ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 332 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 C L A S S I F I ED Ads Career opportunities from acr oss the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $9.50 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $11.50 for others. Late job notices are $22.00 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $26.75 for others. Organizations submit­ ting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates range from $435 to $820 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Or see our Web site: Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at Ads will be placed approximately 2 -3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. Contact: Christopher Becker, Classified Advertising Man­ ager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago. IL 60611-2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280­ 7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: c& Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employ­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN ACADEMIC LIB RARIAN. Antioch New England Graduate School, Keene NH. Full-tim e 12-month faculty position available im mediately to provide reference assistance, in-house and online, develop and m aintain W eb- based reference services a nd oversee electronic database resources, and bibliographic instruction. Antioch New England serves nearly 1,500 adult students and offers professional graduate training in five academ ic disci­ plines: Applied Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Education, Environmen­ tal Studies, and O rganization & M anagem ent. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited school; progressive professional library reference expe­ rience in an automated environment, strong service orientation, knowledge of OCLC, M ARC form at, AACR2, LCSH, Dialog, and oth e r database searching protocols. Desirable: subject master’s degree. Voyager expe­ rience, bibliographic instruction, and Unix/NT server experience, fam iliar­ ity with integrated library system s in a networked environm ent. Salary $31,000 plus attractive benefits package. Candidates should subm it a letter of application, resume, and the nam es and telephone num bers of three references to: Library Search, A n tio c h New E n g la nd G ra du a te Scho o l, 40 Avon St., Keene, NH 03431 -3516. Search continues until the position is filled. W e invite you to visit our W eb site at A S S IS T A N T A R C H IV IST. The M ississippi State U niversity Libraries seek applications from highly motivated, innovative, dynamic, and highly qualified individuals foran e ntry-leve lfa culty,ten u re -tra ckpo silio n at the ra n k of Assistant Professor. The Assistan t A rch ivist in the Congressional and Political Research Center reports to th e C oordinator of the Center and will be responsible fo r assisting the C oordina tor with processing of collections and creation of guides in electronic and p aper formats, refer­ e nce service, planning, public relations, outreach activities, seeking grants, oral history program s, supervision of staff, and o th e r duties as m a y be assigned by the Coordinator. As a library faculty member, the successful candidate will be expected to demonstrate continued professional growth in the areas of teaching, research, and service as required by Mississippi State University and the University Libraries. T h e successful candidate will also be expected t o b e a te a m p layer committed to the Library program as a w hole. Q ualifications: M aster's degree from an A LA -accredited p ro­ gram o r a m aster’s degree in history o r political science and archival experience in an academic environment o r historical agency are required. A lso required are strong interpersonal, com m unication, and org an iza ­ tional skills and the ability to work independently with in a team environment and th e ever-changing dynamics of a library and university environment. P referred credentials include a t le ast o n e y e a r of archival experience with congressional collections and one year of supervisory experience. A dd i­ tional Desired Q ualification: Ph.D. in history and /or political science and archival experience. Excellent benefits package. Faculty rank, privileges and responsibilities; 12-month appointment. Rank/Salary: Assistant Pro­ fessor; salary range $28,000-$30,000, commensurate with experience and qualifications. Submit application, resume, names/addresses/phonenum- bers/e-m ail a ddresses of three professional references to: Debra Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recom­ mended minimums, as well a s other salary surveys (such as the survey in the O ctober 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual A RL Salary Survey, o r the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $33,188 New York varies* North Carolina $27,641 + Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $26,400 Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $28,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $32,240 * R a the r than e sta b lish one s ta te w id e s a la ry m inim um , som e state a sso cia tio n s have ado pte d a fo rm u la based on such v a ria b le s as co m p a ra b le sa larie s fo r p u b lic school tea ch ers in each com m unity o r the grade level o f a p rofessional librarian post. In th e se cases, you m ay w ish to co n ta c t the state a sso cia tio n to r m inim um sa lary in form atio n . + Salary m inim um s to r public librarians only. # O p tion to r local form ula. C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 / 333 LIAISON/REFERENCE LIBRARIANS Georgia State University Georgia State University, a dynamic urban university in the heart of Atlanta, is seeking energetic, knowledgeable, and forward-thinking individuals to join a team charged with im plementing refocused, client-centered services. Successful candidates will develop library collections, participate in the delivery of information and instructional services, and provide customized research support and consultation services for faculty and students in assigned subject areas. Education Liaison/Reference Librarian (Salary Range: $31,000-$38,000) Position will focus on the departments of the College of Education: Counseling and Psychological Services, Educational Psychology and Special Education, Kinesiology and Health, Early Childhood Education, Educational Policy Studies, Middle-Secondary Education, and Instructional Technology. C omm unication Liaison/Reference Librarian (Salary Range: $3 1 ,000-$38,000) The departm ent emphasizes programs in the following areas: Digital Motion Imaging, Broadcasting, Filmmaking, International Cinematography, Dramatic W riting for Stage and Screen, Public Relations, Media Advertising, and Speechwriting. Science Liaison/Reference Librarian (Salary Range: $31,000-$41,000) Specialization in one or more of the following areas: chemistry, natural sciences, physics, or astronomy. REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited master’s degree and library experience; fam iliarity with resources in a variety of formats; skilled in use of technology and library instruction; ability to w ork in a progressive organizational environment; excellent comm unication and interpersonal skills. Preferred: Second m aster’s degree and/or extensive experience in assigned subject area; experience in an academic library; knowledge of collection developm ent issues and trends; demonstrated interest in research and professional activities; evidence of creativity and initiative. AVAILABLE: Immediately. TO APPLY: Send letter addressing above qualifications and stating subject specialty area. Include resume and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Carmen R. Newton Human Resources Officer Georgia State University 100 Decatur Street, SE, Room 205 Atlanta, GA 30303-3202 Materials received by May 10, 2000, will receive priority. For more information, please visit our Web site at: Georgia State University is an equal opportunity educational institution/affirmative action employer strongly committed to cultural diversity. Fairbrother, Administrative Assistant to the Dean, Mississippi State University Libraries, P.O. Box 5408, Mississippi State, MS 39762. Appli cations accepted through March 25,2000, or until suitable applicant is found. For additional information on the Mississippi State University community, see the University’s Web site at: Mis sissippi State University is a land grant institution and the largest state- supported university in Mississippi. The University is located in Starkville, Mississippi. Mississippi State University is an AA/EEO employer. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR/COORDINATOR OF SERIALS. The Mis sissippi State University Libraries seek applications for the tenure-track position of Assistant Professor/Coordinator of Serials. The individual’s duties in this position include the overseeing of the activities of the unit responsible for the acquisition of serials in all formats, their fiscal control, and attendant record maintenance (check-in, claiming, binding, etc.) and the receipt of monographic standing orders. Other duties involve the monitoring, analyzing, and reporting of vendor performance; preparing detailed budget reports for accreditation and management use; and work ing closely with the other units of Technical Services to ensure accurate bibliographic access to library-provided resources. As a faculty member of the University Library, this individual must meet library and university requirements for promotion and tenure in the areas of librarianship, research, service, and collegiality and serve on library outreach teams to one or more academic departments and as subject bibliographer in assigned subject areas as library liaison to one or more academic depart ments. This position reports to the Associate Dean for Technical Services. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program with a minimum of five years’ professional experience in an academic/research library with at least three of the five years’ experience in serials management in an automated environment. Familiarity with the serials trade, with current trends in serials management and control, and with national standards for serials holdings. Experience with EBSCO Subscription Services, biblio graphic utilities (preferably OCLC) and with automated serials and acqui sition systems (preferably DRA). Experience in planning, researching, and implementing new technologies as they relate to serials control. Knowledge of MARC formats. Demonstrated supervisory and manage ment experience, strong and effective training and problem-solving skills. Must be able to set and adjust priorities and workflow in a dynamic and rapidly changing environment and accept new challenges in order to realize departmental and library goals. Excellent oral and written commu nication skills. Record of service orientation. Interest in personal scholarly achievement and professional development. Preferred: Experience with electronic journals (acquisitions, licensing, processing, archiving, etc.) and with various software packages (word-processing, spreadsheets, databases, etc.). A second subject master’s degree or other advanced degree and a working knowledge of a foreign language. Environment: The Technical Services Department is led by the Associate Dean for Technical Services and consists of monographs and serials acquisitions, database 334 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 REFERENCE LIBRARIAN / ENGLISH BIBLIOGRAPHER Central Michigan University The Central Michigan University Libraries seek qualified applicants for the position of Reference Librarian/English Bibliographer. The successful candidate will be an enthusiastic, service-oriented librarian dedicated to the provision of outstanding reference and research services, committed to the development of electronic as well as print collections, and interested in joining an active department of 11 reference librarians and two support staff within a new, state-of-the-art facility currently under construction. (See Principal responsibilities include sharing in the provision of reference services, providing library instruction, and serving as bibliographer for the English Department. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited program. Academic background in English or closely related field or experience as an English bibliographer. Knowledge of a wide variety of electronic and print reference resources. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Evidence of teaching ability/potential. Enthusiasm for service excellence, ability to work independently and cooperatively, and potential for professional leadership. Evidence of potential for earning tenure/ promotion as a library faculty member. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Reference and library instruction experience, especially in an academic library. Advanced degree in English or related discipline. Experience with Web Page design and technology-based instruction. Salary commensurate with qualifications: minimum $40,335. Excellent benefits package. Position is a 12-month, tenure-track faculty appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor, reporting to the Head of Public Services. Submit letter of application addressing qualifications for the position, resume, and names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Mr. Robert Faleer, Chair Reference Librarian/English Bibliographer Search Committee 132 Park Library Central Michigan University Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48859 Position is available immediately. Applications will be accepted until position is filled; review of applications will begin on April 17, 2000. Central Michigan University, a public institution offering bachelor through doctoral degrees, has an enrollment of approximately 18,000 on-campus and 12,000 off-campus students. CMU is located in Mt. Pleasant, an attractive city 66 miles north of Lansing, the state capital, and positioned in the center of the lower peninsula, within a one- to three-hour drive from every major population center in the state. Visit the Libraries’ homepage at: CMU, an AA/EO institution, is strongly and actively committed to increasing diversity within its community (see maintenance, and monographs and serials cataloging. The Coordinator of Serials participates as a team member in the Technical Services Depart ment; plans, sets goals and priorities, formulates policies, designs and monitors work flows for the Serials Unit; trains, supervises, evaluates library faculty and staff, prepares administrative and statistical reports, including serials cost projections; keeps abreast of current trends, stan dards, and developments in the serials industry regarding vendor-devel oped services, electronic resources, automated systems and the publish ing industry. The serials unit is composed of one additional professional and six para professional staff members. Excellent benefits package. Fac ulty rank, privileges, and responsibilities; 12-month appointment. Rank/ Salary: Assistant Professor/salary commensurate with experience and qualifications, with a salary range of $40,000-$50,000. Submit application, résumé, and cover letter with names/telephone numbers/addresses/e-mail addresses of three current professional references to: Debra Fairbrother, Administrative Assistant to the Dean, Mississippi State University Li braries, P.O. Box 5408, Mississippi State, MS 39762. Applications ac cepted through March 25,2000, or until suitable applicant is found. For additional information on the Mississippi State University community, see the University’s Web site at: Mississippi State University is a land grant institution and the largest state-supported university in Mississippi. The University is located in Starkv¡lle, Missis sippi. Mississippi State University is an EEO/AA employer. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR/LIBRARIAN AND INFORMATION SPE CIALIST. (New Position— Re-advertisement) Mississippi State Univer sity Libraries and the School of Architecture are seeking an innovative individual fort he position of Assistant Professor/Librarian and Information Specialist to lead the Jackson Center Library, a branch of the University Libraries, serving the fifth year program of the School of Architecture and the state’s architectural practitioners. This is the only program of this type in the United States with a separate fifth year program in an urban setting and is a unique opportunity for the right person. The Center is to be housed in a $4.2 million, historically significant renovation and new construction in the heart of downtown Jackson. This is a tenure-track faculty position and is responsible for the operation and administration of the Jackson Center Library, supervision and arrangement of library collections, use of library online systems and electronic databases, etc. An important aspect of this C&RL N e w s ■ A p r i l 2 0 0 0 / 3 3 5 D IR E C T O R , P R O G R A M D E V E L O P M E N T A m e ric a n L ib ra ry A s s o c ia tio n T h e A m e r ic a n L ib r a r y A s s o c ia tio n s e e k s a D ir e c to r to b e re s p o n s ib le fo r th e d e v e lo p m e n t a n d m a n a g e m e n t o f a c o m p r e h e n s iv e a n d e ffe c tiv e c o n tin u in g e d u c a tio n p ro g ra m a s w e ll a s r e la te d s e r v ic e s fo r m e m b e r s o f th e A m e r ic a n A s s o c ia tio n o f S c h o o l L ib r a r ia n s . T h is in c lu d e s th e o v e r s ig h t fo r a ll e x is t in g A A S L c o n tin u in g e d u c a tio n p ro g ra m s ; B ie n n ia l D iv is io n a l N a tio n a l C o n fe re n c e ; A L A A n n u a l C o n fe r e n c e ; w o r k in g w it h A A S L c o m m itte e s a n d m e m b e rs to d e v e lo p n e w C E p r o g ra m s th ro u g h re g io n a l in s titu te s a n d W e b - b a s e d c o u r s e s ; re s e a rc h fu tu r e a s s o c ia tio n p r o g ra m s , a n d a s s is tin g w ith p r o g r a m d e v e l o p m e n t a n d s p e c ia l p r o je c ts fo r th e Y o u n g A d u lt L ib ra r y S e r v ic e s A s s o c ia tio n . A B A /B S r e q u ire d ; m a s te r ’s d e g r e e w ith a n e m p h a s is o n s c h o o l lib r a r y m e d ia p r o g ra m s p re fe rre d . M u s t h a v e p rio r e x p e r ie n c e in p la n n in g a n d im p le m e n tin g c o n tin u in g e d u c a tio n p ro g r a m s in s c h o o l d is tr ic ts , a s s o c ia tio n s , o r o th e r s im ila r s e ttin g s , a lo n g w ith p r io r e x p e r ie n c e w ith d is ta n c e e d u c a tio n o r W e b - b a s e d C E . A m in im u m o f 3 y e a r s ’ w o r k e x p e r ie n c e in a s c h o o l lib r a r y m e d ia c e n te r , c o n tin u in g e d u c a tio n , o r a s s o c ia tio n e n v ir o n m e n t r e q u ire d . E ffe c tiv e d e c is io n -m a k in g s k ills , a s w e ll a s a p ro v e n a b ility to p la n , b u d g e t, a n d e x e c u te a p r o je c t w ith in e s ta b lis h e d d e a d lin e s , a re e s s e n tia l. W e o ffe r a c o m p e titiv e s a la r y a n d b e n e fits p a c k a g e . F o rw a rd ré s u m é to ; A m e ric a n L ib ra ry A s s o c ia tio n H u m a n R e s o u rc e s /D P D 5 0 E a s t H u ro n St. C h ic a g o , IL 60611 F ax : (3 1 2 ) 9 4 4 -6 7 6 3 T he A L A is a n a ffirm a tiv e a ctio n , e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo y e r th a t e n c o u ra g e s a p p lic a tio n s fro m w o m e n , e th n ic m in o ritie s , v e te ra n s, a n d p e o p le w ith d is a b ilitie s . E L E C T R O N IC P U B L IC A C C E S S S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N Jo h n s H op kin s U niversity T h e M ilto n S . E is e n h o w e r L ib r a ry s e e k s a lib ra ria n to p r o v id e a le a d e rs h ip ro le fo r a ll p u b lic s e r v ic e a s p e c ts o f im p le m e n tin g a n d m a in ta in in g th e e le c tr o n ic d a ta b a s e s a n d fu ll- te x t r e s o u r c e s s e le c te d b y th e R e s o u r c e S e r v ic e s L ib ra ria n s . D u ra tio n o f th e p o s itio n w ill b e th r e e y e a r s . F o r a m o re d e ta ile d d e s c r ip tio n o f th e p o s itio n ’s re s p o n s ib ilitie s a n d q u a lific a tio n s , p le a s e c o n s u lt o u r W e b s ite a t; h ttp ://m ilto n .m s e .jh u .e d u : 8 0 0 1 . M L S fro m a n A L A - a c c re d ite d lib ra r y s c h o o l w ith 2 + y e a r s o f re fe r e n c e a n d c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t e x p e rie n c e in a lib r a ry ( a c a d e m ic r e s e a r c h lib r a r y p r e fe r r e d ) ; s tr o n g le a d e r s h ip a n d lo n g -te rm p la n n in g s k ills ; g o o d c o m m u n ic a tio n a n d n e g o tia tin g s k ills ; k n o w l e d g e o f d a ta b a s e fu n c tio n a lit y a n d in te r fa c e s , P C s , u s e r n e e d s a n d h a b its , lic e n s in g a n d c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t is s u e s , a n d t e c h n ic a l a n d p a tro n a c c e s s is s u e s ; m u s t be c o m m itte d to q u a lity , c lie n t- c e n te r e d s e r v ic e s ; s u p e r v is in g a n d tra in in g e x p e r ie n c e p r e f e rr e d ; w illin g n e s s to w o r k a fle x ib le s c h e d u le th a t in c lu d e s w e e k e n d s a n d e v e n in g s . S e n d ré s u m é a n d c o v e r le tte r in d ic a t in g jo b # S 9 9 - 6 5 3 9 to : J o h n s H o p k in s U n iv e rs ity H o m e w o o d H u m a n R e s o u rc e s 1 1 9 G a rla n d H all B a ltim o re , M D 2 1 2 1 8 F ax: (4 1 0 ) 5 1 6 -2 3 1 4 A p p ro x im a te s ta rtin g s a la ry ra n g e $ 3 5 ,4 3 4 — $ 4 5 ,0 0 0 . E x c e lle n t b e n e fits in c lu d in g tu itio n r e m is s io n . S m o k e fr e e a n d d ru g fr e e . F o r m o re in fo r m a tio n a b o u t J o h n s H o p k in s U n i v e r s ity , s e e o u r W e b s ite ; w w w .jh u . e d u . A A /E O E jo b is p ro v id in g s e rv ic e to p ro fe s s io n a ls th ro u g h o u t th e s ta te . T h is p o s itio n re p o rts to th e D e a n o f L ib r a r ie s a n d /o r th e A s s o c ia te D e a n f o r P u b lic S e rv ic e s a s a p p ro p ria te . D u tie s /R e s p o n s ib ilitie s : T h is p e rs o n m u s t s u p p o rt th e c o m p re h e n s iv e le a rn in g , re s e a rc h , a n d s e rv ic e m is s io n o f M is s is s ip p i S ta te U n iv e r s ity L ib ra rie s ; a d m in is t e r th e J a c k s o n C e n te r L ib ra ry , in c lu d in g s u p e rv is io n o f s ta ff; p e rfo rm re fe r e n c e a n d c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t d u tie s ; t e a c h r e s e a rc h m e th o d s s e m in a r s a n d a s s is t w ith th e s is r e s e a rc h f o r S /A R C fifth - y e a r s tu d e n ts ; p r o v id e a r c h ite c tu r a l a n d o th e r s e r v ic e s to p r o fe s s io n a ls th r o u g h o u t th e s ta te a s w e ll a s o th e r s ta te a g e n c ie s ; a s s is t J a c k s o n S /A R C fa c u lty in p ro v id in g c o n tin u in g e d u c a tio n p ro g ra m s fo r a rc h ite c ts a n d a rc h ite c tu ra l in te rn s ; c o o rd in a te a n d a d m in is te r th e d is p la y o f M S U a r c h iv a l a r c h ite c tu r a l d r a w in g s in th e J a c k s o n C e n te r G a lle r y ; p a r tic ip a te in p r e p a r a tio n o f r e s e a rc h in fo r m a tio n p a m p h le ts a n d p u b lic a tio n s o n G a lle ry s h o w s o rg a n iz e d b y th e J a c k s o n C o m m u n ity D e s ig n C e n te r; a n d a s s is t a n d s u p p o rt, th ro u g h re s e a rc h a n d th e p re p a r a tio n o f r e p o rts , th e s e r v ic e r e s e a rc h p r o g r a m s o f th e J a c k s o n C o m m u n ity D e s ig n C e n te r . O th e r d u tie s in c lu d e s u p p o r tin g d is ta n c e e d u c a tio n c la s s e s a n d th e im p le m e n ta tio n o f W e b -b a s e d in stru ctio n . Q u a li f ic a tio n s : R e q u ire d : M a s te r ’s d e g r e e in a n A L A - a c c r e d ite d p ro g ra m . D o c u m e n te d a n d re c e n t p ro fe s s io n a l lib ra ry e x p e r ie n c e in a n a c a d e m ic e n v ir o n m e n t w h ic h m u s t in c lu d e re fe r e n c e a s s is ta n c e , te a c h in g , a n d s u p e rv is io n o f o th e rs ; u tiliz a tio n o f e m e rg in g te c h n o lo g ie s w ith in te n s iv e w o r k in a n e tw o r k e d te a c h in g a n d le a r n in g e n v ir o n m e n t, in c lu d in g th e In te rn e t, W e b , a n d o th e r m u ltim e d ia a n d e le c tr o n ic r e s o u rc e s ; b ro a d e x p e rie n c e w ith a w id e v a rie ty o f p rin t a n d e le c tro n ic r e fe re n c e m a te ria ls ; d e m o n s tra te d a b ility to w o rk in d e p e n d e n tly , c o lla b o ra te a s a p a rt o f a te a m a n d a s a le a d e r, a s c ir c u m s ta n c e s w a r r a n t; e x c e lle n t o ra l a n d w r itte n c o m m u n ic a tio n /p re s e n ta tio n skills; a n d d e m o n s tra te d in itia tiv e in o u tre a c h a c tiv itie s . M u s t h a v e th e p o te n tia l fo r m e e tin g th e re q u ire m e n ts f o r te n u re a n d p ro m o tio n . H ig h ly D e s ire d : E x p e r ie n c e in a r c h ite c tu r a l m a te r ia ls / m e d ia ; s u p e rv is o ry e x p e rie n c e ; k n o w le d g e o f th e a p p lic a tio n o f n e w te c h n o lo g ie s in th e d e liv e ry o f in s tru c tio n ; g o o d tim e -m a n a g e m e n t sk ills ; W e b p a g e d e v e lo p m e n t e x p e rie n c e ; fa m ilia rity w ith te c h n o lo g y re la te d to W e b - b a s e d in s tru c tio n a n d /o rd is ta n c e le a rn in g ; P h .D . o r a n a d d itio n a l g ra d u a te d e g re e ; a n d e x p e rie n c e d e a lin g w ith a d iv e rs e , m u ltic u ltu ra l, a n d n o n tra d i tio n a l s tu d e n t b o d y . B e n e fits : E x c e lle n t b e n e fits p a c k a g e . F a c u lty ra n k , p riv ile g e , a n d re s p o n s ib ilitie s ; 1 2 -m o n th a p p o in tm e n t. R a n k a n d S a la ry : A s s is ta n t P ro fe s s o r; s a la ry ra n g e $ 3 8 ,0 0 0 - $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 , c o m m e n s u ra te w ith 336 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2000 RESEARCH AND INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN Hartwick College The Stevens-German Library at Hartwick College, a nationally ranked, selective liberal arts and sciences institution, seeks applica tions for a Research and Instructional Ser vices Librarian in an active and growing department. Candidates must have signifi cant instructional skills, an enthusiasm for learning and teaching new technologies, an interest in collection development, particu larly in media, computer sciences, and/or history and ethnic studies. Responsibilities also include traditional reference service and interlibrary loan support. This is a 12-month appointm ent that includes weekend and evening hours. Benefits include TIAA-CREF, 25 days’ annual leave and a selection from a variety of health insurance programs. The position is classified as exempt level 5 and offers a salary range of $27,920-$43,637. QUALIFICATIONS: An MLS from an ALA- accredited program, experience and training in a variety of electronic information resources, and a desire to be part of an instructional team that prepares students to be efficient seekers of information and knowledge. The Stevens-German Library houses a col lection of about 290,000 volumes and pro vides access to 5,000 print and electronic journals, plus many electronic resources such as Lexis-Nexis, Firstsearch, JSTOR, and Pro- Quest. The library is known for its American Indian collection archives, and seminary col lection dating from 1797. Currently the staff includes ten professionals and 12 staff mem bers. Hartwick is an independent, private, liberal arts and sciences college educating approx. 1,400 students. It is located in the foothills of the Catskill mountains an hour west of Albany. Further information is avail able on the Web at: Applicants should send a letter of interest, a résumé, and the names of three references to: Kelly McGraw Director of Human Resources Hartwick College Oneonta, NY 13820 Review of applications will begin April 17, 2000, and continue until the position is filled. Members of under-represented groups are encouraged to apply. Hartwick College is an Equal Opportunity Employer. UN FL IVERSITY O ORIDA F Health Science Center Libraries A ssistant D irector for P ublic Services Seeking strong leader with outstanding management skills to oversee all Public Services, including Circulation, Media Reserve, and Reference Departments. A strong background supervising professional staff is required. Excellent written and oral communication needed to establish division goals and objectives, define needs, and set priorities. The Assistant Director for Public Services (ADPS) will be a member o f the senior management team, participating in developing and implementing new services as well as contributing to long range planning. Professionalism and excellent customer service are essential. In collaboration with other library departments, the ADPS will develop electronic tools and services for improved access to resources for local and distance learners. Other responsibilities include overseeing the library's education and training programs, establishing policy and procedure, and preparing reports. Flexibility, the ability to manage multiple priorities, and interpersonal skills are a must. For a full position description, please visit: R equirem ents: MLS/MLIS from an ALA accredited institution; min. 5 years experience, preferably with increasing responsibility as a librarian in a health science, life science, or academic library; Reference and/or Public Services experience as well as experience supervising professionals. Salary: minimum $45,000; commensurate with qualifications and experience. To Apply: Send resume and the names o f three professional references to Faith A. Meakin, Director; University o f Florida Health Science Center Libraries; PO Box 100206; Gainesville, FL 32610 by May 31,2000. The University o f Florida is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 / 337 RESOURCE SHARING LIBRARIAN American University American University Library invites applications for a temporary Resource Sharing and Distance Education Librarian at the rank of Assistant. The Resource Sharing Librarian is a function coordinator, reporting to the Assistant University Librarian. RESPONSIBILITIES: Serve a s coordinator to plan and manage interlibrary loan and document delivery operations of the University Library. Apply bibliographic expertise to resolve unfilled and difficult interlibrary loan requests. Provide 3 -4 hours' reference service per week and teach in instruction program as appropriate. Work with others (electronic reserves and the electronic resource librarian) to address needs of distant learners. Represent the library at Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC) meetings on resource sharing issues and policy development. Provide day-to- day interpretation of local and Washington Research Library Consortium practices for ILL staff, reference librarians, and library users. Hire, train, and directly supervise three full-time interlibrary loan staff and 4 -5 part-time staff. Work with staff to develop appropriate procedures and policies for automated loan systems such as the Consortium Loan Service, CLIO interlibrary loan management through Voyager, Ariel document delivery, and OCLC including the Interlibrary Loan Fee Management System. Monitor the purchase and delivery of dissertations. Maintain awareness of document delivery options and select vendors to meet document delivery and distance education needs. Be familiar with U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property law relating to library resource sharing. Maintain resource sharing statistics and develop statistical reports. Participate on other library teams as appropriate. Profes sional development and service to the University community expected. REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited MLS. Three years' interlibrary loan and document delivery experience. Strong oral and written communication skills and a commitment to service. Familiarity with OCLC, especially ILL module and knowledge of copyright law as it applies to ILL operations. Ability to balance varied responsibilities and to manage in a team-based environment. Potential to meet tenure requirements in performance of primary responsibilities, professional and creative development, and service. Preferred: Experience with distance education services. SALARY: Commensurate with experience and qualifications. POSITION AVAILABLE: Position available immediately. The American University, incorporated in 1893, offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs, many with international focus, to over 11,000 students. Its proximity to centers of politics, justice, world affairs, communication, science, business, and art in Washington, D.C., enhances the learning environment. The University Library is a team-based organization serving the University through a collection of over 700,000 volumes, 21 library faculty, 52 full-time staff plus over 160 student assistants, and a budget of over $6 million. The University is an active member of the Washington Research Consortium with a shared Endeavor system that includes an online public catalog and numerous bibliographic databases and full-text databases. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, résumé, names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Michele Mikkelsen, Library Personnel Officer American University Library 4400 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, DC 20016-8046 E-mail: The American University is an AA/EEO University committed to a diverse student body, faculty, and staff. Minority and women candidates are encouraged to apply. qualifications and experience. Send application, résumé, and names/ addresses/telephone numbers/e-mail addresses of three professional references to: Debra Fairbrother, Administrative Assistant to the Dean, Mississippi State University Libraries, P.O. Box 5408, Mississippi State, MS 39762. Applications accepted through March 25,2000, or until suitable applicant is found. For information on the Mississippi State University community, the University Libraries, and the School of Architecture, see the University’s Web site at: Mississippi State University is an EEO/AA employer. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR/MONOGRAPHIC CATALOGER. The Mis sissippi State University Libraries seek applications for the tenure-track position of Assistant Professor/Monographic Cataloger. Duties include contributing to the development of a virtual research database by perform- 3 3 8 / C&RL News ■ A p r i l 2000 LIBRARIAN HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT Well known for its reputation for excellence a n d as the largest Catholic university in th e United S tates, D e P a u l U n iv e rsity h a s been educating Chicago for over 100 years. At D ePaul, you'll work in a collaborative environm ent th at lives its values, supports diversity a n d encourages professional developm ent. D ePaul University Libraries in Chicago is seeking qualified applicants for a full-time, professional staff position which reports directly to the Associate Director for Collections a n d Access Services. Pay range: SS0-S55K. RESPONSIBILITIE S INCLUDE: 1) Provide direction a n d o p eratio n al m anagem ent of all technical services functions including acquisitions, serials, cataloging, a n d digital image collections, with responsibility for supervision of m aterials budget encum brance a n d expenditure. 2) Supervise, train, a n d evaluate 1 catalog librarian, 11 full-time Technical Services assistants, an d d epartm ental part-tim e staff. 3) Coordinate Technical Services activities a n d workflow with o ther library functional areas. Serve as ex officio m em ber of the Collection D evelopm ent G roup a n d the Budget Committee. 4) W ork with library adm inistration a n d other dep artm en ts in strategic planning a n d program assessm ent; assist Associate Director in technical services policy making a n d autom ation planning. 5) Prepare m onthly a n d annual departm ental reports; prepare a n d m onitor an n u al departm ental budget requests. 6) Take leadership role, statew ide a n d nationally, in identifying a n d im plem enting new developm ents in the field through active participation in professional organizations. 7) M aintain current aw areness a n d incorporate developm ents in electronic resources m anagem ent within the Technical Services processing functions. REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited MLS; se cond M aster’s degree desirable. M inim um of three years supervisory experience in an a u to m ated technical services environm ent; m inim um of two to three years experience with acquisitions a n d serials functions, with knowledge of fiscal m anagem ent in au to m ated environm ent. Some cataloging experience preferred. Experience with electronic resources m anagem ent highly desirable. Flexibility to accept, m anage a n d incorporate change especially in the electronic environm ent essential. Strong m icrocom puter skills. D em onstrated strong ability to com m unicate orally a n d in writing essential. Ability to foster team w ork in a diverse environm ent essential. D e P a u l U n iv e rsity offers competitive salaries, best-in-class benefits including: life, medical (Blue Cross. Blue Shield), dental, retirem ent plan, generous vacation plan, a n d tuition assistance for yourself a n d d ependents. For im mediate c o n sid eratio n , se n d resu m e a n d letter of in terest to: D o r is B r o w n , D ir e c to r o f L ib ra ries, D e P a u l Library, Job Code: 1 7 5 9 , 2 3 5 0 N . K en m o re, C h ica g o , IL DEPAUL 6 0 6 1 4 . E-m ail: d b r o w n @ w p p o st.d e p a u I.e d u Fax: UNIVERSITY 7 7 3 - 3 2 5 - 7 8 6 9 . D eP au l U niversity is com m itted to diversity a n d equality in education a n d em ploym ent. w w w .d ep au l.ed u ing original and copy cataloging of monographic materials representing all levels of difficulty, all subjects and languages, and all formats according to AACR2R, LCRIs, LCSH, LC classification, and USMARC formats. Performs authority work on names and series in accordance with local and national standards. Solves problems arising from obsolete or incorrect information appearing in bibliographic and holdings records. Provides input for establishing cataloging policies and procedures. Assists para- professional staff in problem solving. Participates in and leads special projects as needed. Meets library and university requirements for promo tion and tenure in the areas of librarianship, research, service, and collegiality. Works with one or more academic units on campus in the capacity of subject bibliographer. Serves as a Cataloging Department resource person on monographic cataloging-related issues. Keeps cur rent on revisions to cataloging rules and trends in cataloging practices. Brings revisions and trends to the attention of the Coordinator of Catalog ing and assists in the implementation of changes in the department. Evaluates the potential use of new services and technologies as requested. Reports to the Coordinator of Cataloging. