. Salary and Appointm ent: Appointm ent will be m ade a t the Assistant Librar­ ian level with a salary o f $31,000. Th e university offers an attractive benefit package w hich includes 24 w orking days o f vacation a ye ar and 15 days of s ick leave a year. T h e U niversity of M ichigan Library, with o v e r7,000,000 volum es, serves as a m ajor international research facility. It is known fo r its in n o va tive p ro gra m s a nd a clo se liaison w ith th e u n ive rsity’s e xcellen t School o f Information. F o r the n ew resident the 110 librarians represent an a rra y o f s u b je c t a nd te c h n ic a l s p e c ia ltie s th a t c o n s titu te a tre a s u re in p ro fe s s io n a l e x p e rie n c e a nd kn o w le d g e . A p p lic a tio n P ro ce d u re s: T h e d e a d lin e f o r a p p lic a t io n s is F e b r u a r y 16, 1 9 9 9 . F o r a p p lic a tio n in fo rm a tio n , c o n ta c t: P ro g ra m C o o rd in a to r, R e sea rch L ibrary R e sid en cy P rogram , 8 18 H a tch e r L ibrary S outh, U n iv ers ity of M ic h ig an , A n n A rb or, M l 4 8 1 0 9 -1 2 0 5 ; phone: (7 34) 7 6 4 -2 54 6 ; e-m ail: re s id e n ts .c o o rd @ u m ic h .e d u . T h e U n iv e rs ity o f M ich ig a n is a n on - d iscrim inatory, affirm ative-action em ployer. R E S E R V E /M U L T IM E D IA S E R V IC E S LIB R A R IA N (S E A R C H EX­ T E N D E D ). N o rth w este rn U n ive rsity Library. S um m a ry: T h is is a split position. Reserve responsibilities include sharing in the supervision o f one electronic resen/e staff member; involvem ent in continuing developm ent of the Electronic Reserve System (ERS); training o f staff, student assistants, and faculty in use of scanning and o th e r electronic technology; serving as a liaison to o th e r reserve units on cam pus, faculty using reserve services, and staff from the Acad e m ic Te chn o log ie s division o f the University. A lso assists in th e General Inform ation Center. T he R e serve/M u ltim ed ia S er­ vices Librarian also supports the activities and o perations of the Multim edia D evelopm ent Lab within the Mitchell Multim edia Center. Functions include C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 / 917 COORDINATOR FOR INSTRUCTION SERVICES Central Michigan University Libraries The Central Michigan University Libraries are seeking qualified applicants for the position of Coordinator of Instruction Services. Principal responsibilities include providing leadership through planning and coordinating the university library’s user instruction program; working with librarians and academic department faculty to develop and maintain technology-based instructional modules; developing instructional methods/materials to enhance the program; providing user instruction to individuals and groups; providing sessions for librarians on electronic tools to be used for user instruction; collaborating with university staff and librarians in support of distance education programs and Internet courses; providing reference and research support as assigned. The libraries’ objective is to provide outstanding instructional services across the spectrum of print and technology-based approaches. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: M LS from ALA-accredited program. Leadership ability. Demonstrated teaching skills, with at least two years teaching experience, preferably in an academic library. Excellent communication skills. Enthusiasm and service-orientation. Knowledge of a wide range of electronic/Internet and print reference resources. Knowledge of html and experience with W eb­ page design. Ability to carry out assignments independently and cooperatively. Evidence of potential for earning tenure/promotion as a library faculty member. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Experience teaching in a hands-on computer laboratory. Experi­ ence designing successful Web-based instructional modules. Additional graduate degree. Salary commensurate with qualifications: Minimum $36,500. Excellent fringe benefits. Position is a twelve-month tenure-track faculty appointment, reporting to the Head of Public Services. Submit letter of application addressing qualifications for the position, resume, and names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references via mail to: Chairperson Coordinator of Instruction Services Search Committee 207 Park Library Central Michigan University Mount Pleasant, Ml 48859. Position is available immediately. Applications will be accepted and reviewed until position is filled. Central Michigan University, a state institution offering bachelor through doctoral degrees, has an enrollment of approximately 17,000 on-campus students and 12,000 off-campus students. CMU is located in Mount Pleasant, an attractive small city 66 miles north of Lansing, positioned in the center of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula. A building addition and renovation project is underway which, when completed, will include state-of-the-art, hands-on instruction facilities. Visit the libraries’ home page at hhtp://w w w CMU, an AA/EO institution, is strongly and actively committed to increasing diversity within its community (see server m anagem ent and m aintenance; supervision o f p art-tim e student assistants; tra in ing students, faculty, and staff in the use o f the la b ’s software and hardw are; co lla bo ra tion on N ew M edia C e nte r initiatives, including the developm ent of collections o f digital materials; and assisting with staff training fo r the design, development, and im plementation of library departm ental W e b sites. R esponsibilities: R eserve: S upervises, trains staff in e lectron ic reserve a pplications. A ssists in the integration o f new technologies and new appro ach e s to the d elivery o f reserve s e rvice s. Participates in the d evelopm ent o f the ERS and the General Information Center. P rovides tra in ing in the use o f te ch n olo g y fo r ERS. S erves as liaison and tra in e r fo r o th e r NU L ibraries participa tin g in electronic reserve projects. Coordinates efforts with Northwestern’s Academic Tech­ nologies division and the M itchell M ultim edia C enter on the ERS project. Maintains ERS on the UNIX se rve r in the M itchell M u ltim e d ia C enter. Multim edia D evelopm ent Lab: Has responsibility fo r the overall operation of the Multim edia Development Lab within the Mitchell Multim edia Center. Assists students, faculty, and staff working on a wide variety of multim edia projects, ranging from the very sim ple to the very complex. Supervises nine Multim edia Developm ent Lab part-tim e student assistants, including hir­ ing, training, scheduling, and evaluating. Collaborates with the head of the New Media Center project at Northwestern U niversity on various projects and initiatives. P articipates in projects to design and create digital collec­ tions. A ssists with lib ra ry-w id e W e b tra in ing and the im plem entation of dep artm en tal W e b sites. P erform s o th e r related d u tie s as assigned. Q ualifications: M aster's deg re e from an A LA -a ccre dite d p ro gra m in library science. High degree of fam iliarity with the Macintosh and W indows OS. A w o rkin g kn ow ledge o f W e b -b ase d technologies, the use o f the Internet in higher education, and awareness of current trends and develop­ ments in the use o f the W e b to deliver information and services. M ust have excellent written and oral com m unication skills, the ability to work well with facu lty, students, and colle ag u es, and a dem on strate d high d eg re e of initiative. Salary: $27,500 m inim um . T o Apply: Send a letter of application and resum e, including the nam es o f three references, to: P eter J. Devlin, Personnel Librarian, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, Illinois 60208-2300. Application, received by December31 ‚ 1998, will receive first consideration. Northwestern University is an Equal O pportunity/Affirm a­ tive Action employer. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. S O C IA L S C IE N C E S M O N O G R A P H C A T A L O G E R /S P E C IA L PROJECTS LIBRARIAN. Kansas State University Libraries seeks eager and highly-motivated applicants fo r t he position of Social Sciences M ono­ graph C atalo g er/S p ecial P rojects Librarian. T he position reports to the C h a ir of th e Technical S ervices Departm ent. Th e libraries m anagem ent structure relies on collaboration in a team environm ent. R esponsibilities include 1) creating original cataloging records fo r social sciences m ono­ g ra ph s in all la ng u ag e s and form a ts using national and international 918 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN Union College Union College, a highly selective liberal arts and engineering college of 2,000 students, founded in 1795 and located in Schenectady, New York, is searching for a Systems Librar­ ian. The successful candidate will offer some combination of: Experience providing hard­ ware and software technical support for library workstations as well as staff applica­ tions workstations; an in-depth understand­ ing of Windows95/NT software and proto­ cols, including Z39.50, TCP/IP, and WWW technology; fam iliarity with a variety of Windows-based productivity programs, the ability to manage, support, and troubleshoot LAN and CD-ROM library hardware and soft­ ware. Experience with DRA also highly de­ sirable. In addition to technical background, the successful candidate must demonstrate: Strong oral, written, and analytical skills; the ability to work within a collegial academic environment; and experience with staff train­ ing, budget management, and planning. Ex­ perience cooperating with the computer cen­ ter in a college or university environment would be very helpful. Represents library on committees at the college and regional level. The Systems Librarian participates in library reference service, including some nights and weekends. Minimum Qualifications: MLS or MSIS from an ALA-accredited program; three to five years relevant experience supporting an integrated library system in an academic library. Schaffer Library has just completed a major building expansion and renovation. Visit our WWW site for additional information on both the lib ra ry and Union C ollege: h ttp :// w w w .u n io n .e d u . Union College offers an exceptional benefits package including: Medical, dental, and vi­ sion insurance, life and disability coverage, a generous retirement plan and tuition remis­ sion. Send letter of application, resume, and salary requirements to: T. G. McFadden, Director Schaffer Library Union College Schenectady, NY 12308 Review of applications will begin on January 15, 1999. Union College is committed to a program of affirmative action and equal opportunity employment. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. LIBRARIAN FOR SYSTEMS/ ELECTRONIC RESOURCES Missouri Southern State College Librarian for Systems/Electronic Resources wanted: We’re looking for the new breed of librarian with a combination of library and technical computer skills. Responsible for net­ working, serve as library liaison with the com­ puter center, be library Webmaster/Internet expert, and troubleshoot and maintain library personal computers, software, and networks. Will be the trainer for staff needs in regard to new programs and the statewide common library platform. Duties will be 60/40 Automa­ tion/Reference. (Reference duty on Tuesday night and one Saturday rotation per semester.) Must be personable and enthusiastic with the ability to present and do some bibliographic instruction. This is a wonderful opportunity for growth as you can help plan and implement the statewide common library program and ser­ vices for the new library addition. Recent graduates will be considered with the proper blend of skills and potential. Missouri Southern is an innovative liberal arts college in a beautiful campus setting. Join us in the beautiful Ozarks where housing is affordable, gas is consistently cheap, and family living is great. Plentiful recreational op­ portunities and easy access to large cities. Requirements: ALA-accredited Master's de­ gree, demonstrated potential or competence/ experience with networks, CD-ROMs, per­ sonal computers, and expert’s knowledge of MARC records. Preferred: Additional degree in computer science; familiarity with OCLC, image technology, working knowledge of NOTIS or another major automation system. Salary com­ mensurate with qualifications and experience. Nontenure-track, faculty rank, state retirement, and social security, medical and life insurance, sick and vacation leave. TSAs and dental insurance available. Review of applications will begin immediately. The position will be open until filled. The expec­ tation is to have a decision by January 31 ‚ 1999. To Apply: Send transcripts, resume, names of at least three references, and letter of interest to: Missouri Southern State College Charles H. Kemp, Head Librarian 