ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 328 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s A n n - C h r i s t e Y o u n g Prudence W . Dalrymple, dean o f the G radu ate School o f Library an d Inform ation Sci e n c e at D o m in ican U niversity, h as b e e n elected p resident of th e N ational Association for Library an d Inform ation Science Educa tion (ALISE) to begin in 2001. She w as also ap p o in ted to a three-year term w ith th e Illi nois State Library Advisory Committee. A p p o i n t m e n t s Ted E. Behr has b een a p p o in te d director o f th e C e n te r fo r Artificial B o ok s (CAB) in Bloomfield, Connecticut. An affiliate o f the M o le sw o rth In stitu te, CAB houses the w orld’s largest collection o f o b jects in th e s h a p e o f books. H e continues his duties as curator o f ar tifa c ts at th e M o le s w orth Institute in Storrs, C onnecticut o n a part- tim e b a sis. B e h r r e ce iv e d his b a c h e lo r’s Ted E. Behr (1976), m aster’s (1979), a n d Ph.D. (1984) in Popular Culture from Bowling G reen State University. Prior to join ing th e M olesw orth Institute in 1999, he held curatorial positions at th e R osem ary Wells “T ooth Fairy” Collection in W innetka, Illinois; the W orld’s Largest Ball o f T w ine in Darwin, M innesota; th e Society o f Paper M oney Col lectors in Florissant, Missouri; an d the An tique Fan M useum in Dallas, Texas. B ehr’s extensive w ritings o n the role o f artifacts in the library have recently b een com piled into the b o o k Stuff in the Library (the M olesworth Institute, 2000). (Aprilfool!) Barbara I. D ew ey has b een ap p o in ted in terim university librarian at the University o f Iow a (UI). H er p erm an en t position is direc tor o f inform ation and research services. She has p u b lish ed a n d p re s e n te d w idely o n a range o f library issues, including hum an resources, strategic p lan ning, digital libraries, a n d lib ra ry se rv ic e s. Before joining the UI, D ew ey held positions at th e Indiana University School o f Library an d In f o rm a tio n S cien ce , N o rth w e ste rn U niver sity L ibrary, a n d th e Minnesota Regional Li Barbara I. Dewey brary System. Priscilla Lawrence has been nam ed execu tive d irecto r o f th e H istoric N ew O rleans Collection. Lawrence has served th e collec tion for m ore than 20 years as registrar, col lections m anager, a n d acting director an d has b een active in th e A m erican Association of Museums, Louisiana Association o f Museums, an d Southeastern M useums C onference. Howard McGinn has b een a p p o in ted dean o f libraries at Clarion University in Clarion, Pennsylvania. McGinn previously served in various executive positions in libraries and in th e corporate sector. T hese include city librarian o f N ew H aven, C onnecticut, the ex ecutive directorship o f PORTALS (a Portland consortium o f public an d academ ic libraries at Portland State University) an d th e director ship o f th e State Library o f North Carolina. H e also served as director o f th e library at C hestnut Hill College. McGinn has extensive know ledge o f th e corporate sector as well, having b e e n th e national audiovisual sales m an ag er for the J. B. Lippincott Publishing C om pany an d th e general m anager of the M icrofilm ing C o rp o ratio n o f A m erica. H e chairs the recruiting com m ittee for th e Black Caucus o f th e ALA. A mong his m any accom plishm ents is construction o f th e North Caro lina Inform ation N etw ork, a statew ide elec tronic inform ation system. Susan B. Barnard has b een app o in ted h e a d o f access an d delivery services at North Carolina State University. C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 / 329 Pam ela B eegle is n o w a referen ce librar ian at Nova S o u th eastern U niversity in Fort L auderdale, Florida. J en n ife r B oettcher has b e e n a p p o in te d b u sin ess referen ce librarian at th e L auinger Library at G eo rg eto w n University. Josh u a B oyer has b e e n a p p o in te d refer e n c e librarian for distance learning services at N orth C arolina State University. Stewart