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program. Experience with an automated library system and a bibliographic utility. High level of familiarity with computers and Windows NT. Must have strong analytical and organizational skills as well as effective interpersonal, collegial, and communication skills (both oral and written). Must be able to set and adjust priorities and workflow in a dynamic and changing environment and accept new challenges in order to realize departmental and library goals. Must demonstrate the ability to work independently as well as part of a development. Preferred: Cataloging course work beyond the core or introductory level. Familiarity with DRA and OCLC. Knowledge of serials cataloging (print and electronic). Familiarity with USMARC format for holdings. Reading knowledge of at least one foreign language. Second master’s degree or Ph.D. preferred. Environ ment: The Technical Services Department is led by the Associate Dean for Technical Services and consists of monographic and serials cataloging, C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 / 339 SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITOR CHOICE Magazine An opportunity exists for a Social Sciences Editor for CHOICE, a leading academic re view journal and online publication of the Association of College and Research Librar ies, a division of the American Library Asso ciation. This position has overall responsibil ity for several social sciences sections of CHOICE including selecting and assigning pu blications fo r review ; editing review s; managing a reviewer pool; commissioning and editing bibliographic essays and special features; representing CHOICE at profes sional conferences. Requirements include: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum two years' professional collection development or user services experience in an academ ic library; educational background or professional experience in the social sci ences; strong editorial, organizational, and computer skills; ability to work under pres sure and adhere to tight deadlines in a team- oriented environment. This position is based in the CHOICE office in Middletown, Connecticut, and reports to the Managing Editor. Salary range: $ 4 2 ,4 6 5 - $65,940, with a competitive benefits pack age. Submit résumé by A p ril 21, 2000, to: Managing Editor CHOICE 100 Riverview Center Middletown, CT 06457 The ALA is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer that encourages applica tions from women, ethnic minorities, veterans, and people with disabilities. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Art Librarian Rutgers U n iv e rs ity Lib ra rie s seeks a d y na m ic ART LIBRARIAN to jo in its hum anities research and re fe re n c e te a m on th e New B ru n s w ic k campuses. The successful candidate w ill focus on reference and in stru ction al interaction w ith s tu d e n ts and fa c u lty and co n c e n tra te on the d e v e lo p m e n t and m a in te n a n c e of e le c tro n ic research to ols in relevant subject areas. The Art L ib r a r y is h o u s e d in a m o d e r n , s p a c io u s e le ctron ica lly equipped new build in g, adjacent to the A rt H is to ry d e p a rtm e n t and connected to the fa m o u s Z im m e rli M u s e u m . A L A /M L S required and an advanced degree in art history; k n o w le d g e o f a fo re ig n la nguage, p re fe ra b ly French, German and/o r Italian. Appt. w ill be at the rank of Librarian III or IV depending upon q u a lification s. Salary is negotiable, dependent upon experience and q u a lific a tio n s; m in im u m salary for Librarian III is $41,751 & Librarian IV is $ 3 4 ,7 8 7 . The com plete position profile is at h ttp ://w w w .libra ries.rutge rs.e du/ under “News & and Events’ . C a n d id a te s a p p ly in g by A p r il 2 8 , 2 0 0 0 w ill receive firs t consideration. S ub m it resume, c o v e r le tte r, and nam es o f th ree re fe re n ce s to: Sandra Troy (APP 142), Libraries Personnel O ffic e r , R u tg e rs U n iv e r s ity L ib r a r ie s , 1 6 9 C o lle g e A v e n u e , N ew B r u n s w ic k , NJ 0 8 9 0 1 -1 1 6 3 ; FAX 7 3 2 -9 3 2 -7 6 3 7 ; e-m ail: EOE/AA Employer R THE ST U ATE UNIVER TG SITY O E F NE R W JER S SEY database maintenance, and monographic and serials acquisitions. The Cataloging Department is committed to creating timely, accurate, and full bibliographic access to library-provided resources. The monographic cataloging unit is composed of one additional professional and three para professional staff members. Mississippi State University is a land grant institution and the largest state-supported university in Mississippi. The university is located in Starkv¡lle, Mississippi. Excellent benefits package. Faculty rank, privileges, and responsibilities; 12-month appoint ment. Rank/Salary: Assistant Professor; salary range $28,000-$30,000, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Submit application, résumé, and names/addresses/phone numbers/e-mail addresses of three professional references to: Debra Fairbrother, Administrative Assistant to the Dean, M ississippi State University Libraries, P.O. Box 5408, Missis sippi State, MS 39762. Applications accepted through March 25,2000, or until suitable applicant is found. For additional information on the Missis sippi State University community, see the University’s Web site at http:// Mississippi State University is an AA/EEO employer. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR/UNIVERSITY ARCHIVIST AND COOR DINATOR OF THE SPECIAL COLLECTIONS DEPARTMENT. The Mississippi State University Libraries seek a creative, innovative and energetic team player for the position of Associate Professor/University Archivist and Coordinator of the Special Collections Department. The position will provide direct supervision for the University Archives Division and leadership and coordination for three divisions of the Special Collec tions Department: Mississippiana and Rare Books, Manuscripts, and University Archives. This is a tenure-track faculty position at Associate Professor rank, with full faculty privileges and responsibilities, which reports to the Dean of Libraries. The position further requires leadership in the cultivation and interpretation of the unique resources of the Special Collections Department that will contribute to a university-supported goal of attaining Association of Research Libraries membership for the Missis sippi State University Libraries. Description: With broad collecting spe cialties in the history of Mississippi, the South, and Mississippi State University, the library has built a solid research collection with strengths in journalism and the mass media, architecture, military history, politics, women’s history, education, agriculture, engineering, and other subjects related to the land grant mission of Mississippi State University. The collection includes some 40,000 books, periodicals, and other publications, substantial collections of photographs and vertical files of ephemera, 8,000 linear feet of manuscripts, and 4,700 linear feet of official University records and faculty papers. Staffing: Two full-time faculty, three full-time staff members, and 8-1 0 student assistants. Responsibilities: The University Archivist/Coordinator of Special Collections will lead the department in planning and carrying out all aspects of program development, including: expanding and refining the departmental collection development policy, evaluating archival and manuscript collections, and extending and enhanc ing the donor relations program; implementing a solid public relations program, including the development of publications, exhibits, and other interpretive products; conservation of materials; technological applica tions, including computer applications, retrospective conversion of collec- 340 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 FOUR POSITIONS Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library Atlanta University Center, Inc., Robert W. Woodruff Library invites applications for two administrative positions and two reference positions. The Woodruff Library, a modern information and research center, is designed to meet the diverse undergraduate and graduate needs of Clark Atlanta University, The Interdenominational Theological Center, Morehouse, Morris Brown, and Spelman Colleges. This consortium of academic institutions serves students matriculating on the undergraduate through the doctoral levels, in conjunction with the Morehouse School of Medicine. POSITIONS AVAILABLE: 1. Assistant Library Director for Public Services — The position reports directly to the Director of Library Services of the Woodruff Library; supervises Reference/Government Documents, the Dow Jones Business Center, the Curriculum Materials Center, Serials/Microfilm, Interlibrary Loans, and the Circulation Department. Characteristics for the position include a master’s or Ph.D. degree from an ALA-accredited library program; at least seven years of dem onstrated strong management responsibility in a research library; commitment to innovative approaches for information services; ability to synthesize traditional collections with new technologies; excellent written and oral communication skills; and the ability to provide energetic leadership. Minimum starting salary $55,000. Salary is negotiable, based on experience, skills, and proven quality performance. 2. Assistant Library Director for Access Services — The position reports directly to the Director of Library Services of the Woodruff Library. This infrastructure core for access services supervises Information Systems, Technical Services (Acquisitions, Gifts, Exchange, Cataloging, and Classifica tion), and User Education. Characteristics for the position include a master’s or Ph.D. from an ALA- accredited library program; at least seven years’ experience in a technology environment or a degree in computer science, engineering, or related technical field, with at least five years' experience in programming, Web site development, telecommunications, and the ability to adapt experience to libraries research and their professional constituency needs; must be able to multitask in a fast-paced environment; must have excellent English written and oral communication skills. This position requires a high degree of communication with members of the technical team and the state academic community; strong organizational skills to facilitate services and manage change in the infrastructure core of services; at least three years of technical writing experience, with the ability to generate high- quality documents. Minimum starting salary $55,000. Salary is negotiable, based on experience, skills, and proven quality performance. (continued on next page) tions to MARC format, finding aid conversion (EAD and SGML), and digitizing of collections; facilities management, including the enhance ment of security, environmental controls, and work spaces. In addition, the Coordinator will be responsible for budgeting, personnel management, and grants planning and management fo r the department. Additional responsibilities include continued growth as a faculty member in the areas of teaching, research, and service; participation in library collection devel opment; participation in library outreach programs. The responsibilities of the University Archivist component of the position include: accessioning and processing of all pertinent University material and making such material available for research and University administrative needs; for expanding the holdings of the University Archives by soliciting pertinent materials from University faculty, staff, alumni, and other sources; coordi nation of the University Records Management program in accordance with records management guidelines as established by the laws of the state of Mississippi for state agencies; coordination of the University Oral History Program; supervision of the staff and student assistants assigned to the University Archives division; participation with other Special Collections faculty and staff in providing reference service, including during extended hours on a rotating basis. Qualifications: Required: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program with course work in archival administration or a master’s degree in a related field; at least five years of progressively responsible experience in managing special collections and/orarchives in an academic environment; knowledge of archival standards, especially those relating to conservation; familiarity with digital technology; commit ment to collaboration and public service; strong communication and inter personal skills; superior organizational skills and the ability and willing ness to work independently within a team environment and the ever- changing dynamics of a library and university environment. Preferred: Subject Ph.D. Excellent benefits package. Faculty rank, privileges, and responsibilities; 12-month appointment. Salary: Commensurate with quali fications and experience. Submit application, résumé, and names/ad­ dresses/telephone numbers/e-mail addresses of three work references to: Debra Fairbrother, Administrative Assistant to the Dean, Mississippi State University Libraries, P.O. Box 5408, Mississippi State, MS 39762. Applications accepted through March 25,2000, or until suitable applicant is found. For more information on the Mississippi State University commu nity, see the university’s Web site at Mississippi State University is an EEO/AA employer. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION/INFORMATION COMPETENCY LIBRARIAN/ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. Palomar College, one o f the largest community colleges in the state of California, is located in San Marcos, 30 miles north of San Diego. We are recruiting for a tenure-track, 10-month/year Librarian/Assistant Professor in Bibliographic Instruction/ Information Competency, to begin July 1,2000. Annual starting salary range: $34,110-$55,162 depending on academic training and experience. Complete details are available on our Web site, or you may call our 24-hour job request line at (760) 744-1150ext. 4182 to request an announcement and application. First screening deadline: 4/21/2000. Palomar College, 1140 W. Mission Rd. San Marcos, CA 92069. EO/AAE. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. The University of Alabama Libraries is seeking candidates f o r the position of Catalog Librarian. Responsibilities: To provide original and complex copy cataloging of serials (both print and nonprint) and monographic audiovisual and other special materials; per form editing of OCLC member-input copy in the appropriate MARC formats; establish name and series authority records through the NACO system; create holdings records online using MARC holdings format; assist with the formulation and review of policies and procedures in the department; work with interns from the School of Library and Information Studies; reports to the Head, Serials/Non-books Cataloging Unit of the Catalog Department. Qualifications: Required: MLS degree accredited by ALA; familiarity with standard cataloging tools; good organizational, com- C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 / 341 (continued from previous page) 3. Reference Business Librarian — This position reports directly to the head of Reference Services. Applicant must possess a master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library program, with at least three years’ in-depth experience in a business library or department. An additional degree in business or extensive experience working with the disciplines of business or economics Is a plus. The responsibilities include the management and enhancement of the Dow Jones business center at the W oodruff Library; serve as business reference librarian to support the reference, research, and Instructional needs of a culturally diverse campus community; participate In the full range of reference and instructional duties which include staffing of the Dow Jones Center and the centralized reference desk to provide quality services to undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff during day, evening, and weekend hours; develop bibliographic guides and Internet tools; serve as liaison to departments in the school of business and economics to develop print, media, and Internet tools; flexibility to handle varied general reference activities at a busy centralized reference desk; excellent written and oral skills required. Minimum starting salary $36,000. 4. Reference Science Librarian — This position reports directly to the head of Reference Services. Applicant must possess a master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library program, with three years' in-depth experience with print and electronic resources in the sciences. An additional degree in science is a plus. Characteristics for the position include: knowledge of current and emerging information technologies; ability to work independently and in a team environment; active involvement and instructions in the development of online course material; serve as the primary liaison between the library and the departments of biology, chemistry, mathematics, natural sciences, and physics; provide quality research and resource support for students and faculty during day, evening, and weekend hours; develop bibliographic guides and Internet tools; flexibility to handle varied general reference activities at a busy centralized reference desk; excellent written and oral skills required. Minimum starting salary $36,000. To Apply: Send a letter of application summarizing relevant experience, a current résumé, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of five references to: Ann Clarke Human Resources Administrator Atlanta University Center, Inc. Robert W. Woodruff Library 111 James P. Brawley Drive, SW Atlanta, GA 30314 Phone: (404) 978-2080 munication, interpersonal, and computer skills; evidence of potential to meet University requirements for promotion and tenure. Preferred: Expe rience in cataloging using automated library systems such as OCLC and Voyager highly desirable; experience in cataloging serial/non-book mate rials and Internet resources; knowledge of one or more Western European languages; experience with NACO authority work; Web site development skills. Salary/Benefits: This is a 12-month, tenure-track, entry-level position and will be filled at the Instructor or Assistant Professor rank. Minimum Salary: $26,000/lnstructor and $28,600/Assistant Professor. Strong ben efits, substantial moving allowance may be available. The University of Alabama Libraries holds membership in ARL, CRL, SOLINET, CNI, NACO, and the Network of Alabama Academic Libraries and employs the Voyager integrated library system. The Libraries’ Web site can be viewed at To Apply: Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Voni B. Wyatt, Personnel Officer, The University of Alabama Libraries, Box 870266, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0266. Applications received by April 30, 2000, are assured of receiving consideration. The University of Alabama is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. CATALOGER/TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Vanguard Uni versity, an evangelical Christian liberal arts university sponsored by the Assemblies of God, invites applications for the position of Cataloger/ Technical Services Librarian. We are seeking a faculty member with firm Christian commitment who wishes to integrate faith and learning. Tenure- track faculty appointment, full-time beginning August 2000. Responsibili ties: Cataloging, collection development, shared reference duties and user instruction with three other librarians, some evening and weekend hours. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge of current cataloging standards; experience using LC classification, OCLC, and transferring MARC records to an OPAC; ability to perform original cataloging; expe rience using ANSCR; experience using electronic information technologies; ability to work as a team member; proactive attitude of service; demonstrated skills in written and oral communication and interpersonal relations; commitment to professionalism and the college community. Desirable Qualifications: second master’s degree or Ph.D., academic library experience. Minimum Salary: $30,568; commensurate with qualifi cations and experience. Competitive benefits package. Send letter of interest, résumé, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references we may contact to: Alison English, Chair, Search Committee, O. Cope Budge Library, Vanguard University, 55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Preliminary review of applications will end on April 30, 2000; applications accepted until position is filled. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR. Health Sciences Center Library, Emory University, Atlanta. This newly created position has two major areas of responsibility. 1) Develop and lead the library’s depart mental liaison program, including coordinating and supporting the work of departmental liaisons, as well as training and mentoring liaisons. Duties in this area: Evaluate the liaison program, and facilitate communication and promote awareness with the campus community about library services and collection. 2) Provide leadership in the development and evaluation of library collections. Duties: Determine collection development needs and priorities, maintain and implement collection development policy, coordi nate cooperative/collaborative collection development efforts, participate in acquiring and accessing electronic resources, coordinate the technical and business arrangements for electronic resources including maintain ing license agreements and files, work closely with the Cataloging and Collection Management Department, and participate in the annual alloca tion of the library materials budget. Reports to the Head, Reference Services, staffs the information desk a minimum of five hours per week, including evenings and weekends, as well as assists in user instruction. Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s in Library and Information Sci ence, knowledge of information technologies and collection development 3 4 2 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2000 LOYOLA/NOTRE DAME Director o f the Library The Board of Trustees of Loyola/Notre Dame Library, Inc. invites nominations and applications for the position of Director of the Library. The Library serves two colleges in Maryland, Loyola College and The College of Notre Dame. Reporting to an independent Board of Trustees, the Director supervises 40 professional and support staff and 35 student assistants, and acts as the library’s representative and advocate with Loyola’s and Notre Dame’s faculty, students and administration. The Director of the Library will provide leadership and vision to guide this jointly ch artered library into the tw enty-first century, lead the development of the next library master plan, participate in pending renovations, and work closely with faculty, students, and administrations to integrate the Library with other academic activities at the two institutions. Loyola College and the College of Notre Dame are located geographically adjacent to each other and have shared library facilities since 1973. Loyola was founded in 1852 as a Jesuit institution, and currently has approxim ately 3200 undergraduate stu d e n ts and 430 faculty. In addition, graduate programs serve approximately 3000 additional students. The College of Notre Dame, founded in 1873 as an independent Roman Catholic women’s college, has a full-time student population of 670 and approximately 1600 part­ time students. Graduate students number 900. Located in the northern outskirts of Baltimore, the campuses of the two institutions are easily accessible. The 400,000 volume collection is housed in the shared library facility which maintains an on-line catalog; the library holds m embership in the Maryland Interlibrary Consortium, serving five local independent colleges. The successful candidate will possess a Master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited institution, with additional advanced dcgrcc(s) preferred. The Director will dem onstrate a record of progressively responsible administrative experience in academic or research libraries, including skills in setting priorities and long-range goals, marshalling resources, and motivating staff. Familiarity with computing systems and emerging technologies is critical as is the capacity to work in a collegial m anner with faculty, staff, and students from two different institutions with off-campus programs. Review of credentials will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Please submit nominations and expressions of interest in confidence, to; Director of the Library Loyola/Notre Dame c/o Educational Management Networlt/Witt/Kieffer 98 Old South Road Nantucket, MA 02554 Educational Management Network, a division of Witt/Kieffer, is supporting the Loyola/Notre Dame Library with this search. Requests for a copy of the Position Specification or questions may be directed to Nancy G. Whitcomb 508-228-6700 or via e-mail at Loyola College a n d the College o f N otre D a m e are E qual Opportunity, Affirm ative A ction Employers a n d encourage applications fro m a n d nom inations o f women a n d m inority candidates. Educational M anagement Network/W itt/K ieffer issues/trends, ability to work effectively a s a colla bo ra tor and team leader, good co m m unication skills, good skills In planning, analysis, evaluation, and budget managem ent, and health sciences library and public services experience preferred. Minim um Salary: $40,000. Send application, résumé , and co n ta ct in form atio n fo r three referen ces to: K athy T o rre n te , Health Sciences Center L ibrary, Emory University, 1 46 2 Clifton Rd. NE, Atlanta, G A 30322. Scre en in g begins M arch 1 5,2 00 0, and will co ntin ue until the position is filled. E m ory U niversity is an Affirm ative A ctlon/Equal O pportu­ nity Employer. A co m p le te description is posted at http://ww w.em WHSCUcdjob.htm. C O L L E C T IO N D E V E L O P M E N T L IB R A R IA N . Tw e lve -m o n th , ten u re - tra ck a p p o in tm e n t beg in ning J u ly 2 000. M a n ag e acqu isitio n s, serials, budgets, and licensing agree m e nts; integrate e lectron ic reso urce s into a ccess system s: supervise staff; p rovide reference in rotation schedule; teach inform ation literacy: help plan library expansion and deve lo p Initia­ tives in dynam ic environm ent. Qualifications: ALA-M LS; liberal arts back­ ground with wid e-ranging research Interests; 1 -2 years' relevant e xperi­ ence in an academ ic library with integrated online library systems; dem on­ strated abilities with O CLC, A AC R2, M AR C form ats, W eb page creation, and deskto p app lica tio ns; d em on strate d re feren ce and tea ch ing skills; expe rie n ce with b udgets and licensing agreem ents; excellent org an iza ­ tional and interpersonal skills; evidence o f ability to m eet require m e nts for promotion and tenure. S en d a letter of application, résum é , transcripts, and three co n fid en tia l letters o f re feren ce to: Dr. Th o m a s Iverson, Provost, C e n tra l C o lle g e , 612 University Street, Pella, IA 50219; see full position descriptlonatwww R eview of applications begins im mediately. AA/EOE. C O L LE C T IO N M A N A G E M E N T AR C H IV IST. (Search extended) Pres­ byterian H istorical Society, P resbyterian C hurch (U.S . A.). R esponsiblll- tle s:T h e collection m anagem ent archivist accessions and acknowledges C&RL N ew s ■ A p r il 2000 / 343 INSTRUCTION/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN American University Am erican University Library invites applications for a tenure-track Instruction Librarian at the rank of Assistant Librarian. RESPO NSIBILITIES: Join a com m itted team of library faculty providing leadership in developing an innovative instruction program to m eet the needs of the university. Recent initiatives include: active collaboration with teaching faculty, creation of an online tutorial, and an ongoing series of sessions on use of the online catalog and database services through the library’s Voyager-based ALADIN system, the Internet, and other electronic resources. A cam pusw ide inform ation literacy initiative is u n d e rw a y . As a m em ber of the Instruction Team , serve as a resource for library colleagues participating in library instruction, help instruction team design and im plem ent instruction activities, and participate in overall instruction program. Develop and present workshops for library users, staff, and faculty that respond to diversity of cultural needs, learning styles, and subject areas represented by the campus com m unity. C oordinate im plementation of libraryw ide initiatives including the inform ation literacy program. Devise strategies for prom oting and marketing instruction to faculty and students on campus and at remote sites. Participate as a mem ber of the reference team, including providing se rvice at the reference desk and contributing to the collection developm ent program. Provide research assistance in the use of the online catalog, the Web, and other electronic and print resources. REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited MLS; a minimum of three years’ library experience preferably in bibliographic instruction. A passion for teaching and library outreach. Extensive experience with online instruction. O utstanding interpersonal and com m unication skills. Strong public service ethic; collaborative skills. Preferred: Degree in education o r instructional tech no lo g y-re la te d field. Expe rience with instructional design, W eb authoring, distance education, and w orking in a team environment. SALARY: C om m ensurate with experience and qualifications. POSITION AVAILABLE: Position available im mediately. The Am erican University, incorporated in 1893, offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs, many with international focus, to over 11,000 students. Its proxim ity to centers of technology, politics, justice, w orld affairs, com m unication, science, business, and art in the W ashington, D.C., area enhances the learning environm ent. The U niversity Library is a team -based organization serving the University through a collection of over 700,000 volumes, 20 library faculty, 52 full-tim e staff plus over 160 student assistants, and a budget of over $6 million. The University is an active m em ber of the W ashington Research C onsortium with a shared Endeavor system th a t includes an online public catalog and numerous bibliographic databases and full-text databases. Review of applications will begin im m ediately and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, résumé, names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Michele Mikkelsen, Library Personnel Officer American University Library 4400 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, DC 20016-8046 E-mail: m m ikkel@ am The American University is an AA/EEO University committed to a diverse student body, faculty, and staff. Minority and women candidates are encouraged to apply. incoming transfers and donations of Church records and personal papers; manages the records centers; and processes, describes, preserves, and provides reference sen/ice in the collections of the Presbyterian Historical Society. Provides advice and training to church constituencies on records issues and oral history, through workshops, exhibits, and handouts, and supports the oral history program. T rains and supervises part-time and temporary staff. Reports to the Manager of Technical Services. Minimum Qualifications: Master’s in library science or history with an emphasis in archival administration or master’s in archival management. Certified Archivist preferred. Three to five years of archival experience, including work with organization records, or equivalent combination of education and experience. Ability to shift 40 lb. boxes. Desired Qualifications: Knowledge of computer applications in archives, including word processing, data bases, MARC cataloging, SGML, EAD. Skill in communication (both written and verbal), public speaking, and creative problem solving. Salary: Starting salary range $37,000-$40,000with generous benefits and moving expenses. To Apply: Send letter of application, résumé, and names, ad dresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to: 344 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2000 DIRECTOR OF HEGE LIBRARY Guilford College Greensboro, North Carolina Guilford College, a four-year liberal arts college founded by the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in 1837, is seeking a creative and energetic leader as director of Hege Library. The library has a dedicated staff that serves the 1,100 main-campus students and 400 continuing-education students in a spacious facility, most recently expanded and renovated in 1989. Holdings include over 200,000 volumes, more than 900 periodical subscriptions, microforms and nonprint media and computer information/research workstations. The library is a member of a library consortium and network of five area private colleges. The director must be committed to public service, consortial and cooperative agreements, and electronic access. The applicant should demonstrate a broad understanding of current academic technologies, including the variety of resources and the modes of delivery. It is expected that the director of the library will collaborate with the director of Information Technology and Services. The candidate should be active in scholarly and professional organizations. The person should be an effective communicator who will work closely with faculty colleagues. Skill in budget management is essential, as is commitment to staff development. Competitive salary, faculty status. Reports to the Vice President and Academic Dean. Hege Library houses the Friends Historical Collection, a Quaker archives and library that serves an international community. Media Services, which manages audiovisual equipment and materials, is also in the library. The director is expected to incorporate the needs of both of these departments in library planning. Candidates are expected to have the MLS degree and administrative and supervisory experience in an academ ic library. Applicants should subm it a curriculum vita and three letters of recommendation to: Joyce Eaton Assistant to the Vice President and Academic Dean Guilford College 5800 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27410 E-mail: Applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. Quakers, persons of color, and other minorities are encouraged to apply. AA/EOE Collection Management Archivist Search, Presbyterian Historical Soci ety, 425 Lombard St., Philadelphia, PA19147. Review of applications will begin on April 17,2000, and continue until the position is filled. Presbyte rians and non-Presbyterians alike encouraged to apply. AA/EOE. COLLECTION MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN. Julia Rogers Library, Goucher College. Provides leadership in developing, managing, and promoting the collections of the Julia Rogers Library. Supervises the work of acquisitions and periodicals operations. Coordinates the library liaison program. Participates in the delivery of reference and instructional ser vices, including evenings and weekends. Reports to the College Librarian. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. At least two years’ collection man agement experience. Awareness of national trends in scholarly communi cation, experience evaluating electronic resources, and experience with technology applications in academic libraries. Strong service orientation and/or public service experience, sensitivity to the concerns of a liberal arts college library and its users, and the ability to communicate a strong library image. Excellent oral and written communication skills, a positive interper sonal style, the ability to work independently and as part of a team, flexibility, initiative, creativity, and strong analytical skills. Position is available August 2000. Review of applications will begin May 1,2000, and continue until position is filled. Goucher College is a private, highly selective liberal arts college of about 1,200undergraduate students and 300 graduate students, located on a 287-acre campus near Baltimore and an hour’s drive from Washington, D.C. The Julia Rogers Library holds approximately 300,000 volumes, 1,200 current periodicals subscriptions, and many Web-based and other electronic resources. Resources are supplemented by the newly developed Maryland Digital Library. Planning is underway for extensive renovation and expansion of the library. Notable special collections include the Burke Jane Austen Collection. Further information may be found at: Please send letter of application, résumé, and the names of three references to: Nancy Magnuson, College Librarian, Goucher College, 1021 Dulaney Valley Road, Baltimore, MD 21204. EOE. COORDINATOR FOR NETWORKED SERVICE INTEGRATION. Responsibilities: The Coordinator for Networked Service Integration works within the Systems Team and reports to the Head. This position is one of four faculty positions in the Systems Team, along with six permanent staff positions. Systems is a service-oriented team that develops, maintains, and supports an array of networked services as well as the Libraries’ widely distributed information technology infrastructure. As a member of the Systems Team, this position is expected to provide leadership in the planning and development of technology-based user sen/ices as outlined below. Participating in an environment of Librarywide collaboration, and in a collegial atmosphere within the Systems Team, this person will: coordi nate UTK Libraries’ Web-based services: implement UTK Libraries’ Web catalog interface (currently OCLC Site Search interface to epixtech Hori zon database): implement interfaces to remote catalogs (e.g., Law Library, Information Alliance): work with other Library teams to initiate network services that form our “patron empowerment” strategy: maximize the interoperability of our many systems; participate in a team-based imple mentation of our integrated library system ; interact with campus computing units and technology vendors; may involve supervision. Required Qualifi cations: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution. Relevant professional- level technology experience (academic library preferred). Evidence of C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 / 345 DIRECTOR, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES New York University Libraries Applications are invited for the position of Director, Information Technology Services at New York University Libraries. The position will have oversight of strategic decisionmaking for information technology for all Division of Libraries services, including NYU Press and TV and Media Services, and will collaborate with NYU Information Technology Services in choosing technologies and establishing technical directions. Reporting directly to the Dean of Libraries, the Libraries Director of Information Technology Services is part of the Libraries senior management team. The position will have line responsibility for Library Systems, Digital Library Development, Database Management, and the Electronic Resources Center. The position has direct oversight responsibility for planning and managing the Libraries integrated management system, a GEAC Advance system. In addition, the position will have responsibility for coordinating and facilitating related Libraries information technology activities, including: the technical development support for Web-based services, technical development support for Libraries com puter-based instructional and research services (e.g., use of electronic texts), computing support for the NYU Press, and for the transition from analog to digital delivery of media services by the Libraries Avery Fisher Center and its Campus TV and Media Services. QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’s degree and a minimum of seven years of related information technology experience, including at least five years of progressively responsible management of computing and information technology services; demonstrated leadership capabilities in strategic planning, complex project management, budget analysis, personnel management, and team leadership. Working knowledge of library automation systems, library and information standards, and digital library developments, as well as familiarity with end-user perspectives and related advanced degree, are preferred. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS: Compensation is competitive and includes excellent benefits including generous health and retirement annuity plans, tuition remission for self and eligible family members and five weeks' vacation/personal leave. Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Janet Koztowski Director of Human Resources New York University Libraries 70 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012 NYU encourages applications from women and members of minority groups. Applications received by April 30, 2000, will be given full consideration. excellent written and oral communication skills and ability to work collegially. Demonstrated experience managing complex projects. Demonstrated ability with one or more of the following programming environments: Java, SQL, Perl, C++, or similar level language. Understanding of network standards and protocols. Knowledge of developments and trends in infor mation systems. Preferred Qualifications: Knowledge of the Z39.50 stan dard. Demonstrated familiarity with UN IX server environment. Experience with an integrated library system. Experience with OCLC SiteSearch software. This is a tenure-track appointment. Library faculty must meet University requirements for promotion and tenure. Annual leave is accrued at the rate of two days per month and sick leave at the rate of one day per month. Salary: Asst. Prof., $45,000 minimum; Assoc. Prof., $52,000 mini mum. Please send letter of application, a current résumé, and the names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of three recent references to: Jill Keally, Head, Library Support Services, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1015 Volunteer Blvd., Knoxville, TN 37996-1000; fax: (423) 974-4696. Review of applications will begin May 15,2000, and continue until the position is filled. Additional information about this position and the UTK community is available at cnsi.html. UTK is an EEO/AA/Title Vl/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA employer institution in the provision of its education and employment programs and services. DIGITALSERVICES COORDINATOR. University of Houston Libraries. Responsibilities: Coordinates design, development, maintenance, and technical support for an extensive and growing Internet Web site, and a small intranet Web site. Oversees technical support for a cooperative Innovative Interfaces INNOPAC system that is shared by four independent libraries on three campuses (a new Java-client version of the system will be implemented in 2000-2001). Manages technical support for emerging digital initiatives, such as digitization projects. Supervises two exempt professionals. For a more detailed position announcement: http:// Qualifications: Required: Master’s de gree from an ALA-accredited library school; work experience that demon strates the ability to organize, design, and develop attractive and effective operational Web sites (not student projects; experience does not need to be in a systems department). Ability to work cooperatively with all levels of staff. Excellent communication skills. Ability to effectively set and attain goals in a fast-paced, constantly changing environment. Preferred: Integrated library system support experience, management experience, Web (or other) editorial experience, and/or academic (or other) training in informa tion technology. Salary: $37,000. Comprehensive benefits package. Appli cation Deadline: Nominations or applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send letter of application, names of three references, and résumé to: John Lehner, Library Human Resources Director, M.D. Ander son Library, University of Houston Libraries, Houston, T× 77204-2091. The University of Houston is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. DIRECTOR. Responsible for all areas of library services. Requirements: MLS from ALA-accredited program; minimum five years’ increasingly responsible academic library experience; current cataloging skills; expe rience budgeting, hiring, working with faculty; knowledge of OCLC/RLIN 346 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 HEAD, COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Research Library The Getty Research Institute The Getty Research Institute — an international research center with an extensive world art library, a research and education program, and programs in publications, exhibitions, and other public activities— seeks nominations and applications for a Head of Collection Development for its Research Library. Current holdings of the library include 800,000 volumes of books, serials, and art auction catalogs; two million study photographs; extensive special collections, including rare books and prints, documentary photographs, and manuscript and archival collections; and a growing body of electronic resources. The Research Library serves an international research community and the programs of the Getty Trust. (The Getty Research Institute Web site address is: Working under broad direction, the Head of the Collection Development Department reports to the Chief Librarian. Plans, directs, and manages the intellectual building and shaping of the Research Library’s collections. Fiscal responsibility for acquisitions funds. Manages a department of a senior collections curator, collections curators, a bibliographer, and support staff. Participates in the coordination and management of all library operations. Works closely with Research Library management to ensure the proper processing, cataloging, housing, conservation, and supervision of use of all collection materials. Oversees the coordinated development of exhibitions, seminars, and publications by department staff. Develops proposals for acquisitions, exhibitions, seminars, and publications in own field of subject expertise. Regular domestic and international travel. QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D. degree in art history or related discipline or an ALA-accredited MLS degree plus a graduate degree in art history or an equivalent combination of education and experience. Reading skills in two or more foreign languages and conversational skills in one foreign language. Eight to ten years' managerial experience in a complex academic or research library, which includes the curatorial development and management of collections of rare and special materials, the supervision of curators and/or other professional staff, and the development and control of budgets required. Proven ability in the intellectual defining and shaping of a large collection composed of rare and special materials in a variety of media. Knowledge of special collections markets and antiquarian materials. Donor relations experience. Must be an open, communicative, and confident professional and have outstanding interpersonal skills; excellent managerial, organizational, supervisory, and written and verbal communication skills; a keen intellect, intellectual curiosity, a fundamental affinity for dealing with complex issues where many criteria matter but to varying degrees to different constituencies; and the ability to bring differing constituencies to consensus. AVAILABILITY: The review of applications will begin May 15,2000, and will continue until a candidate is selected. Salary: Commensurate with experience. Excellent benefits package. Interested parties are invited to submit a letter of application and résumé to: Personnel Coordinator The Getty Research Institute 1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90049-1688 and automated catalogs; strong communication skills; ability to formulate and carry out a vision for the library. Preferred: Two years’ experience directing small college library; knowledge of health sciences. More com plete details available at “employment” Position open until filled. Send letter of application, résumé, and names and addresses of three references to: Dr. Juan García, Vice President for Academic Affairs, C ollege of Saint Mary, 1901 South 72nd Street, Omaha, NE68124. EOE. DIR EC TO R O F LIB R A R Y S ER VIC ES. Concordia University in River Forest is seeking to hire a full-time Director of Library Services. This person will provide administrative leadership of library operations, which includes developing local collections and access to other library collec tions and electronic databases; preparation and administration of the Library Services budget; and working closely with Information Services personnel and the university faculty in planning and providing necessary support of the curriculum and goals of the University. This position does require commitment to Lutheran education and values congruent with the Lutheran Church. Qualifications include: An ALA-approved MLS or MLIS degree (an additional advanced degree preferred); several years of aca demic library experience, some of which is administrative; experience with the application of new technologies related to library sen/ices and informa tion access. Salary commensurate with experience. We offer an excellent benefits package, which includes full health, dental, vision, tuition assis tance, retirement. For immediate consideration, please mail, fax, ore-mail letters of interest and résumé to: Pam Chrusciel, Director of Human Resources, Concordia University, 7400 Augusta St., River Forest, IL 60305. Fax: (708)209-3176. E-mail: DIVISION HEAD, ARCHIVES & SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. Instructor/ Assistant Professor (tenure track). City College of New York Library/ CUNY, New York, New York. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, with course work in archives, cataloging, and conservation/preservation. Two years’ experience in an archival repository working with special collections, rare books, and manuscripts desired. Assistant Professor rank requires a second master’s degree. $29,997-$57,047, commensurate with qualifica tions and experience. Closing Date: April 30,2000. Appointment effective 9/1/2000. Complete position details at: archivist.html. Résumé and three letters of recommendations to: Professor Pamela Gillespie, e-mail: ELECTRONIC ACCESS/PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Full-time, twelve-month, entry-level position. Responsible for implementation and maintenance of the library’s electronic resources and Web page develop ment. Participates in bibliographic instruction, the development of instruc- C&RL N ew s ■ A p r il 2000 / 347 H e a d o f R e f e r e n c e S e r v ic e s in the L a m o n t L ib r a r y R e f e r e n c e L ib r a r ia n in the L a m o n t L ib r a r y T he Lam ont Library in the Harvard College Library, Harvard University, is building a Reference and Instructional Services program for the future! Lamont Library has recently celebrated its 50th anniversary as the first independently established undergraduate library in the nation. To build on this strong tradition, we are seeking candidates with the highest com m itm ent to public services and the experience and innovative spirit to collaborate widely in meeting the challenges o f reference and instruction in a dem anding and fast- paced university library environment. Lamont Library is managed jointly with the Hilles Library to provide support for undergraduate teaching, study, and research in the social sciences and the humanities. Head o f Reference Services in the Lamont Library (requisition # 4405) Reporting to the Librarian o f the Hilles and Lamont Libraries, the Head o f Reference Services oversees Lamont Library's Reference Services Division and Instructional Services Program. Provides user services in a rapidly evolving environm ent; maintains the reference collection. Develops and implements services and establishes policies and procedures for th e u n it. Oversees p u b lic access co m p u ters, c o o rd in ates user o u tre a c h , an d c o n trib u te s to th e development o f the Library's web page. Participates in the senior management group. Selects books and consults on acquisition o f and access to electronic resources. Collaborates with units across the H C L and the Faculty o f Arts and Sciences to enhance an integrated learning environment. MLS or equivalent graduate-level certification; undergraduate degree in the social sciences or humanities; 5-7 years professional reference and allied public services experience. M ust dem onstrate com m itm ent to public service and determination to work effectively and collegially with a diverse population. Must have significant supervisory experience; significant participation in instructional programs and successful teaching experience; m astery o f p u b lic service c o m p u te r a p p licatio n s; w o rk in g know ledge o f grap h ics and communications applications. Reference Librarian in the Lam ont Library (requisition # 3941; already announced) T he Reference L ibrarian rep o rts to th e H ead o f Reference Services and provides p e rso n -to -p e rso n a n d electronic consultation with library users during scheduled hours on the Reference Desk, including some evening and weekend work; is a member o f the management group for Lamont-wide planning o f programs and services; is responsible for outreach to b o th students and faculty through publications, exhibits, and web page development; and contributes to the collection development program in assigned subjects. Assists in the management and training o f casual and support staff. Works in a team environment to facilitate creative problem solving and to advance positive relations with other libraries. Participates in an on-going program for staff development. MLS and undergraduate work in the social sciences or humanities. 3-5 years professional reference or public services experience; ability to exercise initiative and independent thinking in achieving goals and ability to w ork collaboratively in a complex institutional setting. Experience in a range o f m ethods for library instruction; demonstrated command o f reference techniques and resources and knowledge o f public service com puter applications. H a rv a rd U n iv ersity offers a c o m p e titiv e p ro g ram o f b en efits. A p p o in tm e n t salary d e p e n d e n t o n q u a lific a tio n s. In te re ste d p a rtie s are in v ited to su b m it a le tte r o f ap p lic a tio n ad d ressin g p o sitio n qualifications, resume, and the names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers o f three references to: Resume Processing Center, Harvard University, Requisition #4405 (or # 3 9 4 1 ), 11 Holyoke Street, Cambridge, MA 0 2 1 3 8 . Or apply o n -lin e to w w w ploym ent/jobs.htm l. D etailed p o sitio n descriptions are available by emailing HARVARD UNIVERSITY UPHOLDS A C O M M ITM EN T T O AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY H A R V A R D U N I V E R S I T Y tional materials, and the teaching of classes in the use and critical evaluation of Internet and traditional resources. Assists in collection development with emphasis on the evaluation and selection of electronic resources. Participates in reference duties, including evening and week end rotations. MLS or MLIS required. Review of applications begins May 15,2000. Salary: $30,000 to $33,000. Position will remain open until filled. Send letter of application, resume, names of three references with phone numbers and e-mail addresses, and copies of transcripts to: Electronic Access Librarian Search, Human Resources, Norwich University, Northfield, V T 05663. HEAD, FILM/VIDEO LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. University of Michigan. The Film/Video Library is the primary resource fo r film, video, audio, and mixed media formats supporting the instructional and research 3 4 8 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 ASSOCIATE DEAN, USER SERVICES Northeastern University Libraries Northeastern University Libraries invites applications from and nominations of individuals with vision, energy, initiative, and leadership ability to articulate, plan, administer, and promote our programs for user services and constituency relations, and to assess service outcomes. The successful candidate will demonstrate an understanding of information fluency, scholarly communication issues, and curricular processes in higher education, and their ongoing transformation by emerging technologies, resource sharing, and Web delivery. The successful candidate will be experienced in effectively shaping, implementing, and assessing innovative, comprehensive library programs and services. Vision, leadership, administration, planning, and evaluation of User Services, including reference, information literacy/instruction, access/delivery services, ILL, media services, and remote/distance services. Oversee liaison programs to academic and other departments and to student groups. Develop external community relations programs and services. Member of the Library’s administrative team. Analyze issues. Formulate, articulate, and assess policies, goals, and actions. Participate in strategic and budgetary programmatic planning, funds development, and grant proposals develop ment. Participate in University committees and represent the Library regionally and nationally. User Services has 46 FTE career staff plus part-time and student staff. Northeastern, an urban Carnegie Research II institution, is student focused and dedicated to a cooperative education-experiential learning model. A diverse student body of 16,000 undergradu ates and 4,000 graduate students is enrolled in seven undergraduate colleges, nine graduate and professional schools, and two part-time undergraduate divisions. There also are active continuing education and distance learning programs. The Library holds membership in OCLC/Nelinet, the Coalition for Networked Information Task Force, the Boston Library Consortium, and the Boston Regional Library System, and is a Commission on Preservation and Access sponsor. Visit the Library’s Web site for more information: QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS degree. At least five years of substantial, progressively responsible, service-oriented, m anagerial experience, preferably in user services. Excellent leadership, communication, interpersonal, analytical, quantitative, planning, and organizational skills. Ability to set priorities and effectively collaborate and work with individuals and groups at all levels. Familiarity with matrix-oriented services, coordinative roles, and project management. Understanding of teaching, research, and assessment methodologies. Knowledge of trends in higher education, learning and service assessment, and information technology that affect print, media, and electronic information service delivery, onsite and remotely. Demonstrable creativity and energy. Commitment to staff development and to achieving and working with a diverse staff and user community. Commitment to strong programs for information literacy/instruction, academic liaison and other outreach activities, and Web-based service initiatives. SALARY: Competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Excellent benefits package. Review of applications will begin April 20,2000, and continue until the position is filled. Please send letter of application, résumé, and the names of three references to: Alan Benenfeld, Dean Northeastern University Libraries 320 Snell Library, 360 Huntington Avenue Boston, MA 02115 Northeastern university is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, and especially welcomes applications from minorities, women, and persons with disabilities. needs of the University of Michigan. With a collection in excess of 10,000 titles, service is provided to all schools and colleges of the University regardless of discipline. The Library actively pursues the development and distribution of digital resources and services. Staff are expected to work in close collaboration with other information professionals from the University Library and the Digital Library Production Service, CAEN, Media Union, and the School of Information. Duties: Under the supervision of the Director of the Arts and Engineering Libraries, the successful candidate will perform public service duties at the Media Union and participate in UM Library activities. Responsibilities include: Overseeing the management of the F ilm / Video Library; planning, implementing, and evaluating services and projects; hiring, training and evaluating a staff of four; overseeing the selection of media for the collection, particularly in support of the University’s instructional program; working with librarians and staff in a distributed environment to improve access to media collections fo r the University community. Qualifications: Required: MLSfrom an ALA-accredited school, oran equivalent combination of relevant advanced degree and experience; minimum three years’ experience in media librarianship; professional experience in an academic environment; supervisory experience; strong commitment to public service; excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to work effectively as part of a team of information specialists working with culturally diverse faculty, students, and staff; proficiency using academic computing environments; familiarity with media-specific com puter and network applications. Desired: Advanced degree in a media- C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 / 349 COORDINATOR FOR INSTRUCTIONAL AND INTERPRETIVE SERVICES California State University, Hayward (Position # 00-01 LIBR/COORDINATOR-TT). The University Library at California State University, Hayward seeks an energetic and enthusiastic reference librarian to provide creative and collegial leadership fo r the Instructional and Interpretive Services Department. The 12-month, tenure-track faculty position coordinates a unit of ten library faculty members, and reports to the University Librarian. DUTIES: W orks with departm ental faculty to continually im prove services and provide vision and leadership fo r programs, operations, and personnel. W orks colleg¡ally with library faculty m em bers to develop strategic directions and budget requests for instructional and interpretive services. Fosters team w ork and professional developm ent. Provides instructional services, and serves at the centralized Reference Desk. Participates in librarywide planning and decision making. Teaching assignm ents at California State University, Hayward include both the Hayward and Contra Costa campuses. Q UALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree; six to eight years of progressively responsible successful reference experience in an academ ic library, with three to five years of supervisory and adm inistrative responsibilities; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships in a complex and rapidly changing environm ent; knowledge of traditional and electronic reference services and sources; demonstrated successful experience in providing instructional services; recent collection-developm ent experience with both print and electronic form ats; ability to w ork in a fast-paced, m ulticultural environm ent; com m itm ent to student-centered teaching and learning; desire to play a visible role in the academ ic comm unity; effective verbal and w ritten com m unication skills; active involvem ent in professional developm ent activities with a record of scholarly contributions and achievem ents in the profession; com m itm ent to fostering the professional developm ent of others; ability to view issues from a librarywide perspective and to work flexibly and collaboratively across functional units. QUALIFICATIONS: Desired: Background in the social sciences, advanced degree in subject discipline, grant-writing experience, experience with distance education/distributed-learning environments, and experience working in a collective-bargaining/shared-governance environ ment. Note: To be recom m ended for tenure, the candidate must demonstrate satisfactory performance in the areas of effectiveness as a librarian; research, scholarship, and/or creative activities; and service to the university, the library, the profession, and the community. RANK AND SALARY: Senior Assistant o r Associate Librarian rank, depending upon educational preparation and experience. Minimum salary: $46,488. DATE O F APPO INTMENT: Position available August 1, 2000. Applications received by April 28, 2000, will receive first consideration. Position open until filled. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Applicants should subm it a letter of application sum m arizing their ability to meet the requirements of the position; a complete and current vita; copies of major publications; and three letters of recom m endation (including phone numbers and e-mail ad dresses) to: Office of the University Librarian California State University, Hayward University Library 25800 Carlos Bee Boulevard Hayward, CA 94542 Phone: (510) 885-3664 Fax: (510) 885-2049 Graduate transcripts will be required prior to appointm ent; e-mail com m unication may be sent to g w e is s@ csu h a yw a rd .e d u . M ore info: h ttp ://w w w .lib ra ry.csu h a yw a rd .e d u . CSU Hayward is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. 350 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 TWO POSITIONS: SOCIAL SCIENCES BIBLIOGRAPHER SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN University of California, Santa Cruz Social Sciences Bibliographer Rank: Assistant/Associate Librarian Appointment Salary Range: $40,248-$50,520 The University Library of the University of California, Santa Cruz seeks a bibliographer with subject expertise in the social sciences. UCSC bibliographers are engaged in a wide range of service-oriented activities to inform the campus community of new and valuable library resources. The Social Sciences Bibliographer will develop collections in conjunction with academic programs, respond to subject specific reference inquiries, and provide outreach and bibliographic and research assistance to students and faculty. Science Reference Librarian Rank: Assistant/Associate/Full Librarian Appointment Salary Range: $36,276-$54,108 The Science Library of the University of California, Santa Cruz seeks an enterprising, client-oriented science reference librarian. The science librarian teaches information literacy and research skills to students; provides expert research support for faculty and researchers; evaluates and selects print and electronic resources for curricular and research needs. UC Santa Cruz Science Librarians are expected to balance a wide range of service-oriented activities. Their multiple assignments include responsiveness to subject-specific reference inquiries, participation in reference desk duties, instruction opportunities, and active outreach to students and faculty. UC Santa Cruz is a spectacularly beautiful campus nestled in 2,000 acres of redwood forest and meadows overlooking Monterey Bay, but only 30 miles from Silicon Valley. The campus enrolls close to 11,000 students, including 1,000 graduate students. The library has a staff of 140, including 31 librarians, and contains over 1.25 million volumes. The first consideration of applications is April 17,2000, but applications will continue to be accepted until the positions are filled. Please see: for complete information and application procedures. UCSC is an AA/EEO employer. related area (i.e., film/video, cinema studies, instructional technology, etc.), or bachelor’s degree in an appropriate field; hands-on experience with instructional technologies and digital media; media production expe rience; teaching or training experience. Rank, Salary and Leave: Antici pated rank at either Associate or Senior Associate Librarian. Final rank and salary dependent on qualifications and experience. Minimum Salary: Assoc., $35,500; Senior Assoc., $41,000; 24 working days of vacation a year; 15 days of sick leave a year with provisions for extended benefits. To Apply: Send cover letter and copy of résumé to: Karen Downing, Library Human Resources, 404 Hatcher Graduate Library North, University of Michi gan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205. Application Deadline: Applications re ceived by 4/30/00 will be given first consideration. The University of Michigan is a non discriminatory, affirmative action employer. HEAD, INFORMATION CENTER. (Associate Librarian/Librarian) Green Library Information Center, Stanford University. The Stanford University Libraries seeks a proven professional to manage the Green Library’s new Information Center, the home to the central humanities and social science collections at Stanford. In this critical role, you will be responsible for information delivery, technological services, instruction, reference and interlibrary service programs, and the supervision of four librarians and three support staff. You will also provide leadership to the Reference and Information Services Committee and be a member of both the Humanities & Area Studies Resource and Social Sciences Resource Group. Require ments include an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or equivalent in training and experience, demonstrated reference experience in the humanities and social sciences, and solid team, project leadership, deci sion-making, organizational, time management, and oral/written commu nication skills. Experience with current technology and information systems and the capacity to work effectively and collegially are both key. A back ground in government documents reference is desirable and will be a strong qualification. Compensation will be based on relevant qualifications and experience. For consideration, send a cover letter, a complete state ment of qualifications, a full résumé of education and relevant experience, and the names and addresses of three references to: Carol Olsen, Director of Human Resources, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford Univer sity, Stanford, CA94305-3090. For information on this and other positions, see us on the Web at: AA/EOE. INFORMATION AND COMPUTER LITERACY INSTRUCTOR. State University of New York College at Cortland, Memorial Library. Reporting to the Coordinator of Instruction, this person will participate in the develop ment and teaching of course work that introduces students to basic information and computer literacy skills and teaching courses in the Computer Applications Minor Program; will work closely with the College community to develop a campus wide program of information technology sen/ices and resources; daytime reference service is a part of this position. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or other appropriate master’s degree and teaching or training experience; demonstrated knowledge of and experience with Windows and/or Macintosh computing environments; Internet and Internet access tools; expertise in word processing, database software, spreadsheets, presentation software and programming lan guages, especially Visual Basic and/or JAVA. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Projected start date is August 1,2000. Rank and salary commensurate with experience. Submit letter, resume and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of five references to: Gail Wood, Director of Libraries, SUNY Cortland, P.O. Box 2000, Cortland, NY 13045. SUNY Cortland is an AA/EEO/ADA employer. We have a strong commitment to the affirmation of diversity and have interdisciplinary degree programs in the areas of multicultural studies. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIAN. Central Technical Ser vices (CTS), John M. Olin Library. Responsible for analyzing, developing, customizing, and implementing software applications for technical ser- C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 / 351 PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College A unit of the University System of Georgia Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, a two-year, residential college spread over 390 acres in Tifton, Georgia, offers 53 majors, including 31 college transfer programs and 22 career technology majors. A faculty of 100 teaches the student body of approximately 2,600. Tifton is an attractive community known for its quality of life. SALARY: $30,000-$33,000. This is a twelve-month, tenure-track position providing reference and instructional services and coordinating circulation and interlibrary loan services. This position would supervise and evaluate Public Services personnel and report to the Library Director. Some weekend and evening hours are required. Master’s ALA degree required. Experience working in an electronic Web-based environ ment preferred. Application deadline is May 1,2000. Position available August 1,2000. To apply send a complete résumé and a letter addressing the above responsibilities/qualifications, transcripts, and three professional references to: Brenda Sellers ABAC 5 2802 Moore Highway Tifton, GA 31794 Phone: (912) 386-3934 Fax: (912) 386-7471 E-mail: ABAC is committed to the concept and reality of cultural diversity, and members o f minority groups are strongly encouraged to apply. REFERENCE and ON-LINE SERVICE LIBRARIAN Bloomfield College, a 132-year-old college of 2,000 students is committed to prepar ing students to function at the peak of their potential in a multiracial, multicultural society. In the spring, the library will move into a new state-of-the-art facility. Search for a Reference and On-Line Service Librarian to work in our new state-of-the-art facility. The new library, which will open in April of this year, will offer 128 workstations and 111 outlets for portable computers. There will be four electronic classrooms, a Media Center, and a small theater. Responsible for maintaining on-line catalogue (Ameritech/Dynix) and electronic reference services and databases, including CD-rom collection; updates library’s web page; conducts bibliographic instruction sessions, Internet training and general orientation to the library's collection; helps students and faculty at the reference desk, selects digital and paper reference materials; produces monthly electronic updates on electronic data bases; participates in faculty committees; works some evenings. Requirements: MLS from an accredited library school plus a second master’s degree in any discipline; web page design experience; expe rience in conducting bibliographic instruction and on-line training; aware of new library trends; excellent communication skills. This is a non-tenure track position. Send letter, resume and 3 references by May 1st, 2000 to: Danilo Figueredo BLOOMFIELD COLLEGE Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Dan_Figueredo@ Affirm ative Action/EOE 352 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2000 MUSIC CATALOGER University of Minnesota Libraries—Twin Cities Campus The University of Minnesota Libraries invites applications and nominations for the position of Music Cataloger, Materials Acquisitions and Control Team. The University Libraries particularly encourages the candidacy of people with experience in multicultural and multiracial settings. DESCRIPTION: • Perform cataloging for music materials in all formats and languages, creating music original cataloging records and editing complex copy cataloging records • Develop and manage cataloging and other access projects for the Music Library, including exploration and implementation of outsourcing projects • Develop, maintain, and revise policies and procedures for music copy and original cataloging and processing of all music formats • Consult with other units to produce consistent Web-based finding aids and databases for uncataloged collections • Work with colleagues in the CIC to create CORC or other metadata records for Internet resources, especially those related to audio and video resources • Work public service desk hours at the Music Library QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited institution (or foreign equivalent); academic music background; demonstrated music cataloging experience in an online environment; knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, and LC classification; familiarity with OCLC and/or RLIN; working knowledge of one or more European languages; effective written and verbal communication skills, interpersonal skills, and the willingness to work in a team environment. Preferred: Master’s degree in music; experience with the music NACO program; experience with emerging information technologies and the willingness to develop these skills as the technology changes; familiarity with MARC AMC format, EAD and serials cataloging. SALARY AND BENEFITS: This is a full-time, 12-month, continuous appointment track, academic/ professional position with probationary appointment at the Assistant Librarian rank. The Libraries offers a competitive salary, commensurate with experience, but not less than $32,000 for this position. Excellent benefits and substantial moving allowance. RECRUITING SCHEDULE: Position is available immediately. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. A full position description is available at: listed with Academic Professional positions by job number UL113. TO APPLY: Send a letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three current professional references to: Linda DeBeau-Melting Libraries Human Resources Office University Libraries 499 Wilson Library 309 19th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55455-0414 Identify your application with the number UL113. http://w w w The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation. vices staff in the Cornell University Library. Participate in the evaluation and implementation of schemes to support and enhance information discovery and retrieval for library materials in all formats, traditional and digital. Provide training and guidance to network administrators in CTS on spe cialized technical services products and sen/ices. Oversee and consult on CTS hardware and software installation and maintenance activities. Re quired: MLS or equivalent from an ALA-accredited university; other degree(s) plus demonstrated technical services/information technology expertise may be substituted for the MLS. Three years or more of experi ence in technical services is desirable, and a working knowledge of information retrieval systems, resource discovery tools, metadata stan dards, and working experience with application design and software development/customization in a networked PC environment is preferred. Candi date should possess excellent oral and written communication skills and an ability to work well in a team. Candidate should also demonstrate an interest in technical services issues on the regional, national, or international level. Evidence of ability to plan, to analyze, and to solve problems creatively and flexibly, and to succeed in a complex, rapidly changing environment is helpful, as well as a strong service orientation and interest in library users’ values and needs. Applications: Requested by May 15,2000, but accepted until the position is filled. Send cover letter, résumé, and the names, phone numbers, and addresses of three references to: Susan Markowitz, Direc tor, Library Human Resources, 201 Olin Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-5301. For more information, contact: Karen Calhoun, C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 / 353 A DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARYAllegheny College invites applications and nomina M E U A D E V I G L L E H , P E N EN N S Y Y L V C A N O I A L 1 6 3 L 3 5 E - 3 G 9 0 2 E tions for the Director of the Library. The position is a 12-month, faculty appointment, available July 1,2000. The Director will report directly to the Dean of the College and will be responsible for all aspects of the library, including supervision and development of a staff of professional librarians and support personnel, budgeting, policy formulation, collection development, supervision of audiovisual/media services, procurement and stewardship of digital materials, and collaboration with the faculty in delivery of the academic curriculum. The Director will serve on a new educational technology committee and must be able to work closely and effectively with the Director of Information Technology. An ALA-accredited MLS and a significant record of progressively responsible experience in academic libraries are required. The successful candidate must also have superior interpersonal and written communication skills and proficiency in maintaining productive, collaborative relationships in the library and the community. An advanced degree, teaching and grant writing experience, work with collection development and budgets, knowledge of library special collections, and supervisory and administrative experience are desirable. Qualified applicants should submit a letter of application addressing the qualifications listed above, a curriculum vitae, a one-page statement addressing the changing role of libraries within a liberal arts college setting, and a list of three professional references with addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers to: Library Search Committee c/o Office of the Dean of the College Allegheny College Meadville, PA 16335 Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until an appointment is made. Allegheny College is a private undergraduate liberal arts college with an enrollment of nearly 1,900 students and 128 full-time faculty located in northwest Pennsylvania, approximately 80 miles from Pittsburgh. Allegheny is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination. Further details about the College and the library, including a full job description, can be found at our Web site: w w w .a lle g .e d u . Director of Central Technical Services, (607)255-9915, Informal, preliminary applications will be accepted electronically ( with signed copy to follow. Cornell University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer strongly committed to diversity. We value qualified candidates who can bring to our community a variety of backgrounds and experiences. INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN LIBRA RIAN. (Two-year appointment) New York University Libraries. Description: Librarians serve as partners in the educational mission of NYU by establishing strong relationships with the faculty and students and providing responsive and innovative information services. The Instructional Design Librarian works directly with the Under graduate Services Librarian and the Head of Instructional Services to create Web-based interactive programming and tutorials that teach infor mation literacy skills and support the University’s curriculum. This is part of a strategic effort by the NYU Libraries to improve the educational experience, strengthen instructional programming, and integrate informa tion literacy skills into the University’s curriculum. Responsibilities include the development, implementation, and evaluation of interactive Web tutori als; analysis and evaluation of library instruction and information literacy outcomes; collaboration with University and local partners in the develop ment and delivery of instruction using new technologies; promotion of the Libraries’ participation in the University’s curriculum development; and consultation with librarians in the creation of digital learning materials and Web-based tutorials. Librarians also participate in library planning, serve on librarywide committees and are expected to be active professionally. Qualifications: Minimum of two years’ experience in reference or instruc tional services in an academic or comparable library. Strong teaching skills. Knowledge of current information literacy theory and practice. Experience with instructional technology. In-depth knowledge of the Internet and Web, working knowledge of html and Web page development experi ence. Excellent organizational, design, and oral and written communica tion skills; strong service orientation. ALA-accredited MLS. Desirable: College teaching experience and/or curriculum development. Expertise with multimedia presentation software, Web authoring tools, desktop publishing, programming skills. The New York University Libraries: Library facilities at NYU sen/e the school’s 50,000students and faculty and contain more than four million volumes. New York University is a member of the Research Libraries Group and serves as the headquarters for the R search Library Association of South Manhattan, a consortium of three academic institutions, and is affiliated with The New-York Historical Society. Salary/Benefits: Excellent benefits include five weeks’ annual vacation. Salary commensurate with experience and background. Apply: Send résumé, URL for samples of Web pages, and letter of application, including the addresses and telephone numbers of three references, to: Janet Koztowski, Library Human Resources Director, New York Univer sity Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012; fax (212) 995-4070. Applications received by April 15,2000, will receive full consideration. NYU encourages applications from women and members of minority groups. LIB R A R IA N FOR D ISTR IB U TIVE LEARNING. St. Cloud State Univer sity (located 70 miles northwest of Minneapolis/St. Paul) invites applica tions for a librarian for Distributive Learning (Assistant Professor, tenure track; 9 month and 28 additional duty days). Salary range: $45,000-$55,000 (commensurate with academic qualifications and experience). Appoint ment date: Fall 2000. Responsibilities: Investigate, plan, and implement projects to enhance the role of the library in a distributive learning environ ment, coordinate the development of appropriate library support for on-and off-campus students, work with faculty on distance/collaborative learning projects, serve as liaison from Learning Resources and Technology Services to the university community, participate in on- and off-campus committees, promote library sen/ices for all users, teach undergraduate/ graduate courses in the Center for Information Media, and advise students. The ability to teach and perform effectively, a record of scholarly achieve ment or research, continued preparation and study, contributions to student growth and development, and service to the university and community are required for promotion and tenure. Qualifications and Experience: Accred ited master’s in information science, information technology, or library science; second graduate degree required. Demonstrated competence 354 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 B i b l io g r a p h e r f o r t h e H u m a n it ie s B ib l io g r a p h e r f o r t h e S o c ia l S c ie n c e s T h e H arvard College Library seeks tw o Bibliographers: T h e B ib lio g r a p h e r f o r t h e H u m a n itie s (req u isitio n # 3 9 3 7 ) serves as p rim a ry selector for E n g lish la n g u a g e m a te ria ls in th e su b je c ts o f lite ra tu r e a n d h isto ry , p h ilo so p h y , classics, linguistics, religion, h istory o f science, perform ing arts, a n d general reference. T h e successful candidate will h o ld an M LS an d an advanced degree in a hum anistic discipline, o r equivalent c o m b in atio n o f relevant education a n d experience. T h e B ibliographer for th e Social Sciences (requisition # 3938) serves as p rim ary selector for E nglish language m aterials in th e subjects o f eco n o m ics, sociology, psychology, geography, political science, a n d education. T h e successful candidate will h o ld an MLS an d an advanced degree in o n e o f th e social sciences, o r e q u iv a le n t c o m b in a tio n o f relev an t e d u c a tio n a n d experience. T h e C ollection D evelopm ent D ep a rtm e n t in th e W id en er Library is organized geographically by publication areas. R eporting to th e H ead o f the C ollection D evelopm ent D e p a rtm e n t, the bibliographers acquire non-A m ericana m aterials published in th e U S, C a nada, G reat Britain, A ustralia, N ew Z ealand, Ireland, a n d O ceania. T h e y provide specialized reference services to s tu d e n ts a n d fa c u lty ; are re sp o n s ib le fo r e ffe ctiv e use o f f u n d s; review a c q u is itio n s a n d co llectio n s fo r p reserv atio n a n d storage decisions; develop a n d m a in ta in w ritte n co llectio n developm ent policies; serve as liaisons to H C L units, faculty, a n d stu d e n ts to develop collections th a t su p p o rt research a n d teaching; are involved in national initiatives related to collections an d bibliographic resources. C a ndidates should possess dem onstrated ability in collection developm ent in a research library; w o rking know ledge o f research tren d s a n d th e scholarly process; expertise in US a n d British publishing and the boo k trade o f the English speaking w orld. Knowledge o f French is essential; k n o w le d g e o f o th e r w est E u ro p e a n lan g u ag es is d esirab le. E x cellen t c o m m u n ic a tio n a n d interpersonal skills, a n d ability to w ork as p a rt o f a team. Supervisory experience is desirable; flexibility a n d v ersatility req u ired . In v o lv em en t in professional a n d sc h o larly o rg an izatio n s is expected. H arv ard U niversity offers a com petitive program o f benefits. A p p o in tm e n t salary d ep en d en t on qualifications. A nticipated salary in the m id-high 5 0 ’s. Interested parties are invited to su b m it a le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n ad d re ssin g p o sitio n q u a lific a tio n s, resu m e, a n d th e nam es, addresses, te le p h o n e a n d fax n u m b e rs o f th re e references to: R esu m e P r o c e ssin g C en ter, H arvard U niversity, R eq u isitio n # 3 9 3 7 (or # 3 9 3 8 ) , 11 H o ly o k e Street, C am bridge, M A 0 2 1 3 8 . O r apply o n -lin e to w w w ploym ent/jobs.htm l HARVARD UNIVERSITY UPHOLDS A C O M M ITM EN T T O AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY. H A R V A R D U N I V E R S I T Y C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 / 355 INSTITUTIONAL ARCHIVIST Research Library The Getty Research institute The Getty Trust, which includes the operating programs of the Getty Museum, the Getty Research Institute, the Getty Conservation Institute, and the Getty Grant Program, seeks nominations and applications for an Institutional Archivist to implement and manage the Trust’s archival programs, including historical archives, records management, and oral history. (The J. Paul Getty Trust Web site address is: Working under broad direction, the Institutional Archivist reports to the Chief Librarian of the Research Library, the Getty Research Institute. Works with the Chief Librarian, General Counsel, and Getty Senior Staff to set policy and to create the historical archives of the Trust, including its programs and facilities. Provides archival management, records management, and preservation expertise. Main tains regular contact with Trust executives and staff of the various Getty programs. Utilizes outside professional resources as needed. Supervises professional and support staff as assigned. Selects, acquires, preserves, arranges, and describes the permanently valuable records of the Getty in all media— texts, still and moving images, digital files, sound recordings, and three-dimensional artifacts. Identifies and implements strategies to fill gaps in Trust records through research, oral histories, and other appropriate methods. Recommends and establishes a Trust wide records management schedule. May be required to work in dusty or congested areas. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS degree with specialization in archives administration, or ACA certification as professional archivist, or an equivalent combination of education and experi ence, required. Minimum five years' experience supervising an archives and records management program, including management of large and complex archival projects, required. Experience managing an oral history program preferred. Familiarity with legal and business records preferred. Knowledge of archival arrangement and description, including experience creating finding aids and original collection-level cataloging records implementing relevant descriptive standards (AACR2, APPM), required. Knowledge of computer applications in archives, including experience using word- processing, databases, USMARC, and SAD, required. AVAILABILITY: The review of applications will begin May 1 5 , 2000, and will continue until a candidate is selected. Compensation: Commensurate with experience. Excellent benefits package. Interested parties are invited to submit a letter of application and résumé to: Personnel Coordinator The Getty Research Institute 1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90049-1688 with electronic resources, experience with developing Web resources, and an understanding of distance learning process and its environs, along with experience in an academic library setting, including experience in circula tion, library instruction, and/or interlibrary loan operations are required. Excellent computer, oral and written communication, and interpersonal skills, leadership, and ability to work collaboratively are essential. The successful candidate will have demonstrated ability to teach and work with persons from culturally diverse backgrounds. Preferred Qualification: Doctoral degree. Nominations and applications are invited and should be addressed to: Distributive Learning Search Committee, c/o Dean, Learn ing Resources and Technology Services, St. Cloud State University, 720 Fourth Avenue South, St. Cloud, MN 56301-4498; phone: (320) 255- 2022, fax: (320) 255-4778. A completed application must include a letter of application, vita, copies of graduate transcripts, and the names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and postal addresses of three references. Applicant screening will begin on April 14, 2000, and continue until a suitable applicant is identified. SCSU is committed to excellence and actively supports cultural diversity. To promote this endeavor, we invite individuals who contribute to such diversity to apply, including minorities, women, GLBT, persons with disabilities, and veterans. LIFE SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. New York University Libraries. Descrip tion: Librarians serve as partners in the educational mission of NYU by establishing strong relationships with the faculty and students, building appropriate subject collections, and providing responsive and innovative information services. Subject specialist for the life sciences assigned to the Coles Science Reference Center, Bobst Library. Responsibilities include faculty liaison, reference assistance, library instruction, creation and maintenance of the Center’s Web pages, development of graduate and undergraduate student services and management, and selection of re sources in all formats in assigned subject areas. Subject responsibilities include biology, neural science, nutrition, and food studies. Library faculty perform administrative duties in support of the unit’s mission, participate in library planning and committees, and are expected to be active profession ally. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, subject master’s degree re quired for tenure. Two years’ successful public service experience in a relevant academic or special library. In-depth knowledge of the Internet; Web page development experience. Experience with print and electronic library resources and services, electronic information retrieval, and other networked resources. Demonstrated knowledge of information needs of scientists and understanding of current trends and issues in scientific communication and publishing. Excellent oral and written communication skills; strong public service orientation. Familiarity with bibliographic instruction. Graduate work in the life sciences preferred. New York Univer sity Libraries: Library facilities at New York University serve the school’s 50,000 students and faculty and contain more than four million volumes. New York University is a member of the Research Libraries Group and serves as the administrative headquarters of the Research Library Asso ciation of South Manhattan, a consortium which includes three academic institutions in Greenwich Village. Salary/Benefits: Faculty status, attractive benefits package including five weeks’ annual vacation. Salary commensu rate with experience and background. Apply: To ensure consideration, send 356 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 ASSISTANT COORDINATOR OF LIBRARY INSTRUCTION/ DISTANCE LEARNING LIBRARIAN State University of New York at Oswego State University of New York at Oswego, situated on the beautiful shore of Lake Ontario, seeks an energetic, enthusiastic librarian/instructor to serve as a key player on an instructional team charged with designing and implementing an information literacy program to meet a recent New York state university wide mandate for student competency in information management, as well as the research component of Oswego State’s new writing-across-the-curriculum program. This position will also provide leadership in the development of library services to support the college’s expanding distance learning initiatives. This is a 12-month, tenure-track position with faculty status. RESPONSIBILITIES: Play an active role in the planning, implementation, coordination, evaluation, and promotion of Oswego’s library instruction program for both on campus and distance learners; assist in the design and delivery of innovative, user-centered general and subject-specific instructional sessions, including Web-based tutorials; develop and maintain relationships with faculty and students to determine needs and priorities; publicize and demonstrate electronic information resources and library services to distance learners; contribute to the development of the Library’s Web site and maintain a homepage for distance learners in collaboration with the library’s Web master; work regularly scheduled hours at the reference desk; participate in collection development activities in assigned areas. Includes some evening and occasional weekend hours. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution; three years of reference/ instruction experience in an academic library; demonstrated skill designing print and Web-based instructional materials; demonstrated success as an instructor of information literacy; experience in the application of new technologies to instruction; ability to work both collaboratively in a team environment and independently; ability to manage multiple projects and priorities effectively; excellent organizational and oral/written communication skills; valid driver’s license and ability to travel to off- campus locations. Preferred: Instructional program planning/assessment experience. MINIMUM SALARY: $34,000. Rank and salary dependent upon experience. SUNY Oswego is a comprehensive institution of 8,000 students, offering 60 undergraduate and graduate programs including advanced degrees in business, education, and liberal arts. Oswego is one of the 64 institutions within the State University of New York (SUNY) system. The library’s Web site is: Application review will begin May 20, 2000, and will continue until the position is filled. Please send a letter of application, résumé, official transcripts, and three letters of professional reference to: Mary Beth Bell, Director Penfield Library State University of New York at Oswego Oswego, NY 13126 SUNY Oswego is an Affirmative Action Employer résumé and letter of application, including the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references, by April 15,2CXX), to: Janet Koztowski, Library Human Resources Director, New York University Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York , NY 10012; fax (212) 995-4070. NYU encourages applications from women and members of minority groups. MANAGER O F TECHNICA L SERVICES. (Search extended) Presbyte rian Historical Society, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Responsibilities: The manager of technical services is responsible for overseeing the accessioning, arrangement and description, automation and cataloging processes, and preservation services (binding, microfilming program, disaster planning, building environment) for the Society’s Philadelphia office’s archival, manuscript, monographic, and museum holdings. Trains and supervises 3 FTE professional, 2 FTE paraprofessional, and 1.5 FTE part-time and temporary staff. Reports to the Deputy Director. Minimum Qualifications: Master’s in library science or history with an emphasis in archival administration or master’s in archival management. Certified Archivist preferred. Three to five years of progressively more responsible archival and library experience in a significant supervisory capacity. Expe rience in microfilming, managing large processing projects, and planning and working with automated systems. Desired Qualifications: Knowledge of computer applications in archives and libraries, including word processing, databases, MARC cataloging, SGML, EAD. Background in preser vation standards and techniques. Skill in communication (both written and verbal), grant writing, public speaking, and initiating innovation and change. Salary: Starting salary range $51,50Q-$54,500with generous benefits and moving expenses. To Apply: Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to: Manager Search, Presbyterian H istorical S ociety, 425 Lombard St., Philadelphia, PA 19147. Review of applications will begin on April 17,2000, and continue until the position is filled. Presbyterians and non-Presbyteri ans alike encouraged to apply. AA/EOE. M U LTIM ED IA R ESOU RCE CENTER LIBRA RIAN. The Center is a recent development in the Library containing a collection of materials in electronic and other nonprint formats (e.g., videocassettes, videodiscs, slides, computer software, and interactive multimedia materials). The multimedia resource librarian is responsible for planning, evaluating, and managing the services of the Center. Responsibilities include collection development, distribution of videos for classroom use, film rentals, super vision of staff, and working collaboratively with collection services units on activities related to circulation, cataloging, and acquiring of materials. Required Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; minimum of three years’ experience in a library media resource center or C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 / 357 ASSISTANT COLLECTION SERVICES LIBRARIAN TENURE TRACK, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR New Mexico State University Library QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program; experience in planning, organizing, and supervising the work of others; minimum of two years' supervisory experience; minimum of two years' experience with collection development; acquisition background in both monographs and serials in an online environment; ability to analyze and resolve difficult bibliographic and ordering problems. Knowledge of and experience with library binding, preservation, repair, and collection management processes; excellent interpersonal communication skills; ability to manage and prioritize simultaneous projects. Desired: Knowledge of Endeavor/Voyager Integrated Library System; academic library experience; additional graduate degree; experience working in a culturally diverse environment. RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide leadership, training, and support for both monograph and serials/ government document units. Coordinate day-to-day activities of the department, with specific responsibility for management of the monographic section. Act for the department head as required. Provide creative leadership and direction in an increasingly collaborative and quickly changing acquisitions environment. Coordinate binding program, mending operations, and plan and coordinate weeding projects. Help develop guidelines for building specialized research collections. Help develop guidelines for effective budget allocation. Provide administrative support to departmental staff. Participate in performance planning and appraisals. Participate in research, service, and continuing education as member of library faculty. New Mexico State University is New Mexico’s land-grant university, enrolling approximately 15,000 students in 75 undergraduate, 51 master's, and 24 doctoral degree programs. NMSU is classified as a Carnegie I research institution and is a member of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities. The Library contains approximately one million volumes, maintains 6,762 current periodical subscriptions, and provides access to approximately 120 electronic databases and over 500 electronic journals. With an annual budget exceeding $5 million, the University Library operates two buildings and a state-of-the-art electronic classroom. The Library is currently migrating to the Endeavor Integrated Library System and is a member of OCLC, Amigos, the Library Services Alliance of New Mexico, and other consortia. For more information, see our Web page at: Located beside the Rio Grande River at the southern end of the Rocky Mountains in southern New Mexico, NMSU Is 40 miles north of the metropolitan area of El Paso/Juarez and the Texas-Mexico border. This desert area enjoys abundant sunshine and is within easy driving distance of excellent hiking, skiing, and water sports. SALARY: Minimum $35,000; group medical/hospital insurance, group life, state educational retire ment, workers’ compensation, sick leave, annual leave, unemployment compensation, others. For details, see: Submit letter of application; résumé; and names, addresses, phone numbers of three references postmarked on or before April 24, 2000, to: Kate Shaughnessy Personnel Officer NMSU Library Box 30006 MSC 3475 Las Cruces, NM 88003-8006 NMSU is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Offer of employment is contingent upon evidence of individual’s eligibility for employment in the U.S.A. its equivalent; two years’ managerial experience; knowledge of trends in use of media as a teaching tool; expertise in technological developments within media operations in libraries and excellent written and oral commu nication skills. Preferred Qualifications: Demonstrated professional activ ity at a state, regional, or national level; 2nd master’s in a related subject area (e.g., instructional technology, cinema); and demonstrated success working in a collaborative environment in an academic setting. Please submit a letter of application, résumé, and the names and phone numbers of three references to: Margaret L. Johnson, College Librarian, Ithaca College Library, 1202 Gannett Center, Ithaca, NY 14850-7060. Applica tions will also be accepted via e-mail to: mjohnson @ Screening of applications will begin on March 15,2000, and will continue until the position is filled. Ithaca College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Members of historically underrepresented groups are encour aged to apply. PERIODICALS LIBRARIAN. The University of Evansville invites applica tions for the position of Periodicals Librarian to join a collegial team-based 358 /C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 THREE POSITIONS George Mason University George Mason University Libraries seeks to fill the following three librarian positions: • Reference and Instruction Librarian (new position) at Arlington Campus Library • Science R eference/Liaison Librar ian at Fenwick Library • Reference and Instruction Librarian for Distance Learning and Outreach Services at Prince William Campus Library QUALIFICATIONS: All positions require an A LA -a ccre dite d MLS degree; advanced graduate degree in relevant subject area highly desirable. Other specific requirements for each of the positions are available by visiting “Employment Opportunities” on the GM U L ib ra r ie s ’ W e b s ite : h ttp :// APPOINTMENT/BENEFITS: 12-month admin istrative faculty appointment. Salary: Com mensurate with qualifications and experi ence; $34,000 minimum. Excellent Benefits: Health plan options and paid life insurance; several retirement plans, including TIAA-CREF; 24 vacation days and 11 paid holidays; tuition waiver for self. THE UNIVERSITY: George Mason University is a doctoral-level, state-supported institution in northern Virginia with campuses at Arling ton, Fairfax, and Prince William counties, with an enrollment of more than 24,000 students and 1,300 faculty. The University Libraries is an active participant in V IV A-the Virtual Li brary of Virginia Project, the Washington Research Library Consortium, the Associa tion of Southeastern Research Libraries, and is an associate member of the Center for Research Libraries. For more information about the University and its libraries, visit: http ://w w w .g m u .e du /. APPLICATION: Send letter of application, re sume, and names, addresses (including e- mail), and phone numbers of three current references to: Chair, Search Committee Library Administration, MSN 2FL George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 Review of applications will begin May 1, 2000. AA/EEO employer; minorities are encouraged to apply. DEAN OF THE HORRMANN LIBRARY Wagner College Wagner College seeks a new head of the Library, Dean of Horrmann Library. The Dean is a member of the Wagner College faculty and reports directly to the Provost. Wagner College seeks an innovative leader who will collaborate with the Provost in the redesign and reorganization of the Library as a centerpiece for learning at the College. Recently, the College received national rec ognition for its new curriculum, the Wagner Plan fo r the Practical Liberal Arts. The curricu lum joins an ambitious liberal arts program to thematic clusters (“learning communities”) and experiential learning throughout the gen eral education and major programs of the college under the theme of “Learning by Doing.” The Association of American Colleges and Universities declared the new curriculum as one of the most substantive and innovative in the nation, and U.S. N ew s ranks Wagner College as “top tier” among northeast univer sities. Located on 102 scenic acres on Staten Island In New York City and overlooking the NYC harbor and the Manhattan skyline, Wagner College is a private residential liberal arts college of 1,600 undergraduates and 400 graduate students drawn from 30 states and 21 nations. The faculty includes 90 full-time and 115 FTE equivalents. The Horrmann Library holds approximately 300,000 bound volumes and 1,200 periodi cals. The library is a member of the New York Metropolitan Reference and Research Li brary Agency and the W estchester Aca demic Library Directors Organization, which provides access to more than 30 million library volumes in the geographic area. The new Dean must possess a master’s degree in library science from an ALA-ac credited program and significant appropriate experience. Applicants please send a résumé and short letter of accomplishments and three refer ences by A p ril 15, 2000, to: Dr. Richard Guarasci Provost Wagner College One Campus Road Staten Island, NY 10301 C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 / 3 5 9 FINE ARTS LIBRARIAN California State University, Sacramento CSUS seeks a motivated and energetic Fine Arts Librarian. This entry-level, tenure-track faculty position provides substantial opportunity for professional growth and development. The position reports to the Head of Reference and works with the Coordinators for Collection Development and Library Instruction. The Reference Department includes 15 librarians, six library assistants, and several part-time librarians and student assistants. DESCRIPTION: Shares responsibility for reference service to students, faculty, and the general public at the Reference Desk; serves as the subject specialist in the following academic programs: art, dance, design, music, theater, and related subjects; participates in the Library’s instruction programs and provides specialized instruction in areas of subject specialty; serves as a resource with appropriate instructional faculty. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: MLS or equivalent degree from an ALA-accredited institution or equivalent international degree (must be completed by August 1,2000); effective interpersonal skills and the ability to work with faculty and students in a culturally diverse environment; effective oral and written communication skills; ability to work effectively in a team and independently; demonstrated skill in using electronic information resources; knowledge of principles and theories of collection development; demonstrated ability to provide excellent public service; degree or significant academic preparation in art, dance, design, music, or theater; ability to teach. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: An advanced degree in art, dance, design, music, theater; significant academic preparation in more than one of the fine arts (art, dance, design, music, or theater); experience working at a reference desk; demonstrated ability to effectively prepare, deliver, and assess instruction; demonstrated knowledge of Web page and presentation software; knowledge of and an interest in emerging technologies related to the fine arts; familiarity with non-English language(s); knowledge of principles and theories of collection development in the fine arts. APPOINTMENT: Probationary, twelve-month, tenure-track, entry-level position at the Senior Assis tant Librarian rank. Salary range: $46,488-$58,740. Librarians have full faculty status and excellent benefits. Library faculty must demonstrate professional competence, scholarly or creative achieve ment, and service to the University and community in order to meet university requirements for tenure and promotion. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Position is available August 1,2000. Applications received by A p ril 15, 2000, will receive first consideration. Position open until filled. Send a cover letter describing interest and qualifications, a complete résumé, and the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e- mail of three professional references to: Patricia Larsen Director and Dean of the Library California State University, Sacramento Library 2000 State University Drive East Sacramento, CA 95819-6039 Applicants invited for interview will be required to submit official transcripts. Vacancy announcement and position description available electronically: Request from CSUS is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. library environment in which a commitment to excellence is a hallmark of information service. Responsibilities: Manages service and operational activities of the Periodicals Department including a public service desk, collection development, collection management, and binding. Supervises two paraprofessionals and assigned student workers. Sets unit priorities, implements policies and procedures, and assures operational effective ness and efficiency. Participates in the planning and decision-making processes of the Libraries. Additional duties include reference desk ser vice on a rotational basis, library instruction, and faculty governance. Reports to the University Librarian. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA- accredited graduate program. Two years’ experience in periodicals ser vices. Practical knowledge of electronic information resources and tech nologies. Strong communication, interpersonal, and supervisory skills. Professional academic library experience and familiarity with an automated library system are preferred. Appointment, Salary and Benefits: Twelve- month, full-time, tenure-track faculty appointment. Minimum Salary: $25,000. Flexible benefits program with open enrollments annually including group life, medical, dental, and disability insurance programs, and TIAA-CREF retirement. To Apply: Send letter of application and résumé including names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional refer ences to: William F. Louden, University Librarian, University of Evans ville, 1800 Lincoln Avenue, Evansville, IN47722. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until an appointment is made. Appointment date is June 2000. Online versions of this position announcement, with links to additional information on the University and the Libraries, are accessible on the Web at: The University of Evans ville is an independent, comprehensive university (affiliated with the United Methodist Church), which provides a strong liberal arts and sciences orientation and selected professional programs. The University of Evans ville operates under a nondiscriminatory policy with regard to race, color, creed or religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability. 360 /C&RL News ■ A p ril 2000 WEB APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER The University of Minnesota The University of Minnesota Libraries is seek ing an individual with high technical compe tence and strong communications skills to develop Web applications. Web Applications Developer (Database) — UL110 This position will be responsible for applica tions, which allow for advanced Web-en abled database processes. This individual should have extensive experience with Oracle, MS SQL, Sybase, or other database tools. Web Applications Developer (Java) — UL111 This position will be responsible for JAVA developments which allow for advanced Web- enabled applications. This individual should have exte nsive exp e rie n ce w ith JAVA, Servlets, JSP, and other object tools. These are full-time, 12-month, academic/ad ministrative, Information Technology Profes sional positions with annual renewal con tracts. Competitive salaries offered commen surate with experience, not less than $50,000. Excellent benefits. Complete descriptions a v a ila b le at: h ttp ://w w w .u m n .e d u /o h r/ employ.html listed with Academic Administra tive positions by job number UL110 or UL111. To apply, send a letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, and telephone num bers of three professional references to: Libraries Human Resources 499 Wilson Library 309 19th Ave. So. Minneapolis, MN 55455 Identify applications with UL110 or UL111. Positions available immediately. The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation. RARE BOOK LIBRARIAN. Associate Librarian/Librarian. Department of Special Collections, Stanford University. The Stanford University Libraries seeks a specialist with demonstrated experience in the field of special collections to assist in file administration of the printed book collections and acquisition of rare books. Working with the Curator of Special Collections, you will select materials for the Special Collections Reference Collection, serve as the editor/coordinator of the Libraries’ program of exhibits and exhibit-related publications, and help formulate collection development policy and priorities. Working with other Special Collections librarians and SUL subject specialists, you will develop an outreach program to build awareness and use of the collections. Requirements include an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or equivalent in training and experience; a minimum of 3 years of experience in academic or research library in special collections; and demonstrated knowledge of rare book and manu script collections and the printing and publishing history of early modem Europe, Great Britain, and the United States. Proficiency in Latin or at least one modern European language, experience with the antiquarian book trade, as well as current technology and information systems, knowledge of bibliographic utilities and personal computer applications, and excellent writing, editing, and verbal/written communication skills are essential. Associate Librarian Salary Range: $41,820-$51,080. Librarian Range: $50,000-$60,000. Compensation will be based on relevant qualifications and experience. For consideration, send a cover letter, a complete state ment of qualifications, a full résumé of education and relevant experience, and the names and addresses of three references to: Robert G. Trujillo, Head, Department of Special Collections, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-6004. Applications received prior to 4/15/00 will receive priority consideration. For information on this and other positions, see us on the Web at: depts/humres. AA/EOE. R EFERENCE AND INSTRUCTIO N LIBRA RIAN. The University of Montevallo seeks a flexible, change-oriented academic librarian with broad interests and special expertise in library instruction in an electronic environment. UM is a member of the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges (COPLAC), a national alliance of leading liberal arts colleges, offering baccalaureate and master’s degree programs with an emphasis on high-quality education and innovative teaching. The candidate will work with a team of six librarians in developing, promoting, and delivering a comprehensive information literacy program. Responsibilities include coordinating the freshman instruction program, creating library Web pages and instructional materials, cultivating faculty relationships, partici pating in reference service and collection development. MLS from ALA- accredited program required. Candidate should demonstrate strong inter est and skill in providing individual reference assistance, working collaboratively with other librarians and with the teaching faculty to design, implement, and assess instruction, and creating electronically distributed instructional and information resources. Additional characteristics sought include a demonstrated commitment in providing responsive and creative user services, strong interest/experience in using information technolo gies, eagerness to implement more effective ways to instruct students. Tenure-track, 12-month faculty appointment, Assistant Professor rank. Competitive salary and benefits. Send letter of interest, résumé, and the names and addresses of three references to: Chair, Search Committee, Carmichael Library, University of Montevallo, Station 6100, Montevallo, AL35115. Review of applications begins immediately and continues until filled. UM is an equal opportunity employer. R EFERENCE AND INSTRUCTIO NA L SER VICES LIBRA RIAN. The University Library seeks an experienced, visionary individual wishing to exercise leadership in planning, coordinating, implementing, and assess ing an expanding and evolving instructional program that will include Web- based tutorials. The University and department have a strong commitment to achieving diversity among faculty and staff. We are particularly interested in receiving applications from members of under-represented groups and strongly encourage women and persons of color to apply. Assists patrons with their information needs by performing general and specialized refer ence work. Actively participates in collection development. Serves as library liaison to the College of Education and other departments as assigned. Fulfills requirements of faculty status in areas of contributions to librarianship, scholarly activities, and service. Qualifications: ALA-ac credited MLS. Minimum of two years of academic reference experience and demonstrated success as an instructor in an information literacy or library instruction program. Experience with print and electronic reference sources, desktop, and Internet applications. Ability to set and attain goals effectively. Excellent organizational, planning, interpersonal, communication, and written skills. Flexibility and teamwork a must. Ability to work with users of varying technical experience. Desired: Second master’s degree, prefer ably in education or an other social science. Salary/Benefits: Salary range is lower to mid $40s for a 12-month appointment, tenure track, TIAA-CREF, 24 days’ vacation, flexible benefits package. Review of applications will begin April 20,2000, and continue until a candidate is selected. A letter of application, résumé, and the names of three references should be sent to: Jan Boyer, University Library, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE68182-0237; e-mail: jboyer@; orfax: (402) 554-3215. For additional information about the University Library and a complete copy of the job description, visit the Library’ s homepage at: http:// R EFER EN C E AND W EB DE V ELO P M E N T LIBRA RIAN. Illinois Wesleyan University library invites applications for the position of Refer ence and Web Development Librarian, a faculty position beginning in August 2000. IWU is a nationally ranked undergraduate university of 2,000 C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 / 361 LIBRARY FISCAL OFFICER Princeton University Available: Immediately The Princeton University Library’s general collections include about six million printed volumes, as well as significant numbers of microforms, scores and records, electronic databases, and journals. The annual budget for the Library exceeds $30 million. The Library employs approximately 320 professional and support staff workers, as well as a large student and hourly workforce. Library operations are divided among 20 sites on campus, including a large central library. More information may be found at the library’s Web site: DESCRIPTION: The Library Fiscal Officer is charged with the design, development, and implemen tation of a financial operating framework for the Library. Principal duties include budget development and implementation, transaction analysis, and fund allocation. The Fiscal Officer should assess the Library’s current financial practices and adapt or redesign as appropriate to ensure support for Library objectives and compliance with University procedures. The position also designs and oversees the production of regular financial reports on the Library’s expenditures and status of the budget. The Library Fiscal Officer oversees and approves financial aspects of grants and gifts including budgets, accounting, and reporting. This position directly manages the Financial and Office Services, Photographic Services and Shipping and Receiving Units which include three administra tive, nine support staff, and numerous student assistants. The Library Fiscal Officer acts as the liaison to the University’s Treasurer’s Office and all other University offices responsible for management of University assets. The position reports to the Associate University Librarian for Administrative Services. QUALIFICATIONS: Undergraduate degree in finance, accounting, or related discipline. MBA, CPA, or relevant postgraduate degree preferred. A minimum of four years experience in accounting, finance or fiscal management and fours years’ budget-related experience, preferably in higher education. Working knowledge of electronic spreadsheets and relational databases required, Excel and Access preferred. At least three years of supervisory experience. Experience working with PeopleSoft preferred. BENEFITS: 24 vacation days a year, plus 11 paid holidays. Annuity program (TIAA-CREF), group life insurance, health coverage insurance, and disability insurance. Salary and Rank: Dependent upon experience and qualifications. Review of applications will begin on April 3, 2000. N om inations and applications (résum é and the names, titles, addresses, and phone num bers of three references to be contacted) should be sent to: Search Committee for Library Fiscal Officer c/o Lila Daum Fredenburg Human Resources Librarian Princeton University Library 1 Washington Road Princeton, NJ 08544-2098 Princeton University Is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. students that strives to provide high-quality liberal arts education. The Library is a learning environment that responds to the traditional values of the liberal arts university and to the technological advances of today’s society. The library exists to foster the pursuit of knowledge; intellectual and ethical integrity; excellence in teaching and learning; and respect for inquiry and diverse points of view. Library faculty work in a collegial team setting, within the library and campus wide. The Library holds over 254,000 volumes plus holdings in microforms, periodicals, and government docu ments. A new library building will be opening in fall 2001. Responsibilities: This position is responsible for management of the print and electronic reference resources and includes leadership of library Web page develop ment. An equally important responsibility is library liaison to the Business Administration and Economics departments; this responsibility includes collection development and management of all formats in these subject areas, discipline-related instructional sessions, and communication with departments concerning library programmatic issues. Secondarily, this position includes management and promotion of the partial (25%) U.S. government federal depository collection. Additional responsibilities are based on the strengths and experiences of the successful candidate. Required Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library program. Demonstration of Web page development skills, experience in database searching, and ability to teach information literacy skills. Experi ence with print and electronic reference resources, particularly in business and economics. Ability to work independently and collegially, excellent interpersonal and communication skills, and interest in innovation and adoption of library technology. Commitment to scholarship and the service role of the library in the academic setting. Preferred Qualifications: Second master’s degree in business, finance, or economics or comparable profes sional experience. Experience and/or education in government documents management. Rank dependent on experience and education. Tenure track. Twelve-month appointment. TIAA-CREF and other fringe benefits. Screening of candidates will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled, with appointment expected by August 1,2000. Send letter of applica tion, vita, and three references to: Library Faculty Search Committee, Sheean Library, Illinois Wesleyan University, P.O. Box2899, Bloomington, IL61702-2899. Visit the library Website: 362 /C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 HEAD OF INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES State University of West Georgia Ingram Library seeks a creative, dynamic Librarian as Instructional Services Division Head. The successful candidate will be a team leader in the development of a vision, goals, and strategies for the reference and instructional components of library services. Assumes a major role in the development of librarywide policies and procedures. Twelve-month, tenure-track position, with target appointment at Assistant/Associate Professor/Librarian rank. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Head of Instructional Services has administrative responsibility (planning, budgeting, evaluation) for Special Collections, Reference, Government Documents, and Library Instruction. The Head is responsible for initiating policies and procedures, proposing new initiatives in instruction, promoting use of networked resources through current awareness, publicity and the library homepage, and developing computer-assisted and Web-based instructional tools. Super vises a divisional staff of seven FTE librarians and 1.5 support staff; reports to Associate Director of Libraries. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS/MLIS. Second graduate degree required for tenure or for appointment/promotion above Instructor rank. Able to fulfill standard promotion/tenure requirements. Demonstrated ability to envision, plan, and implement new services and technology. Excellent oral and written communications skills, a collegial management style, and a commitment to the service and instructional mission of the academic library. Experience in development of Web- based instructional materials. Ability to encourage creativity in and to work collaboratively with others. Desired: Three years' progressive managerial experience in academic or research library. COMPENSATION: Standard benefits package: 21 days' vacation, 12 paid holidays, retirement (including state/optional programs), health insurance. Minimum Salary: $42,000. THE UNIVERSITY AN D COMMUNITY: Complete information about the State University of West Georgia is available at the University’s Web site: For information on the community of Carrollton, see: APPLICATIONS: Review of applications will begin A p ril 17,2000, and continue until position is filled. Letter of application, vita, transcripts, and list of three professional references* should be sent to: Mark McManus Chair, Search Committee HIS Ingram Library State University of West Georgia Carrollton, GA 30118 Fax: (770) 836-6492 E-mail: *While unofficial transcripts are sufficient for application, offer of employment will be contingent on presentation of official transcripts. Candidates passing beyond first review must submit three current letters of reference. The names of applicants and nominees, résumés, and other general nonevaluative material are subject to public inspection under the Georgia Open Records Act. The State University of West Georgia is an AA/EEO Employer. University employment page Illinois Wesleyan is an equal opportunity employer and encourages women and minorities to apply. REFER EN C E AR C H IVIST. Presbyterian Historical Society, Presbyte rian Church (U S.A.). Responsibilities: The reference archivist provides historical, legal, and administrative information services to the agencies, middle governing bodies, and congregations of the PC (USA), scholars, and the general public. Provides advice and training to church constituen cies on historical and records issues, through workshops, exhibits, news letter articles, and handouts. Trains and supervises part-time and tempo rary staff. Reports to the Manager of Public Services and Outreach. Minimum Qualifications: Master’s in library science with significant course work in archival administration or master’s in archival management. Certified Archivist preferred. Three to five years of archival experience or equivalent combination of education and experience. Ability to shift 40 lb. boxes. Desired Qualifications: Knowledge of computer applications in archives. Skill in communication (both written and verbal), teaching and public speaking, and creative problem solving. Salary: Starting salary range $37,000-$40,000with generous benefits and moving expenses. To Apply: Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to: Reference Archivist Search, Presbyterian Historical Society,425 Lombard St., Philadelphia, PA 19147. Review of applications will begin on April 17,2000, and continue until the position is filled. Presbyterians and non-Presbyterians alike encouraged to apply. AA/EOE. REFERENCE LIBRA RIAN. University of Maine at Fort Kent. A full-time professional position fora highly motivated, self-starting, team-oriented individual who is computer literate with excellent written, oral, and interper sonal skills. The University of Maine at Fort Kent is a small liberal arts institution within the University of Maine system offering baccalaureate and associate degree programs in northern Maine. The unique geographic location across the river from New Brunswick, Canada, provides opportu- C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 / 363 HEAD, CATALOGING DEPARTMENT Charles E. Young Research Library UCLA Library The UCLA University Library seeks a dynamic leader to head the Young Research Library’s Cataloging Department. Under the general direction of the Associate University Librarian for Collections and Technical Services, the successful candidate will manage the operations of the Cataloging Department which includes ongoing review and revision of policies and procedures in a highly automated and changing environment. Sets goals and establishes priorities and workflow. Has general oversight responsibilities for all personnel matters. Directly supervises seven section heads. Monitors and reconciles departmental budget. Participates actively in the formulation of cataloging and technical services policies as a member of the Advisory Committee on Cataloging and the Collection Management Council. Advises the Library Administration on overall Library initiatives as a member of the Administrative Conference. Is expected to participate in cataloging programs and standard setting on a national level. QUALIFICATIONS: Demonstrated excellent managerial, planning, leadership, communication, and supervisory skills and experience in an academic or research library and in a complex library network environment. Substantial and progressively responsible experience with planning, budgeting, and personnel management. Direct knowledge of and experience with MARC21, the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, and the application and interpretation of Library of Congress subject headings and classification. Direct knowledge of and experience with one of the national bibliographic utilities, preferably OCLC. Experience with a local integrated library system. Knowledge of cataloging and automated systems sufficient to take an active role in implementing a new integrated library system and associated workflow changes. Knowledge of national cataloging standards, and issues and trends in technical services and automation, including the Program for Cooperative Cataloging. SALARY RANGE: $40,248-$68,112 plus monthly administrative stipend: $605. Anyone wishing to be considered for the position should write to: Karen Murray Administrative Specialist Charles E. Young Research Library UCLA 11334 YRL, Box 951575 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575 Candidates applying by May 15, 2000, will be given first consideration. For full description of duties and qualifications and application procedures, see Web site: openposn.htm. nities for international educational experiences. French is commonly spo ken on both sides of the river. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent preparation or experience required. Knowledge of the Web, html, database management systems, word processing, scanning, graph ics, electronic resources, and networking desirable. Duties: Will include reference services, Maine state government documents, Special Collec tions, and bibliographic instruction. Salary: Competitive and commensu rate with experience. To Apply: Send letter of application, current resume, and contact information for three professional references to: Reference Librarian Search Committee, U niversity o f M aine a t F ort Kent, 25 Pleasant Street, Fort Kent, ME 04743-1292. Fax (207) 834-7508. Addi tional information available by telephone at (207) 834-7533; e-mail:; or online at Review of applications begins May 1, 2000, and will continue until position is filled. UMFK is an EEO/AA employer committed to employing a well-qualified, diverse staff. R EFER EN C E L IB R A R IA N . Penn State Capital College, Harrisburg campus, seeks a tenure-track reference librarian (rank of Assistant Librar ian or above) with emphasis in business and the social sciences, including education, for its new, state-of-the-art library ( Duties include reference desk coverage (with regular evening and week end hours), research assistance, course-related instruction and elec tronic resources workshops, collection development, subject-related Web pages, online database searching, and liaison to School of Business Administration and selected School of Behavioral Sciences and Education programs. Must communicate and work effectively with a variety of constitu encies. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent degree; business and social science reference experience; familiarity with electronic and networked information resources; excellent interpersonal, decision making, and oral and written communication skills; collaborative work with library faculty and staff; meeting faculty standards for appointment, promo tion, and tenure. Preferred: Two years’ public service librarian experience in an academic or research library; business or social sciences academic background; collection development experience; experience with diverse populations, including adult learners. Environment: Penn State Harris burg, an upper-division, graduate campus of Penn State’s Capital College, offers 26 baccalaureate, 17 master’s, and 2 doctoral programs to a largely non traditional student body of 2,100 undergraduate and 1,400 graduate students ( Penn State Harrisburg provides access to the Penn State University Libraries’ more than 4 million volumes systemwide. Capital College librarians’ tenure home is University Libraries ( The successful candidate must be active in re search, scholarship, and service as a tenure-track faculty member. Salary and rank commensurate with experience and qualifications. Excellent benefits. To apply, send letter of application, current résumé, and names of three references to: Chair, Reference Librarian Search Committee, c/o Dorothy J. Guy, Managerof Human Resources, Penn State Harrisburg, Box CRLN, 777 West Harrisburg Pike, Middletown, PA 17057-4898. Screening will begin May 1,2000, and continue until the position is filled. Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its workforce. RE FE R E N C E LIB R A R IA N /IN FO R M A TIO N CO N SU LTA N T. The Uni versity of Alabama Libraries. Description: The Humanities, Social Sci ences, and Government Information Services Department is located in 3 6 4 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 INSTRUCTION/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Georgia State University Georgia State University, a dynamic urban university in downtown Atlanta, seeks an energetic, knowledgeable, and forward-thinking individual to join a team charged with implementing refocused, client-centered services. Successful candidate will teach and participate in the development of classes in the library’s instruction program. REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited master’s degree, teaching or instruction experience, high level of competency with computer resources, html/Web page development skills, library experience, familiarity with print/electronic reference sources, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, commitment to client-centered service, capacity to relate constructively to students and faculty, appreciation of diversity, and flexibility. Preferred: Post-MLS experience in an academic library, experience in library instruction, experience in instructional design, 2nd master’s degree. AVAILABLE: Immediately. Salary and Rank: $31,000-$38,000 for twelve months commensurate with qualifications and experience. TO APPLY: Send letter of interest addressing above, including résumé and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Carmen Newton Georgia State University Pullen Library 100 Decatur Street, SE, Room 205 Atlanta, GA 30303-3202 Materials received by April 28,2000, will receive priority. For more information, please visit our Web site at: Georgia State University is an equal opportunity educational institution/affirmative action employer strongly committed to cultural diversity. H e a d o f P u b l i c S e r v i c e s H o u g h t o n L ib r a r y T h e H e a d o f P ublic Services is responsible fo r th e successful o p eratio n o f program s th a t su p p o rt research a n d tea ching related to th e H o u g h to n L ibrary's collections. R ep o rtin g directly to th e L ibra rian o f the H o u g h to n Library, th e H e a d o f Public Services is a m em b e r o f th e m an a g em en t tea m a n d participates in H o u g h to n L ibrary's decision a n d policy m ak in g processes. In this p o sition, you will m anage the R eading R oom , stack areas, e x h ib itio n and sem in a r ro o m s a n d also serve as C u ra to r o f th e H a rry Elkins W id e n e r C o lle ctio n in W id e n e r Library. T h e H e a d o f P ublic Services is the Library's principal liaison w ith stu d en ts, faculty m em bers, visiting scholars, o th e r readers a n d P ublic Services a n d Reference librarians in o th e r H a rv a rd C ollege a n d H a rv ard U niversity libraries. You will directly a n d indirectly supervise several professional a n d s u p p o r t staff a n d b e responsible fo r th e q u ality a n d efficiency o f th e L ibrary's reference services, a n d actively engage L ibrary users th ro u g h the provision o f reference a n d research assistance. T h e H o u g h to n L ib ra ry is th e p rim a ry library fo r rare books a n d m an u scrip ts a t H a rv a rd U niversity a n d in clu d es collections o f m ore th a n 6 0 0 ,0 0 0 rare books, over 10 m illion special m aterials, in c lu d in g m an u scrip ts, p h o to g rap h s, a p re m ie r co llec tio n o f w orks devoted to th e a n o f th e b o o k , a n d a collec tion o n th e h isto ry o f th e th ea tre a n d the p e rfo rm in g arts. T h e H o u g h to n Library, w ith its F T E sta ff o f 3 5 . actively su p p o rts research a n d in s tru c tio n by ac q u irin g , cataloging, a n d p re serving literary, rare, historical, a n d visual m aterials a n d th ro u g h th e provision o f courses, lectures, sem inars, ex hibitions, a n d p u b licatio n s. T h e successful c a n d id a te will have a n M .L .S . a n d /o r an ad v a n ce d degree in th e H u m a n itie s o r Social Sciences. S ig n ific an t experience w ith in a special co llec tio n s library, preferably w ith in an academ ic settin g , in c lu d in g supervision o f s ta ff m em b ers a n d proven skills w o r k in g w ith a variety o f p eo p le req u ired . Experience w ith diverse e le ctro n ic a n d p r in t re ference a n d research resources preferred. W e are searching fo r an in dividua l w h o w ill b rin g ene rgy a n d im ag in atio n to th is crucial p o sitio n as well as a w illingness to w ork in close c o o p e ratio n w ith colleagues in sh a p in g th e fu tu re o f th e H o u g h to n Library. H a rv a r d U niversity offers a c o m p e titiv e p ro g ram o f benefits. A p p o in tm e n t salary d e p e n d e n t o n q u alifica tions. Salary co m m en su rate w ith experience. T h e review o f a p p lica tio n s will b egin im m e d iately a n d c o n tin u e u n til th e p o sitio n is filled. In terested p artie s are in v ite d to s u b m it a le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n a d d re ssin g q u a lific a tio n s fo r p o s itio n , re su m e , a n d th e n a m e s o f th re e re feren ce s to : H a r v a r d U n iv e r s ity E m p lo y m e n t O f fic e , R e s u m e P ro c e s s in g C e n te r , R e q u is itio n # 3 9 0 7 , 11 H o ly o k e S tr e e t, C a m b r id g e , M A 0 2 1 3 8 . O r a p p ly o n lin e t o w w w .h r .h a r v a r d .e d u /e m p lo y m e n t/jo b s .h tm l. HARVARD UNIVERSITY U P H O L D S A C O M M IT M E N T T O AFFIRMATIVE A C T IO N A N D EQU AL E M PLO Y M EN T O PPO RTU NITY. H A R V A R D U N I V E R S I T Y C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 / 365 HEAD, SYSTEMS AND ACCESS DEPARTMENT Southeast Missouri State University RESPONSIBILITIES: Develop and administer new department responsible for Kent Library’s computer systems and access services. Guide the planning, design, and development of library-based information systems and services. W ork closely with the dean and other department heads. Provide leadership in identifying, planning, implementing, and evaluating information technologies, including the library’s computing infrastructure, operating systems, hardware, and software. Provide operational support. Participate in collection development program. Participate in cooperative university projects. Provide line supervision for access services and interlibrary loan whose day- to-day activities are managed by two professional staff who direct the work of six FTE support staff and a varying number of student assistants. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS. At least two years’ professional work experi ence in an academic library. Significant experience working with information technology and electronic resources including but not limited to online library systems, networking, and various local and remote information services. Familiarity with microcomputer hardware and software in a Windows environment. Demonstrated knowledge of the computing needs of a university library. Demonstrated understanding of systems analysis and programming. Excellent analytical and communications skills. Demonstrated commitm en t to the teacher/scholar model, public and university service, and a culturally diverse learning environment. Ability to work well as a member of a group as well as individually in a demanding and rapidly changing environment. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Second master's or doctoral degree. Experience with INNOPAC. Knowledge of Windows NT/98, Novell Netware, and TCP/IP. Supervisory experience. SETTING: Southeast Missouri State University ( is a comprehensive student- centered university of five colleges and two schools offering more than 120 academic programs. Campus is located in the heart of Cape Girardeau, a Mississippi River town of about 40,000, located on Interstate 55 between St. Louis and Memphis. Student enrollment is 8,500 with a student/faculty ratio of 18:1. Library collections include over 400,000 bound cataloged volumes and current subscriptions to approximately 2,500 periodicals. Staff includes 14 library faculty, six professional staff, and 22 clerical positions. An unusual opportunity. The library has added positions, initiated restructuring of library staff into departments, led development of a 12.3 million dollar renovation plan, established a library strategic plan, and increased support for the development of services and collections. While currently using NOTIS, Kent Library is one of 49 academic libraries in Missouri which have formed a consortium to purchase and implement a common library platform from Innovative Interfaces with all installations to be complete within the next three years. SALARY RANGE: Minimum $45,000, depending on qualifications and experience. Excellent benefits package. Academic year and summer contract. Faculty tenure-track appointment. Must meet established criteria, including a second master's degree, for promotion and tenure. Tuition remission part of benefits package. APPLICATIONS: Applications received by April 15, 2000, will receive first consideration. Preferred starting date July 1, 2000. Position will remain open until filled. Send letter of application, résumé, transcripts, and names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to: Chair, Systems and Access Department Head Screening Committee Kent Library, MS 4600 Southeast Missouri State University 1 University Plaza Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 An Equal Opportunity/M-F/Affirmative Action Employer Amelia Gayle Gorgas Library, and staffs an electronic Information Center. The department is looking for a team player to share responsibilities for effective delivery of user services and functioning of the department in an information-intense environment that requires constant learning. Depart ment faculty participate in a challenging and changing environment, anticipating growth in the use of electronic and remote access sources, and in educational and outreach opportunities. The University maintains membership in the Association of Research Libraries, the Center for Research Libraries, the Coalition for Networked Information, SOLINET, and the Network of Alabama Academic Libraries. A U.S. government documents regional depository, the Libraries sen/e Alabama libraries and the public. The Libraries use Endeavor’s Voyager Integrated Library System; the Libraries’ homepage may be accessed at httpy/ Responsibilities: To provide reference, instruction, and research assis tance, using traditional and electronic resources, to faculty, students, and other on site and remote users of the humanities, the social sciences, and government information; provide specialized reference and instruction in assigned subjects; responsible for reference collection development in assigned subjects; serve as selector and library liaison for one or more academic disciplines; provide, at the departmental level, support for elec tronic resource applications and other needs; serve as liaison to the Systems Office; supervise one support staff position; other responsibilities 3 6 6 / C&RL News ■ A p r i l 2000 FOUR POSITIONS Dillard University Library Dillard University is a private, historically black (HBCU), undergraduate, dynamic, individually student-centered, liberal arts institution, and is an intellectually challenging environment with close to 2,000 students. The campus is located in New Orleans, identified as the Crescent City and nationally recognized for its high concentration of jazz and other natural and cultural attractions. The Division of Education is one of six academic divisions on campus and has recently received reaccreditation by the Southern Accreditation of Colleges and Schools (SACS). 