3950 East Newman Road Joplin MO 64801-1595 Visit our Web site at Position starting date is negotiable. Equal Opportunity Employer. C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 / 919 LIBRARY DIRECTOR Texas A&M University-Kingsville Texas A&M University-Kingsville invites applications for the position of Library Director. The university seeks an energetic and committed individual to provide innovative leadership in planning and implementing strategies to enhance library services. The successful candidate will manage a staff of over 30 and be responsible for planning, coordinating, administrating, and updating all library programs, operations, services, budgets, and technologies. The library director will work closely with the university com m unity and must articulate a vision for library services. The position Is a twelve-month appointment and reports to the Provost. The university, a mem ber of the Texas A&M University system, has approxim ately 6,000 undergraduate and graduate students. Located in a small south Texas town, the Spanish-colonial style campus is 40 miles from Corpus Christi and 120 miles from Mexico. The James C. Jernigan Library has a collection of 500,000 volumes, provides access to numerous electronic resources and offers a variety of patron-focused services. Information about the library is available at QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited Master’s degree required, doctorate a plus. Five or more years experience with increased administrative responsibility in an academ ic library. Demonstrated growth in fiscal management. Knowledge of and experience with current technologies and all aspects of library operations. Grant writing experience desirable. Evidence of participatory m anagement skills that foster successful working relationships. Ability to provide long-range planning to support academ ic and research services for faculty and students. Superior commu­ nication and interpersonal skills. Appreciation of diversity and ability to work effectively in a multicultural environment. A strong record of professional and scholarly activities. Committed to excellence through diversity, the university particularly invites applications from minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if accomm odations are needed for the application process, please inform the Search Committee Chair. APPLICATION: First review begins February 1,1999. Salary is competitive, Letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference with contact information should be addressed to: W ayneGunn, Chair Library Director Search Committee c/o Sheryl Custer Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Texas A&M University-Kingsville P.O. Box 102 Kingsville, Texas 78363-8202 Texas A&M University-Kingsville is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. standards; 2) m an ag in g sp ecia l p ro jects in cluding, b ut n ot lim ited to, managing o rc re a tin g W e b -b ase d se rvice s; 3) se rvin g as the D atabase M aintenance T e am leader; 4.) su pe rvising p a ra p ro fe ssio n al staff; 5) advising on and docu m e ntin g policies and p rocedures, e sp e cia lly those related to social sciences cataloging and special projects; 6) cooperating with others in a team -based environm ent, w hich in cludes dem onstrating initiative and flexibility; and 7) d eveloping professionally. R equired qua li­ fications: A LA -a ccre d ite d MLS, kn ow led g e o f A AC R 2rev, LC su bje ct headings, LC cla ssifica tion , M AR C form a ts, and natio na l ca ta lo ging standards; expe rie n ce w ith a bibliog ra p hic utility, p re fe ra bly O C LC ; out­ standing com m unication skills; outstanding interpersonal skills. Preferred qualifications: U n d e rg ra d ua te m a jo r o r a d va nce d s tu d y in th e social sciences a n d /o r e xpe rie n ce ca ta lo ging so cial scie n ce s m a terials in an academ ic library; e xpe rie n ce w ith an in tegrated o n line system ; b ib lio ­ graphic knowledge o f one o r m ore foreign languages; supervisory e xperi­ ence, co m p u te r literacy, in clu din g cre a tin g o r m a n ag in g W e b site files. Salary: U pper$20s; tenure-track, tw elve-m onth contract. Librarians have faculty rank and are eligible fo r tenure. Benefits include 22 annual vacation days, Blue C ross/B lue Shield health insurance, and choice of retirem ent plans. Th e libraries’ online system is V oyager, a m ultitiered client/server- integrated library system developed by Endeavor. Hale Library, the university’s main library, recently com pleted a $28 million expansion and renovation. Other libraries include the Paul W eigel L ibrary o f Architecture, Planning, and D esign; th e M a th /P h ysics library; th e KSU C o lle ge o f V ete rin ary M edicine library; the KSU -Salina cam pus library. Kansas State University is a la nd -g ra n t in stitutio n with an e n rollm en t o f a pp ro xim a te ly 2 0,000 students, Th e university is sited on a 664-acre cam pus convenient to both busin e ss and residential districts. M anhattan, a co m m u nity o f 40,0 00 , is lo cated in the b eautiful Flint Hills o f north e ast Kansas, tw o h ours w e st of Kansas City. R eview o f applications w ill begin D ecem ber 14,1998. Antici­ pate on-site interviews to begin February 1 ‚ 1999. Send letter of application, resum e, and the nam es a ddresses, tele p h o n e n um bers, a nd e-m ail a d ­ dresses o f three work-related. re ferences to: M. Jean Darbyshire, Director of Adm inistrative Services, Kansas State U niversity Libraries, M anhat­ tan, KS 66506-1200. T o contact Ms. Darbyshire, h e r telephone n um ber is (785) 5 3 2 -7 4 6 5 and h e r e-m ail is jd a rb y @ lib .ksu.e du . KSU is an equal opportunity employer. Http:// T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S /A U T O M A T IO N C O O R D IN A T O R , A S S IS ­ T A N T P R O F ES S O R (T E N U R E T R A C K ). Kan sa s S tate U n iversity- Salina, College o f Technology and Aviation is accepting applications fo r an experienced and innovative individual to adm iniste r the technical services and system s operations o f the library and provide proactive leadership in all aspects of autom ated library and technical services operations. Responsi­ bilities include: C oordination o f technical activities, w hich include acquisi­ tions, cataloging, and pro cessin g o f library m aterials; m an ag in g e m e rg ­ ing in form atio n tech n olo g ie s and th e ir app lica tio ns, g en eral reference, bibliographic instruction, and collection developm ent; use and operation of Http:// 9 2 0 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 DIRECTOR OF THE AUBREY R. WATZEK LIBRARY Lewis and Clark College Lewis and Clark College invites nominations and applications forthe position of Director of the Library. We seek a creative and energetic individual who enjoys working with faculty, staff, and students in a close academic community; building collections to meet the needs of new and existing programs; sustaining the Library’s strong reputation for individualized reference service and commitment to patrons; promoting the integration of the library with other services on campus; and facilitating library staff development. The Director of the Library must possess awareness of current issues in higher education, knowledge of both traditional and electronic library environments, an understanding of the evolving nature of scholarly communication and publishing, and the leadership to articulate and enact a vision for the future of library resources and services. Lewis and Clark College is located ten minutes from downtown Portland, within Oregon’s beautiful Willamette Valley. The College of Arts & Sciences carries out its undergraduate mission through arts and sciences programs, firmly rooted in the traditions of the liberal arts, complemented by postgraduate programs in the closely related professions of education and counseling. The Aubrey R. Watzek Library serves a campus population of 1,750 undergraduate and 600 graduate students. The Director of the Watzek Library reports to the Dean of the College and administers an annual budget of $1.6 million and a staff of 23 (including 7 librarians). Expanded and remodeled in 1995, the Watzek Library houses 245,000 volumes, 390,000 microform units, and 1,820 current periodical subscrip­ tions. The Library possesses a growing number of electronic resources, some of which are acquired through consortial agreements with other libraries across the city, state, and region. The successful candidate will hold a Master’s degree in library science with an additional subject master’s or doctoral degree. The Director will combine recent experience in progressively more responsible positions in academic libraries with demonstrated leadership in institutional and wider professional arenas. Comprehensive knowledge of information technology and library automation is essential, as are excellent communication skills and management ability. Letters of application should include a curriculum vitae along with names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references. Send applications to: Library Director Search Office of the Dean Campus Box 37 Lewis and Clark College 0615 SW Palatine Hill Road Portland, OR, 97219 Apply by January 15, 1999 Lewis and Clark College is an Equal Opportunity Employer. electronic resources, including Endeavor/Voyager. Evidence of knowl­ edge and expertise with library online system s, CD-ROM, the Internet, HTML, and microcom puter applications required. Networking experi­ ence a plus. ALA-accredited MLS required. Basic science/technology background preferred. This person will be a liaison between KSU-Salina Library and KSU-Manhattan Library. The library seeks an individual with initiative, self motivation, energy, tim e-m anagement skills, effective in­ terpersonal skills, with a strong team spirit. A nticipated sa lary from $29,000 to $33,000 (depending on experience and qualifications) fo ra twelve-month contract. Comprehensive benefits package. Applications will be screened beginning January 15,1999 and continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers o f three references to: Beverlee R. Kissick, Director of Libraries, Kansas State University-Salina, 2409 Scanlan Avenue, Salina, KS 67401. The library is committed to im proving the diversity of its faculty by actively seeking a pplications from a broad spectrum of individuals. Kansas State U niversity-Salina is an affirm ative a ction/ equal opportunity employer. C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 / 921 REFERENCE & INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN C A L V IN C o l l e g e The Hekman Library ( of Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary (Christian Reformed Church in North America) invites nominations and applications for the position of Reference and Instruction Librarian. The Reference and Instruction Librarian will be the leading m ember of the reference and instruction team that provides reference assistance, instruction services, and acts as liaison to the faculty and students of the Calvin community. Team responsibilities include staffing the information desk on a regular basis during the day and in rotation schedule for evenings and weekends; providing on-demand instruction for faculty requesting training in the use of library resources; extensive liaison service to academic departments, including collection development; and maintaining a high-quality reference collection. Individual responsibilities include supervision of interlibrary loan and Cayvan Music staff; liaison to four or five departments; and coordinating the efforts of the other reference and instruction team members. Minimum qualifications are an MLS or MLIS; comm itm ent to the Reformed (Calvinistic) faith; experience in reference (traditional and digital); ability to work in a team environment; demonstrated ability to teach; aptitude for supervising peers; conversant with the latest computer technology as it relates to library services. Send a cover letter, resume, and names, addresses, and e-mail addresses of at least three references to: Connie Bellows Director of Human Resources Calvin College 3201 Burton SE Grand Rapids, Ml 49546 Deadline for applications is January 8, 1999. NEED YOUR JOB OPENING POSTED YESTERDAY? Post your ads on C&RLNewsNet, the web's premiere source for employment opportunities for academic and research librarians. And now job ads on C&RLNewsNet will be updated weekly! To place an ad call Jack Helbig at (312) 280-2513. Or e-mail the classified ad Or just fax in your at to (312) 280-7663. For more information see our homepage at 922 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 REFERENCE/PERIODICALS LIBRARIAN North Carolina Wesleyan College NCWC is seeking a librarian to manage reference and serials. Responsibilities include managing serials collections; providing reference assistance and bibliographic instruction at both on-campus and off- campus sites; maintaining and enhancing the library’s Web pages. