ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries

8 9 4  / C&RL News

a printed guide to be published by the University’s 
General Libraries; and enter them  in the General 
Libraries’ computerized catalog called UTCAT. 
The remaining $17,699 will go toward the planning 
of a 1992 symposium on Mexican American fiction 
plus on-campus and traveling exhibitions using 
manuscripts, images, and recordings from the 
Mexican American archives. The symposium is to 
be sponsored by the Benson Latin American Col­

lection and the University’s Texas C enter for W rit­

•  The Virgin Islands Division of Libraries, 
Archives and Museums, St. Thomas, has re­
ceived a $30,324 National Endowment for the 
Humanities grant to support the preservation mi­
crofilming of 205 land transaction, probate, and 
court record books from St. Croix, Virgin Islands, 
that date from 1778 to 1958. ■  ■



Frank A. D ’Andraia has been appointed direc­
tor of libraries at the University of North Dakota. 
D ’Andraia, formerly head of the Technical Serv­
ices Division at the Uni­
v ersity o f C alifornia, 
Riverside, has been ac­
tive at th e  state, r e ­
g ional, an d  n a tio n a l 
level. His professional 
activities have included 
teaching positions in the 
areas of library technical 
services. H e is a past 
chair of the ALCTS dis­
cussion group for Tech­
nical Services Adminis­
trators of Medium-Sized Frank A. D ’Andraia
Research Libraries and 
is a former ACRL repre­
sentative to the ALCTS Committee on Cataloging: 
Description and Access. Currently, D ’Andraia 
serves as Chair of the ALCTS Blackwell/North 
American Scholarship Committee, is a m em ber of 
the ACRL University Libraries Section’s 1991 
Conference Program Planning Committee, and 
serves on the editorial boards of Information Tech­
nology and Libraries, and Libraries and Resource 
Sharing and Information Networks.

D ’Andraia holds an MLS from Simmons Col­
lege, a master’s degree in history from Northeast­
ern University, a bachelor’s degree in education 
from Boston State College, and he is a Ph.D. 
candidate at the University of Michigan.

Anne Anninger has been named the new Philip 
Hofer curator of printing and graphic arts in the 
Houghton Library, Harvard University, effective 
September 1. Anninger is currently special collec­
tions librarian of the Wellesley College Library. 
Before joining the Wellesley Library in 1982, she 
served for six years as a rare book cataloger for the 
D epartm ent of Printing and Graphic Arts in 

Anninger published Spanish and Portuguese 
16th Century Books, based on the collection in the 
D epartm ent of Printing and Graphic Arts, in 1985 
and she has published widely on French, Spanish, 
and Portuguese books and art. She is currently 
writing a dissertation on “Parisian Book Illustra­
tion, 1530-1560” in the Fine Arts D epartm ent at 
Harvard. She graduated from Brandeis University 
summa cum laude, with a major in philosophy. She 
holds an MLS degree from Simmons College, and 
an master’s degree from Harvard. She is a member 
of Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Beta Mu, the Society of 
Printers, the Grolier Club, and numerous other 
societies. She recently served as chair of the New 
England chapter of the American Printing History 

Robert L. Evensen has been named associate 
director for collection management and technical 
services at Brandeis University. H e has been at 
Brandeis since 1974, where he began his career as 
Creative Arts Librarian. Active in planning Bran- 
deis’s Farber Library from 1981-1983, he became 
collection development officer in 1986 and in 1987 
assistant director for collection management and 
creative arts. As a m em ber of the Library’s Admin­
istrative Group, he will oversee and coordinate the

October 1990 / 895

operations for collection development, preserva­
tion, acquisitions/serials, cataloging and the de­
partmental collections in music, fine arts, and thea­

Evensen holds a bachelor’s degree in fine arts 
from Roosevelt University and an MLS from the 
University of Chicago. His professional activities 
include work in regional and national arts organiza­
tions, including chairman of the Music Library 
Association’s New England Chapter from 1977 to 
1978. As a founding member of the Boston Area 
Music Librarians (BAML), he was chairman from 
1984 to 1986. Evensen has served as a m ember of 
the Network Advisory Committee for the Massa­
chusetts Board of Library Commissioners and as a 
delegate to the Massachusetts Governor’s Confer­
ence on Libraries and Information Services. C ur­
rent activities focus on resource sharing and pres­
ervation in the Boston Library Consortium, where 
he coordinates its Interest Group in Collection 