1) Cataloging Librarian for Archives and Special Collections RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsibilities include original and complex copy cataloging of archival and special collection materials in a variety of print, nonprint, and digital formats; monitoring the preservation of microfilm cataloging. REQUIREMENTS: Must possess ALA-accredited master of library science degree; three years of professional experience in an academic or research library; knowledge of archival principles; cataloging and procedures of AACR2R, LC subject headings and classification, and USMARC formats; reading and speaking knowledge of one European language (French or Spanish); and familiarity with automated processing activities through the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC). Excellent oral and written communication skills. Please send letter of application, résumé, and the contact information for three professional references to the address below. 2) Archivist and Special Collections Librarian GENERAL DUTIES: Responsible for implementing and sustaining a collegewide records manage ment program: for the scheduling, accessioning, and processing of college archives; for arranging, describing, and preserving manuscript collections; for the maintenance of rare books collection; for the organization and care of the collection's photographs, slides, and artifacts; for maintaining public relations, including soliciting donations and arranging appropriate acquisitions; for providing research instruction to classes on the use of special collections; and for supervising departmental staff, interns, and student workers. REQUIREMENTS: Master of library science degree from an accredited institution with extensive course work in archives and records management; or master of arts in history; three years of experience in an archives or manuscript repository, preferably in an academic setting; familiarity with computer applications in archives, particularly with regard to the Web; supervisory, public service, and project management experience. Applicants must be certified by the Society for American Archivists. Please send letter of application, résumé, and the contact information for three professional references to the address below. 3) Dean of the University Library/Learning Resources RESPONSIBILITIES: The Dean of the University Library/Learning Resources is responsible for the growth and oversight of the library collection and for the implementation and oversight of information technologies. The Dean is responsible for librarywide planning; preparation and oversight of budget, personnel, and systems development; and fundraising initiatives. This will be carried out in concert with an ongoing academic planning structure. The Dean will demonstrate evidence of visionary and dynamic leadership commitment; will possess excellent oral, written, communication, and interpersonal skills; will support a strong undergraduate research library; will effectively apply information technologies to meet the needs of all library users; and will exhibit a collaborative leadership style. BASIC QUALIFICATIONS: 1) Must hold a doctorate in the field of library or information science from an ALA-accredited institution. 2) Must have a minimum of five years of professional and administrative experience. 3) Must show evidence of service and scholarly achievement sufficient to meet the requirements for tenure and the rank of full professor or associate professor as printed in the Dillard University Faculty Handbook. SALARY: Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. APPLICATION: An application package must include a letter of interest setting forth qualifications, describing the highlights of leadership experiences, how these experiences have influenced orientation and philosophy of educational leadership, and how this will translate to leadership of the library in a dynamic and collegial environment. The package should also include a current vitae including names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses (if available) (continued on next page) C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 / 367 (continued from previous page) of five persons who can provide recommendations upon request. The successful candidate will need to produce copies of transcripts. Screening of applicants will commence immediately and continue until a successful candidate is identified. Send packet of information to the address below. 4) Dean, Division of Education The Dean of Education must show evidence of visionary and dynamic leadership. The Dean of Education reports to the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs, sits on the Provost’s Council, demonstrates a profound comm itm ent to assessing and restructuring a 21st-century curriculum in concert with an ongoing academic planning process, and fosters a collaborative relationship between the university and the Louisiana elementary and secondary school systems. BASIC QUALIFICATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Earned doctorate in education or related field from a regionally accredited institution; • Three to five years of exemplary administrative leadership in higher education; • Some experience in state/federal educational agencies are desired; • Evidence of excellence in teaching, service, scholarly achievement sufficient for allowing appointment to the rank of associate or full professor and tenure; • Demonstrated ability to manage a budget in an era of limited resources; • Experience in fostering the collaborative participation of faculty to achieve university goals; • Notable experience in K -1 2 schools; • Commitment to and knowledge about requirements for state and national accreditation; • Demonstrated ability to maximize internal and external resources; • Commitment to the integration of technology into the teaching/learning process; • Understanding of national trends and issues related to K -1 2 education and counseling services; • Recruiting and hiring division faculty and providing annual reviews of performance; • Serves as the advocate for division needs and programs. SALARY: Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. APPLICATION: An application package must include a letter of interest setting forth qualifications, describing the highlights of leadership experiences, how these experiences have influenced orientation and philosophy of educational leadership, and how this will translate to leadership of the division in a dynamic and collegial environment. The package should also include a current vitae including names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses (if available) of five persons who can provide recommendations upon request. The successful candidate will need to provide copies of transcripts. Screening of applicants will commence im mediately and continue until a successful candidate is identified. Send packet of information to the address below. Darryl Williams Human Resources Dillard University Rosenwald Hall, Room 119C 2601 Gentilly Boulevard New Orleans, LA 70122 Phone: (504) 286-4868 as needed. Work some night, weekend, and holiday hours. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution; knowledge of humani ties, social sciences, and/or government information in traditional and electronic sources; knowledge of library technology, including computer applications; strong commitment to user-centered sen/ices; ability to work effectively with faculty, students, staff, and other users; effective oral and written communication skills; organizational skills; initiative and flexibility; evidence of potential to meet University requirements for promotion and tenure. Desirable: Government documents coursework or experience; academic library experience in the humanities and/or social sciences; familiarity with user needs relative to resources in electronic format; knowledge of one or more foreign languages; degree in a social science. Salary/Benefits: 12-month tenure-track appointment a t the Instructor or Assistant Professor rank depending on qualifications. Minimum Salary: $26,000/lnstructor and $28,600/Assistant Professor. Strong benefits; sub stantial moving allowance may be available. To Apply: Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Voni B. Wyatt, Personnel Officer, The U niversity o f A la bama Libraries, Box 870266, T uscaloosa, AL 35487-0266. Applications received by April 30,2000, are assured of receiving consideration. The University of Alabama is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. R E FE R E N C E L IB R A R IA N /S U B JE C T S P E C IA L IS T — S O C IA L SC I ENCE. (Search Reopened) Provide reference and information services to users at the RIS desk, in the Scholars Information Center, and on the department’s electronic reference discussion lists, on rotating weekday and weekend schedules. The incumbent will work one evening and one Saturday per month in the Zahn Library. Specific duties include assisting users in finding appropriate information sources; teaching database search ing and research techniques, both one-on-one and in the classroom. Serve on departmental and Library/University-wide task forces and committees. Participate in the Libraries’ collection development and management programs, in accordance with established policies and procedures, with primary responsibility for materials supporting the social sciences. The major duties include selection and deselection of library materials in all formats; initiation of appropriate preservation actions for damaged materi als; initiation and maintenance of contacts with faculty in social sciences; informing faculty of the Libraries’ instructional programs and acting as the principal instructor for Library user education classes in social sciences. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution. Master’s degree in a social science and experience in collection development is preferred. Must have broad background in the social sciences and excellent writing and interpersonal skills. Experience with microcomputers and knowledge 368 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library UCLA Library The Reference Division of the UCLA Louise Darling Biomedical Library seeks a dynamic team player as reference librarian. This individual is responsible for providing reference desk service, consul tation service, outreach, instruction, including both standard course-related instruction and database and other Internet resource search instruction, and mediated online search service. Service at the reference desk includes assisting users with finding materials and answering inquiries in the health and life sciences during daytime, evening, and weekend hours. Instructional activities include providing academic-related instructional sessions on the use of Internet resources including databases in the health and life sciences, as well as general sessions on databases and Internet resources, and includes designing both print and electronic instructional materials. Consulting and outreach activities are designed to promote available resources and assist our primary users with searching biomedical databases and Internet resources directly. Online search service includes providing bibliographies from databases, such as MEDLINE, the BIOSIS database, and PsyclNFO. QUALIFICATIONS: Dynamic team player; effective oral and written communication skills; demon strated successful interpersonal skills; ability to work successfully with colleagues, staff, health and life sciences professionals and students; familiarity with health and life science resources; ability and interest in instructing adults; ability to adapt well to change; ability and interest in exploring innovative and creative solutions to provide services that reach beyond the boundaries of the traditional library; experience in working with microcomputer equipment and software including Windows; thorough knowledge of the Internet and experience in searching electronic resources available through the Internet. Background will normally include a professional degree from an accredited library and information science graduate program. SALARY RANGE: $32,940-$50,520. Anyone wishing to be considered for the position should write to: Karen Murray Administrative Specialist Charles E. Young Research Library UCLA 11334 YRL, Box 951575 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575 Candidates applying by April 30, 2000, will be given first consideration. For full description of duties and qualifications and application procedures, see Web site: openposn.htm. of, or experience with, reference and database/Web searching required. Compensation: Minimum $31,000; higher commensurate with qualifica tions and experience. Generous benefits package includes health, dental, and life insurance; tuition remission; and TIAA-CREF retirement plans. To Apply: Send letter of application addressing qualifications, résumé, and names of three references to: Chair, Search Committee, Administrative Services Department, Temple University Libraries, 1210 W. Berks Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122. Closing date for applications: May 15,2000. An AA/EO employer. REFERENCE SCIEN CE LIBRA RIAN. Joyner Library, East Carolina University (ECU) seeks an enthusiastic, service-oriented, and innovative individual for the position of Reference Science Librarian. The Science Librarian provides science and general reference and instructional ser vices for students and faculty; serves as liaison to one or more science departments and works closely with faculty within these departments to develop the library’s collections and services; and develops Web pages that support the curriculum in these areas. The Science Librarian is a member of the ALS Reference Department, and reports to the Head of Reference. Scheduled hours on the Reference Desk, including some evening and weekend work, are required. Academic Library Services (ALS) supports the campus community’s mission of teaching, research, and service through Joyner Library’s collection of over one million volumes, 6,000 current subscriptions, 1.6 million microforms, and extensive collections of government documents, maps, manuscripts, and archival records. The Library subscribes to more than 130 databases, including a full comple ment of science-related reference tools in both print and electronic formats. ALS has a $2.2 million materials budget and employs a staff of 117, including 33 faculty librarians. A recently completed $35 million expansion and renovation project doubled the size of the facility, and the granting of Doctoral II status to the library in 1998 has fostered growth in collections and research. Visit the Library’s Web site ( for additional information. Located in Greenville, North Carolina, East Caro lina University enrolls almost 18,000 students and is composed of the College of Arts and Sciences and 10 professional schools. Master’s degrees are awarded in such fields as Biology, Molecular Biology/Bio technology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Mathematics, and Physics. The University awards the Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Physics and Coastal Resources Management. A constituent institution of the University of North Carolina System and the third largest of the 16 campuses, ECU is the primary educational resource, and the cultural, economic, and medical center for the eastern region of the state. Enroll ment over the next ten years is expected to climb to27,000. ECU is located within two hours’ drive of the Research Triangle Park, Raleigh, and the state’s southern beaches. Additional information is available at http:// Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree or international equivalent in library or information science; a strong commitment to public service. Preferred Qualifications: Academic back ground in the sciences, preferably a master’s degree in the physical or life sciences; two years’ experience in an academic, research or special library; instructional experience; knowledge of the Internet and personal computer applications; excellent interpersonal, oral, and written communi cation skills; ability to work effectively with staff and users. Rank, Salary, and Benefits: Twelve-month tenure-track faculty position with appointment at the C&RL News ■ A p r il 2 0 0 0 / 369 TWO POSITIONS Temple University Cataloger/Copy Cataloging Coordinator, Monographic Cataloging Unit Create original and adaptive bibliographic records in a variety of subjects, languages, and formats. Assign, train, and revise copy catalogers and data entry staff. Assist in quality control and problem solving activities. Provide leadership in areas of cataloging and authority work. Participate in the formulation of local cataloging policies and procedures. Participate in library committees and task forces. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS from ALA-accredited program. Two to three years’ recent original cataloging experience in a large academic or research library. Knowledge of authority control practices. Bibliographic knowledge or at least one western European language, preferably French and/or German. Strong personal, analytical, training, and problem-solving skills; effective oral and written communication skills. Ability to work well with all levels of staff, both individually and in groups; ability to prioritize work and to set and meet goals for self and staff. Ability to work independently and to exercise initiative. Thorough knowledge of AACR2r, USMARC formats, LC classification, and subject headings. Experience with national bibliographic utilities, RLIN and/or OCLC, and library management systems. Preferred: Supervisory/project management experience in a large or research library; familiarity with NACO procedures; cataloging experience using RLIN; experience with the III system. Head, Database Management Unit Oversee the daily operations of the Database Management Unit. Coordinate, analyze, and report on all activities related to bibliographic control and database building. Assign, train, and evaluate the performance of the Unit’s staff. Manage special automation and retrospective conversion projects. Solve bibliographic, authority control, and systemic problems, and serve as a resource person for issues related to the integrity of the Libraries’ bibliographic and authority records that reside in Diamond, the online Libraries Management System. Formulate and document policies and procedures for the creation and maintenance of bibliographic and authority records in Diamond; collaborate with staff from the separately administered Health Sciences and Law libraries on issues relating to quality assurance and adherence to bibliographic and authority control standards. Will serve as the Libraries’ coordinator for the NACO Project. In response to new digital imaging initiatives, incumbent will work closely with personnel from other areas of the Libraries/University to develop and coordinate appropriate strategies for the creation of digitized imaging collections, and to investigate new approaches for providing description, subject analysis, and bibliographic access to digitized information. Participate in the development of department and l¡brarywide services through committee and task force activities. Assume other professional responsibilities as appropriate. Position reports to the Head of Bibliographic Services Department and maintains programmatic liaison with other departments in the Library/University. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS from ALA-accredited program. Considerable cataloging and authority control experience, preferably in a large academic or research library using the III system. Knowledge of AACR2r, LC classification, and LCSH. Thorough knowledge of the USMARC formats, RLIN and/or OCLC, and national cataloging and authority work standards. Effective communication, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills. Evidence of professional growth, team-based accomplish ments, and potential for leadership. Knowledge of current trends in automation and microcomputing. Ability to function effectively in a changing work environment. Preferred: Familiarity with sgml, html, computer applications, and experience with digital imaging or electronic publishing. Working knowledge of two foreign languages. Both positions: Compensation: Minimum $33,000: higher commensurate with qualifications and experience. Generous benefits package includes health, dental, and life insurance; tuition remission; and TIAA-CREF retirement plans. TO APPLY: Send letter of application addressing qualifications, résumé, and names of three references to: Chair, Search Committee Administrative Services Department Temple University Libraries 1210 W. Berks Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 Closing date for applications: May 15, 2000. Art AA/EO employer. 370 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 THE SAN DIEGO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT San Diego Mesa College Periodicals Librarian (Search Reopened) San Diego M esa C ollege is r e o p e n in g t h e s e arc h a n d is se ek in g a n ex p erienced, know ledgeable an d forw ard- loo k in g lib r a ria n w hose p rim a ry resp o n sib ility will be c o o rd in a tin g th e s e le c tio n , a c q u is itio n , p ro ce ssin g and m an a g e m en t of th e lib ra ry ’s rapidly ch a n g in g p e rio d icals co lle c tio n . O th e r a s sig n m e n ts w ill inclu d e referen ce service, lib rary in s tr u c tio n , and book c o llectio n dev elo p m en t. San Diego M esa College L ibrary is located in a b eau tifu l a w ard -w in n in g f o u r-sto ry L earn in g R eso u rces C e n te r b u ild in g se rv in g th e c a m p u s ’s 24,000 stu d e n ts. R equired Q ualifications: A LA -accredited M aster’s d egree in L ibrary S cien ce o r its e q u iv a le n t; d e m o n stra te d exp erien ce in th e s e le c tio n , o rg an iz a tio n a n d m a n a g e m en t o f a lib rary p e rio d ica ls c o lle c tio n ; d e m o n stra te d exp erien ce in u s in g lib ra ry c o m p u te rs a n d lib rary softw are; d e m o n s tra te d exp erien ce in p ro v id in g lib rary refe ren c e service u s in g a v a rie ty of p r in t r e so u rc e s and e le c tro n ic d atabases; d e m o n s tra te d know ledge of c u r r e n t c o llectio n d e v e lo p m en t an d lib ra ry i n str u c tio n p rin c ip le s, tre n d s and tec h n iq u e s; s tr o n g w ritte n and v erbal co m m u n ica tio n sk ills. S alary: $ 3 ,4 2 8 -$ 5 ,149 p e r m o n th . A pplications m u s t be received in th e H u m an R esources E m p lo y m en t Office no la te r t h a n 4:30 p.m . on May 5 , 2000. To r e q u e s t ap p lic a tio n m ate ria ls, please co n ta c t: The San Diego Community College District Human Resources Employment Office 3 3 7 5 Camino del Rio South, Suite 3 3 0 San Diego, CA 9 2 1 0 8 -3 8 8 3 (6 1 9 ) 5 8 4 -6 5 8 0 or 1 -8 0 0 -6 4 8 -4 0 2 3 SCIENCE/ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN (Search Reopened) Washington University in St. Louis The Science/Engineering Librarian participates as an active member of the reference and subject librarian teams. Helps to design services and develop collections to meet users’ changing Information needs in an increasingly electronic environment. Provides reference service in science and engineer ing and general reference (includes some evening and weekend hours); selects library materials to support research, teaching, and learning in engineering and the sciences and serves as liaison with faculty and students in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences; provides classroom library instruction; participates in team and library committee work. Reports to Head of Reference. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; undergraduate or graduate degree in engineering or science; experience in using electronic information technologies including creation of Web pages; experience in science librarianship including reference work, preferably in an academic library; ability to work and interact harmoniously with a diverse student body, faculty, and library staff. Desired: Reading knowledge of a foreign language. Salary Range: $27,750- $33,000. Additional information about Olin Library and Washington University is available at http:// Submit letter of application, résumé, copy of undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and names and addresses of three current references to: Human Resources Washington University Campus Box 1178 7425 Forsyth Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63105 Review of applications will begin immediately. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. Washington University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 / 371 LIBRARIAN, SCHEIDE MUSIC LIBRARY Princeton University Princeton University Library invites nominations and applications for the position of Librarian, Scheide Music Library. The successful candidate will be responsible for directing the recently built Scheide Music Library, which is housed in the Woolworth Center, home to Princeton’s Department of Music. The Library, which includes an audio lab, maintains a collection of 200 subscriptions, 30,000 monographs, 35,000 scores, 4,500 microfilms, and 60,000 sound recordings; it also provides access to a large number of electronic resources. The Library serves the students, faculty, and visiting researchers associated with the two concentrations— composition and musicology— within the Department of Music. In addition, it serves the many other members of the campus community interested in music. DESCRIPTION: The Librarian oversees all aspects of the Scheide Music Library, including collection development and preservation; reference and research consultation; user education; and strategic planning. The Librarian is expected to further advance the introduction of digital technology, including the creation of Web-based research tools. The Librarian supervises a staff of one other librarian, two support workers, and a large complement of student employees. Collaborating with other Princeton University Library staff, the Librarian contributes to campuswide library projects and initiatives. This position reports to the Deputy University Librarian. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: An ALA-accredited master's of library science or equivalent combination of education and professional library experience; ability to provide leadership and direction in a research library, as demonstrated by supervisory, planning, and problem-solving experience; undergraduate training in music; in-depth knowledge of music literature and music reference sources; demonstrated understanding of current developments in information and digital technologies and their impact on music library services; at least two years of experience in music librarianship; demonstrated ability to work cooperatively with others and to foster teamwork; effective oral and written communication skills; knowledge of at least one modern European language, especially German, French, or Italian. Preferred: Graduate degree in music. NOMINATIONS AND APPLICATIONS: Salary is competitive and negotiable, with an attractive benefits package. Review of applications will begin on April 7,2000, and continue until the position is filled. Candidates should submit a letter of application, a résumé, and the names, titles, and phone numbers of three professional references to: Search Committee Librarian, Scheide Music Library Princeton University Library Human Resources 1 Washington Road Princeton, NJ 08544-2098 E-mail: Fax: (609) 258-0454 Princeton University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer rank of Assistant Professor. Professional achievement, service, and re search/creative activity are required for tenure and promotion. $29,000 minimum, substantially higher based on experience. The salary is sup ported by a comprehensive fringe benefits package. Application Process: Screening of applications will continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, résumé, copies of highest degree transcripts, and three current letters of reference to: Search Committee, Reference Science Librarian, Becky Foster, Processing Assistant, Joyner Library, East Caro lina University, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. ECU is an Equal Opportu nity, Affirmative Action Employer and accommodates individuals with dis abilities. Applicants must comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act. Official transcripts required upon employment. REFERENCE SERVICES COORDINATOR. Valparaiso University seeks a Reference Services Coordinator to provide leadership in the introduction, evaluation, and delivery of reference resources and services while demon strating a commitment to the instructional and service mission of Moellering Library. Within a team environment, responsibilities include scheduled reference duty (including evening and weekend rotations), instruction, and collection development. Required Qualifications: MLS, or equivalent de gree, from an ALA-accredited program by the time of appointment. Excel lent communication skills. Demonstrated knowledge of and experience with print and electronic reference resources. Demonstrated teaching skills in group and one-on-one settings. Ability to adapt to change. Ability to meet Valparaiso University’s requirements for faculty promotion and tenure. Desired Qualifications: Second master’s degree or strong subject back ground. Experience with Web development and other computer applica tions. Salary: $32,000. Located in northwest Indiana, with easy access to Chicago and the Indiana Dunes country, Valparaiso University is an independent, comprehensive University with a strong Lutheran tradition. Consideration of applications will begin May 1,2000, and will continue until the position is filled. Send a letter of application, résumé, and contact information for three references to: Rick AmRhein, University Librarian, Moellering Library, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN 46383. For more information, visit our Website at http/ / SCIENCE/AGRICULTURE LIBRARIAN. (Assistant Librarian rank) Loui siana State University Libraries. Participates in delivery of reference 3 7 2 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 ASSISTANT HEAD OF ACCESS SERVICES FOR CIRCULATION SERVICES ASSISTANT HEAD OF ACCESS SERVICES FOR HIGH DENSITY STORAGE AND STACKS MANAGEMENT University of Pennsylvania Library System Van Pelt-D¡etrich Library The University of Pennsylvania Library is seeking to fill two key administrative positions to assist in developing and improving the programs of the recently organized Van Pelt Library Access Services Department. Both positions report to the Assistant Director/Head of Access Services. SCOPE: Van Pelt Library is Penn’s central social sciences and humanities library. It houses approximately 2.5 million volumes, 13,000 current serial subscriptions, and 1.5 million microforms. The Access Services Department comprises six units: Circulation, Reserves, Stacks Maintenance/ Exit Security, Circulation Data Maintenance, High Density Storage and Current Periodicals/Microtext, with a total of 30 full-time support staff. The department is administered by a team of four librarians: the Head of Access Services; a part-time Data Maintenance Supervisor; and two Assistant Heads, one for Circulation Services and one for High Density Storage. The Library’s High Density Storage facility is located a few blocks from Van Pelt. It provides shelving space for lower use materials from Penn’s 15 libraries and has capacity for two million volumes. RESPONSIBILITIES: Assistant Head of Access Services for Circulation Services: • Acts as deputy to the Head of Access Services who is responsible for overseeing all the aforementioned units. • Manages automated circulation and reserve modules of the Library’s integrated processing system, including troubleshooting and maintenance of online circulation policy tables for campus libraries. • Serves as administrator of the Circulation Desk unit. Primary duties include hiring, training, and supervising of 10 full-time staff. Plans and oversees administration of services to patrons. • Assists in the planning and administration of the Department and development of new services as a senior member of the Access Services team. • Participates in librarywide task forces and committees. (continued on next page) services at a combined general/government documents service desk, including some evening and weekend hours, in the general instruction program, as well as in department and librarywide activities and governance. Responsible, individually and as part of a team, for the Libraries’ collections in one or more of the following fields: agriculture, life sciences, physics, mathematics. Responsibilities include selection, col lection analysis, evaluation, and management. Works closely with the faculty and staff of relevant academic departments/colleges to identify needs and establish priorities. Provides subject-specific reference con sultation and user education as needed, including instruction in the use of computer-based resources. Individual is expected to meet promotion and tenure requirements. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; knowledge of traditional and electronic reference resources: strong computer skills; ability to work both independently and colleg¡ally in a demanding and rapidly changing environment; excellent interpersonal, communication, and organizational skills; evidence of ability to meet tenure requirements. Preferred: Degree and/or relevant experience in agricul ture, life sciences, physics, or mathematics; familiarity with current biblio graphic and reference sources in agriculture and/or the life sciences; experience in collection development, reference work, and/or user educa tion in an academic library; record of ability to develop and implement effective, innovative public services, instruction, or outreach projects, services, or programs; self-directed learning style; willingness to learn new technologies; demonstrated leadership ability. Salary and Benefits: $29,500 per fiscal year minimum, dependent upon qualifications and experience; 12-month, tenure-track appointment; excellent benefits. Application: Review of applications will begin May 1,2000, and will continue until position is filled. Candidates should submit a letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Caroline Wire, Assistant to the Dean, 295 Middleton Library, L o u is ia n a S ta te U n iv e rs ity , Baton Rouge, LA 70803. Ref. #000397. SOU THEAST ASIAN BIBLIOGRAPHER. Arizona State University, Uni versity Libraries is seeking a Southeast Asian Bibliographer to work in the Collection Development Division. The position reports to the Coordinator for Social Sciences and is responsible for developing, managing, and maintaining the Southeast Asian Studies Collection that consists of exten sive holdings in the languages of Southeast Asia. Review of applications will begin May 15,2000, and the first of the month thereafter until filled. To Apply: send letter, résumé, and names, addresses (include e-mail ad dresses if possible), and phone numbers of three recent references to: Kurt R. Murphy, Assistant Dean for Personnel, University Libraries, Arizona State University, Box871006, Tempe, AZ85287-1006. For more informa tion e-mail:, voice (480) 965-3417, or fax (480) 965- 9169. ASU is an EO/AA employer and actively seeks diversity among applicants and promotes a diverse workforce. SPECIAL C O LLECTIO NS AND ARC HIVES LIBRA RIAN. Southeast M issouri S tate U niversity. Establish, organize, administer, develop, catalog, and promote Kent Library’s special collections and archives, including one of the largest William Faulkner collections in the U.S. Requires accredited MLS. Academic rank. 10-month contract. Minimum salary $30,000. For details, see: facposcv.htm. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. The Ithaca College Library is seeking a systems librarian to plan, evaluate, and implement various library technology appli cations and services. The systems librarian manages an integrated library automation system (DRA) in collaboration with staff in Academic Comput ing and Client Services; coordinates and plans Internet and Web-based library services; supervises staff; is responsible for overall design and implementation of the library’s Web pages. Required Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; three years’ experience in a library systems operation; working knowledge of library automated system soft- C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 / 373 (continued from previous page) Assistant Head of Access Services for High Density Storage and Stacks Management: • Responsible for managing Penn’s High Density Storage facility. Primary duties include hiring, training, and supervising two full-time staff members. Plans and coordinates the transfer of materials to storage from the Van Pelt Library and from departmental libraries on campus, working closely under the direction of the Director for Collection Development. • Develops and oversees Storage delivery services, investigates and implements new delivery technologies, and measures and monitors the effectiveness of these services. Designs and implements policies and procedures. • Works closely with the Storage Processing Librarian to ensure efficient and accurate processing of materials transferred to High Density Storage. • Manages Van Pelt Library’s Stacks/Exit unit. Primary duties include hiring, training, and supervising full-time staff of 12 and coordinating coverage for the Van Pelt Library exit door. Develops and manages the maintenance of the Van Pelt stack operation. Regularly measures and monitors the accuracy and timeliness of shelving. • Assists in the planning and administration of the Department as a senior member of the Access Services team. On occasion may serve as deputy to the Head of Access Services, in administering other units in the department such as Circulation, Current Periodicals/ Microtext, and Rosengarten Reserve. • Participates in librarywide task forces and committees. QUALIFICATIONS: Both positions require an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or equivalent in theory and practice. Demonstrated initiative and common sense, strong supervisory skills, or supervisory potential essential. Excellent technical skills essential; familiarity with library automated systems an advantage. Excellent written and oral communication skills, and ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and staff are essential. Salary: Commensurate with experience. TO APPLY: Send a cover letter, résumé, and names of three references to: Robert Eash Library Human Resources Manager University Library 3420 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA. 19104 Applications received by May 15, 2000, will be given first consideration. The University of Pennsylvania is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. ware and operations; ability to work effectively in a collaborative setting; ability to communicate technical information to a broad range of constitu encies; ability to create and maintain a library Web site; working knowledge of html and other Internet software; excellent organizational and communi cation skills; ability to balance varied responsibilities. Please submit a letter of application, résumé, and the names and phone numbers of three refer ences to: Margaret L. Johnson, College Librarian, Ithaca College Library, 1202 Gannett Center, Ithaca, NY 14850-7060. Applications will also be accepted via e-mail to: mjohnson @ Screening of applications will begin on March 15,2000, and will continue until the position is filled. Ithaca College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Mem bers of historically underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. TEC H N IC A L & ELEC TRONIC SER VIC ES LIBRA RIAN. The Master’s College (TMC) has an immediate opening for a full-time technical and electronic services librarian. Duties and responsibilities include providing leadership in planning, developing, and implementing information technol ogy strategies for the institution’s library, administering technical ser vices, serving as liaison to the computing and telecommunications depart ments, and serving as Voyager System Administrator. Candidates should possess a master’s degree from an ALA-accredited institution, knowledge of computers and computing applications in libraries, specifically the use of electronic information resources and structures, and demonstrate an aptitude for learning new technology. The successful applicant must possess excellent oral and written communication skills, and should also have a strong commitment to the doctrinal position and philosophy of the college. TMC is a non denominational, Christian liberal arts college, which holds to a conservative, evangelical, noncharismatic, premillenial doctrinal position. TMC is committed to practicing the principles of equal employ ment opportunity and diversity based on Biblical principles. Please send letter of interest and résumé to: The M aster’s Col lege, VP for Academic Affairs, 21726 Placerita Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA91321 -1200. RECRUIT THE BEST… List your open positions in C&RL News. Contact Christopher Becker at 1-800-545-2433 ext. 2513 for help in placing your ad. Get a 10% discount by e-mailing your ad to :c & rln ew sad s@ ala.o rg . 