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. Knowledge of computers including office applications and the ability to create HTML-based WWW pages. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Excellent interpersonal communication and problem-solving skills. Desirable: one to three years of academic library experience in reference and/or serials management. Second Masters degree in a field appropriate for a liberal arts college. Experience in off-campus library services. North Carolina Wesleyan College is a dynamic, growing liberal arts institution dedicated to engaging students of any age who want to succeed in life and work, and to develop those intellectual and social skills, and personal qualities of mind and heart, that will enable them to be responsible, productive, contributing, healthy, and fulfilled members of a diverse and free society in relation to their families, workplaces, communities, nation, and world. NCWC has approximately 810 traditional students on campus and 1300 adult students in Raleigh, Durham, and Goldsboro. The student body, both on campus and off, is highly diverse. A desire to work with both traditional and working adult students is important. Initial application should include: a letter of application, a resume, original transcripts, and three letters of recommendation. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until a suitable candidate is identified. The position is available immediately. Applications should be sent to: Darrell Whitley Director of Human Resources North Carolina Wesleyan College 3400 N. Wesleyan Blvd. Rocky Mount, NC 27804 EOE/AA. CATALOG/ELECTRONIC ACCESS LIBRARIAN Bucknell University Information Services and Resources at Bucknell University seeks a dynamic, innovative, service- oriented librarian to join our organization as our cataloger of the future. Responsibilities include enhancement of access to information resources in all formats, including books, videos, audio and multimedia CD’s, and Internet resources; keeping abreast of emerging trends in digital libraries; some original cataloging; implementation of new technologies to support cataloging functions; maintaining relationships with processing vendors; and serving as a resource person to other librarians and staff in matters relating to cataloging, database maintenance, and methods of access to electronic resources. This position also participates in collection development in selected subject areas and in liaison with faculty, and may participate in other public service functions. REQUIREMENTS: ALA MLS or foreign equivalent, demonstrated knowledge of and interest in trends in access to digital information, minimum of one year post-MLS cataloging experience, knowledge of MARC and AACR2, experience cataloging with a bibliographic utility and an integrated library system, facility with computers, the ability to work both independently and in collaboration with others, flexibility, the capacity to learn quickly and constantly, and the ability to work effectively in a changing organization. Knowledge of one or more foreign languages would be a plus, as would a familiarity with metadata and EAD. SALARY: Minimum $35,000. For maximum consideration, submit letter, resume, and names of three references by January 8, 1999 to: Ray E. Metz Associate Vice President for Information Services and Resources Bertrand Library Buckneli University Lewisburg, PA 17837 Buckneli University encourages applications from women and members of minority groups (EEO/AA). Extended posting available at: C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 / 923 C H A P MA N U N I V E R S I T Y U n iversity Librarian Chapman University seeks an energetic and visionary leader to serve as University Librarian. This position offers an opportunity for a talented library professional with strong academic interests, demonstrated skill in library administration and experience in fund raising to work with the university community in shaping the library for a successful and rapidly strengthening university of the twenty-first century. The successful candidate, in addition to directing traditional library services and collections, will have the opportunity to initiate ambitious programs to improve services, collections and facilities, and to continue the university's advances in integrating state-of-the-art information technologies in its library system. The new University Librarian, who will report directly to the Provost, can expect strong administrative support for initiatives to improve the library, as evidenced by the current capital campaign giving the library the highest fund raising priority. Chapman, an independent, comprehensive university offering undergraduate, master's and doctoral degree programs, is the premiere independent alternative to public institutions in Orange County, CA. The university, with a strong track record of planned growth while maintaining an excellent academic reputation, is an exciting, dynamic environment where people of talent, vision and integrity are able to contribute substantively to the future of the institution. The Orange campus, located 30 miles southeast of Los Angeles in a culturally diverse community, serves approximately 2500 undergraduate and 1000 graduate students, while twenty Academic Centers throughout the western U.S. serve approximately 3500 students primarily in professional graduate programs. Qualifications: A.L.A. accredited M.L.S. and master's degree in an academic discipline are required; Ph.D. preferred. Also required: demonstrated experience in academic library administration and the use of information systems in support of library functions. Recommended: experience providing library support to a diverse student body, a significant fund-raising record, including extra-mural grants, and evident ability to articulate a coherent vision of an academic library to a wide audience. The successful candidate will demonstrate exceptional communication skills, experience in collection development and the ability to respond to student and faculty needs in a growing university. Responsibilities: The University Librarian provides leadership, supervision and budgetary oversight in all aspects of the university library, including (i) developing, communicating and implementing a vision of the library and a strategic plan for the library within the context of the university's strategic plan, (ii) acquiring resources, including extra-mural grant writing and private fund raising, needed to support library programs and facilities, (iii) planning, with active engagement of the faculty, for curricular and programmatic needs, (iv) coordinating efforts with the Office of Academic Computing to meet the information technological needs of students and faculty, (v) developing special collections (vi) staffing of the library, (vii) overseeing an extensive inter-campus library information systems network. Applications and nominations: Nominations are welcome. Review of candidates will begin January 15, 1999 and will continue until the position is filled. Submit cover letter, resume, evidence of qualifications, and a list of four references (including telephone numbers and email addresses) to: Professor M. Andrew Moshier University Librarian Search Committee Chapman University, Orange, California 92866 Send e-mail questions to See for further information about Chapman and the library. Chapman University values diversity and is committed to providing equal career opportunities to all individuals. 924 / C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 LIBRARIAN I-III • The Healey Libra L ry ib at th ra e U ry nive rs In ity o st f M ruc assach ti us on etts Bo C ston o i or s see d ki in ng a a L to ibra r rian who will lead library colleagues and faculty and staff in designing and executing a dynamic library instruction program. The program will support the University curriculum and build on the Library’s current instruction activities, and introduce new programs and methods to meet the challenges of the information age. The coordinator will form policies, assess needs, coordinate instructional services, develop and evaluate delivery mechanisms, including computer assisted and web-based instructional delivery models, train staff in appropriate teaching methods and monitor program effectiveness. Will also participate in the provision of reference services at the reference desk, including some evening and weekend hours. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MSL. One to five years experience in providing library instruction, including knowledge and use of electronic resources such as the Web, OPAC, and CD-ROMs. Strong communication skills; strong commitment to initiating outreach activities and expe­ rience in effective development of computer assisted and web based instruction is preferred. Salary: $33,000 minimum. Position begins on July 1, 1999. Application deadline is January 4, 1999. Please send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and names, addresses and telephone number o f three references to: Office of Human Resources, Search 230-175, University of Massachusetts Boston, 100 Morrissey Blvd., Boston, MA 02125-3393. An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity, Title IX employer. PHYSICAL SCIENCES REFERENCE BIBLIOGRAPHER Dartmouth College Library Hanover, NN The Dartmouth College Library seeks a dynamic reference librarian and bibliographer for the Kresge Physical Sciences Library and Cook Mathematics/Computer Science Library RESPONSIBILITIES: Reporting to the Physical Sciences Librarian, works as a member of an information services team providing reference services in an innovative and technically sophisticated environment utilizing the Dartmouth Online Catalog, the campus wide information system (DCIS), RLIN, and OCLC. Services provided include bibliographic instruction and user education; online searching using Dialog, STN, and CD-ROM systems; consultation with faculty to determine instructional and research interests; and collection management and development of print and electronic materials in selected areas of the physical sciences, mathematics, and computer science. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA/MLS; educational background in the physical sciences (physics or mathematics preferred); and a minimum of two years post-MLS experience in an academic or special library. The successful candidate will have strong interpersonal skills; ability to work collegially in small group and team environments; strong reference and online searching skills; and familiarity with use and application of microcomputers in a networked environment. RANK AND SALARY: Rank and salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. Full benefits package including 22 vacation days; comprehensive health care; TIAA/CREF; and relocation assistance. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE INFORMATION: World Wide Web: APPLICATION: Applications received by January 8, 1999, will be given first consideration; applications will be considered until the position is filled. Please send resume to: John G. Crane Director of Administrative Services 115 Baker Library Hanover, NH 03755 Dartmouth College is an AA, EEO, M/F employer. C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 / 925 U N LV LIBRARY UNLV L ib ra rie s seek a p p lic a tio n s fo r th e fo llo w in g te n u re -tra c k p o s itio n s : Preservation/Conservation Librarian * (R a n k 2 ) S u s a n J a r v is ( C h a ir) 7 0 2 /8 9 5 - 3 7 4 1 s u s a n j@ n e v a d a .e d u D igital Projects Librarian * (R a n k 2 ) P eter M ic h e l (C h a ir ) 7 0 2 /8 9 5 - 3 0 4 5 m ic h e lp @ n e v a d a .e d u Manuscripts Librarian * (R a n k 2 ) A im é e Q u in n ( C h a ir) 7 0 2 /8 9 5 - 4 1 5 8 q u in n a @ n e v a d a .e d u Head, Cataloging Section (R a n k 2 ) Eva S to w e rs (C h a ir ) 7 0 2 / 8 9 5 - 4 8 4 4 e s to w e rs @ n e v a d a .e d u Head, Systems Section (R a n k 2 ) S h e lle y H e a to n ( C h a ir) 7 0 2 / 8 9 5 - 4 8 4 5 s h e lle y @ n e v a d a .e d u Information Commons Librarian (R a n k 2 ) D ia n e V a n d e rP o l (C h a ir ) 7 0 2 / 8 9 5 - 4 8 3 9 v a n d e rp d @ n e v a d a .e d u Director of Collection Development and Management (R a n k 3 ) P e n n y W h itte n ( C h a ir) 7 0 2 / 8 9 5 - 3 6 7 2 w h itte n p @ n e v a d a .e d u Director, Knowledge Access Management (Rank 3 ) T o m M ir k o v ic h ( C h a ir) 7 0 2 / 8 9 5 - 4 8 4 2 m irk @ n e v a d a .e d u SALARY RANGE AND BENEFITS: A ll p o s itio n s are te n u re -tra c k . P o s itio n s in d ic a te d w ith an a s te risk are c o n tin g e n t up o n fu n d in g . S a la ry is c o m p e titiv e and c o m m e n s u ra te w ith e xp erien ce and b a c k g ro u n d ; fa c u lty s ta tu s, a ttra ctive b e n e fits package, in c lu d in g 2 4 da ys an n u a l leave, re tire m e n t o p tio n s , health in s u ra n c e , and n o state, in c o m e