ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries June 1996/385 People in the N ews Pa m Sp iegel Johanna Bradley, assistant professor at the School o f Library and Information Sci­ ence at Indiana University- Purdue U niversity In d ia­ napolis and president o f the Medical Library Association, was recently awarded a fel­ lowship by the National Li­ brary o f M edicine for the study o f W orld W ide Web- based information resources in the health sciences. As part o f the two-year fellow ­ ship, Bradley will be study­ ing the characteristics o f the creation, access, and use o f emerging health information re­ sources on the Web. She will also be working with projects involving the National Library o f Medicine’s Unified Medical Library System. Nicholas C. Burckel, director o f libraries at Marquette University, has been appointed by President Clinton to the National Historical P u b lic a tio n s and R ecord s C om m ission (NHPRC). A member o f ALA and ACRL, Burckel is president-elect o f the Society o f American Archivists. The NHPRC recommends historical works that should be recorded at public ex­ pense; encourages federal, state, local, and non­ governmental institutions in collecting, preserv­ ing, e d itin g , and p u b lis h in g p a p ers o f outstanding citizens; and makes preservation grants. Herbert Hucks Jr. has been given an honor­ ary doctorate o f literature degree for distin­ gu ish ed alu m n i b y W o ffo r d C o lle g e in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Hucks has served for nearly 50 years as a librarian and archivist at W offord, where he began his career in 1947 as associate librarian. He served as librarian from 1953 to 1966, archivist from 1966 to 1978, and archivist emeritus from 1978 to the present. Hucks graduate from W offord in 1934. Edward R. Johnson, dean o f libraries at Okla­ homa State University (OSU), has been named Administrator o f the Year by the Oklahoma Chapter o f the American Society for Public Ad­ ministration. The annual tribute recognizes a public administrator whose career exhibits the highest standards o f excellence, dedication, and accomplishment. Johnson was selected for efforts to strengthen the OSU Library and to promote library co­ operation within the state. Cheryl Smith, director o f the Learning Resources Cen­ ter at the University Medical Center in Lafayette, Louisi­ ana, is the recipient o f the 1996 Michael E. DeBakey Library Services Outreach A w a rd , w h ich hon ors a m edical librarian w h o s e work has provided outstanding outreach ser­ vices to rural and underserved medical popu­ lations. Smith’s efforts to keep health profes­ sionals posted on available resources and to keep medical information flowing to those who need it have w on her high praise for “service to the community” from the Joint Commission on Accreditation o f Health Care Organizations, and her library has been designated an “Access Library” by the National Network o f Libraries o f Medicine, South Central Region. A ppointm ents Maurice G. Fortin has been named library di­ rector o f the Porter Henderson Library at Angelo State University in San Angelo, Texas. Fortin previously served as social sciences librarian, general reference librarian and database coor­ dinator, head o f General Reference Services, and assistant director o f libraries for public ser­ vice at the University o f North Texas. A mem­ ber o f ALA and ACRL, Fortin is contributing editor for history for Texas Library Journal. Joan R. Giesecke has been named dean o f li­ braries at the University o f Nebraska-Lincoln. She previously served at Nebraska as associate dean for collections and services, and as assis­ tant dean for automation and technical services. Before that Giesecke served as associate librar­ ian at George Mason University. She also teaches for the School o f Library and Information Man­ agement at Emporia State University. A mem­ ber o f ALA, ACRL, and the Nebraska Library 386/C&RL News Association, Giesecke is current editor o f Li­ brary Administration and Management. Paul McCarthy has been named president and chief executive officer o f WLN in Lacey, Wash­ ington. Serving as acting president/CEO since last September, McCarthy has also served on the WLN Board o f Directors since 1994, and chair o f the Board since August o f that year. As director o f libraries at the University o f Alaska, Fairbanks (1987– 93), McCarthy was an active W LN supporter and customer. In the early 1990s, he joined library leaders in the Pacific Northwest to assist WLN in its successful move from the public to the private sector. Eugenia B. Ryner has been appointed admin­ istrative librarian at the FBI A cad em y in Quantico, Virginia. Ryner previously served as li­ brarian for the Newseum, a new museum in Arling­ ton, Virginia, acting di­ rector and collection de­ velopm ent librarian at California State Univer­ sity, periodicals librarian at Yale University, and in several public library positions. Active in ALA, Eugenia B. Ryner ACRL, and the California Library Association, Ryner was a Fulbright scholar in Uganda for the 1992– 93 academic year. Glenys A. Waldman has been appointed li­ brarian and curator o f the Masonic Library and Museum o f Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Lisa Abbott recently became assistant head o f the Research and Information Services D e­ partment at North Carolina State University. W inston Atkins recently joined the North Carolina State University Libraries as preserva­ tion librarian and program officer. Ed. note: Entries in this column are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices, individuals using institutional letterhead, and other sources. To ensure that your personnel news is considered fo r