B row er has b e e n a p p o in te d c o o rd in ato r o f inform ation m an ag e m en t e d u cation services in th e H ealth Sciences Library at SUNY, Buffalo. Bill Brown is n o w coordinator of research and instructional services in the Bancroft Library at th e U niversity o f C alifornia at B erkeley. David Carpenter is n o w h ead o f reference in th e Central Library at Vanderbilt University. Karen C iccone is n o w assistant h e a d of th e N orth Carolina State U niversity’s Research an d Inform ation Services D epartm ent. K atherine D ex ter has b e e n a p p o in te d reference librarian fo r ed u catio n a n d psychol o gy at N orth C arolina State University. Thad E. D ick in so n has b e e n a p p o in te d referen ce/in stru ctio n librarian at Loyola U ni versity o f Chicago. C hristian D up ont has b e e n a p p o in te d cu rato r o f special collections at N otre D am e. J essica J. F ischer has b e e n a p p o in te d referen ce librarian at the C ollege o f William an d Mary. Karin Ford has b e e n n a m e d library ser vices d irecto r at OCLC/WLN Pacific N orth w est Service Center. R honda G ordon has jo in ed B utler U ni versity as assistant referen ce librarian. Vicki Graham e is th e n e w h e a d o f th e catalog d e p a rtm e n t at th e U niversity o f Cali fornia in Irvine. R egina H all-O ppenheim has b e e n a p p o in te d u s e r instruction referen ce librarian at U niversity o f Albany, SUNY. Shirley H allblade has b e e n a p p o in te d Jackson Library director at Stanford University. D ’A n n e H arm on h as b e e n a p p o in te d directo r o f library d e v e lo p m e n t a n d ex ternal relations at Texas T ech University. Mary H einzm an is n o w b u sin ess refer e n c e librarian at St. A m brose U niversity in D avenport, Iow a. J ill H o llin g sw o rth has b e e n a p p o in te d referen ce librarian at th e Lauinger Library at G eo rg eto w n University. Laura H u dson has b e e n a p p o in te d e lec tronic system s a n d services librarian at San D iego State University. Jam es H u tch en s is n o w re fe re n c e /in s tr u c tio n a l te c h n o lo g y lib ra ria n a t N ova S o u th e a ste rn U niversity in Fort L auderdale, Florida. W illiam L. J o y ce has b e e n n a m e d D or o th y F o eh r H uck ch air for special collections at P ennsylvania State University. C arol N. J o y n e r is n o w e le c tro n ic r e s o u r c e s lib ra ria n at W ake F o re s t U n iv e r sity. M ich a el K ap lan is th e n e w d ir e c to r o f p r o d u c t m a n a g e m e n t fo r Ex Libris (USA), Inc. Elizabeth K. K illin g sw o rth has b e e n a p p o in te d assistant university librarian in the re fe re n c e d e p a rtm e n t at th e U niversity o f Central Florida Library in O rlando. Patricia K ranovich has b e e n a p p o in te d h e a d o f referen ce at St. A m brose U niversity in D avenport, Iow a. Andrea Lamb is n o w theology/C atholic A m ericana b ibliographic access te a m m an ag er at N otre D am e. M arsha M aguire h a s b e e n a p p o in te d m anuscripts a n d special collections catalog ing librarian, M onographic Services Division, at th e U niversity o f W ashington in Seattle. Brent Mai has b e e n a p p o in te d d irecto r o f t h e W a lk e r M a n a g e m e n t L ib ra r y a t V anderbilt University. Beth Marhanka is n o w referen ce librar ian/W eb specialist at th e L auinger Library at G eo rg eto w n University. Bernard McTigue is n o w h e a d o f special collections at N orth C arolina State University. Am ber M erym an has jo in ed B utler U ni versity as assistant reference librarian. S teph anie N eely is n o w se n io r fello w / assistant d irecto r o f th e B oston Library C on sortium . Carol Nurse has b e e n a p p o in te d evening referen ce librarian at M ontclair State U niver sity in N ew Jersey. Jam es Q uigel h as jo in e d P ennsylvania State U niversity as h e a d o f historical collec tio n s a n d la b o r archives. Nora Q uinlan is n o w assistant h e a d o f distance library services at Nova S outheast e rn U niversity in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Patricia Renfro has been appointed deputy university librarian at Columbia University. 