Ruth J. Patrick has been named university 
librarian at the University of British Columbia, 
Vancouver, Canada, effective August 1,1990. Pat­
rick had served as dean of 
library services at the 
University of M ontana 
since 1983. Before that 
she served as assistant 
director of library opera­
tions at Wayne State in 
Detroit, Michigan, from 
1978 to 1983. P atrick 
earned her MLS in 1967 
and her Ph.D. in 1972 
from the University of 
California, Berkeley. She 
received her bachelor’s 

Ruth J. Patrickdegree from the Univer­
sity of Saskatchewan in 
1961. She has also served as coordinator of con­
tinuing education and visiting lecturer at the 
School of Information Studies at Syracuse Univer­
sity from 1974 to 1976. She has worked as an 
applied researcher at the Graduate Departm ent of 
Library Science, Catholic University, Washington, 
D.C. She served as chair and was a committee 
member of the ACRL Legislation Committee from 
1985 to 1990, chair of the National Council on 
Quality Continuing Education for Library, Infor­
mation and Media Personnel from 1987 to 1988, 
and was president of the Continuing Library Edu­
cation Network and Exchange from 1976 to 1977.

Mary Niles Maack has been named associate 
dean of the UCLA Graduate School of Library and 
Information Science (GSLIS). Maack holds her 
bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois,

and her MLS and doctoral degrees from the Co­
lumbia University School of Library Service. Prior 
to joining the faculty at GSLIS in 1986, Maack held 
positions at the University of Minnesota and the 
New York Public Library. She served as a reference 
librarian at the Schomburg Center for Research 
and Black Culture. Maack is the author of more 
than 30 articles and papers on aspects of library and 
information science in Africa and the impact of 
feminization and professionalism on librarianship. 
The American Library Association published her 
book, Libraries in Senegal, in 1981. In 1982-1983, 
Maack was a Fulbright Scholar at l’Ecole Nationale 
S uperieure des B ibliothèques, V illeurbanne, 
France. She has also lectured in Africa for the U.S. 
Information Agency and consulted for a project in 
the Cameroon through U.S.-AID, a government 
program for international development.

George R. White Jr., former director of library 
services at Sioux Falls College in Sioux Falls, South 
Dakota, has been appointed director of library 
services at Villa Julie 
C o lleg e, S tevenson, 
M aryland. W h ite as­
sumed his new duties on 
July 5. Prior to his serv­
ice at Sioux Falls Col­
lege, he filled similar 
positions with libraries 
at Marymount College 
of Kansas in Salina and 
the Knight-Capron Col­
lege in Lynchburg, Vir­
ginia, among others. He 
holds a bachelor’s de­

George R. White Jr.gree in history and po­
litical science from Un­
ion College in Barbourville, Kentucky, and an MLS 
from George Peabody College for Teachers in 
Nashville, Tennessee.

Carolynne Presser has been appointed to a 
five-year term  as director of libraries at the Univer­
sity of Manitoba, effective October 1. Formerly she 
held the position of associate librarian for planning 
and systems at the University of Waterloo, where 
she was responsible for developing automated sys­
tems for cataloging and circulation. H er planning 
responsibilities included building and allocating 
library facilities to accommodate collections, users, 
and staff. She joined the University of Waterloo in 
1971 as head of government publications. In 1975 
she became assistant librarian for engineering, 
mathematics, and science, and was promoted to 
her current position in 1983. Presser graduated in 
arts from H unter College of the City University of 
New York and in library science from the Pratt 
Institute Library School, Brooklyn, New York.