tax. F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n on sa la ry a nd b e n e fits see h ttp ://w w w .u n lv .e d u / H u m a n _ R e s o u rc e s /C o m p e n s a tio n /u n lv _ f1 2 .h tm l and h ttp ://w w w .u n lv .e d u /H u m a n _ R e s o u rc e s /B e n e fits / b e n e _ s u m .h tm l. THE SETTING: UNLV is Nevada’s larg est co m p re h e n sive , d o c to ra l-d e g re e -g ra n tin g in s titu tio n w ith 2 1 ,0 0 0 s tu d e n ts and m o re than 7 0 0 fu ll- t im e facu lty. T h e U N LV lib ra rie s are c o m p ris e d o f th e m a in J a m e s R. D ic k in s o n L ib ra ry, th e C u rric u lu m M a te ria ls L ib ra ry , the A rc h ite c to ra l S tu d ie s L ib ra ry , and a s o o n -to -b e co n s tru c te d M u s ic Lib ra ry. C o n s tru c tio n on a ne w m a in lib ra ry , the L ie d L ib ra ry , began in e a rly 1 9 9 8 . T h is 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 squ are fo o t, $51 m illio n fa c ility w ill in c lu d e an In fo rm a tio n C o m m o n s an d a fu lly w ire d fo u r- c la s s ro o m C o lla b o ra tiv e L e a rn in g Center. These and o th e r c u rre n tly a d v e rtis e d lib ra ry fa c u lty p o s itio n s are the re s u lt of re tire m e n ts, ne w p o s itio n s a s s ig n e d , and o rg a n iz a tio n a l re s tru c tu rin g d riv e n by the need to p ro v id e d y n a m ic le a d e rs h ip f o r exp ande d lib ra ry c o lle c tio n s a nd s e rv ic e s in the L ie d L ib r a ry in th e 2 1 s t ce n tu ry. F o r a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n , see the U N LV W o rld W id e W eb site at h ttp ://w w w .u n lv .e d u APPLICATION DEADLINE AND DETAILS: F u ll p o s itio n d e s c rip tio n s and in fo rm a tio n on a p p lic a tio n p rocedures are available at the UNLV Hum an Resources web page, h ttp ://w w w .u n lv.e d u /H u m a n _ R e so u rce s/ or can be secured by w ritin g the C hair listed under the p o sitio n title a t the fo llo w in g address: Jam es R. D ickinson L ibrary; U niversity o f Nevada, Las Vegas; 45 0 5 M a ryla n d Parkway Box 4 5 7 0 0 1 ; Las Vegas, NV 8 9 1 5 4 -7 0 0 1 . A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n /E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y e r. M in o r itie s , W o m e n , V e te ra n s a n d th e D is a b le d a re e n c o u ra g e d to ap p ly. 926 / C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 / 927 THREE POSITIONS AVAILABLE University at Albany State University of New York LIBRARY: COORDINATOR, SCIENCE LIBRARY RESPONSIBILITIES: T h e Coordinator leads, administers, and ensures the effectiveness of the services and operations of the science library and the library storage facility. The Coordinator plans, designs, implements, and evaluates electronic initiatives in cooperation with library colleagues, and works in a collaborative mode with a team-centered approach to problem-solving. As a member of the library policy group, the Coordinator shares responsibility for developing and implementing the mission and goals and broad policy directions of the university libraries. With the senior administrative team, participates in leading the dynamic process of change in a networked research environment. Reports to the Dean and Director of Libraries. Research, publication, and service to the libraries, university, and profession are expected to satisfy criteria for continuing appointment and promotion. The Coordinator consults with users on research strategy; serves as an expert for scientific electronic resources; provides instruction in use of resources; works with subject consultants, faculty, and students to develop instructional materials and services. Participates in evening and weekend service. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: Graduate degree in librarianship from an ALA-accredited institution or foreign equivalent. Demonstrated successful experience in leadership and management in research libraries; proven expertise in public services, particularly in a digital/electronic environment; excellent teaching and communication skills; demonstrated analytical, interpersonal, and supervisory skills; demonstrated ability to manage change. Desired: undergraduate degree in a science discipline; experience in science research library; experience wtih networks and designing and creating Web pages. SALARY: Commensurate with education and experience. Salary minimum: Associate Librarian, $55,000. DEADLINE: Review of letters of application and resumes will begin January 15,1999. Please include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references that may be contacted. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/INFORMATION CONSULTANT (2 POSITIONS) RESPONSIBILITIES: Information Consultants consult with users on reference/information and re­ search questions. They identify, interpret, and provide access to print and electronic information resources in all formats for science disciplines, including chemistry, physics, computer science, mathematics and statistics, biological sciences, geological science, and instruct faculty and students in their analysis and use. They serve as subject expert for electronic and network resources; develops instructional programs and tools for on-site and remote users; and develops Web guides and Web resources. They develop and manage collections in all formats for assigned science discipline. Participate in evening and weekend assignments. Report to the Coordinator, Science Library. Research, publication and service to the libraries, university and profession are expected to satisfy criteria for continuing appointment and promotion. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: Graduate degree in librarianship from an ALA-accredited institution or foreign equivalent. One year of professional experience in public services, evidence of scholarly activity or professional service, and undergraduate degree in relevant subject area. Preferred: Graduate degree in the physical or life sciences and/or professional experience in a science-oriented research library. Proficiency in use of electronic resources; knowledge of HTML and other Web protocols; experience in producing Web-based and other electronic resources. Excellent teaching and communication skills. Desired: Experience in an academic library with information technologies. SALARY: Commensurate with education and experience. Minimum for Senior Assistant Librarian, $34,000. DEADLINE: Review of letters of application and resumes will begin January 2 9,1999. APPLY TO: Christine M. Travis, Library Personnel Officer University Libraries - UL-112 University at Albany State University of New York 1400 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12222 Please include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references that may be contacted. The University at Albany is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. 9 2 8 / C&RL News ■ Decem ber 1998 KOREAN STUDIES LIBRARIAN East Asian Library Information Services Division The East Asian Library of the Information Services Division at the University of Southern California seeks a highly motivated, beginning or mid-career librarian for its Korean collection, the Korean Heritage Library. The position offers exciting opportunities for those who may want to explore various aspects of academic library career. The Korean Heritage Library supports teaching and research in Korean studies, and serves the faculty, graduate and undergraduate population who can read the Korean language. Established in 1986, the Korean Heritage Library is poised to enter a new and dynamic phase in its development as the East Asian Library prepares to move into a prominent independent location on campus. The Library is also planning a major digitization project of its significant archival collections. The Korean collections currently include over 35,000 volumes of books, 500 serials, 2,000 microfilm reels, and 500 videos. With the addition of this position, the staffing for the Korean Heritage Library includes two librarians, two library assistants, one contract librarian, one visiting librarian, and 4-5 student assistants. It has collection endowments of nearly $1 million. Additional information about the University of Southern California, the ISD and the University Libraries component can be obtained from USC Web at Responsibilities: Reporting to the Head of East Asian Library and working closely with the Curator of the Korean Heritage Library, the Korean Studies Librarian performs one or more from among a wide variety of library duties, including: collection development (conventional, digital, and archival), reference, bibliographic instruction, and cataloging. Specialization on one or more areas is possible depending on the strengths of the Librarian. Together with the KHL Curator, the Korean Studies Librarian oversees KHL’s visiting librarian programs, outsourcing projects, web development, and supervises 2 FTE support staff and 1 FTE student assistants. Experiences and Qualifications: Applicants should address their qualifications from among the following: knowledge of Korean language, culture and scholarship; fluency in spoken and written English and Korean; strong communication and interpersonal skills; familiarity with collection development, reference, bibliographic instruction, and/or cataloging (preferably for Korean materials, both conventional and electronic, in a research library); familiarity with incorporating new CJK technologies into library functions; familiarity with web development; supervisory/managerial/leadership skills; ability to work both independently and in a team setting; ability to handle multiple responsibilities; ability to work in a rapidly changing, complex academic environment; reading knowledge of Chinese and/or Japanese; commitment to professional development and research; MLS from an ALA accredited institution, and ability to meet USC’s standard for continuing appointment. Appointment Rank, Salary, and Benefits: Librarian I / $32,500 minimum; Librarian ll/$35,000 minimum. Generous benefits package includes: University matched retirement programs, 22 days of vacation, a choice of medical plans and a choice of dental plans, and tuition assistance for self and dependents. Application Procedure: Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names of three professional references to: Sharon Haymond Human Resources Director Information Services Division Doheny Memorial Library 334, Ref #187 University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-0182 Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 / 929 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Central Missouri State University Central Missouri State University Library Services seeks faculty members: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF LIBRARY SCIENCE A N D INFORMATION SERVICES Tenure-track position with teaching responsibilities which may include graduate courses to prepare school librarians in information retrieval, microcomputers, electronic and Internet re­ sources, cataloging and classification, selection, acquisition, integration and utilization of library materials, and a library research course at the undergraduate level. REQUIREMENTS: MLS preference will be given to candidates with completed doctorate in education, information science, instructional design, educational technology or a related field; evidence of excellence in teaching; a record of research and publications; experience in use of technology to enhance learning; knowledge of issues relating to school librarianship; experience in the area of distance education; a record of successful K-12 teaching; excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to be positive, creative, accept change, and work collaboratively with other faculty. Academic-year salary $42,500 with additional compensation for summer teaching. SPECIAL COLLECTIONSCURATOR/DIRECTOROFTHECHILDREN’SLITERATURE FESTIVAL AND ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF LIBRARYSERVICES Responsibilities include the Research Collection for Children and Young Adults, Missouriana Collection, rare books, manuscripts, university publications, the curriculum collection, and the circulating children and young adults collection. As Director of the Children’s Literature Festival, this individual organizes and promotes the annual festival of approximately 40 authors and 6000 children. Additional responsibilities include providing reference and research support, including night and week-end rotation. Reports to Coordinator of Public Services. REQUIREMENTS: MLS or advanced degree in archives management; relevant experience in children’s literature, special collections management, or event coordination; knowledge of Windows operating system, word processors, database management systems, spread sheets, and networked environments; excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to be positive, creative, accept change, and work collaboratively with other faculty, authors, and publishers. Desired: Knowledge of book trade and publishing industry; awareness of current trends in children’s publishing; experience with collection management and development. Additional gradu­ ate degree in literature, education, or communication. Annual salary at associate level $46,500. Central Missouri State University is a comprehensive university located in Warrensburg, 50 miles southeast of Kansas City, Missouri. Additional information on the university can be found at http;/ / w w w .c m s u .e d u /. James C. Kirkpatrick Library, a new $30 million facility, will be ready for occupancy in early 1999. Additional information library services can be found at SEND: A letter of application, current vita, three current reference letters with phone numbers, and graduate transcripts to: Pal V. Rao Dean of Library Services Central Missouri State University Warrensburg, MO 64093 Screening will begin on February 1 5 ,1999 and continue until the positions are filled. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. AA/EEO/ADA 930 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 EAST ASIAN BIBLIOGRAPHER University of Pennsylvania Library The University of Pennsylvania Library is seeking a librarian with the knowledge, energy, and vision to develop and manage its growing collections in East Asian Studies. This will involve building on the already strong print collections in Chinese and Japanese, strengthening the holdings in Korean, and facilitating the acquisition and linking of electronic resources. The librarian will work closely with faculty members, supervise the processing of materials in vernacular languages, provide advanced reference service, and advise library colleagues on Western-language material concerning East Asia. At present the East Asia vernacular collection comprises more than 150,000 volumes, which places it in the middle rank of East Asia research collections in this country. The materials allocation for 1998/99 is $394,035. In addition to the bibliographer there are two full-time non-professional staff members and student help. The librarian will also represent the Penn Library at appropriate regional and national meetings and conferences. The bibliographer reports to the Director for Collection Management and Development and is a member of a team of area studies bibliographers, which includes those for the Middle East and South Asia. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS from and ALA-accredited library school orthe equivalent in theory and practice. Advanced degree in an East Asian subject is essential. Excellent language skills in Japanese with a working knowledge of Chinese, OR excellent language skills in Chinese with a working knowledge of Japanese. Knowledge of the East Asian studies field in the U.S. and in East Asia. Familiarity with the East Asian publishing industry and book trade. Excellent written and oral English. Knowledge of developing electronic information resources for East Asian studies. Ability to work effectively, independently, and cooperatively with library staff and users. Desirable: Knowledge of Korean. Knowledge of appropriate European languages. Record of achievement in professional organizations. SALARY & RANK: Dependent on qualifications. TO APPLY: Submit a cover letter, resume and names of three references to: Elisa DeNofio Library Human Resources University of Pennsylvania 3420 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206 Applications received by January 15, 1999 will receive first consideration. EO/AA employer. Late Job Listings DOCUMENT DELIVERY/SHARED RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. (Search #99A217) The University of Connecticut Libraries. Reporting to the Head of Access Services and working in a team environment, the incumbent develops, implements and maintains systems and work flows that optimize electronic document delivery of information resources to the UConn community as part of the UConn Libraries commitment to the access library model. Minimum qualifications include: An ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge of electronic library applications and major vendor support applications for interlibrary loan and document delivery services; strong client service orientation and motivation to promote resource sharing in a networked and user-empowered environment; demonstrated experience with WWW authoring and editing; familiarity with digital scanning technologies; well-developed written and oral communica­ tions, interpersonal, and presentation skills; individual initiative and ability to function in a team environment; and experience with standard microcomputer office applications. Desirable qualifications include: One to four years experience in an academic, government, or commercial networked environment providing document delivery; familiarity with intellectual property issues in the networked environment; and demonstrated project management skills; additional graduate degree(s) in a subject area. Salary range: University Librarian rank and salary commensurate with experience, to a maximum hiring salary of $48,000. Application Proce­ C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 / 931 dures: Submit a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Brinley Franklin, Associate Director for Administrative Services, University of Connecticut Libraries, Box U-5A, 369 Fairfield Road, Storrs, CT 06269-1005. Screening will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. For further information about the UConn Libraries or to see a complete job description for this position, see our home page at At the University of Connecticut, our commitment to excellence is complemented by our commitment to building a culturally diverse staff. We actively encourage minorities and people with disabilities to apply. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. Virginia Commonwealth University, Office for Information Technology, University Library Services. Virginia Commonwealth University invites applica­ tions and seeks nominations for a dynamic and innovative Executive Director of its comprehen­ sive, technology-oriented research libraries. The successful candidate will have the vision and energy to develop library services to lead the university into the 21st century. This individual will direct a unified library system with both an academic library and a health sciences library. The Executive Director has responsibilities for administering the libraries, formulating policies, planning strategic directions, managing the budget and allocating resources, and supervising the professional faculty and classified staff. The successful candidate will guide and direct the development of state-of-the-art information technologies and integrate them with traditional library collections and services. The individual will represent the library to the university community and to external constituencies, with particular focus on library consortia and networks. The Executive Director directs the library’s development efforts, including fund­ raising, public relations, and grant-seeking activities. As a member of the office for information technology team reporting to the Vice-Provost, the successful candidate will be a cooperative individual who can articulate the library’s issues as well as develop imaginative and cooperative programs with other campus units. This is an administrative position carrying untenured faculty rank. Qualifications: An ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent degree is required, with an earned doctorate preferred. The university seeks someone with significant progressive admin­ istrative experience in a comprehensive academic library and prefers additional experience in a major health sciences library. The successful candidate must possess a sound knowledge of all aspects of librarianship and substantial experience with implementing technologies in support of library services. It is expected that the candidate will demonstrate an understanding of the goals of a research library, the scholarly communication process, the development and servicing of research collections, and the role of the library in the learning enterprise. The individual is expected to have an appreciation of the complexities of working in a multi-campus library system and a demonstrated ability to work with tact and sensitivity in a collaborative and collegial framework while fostering this ability in others. We will favorably consider candidates with the following attributes: Demonstrated skills in strategic management, excellent oral and written communication skills, highly developed interpersonal skills, a strong service ethic, and a creative approach to problem solving, as well as a successful record of securing external funds through grants and/or private fund-raising. The successful candidate will be engaged professionally with an outstanding record of scholarship and service. Environ­ ment: Virginia Commonwealth University (http ://www. is a Carnegie 1 urban research university in Richmond, Virginia, with 22,700 students and 1,560 faculty on the Academic Campus and on the Medical College of Virginia Campus. The University is ranked 87th in federally-sponsored research. It supports 20 doctoral, 60 master's, 3 first professional, and 53 baccalaureate degree programs. University library services ( is one of four major divisions in the office for information technology and provides library services for both campuses. University library services is a member of the Association of Southeast Research Libraries, the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, the Center for Research Libraries, and the Virtual Library of Virginia. The libraries hold 1.3 million cataloged volumes, over 2.8 million microforms, and 260,000 government documents. The $9.5 million budget includes $4.7 million for collections and supports 36 faculty librarians and 100 staff. The ibraiy uses NOTIS and is at the forefront of implementing the IBM Digital Libraiy on campus. The two library buildings have 170 public workstations, as well as hosting several academic computing laboratories. Send resume with cover letter or nominations of prospective candidates to: Virginia Commonwealth University, Search Committee—Executive Director, University Library Services, Frank Baskind, Raleigh Building, 1001 W. Franklin St., PO Box 842027, Richmond, VA23284. Virginia Commonwealth University is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women, minorities and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. 9 3 2 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 REFERENCE UBRARIAN-HEALTH SCIENCES. San Diego State University library, Science Division, is seeking a service-minded librarian to fill the position of Health Sciences Librarian. All qualified candidates, including persons from underrepresented groups and recent graduates are encouraged to apply. Provides science reference service (including evenings and weekends) in a busy, dynamic library environment. Participates in the Library’s instruction program, including preparation of instructional material in print and electronic formats. Responsible for specialized reference service, collection development, and library outreach for the faculty and students of Gerontology, the School of Nursing and the Graduate School of Public Health. Other subject areas maybe assigned. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA accredited institution or equivalent degree. Excellent oral and written communi­ cation and interpersonal skills. Ability to work collegially and effectively with individuals and groups in a culturally diverse environment. Coursework or experience in reference services. Knowledge of reference sources in health sciences, and general knowledge of reference sources in all areas served by the Science Division, including the College of Sciences, College of Engineering, and College of Health & Human Services. Knowledge of Medline and related databases. Knowledge of relevant WWW resources in the health sciences. Enthusiasm for keeping abreast of current and evolving technologies. Preferred: Undergraduate or graduate degree in public health, nursing or similar field and/or related work experience. Strong HTML authoring skills. This is a full-time, twelve month, tenure track faculty position. Award of tenure is dependent upon evidence of continuing professional development and service. Rank of Senior Assistant. Starting salary (minimum): $43,584. Excellent benefits package, including 24 days annual vacation. For more information about the position, the library, and the university, go to or write to Helen Henry. Send letter of application, resume, and at least three names of reference to: Helen Henry, Director, Library Administrative Operations, University Library, San Diego State University, 5500 Campanile Dr. ‚ San Diego, CA92182- 8050. Applications may also be submitted by e-mail. Send to Please indicate the position for which you are applying. To ensure full consideration, applications should be received by December 31, 1998, when the Appointment Committee will begin screening. SDSU is an Equal Opportunity Title IX Employer and does not discriminate against persons on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, marital status, age or disability. Structure Bookmarks C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 899 C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 899 CLASSIFIED Career opportunities from across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $8.75 per line for Institutions that are ACRL members, $10.75 for others. Late job notices discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions.Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the World Wide Web at Ads will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published.Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 -279 BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLDUSED SCI-TECH BOOKS PURCHASED. Physics, math, all engi­neering, electricity, and electronics, skilled trades, antiquarian tech. Sorry, no serials or life sciences. Quality older editions, duplicates, unneeded gifts, superseded titles always sought. Ex library OK. No quantities too great; will travel when appropriate. For more informa­tion please contact: Collier Brown or Kirsten Berg at Powell’s Technical Bookstore, 33 NW Park Ave., Portland, OR 97209; phone: (800) 225-6911; fax: (503) interlibrary loan and document delivery, print and electronic reserves, stacks maintenance, collection and analysis of statistics, prepare reports, participates in reference desk rotation, as well as serving as a liaison to selected academic departments. Candidates must possess an MLS from ALA-accredited program, have at least two years of academic library experience supervising a public service operation, have demonstrated experience with copyright laws, and knowledge of automated systems for access servic 900 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 HEAD, SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LIBRARYUniversity of California, San Diego Associate Librarian ll-VI, $41,328 - $56,844, or Librarian l-IV, $53,052 - $66,780.The UCSD Libraries seek an experienced, dynamic, innovative professional to provide leadership for our Science and Engineering (S&E) Library ( The S&E Library and its satellite information center at the Center for Magnetic Recording Research provide a full complement of public services and r information processing. The Institute’s archival collection includes indi­vidual and corporate records, oral histories, monographs, serials, videos, and films relating to the history of computing, primarily since World War 11. Currently housed in Walter Library, the CBI Archives will move into a new archival research facility over in late 1999 (see The CBI Archivist reports to the Team Leader for Collection Development and Management for the University Libraries, and work special collections; strong oral and written communication skills; strong interpersonal skills; and ability to work effectively with a diverse clientele. Preferred: Supervisory experience; background relating to the history of science and technology, especially computing. Salary and benefits: This is afull-time, twelve-month, continuous-appointment track, academic/profes­sional position with probationary appointment at the Assistant or Associate Librarian rank. Rank will depend on qualifications and experie C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 901 Collections Librarian, effective April 1,1999. Reporting to the Director of Kelly Library and Information Resources and Services, the Archivist/ Librarian will be responsible for the overall management of the archives and special collections housed in Kelly Library, including the archives of the Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church. Responsibilities include collection development, records management, research services, and public relations for both the college and conference community. Duties: 902 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 DEPUTY DIRECTORUniversity of California, Los AngelesReporting to the Director of the Biomedical Library, the Deputy Director has line-management responsibility and provides leadership for the Biomedical Library’s public and technical services operations. This includes coordinating and facilitating public and technical services activities within the Biomedical Library and with other libraries at UCLA, other University of California (UC) campuses, and UCLA-affiliated teaching hospitals.Other responsibilities states, as well as for reference service to campus and national scholars. The unit acquires approximately6,000 monographic titles and 1,500serials titles each year through approval plans, firm orders, paid subscriptions, and exchanges. Area programs units perform original and derived cataloging for all formats. This demands of staff a strong grasp of national cataloging conventions, as well as a thorough knowledge of local practice. Duties: Performs original cataloging of most formats in OCLC and RLIN. Crea in a large academic library. Experience working with multiple formats. Experience searching and/or inputting records in a stand-alone acquisi­tions system, such as Innopac. Rank, Salary and Leave: Rank of Assistant Librarian. Final salary dependent on years of previous relevant professional experience. Minimum salary: $31 ‚000;24 working days of vacation a year; 15 days of sick leave a year, with provisions for extended benefits. To apply: Send cover letter and copy of resume to: Lucy Cohen, Library Human R C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 903 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLECalifornia State University Monterey BayCalifornia State University Monterey Bary announces two tenure track librarian faculty vacanciesELECTRONIC RESOURCES COORDINATOR (Senior Assistant Librarian; salary range approx. $40,000-$44,000) #MBERC-9903.Coordinates Web design and development to facilitate the role of technology in teaching and learning. Assumes primary responsibility for and serves as coordinator of the CSUMB Library Web site. Provides expertise on technology development an 904 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 DIRECTOR OF MARY AND JEFF BELL LIBRARYTexas A&M University-Corpus ChristiTexas A&M University-Corpus Christi invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of the Mary and Jeff Bell Library. The successful candidate must be an innovative and experienced team leader who will play a key role in enhancing the quality of the educational and intellectual experience at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. In collaboration with library personnel, the Director will develop new ways to engage facu goals; and maintaining collection statistics. III. Operate in conjunction with other librarians in all phases of library operations; assist in collection development in assigned areas; provide reference assistance, and work one evening per week. Qualifications include: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; experience with automation, preferably with DRA and OPACs; and cataloging experience with AACR2, LCSH and LC classification, and OCLC PRISM. This will be a ten-month administrative appointment with faculty CATALOGER. Independent research library specializing in American business and technological history seeks cataloger with ALA/MLS to catalog printed materials. Applicants should have two years professional experience, be familiar with AACR2, LCSH, LC classification, RLIN, and/or OCLC and MARC formats; experience with integrated library automation systems required. Broad liberal arts or sciences back­ground required; working knowledge of one or more modern European languages preferred. Occasional reference an DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCE PROGRAMS AND SERVICESThe Director, in consultation with the Harvard College Library Administration, will provide leadership in the advancement of the human resources programs and services to fulfill the strategic vision of the library. The Harvard College Library is in the midst of a major planning effort for renovations to the Widener Library; will soon be embarking on the replacement of the on-line library information system; is actively engaged in digital ini­tiatives across th 906 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 SEVEN POSITIONS AVAILABLEIllinois State UniversityNormal/BloomingtonAs Milner Library transforms itself institutionally, organizationally, and philosophically to meet the 21 st century, welcoming colleagues seek enthusiastic, like-minded professionals to join them in providing outstanding service and innovative instruction, developing excellent collections, and sharing in the management of the library. Opportunities for professional growth in twelve-month, tenure-track positions include:• MUSIC/COMMUNICATIO COORDINATOR OF INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES. East Carolina University, Academic Library Services, Joyner Library. (Minimum salary $32,000 depending upon qualifications and experience.) Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree or international equivalent; reference service experience in an academic library with thorough knowl­edge of print and electronic information sources; experience in library instruction and demonstrated expertise in developing a program of imagi­native instructional services; DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES. Concordia University, River Forest, is seeking applicants for the position of Director of Library Ser­vices. The position involves administrative leadership of library operations which includes developing local collections and electronic databases, preparation and administration of the library services budget, and working closely with information services personnel and the faculty in planning and providing necessary support of the curriculum and goals of the University. The can C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 907 (Continued from previous page)• NON-BOOK CATALOGER: Performs original cataloging for computer files, sound recordings, and visual materials. Knowledge of Dewey, LC, LCSH, AACR2R, and MARC. Two years cataloging experience desired.QUALIFICATIONS: All positions require an ALA-accredited master’s; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; strong service orientation and focus on the educational role of the academic library; commitment to participative collegial management and planning. A demonstrated rec qualifications include: Experience in providing distance reference service; teaching and research skills; experience with advanced Web applications, HTML, and video conferencing, and network troubleshooting skills. Typical work may include travel and some evening and weekend hours. Compensa­tion depend upon qualifications. Minimum salary $35,394. For a full position description and further information contact Liz Sipes (360) 650- Applications submitted before January 30, 1999 will r available. Participation in one of the several retirement plans is required. Send letter of application with resume, and names, addresses, and tele­phone numbers of three professional references to: Debra B. Bryson, Assistant to the Dean, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orlean, New Orleans, LA 70148. Application deadline: January 15, 1999. The University of New Orleans is an equal opportunity, affirma­tive action employer.FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. University Li­brary, California State 908 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 NEW POSITION VACANCIES(Search Extended)Mississippi State University Libraries1. LIBRARY INSTRUCTION SERVICES TEAM LEADERRank: Assistant ProfessorRecent teaching experience and current professional library experience in an academic environment, including teaching information literacy employing emerging instruction methods and technologies; intensive work in a networked teaching and learning environment, including the Internet, WWW and other multimedia and electronic resources; broad experience with a wide va research consultations, and library guides on the WWW. Work with faculty, acquisitions staff, and materials vendors to design and implement assess­ment and development programs for foreign language materials in all formats, recommend acquisition policies and budget allocations, and evaluate materials vendors. Requirements: ALA-accredited Master of Library Science; one to two years post-MLS experience in an academic library reference department. Spoken fluency required in at least one Western European langua Fax: (802) 443-2058. Please do not respond or apply electronically. Middlebury College is an AA/EEO/ADA employer.GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS/MICROFORMS COORDINATOR..Assistant Librarian (tenure-track) position Louisiana State University Li­braries. Energetic and committed librarian is sought to manage and direct the activities of the Government Documents/Microforms collections and services at the LSU Libraries. Position reports to the Head, Reference services, and serves as Regional Librarian for the Federal Deposi C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 909 (continuted on previous page)hours at the general reference/information desk (including some nights and weekends); delivery of information using electronic indexes/databases and printed sources; developing library instruction tools both online and in print: providing library instruction as assigned; collection development and liaison responsibilities with academic departments to be designated; and additional tasks according to individual strengths and experience. Reports to the Coordinator of Reference. Req forms collections; provides reference assistance at a combined general reference/government documents desk; serves as Selector and Liaison for one or more subject areas. Works to meet tenure/promotion requirements. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, two years experience with government information; reference experience in an academic setting; knowledge of and experience with electronic information sources including CD-ROM and Internet; knowledge of microcomputer applications; ability to create Web GOVERNMENT INFORMATION LIBRARIAN. Louisiana State Univer­sity in Shreveport Noel Memorial Library LSUS enrolls 4,500 students in undergraduate and graduate programs and serves as the comprehensive urban commuter university of northwest Louisiana. The Noel Memorial Library opened a new facility in fall, 1994 with increased technology. Due to the recent retirement of a long-term employee, we are pleased to announce a tenure-track faculty position. This position requires a commitment to public service and the 910 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 TECHNOLOGY TEAM LEADERWake Forest UniversityZ. Smith Reynolds LibraryWake Forest University is searching for an innovative and dynamic Technology Team Leader to join the staff of the Z. Smith Reynolds Library.The Technology Team Leader provides leadership for the planning, development, implementation, maintenance, and evaluation of the Z. Smith Reynolds Library’s technology activities. The Technology Team Leader is the library’s primary technology liaison with WFU Information Systems, the Worrell Profession addresses of three recent professional references to: Vivian Garcie, Secretary to the Search Committee, Louisiana State University in Shreveport, Noel Memorial Library, One University Place, Shreveport, LA 71115. Review of applications begins January 20,1999. LSUS is an Affirmative action, equal opportunity university.HEAD OF THE LOAN DIVISION, Access Services Department. Stanford University Libraries/Academic Information Resources is seeking a profes­sional librarian with managerial, public service and cir in an academic research library to manage the Loan Division and its Portal Unit as well as oversee the activities of the Stanford Auxiliary Library. The Loan Division of the Cecil H. Green Library, Stanford’s main library in the humanities and social sciences, processes 500,000 circulation transac­tions annually and is staffed by 10 FTE library specialists, five FTE portal monitors and 2.5 FTE student assistants. The Stanford Auxiliary Library, the University’s on-campus storage facility, is staffed by 3.5 C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 911 HEAD, PRESERVATION DEPARTMENTNorthwestern University LibraryRESPONSIBILITIES: The Head of the Preservation Department has chief responsibility for managing the university library’s preservation activities and for continuing to develop a comprehensive preservation program for the library’s general and special collections, for various formats. Provides leadership for the preservation department, which consists of the materials processing unit (preparation and quality control work for commercial binding, mass circulation services information is accurately conveyed, and that policies/ procedures are followed. Hires, supervises, evaluates 4 library specialists, oversees other Division employees and takes responsibility for Division budget, payroll and activity analysis/reporting. Serves as liaison with Technical Servicesand Systems Departmentstaff. After appropriate train­ing period, will manage the functional aspects of the circulation module of the Unicorn transaction processing system. Qualifications: MLS from support for online system (Horizon) maintenance. Coordinate interlibrary loan activities. Supervise 1.5 FTE support staff. Library instruction, collec­tion development, traditional reference service, and liaison work with faculty. Weekend and evening reference on a rotation basis. MLS or equivalent. Background or subject specialty in the biological, medical, or behavioral sciences preferred, as are two to three years experience in a college library. Demonstrated ability to work with library colleagues, facu 912 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR FOR LIBRARY MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS(Search #99A206) The University of Connecticut LibrariesThe University of Connecticut Libraries are dramatically transforming our programs and services. A critical element in the success of that transformation is the creative development and deployment of an effective communications program to the various constituencies of the library. The library seeks an individual to lead and direct such an effort. Reporting to the Director of Libraries, t Manuscripts Curator. The Mercantile is the oldest library west of the Mississippi and the grandparent of all cultural institutions in St. Louis with holdings primarily related to various American studies subjects. The holdings include over 210,000 books, 10,100 linear feet of manuscript and archival resources, paintings, sculptures, and one million photographs, as well as a distinguished historical newspaper collection and the clipping file of the St. Louis Globe Democrat, established in the 1850s. Duties: and a commitment to quality public sen/ice. Salary is commensurate with experience. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Those received before January 4,1999 will be given first consideration. Please submit a letter of application, current resume, and the names of three references to: John N. Hoover, St. Louis Mercantile Library at UM-St. Louis, 8001 Natural Bridge Rd., St. Louis, MO 63121. UM-St. Louis is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer committed to excellence throu C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 913 INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES/REFERENCE LIBRARIANGeorge Mason UniversityDUTI ES: Responsible for providing general reference services; designing, assessing, and implement­ing instructional series, including curriculum-based instruction, walk-in instructional sessions, Web-based tutorials, library orientations, and individual student appointments; developing the Johnson Center undergraduate collection, including leading a team of selectors in a designated subject area and participating in outreach initiatives to th Furman University is a selective, nationally ranked liberal arts college. Furman is strongly committed to the development of the whole person-- spiritually, socially, and physically, as well as academically. Additional information is available on our Website at Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS, degree in music, knowledge of music resources, familiarity with library information technology, strong communication and interpersonal skills, and commitment to public ser­vices. Sa tion about the position and the library at the CLA Conference in Oakland and at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia. For an application packet, contact the library at (562) 985-7839or EO//WTitle IX employer.RARE BOOK CATALOGUING POSITION. The John Carter Brown Library at Brown University is seeking candidates for a two-year, grant- funded cataloguing position. The library specializes in the collection of printed materials pertaining to the Americas, North and South, during the coloni 914 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 TWO POSITIONSOregon State UniversityOregon State University invites nominations and applications for two Associate University Librarians (AULs). We are seeking applicants with strong leadership skills who are innovative, flexible, collaborative, and committed to creating the library of the future.AULs have key roles in policy decisions, organizational planning, and budget allocations. They are responsible for providing leadership and counsel regarding the future direction of libraries and library services. tical reports. Perform online searches in a variety of databases. Design, develop, and teach education programs for SPH faculty, staff, and students. Design, develop, and implement instructional materials and handouts (print and electronic). Assist with daily management of departmental electronic information services. Participate in evaluation of new electronic information sources and software. Select materials in both print and electronic formats in selected areas. Position is jointly funded through the un technologies. Experience with Internet-based information resources and government documents. Rank, salary, and leave: Rank of Assistant Librar­ian. Final salary dependent on years of previous relevant professional experience. (Minimum salary: $31,000);24workingdaysofvacationayear; 15 days of sick leave a year with provisions for extended benefits. To Apply: Send cover letter & copy of resume to: Lucy Cohen, Library Human Resources, 404 Hatcher Graduate Library North, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48 C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 915 DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN(Search Reopened) New York University LibrariesU.S. government documents librarian and sub­ject specialist in U.S. politics and public admin­istration. Administer, plan, promote, evaluate U.S. depository collection; supervise staffp; manage electronic government resources; provide business/social science/documents reference and user education; select print and electronic media; work closely with faculty and students.Requires accredited MLS; two years govern­ment documents experience in ac DIGITAL RESOURCES LIBRARIANCALVINCollegeThe Hekman Library ( library/) of Calvin College and Calvin Theologi­cal Seminary (Christian Reformed Church in North America) invites nominations and appli­cations for the position of Digital Resources Librarian. The librarian leads the team respon­sible for designing, implementing, and main­taining a content-rich, well-organized digital library collection. The librarian plays a primary role in determining strategic and operational direction for 916 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 SCIENCE/REFERENCE LIBRARIANAmherst CollegePosition in the Robert Frost Library at Amherst College reporting directly to the College Librarian and reporting to the Head of Reference for Frost reference responsibilities. Primary responsibility will be to manage the daily operations of the newly renovated and expanded Keefe Science Library and to provide the science faculty and students with a knowledgeable advocate in the library. Serves as liaison to the science departments whose collections are housed in th getic, motivated, and creative professional with a strong service orienta­tion. Ability to work well as a team leader and team member, as well as independently; relates effectively with varied clientele. Must possess strong oral and written communication skills and be able to meet the responsibili­ties of a tenure-track appointment. Preferred: Academic library experience; knowledge of HTML and presentation software. Reports to the Director of IUSB Schurz Library Services. Twelve-month appointment beginning since August 1997; evidence of academic success and research activity; strong interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively in a highly diverse environment; evidence of a high level of motivation and leadership potential. Salary and Appointment: Appointment will be made at the Assistant Librar­ian level with a salary of $31,000. The university offers an attractive benefit package which includes 24 working days of vacation a year and 15 days of sick leave a year. The University of Michigan Library, wi C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 917 COORDINATOR FOR INSTRUCTION SERVICESCentral Michigan University LibrariesThe Central Michigan University Libraries are seeking qualified applicants for the position of Coordinator of Instruction Services. Principal responsibilities include providing leadership through planning and coordinating the university library’s user instruction program; working with librarians and academic department faculty to develop and