374 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 HEAD, MIDEAST TECHNICAL SERVICES AN MIDEAST BIBLIOGRAPHER University of Pennsylvania Library System Van Pelt-Dietrich Library BROAD FUNCTION: The University of Pennsylvania Library is seeking a scholar/ librarian with the knowledge, energy and vision to develop and manage the resources and services of the Library in Middle Eastern Studies. This will involve liaison to academic departments, developing the Library’s print and digital resources in this field, acquiring and cataloging vernacular materials, maintaining a seminar collection and reference service, and managing a processing unit consisting of one Bibliographic Specialist and student assistants. CONTEXT: Penn’s academic programs in Middle Eastern Studies focus on Arabic language and literature of all periods and from all countries, Islam and Islamic law and philosophy, the history of Islam and of Muslim countries west of South Asia, and premodem Islamic art and architecture. The University has been engaged In Middle Eastern Studies since the late 18th century, and the vernacular collection has been developed vigorously since 1965 and currently ranks as one of the ten largest in the country. The Middle East Studies Bibliographer is a senior member of the Collection Development Council and reports directly to the Director of Collection Management and Development. The Bibliographer is also part of a broader community of over 20 subject specialists in the library system and works closely with other bibliographers, especially those for the Humanities, Judaic Studies and the Social Sciences, as well as with colleagues in the Information Processing and Public Service components of the Library. DUTIES: Work closely with faculty in all departments with programs and course offerings in Middle Eastern Studies, especially the Departments of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, History, Political Science, and Religious Studies, to provide appropriate collections and services. Shape the Library’s collection management and development policies to meet the needs of Penn’s faculty and students. Develop and manage collections of print and digital resources in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish and in Western languages about the Middle East. Select some Western language print material In the field of Middle Eastern Studies in cooperation with other subject bibliographers. (continued on next page) Late Job Listings COLLECTIO NS ARCHIVIST. The Iowa State University Library invites applications for the position of Collections Archivist a t the rank of A ssistant Professor. This position is a full-time, 12-month position. Responsibilities: The Collections Archivist supervises the Special Collections Departm enf s collections management unit, which is responsible for managing the preservation and access to a variety of archival m aterials. The Collections Archivist also accessions, arranges, describes, preserves, and catalogs collections and provides Web access. Engages in scholarship appropriate to a faculty appointment. Reports to the Head, Special Collections Department. Qualifications: ALA-accredited M LS degree with a minimum of nine hours of archival studies course work or appropriate equivalencies. Ability to m eet promotion and tenure requirements. Successful applicant will have knowledge of current standards in the archival profession. Experience and/or knowledge of archives/manuscript appraisal, processing, archival cataloging (MARC), and archival preservation management. To Apply: Subm it letter of application, official transcripts of all college and graduate work, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Chair, Special Collections Librarian Search Committee, Iow a S ta te U n iversity, Ames, IA 50011-2140. Application deadline is April 28,2000. For a copy of the fuH position announcement, please contact the IS U Library’s Administration Office a t (515) 294- 1442, or visit our Web site: For more information about the Special Collections Department a t Iowa State University, visit them at: Members of protected classes are especially encour aged to apply. Iowa State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. HEAD O F TECH N ICAL SER V IC ES AND AUDIO VISUAL. Nebraska Wesleyan Univer sity seeks applications for the position of Head of Technical Services and Audio Visual. Under C&RL News ■ A p r il 2000 / 375 (continued from previous page) Develop the Library’s Web site pertaining to the Middle East with the assistance and guidance of the Library’s Web team; establish links to important digital sites and repositories. Supervise and train support staff and part-time staff involved in the cataloging, organization, maintenance, and use of the Middle Eastern vernacular collection. Develop bibliographic records, including classification and descriptive cataloging where appropriate, for materials in Middle Eastern languages. Apply MARC bibliographic standards, LCSH and LCCS in creating records on RLIN using vernacular scripts. Oversee the integration of these records into the Library’s online catalog. Provide reference services, consultations and instruction for the field of Middle Eastern Studies. Supervise the acquisition of all non-Israeli Middle Eastern materials. Develop relationships with publishers and vendors. This may entail travel to the Middle East. Supervise a seminar collection devoted to Middle Eastern Studies, including the selection of materials, maintenance of the collection, and associated references services. QUALIFICATIONS: Strong subject background in Middle Eastern Studies, MLS from ALA-accredited library school or equivalent in training, knowledge, and work experience, expertise and experience in developing bibliographic records for materials in Middle Eastern languages using standard Library of Congress romanization systems and vernacular scripts required. Effective written and oral English-language skills, commitment to public service, and ability to work both independently and cooperatively with library patrons and staff is essential. Graduate work in the field, excellent Arabic language skills, and knowledge of written Persian and/or Turkish are strongly preferred. Salary: Commensurate with experience. To Apply: Send a cover letter, résumé, and names of three references to: Robert Eash Library Human Resources Manager University Library 3420 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19104 The University of Pennsylvania is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. the direction of the University Librarian, supervises the operations of the Technical Services Unit of the Library, including cataloging and serials. Advises faculty, students, and other library staff in selection and use of library collections, audio visual materials and equipment, and other campus resources in relation to the patron’s particular needs and application. Master's degree in library science and minimum of two years of experience in an academic library, specifically in Technical Services, is required. Evidence of excellent communication and interpersonal skills; a demon strated commitment to innovative approaches for improving operations and services; knowledge of automated library systems, library cataloging principles, audio visual applications, and general library operations, and knowledge of organization and circulation of library materials required. Nebraska Wesleyan University is an equal opportunity employer and supports diversity among its staff and faculty. Submit letter of application, résumé, the names, titles, addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references, and salary expectations to: N ebraska W esleyan U niversity, Attn: Nancy B. Cookson, Human Resource Director, 5000 Saint Paul Ave., Lincoln, NE 68504. Review of applications begins immediately and continues until position is filled. UNIVERSITY RECORDS ANALYST. The Iowa State University Library invites applica tions for th e position of University Records Analyst a t th e ra n k of A ssistant Professor. This position is a full-time, 12-month position. Responsibilities: Promotes th e establishm ent and development of a records m anagem ent program by providing direct assistance in the manage m ent of university records in all formats and media. Conducts records appraisals and inventories. Responsible for documenting records accessions, transfers, and disposal w ithin the university. Engages in scholarship appropriate to a faculty appointment. Reports to the Head, Special Collections Department. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree w ith a minimum of nine hours of archival studies course work or appropriate equivalencies. Ability to meet 376 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2000 promotion and tenure requirements. Successful candidate will have knowledge of current standards in the archival profession. Experience and/or knowledge of archives/manuscript appraisal, processing, archival cataloging(MARC), and archival preservation management. To Apply: Submit letter of application, official transcripts of all college and graduate work, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Chair, Special Collections Librarian Search Committee, Iow a S tate U n iversity, Ames, IA 50011-2140. Application deadline is April 28,2000. For a copy of the full position announcement, please contact the ISU Library’s Administration Offi ceat(515)294-1442, or visit our Website: h ttp// library/jobs/homepage.html. For more information about the Special Collections Department a t Iowa State University, visit them at: Members of protected classes are especially encouraged to apply. Iowa State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. P u b l ic S e r v ic es L ib r a r ia n E d a K u h n L o e b M u s ic L ibr a r y R e p o rtin g to th e R ichard F. French L ibrarian, th e Public Services Librarian is responsible for reference a n d access services in a rapidly evolving academ ic en v iro n m en t. W orks collabora tively to form ulate a n d reco m m en d public services policies, supervises th e im p lem en tatio n o f policies, a n d interprets policy to p atrons. Interacts extensively w ith faculty, students, visiting sc h o la rs a n d L ib ra ry staff. D eliv ers refe ren ce services a n d b ib lio g ra p h ic in s tr u c tio n in m u ltip le languages a n d form ats; m anages circulation, ILL, course reserve materials; oversees stack m aintenance; oversees all c o m m u n ic a tio n o f in fo rm atio n th ro u g h th e L ibrary's W eb site, brochures, tours, etc; coordinates m usic reference w ith College L ibrary-w ide initiatives; supervises tw o assistants a n d several dozen stu d en t/casu al assistants; w orks w ith th e Building M anager o n m atters o f physical m aintenance; creates exhibits. Preferred candidates will have an M .L .S. or equivalent, graduate degree in m usic a n d 3-5 years e x p e rie n c e (in c lu d in g su p e rv iso ry ex p erien ce) in an a c a d e m ic lib ra ry . T h o ro u g h fam iliarity w ith th e m aterials a n d processes o f m usic research, p rin te d a n d netw orked, a n d a b ro ad know ledge o f E u ro p ean classical m usic, m usic history, ethnom usicology, m usic theory a n d c o m p o s itio n . R e a d in g k n o w led g e o f a t least tw o E u ro p e a n languages a n d research experience from a u ser’s perspective. M u st be service-oriented; energetic, creative; efficient; ta c tf u l; o r g a n iz e d ; r e s p o n s ib le , p r o f i c i e n t w ith te c h n o lo g y , a n d p o ssess e x c e p tio n a l interpersonal a n d problem -solving skills. H arv ard U niversity offers a com petitive program o f benefits. A p p o in tm e n t salary d ep en d en t o n qualifications. A n ticip ated salary in th e m id -h ig h 40s. In terested parties are invited to su b m it a le tte r o f ap p lic a tio n ad d ressin g p o sitio n qu alificatio n s, resum e, a n d th e nam es, addresses, te lep h o n e a n d fax n u m b ers o f three references to: R e su m e P ro c e ss in g C e n te r, H a r v a r d U n iv e rsity , R e q u isitio n # 4 4 0 8 , 11 H o ly o k e Street, C am bridge, M A 0 2 1 3 8 . O r a p p ly o n - l i n e t o w w w .h r .h a r v a r d .e d u /e m p lo y m e n t /jo b s .h tm l. A d e ta ile d jo b d escrip tion is available b y e -m a ilin g dianecox@ HARVARD UNIVERSITY UPHOLDS A COM M ITM ENT T O AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY. H A R V A R D U N I V E R S I T Y Structure Bookmarks 340 / C&RL News ■ April 2000 FOUR POSITIONSAtlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff LibraryAtlanta University Center, Inc., Robert W. Woodruff Library invites applications for two administrative positions and two reference positions. The Woodruff Library, a modern information and research center, is designed to meet the diverse undergraduate and graduate needs of Clark Atlanta University, The Interdenominational Theological Center, Morehouse, Morris Brown, and Spelman Colleges. This consortium of academic institutions serves studen tions to MARC format, finding aid conversion (EAD and SGML), and digitizing of collections; facilities management, including the enhancement of security, environmental controls, and work spaces. In addition, the Coordinator will be responsible for budgeting, personnel management, and grants planning and management for the department. Additional responsibilities include continued growth as a faculty member in the areas of teaching, research, and service; participation in library collection development; parti dresses/telephone numbers/e-mail addresses of three work references to: Debra Fairbrother, Administrative Assistant to the Dean, Mississippi State University Libraries, P.O. Box 5408, Mississippi State, MS 39762. Applications accepted through March 25,2000, or until suitable applicant is found. For more information on the Mississippi State University community, see the university’s Web site at Mississippi State University is an EEO/AA employer.BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION/INFORMATION CO C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 341 (continued from previous page)3. Reference Business Librarian — This position reports directly to the head of Reference Services. Applicant must possess a master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library program, with at least three years’ in-depth experience in a business library or department. An additional degree in business or extensive experience working with the disciplines of business or economics Is a plus. The responsibilities include the management and enhancement of the Dow Jones business center at munication, interpersonal, and computer skills; evidence of potential to meet University requirements for promotion and tenure. Preferred: Experience in cataloging using automated library systems such as OCLC and Voyager highly desirable; experience in cataloging serial/non-book materials and Internet resources; knowledge of one or more Western European languages; experience with NACO authority work; Web site development skills. Salary/Benefits: This is a 12-month, tenure-track, entry-level position and wil ability to work as a team member; proactive attitude of service; demonstrated skills in written and oral communication and interpersonal relations; commitment to professionalism and the college community. Desirable Qualifications: second master’s degree or Ph.D., academic library experience. Minimum Salary: $30,568; commensurate with qualifications and experience. Competitive benefits package. Send letter of interest, résumé, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references we may contact to: Ali 342 / C&RL News ■ April 2000 332 / C&RL News ■ April 2000 Career opportunities from across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $9.50 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $11.50 for others. Late job notices discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions.Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at Ads will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published.Contact: Christopher Becker, Classified Advertising Man­ager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago. IL 60611-2795; ( POSITIONS OPENACADEMIC LIBRARIAN. Antioch New England Graduate School, Keene NH. Full-time 12-month faculty position available immediately to provide reference assistance, in-house and online, develop and maintain Web- based reference services and oversee electronic database resources, and bibliographic instruction. Antioch New England serves nearly 1,500 adult students and offers professional graduate training in five academic disci­plines: Applied Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Education, Environmen­tal Salary guideListed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recom­mended minimums, as well as other salary C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 333 LIAISON/REFERENCE LIBRARIANSGeorgia State UniversityGeorgia State University, a dynamic urban university in the heart of Atlanta, is seeking energetic, knowledgeable, and forward-thinking individuals to join a team charged with implementing refocused, client-centered services. Successful candidates will develop library collections, participate in the delivery of information and instructional services, and provide customized research support and consultation services for faculty and students in assigned subj Fairbrother, Administrative Assistant to the Dean, Mississippi State University Libraries, P.O. Box 5408, Mississippi State, MS 39762. Applications accepted through March 25,2000, or until suitable applicant is found. For additional information on the Mississippi State University community, see the University’s Web site at: Mississippi State University is a land grant institution and the largest state-supported university in Mississippi. The University is located in Starkville, Missi assigned subject areas as library liaison to one or more academic departments. This position reports to the Associate Dean for Technical Services. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program with a minimum of five years’ professional experience in an academic/research library with at least three of the five years’ experience in serials management in an automated environment. Familiarity with the serials trade, with current trends in serials management and control, and with national standards for serials ho 334 / C&RL News ■ April 2000 REFERENCE LIBRARIAN / ENGLISH BIBLIOGRAPHERCentral Michigan UniversityThe Central Michigan University Libraries seek qualified applicants for the position of Reference Librarian/English Bibliographer. The successful candidate will be an enthusiastic, service-oriented librarian dedicated to the provision of outstanding reference and research services, committed to the development of electronic as well as print collections, and interested in joining an active department of 11 reference librarians and two supp maintenance, and monographs and serials cataloging. The Coordinator of Serials participates as a team member in the Technical Services Department; plans, sets goals and priorities, formulates policies, designs and monitors work flows for the Serials Unit; trains, supervises, evaluates library faculty and staff, prepares administrative and statistical reports, including serials cost projections; keeps abreast of current trends, standards, and developments in the serials industry regarding vendor-developed se the University’s Web site at: Mississippi State University is a land grant institution and the largest state-supported university in Mississippi. The University is located in Starkv¡lle, Mississippi. Mississippi State University is an EEO/AA employer.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR/LIBRARIAN AND INFORMATION SPECIALIST. (New Position—Re-advertisement) Mississippi State University Libraries and the School of Architecture are seeking an innovative individual fort he position of Assistant Professor/ C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 335 DIRECTOR, PROGRAM DEVELOPMENTAmerican Library AssociationThe American Library Association seeks a Director to be responsible for the development and management of a comprehensive and effective continuing education program as well as related services for members of the American Association of School Librarians. This includes the oversight for all existing AASL continuing education programs; Biennial Divisional National Conference; ALA Annual Conference; working with AASL committees and members to develop new ELECTRONIC PUBLIC ACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIANJohns Hopkins UniversityThe Milton S. Eisenhower Library seeks a librarian to provide a leadership role for all public service aspects of implementing and maintaining the electronic databases and full-text resources selected by the Resource Services Librarians. Duration of the position will be three years. For a more detailed description of the position’s responsibilities and qualifications, please consult our Web site at; from an job is providing service to professionals throughout the state. This position reports to the Dean of Libraries and/or the Associate Dean for Public Services as appropriate. Duties/Responsibilities: This person must support the comprehensive learning, research, and service mission of Mississippi State University Libraries; administer the Jackson Center Library, including supervision of staff; perform reference and collection development duties; teach research methods seminars and assist with thesis research Documented and recent professional library experience in an academic environment which must include reference assistance, teaching, and supervision of others; utilization of emerging technologies with intensive work in a networked teaching and learning environment, including the Internet, Web, and other multimedia and electronic resources; broad experience with a wide variety of print and electronic reference materials; demonstrated ability to work independently, collaborate as a part of a team and as a lea 336 / C&RL News ■ April 2000 RESEARCH AND INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIANHartwick CollegeThe Stevens-German Library at Hartwick College, a nationally ranked, selective liberal arts and sciences institution, seeks applications for a Research and Instructional Services Librarian in an active and growing department. Candidates must have significant instructional skills, an enthusiasm for learning and teaching new technologies, an interest in collection development, particularly in media, computer sciences, and/or history and ethnic studi UNFLIVERSITY OORIDAFHealth Science Center Libraries Assistant Director for Public ServicesSeeking strong leader with outstanding management skills to oversee all Public Services, including Circulation, Media Reserve, and Reference Departments. A strong background supervising professional staff is required. Excellent written and oral communication needed to establish division goals and objectives, define needs, and set priorities. The Assistant Director for Public Services (ADPS) will be a member of the seni C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 337 RESOURCE SHARING LIBRARIANAmerican UniversityAmerican University Library invites applications for a temporary Resource Sharing and Distance Education Librarian at the rank of Assistant. The Resource Sharing Librarian is a function coordinator, reporting to the Assistant University Librarian.RESPONSIBILITIES: Serve as coordinator to plan and manage interlibrary loan and document delivery operations of the University Library. Apply bibliographic expertise to resolve unfilled and difficult interlibrary loan re qualifications and experience. Send application, résumé, and names/ addresses/telephone numbers/e-mail addresses of three professional references to: Debra Fairbrother, Administrative Assistant to the Dean, Mississippi State University Libraries, P.O. Box 5408, Mississippi State, MS 39762. Applications accepted through March 25,2000, or until suitable applicant is found. For information on the Mississippi State University community, the University Libraries, and the School of Architecture, see the University’s Web site at: Mississippi State University is an EEO/AA employer.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR/MONOGRAPHIC CATALOGER. The Mississippi State University Libraries seek applications for the tenure-track position of Assistant Professor/Monographic Cataloger. Duties include contributing to the development of a virtual research database by perform- 338/ C&RL News ■ April 2000 LIBRARIAN HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT Well known for its reputation for excellence and as the largest Catholic university in the United States, DePaul University has been educating Chicago for over 100 years. At DePaul, you'll work in a collaborative environment that lives its values, supports diversity and encourages professional development. DePaul University Libraries in Chicago is seeking qualified applicants for a full-time, professional staff position which reports directly to the Associate Director for Collections and Access Services. Pa ing original and copy cataloging of monographic materials representing all levels of difficulty, all subjects and languages, and all formats according to AACR2R, LCRIs, LCSH, LC classification, and USMARC formats. Performs authority work on names and series in accordance with local and national standards. Solves problems arising from obsolete or incorrect information appearing in bibliographic and holdings records. Provides input for establishing cataloging policies and procedures. Assists para-professional Evaluates the potential use of new services and technologies as requested. Reports to the Coordinator of Cataloging. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program. Experience with an automated library system and a bibliographic utility. High level of familiarity with computers and Windows NT. Must have strong analytical and organizational skills as well as effective interpersonal, collegial, and communication skills (both oral and written). Must be able to set and adjust priorities and workfl C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 339 SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITORCHOICE MagazineAn opportunity exists for a Social Sciences Editor for CHOICE, a leading academic review journal and online publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association. This position has overall responsibility for several social sciences sections of CHOICE including selecting and assigning publications for review; editing reviews; managing a reviewer pool; commissioning and editing bibliographic essays and special feat RUTGERS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIESArt LibrarianRutgers University Libraries seeks a dynamic ART LIBRARIAN to join its humanities research and reference team on the New Brunswick campuses. The successful candidate will focus on reference and instructional interaction with students and faculty and concentrate on the development and maintenance of electronic research tools in relevant subject areas. The Art Library is housed in a modern, spacious electronically equipped new building, adjacent to the Art History depa database maintenance, and monographic and serials acquisitions. The Cataloging Department is committed to creating timely, accurate, and full bibliographic access to library-provided resources. The monographic cataloging unit is composed of one additional professional and three para professional staff members. Mississippi State University is a land grant institution and the largest state-supported university in Mississippi. The university is located in Starkv¡lle, Mississippi. Excellent benefits package. Fa and leadership and coordination for three divisions of the Special Collections Department: Mississippiana and Rare Books, Manuscripts, and University Archives. This is a tenure-track faculty position at Associate Professor rank, with full faculty privileges and responsibilities, which reports to the Dean of Libraries. The position further requires leadership in the cultivation and interpretation of the unique resources of the Special Collections Department that will contribute to a university-supported goal LOYOLA/NOTRE DAMEDirector of the LibraryThe Board of Trustees of Loyola/Notre Dame Library, Inc. invites nominations and applications for the position of Director of the Library. The Library serves two colleges in Maryland, Loyola College and The College of Notre Dame. Reporting to an independent Board of Trustees, the Director supervises 40 professional and support staff and 35 student assistants, and acts as the library’s representative and advocate with Loyola’s and Notre Dame’s faculty, students and adm issues/trends, ability to work effectively as a collaborator and team leader, good communication skills, good skills In planning, analysis, evaluation, and budget management, and health sciences library and public services experience preferred. Minimum Salary: $40,000. Send application, résumé, and contact information for three references to: Kathy Torrente, Health Sciences Center Library, Emory University, 1462 Clifton Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA 30322. Screening begins March 15,2000, and will continue until the p tives in dynamic environment. Qualifications: ALA-MLS; liberal arts back­ground with wide-ranging research Interests; 1-2 years' relevant experi­ence in an academic library with integrated online library systems; demon­strated abilities with OCLC, AACR2, MARC formats, Web page creation, and desktop applications; demonstrated reference and teaching skills; experience with budgets and licensing agreements; excellent organiza­tional and interpersonal skills; evidence of ability to meet requirements for promoti C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 343 INSTRUCTION/REFERENCE LIBRARIANAmerican UniversityAmerican University Library invites applications for a tenure-track Instruction Librarian at the rank of Assistant Librarian.RESPONSIBILITIES: Join a committed team of library faculty providing leadership in developing an innovative instruction program to meet the needs of the university. Recent initiatives include: active collaboration with teaching faculty, creation of an online tutorial, and an ongoing series of sessions on use of the online catalog and d incoming transfers and donations of Church records and personal papers; manages the records centers; and processes, describes, preserves, and provides reference sen/ice in the collections of the Presbyterian Historical Society. Provides advice and training to church constituencies on records issues and oral history, through workshops, exhibits, and handouts, and supports the oral history program. Trains and supervises part-time and temporary staff. Reports to the Manager of Technical Services. Minimum Quali Archivist preferred. Three to five years of archival experience, including work with organization records, or equivalent combination of education and experience. Ability to shift 40 lb. boxes. Desired Qualifications: Knowledge of computer applications in archives, including word processing, databases, MARC cataloging, SGML, EAD. Skill in communication (both written and verbal), public speaking, and creative problem solving. Salary: Starting salary range $37,000-$40,000with generous benefits and moving expen 344 / C&RL News ■ April 2000 DIRECTOR OF HEGE LIBRARYGuilford College Greensboro, North CarolinaGuilford College, a four-year liberal arts college founded by the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in 1837, is seeking a creative and energetic leader as director of Hege Library. The library has a dedicated staff that serves the 1,100 main-campus students and 400 continuing-education students in a spacious facility, most recently expanded and renovated in 1989. Holdings include over 200,000 volumes, more than 900 periodical subscripti Collection Management Archivist Search, Presbyterian Historical Society, 425 Lombard St., Philadelphia, PA19147. Review of applications will begin on April 17,2000, and continue until the position is filled. Presbyterians and non-Presbyterians alike encouraged to apply. AA/EOE.COLLECTION MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN. Julia Rogers Library, Goucher College. Provides leadership in developing, managing, and promoting the collections of the Julia Rogers Library. Supervises the work of acquisitions and periodicals operat renovation and expansion of the library. Notable special collections include the Burke Jane Austen Collection. Further information may be found at: Please send letter of application, résumé, and the names of three references to: Nancy Magnuson, College Librarian, Goucher College, 1021 Dulaney Valley Road, Baltimore, MD 21204. EOE.COORDINATOR FOR NETWORKED SERVICE INTEGRATION.Responsibilities: The Coordinator for Networked Service Integration works within the Systems Team and C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 345 DIRECTOR, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICESNew York University LibrariesApplications are invited for the position of Director, Information Technology Services at New York University Libraries. The position will have oversight of strategic decisionmaking for information technology for all Division of Libraries services, including NYU Press and TV and Media Services, and will collaborate with NYU Information Technology Services in choosing technologies and establishing technical directions.Reporting directly to excellent written and oral communication skills and ability to work collegially. Demonstrated experience managing complex projects. Demonstrated ability with one or more of the following programming environments: Java, SQL, Perl, C++, or similar level language. Understanding of network standards and protocols. Knowledge of developments and trends in information systems. Preferred Qualifications: Knowledge of the Z39.50 standard. Demonstrated familiarity with UN IX server environment. Experience with an inte Innovative Interfaces INNOPAC system that is shared by four independent libraries on three campuses (a new Java-client version of the system will be implemented in 2000-2001). Manages technical support for emerging digital initiatives, such as digitization projects. Supervises two exempt professionals. For a more detailed position announcement: http:// Qualifications: Required: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school; work experience that demonstrates the abi 346 / C&RL News ■ April 2000 HEAD, COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENTResearch Library The Getty Research InstituteThe Getty Research Institute — an international research center with an extensive world art library, a research and education program, and programs in publications, exhibitions, and other public activities—seeks nominations and applications for a Head of Collection Development for its Research Library. Current holdings of the library include 800,000 volumes of books, serials, and art auction catalogs; two million study photo and automated catalogs; strong communication skills; ability to formulate and carry out a vision for the library. Preferred: Two years’ experience directing small college library; knowledge of health sciences. More complete details available at “employment” Position open until filled. Send letter of application, résumé, and names and addresses of three references to: Dr. Juan García, Vice President for Academic Affairs, College of Saint Mary, 1901 South 72nd Street, Omaha, NE68124. EOE.DIRECT benefits package, which includes full health, dental, vision, tuition assistance, retirement. For immediate consideration, please mail, fax, ore-mail letters of interest and résumé to: Pam Chrusciel, Director of Human Resources, Concordia University, 7400 Augusta St., River Forest, IL 60305. Fax: (708)209-3176. E-mail: HEAD, ARCHIVES & SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. Instructor/ Assistant Professor (tenure track). City College of New York Library/ CUNY, New York, New York. Qualifications: ALA- C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 347 Head of Reference Services in the Lamont Library Reference Librarian in the Lamont LibraryThe Lamont Library in the Harvard College Library, Harvard University, is building a Reference and Instructional Services program for the future! Lamont Library has recently celebrated its 50th anniversary as the first independently established undergraduate library in the nation. To build on this strong tradition, we are seeking candidates with the highest commitment to public services and the experience and innovativ tional materials, and the teaching of classes in the use and critical evaluation of Internet and traditional resources. Assists in collection development with emphasis on the evaluation and selection of electronic resources. Participates in reference duties, including evening and weekend rotations. MLS or MLIS required. Review of applications begins May 15,2000. Salary: $30,000 to $33,000. Position will remain open until filled. Send letter of application, resume, names of three references with phone numbers and e-mail addresses, and copies of transcripts to: Electronic Access Librarian Search, Human Resources, Norwich University, Northfield, VT05663.HEAD, FILM/VIDEO LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. University of Michigan. The Film/Video Library is the primary resource for film, video, audio, and mixed media formats supporting the instructional and research 348/ C&RL News ■ April 2000 ASSOCIATE DEAN, USER SERVICESNortheastern University LibrariesNortheastern University Libraries invites applications from and nominations of individuals with vision, energy, initiative, and leadership ability to articulate, plan, administer, and promote our programs for user services and constituency relations, and to assess service outcomes. The successful candidate will demonstrate an understanding of information fluency, scholarly communication issues, and curricular processes in higher education, and th needs of the University of Michigan. With a collection in excess of 10,000 titles, service is provided to all schools and colleges of the University regardless of discipline. The Library actively pursues the development and distribution of digital resources and services. Staff are expected to work in close collaboration with other information professionals from the University Library and the Digital Library Production Service, CAEN, Media Union, and the School of Information. Duties: Under the supervision o selection of media for the collection, particularly in support of the University’s instructional program; working with librarians and staff in a distributed environment to improve access to media collections for the University community. Qualifications: Required: MLSfrom an ALA-accredited school, oran equivalent combination of relevant advanced degree and experience; minimum three years’ experience in media librarianship; professional experience in an academic environment; supervisory experience; strong com C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 349 COORDINATOR FOR INSTRUCTIONAL AND INTERPRETIVE SERVICESCalifornia State University, Hayward(Position # 00-01 LIBR/COORDINATOR-TT). The University Library at California State University, Hayward seeks an energetic and enthusiastic reference librarian to provide creative and collegial leadership for the Instructional and Interpretive Services Department. The 12-month, tenure-track faculty position coordinates a unit of ten library faculty members, and reports to the University Librarian.DUTIES: Works with dep 350 / C&RL News ■ April 2000 TWO POSITIONS: SOCIAL SCIENCES BIBLIOGRAPHER SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIANUniversity of California, Santa CruzSocial Sciences BibliographerRank: Assistant/Associate Librarian Appointment Salary Range: $40,248-$50,520The University Library of the University of California, Santa Cruz seeks a bibliographer with subject expertise in the social sciences. UCSC bibliographers are engaged in a wide range of service-oriented activities to inform the campus community of new and valuable library resources. The Social Sc related area (i.e., film/video, cinema studies, instructional technology, etc.), or bachelor’s degree in an appropriate field; hands-on experience with instructional technologies and digital media; media production experience; teaching or training experience. Rank, Salary and Leave: Anticipated rank at either Associate or Senior Associate Librarian. Final rank and salary dependent on qualifications and experience. Minimum Salary: Assoc., $35,500; Senior Assoc., $41,000; 24 working days of vacation a year; 1 ment of qualifications, a full résumé of education and relevant experience, and the names and addresses of three references to: Carol Olsen, Director of Human Resources, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford University, Stanford, CA94305-3090. For information on this and other positions, see us on the Web at: AA/EOE.INFORMATION AND COMPUTER LITERACY INSTRUCTOR. State University of New York College at Cortland, Memorial Library. Reporting to the Coordinator of Inst C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 351 PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIANAbraham Baldwin Agricultural College A unit of the University System of GeorgiaAbraham Baldwin Agricultural College, a two-year, residential college spread over 390 acres in Tifton, Georgia, offers 53 majors, including 31 college transfer programs and 22 career technology majors. A faculty of 100 teaches the student body of approximately 2,600. Tifton is an attractive community known for its quality of life.SALARY: $30,000-$33,000.This is a twelve-month, tenure-track position provid ON-LINE SERVICE LIBRARIANBloomfield College, a 132-year-old college of 2,000 students is committed to preparing students to function at the peak of their potential in a multiracial, multicultural society. In the spring, the library will move into a new state-of-the-art facility.Search for a Reference and On-Line Service Librarian to work in our new state-of-the-art facility. The new library, which will open in April of this year, will offer 128 workstations and 111 outlets for portable computers. There will 352 / C&RL News ■ April 2000 MUSIC CATALOGERUniversity of Minnesota Libraries—Twin Cities CampusThe University of Minnesota Libraries invites applications and nominations for the position of Music Cataloger, Materials Acquisitions and Control Team. The University Libraries particularly encourages the candidacy of people with experience in multicultural and multiracial settings.DESCRIPTION:• Perform cataloging for music materials in all formats and languages, creating music original cataloging records and editing complex copy cataloging vices staff in the Cornell University Library. Participate in the evaluation and implementation of schemes to support and enhance information discovery and retrieval for library materials in all formats, traditional and digital. Provide training and guidance to network administrators in CTS on specialized technical services products and sen/ices. Oversee and consult on CTS hardware and software installation and maintenance activities. Required: MLS or equivalent from an ALA-accredited university; other degr in a networked PC environment is preferred. Candidate should possess excellent oral and written communication skills and an ability to work well in a team. Candidate should also demonstrate an interest in technical services issues on the regional, national, or international level. Evidence of ability to plan, to analyze, and to solve problems creatively and flexibly, and to succeed in a complex, rapidly changing environment is helpful, as well as a strong service orientation and interest in library users’ v C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 353 ADIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARYAllegheny College invites applications and nominaMEUADEVIGLLEH, PENENNSYYLV CANOIA L163L35E-3G902Etions for the Director of the Library. The position is a 12-month, faculty appointment, available July 1,2000.The Director will report directly to the Dean of the College and will be responsible for all aspects of the library, including supervision and development of a staff of professional librarians and support personnel, budgeting, policy formulation, collection development, supervisi Director of Central Technical Services, (607)255-9915, Informal, preliminary applications will be accepted electronically ( with signed copy to follow. Cornell University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer strongly committed to diversity. We value qualified candidates who can bring to our community a variety of backgrounds and experiences.INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN LIBRARIAN. (Two-year appointment) New York University Libraries. Description: Librarians serve a programming skills. The New York University Libraries: Library facilities at NYU sen/e the school’s50,000students and faculty and contain more than four million volumes. New York University is a member of the Research Libraries Group and serves as the headquarters for the R search Library Association of South Manhattan, a consortium of three academic institutions, and is affiliated with The New-York Historical Society. Salary/Benefits: Excellent benefits include five weeks’ annual vacation. Salary commensur 354 / C&RL News ■ April 2000 Bibliographer for the Humanities Bibliographer for the Social SciencesThe Harvard College Library seeks two Bibliographers:The Bibliographer for the Humanities (requisition #3937) serves as primary selector for English language materials in the subjects of literature and history, philosophy, classics, linguistics, religion, history of science, performing arts, and general reference. The successful candidate will hold an MLS and an advanced degree in a humanistic discipline, or equivalent combination of rele C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 355 INSTITUTIONAL ARCHIVISTResearch Library The Getty Research instituteThe Getty Trust, which includes the operating programs of the Getty Museum, the Getty Research Institute, the Getty Conservation Institute, and the Getty Grant Program, seeks nominations and applications for an Institutional Archivist to implement and manage the Trust’s archival programs, including historical archives, records management, and oral history. (The J. Paul Getty Trust Web site address is: under bro with electronic resources, experience with developing Web resources, and an understanding of distance learning process and its environs, along with experience in an academic library setting, including experience in circulation, library instruction, and/or interlibrary loan operations are required. Excellent computer, oral and written communication, and interpersonal skills, leadership, and ability to work collaboratively are essential. The successful candidate will have demonstrated ability to teach and wor the Coles Science Reference Center, Bobst Library. Responsibilities include faculty liaison, reference assistance, library instruction, creation and maintenance of the Center’s Web pages, development of graduate and undergraduate student services and management, and selection of resources in all formats in assigned subject areas. Subject responsibilities include biology, neural science, nutrition, and food studies. Library faculty perform administrative duties in support of the unit’s mission, participate i 356 / C&RL News ■ April 2000 ASSISTANT COORDINATOR OF LIBRARY INSTRUCTION/ DISTANCE LEARNING LIBRARIANState University of New York at OswegoState University of New York at Oswego, situated on the beautiful shore of Lake Ontario, seeks an energetic, enthusiastic librarian/instructor to serve as a key player on an instructional team charged with designing and implementing an information literacy program to meet a recent New York state university wide mandate for student competency in information management, as well as the research compon résumé and letter of application, including the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references, by April 15,2CXX), to: Janet Koztowski, Library Human Resources Director, New York University Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012; fax (212) 995-4070. NYU encourages applications from women and members of minority groups.MANAGER OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. (Search extended) Presbyterian Historical Society, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Responsibilities: The manager of technical servi databases, MARC cataloging, SGML, EAD. Background in preservation standards and techniques. Skill in communication (both written and verbal), grant writing, public speaking, and initiating innovation and change. Salary: Starting salary range $51,50Q-$54,500with generous benefits and moving expenses. To Apply: Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to: Manager Search, Presbyterian Historical Society, 425 Lombard St., Philadelphia, PA C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 357 ASSISTANT COLLECTION SERVICES LIBRARIAN TENURE TRACK, ASSISTANT PROFESSORNew Mexico State University LibraryQUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program; experience in planning, organizing, and supervising the work of others; minimum of two years' supervisory experience; minimum of two years' experience with collection development; acquisition background in both monographs and serials in an online environment; ability to analyze and resolve difficult bibliographic and ordering problem its equivalent; two years’ managerial experience; knowledge of trends in use of media as a teaching tool; expertise in technological developments within media operations in libraries and excellent written and oral communication skills. Preferred Qualifications: Demonstrated professional activity at a state, regional, or national level; 2nd master’s in a related subject area (e.g., instructional technology, cinema); and demonstrated success working in a collaborative environment in an academic setting. Pleas College Library, 1202 Gannett Center, Ithaca, NY 14850-7060. Applications will also be accepted via e-mail to: mjohnson @ Screening of applications will begin on March 15,2000, and will continue until the position is filled. Ithaca College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Members of historically underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.PERIODICALS LIBRARIAN. The University of Evansville invites applications for the position of Periodicals Librarian to join a collegial 358 /C&RL News ■ April 2000 THREE POSITIONSGeorge Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University Libraries seeks to fill the following three librarian positions:• Reference and Instruction Librarian(new position) at Arlington Campus Library• Science Reference/Liaison Librarian at Fenwick Library• Reference and Instruction Librarian for Distance Learning and Outreach Services at Prince William Campus LibraryQUALIFICATIONS: All positions require an ALA-accredited MLS degree; advanced graduate degree in relevant subject area highly desirable. O DEAN OF THE HORRMANN LIBRARYWagner CollegeWagner College seeks a new head of the Library, Dean of Horrmann Library. The Dean is a member of the Wagner College faculty and reports directly to the Provost.Wagner College seeks an innovative leader who will collaborate with the Provost in the redesign and reorganization of the Library as a centerpiece for learning at the College.Recently, the College received national recognition for its new curriculum, the Wagner Plan for the Practical Liberal Arts. The curric C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 359 FINE ARTS LIBRARIANCalifornia State University, SacramentoCSUS seeks a motivated and energetic Fine Arts Librarian. This entry-level, tenure-track faculty position provides substantial opportunity for professional growth and development. The position reports to the Head of Reference and works with the Coordinators for Collection Development and Library Instruction. The Reference Department includes 15 librarians, six library assistants, and several part-time librarians and student assistants.DESCRIPTION: Sh library environment in which a commitment to excellence is a hallmark of information service. Responsibilities: Manages service and operational activities of the Periodicals Department including a public service desk, collection development, collection management, and binding. Supervises two paraprofessionals and assigned student workers. Sets unit priorities, implements policies and procedures, and assures operational effectiveness and efficiency. Participates in the planning and decision-making processes Flexible benefits program with open enrollments annually including group life, medical, dental, and disability insurance programs, and TIAA-CREF retirement. To Apply: Send letter of application and résumé including names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: William F. Louden, University Librarian, University of Evansville, 1800 Lincoln Avenue, Evansville, IN47722. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until an appointment is made. Appointment date is Ju 360 /C&RL News ■ WEB APPLICATIONS DEVELOPERThe University of MinnesotaThe University of Minnesota Libraries is seeking an individual with high technical competence and strong communications skills to develop Web applications.Web Applications Developer (Database) — UL110This position will be responsible for applications, which allow for advanced Web-enabled database processes. This individual should have extensive experience with Oracle, MS SQL, Sybase, or other database tools.Web Applications Developer (Java) — UL111This po RARE BOOK LIBRARIAN. Associate Librarian/Librarian. Department of Special Collections, Stanford University. The Stanford University Libraries seeks a specialist with demonstrated experience in the field of special collections to assist in file administration of the printed book collections and acquisition of rare books. Working with the Curator of Special Collections, you will select materials for the Special Collections Reference Collection, serve as the editor/coordinator of the Libraries’ program of exhi SUL subject specialists, you will develop an outreach program to build awareness and use of the collections. Requirements include an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or equivalent in training and experience; a minimum of 3 years of experience in academic or research library in special collections; and demonstrated knowledge of rare book and manuscript collections and the printing and publishing history of early modem Europe, Great Britain, and the United States. Proficiency in Latin or at least one C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 361 LIBRARY FISCAL OFFICERPrinceton UniversityAvailable: Immediately The Princeton University Library’s general collections include about six million printed volumes, as well as significant numbers of microforms, scores and records, electronic databases, and journals. The annual budget for the Library exceeds $30 million. The Library employs approximately 320 professional and support staff workers, as well as a large student and hourly workforce. Library operations are divided among 20 siteson campus, including students that strives to provide high-quality liberal arts education. The Library is a learning environment that responds to the traditional values of the liberal arts university and to the technological advances of today’s society. The library exists to foster the pursuit of knowledge; intellectual and ethical integrity; excellence in teaching and learning; and respect for inquiry and diverse points of view. Library faculty work in a collegial team setting, within the library and campus wide. The Library h based on the strengths and experiences of the successful candidate. Required Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library program. Demonstration of Web page development skills, experience in database searching, and ability to teach information literacy skills. Experience with print and electronic reference resources, particularly in business and economics. Ability to work independently and collegially, excellent interpersonal and communication skills, and interest in innovation and adoption of 362 /C&RL News ■ April 2000 HEAD OF INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICESState University of West GeorgiaIngram Library seeks a creative, dynamic Librarian as Instructional Services Division Head. The successful candidate will be a team leader in the development of a vision, goals, and strategies for the reference and instructional components of library services. Assumes a major role in the development of librarywide policies and procedures. Twelve-month, tenure-track position, with target appointment at Assistant/Associate Professor/Librarian rank. University employment page Illinois Wesleyan is an equal opportunity employer and encourages women and minorities to apply.REFERENCE ARCHIVIST. Presbyterian Historical Society, Presbyterian Church (U S.A.). Responsibilities: The reference archivist provides historical, legal, and administrative information services to the agencies, middle governing bodies, and congregations of the PC (USA), scholars, and the general public. Provides advice and training to church constituencies archives. Skill in communication (both written and verbal), teaching and public speaking, and creative problem solving. Salary: Starting salary range $37,000-$40,000with generous benefits and moving expenses. To Apply: Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to: Reference Archivist Search, Presbyterian Historical Society,425 Lombard St., Philadelphia, PA 19147. Review of applications will begin on April 17,2000, and continue until the C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 363 HEAD, CATALOGING DEPARTMENTCharles E. Young Research Library UCLA LibraryThe UCLA University Library seeks a dynamic leader to head the Young Research Library’s Cataloging Department. Under the general direction of the Associate University Librarian for Collections and Technical Services, the successful candidate will manage the operations of the Cataloging Department which includes ongoing review and revision of policies and procedures in a highly automated and changing environment. Sets goals and establis nities for international educational experiences. French is commonly spoken on both sides of the river. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent preparation or experience required. Knowledge of the Web, html, database management systems, word processing, scanning, graphics, electronic resources, and networking desirable. Duties: Will include reference services, Maine state government documents, Special Collections, and bibliographic instruction. Salary: Competitive and commensurate with experience. and social science reference experience; familiarity with electronic and networked information resources; excellent interpersonal, decisionmaking, and oral and written communication skills; collaborative work with library faculty and staff; meeting faculty standards for appointment, promotion, and tenure. Preferred: Two years’ public service librarian experience in an academic or research library; business or social sciences academic background; collection development experience; experience with diverse pop 364/ C&RL News ■ April 2000 INSTRUCTION/REFERENCE LIBRARIANGeorgia State UniversityGeorgia State University, a dynamic urban university in downtown Atlanta, seeks an energetic, knowledgeable, and forward-thinking individual to join a team charged with implementing refocused, client-centered services. Successful candidate will teach and participate in the development of classes in the library’s instruction program.REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited master’s degree, teaching or instruction experience, high level of competency with computer re Head of Public Services Houghton LibraryThe Head of Public Services is responsible for the successful operation of programs that support research and teaching related to the Houghton Library's collections. Reporting directly to the Librarian of the Houghton Library, the Head of Public Services is a member of the management team and participates in Houghton Library's decision and policymaking processes. In this position, you will manage the Reading Room, stack areas, exhibition and seminar rooms and also ser C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 365 HEAD, SYSTEMS AND ACCESS DEPARTMENTSoutheast Missouri State UniversityRESPONSIBILITIES: Develop and administer new department responsible for Kent Library’s computer systems and access services. Guide the planning, design, and development of library-based information systems and services. Work closely with the dean and other department heads. Provide leadership in identifying, planning, implementing, and evaluating information technologies, including the library’s computing infrastructure, operating systems Amelia Gayle Gorgas Library, and staffs an electronic Information Center. The department is looking for a team player to share responsibilities for effective delivery of user services and functioning of the department in an information-intense environment that requires constant learning. Department faculty participate in a challenging and changing environment, anticipating growth in the use of electronic and remote access sources, and in educational and outreach opportunities. The University maintains membe the public. The Libraries use Endeavor’s Voyager Integrated Library System; the Libraries’ homepage may be accessed at httpy/ Responsibilities: To provide reference, instruction, and research assistance, using traditional and electronic resources, to faculty, students, and other on site and remote users of the humanities, the social sciences, and government information; provide specialized reference and instruction in assigned subjects; responsible for reference collection development in assi 366/ C&RL News ■ April 2000 FOUR POSITIONSDillard University LibraryDillard University is a private, historically black (HBCU), undergraduate, dynamic, individually student-centered, liberal arts institution, and is an intellectually challenging environment with close to 2,000 students. The campus is located in New Orleans, identified as the Crescent City and nationally recognized for its high concentration of jazz and other natural and cultural attractions. The Division of Education is one of six academic divisions on campus and has C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 367 (continued from previous page)of five persons who can provide recommendations upon request. The successful candidate will need to produce copies of transcripts. Screening of applicants will commence immediately and continue until a successful candidate is identified. Send packet of information to the address below.4) Dean, Division of EducationThe Dean of Education must show evidence of visionary and dynamic leadership. The Dean of Education reports to the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs, sits on as needed. Work some night, weekend, and holiday hours. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution; knowledge of humanities, social sciences, and/or government information in traditional and electronic sources; knowledge of library technology, including computer applications; strong commitment to user-centered sen/ices; ability to work effectively with faculty, students, staff, and other users; effective oral and written communication skills; organizational skills; initiative and flexi REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/SUBJECT SPECIALIST—SOCIAL SCIENCE. (Search Reopened) Provide reference and information services to users at the RIS desk, in the Scholars Information Center, and on the department’s electronic reference discussion lists, on rotating weekday and weekend schedules. The incumbent will work one evening and one Saturday per month in the Zahn Library. Specific duties include assisting users in finding appropriate information sources; teaching database searching and research techniques, both on 368 / C&RL News ■ April 2000 REFERENCE LIBRARIANLouise M. Darling Biomedical Library UCLA LibraryThe Reference Division of the UCLA Louise Darling Biomedical Library seeks a dynamic team player as reference librarian. This individual is responsible for providing reference desk service, consultation service, outreach, instruction, including both standard course-related instruction and database and other Internet resource search instruction, and mediated online search service. Service at the reference desk includes assisting users with f of, or experience with, reference and database/Web searching required. Compensation: Minimum $31,000; higher commensurate with qualifications and experience. Generous benefits package includes health, dental, and life insurance; tuition remission; and TIAA-CREF retirement plans. To Apply: Send letter of application addressing qualifications, résumé, and names of three references to: Chair, Search Committee, Administrative Services Department, Temple University Libraries, 1210 W. Berks Street, Philadelphia, ALS has a $2.2 million materials budget and employs a staff of 117, including 33 faculty librarians. A recently completed $35 million expansion and renovation project doubled the size of the facility, and the granting of Doctoral II status to the library in 1998 has fostered growth in collections and research. Visit the Library’s Web site ( for additional information. Located in Greenville, North Carolina, East Carolina University enrolls almost 18,000 students and is composed of the C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 369 TWO POSITIONSTemple UniversityCataloger/Copy Cataloging Coordinator, Monographic Cataloging UnitCreate original and adaptive bibliographic records in a variety of subjects, languages, and formats. Assign, train, and revise copy catalogers and data entry staff. Assist in quality control and problemsolving activities. Provide leadership in areas of cataloging and authority work. Participate in the formulation of local cataloging policies and procedures. Participate in library committees and task forces.QUALIF 370 / C&RL News ■ April 2000 THE SAN DIEGO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICTSan Diego Mesa CollegePeriodicals Librarian(Search Reopened)San Diego Mesa College is reopening the search and is seeking an experienced, knowledgeable and forward-looking librarian whose primary responsibility will be coordinating the selection, acquisition, processing and management of the library’s rapidly changing periodicals collection. Other assignments will include reference service, library instruction, and book collection development. San Diego Mesa College L SCIENCE/ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN(Search Reopened) Washington University in St. LouisThe Science/Engineering Librarian participates as an active member of the reference and subject librarian teams. Helps to design services and develop collections to meet users’ changing Information needs in an increasingly electronic environment. Provides reference service in science and engineering and general reference (includes some evening and weekend hours); selects library materials to support research, teaching, and lear C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 371 LIBRARIAN, SCHEIDE MUSIC LIBRARYPrinceton UniversityPrinceton University Library invites nominations and applications for the position of Librarian, Scheide Music Library. The successful candidate will be responsible for directing the recently built Scheide Music Library, which is housed in the Woolworth Center, home to Princeton’s Department of Music. The Library, which includes an audio lab, maintains a collection of 200 subscriptions, 30,000 monographs, 35,000 scores, 4,500 microfilms, and 60,000 sound r rank of Assistant Professor. Professional achievement, service, and research/creative activity are required for tenure and promotion. $29,000 minimum, substantially higher based on experience. The salary is supported by a comprehensive fringe benefits package. Application Process: Screening of applications will continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, résumé, copies of highest degree transcripts, and three current letters of reference to: Search Committee, Reference Science Librari collection development. Required Qualifications: MLS, or equivalent degree, from an ALA-accredited program by the time of appointment. Excellent communication skills. Demonstrated knowledge of and experience with print and electronic reference resources. Demonstrated teaching skills in group and one-on-one settings. Ability to adapt to change. Ability to meet Valparaiso University’s requirements for faculty promotion and tenure. Desired Qualifications: Second master’s degree or strong subject background. Ex 372 / C&RL News ■ April 2000 ASSISTANT HEAD OF ACCESS SERVICES FOR CIRCULATION SERVICES ASSISTANT HEAD OF ACCESS SERVICES FOR HIGH DENSITY STORAGE AND STACKS MANAGEMENTUniversity of Pennsylvania Library System Van Pelt-D¡etrich LibraryThe University of Pennsylvania Library is seeking to fill two key administrative positions to assist in developing and improving the programs of the recently organized Van Pelt Library Access Services Department. Both positions report to the Assistant Director/Head of Access Services.SCOPE: Van Pelt Libra services at a combined general/government documents service desk, including some evening and weekend hours, in the general instruction program, as well as in department and librarywide activities and governance. Responsible, individually and as part of a team, for the Libraries’ collections in one or more of the following fields: agriculture, life sciences, physics, mathematics. Responsibilities include selection, collection analysis, evaluation, and management. Works closely with the faculty and staff of r SOUTHEAST ASIAN BIBLIOGRAPHER. Arizona State University, University Libraries is seeking a Southeast Asian Bibliographer to work in the Collection Development Division. The position reports to the Coordinator for Social Sciences and is responsible for developing, managing, and maintaining the Southeast Asian Studies Collection that consists of extensive holdings in the languages of Southeast Asia. Review of applications will begin May 15,2000, and the first of the month thereafter until filled. To Apply: se C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 373 (continued from previous page)Assistant Head of Access Services for High Density Storage and Stacks Management:• Responsible for managing Penn’s High Density Storage facility. Primary duties include hiring, training, and supervising two full-time staff members. Plans and coordinates the transfer of materials to storage from the Van Pelt Library and from departmental libraries on campus, working closely under the direction of the Director for Collection Development.• Develops and oversees Storage delivery se ware and operations; ability to work effectively in a collaborative setting; ability to communicate technical information to a broad range of constituencies; ability to create and maintain a library Web site; working knowledge of html and other Internet software; excellent organizational and communication skills; ability to balance varied responsibilities. Please submit a letter of application, résumé, and the names and phone numbers of three references to: Margaret L. Johnson, College Librarian, Ithaca Col RECRUIT THE BEST…List your open positions in C&RL News.Contact Christopher Becker at 1-800-545-2433 ext. 2513 for help in placing your ad. Get a 10% discount by e-mailing your ad to:c& 374 / C&RL News ■ April 2000 HEAD, MIDEAST TECHNICAL SERVICES AN MIDEAST BIBLIOGRAPHERUniversity of Pennsylvania Library System Van Pelt-Dietrich LibraryBROAD FUNCTION: The University of Pennsylvania Library is seeking a scholar/ librarian with the knowledge, energy and vision to develop and manage the resources and services of the Library in Middle Eastern Studies. This will involve liaison to academic departments, developing the Library’s print and digital resources in this field, acquiring and cataloging vernacular materials, mainta Late Job ListingsCOLLECTIONS ARCHIVIST. The Iowa State University Library invites applications for the position of Collections Archivist at the rank of Assistant Professor. This position is a full-time, 12-month position. Responsibilities: The Collections Archivist supervises the Special Collections Departmenf s collections management unit, which is responsible for managing the preservation and access to a variety of archival materials. The Collections Archivist also accessions, arranges, describes, preserv C&RL News ■ April 2000 / 375 (continued from previous page)Develop the Library’s Web site pertaining to the Middle East with the assistance and guidance of the Library’s Web team; establish links to important digital sites and repositories.Supervise and train support staff and part-time staff involved in the cataloging, organization, maintenance, and use of the Middle Eastern vernacular collection.Develop bibliographic records, including classification and descriptive cataloging where appropriate, for materials in Middle Eastern langua the direction of the University Librarian, supervises the operations of the Technical Services Unit of the Library, including cataloging and serials. Advises faculty, students, and other library staff in selection and use of library collections, audio visual materials and equipment, and other campus resources in relation to the patron’s particular needs and application. Master's degree in library science and minimum of two years of experience in an academic library, specifically in Technical Services, is re 376 / C&RL News ■ April 2000 promotion and tenure requirements. Successful candidate will have knowledge of current standards in the archival profession. Experience and/or knowledge of archives/manuscript appraisal, processing, archival cataloging(MARC), and archival preservation management. To Apply: Submit letter of application, official transcripts of all college and graduate work, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Chair, Special Collections Librarian Search Committee, Iowa State University, Ame