896 / C&RL News

People in the news

Eveline Yang, head of the Interlibrary Loan 
D epartm ent at Auraria Library, University of 
Colorado at Denver, recently was invited by the 
N atio n al C e n tra l L i­
brary in Taiwan, Repub­
lic of China, to present a 
lecture on the topic of 
collection development 
using liaison librarians in 
academic libraries at the 
1990 Summer Institute 
for Practicing Librari­
ans. Yang, representing 
the Chinese American 
Librarians Association, 
also participated in the 
board m eeting of the 

Eveline YangLibrary Association of 
China. She will be coor­
dinating with other CALA members on the ex­
change programs for librarians in Taiwan and the 
United States.


Prudence S. Adler has been appointed assis­
tant executive director for federal relations and 
information policy at the Association of Research 
Libraries, Washington, D.C.

Aimee Algier-Baxter has been appointed seri­
als cataloger at the Orradre Library, Santa Clara 
University, California.

Kay Andrus has been appointed director of the 
Law Library at Creighton University, Omaha, 

Priscilla Atkins has been appointed biblio­
graphic instruction librarian at Ball State Univer­
sity, Muncie, Indiana.

Margaret Brenneman is now the technical 
services librarian at the Newberry Library, Chi­
cago, Illinois.

Janet Cavanagh has been appointed head of 
the Circulation Department, State University of 
New York, Stony Brook.

Clare B. D unkle has been appointed mono­
graphs cataloger at Trinity University, San Antonio, 

Ian Fairclough is the new music cataloger at 
Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana.

Martha Felts has joined the Cataloging D e­
partm ent at the College of Charleston Library, 
South Carolina.

Catherine Fitzgerald is the new reference/ 
catalog librarian at the City University of New York

Law School Library, New York.
E laine A. Franco is the new principal cataloger 

at the University of California, Davis.
Susan F urman has been named the director of 

computing services at the Newberry Library, Chi­
cago, Illinois.

Gail Garfinkel has joined the Reference D e­
partm ent at the College of Charleston Library, 
South Carolina.

Janet Jackson is the new audiovisual cataloger 
at Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana.

Gunnar Knutson has joined the cataloging staff 
of the Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois.

Michele Laing has been appointed collections 
development librarian at the University of W ater­
loo, Ontario.

Anna Latta has been appointed assistant head 
librarian at the Cubberley Library, Stanford Uni­
versity Libraries, California.

Carol Lunce has been appointed bibliographic 
instruction/reference librarian at the University of 
Evansville Libraries, Indiana.

Maniam Madewan has been appointed head of 
cataloging at the Law Library, York University, 
North York, Toronto.

Margo Mead has been appointed reference 
lib ra ria n  at th e  U n iv ersity  o f A labam a in 

Lisa Melendez is a new reference librarian at 
the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Lesley Milner is now the interlibrary loan li­
brarian at Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana.

Julie Nachman has been appointed assistant 
serials librarian at Georgetown University, Wash­
ington, D.C.

Cheryl N elson has been appointed technical 
services librarian at Teikyo Westmar University, Le 
Mars, Iowa.

J. Robin Raquet has been appointed science 
librarian at Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas.

D avid W. Rash has accepted the postion of 
coordinator of public services, Everett Community 
College, Washington.

Vicky Reich is now the head of the serial depart­
ment, Stanford University Libraries, Palo Alto, 

Elizabeth D ee Rogers has been appointed 
science reference librarian at the University of 
North Texas, Denton.

Robert F. Rose is now the assistant director for 
informational and instructional services at the 
University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls.

Lyman B. Ross has been appointed reference 
librarian at the University of Vermont, Burlington.

Gordon Russell has been appointed head of 
reference at the University of Miami Law Library, 

Kim Sether is now public services librarian at 
Teikyo Westmar University, Le Mars, Iowa.

October 1990 / 897

Earl C. Smith has been appointed systems 
librarian at the North Carolina State University 
Libraries, Raleigh.

Barbara Stewart has been appointed Hispanic/ 
Latin American cataloger at the University of Pitts­
burgh, Pennsylvania.

Susan A. Stussy is the new director of library 
services at Barton Community College in Great 
Bend, Kansas.