330 / CSRL News ■ A p r il 2000 Peggy Richard is n o w assistant u n iv er sity librarian for system s at Nova Southeast e rn U niversity in Fort L auderdale, Florida. Mary Clare Sabio has b e e n a p p o in ted ref e ren ce librarian at Nova S outheastern U ni versity n Fort L auderdale, Florida. Kelly Sanderson is n o w a cataloger in th e C enter for Inform ation Processing D epart m en t at S outhern M ethodist University. Gregg Sapp has b e e n a p p o in te d h e a d o f th e science library at th e U niversity o f Al bany, SUNY. F rances Sardone is n o w re fe re n c e /in structional technology librarian at Nova South eastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. U rsu la S c h o lz h a s jo in e d L oyola U n i v e rsity o f C h icag o as in te rlib ra ry lo a n li b ra ria n . Robert Sotak has b e e n ap p o in ted th e col lection m anagem ent departm ent’s librarian for life sciences at N orth C arolina State U niver sity. M atthew Stefanko is n o w reference li b rarian at Texas T ech University. Isabel Stirling is n o w associate u n iv er sity librarian a n d director o f public services a t th e U niversity o f California at B erkeley. Patrick Sullivan has b e e n appointed busi n ess referen ce librarian at San D iego State University. Jean T h o m p so n has b e e n a p p o in te d c o o rd in ato r o f technical services a n d catalog ing librarian at St. L aw rence U niversity in C anton, N ew York. M elissa T rew e tt is n o w associate d ean o f libraries at Loyola U niversity o f Chicago. M eng-fen Su is n o w h e a d librarian o f the East Asian Library Program at th e University o f Texas at Austin. Am anda Wakaruk has b e e n a p p o in te d b u sin ess reference librarian at O ld D o m in io n University. W illiam Walters is n o w collection devel o p m e n t a n d a c q u is itio n s lib ra ria n at St. L aw rence U niversity in C anton, N ew York. Irw in W eintraub has jo in ed B rooklyn College, CUNY, as science referen ce librar ian a n d life sciences specialist. H easeon W hang has b e e n a p p o in ted Ko re a n Studies librarian in th e Asia Library at U niversity o f Michigan. Eric W illiam s-Bergen is n o w access ser vices librarian at St. L aw rence U niversity in C anton, N ew York. W endy Zam an is the n e w East C am pus branch library m anager at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. R e t i r e m e n t s Bill Kirwan, university librarian at W estern C arolina U niversity (WCU) since 1977, has a n n o u n c e d h is re tire m en t effective Ju n e 30, 2000. H e h as w o rk e d w ith th e library d irec t o r s a t A p p a l a c h i a n State University a n d th e U n iv e r s ity o f N o r th C arolina, A sheville, to form th e W estern North C aro lin a L ibrary N e t w ork, n o w in its 15th Bill K irw an y ear o f o p eration. Prior to his p o sitio n at WCU, K irw an w as library d irector at th e West Virginia College o f G radu a te Studies. From 1968 to 1974, h e serv ed as th e first d irecto r o f th e Loyola-N otre D am e Library, w h e re h e co o rd in a te d the m erger o f th e tw o libraries, w h ic h serv ed b o th Mary lan d colleges. D e a t h s Mary Ellen Batchelor, w h o served as refer en ce an d periodicals librarian in th e Science/ Engineering Library at Southern M ethodist uni versity for 15 years until h e r retirem ent in 1997, died O ctober 17, 1999. Robert L. Burr, d ean o f the Foley Library at G onzaga University for 23 years a n d associate academ ic vice president for Inform ation Tech nology since 1996, d ied January 21, 2000, at the age o f 55 follow ing a h eart attack. Burr h elp ed fo u n d a n d w as president o f the Inland N orthw est Library A utomation Network, a con sortium o f N orthw est libraries that share an online library inform ation system. H e w as a E d. n o te : To ensure th a t y o u r personnel news is considered fo r p u b lic a tio n , w rite to A nn-C hriste Young, Production Editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail:; fax: (312)280-2520. C&RL