publication, write to Pam Spiegel, Assistant Editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: John Boyd has been appointed electronic services librarian at Appalachian State Univer­ sity in Boone, North Carolina. Lisa Brennan has been named field librar­ ian at Troy State University at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. Yu-lan Chou is now Chinese catalog librar­ ian at the University o f California at Berkeley. Eric C ooper is now reference/acquisitions librarian at the University o f Illinois at Urbana- Champaign’s Law Library. Beth Cram er has been named principal cataloger at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina. Jack W esley Edens has been appointed ref­ erence librarian/bibliographer at the Chester Fritz Library, University o f North Dakota. Nancy Em ery is now monographic cata­ loger at the University o f Colorado at Boulder Libraries. Katherine Fox has been appointed special collections librarian at the University o f Hous­ ton. Robert R. Garrett is now librarian/archi­ vist at the Chester Fritz Library, University o f North Dakota. Maggie Gewecke is a new serials specialist in current periodicals and microtexts at Stan­ ford University’s Green Library. Catherine L. Giaimo is now assistant li­ brarian at the Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania. Craig Gibson has been appointed associ­ ate director for information services at George Mason University Libraries, Fairfax, Virginia. Trudi Bellardo Hahn has been named manager o f user education services at the Uni­ versity o f Maryland at College Park. Michele Hanson is now reference librar­ ian/evening-weekend supervisor at Canisius College in Buffalo, N ew York. Martin H ollick has been appointed refer­ ence librarian in the Widener and Lamont Li­ braries at Harvard University. Sherry K elley has been named head o f the Cataloging Services Department at the Smith­ sonian Institution Libraries in Washington, D.C. M ilton Kenin is now archivist at the Ma­ sonic Library and Museum o f Pennsylvania. Shawn Renae K in g has been named seri­ als librarian at N orth Central C o lle g e in Naperville, Illinois. Mary Ann Laun has been appointed assis­ tant dean o f the library at Pasadena City Col­ lege. June 1996/387 Emmett Lombard has been named serials librarian at Pembroke State University, North Carolina. Patricia Lovett is now head o f the Biology Library at Indiana University-Bloomington. Stephen Luttman has been appointed as­ sistant music librarian at the University o f Hous­ ton. Joanne Oud recently joined the North Caro­ lina State University Libraries as collection man agement librarian for social sciences and hu­ manities. Carole J. McCollough has been appointed associate dean o f the Wayne State University Libraries. John H. C. Minott is now assistant curator at the Masonic Library and Museum o f Penn sylvania. Keith A. Morgan recently became client ser­ vices librarian for networked resources at North Carolina State University. Margaret O’Brien has been appointed as­ sistant curator o f the Mehra Collection at the University o f Houston. Patricia Painter is now social sciences bib­ liographer at Thomas Cooper Library on the campus o f the University o f South Carolina in Columbia. Christine Pouncey is the new information technology librarian at the University o f North Texas, Denton. Cynthia E. Saylor is now reference biblio­ graphic instruction librarian at Pembroke State University, North Carolina. Jennifer Sheffield is now instructional ser vices librarian at North Central College in Naperville, Illinois. Kevin Simons has been appointed refer­ ence instructional services librarian at George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. Regina A. Sinclair recently joined the staf o f the University o f Iowa Libraries as preserva­ tion librarian. W endy Sistrunk has been named music projects catalog librarian at the University o f Missouri-Kansas City. Marcia D. Talley is the new systems librar ian at the Nimitz Library, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland. Gail V. Tatum has been appointed AIDS resource librarian at Virginia Commonwealth University’s Tompkins-McCaw Library. Alison W arner is now cataloger for the Kemble Collection o f maritime history at the Huntington Library in San Marino, California. ­ ­ ­ f ­ James Young has been named reference/ instructional services librarian at George Ma­ son University, Fairfax, Virginia. Deaths J. Richard Blanchard, university librarian emeritus at the University o f California (UC)- Davis, died in March. He was 84. Blanchard’s 40-year library career included positions at the Library o f Congress, the USDA Library, and the University o f Nebraska Library before joining UC-Davis as university librarian in 1951. He retired in 1974. In 1994 the UC-Davis General Library established a special collections endow­ ment fund in honor o f Blanchard and his wife, Christine. The J. Richard and Christine H. Blanchard Special Collections Reading Room was subsequently named in their honor. James F. Holly, former dean o f library ser­ vices at Evergreen State College (1969– 73) in Olympia, Washington, died in November 1995 at the age o f 80. Holly’s career included ser­ vice as assistant director o f the University o f Omaha Library (1957– 59) and director o f the Macalester College Library (1959–69) in St. Paul, Minnesota. A lifetime member o f ALA, Holly was also a member o f ACRL and had served as an ALA Councillor. ■ A dvertiser index Baker & Taylor 376 Blackwell 356 Bowker cover 3 Britannica Online 360 Brodart 384 Congressional Quarterly 345, 364 Dorling Kindersley 369 Gaylord 367 IEEE 371 IRI 355 ISI cover 2, 374 OCLC 350 PAIS 337 Readmore 388 SIRSI cover 4 University o f Missouri 340 H. W. Wilson 379 3 88/C&RL News