maintain technology-based instructional modules; developing instructional methods/materials to server management and maintenance; supervision of part-time student assistants; training students, faculty, and staff in the use of the lab’s software and hardware; collaboration on New Media Center initiatives, including the development of collections of digital materials; and assisting with staff training for the design, development, and implementation of library departmental Web sites. Responsibilities: Reserve: Supervises, trains staff in electronic reserve applications. Assists in the integration of ne departmental Web sites. Performs other related duties as assigned. Qualifications: Master's degree from an ALA-accredited program in library science. High degree of familiarity with the Macintosh and Windows OS. A working knowledge of Web-based technologies, the use of the Internet in higher education, and awareness of current trends and develop­ments in the use of the Web to deliver information and services. Must have excellent written and oral communication skills, the ability to work well with faculty, s 918 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 SYSTEMS LIBRARIANUnion CollegeUnion College, a highly selective liberal arts and engineering college of 2,000 students, founded in 1795 and located in Schenectady, New York, is searching for a Systems Librar­ian. The successful candidate will offer some combination of: Experience providing hard­ware and software technical support for library workstations as well as staff applica­tions workstations; an in-depth understand­ing of Windows95/NT software and proto­cols, including Z39.50, TCP/IP, and WWW technolo LIBRARIAN FOR SYSTEMS/ ELECTRONIC RESOURCESMissouri Southern State CollegeLibrarian for Systems/Electronic Resources wanted: We’re looking for the new breed of librarian with a combination of library and technical computer skills. Responsible for net­working, serve as library liaison with the com­puter center, be library Webmaster/Internet expert, and troubleshoot and maintain library personal computers, software, and networks. Will be the trainer for staff needs in regard to new programs and the statewide C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 919 LIBRARY DIRECTORTexas A&M University-KingsvilleTexas A&M University-Kingsville invites applications for the position of Library Director. The university seeks an energetic and committed individual to provide innovative leadership in planning and implementing strategies to enhance library services. The successful candidate will manage a staff of over 30 and be responsible for planning, coordinating, administrating, and updating all library programs, operations, services, budgets, and technologies. The librar standards; 2) managing special projects including, but not limited to, managing orcreating Web-based services; 3) serving as the Database Maintenance Team leader; 4.) supervising paraprofessional staff; 5) advising on and documenting policies and procedures, especially those related to social sciences cataloging and special projects; 6) cooperating with others in a team-based environment, which includes demonstrating initiative and flexibility; and 7) developing professionally. Required quali­fications: ALA Medicine library; the KSU-Salina campus library. Kansas State University is a land-grant institution with an enrollment of approximately 20,000 students, The university is sited on a 664-acre campus convenient to both business and residential districts. Manhattan, a community of 40,000, is located in the beautiful Flint Hills of northeast Kansas, two hours west of Kansas City. Review of applications will begin December 14,1998. Antici­pate on-site interviews to begin February 1 ‚ 1999. Send letter of applic 920 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 DIRECTOR OF THE AUBREY R. WATZEK LIBRARYLewis and Clark CollegeLewis and Clark College invites nominations and applications forthe position of Director of the Library. We seek a creative and energetic individual who enjoys working with faculty, staff, and students in a close academic community; building collections to meet the needs of new and existing programs; sustaining the Library’s strong reputation for individualized reference service and commitment to patrons; promoting the integration of the library electronic resources, including Endeavor/Voyager. Evidence of knowl­edge and expertise with library online systems, CD-ROM, the Internet, HTML, and microcomputer applications required. Networking experi­ence a plus. ALA-accredited MLS required. Basic science/technology background preferred. This person will be a liaison between KSU-Salina Library and KSU-Manhattan Library. The library seeks an individual with initiative, self motivation, energy, time-management skills, effective in­terpersonal skills, with twelve-month contract. Comprehensive benefits package. Applications will be screened beginning January 15,1999 and continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Beverlee R. Kissick, Director of Libraries, Kansas State University-Salina, 2409 Scanlan Avenue, Salina, KS 67401. The library is committed to improving the diversity of its faculty by actively seeking applications from a broad spectrum of individuals. Kansa C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 921 REFERENCE & INSTRUCTION LIBRARIANCALVINCollegeThe Hekman Library ( of Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary (Christian Reformed Church in North America) invites nominations and applications for the position of Reference and Instruction Librarian. The Reference and Instruction Librarian will be the leading member of the reference and instruction team that provides reference assistance, instruction services, and acts as liaison to the faculty and students of the Calvin NEED YOUR JOB OPENING POSTED YESTERDAY?Post your ads on C&RLNewsNet, the web's premiere source for employment opportunities for academic and research librarians.And now job ads on C&RLNewsNet will be updated weekly!To place an ad call Jack Helbig at (312) 280-2513. Or e-mail the classified ad Or just fax in your at to (312) 280-7663.For more information see our homepage at 922 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 REFERENCE/PERIODICALS LIBRARIANNorth Carolina Wesleyan CollegeNCWC is seeking a librarian to manage reference and serials. Responsibilities include managing serials collections; providing reference assistance and bibliographic instruction at both on-campus and off- campus sites; maintaining and enhancing the library’s Web pages. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. Knowledge of computers including office applications and the ability to create HTML-based WWW pages. Excellent oral and written communication ski C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 923 CHAPMANUNIVERSITYUniversity LibrarianChapman University seeks an energetic and visionary leader to serve as University Librarian. This position offers an opportunity for a talented library professional with strong academic interests, demonstrated skill in library administration and experience in fund raising to work with the university community in shaping the library for a successful and rapidly strengthening university of the twenty-first century. The successful candidate, in addition to directing traditi 924 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 LIBRARIAN I-III• The Healey LibraLry ibat thrae Urynive rsInity ostf Mrucassachtiusonetts Bo Cstono iors seedkiinng aa Ltoibrarrian who will lead library colleagues and faculty and staff in designing and executing a dynamic library instruction program. The program will support the University curriculum and build on the Library’s current instruction activities, and introduce new programs and methods to meet the challenges of the information age. The coordinator will form policies, assess needs, coordinate i PHYSICAL SCIENCES REFERENCE BIBLIOGRAPHERDartmouth College LibraryHanover, NNThe Dartmouth College Library seeks a dynamic reference librarian and bibliographer for the Kresge Physical Sciences Library and Cook Mathematics/Computer Science LibraryRESPONSIBILITIES: Reporting to the Physical Sciences Librarian, works as a member of an information services team providing reference services in an innovative and technically sophisticated environment utilizing the Dartmouth Online Catalog, the campus wide informa C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 925 UNLVLIBRARYUNLV Libraries seek applications for the following tenure-track positions:Preservation/Conservation Librarian * (Rank 2)Susan Jarvis (Chair) 702/895-3741 susanj@nevada.eduDigital Projects Librarian * (Rank 2)Peter Michel (Chair) 702/895-3045 michelp@nevada.eduManuscripts Librarian * (Rank 2)Aimée Quinn (Chair) 702/895-4158 quinna@nevada.eduHead, Cataloging Section (Rank 2)Eva Stowers (Chair) 702/895-4844 estowers@nevada.eduHead, Systems Section (Rank 2)Shelley Heaton (Chair) 702/895-4845 shelley@ 926 / C&RL News ■ December 199 C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 927 THREE POSITIONS AVAILABLEUniversity at AlbanyState University of New YorkLIBRARY: COORDINATOR, SCIENCE LIBRARYRESPONSIBILITIES: The Coordinator leads, administers, and ensures the effectiveness of the services and operations of the science library and the library storage facility. The Coordinator plans, designs, implements, and evaluates electronic initiatives in cooperation with library colleagues, and works in a collaborative mode with a team-centered approach to problem-solving. As a member of the librar 928 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 KOREAN STUDIES LIBRARIANEast Asian Library Information Services DivisionThe East Asian Library of the Information Services Division at the University of Southern California seeks a highly motivated, beginning or mid-career librarian for its Korean collection, the Korean Heritage Library. The position offers exciting opportunities for those who may want to explore various aspects of academic library career. The Korean Heritage Library supports teaching and research in Korean studies, and serves the faculty, C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 929 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLECentral Missouri State UniversityCentral Missouri State University Library Services seeks faculty members:ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF LIBRARY SCIENCE AND INFORMATION SERVICES Tenure-track position with teaching responsibilities which may include graduate courses to prepare school librarians in information retrieval, microcomputers, electronic and Internet re­sources, cataloging and classification, selection, acquisition, integration and utilization of library materials, and a library resea 930 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 EAST ASIAN BIBLIOGRAPHERUniversity of Pennsylvania LibraryThe University of Pennsylvania Library is seeking a librarian with the knowledge, energy, and vision to develop and manage its growing collections in East Asian Studies. This will involve building on the already strong print collections in Chinese and Japanese, strengthening the holdings in Korean, and facilitating the acquisition and linking of electronic resources. The librarian will work closely with faculty members, supervise the processing of ma Late Job ListingsDOCUMENT DELIVERY/SHARED RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. (Search #99A217) The University of Connecticut Libraries. Reporting to the Head of Access Services and working in a team environment, the incumbent develops, implements and maintains systems and work flows that optimize electronic document delivery of information resources to the UConn community as part of the UConn Libraries commitment to the access library model. Minimum qualifications include: An ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge of electronic li C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 931 dures: Submit a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Brinley Franklin, Associate Director for Administrative Services, University of Connecticut Libraries, Box U-5A, 369 Fairfield Road, Storrs, CT 06269-1005. Screening will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. For further information about the UConn Libraries or to see a complete job description for this position, see our home page at http://www.hb.uconn.e 932 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 REFERENCE UBRARIAN-HEALTH SCIENCES. San Diego State University library, Science Division, is seeking a service-minded librarian to fill the position of Health Sciences Librarian. All qualified candidates, including persons from underrepresented groups and recent graduates are encouraged to apply. Provides science reference service (including evenings and weekends) in a busy, dynamic library environment. Participates in the Library’s instruction program, including preparation of instructional material in pri