News ■ A p ril 2000 / 331 m em ber o f ALA and ACRL, the Council o f Spo­ kane Area Libraries, the Northwest Associa­ tion of Private College and University Librar­ ies, the Washington Higher Education Coordi­ nating Board, and the Beta Phi Mu Interna­ tional H onor Society in Library Science. He received the Jesse H. Shera Research Award, the G onzaga Research Council Faculty Re­ search Grant Award, and the Gonzaga Univer­ sity Perm anent Professional Certificate. D a v id C o o k , manager of reference services in the Mills Library at McMaster University, has died. He had worked with the library staff since 1975. J a m e s D a v is, retired rare book librarian in special collections at UCLA, died o n February 3 at the age o f 64 of complications resulting from surgery. J e a n n e H u r le y S im o n , w ho gained national prom inence as a cham pion o f libraries, an author, and a full partner in the political ca­ reer of her husband. Senator Paul Simon, died February 22. Simon, 77, m ade h er political debut In 1956 by w inning election to the Illi­ nois H ouse from her Chicago suburban dis­ trict. Four years later, she and Paul Simon b e ­ came the only legislators in Illinois history to w ed while both served. She chaired the U.S. National Commission on Libraries an d Infor­ mation Science, receiving the presidential ap­ pointm ent in 1993 and reappointm ent in 1997. Simon becam e an adjunct professor o f library services at Southern Illinois University (SIU) at Carbondale in 1997, joining her husband in founding the SIU Public Policy Institute. J e a n C h a n d le r S m ith , author and twice act­ ing director o f the Smithsonian Institution Li­ braries, died o f cancer on D ecem ber 21, 1999, in Maryland. Smith’s research into the writings o f the French naturalist Baron G eorges Cuvier (1769-1832) was published as Georges Cuvier: A n A n n o ta ted Bibliography o f His Published Works (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institu­ tion Press, 1992) w ith an introduction by S te p h e n J a y G o u ld . S m ith jo i n e d th e Smithsonian staff in 1965 and served as spe­ cial assistant to the director for collection d e ­ velopm ent of biological science programs, as assistant director o f reader services, an d as acting director (1972, 1977-79). After her re­ tirement in 1981, she continued as a research associate o f the libraries and in 1986 w as in­ terview ed for the Smithsonian Archive’s Oral History Project. Smith w orked in the District of Columbia public libraries, in Hawaii, at Yale University, and at the National Institutes of Health during h er 40-year career. K a th r y n A. S o u p is e t, head of acquisitions at Trinity University (TU) from 1980 until 1999, died February 26 in San Antonio at the age of 55, after a long illness. Active professionally on the national scene, she was the first com ­ piler and editor of the “College Books Price In d e x ,’’ w hich has a p p e a re d a n n u ally in CHOICE since 1984, and in the BOWKER AN­ NUAL since 1985, handling that responsibility for n in e years. T he M arch 1993 issue of CHOICE recognized Soupiset’s w ork by not­ ing that she “performed an essential and worth­ while service for academic librarians with grace and style.” In 1995, she received the Rhea Fern Malsbury Award, TU’s highest honor for ser­ vice to the university by a m em ber of the staff. A l e x a n d e r W a in w r ig h t , fo rm er assistant u n iv e r s ity lib r a r ia n fo r a c q u is it io n s at Princeton University, died January 5, 2000, at th e age o f 82. W ainwright w as associated w ith Princeton University’s library for m ore than half a century and h e dev o ted his ca­ reer to collecting, cataloging, an d caring for rare an d old books. ■ Advertiser index ACRL 271, 288 Alib ris C over 2 American Chemical Society 319 American Psychological 298 ATLA 268 Blackw ell’s Book Services 325 Blackw ell’s Info. Services 292 CHOICE 287, 305 EBSCO Cover 3, 297 Endeavor Info. System 276 G raduate Institute 312 IEEE 280 InfoUSA 316 Inst. for Scientific Info. 265 McKay C om ./Row ecom 272 netLibrary Cover 4 OCLC 291 R. R. B ow ker 283