Joan Ten Hoor is the new preservation librarian 
at the Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois.

Joyce Bennett Van Cura has been named 
director of the Learning Resources C enter at 
Morton College, Cicero, Illinois.

Bob van der Bliek has been appointed sound 
recordings librarian, York University, North York, 

Lori J. Widzinski has been appointed head of 
the Media Resource Center in the Health Sciences 
Librry, SUNY at Buffalo, New York.

Catherine Williams has been appointed inter- 
library loan librarian at Siena College, Loudonville, 
New York.


Lucile Kelling Henderson, former dean of 
the School of Information and Library Science at 
the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 
died July 29. She was 95. Henderson was dean of 
the school from 1954 to 1960. She joined the UNC 
faculty in 1932 and retired in 1960. Henderson 
supervised the school’s transition from a fifth-year 
bachelor of library science degree program to an 
MLS program. During her deanship, the Epsilon 
chapter of Beta Phi Mu, the national library science 
honor society, was chartered at UNC.

Henderson was one of the first teachers em­
ployed by the school, which was established in 
1931. Before coming to UNC, the Minnesota na­
tive taught at the University of Southern California, 
Mills College, Columbia University, and New York 
State Teachers College. Henderson was the author 
of a dozen books and monographs, including Ber­
nard Shaw Around the World and joint author of 
Index Verborum Iuvenalis. She also wrote num er­
ous articles in professional magazines and many 
short stories. The former dean was a member of Phi 
Beta Kappa, the American Association of Univer­
sity Professors, American Philological Association, 
Association of American Library Schools, Ameri­
can Library Association, Southeastern Library 
Association and Shaw Society of America.

She received her bachelor of arts degree from 
Whitman College in 1917 and her bachelor of 
library science degree from New York State Li­
brary School in 1921.

Henderson was the widow of Archibald H ender­
son, former head of the UNC Departm ent of 
Mathematics, an author, critic, scholar, and biogra­
pher of George Bernard Shaw.

Barbara M. H ill, head librarian of the Shep­
pard Library at the Massachusetts College of Phar­
macy and Allied Health Sciences, Boston, died on 
July 15. Hill had been a member of the library staff 
at the College since 1952. She was an active partici­
pant in several organizations including the Medical 
Library Association, Drug Information Associa­
tion, Special Libraries Association, and the Ameri­
can Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. She was 
one of the compilers of A Basic Booklist and Core 
Journals fo r  Pharmaceutical Education, 2nd ed., 
published by the AACP. Recently, Hill was 
awarded the College Medal in recognition of her 
extraordinary service to the college community and 
the health professions. In May she received the 
Granite State Award from the Massachusetts Col­
lege of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences New 
Hampshire Alumni Association.

Vilma Proctor died April 27, 1990, in Los 
Angeles, California. She had been medical librar­
ian at the University of Southern California from 
1946 until her retirement in 1971. Proctor earned 
a Ph. D. in science from the University of Hamburg 
and a bachelor’s degree from the University of 
Denver School of Library Science.

Janet Erikson Watson, University of Califor­
nia, Los Angeles, died of cancer on August 2. 
Janet’s first appointment in the Biomedical Library 
was as cancer information specialist. She subse­
quently became the online search coordinator, 
user education coordinator, and assistant head of 
the Reference Division. She was the first chair of 
the Database Access Forum, served on numerous 
LAUC-LA committees, and assisted in the devel­
opment and design of MELVYL M EDLINE.

Advertiser index

American Chemical S o c ie ty ...................... 863
A m ig o s ......................................................... 831
B a lle n ........................................................... 873
B elser........................................................... 874
B la ckw e ll.................................................. cover 4
Book H o u s e ................................................ 898
B o w k e r........................................................ 834
Denali P ress................................................ 824
EBS Book S ervice ...................................... 881
F a xon ........................................................... 867
Institute for Scientific Info..........848,868,891
Mohawk M id la n d ..................................... cover 3
P A IS ..............................................................821
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Sociological A b s tra c ts ................................850
Washington Inventory S ervice ...................878
H.W. W ils o n ................................................ 884

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